Pam nvfil DwnltiMrf 'Wants yoii to send something to cheer the boys. Clark & Clark Rosburg National Bank 15 What's better than a good PHOTO made by. ins forced to turn over his business 0 CITY NEWS m to new managemeht. 1. B. Howard of Looking Glass was in this citv Yesterday beinz called $125.00 Children Cry for Fletcher's here as a witness In the case of AT 8 PER CENT. WILL RETURN $10.00 PER YEAR The Kind You Save Always Bought, and which has been In use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of 0 - and has been made under his per CjFjCXrffi7rTA, sonal supervision since its infancy. S-CUc&tt, AUow m one t0 decoiy8 yott in .All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tr-9 health of Infants and Children Experience aeainst Is periment. '. What1 is CASTOR! A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops atid Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has fceen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids t' 1 assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural Bleep, Die Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. genuine ALWAYS CASTORIA yffBears the Signature of In Use For Oyer 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TH CINTAUK COM!NV, NliW VOWK CITV, r 230 N. Jackson St. aMMa&fflsal THE NEW LOCATION OF FISHER'S STORE We wish to thank our many patrons for the liberal patronage accorded us in our old stand and invite a continuance in our new location, f ' where we are better Dreoared to serve them. It will be our aim in the future, as it has been in. the past, to handle nothing but the best mer chandise obtainable and in our new location, with reduced expense, we can SELL for LESS Call and see us for DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS, SHOES, ETC. FISHER'! Now that "THE LID IS OF" On wheat flour, be a little particular about your flour. You don't have to take any old brand, that you can get, because you can get "DIAMOND W" BRAND at :THE BEE HIVE" Magazine combinations, Latest books. Fiction Library. tf Wm. Radon, of KeiloKg, is attend ing court and visiting friends in this city. ' Fresh crushed strawberry Ice cream at the PoUyanrta. .-tf R. B. Montgomery, of Looking Glass, was transacting business in this city today, : Latest books. Fiction Library. Masonic building. . jj George A. Crane, at. Melrose, was tooKlng alter business interests m Roseburg today. ...... Pollyanna invites you to a dish or fresh crushed strawberry ice cream. ( Jeff Williams, Bose Williams and son, DeLos, were Roseburg visitors from Looking Glass yesterday. Special - Peralta squab, tamales served at the Little Gem on Sheri dan street. tf . S. R. Brisbin, the Looking Glass postmaster, was attending to busi ness matters in this city yesterday, -. We are serving Black Bros, ice cream this season. The Little Gem restaurant. , tf ' Mrs. J. H. Cruse returned lo her home in Yonealla this afternoon aft er visiting In this city with friends for several days. Cabbage plants ana rooted iry ger aniums for sale, also aster plants. Phone 283. H. B. Church, North Roseburg. t ' Colonel John Leacter, who arrived is this city last evening, returned on this morning's train for his post at Eugene. Masquerade dance. Looking Glass halt, Friday evening, May 31. Luneh will be served. Musjely Ott's orches tra. Committee, , . m31 Ned Dix,on. pf Drain, left for Oak land this morning where he has a contract for getting out a large amount of piling. Have your duds ciea&jec anc press ed by Sloper, tae cleaner ana pressor. All work prompter attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. t Audrie Leyden, who has been visit ing at the home of JackYoerman at Green, left this morning on his re turn to his home at Raymond, Wash. Mrs. Carl Reymers and Mrs. War ren G. Burt arrived home yesterday from a pleasant trip to Portland. On their return they -visited for several hours in Salem, Cass Street Shoe Shop, 403 W has on hand complete line of rub ber goods, full and half soles and heels, laces in colors, polishers, cleaners, etc. AH kinds of Bhoe re pairing. Prices right. tf Elder G. B. Thompson, of Wash ington, D. C, arrived in Roseburg yesterday anil will preach at the camp meeting in West Roseburg to night at 8 o'clock, Song service pre ceding the sermon. Ice cream cones and ice cream sold in bulk, the very best Palace of Sweets cream, at the Little Gem. 119 Sheridan street. A soda fountain In connection. Drop in and try these delicious products. tf , Charles Hurst left for Portland yes terday where he will enlist in the navy, Mr, Hurst has been employed in the Southern Pacific freight de pot for the past six months, and his many friends regret very much iis aepariure irom nere. 'The insurance business of Glenn t H. Taylor was taken over today by ; Wallace Singleton, who will continue the business in the same offlce locat ed in the Perkins building. Mr. Tay lor leaves this city tomorrow hav ing been called to the colors, thus be- Hnl Rn!" TtnmtH mn to Jut, fim cams mU rt fmtmU of a liuu of AMifaralieOh. IJ 1 Sec That He Never Lacks a pouch ol Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Your fighting man will go to almost any lengths to get good tobacco. Many a man has paid $5 for less good tobacco than you will send him in a pouch of Real Gravely Chewing Plug. Only costs you 1 0 cents. Ghre any man a chew of Rea! Gravely Plug, and Ee will tell yon that's the kind to send. Send the faett Ordinary plug is false economy. It cost iesa per week to chew Real Gravely, because a small chew of it lasts a long while. if yon smoke a pipe slice Gravely with your knife and add a little to your smoking tobacco. It will giva flavor improve your smoke. SEND YOUR FRIEND IN THE U. S. SERVICE A POUCH OF CBAVELY Desierc all aromtd liera carry h la IOc. eoeebs. A 3c. stamp will put it into bis hands in any Training Camp or Seaport of tha ' U. S. A. Even "oar there" a 3c ttarop will taica it to Mm. Your aValer will supply aaveiapo aaa aa you official directioua now to address il P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO., DanvlUe. Va. The Patent PomA areas & Frtth and Of art and ood - . It a not Keel urascty sntnoaf ttis fiotetmn seat Established 183 1. Crow vs. Abraham. . Jene Grey, a member of the 16th Columbia, and located! at Fort Stev ens, arrived in this city Sunday to spend several days visiting with his parents, who are residents here. Jack Dawson, of Corvallis, but for merly a Roseburg business man, is in the city today as a witness Is the now world famous hog case of KoM imgoit vs. Cardweil, which came on for a third trial before the circuit court, Chauncey Markee arrived to this city Sunday from Fort Stevens and will spend a week here visiting with his parents and friends. Private Markee is the son of Commandant' and Mrs, R. C. Markee, of the sol diers' home, , The new dusting process installed by Sloper, the cleaner and pressed, eradicates every particle of dust from your clothing before they are pressed and cleaned, thus assuring you of the moat sanitary methods employed in handing your work. The only sanitary dusting machine is the city. tf A COMIIOX REMARK, Frequently we hear the remark: ''How much better that fellow would appear if -e would spruce up a bit." He may be unconscious of the fact that carelessness in dress is calling forth just criticism, and that a regu lar attendance "to the care of his outer apparel would gain a favorable and lasting impression, Wa are the Cleaners that make it our business to make your garments Iook their best. Give us-a trial, TMPKRIAb CM3ANKHS (Try our way.) We cell atttl t'eltver. Phone 2?T WIIjBUK NKWS. The Parent-Teacher Association held their last meeting for the year on Friday evening. The same officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. CI. A. Brown, president; Mr. Mil ler, vice-president; K. H. Russerr, secretary; Mrs, T, E. Grae, treasurer. A Bhort program was given consist ing of a chorus by girls, vocal solo by Blanche McDaniels, reading by Helen Shaver of Sntherlin, vocal solo by Helen Grae. ErneBt Short and R. Clayton mo tored up from Tyee on business a few days ago, Ross Hutchinson, of Kellogg, was a business visitor through the week. Mr. and! Mrs. Fred Fisher and daughter, of Suiherliu, were visiting a short time on Sunday. They re port that their son, Oliver, who join ed the colors some months ago .Is now in Franee. Walter Kissel leaves soon for Marshflcid on a business trip. Mrs. G. W. Hill hat returned from an extended visit at Bend. The Misses Btltth Hrown, Viiia Hatchinson, Kathleen hat nut and Leo Holgate went to Grants Pass as dele gates for the League. Mr. and Mrs, A. IJ. Crubhe made i business Irlp to Roseburg on Mon day, The W. C. T, U. laities mat at the home of Rev. and :UrB. Daven port and spent a very pleasant ev ening in honor of white tetter day. The lied Cross unit met on Thurs day and! iinisehd some quilts for the Belgian relief, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moser motored up from Umpae.u through the week. Mrs. R. C. Hill was a Koseburg vtsitor on Thursday. Mrs. Frances Hart, of Roseburg, visited with relatives on Sunday. X X "Gefs-II"-2 Drops Then to the Danes! "Goodnight to Corn PainsConn Peel Gil With "Geta-ie "Say, glrSs, u can laugh at tight shoes, sr damp, corn-putHng weather, big feompy corns, calluses on the soles ot your feet, corns fee tweea the toes, hard and fioft.eeros. If AS Off Witfc Thi F!k Cora ffow- If yon will just toach the 8rn P callus with a few drops f Gels-Ii. What a blessed re.ief tt give t& corn pains! Yoa won't limp asy i more; you can enjoy the dance every minute. Then to see how that corn or callus will come right off complete, tike a banana peel end without the least pain Is just won derful, 'Gets-It s the biggest seller among corn removers In the world today, simply because St is o won derfully simple and always wsr&s. Be sure you get Gets-lV ft "Gets -It," the guaranteed, money back corn -remover, the on ly sure way, costs but a trtSe at any drug store. MTd by E. Lawrence & Co.,Chicaso, lit Sold in Kosefeurg and recommend ed oa the worM best corn remedy by Nathan Fti.ieriorj, If invested In a WESTERN ELECTRIC WASHER and WRING KR it will save the average family $S0.0ff or hetter jer year in iaandry billa; or, tt will free a woman from back breaking drudgery. What's that worth -: to you? This Ig aa opportunttr ts invest your moaay at a higher rste ot interest than Is possible la any other way. It's a Suslaeaa proposition IT IS SOUND, Payments are $10 a moatb w!Ui a discount lor caali. VIUAG SAYS! The home properly roa wtti pay bigger dividends tiian Betiik'liem Steel, The Electric Store i Roseburg. Oregon Scrap Iron! NEEDED BY THE GOVERNMENT $8 A TON Delivered In Roseburg Bergers Junk Shop Phone 182. Cass and Pine Streets now von YOUR Strawberry Crates Place four order earl? with the THE J. C ROOK CO; MBS, P, D, OWEN Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Poo fsetSf etc FOR SALE AT "THE PERN" 111 C&88 St. itoceourg, Ore. v PH0N'E240 DIi8. FiALEli. & PMfLER licensed Cisiropractio Physicians 222 W. Lane St., KoBeburg, Ore, Consultation, examination tree. Office Honrs O to 5 Phone 133 Chlropraette and Electrical Treatments. SLABWOOD IX OAR LOAD IXTS, Dettn Transfer Storage Co, Jersey Creamery Butter 1-4 lb. Prints FRESH DAILY. DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY STOP AT THE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBl'ltO SHOE ECONOMY Have worn shoes repaired by re liable . workman. Prices Tight. W. S. HOWARD, lit Jacksort St, AUCTIONEER M. C. Radabaugh, Rosebarg, Oregon. Thirty years experience. Satisfaction gtiaraa teed. All kiads of sale work, Ihite Arrangement Made at The Unipqua Valley Bank. KOOVEREZE AND ECONOMIZE by getting your old and wont shoes repaired, 125 OherlAan St, THE PBOBBESSfVI SHOE SHOP Ii, KOACH. HE At, KSTATK pity and Farm Property, Winches tor Bay and Wentnk Tows tietsv OEOROB UITEB. 1ft West Oak Street. ' ; :! WHEN "THERE'S SOMETHING UP your NOSE" Partiealarfy at ttiia seasos ot tbs year, there's a rtasa troabia thai Nature wanto 6a get rid sf, tot cao's quite do tt wttboat some JUsall aid. IT'S HERE and IT'S ONLY 25c AT Nathan Fullerton Perkins Building Eden Electric Washing Machine It every tosband eouid be made to da the famSly washing juai once, ; as wfto would bare aa . v : ' EDEN Electric nasbmg. and wrtogiag machine the foliowiag Monday, Free demssstratloB. Essy terms, -. , - Douas Cbim light and Water Co. ITS SOME CAR THE "D-40" Mitchell Six Let TJs Show You. I. F. Barker $ Co. Roseburg Oregon THE BUT OF THE JOKE Holds tie bag, bat bags are scarce, tbls year, and wa suggest to the owaer of a growing crop ttrai he Investigate the merits of a lOBIABtiE ORAIX BISf, "Food (grain) will win tba war. Doa't waste it," KENNY LUMBER COMPANY "IKJOB A HOME," FRENCH TRANSFER COMPANY Contracts Sakea and Estimates For niched on All Work la Oar Uoe. Household Goods Promptly and Carefully Moved . . : QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE Phone 220 Teams and Aato Tracks speaking of LIGHT REFRESHMENTS What 1 lighter or more refreshing, than . A GLASS OF GOOI , SI'ABKUSO SODA FRESH FROM THE ROSEBURG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS A MAN IS WHAT HE FEEDS OH The fcossewtfe, looking to the family health, wtti bay wbe? she caa gat Fresh, Glean Oroeerfes, Oar Stock is Ckms and Saai tartly Kept and ail goods are of tfc best manufacture. Order persosEliy look ed after. . ' - WALTER ?mWMt IRE BASS STREET 8B00ERY,fPlf!E2T9