The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, June 26, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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fAMAvol DnroliiYirf Wants you to send something to cheer the boys. PnVr P florlr Same Old Place, Over
UullBral XtirMlllls What's better than a good PHOTO made by UdllV Udlli Roseburg National Bank
The Store that Appreciates Your Business
230 N. Jackson St.
fc urn" - ' r
Opens with a beautiful showing of new and dainty Waists, Crepe
De Chene, Georgette and Voile.
New Neckwear, Purses and Jewelry Novelties, Now Sweaters In
Silk, Fiber Silk and Wool.
New Dress Silks and Satins, New Georgettes and Crepe De Chene
In all shades.
Visit us In our new location, you will like our store.
230 Jackson St., Opposite Review Bldg.
Mr. and Mrs. J W. Newland' lert
this morning for Leland where they
will spend the summer enjoying an
outing In Unit vicinity. Mr. Newlnnd
is at present employed by the gov
ernment in that section, so will be
with his family
during tlreir stay
Mis. C. L. Smith left for Riddle
thlH morning where she will spend
several days visiting with Mis. Hat
tie Nichols.
Aching Kidneys I
We eat too much meat which clogs Kidneys, then
the Back hurts
$ $$$ $ $ H"X $ $ $ $ $ J 4
Most people forget that tho kid
neys, like the bowels, pet shifygiwh awl
closed and need a flushing occasion
ally, else we have backache and dull
misery in the kindcy reffion, severe
headaches, rheuniutic twinges, torpid
liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and
all sorts of bladder disorders.
I'ou simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment yon
feel ivn ache or pain in tho kidney
region, get about four ounces of Jail
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before brcukfaat for a few
days and your kidneys will then net
fine. This famous salts is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia, and is harmless
to flush clogged kidneys and stimu
late them to normal activity. It also
neutralizes the acids in the urine so
it no longer irritates, thus ending
bladder disorders. .
.Tad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
WHter drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
iifys clenn, thus avoiding serious
A well-known local druggist says
he sells lots of .lad Sails to folks who
believe in overcoming kidney trouble
while it is only trouble.
Bring your wool to the warehouse of the Umpqua Valley Fruit
Union. We ship direct to government warehouse at minimum ex
pense. The government grades It and pays highest cash price for
the grade you have. Will also pay Interest from the time accepted
to date of payment. Do not sell your wool to dealers as by so doing
you will not likely receive full price for your wool. The full price
allowed by the government is the price you will get by shipping
through us.
Umpqua Valley Fruit Union
A Union By and For tho Growers. Winchester St., Roseburg, Or.
United States Food Administration License number Q 64027.
"D-40" Mitchell Six
Let Us Show You -
I. F. BarKer $ Co.
Roseburg Oregon
Is warm water, and warm water Is too much of a suggestion of
dish water to enjoy the drinking of It.
When you're thirsty Phone 180.
When It comes to supplying your home with all the delicacies
of the season. Our stock It always fresh and complete in all lines.
Tou will find here the choicest of goods and the best of service.
J. n. KINO, Proprietor Rocshnrg, Oregon
The best kodak finishing.
Photo & Kodak Shop.
WiES Mollis Boyd, of Drain, is visit
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Boyd, of West Roseburg.
Kodak finishing by one who knows
how to give you the best. Clnrk't
Photo & Kodak Shop. tl
H. H. Unkind left for Portland this
morning where he will remain in
definitely to work In the ship yardi
of that city.
Special Peralta squat) tamalei
served at the Little Gem on Sheri
dan street. - tl
Mrs. H. H. Unland, of Garden Val
ley. Is in this city today from he
home to spend several hours visiting
and attending to matters of shop
We are serving Black Bros. Ice
cream this season. The Little Gem
restaurant. tl
Isad'ore Abraham, who has been
spending the past few days in Port
land attending to business matters,
arrived home this morning.
Call and look at the Auto Cream
Freezer and the Auto Cook stove.
Churchill Hdw. Co. tl
Miss Mauue Ragen arrived in this
city this morning from her home iu
Portland to visit at tho home of Mr.
and Mrs. V. S. French, of this city. .
Have your duds Cleaned ana press
ed by Sloper, tne cleaner and presser.
All work promptly attended to and
vatlsfaction guaranteed. tf
C. A. Chamberlain, the contrac
tor, has returned from near Eugene
where he has been employed for
some time past. He Is suffering from
a severe case of bloodi poisoning ot
the hand and it will be some weeks
before he will be able to resume his
Ice cream cones and ice cream sold
In bulk, the very best Palace of
Sweets cream, at the Little Gem, 119
Sheridan street. A soda fountain In
connection. Drop In and try these
delicious products. tf
Fred Miller, who is well known in
this city and who lor the past two
years has boen "over there" In the
trenches, has sent word here Chat he
Is now in the hospital at some port
In England, mid having received the
best of medical attention Is now im
proving rapidly. Mr. Miller has been
gasHed several times, which placed
his condition at a very critical point,
and his many friends in this city are
glad to hear of his improvement.
The new dusting process Installed
by Sloper, the cleaner and pressed,
eradicates every particle of dust
from your clothing before they are
pressed and cleaned, thus assuring
you of the most sanitary methods
employed In handing your work. The
only sanitary dusting machine in the
city. tf
Charles Burnell, a member of the
IGth Columbia company stationed at
Fort Stevens, passed through this
city today enroute to the army hos
pital at San Francisco. Private Bur-
aell took sick at the time he was
stationed at Astoria on guard and
has been in the hospital at Fort
Stevens since then. Having gained
no marked improvement lie is being
sent to the army hospital at San
Francisco to receive the best medical
attention possible. Mr. Darnell's
parents are well known residents o
Happy valley.
Boost W. S. S.
ssriTH river.
Haying has begun with a light
crop. All spring sown grains have
been more or less damaged by the
aphis. Fall sown grains look well.
J. O. Gunter Is expected home the
first of the week from Portland
where he has gone on a visit rela
tives, and also for a visit with his
son, Paul, who is in the barracks
hospital at Vancouver, "Wash.
Ernest Brown, who has been visit
ing at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Arthur Woolley and family return
ed to his home in Elkhead last Tues
day, but expects to return the first
of July.
Mrs. Dolly Woolley and children
and Mrs. Ina Gunter and daughter
came up last Sunday for a visit with
friends and relatives in the upper
settlement, returning home the same
Mrs. Nancy Craig and little grand
daughter, Olda Neunian, of Portland,
are 'expected over on Smith river
soon for a visit with Mrs. Craig's
daughter, Mrs. Ina Gunter and fam
ily. : -
Mrs. Julia McN'eal Is expected to
Have worn shoos repaired by re
liable workman. Prices right
.W. S. HOWARD, 214 Jackson St.
Drs. Seely, Sether and
Stewart ..
Physicians and Sui-peons.
Suite of offices rear of. Douglas
National Bank, ground floor.
Phone 8fl7
Rocebnrg . ' . ; Or iron
come to this vicinity this Bummer
for an extended stay.
. Earl Harris, wife and children aro
expectedi home about the 4th from
Eagle Gorge, Wash., where Mr. Har
ris has been at work In tho lumber
camps the past winter.
E. J. Harris and son, Fred went
to town Sunday returning tho same
Mr. and Mrs. - Walter Allen and
children, ot Cottage Grovo are com
ing the first of July for a few days'
visit with Mrs. Allen's parents, Mr.
ind Mrs. E. J. Harris and family,
jf Smith river.. They will probably
,'emain over the 4 th.
Mr. Wright, Sr., met with a paln
'ul but not serious accident last
Friday while fishing up Beaver creek
vhen a rotten log broke, throwing
llm onto the rocky bed below, there
teing not enough water in the creek
.o breuk his fall. He managed to get
lome without aid, howover, and at
ast accounts was nblo to be up and
.bout again.
Arthur Woolley writes he will be
.lome in time for tbe 4th but does
not know the exact day ot arrival.
The crew of county timber cruisers
with whom ho Is working are now at
work at Peel, Ore.
Mr. and' Mrs. James Ambrose,
Sr., and son, Cleve, and Miss Elite
Footc, all of Yoncalla, came over in
their auto Sunday June 16, and made
a brief visit with Mrs. May Woolley
and family.
Mrs. N. J. Woolley nnd daughtor,
Eva, returned to their home on
Smith river Friday after a week's
visit with rrlcuds and relatives at
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W. Long and son,
Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith
and children. Mr. nnd Mi's. Shears,
and Mr. an Mrs. Jerome Smith, all
of Yoncalla, came over In their autos
last Sunday returning the same day.
noost w. s. s.
Mrs. Archibald Hume is visiting
in Montana with relatives. Hor
brother is soon to join the colors.
Miss Mazie Walker leaves on
Tuesday lor Eugene to take up sum
mer school worlt.
Clara and Fern Maley were In
town from their home recently. Their
brother is in the marine corps at
San Diego, Calif.
E. H. Russell was a Roseburg
visitor on Monday attending to bus!
Hess matters.
Mrs. M. E. Walker and small son
from Harland is visiting for tho
summer with Rev. and Mrs. R. J.
Frank Parker, the S. P. section
foreman and his family, are taking
their annual outing at The Dulles
and other points.
A school meeting was held at the
school building on Monday and elect
ed W. S. Howard lor director and
Miss Edith Jones lor clerk for the
coming year.
A. I). Ottlnger's fine home was
burned on Monday morning. The lire
whs discovered near tho roof. Only
a few things were saved and wo
learn that some insurance was car
ried. Some of the neighboring
homes caughe on fire but the flames
were soon extinguished.
Miss Edith Jones was a visitor to
rtoseburg on Monday.
The marriage of Miss Mae Wells,
of Wilbur, and William H. McKay,
of Portland, was solemnized at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. F. Wells. The rooms were
decorated with roses of whlto and
pink. The hrlde was charming In
a white crepe de chine dress nnd
can led' a bouquet of pink and white
sweet peas. Mr. John Looinis, of
Drain, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Wells, of
Leona, Miss Emma Russell and Ray
mond Brown, Rev. and Mrs. Daven
port attended the ceremony. A fine
dinner was served and the happy
couple left on the afternoon train
for Portland where they will make
their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Laraut and
daughter, Kathleen, are enjoying a
summer visit at Brocicway.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chapman mo
tored over from Roseburg and were
accompanied on their return by J.
M Donnell, who has been residing
at the Ottinger home.
Mrs. D. P. McKay was a visitor at
Sutherlin for a day. X
Darkens Beautifully and Restores
Its Natural Color and
Lustre at Once.,
Common garden sage brewed Into a
heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and lux
uriant. Mixing the sage Tea and Hul
phur recipe at home, though, is
troublesome. An easier way Is to get
the ready-to-use preparation Improved
by the addition of other Ingredients
a large bottle, at little coat, at drug
stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a
lot of muss, -
While gray, faded hair Is not sinful,
we all desire to retain our youthful
appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one
can tell, because It does it so natural
ly, so evenly. . You just dampen a
sponge or soft brush with it and draw
this through your hair, taking one
small strand at a time; by morning
all giay hairs have disappeared. After
another application or two your hair
becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft
and luxuriant and you appear years
younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound Is a delightful toilet requi
site. It Is not Intended for the cure,
mlgttaUon or prevention of disease.
Red Cro
Patr iotical Celebration
Three-BIG DAYS-Three
Roseburg, Oregon
Patriotic Speaking
Military Pageants
Boy Scouts
Carnival Shows
Ferris Wheel
Dancing at Armory
Entire Proceeds
Go to Douglas
County Red
Cross Chapter
Don't Forget Egg Days!
JULY 2-3
Hnvo tho ckrs for the boys In the trenches. Do
liver to any grocery storo. Monoy wi II bo sent
to the Red Cross.
Don't You Dare
Miss It!
Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon
Phones: 217-818 Perkins nidg.
Office 110
Res. 2."2-L Roseburg, Ore.
Denn Transfer & Storage Co.
Heinline Piano School
WILL reopen
Summer classes In charge of Mrs.
L. B. Moore, 611 Hamilton Street.
Out Flowers, Potted Plants,
Funeral Designs, Wedding Bou
quets, etc.
111 Cass St. Hoschnrg, Ore.
Fory Studio over Ott's music
store. Mrs. Campbell will teach
throughout the summer.
Telephone 67-J.
Mrs. Housewife!
It Isn't the machine wo want you to buy. What we ask Is that
you ndd an hour to each day lor rest, recreation and pleasure for
tho bnlnnco of your life.
To hare more time to do Red Cross work. To have a home
Infinitely cleaner thnn you over could have with a broom at a
fraction of the work and bother. ,
And You, Mr. Husband
Can forget your old whisk broom and clean your clothes and
hats by vacuum as clean as new.
Electric Vacuum Cleaner
Cleans carpet, rufis, drapes, curtains, mattresses and uphol
stery, bed clothes, wearing apparel, shelves closets, drawers. It
reaches evory nook, corner, cranny, crovlce where dust and dirt
can possibly collect.
Think What it Monns. Just a fow minutes and a traction over
a cent a day. No fall or spring house cleaning with everything
U-P-S-I-D-B D-O-W-N. Your homo in order all the time and clean.
Now please don't ponder and wish for this. Make It come true.
Let us send one out for you to try-all by yourself, to your heart's
content, In your own home. '
"Tho derm nnd tho German are both your enemies. Ellmin
nto tho first with a vacuum cleaner nnd whip the other with
n Liberty Bond.
The Electric Store
R. E. Heinselman
Well Driller
AUCTIONEER M. U. Rndftbaugh.
Roseburg, Oregon. Thirty years'
experience. Satisfaction guaran
teed. All kinds of sale work.
Dnto ArrnngonH-nts Made at The
UrapquA VnUoy Bank.