TWO THE EVENING NEWS RV It. W. BATES BEllT G. BATES ' ISSUED D EXCEPT SUNDAY. ' Subscription Rates Dally. ' Per year, by mall.;; ..............8.00 Pef month, delivered .60 I - Weekly. Per year ....... .,.....2.00 ? Six months ., 1.90 Entered as second-class matter, November 5, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore., under act of March 8, 1879. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS, .. . The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub lished Herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserved. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1018. LIVING CONDITIONS IN BEIX11UM. ' ' Since the high cost of living Is en gaging the attention ol nearly every person in the United States, the fol lowing passages from a private let ter, a copy of whloh has been, receiv ed by the Belgium high commission of the United States, from Mullnes, la the occupied portion of Belgium, 'have a special -interest.- "Wle are all well. We have told you about the heightened cost of Jiving, but what will you say ito this: Butter, 22 frames ii.40) a kilo (2 2 pounds); meat, 14 francs (J2.80); bacon, 21. francs ($4.20); eggs, 1 franc 10 centimes (22 cents) avtoce: coal. 160 francs (30) for 100 kilos. "Hie students of the college and university come to class in wooden. shoos: women, and Igirle las well. Men's sabots cost 7 francs 60 cen times ($1.60) and women's 4 francs 60 centimes ($1.90); before the war they sold for 1 franc 10 centimes and 90 centimes, respectively izz cenis and 18 cents). A pair of socks costs 20 francs- ($4); a small spool of thread, 6 franca 60 centimes ($1.10). A bag of potatoes, 126 francs ($26). : "Just now we sleep on straw, as all the matresses have been requiBi tioned. I "The new chapel of the parish of St. Rom'baut is almost nniBhea. Mgr. Mercier is coming to dedicate it. It is all rebuilt and Is more beautiful and bigger than it was before. "The trams are not running any more.. At night we get along by the , light of a camtlo, costing 1 trano (ssu cents). ' Before the war it cost 10 centimes (2 cents)." In the praise and sympathy given so generotusly to wives and mothers of soldiers In. this war, grand mothers are not often mentioned, but still In Prance at least, the grand mother is the soul of the country, according to the foreign news service" of the woman's committee of the Council of National Defense. "They are the women who gave to France the men at Verdun, and they are now making it possible abroad for the women to take the men's places in factory innidl business, to be the bitoadwUnner for the children. It Is the women of ilhe last generation who are taking care of the little children, caring for them while the mothers are at work, arranging for or suwea-intendlnB thotr education, being at advanced age mothers all over again, for the good of their country." Don't become alarmed. Germany Is having her inning now and mighty costly one, too, General Fooh is calm over today's develop ments. Why shouldi we become ex- cited six thousand milos or more from the battle line? He knows when and whore to Btrlke and the Mow will be a mighty one to tho German flesh arrayed on the western front. A New York daily publishes a let ter asking for descriptions of the perfect man. Ask any spring bride. We hope the noutnol conrespond lonce invited by Hlndenburg to see VUie drive will not be disappointed. iOllihor we win the war or the dec laration of Independence will be stood up aigntnst the wall at sunrise. All Americans know the moral valine of rooting for the home teum. We must root now for democracy. Wlsoontdn Nvlll have trouble enough living down LaFollctte with out adding Berger to its lcroL LKtle sins are eggs from which great Borrows are hatched. Unless people swallow flattery it la apt to make them sick. A WOMAN'S SHOP FOR WOMAN'S WEAR We Cater toYourWants and specialize to meet the de mands of our army of customers THE BELLOWS STORE THE LADIES' EXCLUSIVE ERCELL BAKER DIES CIO HGSPITA The following brief story of the sickness end death of Uroell Baker who formerly lived at Camas Valley, this county, with her parents, clipped from a Chlco, Calif., paper Ercell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Q. Baker, of this city, died at the Ohlco hospital, after an Illness .f little over a week. Ercell had been seemingly slightly ailing for some lit tle time before it was suspected that anything serious was the trouble, and when she neally became sick it. was found! that her condition was ex tremely gmve. She was taken QMoo, where an operation for ap pendicitis was performed, out there were otlier. troubles that complicated matters, and she passed peacefully away, (having only rounded out the shout span' of lite of fourteen yoai Ercell was a pupil in the graimnor school, and was a favorite anion?; her mates. Her sweet and sheer disposition mode her many friends, and she will long be remembered by all who knew her. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon in the Baptist church, of which JiJar parents are members. The services were conducted by Rev, N. dates. The glt-Jv of the 8th grade, her classmates, sang two simpi songs, the ones that she loved, una the church was crowded with the childreni ef the Sunday school of which she had been a member, an with the older ones who loved hei and who wished to see her face ones more before she was laid away tra iner final rest. The church was fill ed with flowers and floral tributes, evidence of the esteem In which the little girl had been held by her many friends. The sympathy of all goes ojuit In large measure to the stricken Samliy, CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given all persons holding general fund warrants of the city of Roseburg, Oregon, endorsed "Not paid for want of funds," prior to ana including April jo, jujs, ex cept warrant No. 3886, to present the same to the city treasurer of said city for payment, as interest thereon will cease on date of tills notice. Dated April 16. 1918. CORINNE C. ALLEY, a20 City Treasurer, SALES MANAGER BUSY O. W. Partalson, who conducted' a special salo for the New York store several years ago, is in the city ar ranging for a removal sale of the Fisher stock. The sale 1b to start Snltuirday, and promises interesting developments to the proverbial "bar gain hunter." Mr. Fisher will move his stock into the store room now ocaupied by Wilder & Agee, and the latter firm will occupy the place Just north of their old business stand. This arrangement will put unite a large share of the city dry goods business north of Oak street. Mr. Pniklson, the sales manager, while In Roseburg on former occas ions ,made quite an enviable reputa- t'lo nns a getter of business by his methods of pricing goods popitlurK. ainidj making known the fact, and it It tiherofore expected that he will crowd the Fisher store with eager purchas ers on this occasion, as the Block is large and modern In every respect, JUST ARRIVED. Eastman kodak films Photo & Kodak Shop. at Clark's tf SUGGESTIONS ABOUT SPRAYING FRUIT TIES Control of apple and pear scab con only le accomplished by preventing the germination of the spores upon tlie aurtace of .the leaves or fruit, This is done by keeping a conitlng of ruugh'lde on the foliage and small fmiltH from the time that the winter buds open until moist spring weather Is over, mointuie Is necessary for the germination of the spores of this common funguB, and for this reason scab is less prevalent in dry seasons than in wet ones. The local weather in Douglas county has been ildeal lately for the spread of Ven- Mnl poml, whloh is tho technical name of apple snub. Complete clas sification nomenclature describes it Ascomycete, Pyrenomyoetes. CONSERVATION STORE Sphaerlalee, Sphoeriaceal, Venturla pomi, and when K gots beyond the control of the grower no doubt this is a very good name. The spores have been scattered for two weeks from the fruiting bodies In tlva old. leaves on the ground. There is an abundant supply of these spores and under Ideal conditions the infection would become serious were the fruit not properly sprayed-. After the first Infection on the buds the life cycle is quickly passed and the new spots are again producing myriads of spores to continue the Infection during the moist Bprlng weather. ' Four or live applications of a fun gicide aire advised, but if the weather does not continue damp and rainy one or more of these may be omit ted. - The earliest spray is the pie aormant. ' Tho second is the pink or pre-blosoom spray. It Is time now to make this on apples. The third is the calyx application, and the fourth follows 1 0 days or two weeks later. In ease of late spring rains a fifth should not bo missed, apply ing In the second, codlin moth spray. The pink and calyx applications are the most Important, bocause Infec tion is at -its height during that peri od. I Either . bordeaux or lime-sulphur may be used. Bordeaux has the dis advantage of (burning the foliage and russetlng the fruits if the weath er turns right and ought to use used very carefully after the blossoms open. Lime-sulphur in stengtho not Btronger then 1 to 80 is a .better spray for the foliage applications It can be used still weaker up to to 60 for the loot application with good ocntrol or the fungus. The theory of fungius control is preven tion not cure. Do not allow the spores to infect the fruit or leaves, for after the tissues are lnvadied by this parasite, spray will avail but '. The Infection takes place on both sides of the leaves, suggesting thorough work with the rod or gun Hood River found that 60 per oent of the damage occurs in tho top of the trees, not because the fungus likes the higher parts of the tree, but be cause the tops were not covered! with spray sufficiently. A specimen of sweet clover plant has been on exhibition In the display windows of this office for the past two or threo days, ana commands attention of farmers and stockmen This particular plant was pulled u from along the road near shady Point by County Agent Hurd, and gives an excellent idea of what may ne accomplished by sowing pastures with scedi of this desirable forage plant. Thlo roots penetrate deeply, and there Is no bettor soil builder than sweet clover. If one wants to roinvlgorate am old piece of ground sweet clover is the thing that will bring quickest resulta. Sown in or chon ds and plowed under It does won ders. Cut early while the stalks are tender, It makes 'good hay. while It has a little brackish taste, stock soon acquire a liking for it. It never bloats stock, and is a sure crop. Be sides all these good qualities, when In blossom sweet clovor supplies honey bees with a world of material for converting into honey, anidi It al so makes oarly and late pasture for stock, as It will grow when nearly everything else is killed by frosty weather. Swoet clover, meven be comes a pest, as the roots die out overy two years. Whore the plants are allowed to mature they will re- seed the ground. DAILV WEATHER REPORT. U. S. weather bureau, local office, Roseburg, -Ore., 24 hours ending m April 17, 1918, Precipitation In inches and hun dredths: :.! Hlghlest temperature yesterday 69 Lowest temperature last night 44 Precipitation last 24 hours Trace Total precipitation since 1st of month 71 Normal precipitation far this month 2.4 Total precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1917. to date 22.63 Average precipitation from Sep tember 1. 1877 : 29.79 Total deficiency from Sep tember 1, 1917 7.26 Average precipitation for 40 wet seasons, (Sept. to May inclusive) ..r. 31.98 WILLIAM BELL. Observer SAGETHDW TO DARKEN It's Grandmother's x Recipe to onng nacK v-oior ana Lustre to Hair. - Ton hftfl turn vi-aif 0AA night if you'll get a battle of "Wyeth's Buipiiur umpouna at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Saga Te Recipe, improved u ouw ingredients, 5f. "J1? Bnnu"y. ye a woll-known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can Uli It has been applied. Those whose hair la turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise await ing them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes ana your looks became luxuriantly dark and beautiful. , This Is the age of youth. Qray nalred, unattractive folks ' aren't ?,ant.i around, so- get busy with Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few .JEhi!.,,.??.rt!,on.lI tolIt requisite uimiueu ior ine cure, miti gation or prevention of disease SWEET CLOVER PLANT ATTRACTS ATTENTIOf TUB EVENING NKW9 WEDNESDAY. APRIL LAST EVENING i Phillip J'. Hon! and Margaret Lane, two popular young people of this city, wiere united in marriage lost evening at 8:80 at the Ohrlstlan church parsonage, with Rev. C. H. Hilton performing tho ceremony. A few friends and relatives of the con tracting marbles were in attendance and immediately following tho cere mony a wedding feast was Indulged. The bride is a charming young lady and has resided In Roseburg for a number of years. The groom was re cently called in the draft and will answer his country's call on tho 26th of this mfon'th. The best wishes of the entire community aire extended the hapiny young couple for much happiness. , , THE PACIFIC BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. "Lots of us waste dimes chasing millions. : Most , of us quit with neither." Savings Each Tour Check Month at Maturity ? z.du per month S 600.00 V6.00 per month...., $1,000.00 J10.00 per month $2,000.00 $16.00 per month...., $3,000.00 izu.oo per month $4,000.0 $25.00 per month $6,000.00 Ask ' M. P. RICE Financial Representative. TO AWE HERE TODAY Mr. McLeod, representing the state highway commission, will ar rive In Roseburg on the five o'clock train this afternoon. It is expected tnat tie will be at the ofnee of C. J. Hau-d, county agricultural agent Im mediately after this arrival of the train. Mr. McLpod's mission is to Investigate the matter of allowing men mow working on the highways to help the farmers for a short time If nleoessairy. Farmers who are in urgent need of help should notify Mr. Htrrd. If -this help is not uig ently needed at this time, probably oiwangemente can be made so It will be available during the haying sea son. NEW SYSTEM INSTALLED. Wet-Dry Cleaning. Can you wash garments with soap and, water without getting them wet? We can. In cleaning clothes we use materials that clean without InJiury to the fabric. The "caretak lng" process is more costly to than the ordinary methods employed to clean clothes, but we find It pays to serve our patrons in the most ef- tlcient manner, , IMPERIAL CLEANERS. (Try our way.) We call and deliver Phone 277 CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE Jersey, 3 years. Good milker, gentle. Rowe Weber, opp. Green station. - al7p OAT HAY FOR SALE At Eden bower Orchard Tracts. Fred Fish er, phone 25F4. tf BDR SALE Young team, good wag on and harness. Inquire News of nee. FOR SALE Early Yellow Dent, all seed ears had' perfect tips, 8c lb. A. Hume, Wilbur, Ore. FOR SALE 1 Red Polled bull and Durham bull, to be sold by weight. J. I. SpriuEstoad, two miles south of Roseburg. BUY YOUR SEED BEANS Lady Washington, early to ripen, acclimat ed, exceiiont quality seed, 12 ft c lb, Phone 19F6. Llndbloom. BABY CHICKS S. C. While Leg- horsn. Date of hatch May 21 and May 6. Book your orders early. G. W. Burt, Roseburg, Ore. Phone 17F3. FOR SALE Team of ponies, weight mioui z.uuu pounds, harness and spring wagon, will soil separ ately. Address Carl Bergf", Junk shop. FOR SALE House nearly furnish- ea, two good lots: close in. 631 Fowler street, only $1000 cash, or $1260 terms. For rent $12, key next uoor. write w. D. Hodgson, owner, Ashland. Ore. FOR SALE Lime sulphur spray, ju.ou per barrol. 30 degrees, f. o. b. Sutherlin; $1 rebate for return of barrels. All barrels are the property of the company. Prompt shipments. Sutherlin Spray Mfg. Co tf SNAP TRADE A $10,000 Roseburg income property, clear of incum brance, to exchange for desirable ranch, tributary to or rear city. Qivo description of ranch in first letter, stating location and price. Address "Trailer," care News, FOR SALE 2 Poland China boars, worm sou.uu each, for nn ir taken at once; milk cows, Jersey iiouurs, uronze turkey eggs $1.00; White Leghorn 75c, $1.60 and $3 per setting; Brown Leghorns $1.60; Barred Rocks and Buff urpington $1.00 and $2.00; In dian Runner and Big Pekln ducks, guineas, $1.60 per setting; seed corn and beans; one almost new bicycle. A. E. Kruse, Rose burg, Oregon. 17, 101. FOR SALE A Jack. Call on C. K. Evarts, Peel, or phone 36F62. PIANO FOR SALE Will accept - liberty bonds to full value. Parks Souneiaer, oorner Jackson and Washington. . FOR SALE 47 Rambouillett shoep, zz ewes, 6 buck and 19 Iambi". 1 ewe lauius. - All fine young sheep, Address E. H. Bllllngi, Uakrldge, uregon. FOR SALE) 1 half breed Holsteln ' cow, b years old.. . due to calve April 26, bred to registered Hol steln bull. Geo. Telford, Happy vauey, r. o. aaaress, Koseburg, FOR SALE Lime and sulphur spray. per oarrei at the Garden Val ley spray plant, purchaser to fur nish his own barrels. A rebate of ou per cent between cost and $9 per barrel will be refunded at the first annual meeting of the associa tion. Garden Valley Fancy Fruit Association, Wilbur, Ore. Phone 82F1S. FOR SALE One hundred acres of land. Good Improvements, and about six acres In orchard, mostly Italian prunes. AH under fence, and about ft In cultivation, which is all in crops. 11 miles from Roseburg, 5 miles from R. R. ship ping point. On good county road and it. F. D. line; 3-4 mile from school. Some farming tools go witn the place. Phone 6F5. H. E Reed, Rt. 1, Roseburg, Ore. FOR SALE 25 acres, 7 miles from . Roseburg, well located ft mile from highway and school, good soil, 21 acres in 7 year old Bart lett and Camlse pears; $260 per acre. Easy terms. Also 5-acre home tract with full four acres of splendid variety of bearing fruit nest varieties of cherries, pears, prunes and apples; fine location directly on highway. Terms. Ad dress F. L., News office. WANTED. BULL WANTED Hereford prefer red. Phone 3F24. WANTED Chickens. Highest price paid for nens or roosters. George, Koyai (jiud cafe. WANTED An experienced girl for general Housework on the farm, Steady Job. Mrs. Mary Thiel, Box 135 yoncalla, Ore. MEN WANTED For work at rock quarry near Carnes. Phone 5F32 Wages $4.25 per day of 10 hours, 90c day for board. tf WANTED Potatoes that will grade u. a. jmo. l. write for prlceB f. o. b. shipping point. Everfresh Food Co., Sutherlin, Ore. tf WANTED Help, both men and' wo menday and night shift. Work will last until about July 1. Ever- fresh Fruit Co., Sutherlin, Ore. WANTED To borrow on Oakland, California, realty, $2200, for 2 or 3 years nt 7 per cent. Can prove investment Bate. Box 10, Melrose, uaegon. MONEY WANTED Want $5,000 for nve years on A. No. 1 prune ranch security. No agents, private indi viduals only. Anrwer Box "C Nows office. WANTED Men for saw mills and logging camps. Mills and camps win operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Good condi tions. For full particulars write Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Calif. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 5 room house at 642 fltzer street. TO RENT Furnished honsekeeplng rooms. 124 w. Douglas street. FOR RENT 3-room furnished flat, Close in. 119 W. Lane St. tf FOR RENT 5 room house at 306 west First street. $10 per month, Phone 15F12. , tf FOR RENT 4 room furnished house. Inquire 647 S. Stephens or pnone 4 04-K. FOR RENT A house on South Jackson street. For Information. Inquire of Mrs. H. S. French, 412 s. main. FOR RENT Furnished house. rooms, 1 block from Umpqua hotel. Inquire 308 North Jackson street, rnone 47. FOR RENT OR EXCHANGE 120 acre improved ranch near Scotts valley. House, barn. Well water ed, living stream, and spring. 50 acres under cultivation. Phone 184-R or address L. Garlock, Santa Ana, Calif. MISCELLANEOUS. $10,000 TO LOAN On good farm security, z to 5 years. See M. F. nice, or Kice & Klce. LOOK Prune trees $9.82 per 100; sirawuerry plants 60c per 100; rose bushes $2.60 per dozen. C, Merrill, 504 Mill St. alp MONEY TO LOAN One to eight uioushuu collars, on good security. ux gg, mienpowor, we. A1K WEAVING Switches made from combings. Mrs. C. B. Bourd- man. rnone 215-R. TO TRADE Desirable resident property ror an auto. For partlcu lnrs Inquire at News office. BEANS See Us before selling your beans. Will pay highest cash price for fancy small white. Roseburg e run uo, RURAL CREDIT Farm loans, plen ty of money to loan on improved farms; 20 year amortized plan, low interest. See M. F. Rice, of Rice A Rice. jtnri n n n n ri 11 rinn fTfi Afi rji-TKir ui rri ir" y'f'f'"" awaaAAaM Sterling Character Upoq the character and conservatism of your bank's ofhoers and directors to' a great extent depends the safety of your funds. If they are known as men of high Integrity If they have a record as successful men in business If they are known as conservative men in all things then you may rest assured that their bank is gov erned In conformance with a policy of safety before everything else. Such are the men who govern this bank and your funds are abso lutely secure In their care. The UMPQUA VALLEY BANK 8. W. Strong, President; J. M. Throne, Cashier; D. R. Bhambrook, Vice President; Roland Agee, Vice President. Wear It Another Season THAT STRAW HAT It's a sign of thrift. It's a war winning sign;, and, besides, it's a pretty good looking hat, when It Is properly cleaned. That you may easily do eight times for 2 5o, with ofur guaranteed Straw Hat Cleaner. Nathan Fulierton TJio Spring All the newest goods in the latest de signs and weaves are now displayed for your inspection. A magnificent assortment of spec ially selected goods that will meet the most critical buyer's approval I. ABRAHAM The Store of Courtesy Your Spring Washing Just about this time of the year the lionsewlfo plans on a general spring renovating of her home and the family washing, naturally "takes on" a big Increase. Lace curtains, portion and all the "extras" can be handled by ns in a pleasing and satisfactory way. In fact, we would be pleased to do all your family washing. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY "Every Path Hath Its Puddle" Until lis Bridged) KENNY LUMBER COMPANY "BVtU A HOME." A MAN IS WHAT HE FEEDS ON The housewifs, looking to the family health,, -will buy whore fce can get Fresh, Clean Groceries. Our Stock is (Jean and Sanitarily Kept and all goods are of the best manufacture. Orders personally look ed after. . WALTER PATTERSON. THE CASS "NIBBLE" Roseburg Dairy & Soda Works WE HAVE NO EQUAL When it comes to supplying your home with all the delicacies of the season. Our stock is always fresh and complete in all lines. You will And here the choicest of goods and the best of service. THE CASH STORE B. Kim Proprietor Roesborg. Oregon "HOG AND HOMINY" For wheatless day. BREAD AND HONEY for meatless day. Mentis to suit the most exacting- taste, on all other days, at THE BEE DorL-In Store Building Apparel Roseburg, Oregon STREET GROCERY, PHONE 279 HIVE;