roxm Sd&$y J ari e DRESSES, GINGHAMS For Summer Cool Comfortable and Wear Better T Sizes 36 to 46 $2.98 to $5.90 Incorporated & J 0 CITY NEWS 0 J ' We can now furnish sweet skimmed milk and cottage cheese Sanitary Dairy. JlOp Paul Ford arrived In this city last evening from Coqutllo to spend sov ral days attending to business mat ters. ' College Ice cream rrom Eugene, old In pints and quarts for home use at the Little Uem, Sheridan street. tf Mrs'. J, S. Doyerle, accompanied by her nephew, L. M. Lane, who have been visiting at the homo of Jamea Lane in this city for the past two days,' roturne'd to their homo al Lebanon this morning. Mrs. R. L. Couglar, of Canyonvllle, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. B. A. 8tewart, loft today for Portland' where they will make an extended visit with friends. MIbs Elizabeth Parrott left for Portland thiB afternoon where Bhe will Bpend several weeks visiting with relatives. Mrs. A. Hays returned to her home in Waltorvlllo, this afternoon after spending the past few days in this city Bhopping and visiting with friendB and relatives. Charles CumnilngB arrived In tills city last evening from his home in Portland to spend a month visiting with friends. He loft on this after noon's train for Winchester to visit with friends. This morning's train carried boys from Missoula, Mont., and Idaho, who had boen In training for special service in schools. They were a lively bunch and stated that they were glad that thoy wcro on thelt wny to bolp Uncle Sam. "PEACHES AND CREAM" Peaches The FIRST and ONLY vuricty of the season. (Jronin The best and sweetest In town. Order eurly both for table use and canning. PHONIC 01. NEELY'S CASH STORE Live-wire Doings of City THE BIG SIX For picnics, outings, fishing trips take a csbb of soda, any of the popular flavors Lemon, Vanilla, Orange, Ginger Ale, Cronm or Coca Cola. Phono 180. ROSEBURG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS A MAN IS WHAT HE FEEDS ON The housewlfo, looking to the family health, will buy whore she can get Fresh, Clean Groceries. Our Stock is Clean and Sanitarily Kopt and all goods are of the beBt manufacture. Orders personally look ed after. WALTER PATTERSON. I HE CASS STREET GROCERY, PHONE 279 Ladies ! you will bo (IHlKlitcd with cur show lug of low shoes ii ml our whlto shoes nro Just what you nro looking for. For children, we have a coin plot o lino of barefoot sandals, moccasins, piny .lioos, toniilH shoes, oto. ROSEBURG BOOTERIE IRVIN HRUNN Shoes That Satisfy. Perkins Building, Cass St. MAJESTIC ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW Matinee Every Day, 2 to 5 Evenings, 7:30-11 New Timo TODAY IjAST DAY TO 8KB Edmund Breese In "THK SPELL OF TUB YUKON," from a famous poem by Robert Service. "1 wanted the gold and 1 got It. come out wllh a fortune Inst fall yet somehow life's not what I thought It, and somehow the gold Isn't all." THROUGH CANADA FltOM COAST TO COAST Showing the won ilcrs of nature nud science. 'THE INSPECTOR'S WIFE" A llftcen minnto laugh. ADULTS lBo CHILDREN lOo Tomorrow Mhjr Allison in "Social Hypocrites," a llvo net Metro drama of love and high play. Sunday William ltiisscll in "Up ltoinaiire RondT" ' Monday Olgn I'etmva In "Store Truth Than Poetry," njut 1)111 Hart in "The Marked Deck." Next Tuesday nnd Wednesday Douglas Fairbanks in "The Good Bad Man," and a Mack Sennott two-part gloom chased "That Night." Fred W. Haynea lcrt for Portland this afternoon, whore he will Bpend several days attending to. Importunt business limttevH. Mrs. Sadie Walker returned to hot homo in Wilbur this utteruoou ultei bpendlng tno morning hero attending to her snopplug. .Mrs. C. W. Boyle returned to her lioine In Oakland thiH ailernoon alt er spending tho in or u in k In tnis cit attending to business matters, Mrs. H, C. Oilkeson, who has been critically ill i'or. some time, has been taken to tho hospital for uu opera tion. Her many irleuds wish her a speedy return to health. Among those stopping at the U nip qua today are George Tonkin, Pen dleton; Florence King, Portland; A. U Krueggur, Oakland, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Howe, Goldileld, Nev.; C. E. Peck, Portland. J. M. Donnell, of Wilbur, who lux been visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. U Chapman, on Kast Douglas street, lel't this morning for Grand Forks, B. C, whero he will spend the sum mer with his daughters, Mrs. Cum Fisher and Mrs. Sacklo Fisher. C. E. Nelson, of Sutherlin, arriv ed in this city this morning from his home at Sutherlin. He enlistea til tho marine branch of the service Wednesday, of this week, and is here today to receive Instructions trom the local recruiting oi fleer, Sergeant Geo. N. Speer. John F. Kaufman, financial repre sentative of the department of mort gages and loans of the Union Central ue-insurance Company, of Cincfn null, is In this city, und with F. Klce, local financial representative, Mr, Kaufman Is making a tour of Douglas county. Alfred L. Chapman, who has been' delivering lectures at a local theatre, left for Cottage Grovo thiB morning. Chapman represents himself as a former scout of General Custer nnd claims to have been with Custer in his last famous charge, the battle of the Little Dig Horn, und states that ho Is tho only living survivor of the famuuR light from which history says not a J nun oscuped. A. h. Kruger, inspector of the Southern Pacific dining car service, arrived in this city yesterday after noon to spend a few hours on busi ness. He left this morning for his headquarters at Oakland, Calif., whero ho will pilot the drafted boys through that city. Ho will return here next Tuesday and this will be tho first day tho men are to be fed. by tho Rod Cross ladles in thiB city. T. J, Dordoauxf formerly of the soldiers' home, of Ihis city, returned Wodnesday from Seattle whero he has been for the past year during a greater part or which time he has been employed In tho shipyards at that city, and has ngain taken up his residence at the homo. The old sol dier, though well along in life, has been doing his bit toward helping the nation In Its present crisis, and out of his savings whllo employed in the northorn city he donated to the lied Cross at Seattle $50 In cash and pur chased a $50 liberty bond. f Mr. and Mrs.J. II. Worsley, of Portland, who have been In hoa An geles lor an extended visit, passed through Hosoburg yesterday enroute north. On their way they visited Mrs. Worsley's old homo on Deer creek, about ten miles east of the city, stopping at the cemetery there where relatives are buried. On ar riving at the sacred, spot they were dumfounded to find that some one was using the cemetery for a calf pasture. The aero of ground that was enclosed with a six-foot hog-proof fence, originally deeded to the com munity for use as a cemetery, was being desecrated. Positive proof that presence of the calves was not mere ly an accident was shown in the fact that the owner of the animals had carefully placed on the inside of the Tonce a pall of water for them. The gato was carefully wired closed so as to prevent their escape. Further proof of their continued feeding in the cemetery, Mi. Worsley alleged, was the fact that several of the tomb stones wore overturned, presumably by the calves using them for rubbing posts. Wonderment turned to indig nation as Mr. and Mrs. Worsley view ed tho situation. Then Worsley got busy. He visited a near by farm and learned that the property Bur- rounding the cemetery belonged to a Mr. Bugley. It was also alleged that the calves belonged to Mr. Bagley, The Bngley home was closed, and as no one appeared to be about the premises, the tourist from Portland went back and turned the calves into the Bagley garden. Motoring to Roseburg, Mr. woraley entered com plaint to Sheriff Quine, and the mat ter was laid before District Attorney Geo. Neuner, Jr., who, al ter listening to the Btory, took action and Mr. Bagley was immediately not I lied by letter to keep his stock out of the cemetery hereaftet or prosecution would follow. "OVFIt THE TOP" THRILLS. Don't fail to go "over the top" with Sergeant Arthur Guy Empey at tho Antlers theatre today and tomor row. "The great American photo drama" is a term which has been ap plied to "over the top" a 100 per ceni American picture, that's why ev ery one of our ono hundred million Amerlcnns should see it. It Is estimated that three million Americans have read Empey's book "Over tho Top," tho most popular uook cieanng wun the war and more than 25,000,000 havo been reading a special article appearing in the news papers. Sergeant Arthur Guy Empey is one of the most talked of men in America today. Ho quit a lecture tour because of certain criticism that he was exploiting patriotism and only recently ho is renorted to hnv onnstod in the national army for more war service at the front. Two Calls to Serve In France This month; nnd 'Eh e Tory boy in the - service needs a . Military WrlBt Watch, with luminous Dial there will. not be onoughtof these watches to supply this heavy de mand, so those who contomplate buying should do so at once, as there will not bo enough of these watches to go around. .,' v And be sure and buy them In your Home Town., so you can tost them out before ypu ga,.; . M , We have n flno selection for your co u:U: oration , and .will be glad to show them to you,. We also have some nice- ser vice pins for the folks at home. BUBAR BROTHERS 101 Jackson Street. AUTO PAINT SHOP We have Just opened up the best und safest auto paint shop in the city. Shop Is brick, and safe from fire. Machines painted reasonable by . V, S. PATTERSON & CO. THY IS. 212 Main St., Corner ot Onk. SLABWOOD IX CAR LOAD LOTS. Dcnn Transfer & Storage Co. Fire and Auto Insurance Protect yourBOlf from loss with one of our properly written insur ance policies. 6. W. YOUNG & SON, INSURANCE 110 Cass Street Roseburg, Ore. (.Kit MS VS. UKHMANS. EE! Word hns boen received here by Mrs. J. C. Spencer to the oltoct Unit Mrs. c. S. llolnllnc Is to enlor Into work with the Elllson-Whlle Chau tauqua System nnd will have charge oi tho morning classes of tho Junior chuutuuqua. This comes as a surprise to her many friends, but the posi tion is very fitting to her ability, for her work with children In hor mu sic studio hero hns been a wonderful success, illr. Helnllne has nlso ac ropteil a position with tho Klllson- Whlto Company nnd booked out from Idaho, nnd will work up Into Canada .Mrs. Hclntlne's hendquartors will be in Canada also. Tho many friends j( Sir. and Mrs. Helnlino wish them tho best of success in their new work und ore anxiously awaiting their re turn here next year. It Is a soldier's duty to fight Ger mans. It is our business to light Germs. Germs are as deadly as any means ot destruction in warfare. With sixty pounds of hot steam forc ed through the garment It means death to any deadly germ that may be lurking near. We not only get the germ but we take out grease and dirt that accumulates while the clothing Ib being worn. If you do not think there Is dirt In your clothing just look at the sam ple in our window. Snmple furnish ed upon request. IMPERIAL OLEANKRS. (Try our way.) We call and deliver. Phone 277 I MAXWELL The Car of Economy and UNEXCELLED RECORD Average 27.15 Miles Per Gallon. 37.6 miles record. FREE TRIAL Orflce with J. P. Barker & Co., 249 N. Main St. Phones: 192-Y, or 16. H. MERTEN Itosoburg, Oregon. AltT ICSSONS. Miss Ruth A. Hell, who Is head of the Art Department of the I)n kern Hold High School, Cnl., nnd who has hail experience us an Art Supervisor, will take n limited number of pupils for tho next four weeks In the fol lowing classes: School Art for Teachers. Including Uuckboni-d Drawing, Drawing and Design nnd Applied Design for School Students. DeslRn Principles and Art Anme- ctatlnn for Adults. Phone ! 1-J before Monday, tf NK1V TODAY. WANTED Hoy to work on farm Phone 10P21. FOR SALE 10 tons good ont hav. Phone 31 PI 3. WANTED TO LEASE A ranch stocked nnd equipped or other wise for cush rental or shares. 10S N. Pine. WANTED Second hand horse and a half gasoline engine In good con dition, Fairbanks and Morse or Onllowny preferred. Address, stat ing price. Geo. Solomon, Wilbur, Ore. When T. R. was a Boy When T. It. was a boy Ho was nearly blind. His parents did not know tills, Ami ho didn't know it himself, til one fine day Ho found Ills friends could sco Things nil nbout them That ho couldn't see. And so ho went to A skilled optometrist And was llttotl with proficr Glasses, Yon would do well to investigate Tho condition of your OWN eyes. Uucy's advice is Correct, Sincere and lleliablo. A careful examination Mndo by us without charge Will tell you If your need is Glasses or hotter Glasses. MR. I. C. WKIJi. A. S. HUEY, OPTOMETRIST One tho most delightful picnics of the season was bold at Maple Grove along the Umpqua river about four miles west of thiB city, when the Roseburg Art Embroidery club met the" Merry Workers club of Looking Glass. An elaborate picnic dinner was served and the day waB most enjoyably spent. The majority of those present stayed until a into hour and enjoyed a supper on the picnic grounds. Those in attend ance were: , , ' Hoseburg Art Embroidery club Mrs.. C. 13. Clawson and little niece, Jtpbeita Clawson, Mrs. J, B. Pat rick, Airs. Newhard and daughter, Thelma, Mrs. J. G. Stephenson, Mrs. Spencer nnd daughter, Thelma, and son, Charles, Mrs. Ella Palm and daughter, Mary, Mrs, s Daniels and daughter, Margaret, Mrs. Shamp and son, George, and Mrs. Brooks. . Merry VorkerB Mrs. Jeff Wil liams, who is also a member of the Art Embroidery club, Mrs. Nellie Geer, Mrs. Thomas Olllvant. Mrs. Bessie Lnwson, Miss Alice Bostlck, Miss Irene Mundt and the Misses Orace and Mildred Myers. ' . IfAVY BOY MARRIES. . 1 A quiet wedding occurred at the parsonage of the First M. E. church of tbls city, when Miss Evelyn Niday, or uaraen vaney, was uniieu in mar- Innri llAV .T. C Rnnnpni nFHMnHnir Only immediate relatives of the bride nnrl prnmn wapa npiunnl ' ThA fnn- tincting parties are well and favor ably known where they reside 'and have the best wishes of a host of friends. The groom has enlisted In tne navy and leaves tonight for Port land where lie will take final exami nation for entrance Into the service, The bride will reside with hor moth er uuriug tier jiusuunu s aosence. The KewB staff and mechanical de partment employes are inaeDtea to Mrs. V. B. Clingenpeel for a box of delicious' early apples. The fruit tasted mighty good after a strenu ous day wrestling with, reports ot the war, and was refreshing as well ub palatable. SAVE IT: BUY WIRE You can save In every one of these Items by the use of electricity. Less food wasted, less time required, less fuel usod, less monoy spent. Phone or drop in and let us tell you more about these things. XJHLIG SAYS: You will profit in just the measure you ca-opct'ute. The Electric Store THE STORE OP WErXXMIE WANTED! BARTLETT PEARS, LOGANBERRIES BLACKBERRIES ANY KIND At Market prices. Write or telephone us If you are going to have any quantity no matter how small. Do not lot your berries go to waste, see that they are picked, we will furnish crntes and boxes. Roseburg Canning Co. TELEPHONE 810. "B-K" It is NOT A POISON and leaves NO ODOR, yet B-K will thorough ly disinfect any and all things. It will kill all germs as well as all odors. Can be used in drinking water and should be for poul try and stock. Use in your Refrigerator and food closots. Use in your living rooms where germs collect. Use In your basements and cellars. . . Use about your barns and poultry houses. RememDer It can be used any and every where for It Is not not a poison It will mix with water readily It Is non-causttc It will not clog sprayer It Is NOT EXPENSIVE, yet ten times more effective tann Carbolic Add. Call for a folder. , Churchill Hardware Co. ANTLERS THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Xight 7:30 0:80. Matinee Tomorrow 2: IS. SERGT. ARTHUR GUY EMPEY I. "Over the Top" A story of life In the trenches that has touched every responsive soul in America. io "over the top with Kmpey. ADMISSION CHILDREN 23c, ADULTS fiOc. Comma: Sunday nnd Monday W. SI HART In a brand new Artcrnft production, "THE TIGER MAN," served with speed and ginger by the man who put the old west back on the map. No advance In prices for this new picture. Only 10c and 10c