THE EVENING NEWS, PMPAY. APRIL 13, 1048. The Proper Equipment Makes Work a Pleasure Take - Care of - Your Lawn and Garden ' Buy a new Lawn Mower, full ball bearing ' easy running, we have them at $7.50, $8.50, $9.00 Cotton and Rubber Hose, fully guaranteed 10c to 1 8c per Foot . Garden Hons, Rakes, Spading Forks, in fact anything you may re. quire In garden tools. Come in, see tliem and got prices. Ooal Oil Ranges, two and tliree burner. Guaranteed to hake per fectly, cost much less to operate than wood, coul or Ran ranges and are much more pleasant to work over during the Hummer months. Our new spring lines are now complete in Rugs, Draperies anil Fur niture. A. J. Lilburn & Son COMPLETE HOUSEiFURNISHERS WHITE SHOES New Lines In Today, Practical and Economical PRICED FROM $2.50 UP White.Tennis Shoes,- High or : Low Shoes, , With or ' Without Heels, Men's, Women's, Boy's and Girls : ; $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 ROSEBURG BOOTERIE vv' 1BVIN I1RUNN -r. i -' ' Shoes That Satisfy. Perkins Rnlldlnc. Cam St.- I J il H Renew Shabby Varnished Surfaces You can onslly make mnrrod or shabby varnished surfaces bright and mjw. For floors that are worn and scuffed use Acme Quality Varnotlle Floor Varnish. Woodwork and furnlturo should he varnished with Acme Quality Interolilr. Window sills, doors and exterior surfaces are given a duruhio finish with Acino Quality Sparkote or Exterolite. There's an ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT for every purposo. A floor varnish that's touch and durable and made especially to be walked upon, varnishes for automobiles and' carrlngeB, woodwork, furnlturo or any stiiTnco that can bo var nished, cither Indoors or outdoors. Tell us which you need. HAMILTON DRUG CO. Roseburg, Oregon MAJESTIC ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW Matinee Every Day, 2 to 5 Evenings, 15-11 New Time TONU1HT ONLY "THE SCARLET CAR" ly Richard Harding Davis, starring Franklyn Farnuni. A story of .'jnw,; , uinilN WIIIUMHMI. llllH'nirtrs IHMSt pnHUICtlOll. Bvnsnuonui uroniu of love ami ntlvcuturc. yon'vo -rend. rictiiring (ho hook Cl'HUEVr EVENTS Always some news from our bovs over there. WKUXMIK HOME Just for fun purposes. Children 10c ADMISSION - -Adults 15c Tomorrow The story of a innn's reirewrntiim Is told in "Broad, way Hill," a drama of Hrondwny nlirlii. life nnd Iho lunibor camps f Uio north, NtArriiur lhu-uld Jirkwood. Sunday Kdna (loodrlch in "A Daughter of .Maryland." Monday W. 8. Unit In "Tho Fugitive." Next Tuesday and Wednesday Henry H. Wnllluil In Hum Drum Rrown." & CITY NEWS 0 j Have you heard tho'sinlle i 'chorus sing. Hear thorn tonight. Special chicken dinner every Sun day at Roseburg' Cafetorla, , tf : Come on and' smile tonight with the sinllo ohorus at the. Christian oh in eh revival. Dr. F. W. Haynes win re-open his office in tho I'orkinu building) on April 0. tf Horry P. ttlco, of Myrtle Creek, is a business visitor in the' city today., Mr. nice is a guest at the Umpqiia.' Do you want the bbst'T If so bring or mail your kodak films to Clark's Kodak Shop Cass street. - . - tf Attorney B..L. Eddy, waoaB.been at Salom looking after legal mutters, returned home last evening. Fine Durbanlt seed 'otatocs tor sale at tho Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. ' tf Attorney J. C. Fullorton, who was at Portland for oeverul days this week, roturneu home last evening. War hot cakes served eveiy day at the Roseburg -Cafeteria. The very best coffee In town. tf Miss Agnes Pltehford. county and city Juvenile orilcer, who Is In Port land looking after official business Is oxpected home tomorrow. Fuel. Three cars or coal Just re ceived. Page Investment Co. Phone 242. . tf Mrs. Warren Burt returned last evening from Portland where she spent tho past tew days visiting with relatives and friends. Cabbage plants and rooted Ivy ger aniums lor sale. Phone 283. H. B Church, North Roseburg.. tf. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. St. 'John, of Sutherlln were In the city yesterday attending to buslnoss matters and visiting with friends. History, biography, travel,' fiction. liver three thousand books. Rental, 10c. Fiction Library. m5 Attorney Q, P. Coshow. returned last evening, rom Salem where he had professional buslnesreauiring IIIB llLltJlllIUIl. . ' TIlM hnar rnclnttr nf fnnla nn.1 quick, clean service at the, Roseburg uumioriii, wnere everynnay, cats. . tf Judgo R. W. Marsters,"who has been at Portland since Monday at tending to business matters; returned nome last evening. . . When you can't afford to eat at home, try tho Roseburg Cafeteria. The best of everything at ,tho moBt reasonable prices. . tf Edwin Weaver, of Myrtle Creek republican , cnndldato . for . county commissioner... is a business visitor in Hoseburg today. Mr. .Wflaver is stopping at tne umpqua. China noodles at the Crtind restau rant. IVa llllV tho ItAat Vn Tia If you try them once you) will come HgUIU. l Ed. Singleton, came to this city from his homo at Dole yesterday. Mr. Singleton, who has been suffering rroin an injured hand, is in a much Improved condition." . TtnV. Vmlt Hilda r,n.. nt nn nA ed by Sloper, the cleaner and pressor. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. tf Miss Lena Guest, dnuchter of Mr. und Mrs. H. Guest, who was recently operated on at Mercy hospital, is said to be recovering aaid will soon uo able to return to her home. Cass Street Shoo Shoo. 4 OS W.. hns on hand complete line of rub ber goods, full and half solos and hoels, laces in colors, polishers. cleaners, etc. All kinds iof shoe re- pairing. tf John Powell, who has charge of! tue grounds of the new federal build-l lug lu this city, today concluded the: work of sowing the grass seed and will have the premises In; line shape. Mr. Dowell bud been awarded tho' contract for this work some tiinoi ago nnd It will take Mm nbout SO- days more to conclude. The r.ew dusting process installed1 by Sloper, the cleaner ana pressed, eradicates every particle of dustl from your clothing before hev are pressed and cleaned, thus assuring you of the most sanitary; .methods employed lit handing your work ,Tho only sanitary dusting machine In ihe city. tf Frank Unragnr, candidate for sheriff, returned, today from a fxlp In tho interest 'of his candidacy to Myrtle Creek, Riddle, Canyonviilc, Perdue, Glendjale nnd Azalea. Air. Baragar says- t nines Kenernllv ..rem looking good in the nlhovo districts nnd tho farmers have tlioir crops well in nana lor tne spring work. He round a very patrlotlo spirit prevail ing througltont these, live communi ties sndnwny up t Perdue a Red Cross society Is doing soriie excel lent work. i . God's great love to mon Chris tian churoh tonight. v'.: .V. Good news. ' We naw have plenty of Coos Bay coal. Page Investment Co., phone 512. ,r , tf A, C. Roth returned to his home at Sutherlln this afternoon after spending the morning In this city on business. China noodles No. Is, best can be bought. We handle ' the best of everything., Grand restaurant. tf " . , Miss A. Huntington arrived In this city this afternoon .from her home at Yoncalla and will spend several days here with friends. - Best cmcken dinner, best service, best cooks at the best restaurant. The Grand. tf MIbs Crystal' Warflock arrived In this city last evening from Portland where she has been sponding the past few days on business and visit ing with friends. ; ' Sergeant Ray Lahey left this after noon for Fort Stevens, where he will remain with the 16th Columbia company. Sergeant Lahey has been south for the past six weeks attend ing the officers training school. ; Fred A. McMillan, instructor in the science department of the local Hugh school, left this afternoon for Salem where he will transact Impor tant business for several days. : Claude Nonburg has gone to Rose burg where ho will be for a week or more. Mrs. Nasburg will arrive at Hoseburg today nnd ivlll return to Marshfield with Mr. Nnnburg. Marshfleld Record. Live-wire Doingsof City liaby Gillam Dies. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilliam, of Winchester, psbs ed away yesterday at the family home, 'death resulting - from pneu lnonln. Funeral services were held this morning at Wilbur with Inter ment In the Wilbur cemetery. Leaves for Mt. Alto Ranch. . r Mrs. William Agnew was in the pity today arranging to leave tomor row lor. tne mi. auo rancn, on me North Umpqua, whore she will join her. ibusband who is now located there and where they bath will take up their residence indeiinltely Fourth HoJnbow Itegimeiit. The fourth Junior Rainbow regi ment. 1b in course of formation in Oregon, nnd Gerald Tuttle, of Glen dale, and Herbert Gilmore and Har riot Hinsdale, both of the Benson school, Roseburg, have' been credit ed with memberships In the new regiment on account of having sold the required amount of war saving stamps. Preparing to Irrigate. - C, F. Gurnee, living just ;east of the city on Deer creek, is preparing to irrigate a few acres! of- land which he will sow to alfalfa and clover.' The tract north of the road will be planted to clover; while that lying next to the creek will be used for alfalfa. The land will be leveled and prepared so that the Irrigation process will carry the water to all parts of the fields. He will use a pump for elevating water to a tank, and from the reservoir will employ the gravity system. . , ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY. Judge C. U. Gantenbein yesterday announced his candidacy for re-elec tion for department No. 6 of the Multnomah county circuit court, says the Oregonian. Judge Gantenbein was born in Philadelphia, Pa., and is fill years of age. His father, a na tive of Switzerland, was a shepherd boy In the Alps, later a minister of the UvaiiKollcnl Reformed cnurcn and was naturalized in this country 60 years ago. THE PACIFIC BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. - "Lots of us waste dimes chasing millions. Most of us quit with neither." Savings Each Your Check Month nt-Maturlty S 2.50 per month 600.00 6.00 per month........ ...-11,000.00 flO.OO per month .-. 2,000.00 $16.00 per month $3,000.00 $20.00 per month.... ...$4, 000.00 $25.00 per month $5,000.00 Ask M. F. RICE . Financial Representative. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE A jack. Cnll on C. Evarts, Peel, or phone 35F62. K. FOR SALE Jersey. 3 years. Good milker, gentle. Rowe Weber, opp. Green station. . a!7p CASTOR I A For Infants and (Children In Use For 0er,30 Years Always bcars Signature jC.fffiu&u, WE INVITE Merchants " Clerks i ' -Lawyers Doctors Dentists Clergymen And people of- AH Trades to let us make their . Personal Appearance - AN ASSET . IMPERIAL CLEANERS. (Try our way.) We call and deliver. Phone 277 - IF YOUR HOY Is going to Hie front give him a good reliable wrist watch as . Military Wrist : ; Watches with lumiuous dials are a positive necessity to our soldiers in any branch of the service, for a watch thut can bo seen any time of night, without a light is very much need ed by the boys. We carry them from 17 jewel WiUtliam and Kl glns to the Ingersol at $4.50. - MJBAR BROS. Joweljrs & Optometrirts. : JACKSON STREET. We also have a lino selection of service pins, one two and three stars. . Film Representative Here. Lou Rosenberg, of tho. De Luxe Feature Film Co., with headquarters In Seattle, is a business visitor In the city today. Mr. Rosenberg is re sponsible for several of the splendid films that have been 'shown here In the past and Is hoping to book a number of equally fine pictures dur ing the summer. Why is a brick mason like a locomo tive? . .... .. ,. Oa siHa Because be has a tender! For a fonder steak A Juicy chop, Direct your footsteps . To our shop. . Our saws are sluirp; V, Cleavers, too -(' )t . e'll trim them iip ' Just right for you. '; THE ECONOMY MARKET Geo. Kohlhagen, Prop. Phone B8.. -II - We wish to announcthat we have moved our Granite and Marble Works to 503 N. Jackson Street, and are prepared to' furnish any thing in our line at a reasonable price. We use only the best Barre Granite in our Monumental work, and Vermont Marble in onr head stones. We also do all kinds of Cemetery work. We invne you to cnll aqd see us. . Yours for Business, Peoples Marble & Granite Works W. E. Morsters, proprietor, - 502 N. Jackson Street. ' . ' or G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St. Roseburg, Oregon. 111 PPWWSli Negotiable Securities such us stocks or bonds' should have a place of absolute security. They have constant protection in our fire and burglar proof vault.' The rental of a Safe Deposit Box here is very reasonable. . ... The Roseburg National Bank . Roseburg, Ore. m : 31159 NOW FOR YOUR Strawberry Crates Place your order early with the THE J. C. FLOOK CO. .SHOE REPAIRING I am here at 213 Main street, and I am also there Johnny on the spot when It comes to getting your work out on time fix "em while you wait and you don't have to wait a week either. So send them in by the kids, or any old way. Best of work, and best of ma terial. Rear R. L. Stephens Shoe Store. L. ROACH, Proprietor $33 NEW VIKING SEPARATOR AT THE DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY Men's Qothing! Our line is now complete with the newest and best; styles in Men's Suits. You must see them to appreci the value and saving. Priced at $12.50 $14.75 $16.50 $18.50 $22.50 $25.00 $27.00 Some classy models for the young men, priced for less. WE SELL THEM FOR LESS. "irlilisiirvJi"iOrVnoiiitMt irrv isnrwin fi'iiiln nirrVnT. n s rr mmmb Mfvbj mj How about your bees- Don't they need new hives, supers or other help for storing the sweets they gather? Remember honey is not one of the "Hooverized" items, and it is one of the best and purest sweets. Give the bees all possible help while the spring pasturage is good. We can supply your needs. Fruit ladders bought right and made of selected spruce, with truss rod under each step None belter, and only 40c per foot. Also a' good supply of step ladders for house and other uses. A few garden wheel barrows, bought last fall and just received, at less thaivjobber's prices. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. Seed Potatoes! Burbanks and Early'Rose, extra fine quality. ..Grown In Curry Co. ' Umpqua Valley Fruit; Union Roseburg, Oregon . - - ... . . -i . . Telephone 233 United States Food Administration License Number O 64027. Antlers Theatre , TONIGHT 7:SO &:O:0O. BENJAMIN CHAPIN as ABRAHAM LINCOLN in 'Son of 061110 ... " SATURDAY : -? "The "Man Above the Law" Sunday Special Vitngraph, "The Home Trail." . Admission lOc nnd 1 5c Monday and Tuesday Geraldine Farrar in "Joan tlte Woman." Ad mission 85c and S.V.: Reserve seats on sale at box office Satur day p. m. - ------ . . ;