FRIDAY, MAY 10, 101H. General Pershing Wants you to send something to cheer the boys. What's better than a good PHOTO made by Clark & Clark Roseburg National i Bank THK KVKNHVG NKW8 Our Experience in foseburg And tlie experience of other reliable merchants liere Is that you want ' ; i HMIM OF Ol'AI.ITV. Goods that w ill last. It has. ulTfayrf been our , i iwllcy to sell only electrical appliances made by reliable manufacturers, ' We personalty guarantee every article sold by us and every article Ib in turn guaranteed byjho nianufactur era, For instance when we say i . ,' Western Electric Washing Machine the name Western Electric means , something to you. . '. ' Come in. and look nt the appliances we sell.' . : . VHUQ SAYS: ' . Thnt tho nuui who buys labor suv. In devices is ninklng a home and not a sweutshop. THE ELECTRIC STORE Roseburg, Oregon Jackson St. '....' ' , Opp. Kidd's Grocery Spring Apparel All the newest goods in the latest de signs and weaves are now displayed for your inspection. A magnificent assortment of spec ially selected goods that will meet the most critical buyer's approval I Hi fl WfTOfrtaVatsflMs'ra'::..!-. 12 I. ABRAHAM . The Store of Courtesy Roseburg, Oregon Uncle Sam Is Calling HELP ' Will You Answer His Call? NEVER BEFORE HAVE GOVERNMENT PO SITIONS BEEN SO EASY TO SECURE. NEVER BEFORE HAVE THE CHANCES FOR ADVANCEMENT BEEN SO GREAT. : NEVER BEFORE HAVE SfOU HAD SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY TO PREPARE YOURSELF, RIGHT HERE IN YOUR OWN TOWN. . "jw T f J Will you take advantage of this lN J W PPortunity or w-iH you plod " along in the old rut ! Uncle Sam ofTers you a good position. . We offer you the necessary training - IT'S UP TO YOU Civil Service Classes now organizing. Roseburg Business College Pays 0 to 4 Nights 7 to 0:30 Your Spring Washing , Just about this time of Hie year the housewife plans on general spring renovating of her home and the family washing, naturally "takes on" a big increase. Lace curtains, ' portlers arid all the "extras" can be handled by ns in a pleasing and' satisfactory way. In fact, we would be pleased to do all your family washing. ROSEBURG STEAM L'AUiNDRY IT'S SOME CAR THE "D-40" Mitchell Six ' Let Us Show You T. F. Barker & Co. Roseburg Oregon FRANK BARAGAR Republican Candidate Sheriff Douglas County. 1 am 46 years old; have lived in Oregon 35 years; 17 years in Doug Ins county, s years on Elk crook; 12 years 2 miles north of Roseburg; have been engaged in stock raising and farming ever since I came to Douglas county. I went through the country, schools and naive taken a course in bookkeeping at the Capitol Business College at Sulem. Uolong ed to Company I, O. N. G. at Salem for three years. Born and raised a Republican. The platform and prin ciples .if carried out are to serve all the people best. But it was never intended for one man to hog all the spoils. The father of ourcountry re fused to be made a king or accept over two terms in office. Has our 'present sheriff rendered a greater service to his country than George Washington did to his country? I think not. Now if nominated and elected, you will find me on the job personally every minute. I don't claim to be any Sherlock Holmes de tective, hut I will give the bootlegger and professional criminal my personal attention while he stops in Douglas county. Don't claim to be nn expert sampler of whiskey, but if eleoted the court might find some one to do that. If elected my ambition will be to make good to the public, society, and the party I represent. I have as sisted my wife in raising four girls and one boy which have all been edu cated in the Roseburg schools. i Yours respectfully, The WoulldBe- Sheriff, (pd. ad.) FRANK BARAGAR. JUST AKKIVIiE Eastman kodak films at Clark's Photo & Kodak Shop. tf OF 76 IN IDE jly Capt. R. C. Markov. (Written In 1904.) Horace Grooley on hl death bed oxelalmed: Fume is a vapor; popu larity an accident; riches take wings. Those who cheer today will curso tomorrow. Only one thing endures and that is character. -Life's one task is the making of manhood. The noblest product ot a great land are! noble lives. Every enduring charac-j ter like everything else that enduros. Is built oa truth. Time, sooner or! later, shows up all things that are j false in their true colors. Even as a j great building must have a .solid; foundation, so every part of man's' knowledge and activity must be built on truth. A scientific theory may endure for centuries, but unless! bjullt on truth for Its basis, one day , -.as9- - JL , PUHCV'R. KEIXV Albany, Oregon. CIRCUIT JUDGE) 3RD DISTRICT Candidate for Republican . Nomination for ' JU8TICK OP THE SUPKKME COUBT (Pd. Ad.) BE THE SPRING DRIVE Oar boys are going Over the top" and into " No man's land" this spring. No one has any doubt of their ability to get there. There will also be a spring drive on this side of the ocean, bBcanso March is the year's blm Mon day." It is the most fntal month of the year. March and April is a time when resistance usually is at lowest ebb. It i3 a trying season for the " run-down" man. But medical science steps in, and says, it need not be" I Vie should cultivate a 'love of health, a senae of responsibility for the enre of our bodies. Do not allow the machinery of the body to clog. Put the Btomach and lira- in proper condition. Take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, to be luicl at j a ... ,r tnMnf ,r linnid mUW unjff auwica form, tablets sixty-cent n vial, com posed of native herbs. This pals the stomach and liver in proper condition. Yon may be plodding along, no spring, no elasticity, no vim, but as soon as yon have put the body into its normal physi cal condition oiled the machinery, at it were ycra will lind new vim, vigor and vitality within yon. A iittle " pep," and we laugh ami live. Try It now, Send Dr. Pierce, Huffalo, X. Y., lc. ioi trial package. A little energy will save the day. The prime necessity of life u health. With spirit and cnerirv you , . I. - in inrii vntirftpll into nave w i,"-. j action. The Uolden .Medical Discovery is the spring tonic wpica you nee a. It will fall. A law made to govern people must have truth and justice for Its basis or one dfty men will rise In arms against it. The great men of the earth are the men who have seen truth ami justice clearly, and ap ply it to human life. Earth holds many wondlerous scenes called tem ples, battlefields, cathedrafls,. natural wonders, tout earth holds nothing comparable in majesty and beauty to a man of groat Intellect clothed with the virtues of truth and justice. It has b'een the man who has loved truth and freedom and hated tyranny, who uns been the founder of nations, and blessed! is the nation which has been founded in that spirit, it is true that we liave a wider outlook and larger sympathies than our fathers, but I believe that the fire of patriotism burns as brightly in the hearts of our citizens as it has ever burnt in the hearts of citizens o.f any land. The principles of tiuth and liberty and JiiBtlce between man and ' man were preparing and working them selves out in the life of older nations for a thousand years, .while this land lay unknown beyond the seas. In time it was discove ed to mnnkind and opened as a rei'u:;e to all who loved liberty better than their life. In the wordo of Abrnhum Lincoln, this nation "was conceived' in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created free and equal." It was consecrated by the life blood of our best men. They raised on thesa western shorec the banner of freedom. ' To this nation has been e'ven great men In every haur of her need, and they In turn have given a full measure of aevotion to this land that here every man might breathe the pure nlr of liberty. This nation was established In conflict of her sons, and they are ready today to go through Are and olood to preserve it. Falsehood moans freedom, we believe that the men who laid the foundation ot this republic were actuated In every re spect by the Bplrit of truth and jus tice. When laws are made with' no imirpose in view except their. truth and Justice for every man concerned, when they are administered, not for the- selfish benefit of a few but for the'true good of the many, then we have entered Into the heritage of freedom bequeathed to us by our fathers. It is Ingratitude if every citizen of this land Is not a natrlot, and it should be the object of every citizen, by his Influence and his voice and' his vote, to drive out the false and bring In the true. , ' It should be the object of every clt fcen to hasten ttie Ume when the principles of him who was Incarnate of truth shall be the principles and practice of this, our beloved country. Liberty is the birthright of every American citizen, even to the hum blest. No man need bo downtrodden. It was not for vthls that our fathers. rought; it was not for this that Wash ington and Patrick Henry and Thom as Jefferson lived and strove; it was not for this that blood was spilled at liexington Common or that brave men died at Valley Forge. No, my friends, if this country offers noth Ing else to the poor man- It offers freedom. If it stands for anything among other nations it stands for lib erty. If It. means 'anything to the youth It means opportunity, equality nnJ Independence. The spirit of "?6 Is not dead It lives In the -heart of every Urue American. Liberty is the watchword, freedom the birthright and independence the soul of every child born under the American flag. After 'being scattered over west ern Europe for nearly six months the okj 3rd Oregon regiment, now a part of the American- expeditionary force In France, is probably now reunited, according to a 'letter received today in Portland, from Major William S. Gilbert, chaplain of the regiment. By this time the regiment may be on the fighting front, as the major said that the troops were moving at the time of writing his letter, which was In April. His letter follows: ' "Thinking somebody might be wondering what disposition la being made of the money sent to Colonel May and mysolf , I thought I would drop a line lust to say that neither of us lhas used any of it yet. We have It in the bank subject to check, and will use It only when emergency arises. Colonel May and I will act to gether lit the matter. i "Things are beginning to hum now and look like business. We are mov ing. The regiment will soon be to gether again after -being scattered' since -December -12. Can't read the future, thank God. All we ask is that this hclliph war will end right; and It will. "Can't toll you more. We are all right." , , ' Have your duds cleaned and press ed by Slopor, the cleaner and pressor. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. tf We wish to announce that we have moved onr Granite and Marble Works to 502 N. Jackson Street, and are prepared to furnish nny tlilng in our line at a reasonable price. We use only the best Barre' Granite in our Monumental work," and Vermont Marble In our head-, stones. We also do all kinds of Cemetery work. We invue you to call and see us. Yours for Business, Peoples Marble & Granite Works W. E. Mnrstcrs, proprietor, 002 . N. Jackson Street. or - -. G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St. Roseburg, Oregon. Fire and Auto Insurance Protect yourself from loss with one of our properly written Insur ance policies. ' G. W. YOUNG & SON, INSURANCE 110 Cass Street Roseburg, Ore. SEVENTH YEAR. Elizabeth Eldrldge Helnllne SCHOOL OF PIANO Subjects: Piano, Harmony and Theory, Normal Training for Teachers. Also - . Helnllne Musical Kindergarten. Booklet upon application. 423 Ella St. . Phone 83-R MRS. F. D. OWEN -. Out Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding"'u quets, etc. FOR SALE AT "THE FERN" 111 Cass Ht. Roseburg, Ore. PHONE 240 HOOVERIZE AND ECONOMIZE by getting your old and worn shoes repaired. 125 Sheridan St. THE PROGRESSIVE SHOE SHOP Ij, ROACH. Big Eaters Get Kidney Trouble Take Salts at first sign of Bladder irritation or Backache - The American men and women must guard constantly against Kid ney trouble, because we eat too muoa and all our food is rich. Our blood Is filled with urlo acid which the kid neys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the elimlnattve tissues ckur and the re sult is kidney trouble, bladder weak ness and a general deeline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps oil lead ; your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid Btomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather Is bad, yet from your pharmacist about four ounoes of Jad Salts; take a table 'spoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous salts is made from the acid of grapes and .lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. . ... Jad Salts is inexpensive ; cannot In jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time, - J A Great Dairy Invention M It's a wonder a separator whicfi will ,sldm clean at low speeds that would eg cause heavy loss of cream with any other separator Besides it gives cream m that does not change when you change the speed of the crank ja . , tWo want you to see and try for yoursolf this latest Improved modal . introduced by tho. oldest manufacturers of separators In America. ; ' . . - " THE NEW : SHARPIES SUCTlbN-FEED Separator gets o new profit for dairymen, n big ono, which no other existing separator gots, Anothor fine fet.turo, you can turn faster and Bfl finish the job quicker. lt9 the only separator that can be hurried, m -: Think how much work the Sharpies will' save the women folks. Mo , fussy discs to wash, or to gat mixed up. The bowl has just one Blmplo piece In it. The supply can is large and very low. Your boy can easily ' empty heavy palls of milk into it. - " m . Test this wonderful machine right In your own dairy. Every member of the family will want to soe and try it. They'll all be delighted. 'Phone mm us today for free trial or call whon in town, v- -., ( ' ( " - Douglas County Creamery : Phone 340 . i - ' Cnuin. Sharpies repairs and oils carred In stock f THE SPONGING'S . GOOD This week, at the Ilexall Store. Good, ; ' ,1 Spongy Sponges for the toilet Big ,1 .. washing Sponges for the garage. Useful Sponges for everybody. 50 'Cents to $1.25 AT nainan - renews Fullerton TJi9 &jf OXJU Store Building Perkins Doesn't It Look Easy? 'It Is when you know how. It Is the "know how" that makes it easy for us and so satisfactory for you. We believe that a satis fled customer is the only proof of good work; and our aim Is to do our work so that you shall be sat lsfledl, not only with the Installa tion ot the plumbing, but with the way it performs its duty, Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. PHONE 181. THE CITY MARSHAL Will say after he Inspects your now sidewalk . GOOD 1'IAXK GOOD FIRM fiOOD WALKS , (lOOn JOB ..'" 1 ' " This ; r KENNY LUMBER COMPANY "BUIIiD A HOME." ; VWE HAVE NO EQUAL When It comes to supplying your homo with all tho dolicacles of the season. Our stock It always fresh and complete In all lines. You will find here the choicest of goods and the best of service. THE CASH STORE J. n. KINO, Proprietor Hoeshnray Oregon