. 1 1 ..J . TWO THE EVENING NEWS WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, t018. fi V THE EVENING NEWS BY B. W. BATES BEHT Q. BATB ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Subscription Botes Doily. Per yeas, by mall ?3.0( Per month, delivered..!.- 61 Weekly. Per year. $2.01 Sl monthB 1.0' Bntored as second-class matter November 5, 1909, at Koseburg, Ore., undor act of March 3, 1879. MEMBER OPASSOCMTElTPirEsS. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use (or republication nf uii univM fllHiiRtfrlies credited to 11 or not otherwise credited in tills paper and also the local news pub lislied herein. All rights of republi cation of special dispatches heroin are also reserved. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1,018, GOD .i WILL OB MAN'S. If God be perfection in wisdom and love, and all powerful, why does He not stop this war? asks Cyrus Town send Brady of The Vigilantes, lie must know of the suffering, He must feel for the sufferers, if He can why does He not end it? Grave questions, Indeed, and wrung from hearts un accustomed to doubt, by sorrow and shame and despair. God is wisdom, love and power; God knows and feels, yet the war goes on. He does not act. There is no Divine intervention! What then? Shall we, like Job's wife, curse nod and die? By no means. Let us ask ourselves the exact meaning of that clause In the world wide prayer "Thy will be done on earth as It Is in Heaven." Is that a statement of invariable ever-presonl fact, or is It a necessary petition? God's will always and everywhere and at all times being done upon earth or is It not? I think that statement is a petition and that it is properly Included in the Lord'B Prayer. I am sure that God's will is not always being done, hut that often and for long periods the evil will of man Is being done under the Inspiration of the devil. Inci dentally, after the experiences of the past few years I don t see how any one can doubt the existence of the devil and legions of attendant spirits of evil. Ho is Incarnated at Potsdam, andi his fallen Angels in the ravagos of the stricken lands of Europe and Asia'. Have you seen that torrible cartoon In which the devil shakes his linger at tho kaiser and says, "If you don't quit cnlilng me 'God,' you will get into trouble"? Will any one say to the maimed children, tho outraged womon, the starved men, thnt those sufferings are infllctou upon" fliem by the will of God? Wore Rhelms and Ypros and Louvnln destroyed by tho will of God? Does He pollute wells, and dovnstnto flelde and destroy villages? Is Ho re sponsible for Poland, Serbia and Ar menia? Is tho torpedo launched against the merchant ship in accord ance with His will? Is Ho using liquid fire and poison gas? is God nccessory after the fact to murder, rape, outrage, devastation, destruc tion? The thing Is unthlnkublu; the claim inousuuuu, impossible, Incredi ble. Hut If God be not responsible and a men are, still why does Ho not pie veut tbem'f A statement ot mo q.ios tlon, The answer? 1b no! tie ..in endowed by Uod with tree will, po.e to chose. That is and must be a rem power else we are victims of a ghast ly Jest, a hiueous delusion, u Uod uas limited rilmself by giving us this power we can, m wo win, cnoso ovn instead of good. Men nave chosen evil anu the world Is suiieilng be cause ti the choke. Once inure you ask, wny uoes not Uod withdraw from us our freedom oi will, since It Is abused? because the privilege is so great, so iuesilmubie, so necessary, that it Is hotter even to suiter all Hit ins thai icllow upon its abuse, than that it should be withdrawn or abro gated, and we descend to the posi tion of uutoinatu, Irresponsible be ings, moved about arbitrarily by an omnipotent hand. Wo must work out our owu salvation by the help or uoti. We are not children of the bond wo man but ol tne Iroe and wo must so continue. How, then, Is God's will lo be done? How Is the war to be won.' in what way Is a stop to be put lo all those atrocities'.' When men, by whatever moans and searching, do discover the will of God and ultei tho discovery develop aulllciellt con secrutlon and evotion to do tho will of God, then, and not until then will It bo done. "The Son of God goes forth to war " Yes, always and at all times, put Ho never conies back a victor unless the Sons of Men go with Him. When wo llnd out the will of God and do it. we shall end the war, and every other evil that results from the inuliility or unwillingness of men to sec and do that will. Are your hearts set upon righteous ness, upon doing the will of God, oh ye people of America? So the ques tion is not of God s duty but of your own. What answer are you making? Tho administration at Washington is proceeding for the court martial of oltlcors and the Indictment of oth ers connected Willi grafts or attempt ed grafts In government contracts. The snecific charge now is that un conscionable fees were charged in the securing of contracts, and the amount of the fees added to the con Bldorafton In the contract. Thus once moro does the administration add Its own official verification to tho crltcisms of extravagance mid waste which have been hoard lor many months past. nen tho repub lican press complained or largo ex penditures and inadequate results, there was a cry of "petty criticism." carping criticism," and "partisan ship." For a republican editor to Intimate that the nation was not getting rOHtilts commensurate wltil tho expenditures, was near treason. Now lhat the administration has 01 finally declared Us own opinion on the subject of graft, the people ol the country should acknowledge tholr obligation to those newspapers tbat littered a courageous protest against extravagance and inefllci-ency. c A WOMAN'S SHOP FOR WOMAN'S WEAR We CatertoYourWants and specialize to meet the de mands of our army of customers THE BELLOWS STORE THE LADIES' EXCLUSIVE CONSERVATION STORE WASHINGTON, July 2. All civil war veterans who are now carried on pension rolls will soon be drawing $30 a month or more under the terms of tho new pension law which be comes operative June 10. The com missioner of pensions has Issued a circular explaining the operations of this now act which roads as follows: "The act of Juno 10, 1918, amend ing the Sherwood pension law of May 11, 1912, provides the rate of $30 per month for soldiers and sail ors of any age who served 90 days and loss than six months during the civil war and were honorably dis charged, and who are now receiving a lower rate. Those who are 72 years of age, or over, and who serv ed six months, are entitled to re ceive per month; those who serv ed one year, $H5 per month; one and one-half years, $38 per month; nnd two yoars or over, $40 per month. These increases will bo granted auto matically, and without application of any kind to the pension bureau, to all soldiers and sailors now pension ed undftr the act of May 11, 1912, and who have attained the required age and served the necessary length of time. "Soldiers and sailors who served during the Civil war and are pen sioned at lower raten under some other law, but who are entitled to pension under the act of May 1 1 , 1912. will bo required.' to file an ap plication under that act in order to receivo the benefits of the new law. "The "pension bureau will make these allowances with all the dis patch possible under existing condi tions. A special force for tho adjust ment of cases within the provisions of the new law has been organized, which will handle those cases exclu sively. It should be borne in mind by those concerned that there are now nearly 2(iS,000 pensioners un der the act of May 11. 1912. and all are urged to exercise patience and consideration. While everv offort will be made to hasten thin work. thero wll bo no avoidable interfer ence with the progress of cliiims now on file under other laws. A special effort will he made not to Interfere nliitms. "It will be wholly impracticable to malce any payments at the Increased rate on July 4. 191 X. but It is hoped that payments due August 1, 1918. may be made at the rate provided bv the now law. It will not be neces sary to write the buwnu about these increases. Letters ol' inquiry will simply delay the work of making al lowances. "So attorneys' feos will be allow ed or paid for services in securing Innrease or pension under the act ol' June 10, 1 9 i S." S5t INDEPENDENCE DA! The folowlng order regarding the Oregon militia's observance of Inde pendence day was received by Sheriff Quine yesterday: In conformity with the customs ana military lawn of Oregon all or ganizations of tho state militia, in cluding the Oregon guard; and Ore gon military police, will participate in the observance of Liberty Day, July 4, 1918. Whenever practicable organizations wil assemble at their home rendezvous for the purposes of parade or for Buch other participa tion mt he celebrations of that day as are proper for a military organiza tion. Whenovev possible the olive drab service uniform will be worn, the uniforms oi all officers will be service with the exception of officers of the national guard of Oregon who will wear garrison uniform. By order of tho commander-in-chief. JOHN M. WILLIAMS, Acting Adjutant General. MONfcY TO HOAX. We make loans on Improved farm property. Low rate m Interest, tf DOUGLAS ABSTRACT C. Ti: PMIt CRXT TO RKI CROSS. On all photographic work done on the second, third and fourth of July, 10 per cent of all sales will bo given to tho local Rod Cross chapter. Sit tings made up to 10 o'clock each ev oning. All work guaranleed to give absolute satisfaction. C. W. Clark's Photo and Kodak Shop, first door west Lflburn's furniture store. j4 (.FORMS VS. flUKMAXS. Phone Us at Once! If any trouble broaks out in your plumbing. No matter how trivial tho damage may scmn to you don't delay a minute In calling us. Little troubles grow alarmingly big in a surprisingly short timo. And don't forgot thnt in calling us, you are commanding both expert and hon est service. Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. lMIONK 1(51. :P til We Have Welcome News! It's Lower Prices! Doing strictly a cash business enables us to rcII at bedrock. Tho purchaser gotB the goods, we got pay for them, tho wholesaler's bills are paid at once. No extra oxponso nnywhorc. and tho cus tomer gots tho benont. Nlco now stock constantly coming In. Come In and lot us show you. The Square Deal Cash Grocery B. T. ASIIWOllTIl, Prop. Slioildan nnd Luno Streets, WHOOP-EE! "There Is a time to laugh, and n time to dnnco,-' and a time Tor moals cooked In advance Such a time Is Carnival Week, and such Is tho variety of well cooked, carefully canned foods, offered by us, that you may go to the Carnlv.il oarly aud often, without golnjr hunsry. NEELY'S CASH STORE It la a soldier's duty to fight Ger mans. It Is our business to Jlght Germs, Germs are as deadly as any means of destruction in warfare. With sixty pounds of hot steam forc- sd through the garment it means leath to any deadly germ that may be lurking near. We not only got the orm but we take out grease and dirt that accumulates while the clothing Ih being worn. If you do not think there is dirt in your clothing Just look at the sam ple In our window. Sample furnish ed upon request. IMPHKlAfj CLEAXKItS. (Try our wny. ) We call and deliver, IMione 277 MAXWELL The Car of Economy and UNEXCELLED RECORD Average 27.15 Miles Per Gallon. 37.5 miles record. FREE TRIAL Omce with J. P. Barker & Co., 24 9 N. Main St. riiones: 19 2-Y, or 16. H. MERTEN ltosehurg, Oregon. Why is a bride inn so it like a loco motive? llecause he has a tender For a tender steak A juicy chop, Direct your footsteps To our shop. Our saws are sharp; Cleavers, too V. e'H trim them up .lust right for yon. THE ECONOMY MARKET Geo. Kohlhngon, Phone- 58. It 10 A L HSTATH City nnd Farm Property, Winches ter Itay nnd Westlnko Town Lots. GKOHGK HITIOlt. 122 West Oak Street. DAILY WEATIIKR ItFPOllT. U. S. weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ondiug 5 a. in.. July ;i. 1 ftl S. Precipitation in Inches and hun dredths: Highest omperuture ycaterday S3 Lowest, temperature last night 44 Precipitation, last 24 hours 0 Total precipitation sinco 1st of month 0 Normal precipitation for this month 32 Total precipitation from Sep tember, 1, 1017. to date 23.90 Average precipitation from Sep tember l. IS 77 33. S4 Total deficiency from Sep tember l. 1 !i 1 7 9.61 Avorage precipitation for 41 wot seasons, (Sept. to May inclusive) .31.96 WILLIAM BBLL, Observer. DR. S. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician & Burgeon Phones: 217-218 Perkins Bldg. Office 110 Ilea, 'J.V.J-L Koselrarg, Ore. xenon to citFPiToiis. Notice is hereby given that Hon. U, W. Marstors, county judge of Douglas county. Oregon, has duly ap pointed the undersigned administra tor of the Estate of Mandane 1). llut ler, deceased. All persons having claims ngaiust said estate are hereby requested to present said claims to the undersigned at his residence. Elk ton, Oregon, duly nnd legally veri fied, within six months from tho date of this notice. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, June 29, 1918. A. L. BUTLER. Administrator of tho Kstato of Man dane D. Hutler, deceased. D-jS SLABWOOD IX CAM LOAD IOTS. Donn Transfer & Storage Co. KINK l'2K Dlt. K. h. MIliLKK Physician and Silicon. Ground Floor Masonic Building, corner Cass and Main Sts. Phone 132. (louse 53 Dlt-S. Pl,YIKK riiYLEU Mcensod v'hli-opractlc Physicians 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Consultation, examination free. Ofllco Hours O to B Phone 152 Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments. Drs. Seely, Sether and Stewart Physicians and Surgeons. Suite of oftlces rear of Douglas National Rank, ground floor. Phone HOT rtoseburu ... Ore Ron CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE Fresh cow, heifer eaU by side. Phone 4F4. FOR SALE Belgian hares. Call at 128 S. Flint. Mrs. Gay C. Reed. FOR SALE Fresh cow, calf by side. Phono 415-R. Good milker. COW FOR SALE Good milch cow. Inquire Cass Street Market. FOR SALE OR TRADE One J. I. Case team broccoli planter. Ap ply News office. FOR SALE Two year old registered Jersey hull. Geo. L. Meyers, Looking Glass, Ore. Phono 13F12. FOR SALE At a bargain, B-passen- ger touring car, In good condition. All new tires. J. F. Barker & Co. FOR SALE 13 head grade Durham cattle, also 3 work horses. In quire Baker rooming house, Lane street, Roseburg. FOR SALE Chevrolet, thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed In first class shape, $400. See it at the Roseburg garage. FOR SALE Wood on the ground at Melrose. Inquire M. L. Daniels. People's Supply Co., or phone 68-Y. FOR SALE 150 head Lincoln sheep In good ordior. Eight head 7-8 bred. Bucks year old. Apply to H. A. Morse, Days Creek, Ore. FOR SALE Good all-round horse, gentle, sound and true, 12 years old, weight 1200. Also good double work harness. A. R. Mab loy, Roseburg. FOR SALE One of the best teams in Douglas county, wagon and har ness. Price reasonable if taken at once. J. R. Wilson, Rosebur Orogon. Phone 2F31. PIGS Thoroughbred Duroc Jersey gilts, open or bred for fall litters Also weaned pigs. All sales made with money-back guarantee of iyt isfaction. Charles A. Brand, Rcsc burg, Oregon. FOR SALE Best paying garage business in southern Oregon in cluding agency for one of the best cars on the market. Owner will be called in next draft. Write care Box 819. Med ford. Ore. FOR SALE Or trade, heavy team, wagon and harness, In fine shape for work of any kind. Will trade for property, automobiles, cows, etc. Also other horses to choose from. Two good 3 Mitchell wag ons, $50 each. R. M. Wood, Roseburg. WANTED. WANTED Woman to do washing and Ironing. Phone 370 tf WANTED Boy to wash dishes and clean up at the Roseburg Cafe terla. Good wages. Apply at once . WANTED To purchase from home steader a rolinquishea claim in Orogon, south of Roseburg. Ad dress, L. Bradley, 3384 31st St., San Diego, Calif. FOR RENT. FuR RENT Modern five room bun galow. Phone 370. tf FOR RENT 4 room furnished flat, ground floor, gas, 119 W. Lane. FOR RENT A six room cottage on North Jackson street, $8 per month. Call .12S-Y. jft FOR RENT Nlco rurnlshed rooms with bath, hot and cold water. The Cannon house, 247 S. Jackson FOR RENT Furnished 5 room house. Inquire 547 Stephens St. or phone 454-R. FOR RENT Modern 5-room cottage. well furnished; garden. On Rast avenue. Phone 351-R, or 343. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house closo In. Inquire 221 West Wash ington street. Also piano for rent FOR RENT Two houses on Win chester street; one is furnished. Inquire S14 Winchester. Phone TOR RENT Modem 5-room bunga low, close in; hot and cold water, bath, cement basement with wash tubs. See Dstes. News office. MISCELLANEOUS. FOUND Small sum in paper money. Owner may recover same at this of flco by proving property and pay ing for this ad. LOST One Carson automobile glove. on streeis of Roseburg Wednes- day afternoon. Finder please leave at News office. TO EXCHANGE 160 acres level land, all fenced; 4 room house, barn, on good main road. Water for irrigating 10 acres. J. M. Judd. REWARD Of $10 each for one red 2-year-old steer and heifer, heart brand on loft hip, to be delivered In Jim Byron's pasture, Olalla. Oregon. T. L. Hemingway, Bakei rooming house, Roseburg. Jersey Creamery Butter 1-4 lb. Prints FUKSH DAILY. DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY FISKco,f are madein the ribbed tread familiarly associated with Cord Tires and in the fa mous FiskNon-SkidTread. No matter which of these tiresyou chooseyou cannot go wrong ! They arc big, sturdy, beautiful combining re siliency, speed, mileage, safety and comfort. Roseburg Garage Roseburg, Oregon Ji n .rT,I Pay Your Bills by Check How many times have ou hunted in vain for the receipt of a bill ? If you have a cancelled check, YOU are safe OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT TODAY AT THE The UMPQUA VALLEY BANK B. W. Strong, President; J. M. Throne, Cashier; D. 1 Shambrook, Vice President; Roland Agee, Vice President IT'S SOME GAR -THE "D-40" Mitchell Six Let Us Show You I. F. Barker $ Co. Roseburg Oregon Canning by Electricity! Had you ever thought of this on a hot day. Read what the July "Good Housekeeping" has to say on page 76. Ask us anything you want to know about it. PHONE 01. Douglas County Light and Water Co. A SWOLEN STREAM Is hard to bridge. THEREFORE Build It: Repair it: Plank It: Paint It NOW. KENNY LUMBER COMPANY FRENCH TRANSFER COMPANY Contracts Taken nnd Estimates Fur nished on All Work In Our Line, Household Goods Promptly and Carefully Moved QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE Phono 220 401 W. Cnss St. Teams and Auto Trucks