TWO THE EVENING NEWS . .: BY B. W. BATES BERT Q. BATES ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. , Subscription Rates Dally. Per yeas, by mail..... f 3.00 Per. month, delivered...... .50 Weekly. , . i Per year. 12.00 Six months '.. 1.00 Entered as second -class nutter, November 5, 1900, at Rose burg, Ore., under act or March 8, 1879. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. . The Associated Press Is exclusively ' eutitied to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republi cation of special dispatches herein are also reserved. MONDAY, MAY HI, ltH. SENATOR McNARY'S RECORD. No one expects the Astoria mayor, Harley, to cut any figure in the gub ernatorial campaign, but his series ol articles entitled "Bulling the Pub lic," now appearing In the Portland Oregonlan are, nevertheleaas, cloth ed with a good many plain, sound wholesome truths, and his effusions, whether they do any eood otherwise, -will probably have a tendency to awaken our people to the fact that Oregon, unless represented uy a man capable of doing things at Washington is likely to be lost in the shuffle during these strenuous days of warfare. Here is the wa Mr. Harley sizes up Mr. McNary't record as it applies directly to Doug las county and Roseburg: "I notice that the Portland Tele gram forgot to Bay anything about our delegation's activities in connect Hon with our Indian affairs. The Telegram s candidate Is a MEMBER OP THE INDIAN AFFAIRS COM , MITTEE and, although the depart ment of the Interior recommended an appropriation of $800,000 for the Klamath Indians, of Oregon, lit (McNary) was only able to gel $400,000, despite the fact that he was a member of the committee and despite the faot that the department ACTUALLY RECOMMENDED 800, .000 as necessary If our Indians were to be made independent of further financial assistance. "Do you, Air. Reader, bolleve that a level-headed business man would have been content WliH HALF A LOAF when a WHOLE loaf could be had for the asking? "Are you aware of the fact that within the paut six months the Rose burg Indian affairs ofllco, MAIN TAINED FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS, has been abolished? Remember that thlB Indian affairs office always car ried a large sum of money on doposlt In our Oiegoni bankB, which has now been removed to banks OUTSIDE OF OREGON, and that we have lost the tamllieB who were employed In and about Roaoburg. "Has the Telegram mentioned any i of these facts In their political news columns? ' '' 'Now, ir, THOUGH A MEMBER OF THIS COMMITTEE, , he (Mc Nary) couldn't hold on to WHAT HE HAD IN THE PAST, WHAT MAY WE EXPECT FROM HIM IN THE FUTURE?" Sunday's Portland Oregonlan: The Oregonlan is able to say on informa tion and knowledge that R. N. Stan- field is neither a profiteer nor a hoarder. It says It now, because it ought in fairneKs to be Bald now. It would not have him, or any man, penalized through politics, or parti sanship, or newspuper unfairness, for (having performed to the state of Oregon and to the northwest an in valuable service In creating here a great wool depot, and In helping lay the foundations for an Important In dustry In the manufacture of wool products of all kinds. What encour agement can Portland offor to others to Invest their capital here, con tributing a share to the development oi dcslrnblo enterprise, it they are to be assailed and libeled merely be cause they happen to be candidates for office? It's either Oswald West as the democratic boss or Robert N. Stan flold as a republican United States sonator for good old Oregon to be decided next Friday at the primary election. If McNary Is nominated overy republican In tho state takes on tho democratic yoke. U Robert N. Stanflcld Is the successful candi date you can depend on a 100 per cent republican being on the job all the time. Mr. Stanllold will put the state "on tho map," eo to speak. We have heandf of a woman whose former, as well as whose contempor ary husband 1b in khaki. She Ib both ered as to whethor she should wonr a twostar pin or a one-stur pin. Will some kind reader plenso advise. ! V - If the Irish Blacker In Ireland ex pects the Irish fighter In America to sympathlze with him, then the Irish slacker In Ireland doesn't un derstand the Irish fighter in America at ail not at all, ' Oswald West wants to control Oregon politics again and he wants the republicans to help him complete the job and, gonio of them seem foolish enough to listen to his bickerings. , It is now said that the Germans are going to abandon mass attacks. One principal reason is that the mass has shrunk enormously. . . Oregon is a republican state and it should so be represented! In the halls of congress. Xo go-between will ever get anything for Oregon. They are now commandeering houses in Philadelphia to help keep the kaiser from commandeering In dependence Hall. ' Now that German submarine bases are being attacked, It looks like the beginning of the end of undersea piracy. Next Friday is the day and there will be several hangings from a political standpoint. It looks like a fifty-fifty race be tween Wlthycombe and Simpson. PRO-GERMAN LITERATURE Roseburg was flooded Saturday with a big bunch of luisselllte liter ature, presumably mailed at Port land, and under the head of "King dom News" the two pages of matter received by many local residents, after being carefully scanned, prov ed to be very closely associated with the former pro-German stuff scat tered broadcast by the International Bible Students' Association. The May issue of the publication is devoated to an attack on "auto cracy" and among other things makes the positive statement that the "kaUer cannot succeed and that Satan and his autocratic agencies shall be forever destroyed." On the front page of the sheet Is a cartoon picturing Satan In the background and the kaiser sitting at a table, looking back at the devil. The cartoon Is captioned: "Why do you call me God?" An article Is devoted to an inter pretation of recent events, justify ing the belief that the end of the world Is at hand1 and the "kingdom prophecy 1b fulfilled." . , . WHEN YOUR CLOTHES NEED Cleaning Pressing '. or Repairing Phone us or send postal We will call and give you "Top Notch" service. IMPERIAL CLEANERS. (Try our way.) We call and deliver. Phone 277 W. a S. for sale. HAVE A HEART. George K. Quine, last election said ho would have been $2000 better off If he had not taken the job. Don't Bhow your Ingratitude to him, but vote 52 for a man that knows, $2500 s more than he can mnke In black mud. pd. ad., ml 6 JUST ARRIVED. Eastman kodak films Photo & Kodak Shop. Clark'B tf MONEY TO LOAN. We make loans on Improved farm property. Low rate of interest, tf DOUGLAS ABSTRACT CO. CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE Two ydung roadsters, 6 and 6, broken to vork. Mrs, A. Fisher, Roseburg. FOR SALE 1 lied Polled bull and Durham bull, to be sola hv weight. J. I. Sprlnfistcad, two miles Bouth of Roseburg. FOR SALE 1 good 9-year-old mare In good condition and will work any place. G. U. Helblg, 427 S. Pine street. THE BVftMMfO MEWS , MONDAY.' MAY 18, 101, FOR SALE OR TRADE Heavy draft team, ages 9 and 10, harness and wagon; fit for Pacific high way work. Must be sold nt once. Price $276.00. Phone 11F25. A WOMAN'S SHOP FOR WOMAN'S WEAR t We CatertoYourWants and specialize to meet the de mands of our army of customers THE BELLOWS STORE THE LADIES' EXCLUSIVE CONSERVATION STORE FOR SALE Six youns bucks, 3 Ramboutllet and 3 Shropshire, $18 each. Ore. J. C. Rlggs, Canyonvllle, FOR SALE: One of the best' stock ranches in southern Oregon. -Slt- . uated in Douglas county 35 miles east of Riddle. Address A. J. Winters, 6667 Sixth street, Port land, Ore. FOR SALE 300 acres, 36 sandy bottom, none better; 35 good gen tle slope bonch. Remnlnder hill. Abundant outrange : and water. Price $20 per acre. Address Box 82 Dlxonvllle, Ore. FOR SALE Lime suipnur spray - $9.50 per barrel, 30 degrees, f. o b. Sutherlln; $1 rebate for return of barrels. All barrels are the property of the company. Prompt shipments. Sutherlln Spray Mfg. Co. tt FOR SALE Lime ana sulphur spray, $9 per barrel at the Garden Val ley Bpray plant, purchaser to fur nish his own barrels. A rebate of 50 per cent between cost and $9 per barrel will be refunded at the first annual meeting of the associa tion. Garden Valley Funcy Fruit Association, Wilbur, Ore, Phono 32F13. WANTED. WANTED Sacks, will pay the cash. J. M. Juodl. WANTED Girl for general house work. MuBt be competent. Tele phone 292-J. mlGp WANTED A 2-horse second hand corn cultivator. Box 688, Rose " burg. WANTED Limited number of cat tle to pasture. Leave orders at Berger's Junk Shop. WANTED Woman for doing house work. -Mrs. 8. C. Miller, Dlllard. Phone Z2F11. WANTED To buy large quantity of canning beans. P. A. Boncquet, Green cannery, Roseburg, Ore. WANTED To buy motorcycle, with or without side car. Write, giving price and model, to H. care News. WANTED Dining room girls. Cham bermalds and dish washer at the Hotel Clarke. Address Hotel Clarke, Glendale, Ore. WANTED Good milch cow, not over 4 years, must give not less than 3V4 gal.; reasonable. E. S. Flldes, Gen. Del. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework on the farm. , Steady Job. Mrs. Mary Thlel, Box 135 Yoncalla, Ore. MEN WANTED For work at rock quarry near Carnos. Phone 6F32. Wages $4.25 per day of 10 hours, 90c day for board. tf WANTED Help, both men and wo menday and nlcht shift. Work will last until about July 1. Ever- rroBU Fruit Co., Sutherlln, Ore. WANTED To borrow on Oakland, California, realty, $2200, for 2 or 3 years at 7 per cent. Can prove Investment safo. Box 10, Melrose, Oregon. WANTED Men tor Baw mills and logging camps. Mills and camps win operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Good condi tions. For full particulars write Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Calif. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 5 room house at 305 West First street. $10 per month. Phone 15F1'2. tf FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms and 1 furnished flat. Close In; gas. 119 V. Lane. FOR RENT 4 room furnlsheo house. Inquire 547 S. Stephens or phone 464-R. FOR RENT iSmnll cottage, partial ly furnished, reasonable. See Geo. Foutch, Royal Club Cafe, opp de-pot. ROOMS Furnished, $1 a week, also housekeeping rooms, furnished. Baker Rooming House, 313 W. Lane St. TOR RENT Modern 5-room bunga low, close In; hot and cold water bath, cement bosomont with wash tubs. See Bates, News office. FOR RENT OR EXCHANGE 120 acre improved ranch near Scotts valley. House barn. Well water ed, living stream, and spring. 50 acres under cultivation. Phone 184-R or address L. Oarlock. Santa Ann, Calif. ' MISCELLANEOUS. VIAVI Mrs. A. G. Foor, 22"? Ump qua hotel. ' jio TO EXCHANGE Champion binder to exchange for cattle. J. M. Moore. Roseburg. 07 TO TRADE Desirable residence property for an auto. For partlcu lars Inquire at News office. BUY Your winter's wood of R. Stubbs, of Melrose, and save money. Phone 11F25. $10,000 TO LOAN On good farm security, i to 6 yoara. See M. F. Hlce, of Rice ft Rice. BEANS See us before selling vour beans. Will pay highest cash price for fancy small white. Roseburg Fruit Co. RURAL CREDIT Farm loans, plen ty or money to loan on Improved farms: 20 year amortlied plan, low Interest. See M. F. Rice, ol Rice ft Rice. IT'S UP TO YOU . R. N. STANFIELD REPUBLICAN FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR Robert N. Stanfield's nomination for United States Senator in the Republican Primaries, May 17, will mean two things 1 The belief of the people of Oregon that this state has not received thrf recognition at Washing ton to which it is entitled and that there is a demand for a square deal. ' v 2 The Republicans do not want the Democratic boss to dictate in the Republican primaries and that Republicans prefer Stanfield, a 100 per cent Repub lican, rather than a 50-50 Demo-Rep., nominated by the Democfttic Boss. ' Do you want a wide-awake, energetic man with initiative and red blood to be Senator, or do you want a "man asleep on the job" who introduces bills and permits them to sleep in committee? A man who knows Oregon and its needs and who has the force and confidence to demand results will qujckly make his mark at Washington and through him Oregon will receive the recognition so long de ified this state. Such a man is Robert N. Stanfield. S. 13. Huston, in withdrawing from the Sena torial contest, made the following statement: "I have a very strong conviction that Oregon has been discriminated against by the National Gov ernment in many ways. Mr. Stanfield shares this feeling and promises, if elected, to correct it as far as it lies in his power to do so. Senator McNary denies that any such discrimination exists. He was quoted in a dispatch from Washington to the Oregon Jour nal as saying that he 'took no stock in the statement that there had been discrimination against Oregon.' Of course, if lie believes there has been no such dis crimination he will make no effort to remove it. What has Oregon received except such business as had to come here because material could not be furnished elsewhere? Oregon furnishes spruce, but the airplanes are not manufactured here. Oregon has received a few contracts for'wooden ships, because the timber is here, but look at tho wooden ship contracts that went to the South and the Atlantic Coast; and for many of these Southern ships Oregon had to be drawn on for large timbers. More than 20,000 Oregon boys are in the service, but they all were sent to cantonments in other states for training. Oregon responded quickly to appeals for food conservation, but the wheat growers of Oregon were penalized 20 cents a bushel for living in this state. Many other instances could be cited showing what Oregon has been discriminated against but Mr. McNary says that he "takes no stock in the state ment that Oregon has been discriminated against." Do you want these conditions to continue, or do you want them remedied ? If you want results, then send Stanfield to Washington. 3?ive lawyers represent Oregon at Washington. Why not elect a farmer, stockraiser and business man for a change? Do lawyers Lave a monopoly of all the loyalty, patriotism, wisdom and knowledge in Oregon? Why does the Chamber of Commerce pay a spe cial agent a Senatorial salary of $7,500 a year to remain at Washington to look after practical matters for pregon if someone isn't "Asleep on the job" or if Oregon is not discriminated against? 100 PER CENT OR 50-50 PER CENT. Republican voters should settle their own party affairs In tho primaries without the Interference of Democratic kaisers. A clean-cut party issue is presented to the Republicans of Oregon. It Is In the hands of Repiublicans, themselves, whether they want a Republican Senator or a. Demo-Rep. Senator. Stanlleia is 100 per cent Republican and has been elected as such three times to tho Legislature. McNary. his opponent, has a penchant for holding office, but has never yet been elected to one by the people in fact, he was defeated tho only time the people ever got a chance to voto on him and he has been willing to seek appointment to political Jobs from Democrats as Republicans. The Democratic Boss nppolnted McNary to the Supreme Bench and Is now trying to make the Republicans nominate his friend and colloasue for United States Senator. If McNary, the protege of Oswald West, Is nominated then the Republicans can say "good night" to the Republican party In Oregon for years to come, for West will be In power nnd have his friend at Washington. Here Is the question for you, Mr. and Mrs. Republican Voter, to settle. It is strictly a ipnrty matter in the primaries. Do you want a genuine. 100 per cent Republican or a 50-50 Demo-Rcpubll-enn, with the latter endorsed and advocated! by the self-appointed Democratic Dlctntor? IF YOU WISH TO MAINTAIN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, YOU MUST VOTE FOR STANFIELD. (Stanfield Senatorial League, 203 Northwestern Bang Bldg, Port land, OroKon. Paid Advertisement) Pay Your Bills by Check How many times have you hunted in vain for the receipt of a bill? If you have a cancelled check, YOU are safe OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT TODAY AT THE The UMPQUA VALLEY BANK B. W. Strong, Presidont; J. M. Throne, Cashier1; D. R. Shnmurook, Vice President; Roland Agee, Vice President. IT'S SOME CAR THE S3B D-40" Mitchell Six Let Us Show You J. F. BarKer $ Co. Roseburg Oregon OVER THE TOP of MT. NEBO GOOD EXERCISE: GOOD VIEW: GOOD APPETITE: A good time generally, If there's a box of Rexall Poison Oak Remedy in the crowd. XT- . I ' DamLIm Fullerten TJie JiggSSs Store Building The house that did not stand Was the house built on sand. While the house that is there still Is the house on " KENNY'S " sill And there are many more Sills of the same KENNY QUALITY at KENNY LUMBER COMPANY "BUILD A HOME." THE O. A. C. Your Agricultural Colleg at Corvallls says, In a recent bulletin: "Even at high prices, milk is a cheap food, especially for children, and grown people find it nutritious. A quart of whole milk sup plies as much nourishments as a pound of lean meat." , THE ROSEBURG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS SIGN IT Sign every wheat conservation card presented! THEN PHONE 91 . We'll see that you don't go hungry. THE BEE HIVE NOW FOR YOUR Strawberry Crates Place your order early with the THE J. G. FLOOR CO. We wish to announce that we have moved our Granite and Marble Works to 502 N. Jackson Street, and are prepared to furnish any thing in our line at a reasonable price. We use only the best Barre Granite in our Monumental work, and Vermont Marble In onr head stones. We also do all kinds of Cemetery work. We invne yon to call and see qb. Yours for Business, Peoples Marble & Granite Works W. E. Marsters, proprietor, 503 N. Jackson Street, or G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St Roseburg, Oregon. Scrap Iron! NEEDED BY THE GOVERNMENT $8 ' A TON Delivered in Roseburg Berger's Junk Shop Phone 182. Cass and Pine Streets Why is a brick mason like a loco motive? Because he has a tender. For tender steak A juicy chop, Direct your footsteps To onr shop. Our saws are sharp; Cleavers, too i e'U trim them np Just right for yon. THE ECONOMY MARKET Geo. Kohlhagen, Prop, Phone 08.