The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 05, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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21 per cent. More Space
than in Other Cabinets
The Hoosior's over-size base has 21 per cent more opace for
pots and' pans than the averago kitchen cabinet. And this is only
one of Hoosior's many excellences.
It has 17 exclusive features that can't be found in all others
combined. There are places for 400 articles within arm's reach
all scientifically arranged. -
Hoosler's Two-Way Sugar Bin holds twice as much as the
ordinary. The Shaker Flour Sifter Bhakos out flour light and fluffy
and does not grind grit through a sieve'.
In 40 ways this cabinet Baves you work that's why more than
a million women have selected the Hoosler over all.
We are now offering some popular models at before-war -prices.
But our allotment is limited due to the enormous wartime
demand. ' .
The Hoosier puts any kitchen on a war-saving basis, and it
seems that every women who ever thought of getting a cabinet,
now wants the Hoosler.
Come at once Belect the model you admire most we will
deliver it for $1. Pay the balance $1 a week. Your money all back
if you are not dollghtcd.
A. J. Lilburn & Son
LjuVWWM'VVM''rll"lrlrlfll,V"lllll" l"
New Lines In Today, Practical and Economical
White Tennis Shoes, High or Low ' Shoes, With or
Without Heels, Men's, Women's, Boy's arid Girls
$1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75
inviN rrunn
Shoes Tlmt Satisfy. Perkins Building. Cam St.
You're Planning to Conserve Daylight
by Setting Your. Clock Ahead
Why Not Conserve Labor
By Using a "Big Three" or "Vacuum"
Washing Machine
Over a hundred satisfied customers testify to tlio merit of them,
while several have gone a little better mid Inbuilt the ELECTRIC.
Ity It you Iiiive not only tlio wnahing done by electric power, but
I ho wringing also.
Tiist think a washing done with only tlio Intnir of feeding
riot hem to tlio wringer, mul hanging them on tlio Hue, and all with
In mi hour or two. Tho balnnco of forenoon for rest or other work.
4 -onto hi mnl let us show you.
Churchill Hardware Co.
Matinee Every Day, 2 to 5
Evenings, 7:15-11 New Time
Violet Moi'soivuu in Noll 11. Uronsnn's photoplay sensation
""The Raggedy Queen"
A loveablo Bluebird Blory that makes you foal better aftor you
' have Been It.
CURRENT KVKKTS Mnny Interesting bits of news from our boys
"over thoro."
" A DAKK DEED Just fun for fifteen minutes. - .
Children 10c ADMISSION- Adults 15c
Matineo iiOHtjioncd to three o' lock on account of Liberty Ixan
' i Pnrmlo.
Saturday Viola Dana in "A Weaver of Dreams."
Sunday Mary Miles Mintor In "Hor Country's Call."
Monday Olive Toll In "The Girl and tlio Judge" " "
Next Tuesday and ' Wodnesday, ltobert lilrhon's thrilling, spectac
ular romance of the desert, "Tlio Gurdon of Allah."
O. C. Knight, of Seattle, represen
tative of the Western Electric. Com
pany, Ib 'a business visitor In the
city today and Is co-operating -with
Howard Uhll, of the local Electric
store In plans for a whirlwind elec
tric washing lnashlno drive which
will be put on in this city beginning
tomorrow. Mr. -.Knght will person
ally demonstrate the various strong
points of the machine in front of
the electric! store tomorrow and the
housewives of the city will be given
a splendid opportunity of witnessing
the wonderful accomplishments of
this 101) per cent maohlne, From the
Interest! displayed on the part of
hundreds of busy mothors there will
be "something doing" by way of sales
in this campaign. . -
A number of our patriotic mer
chants are decorating their show
windowB In honor of the liberty
loan parade tomorrow and beauti
ful posters, flags, patriotic statuetteB
and other features are arranged with
pretty effect. It la hoped that the
other merchants of the city will' fol
low the example of their brothers
and adorn their stores in festive ar
ray. Among the cleverly attractive
windows are those In the following
stores: Golden Rulo, Bellows, Ham
ilton Drug Co., Fisher's Department
store, A. J. Lilburn furniture store,
and the Rose confectionery. Other
merchants plan on decorating tonight
and it is hoped that Roseburg will
be there with flying colors tomorrow
by way of decorations.
How to trap moles and prepare
their pelts tor .market will be, the
subject of a series of talks and
demonstrations to be Inaugurate! In
Douglas county, beginning next Mon
day, when Thomas H. Scbuffer, as
sistant biologist or the u. s. nioiog-
Isal survey, will undertake the work
among the farmers and gardeners of
this locality. Mr. Schuffer will be
assisted by County Farm Agent
Hurd, nncli the two gentlemen will
visit a couple of schools each day
during the week und explain the
method of trapping the little pus
and of curing the pelts so they will
be marketable. It is expected that
the Information to be Imparted will
result In practical extermination of
moles here, of which at present there
are a lot. Boys will be shown the
"knack" of trapping, and thorough
ness of the skinning and curing
process, It Is believed the young
sters will about, all get busy and
cloan up the mole problem. Fact of
the matter 1b an:inuiiBtrious boy can
make several dollars a day trapping
inolen. He can not only make a
lot of money, but he gets real enjoy
mont out of tho business, and at the
same time Is doing a good work in
ridding the lnndt of a pest which an
nually destroys thousands of dollars
worth of food stuffs, kills young
trees and generally makes Itself a
burden. Mr. Schuffer will start the
good j work In Roseburg next Mon-
nay, anu men . go 10 -me rural
- All nniBlclans who are to
play for" me' lioeny loan pa-
rade on Saturday wll). please.
report at the city hall at 1:15
sharp. y ;t - - j
.-. W. H. BOWDEN.-
... . A
- County Fruit Inspector Karl
Pearcy, who Is visiting fruit dls-
'rxlcts at Riddle and rMyrtle
Creek today, finds that peaches
and prunes have been damag-
-ed probably 20 to 30 per cent.
The heaviest Injury is In the
Myrtle . Creek section. While
ithe loss is keenly felt, the sit-
nation is not nearly so bad as
at first estimated. ;'.! :
bark Bros, will be In a position to
farm on a much larger scale than
heretofore. i
Rubles Pass Away.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Buell, of Look
ing Glass, are today receiving the
sympathy of their many f rlenus
throughout the city upon the death
of their twin' sons who were .. born
last evening at Mercy hospital. The
funeral services were. .held tnls after
noon at the family home in Looking
Glass. ' ; - ' . -
Passes Through Tonight.
Clifford Bemis will pass through
this city this evening enroute to
Mare Island. He left this city sev
eral days ago! and alter successfully
passing the examination for the navy
went to Seattle where he was given
an outfit of navy clothing. ..His
stay here will be a very few minutes
but his many friends will be there to
greet him. -, .
Live-wire Doings of City
Councilman Is Fined.
Councilman W. S. Hamilton was
arrostodi yesterday by Chief of Po
lice Shambrook and appeared before
the city recorder- today and paid
line of $7. 60 for exceeding the city
speed limits with his auto.
Stuart Funeral Tomorrow.
The funeral of the late Roso Stu
art will be held tomorrow afternoon
at 3:30 from the Episcopal church
with Rev. Bnrr G. Lee officiating and
Interment will follow In the Odd
Fellows cemetery.
Dairymen's Meeting Scheduled,
. The second meeting of tho dairy
men s conrorences will bo held in
this city noxt Tuesday, April 9, and
discussion of subjectB pertaining to
the Bllo, ensilage, cow testing and
brooding dairy and beef cattle will
be entered Into by Prof. FlttB, of the
O. A. C. extension Bervlce.
lluseii'mrk Bros. Huy Tractor.
Rusebnarlc Bros., living west of
the city about five miles, and extcn
Blvo farmers and dairymen, today
placed an order with John Signor,
local agent, for a 12-25 Avery trac
tor, and the machine will be deliv
ered within a few days. The tractor
is capable of handling a three-bottom
gnng and a dtBc harrow, which will
come with the machine. With this
addition to their equipment Busen-
. For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bean
Signature of
H. R. Graham left for Portland
this afternoon to attend to business
matters for several days. .
Dr. F. W. Haynos will re-open his
office in the Perkins building) on
April 5. tf
Mrs. Will Goodman returned to
her home in Oakland this afternoon
after' visiting with friends In this
city. !;
History, biography, travel, fiction.
Over three thousand books. Rental,
10c. Fiction Library. . m6
J. F. Sund returned to his home at
Portland this morning after spend
ing several days in this city on busl-
The besf 'variety of foods, and
quick, clean service at the Roseburg
Cafeteria, where everybody eats, tf
f- i. . ,
M. E. Ellison returned to his home
In Sutherlln thlB afternoon nrter
spending the morning in this city on
L. E. Hodges returned to his home
at Oakland this afternoon, aftor vis
iting with friends- and relatives In
this city. ' -
Best cnicken dinner, best service.
best cooks at the best restaurant. The
Grand. tf
Claude Riddle returned' to his
home in this city this afternoon aftor
attending to business matters in
A. C. Marsters left this ufternoon
tor points north of " this city where
he will attend to business matters
for a few hours.
Good news. . We now have plenty
of Coos Bay coal. Page Investment
Co., phone 242. - - tf
S. E. Pease, of Eugene, arrived
this morning and 1b looking after
business nffairs In ' the city during
the day.
China noodles at the Grand restau
rant. We buy the best No. 1b. If
you try them once you will come
again. ... tI
Joe Wlckson loft this afternoon for
Wilbur where he will send sevoral
hours attending to business matters
and visiting with friends.
Chns Brand, a well known resi
dent of Garden valley, left this aft
ernoon for Drain where he will
transact Important -business.
Have your duds Cleaned and press
ed bv Sloner. the cleaner and pressor.
All work promptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed. - tf
George Mnddox. a Roseburg boy,
now In the navy department at Mare
Island, arrived In the city this aft
ernoon to enjoy a few days visit with
his many friends here. ,.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bolter, and
aranddauRhter. Phyllis Ann arrived
this morning from Portland and will
attend the funeral of the, late Rose
Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Bolter will
LOST Little black pig. white face
and short tall; weight about 60
pounds. , Reward. Address Carl
Borger, Roseburg.
roof men, are In town. Call at
the Churchill hardware storo or
phone 73, with reforonce to that
roof. Now Is the time to repair
that old leaky roof. - allp
Is going to the front give him a
good reliable wrist watt'h 08
with luminous dials are a positive
necessity to our soldiers in any
branch of the service for a watch
tlint can be seen any time of night,
.without a light is very much need
ed by the boys;- We carry them
from 17 Jewel Waltham and El
glus to the Ingersol at $4. BO.
Jewelers A Optometrlrta.
We also, have a fine selection of
sendee pins,- one two and three
stairs. .
probably remain In the city over the
week end,'- ; -J-$,.!
. Mrs. Grant Taylor returned to her
home at Winchester - this afternoon
after visiting with- Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Morian, of this city. ' -
Miss Ruth Lamb returned to her
home at Dillard this-afternoon after
spending the morning In this city
visiting with friends and shopping.
Mrs. Robert. Smith and two chil
dren left for Portland this afternoon
where they will visit with Mr. Smith,
who is attending to business matters
in that city. .
Mrs. Francis Drake Is In this city
'this afternoon from her home at
Myrtle Creek and will spend a few
hours here with friends and rela
Monday is bargain day at the
RoBeburg Cleaning and Pressing
Works. Men's suits French Dry
cleaned and pressed for $1.00. All
work given prompt attention. Bar
gain day prices do not Include call
ing for clothes or making deliveries.
Bring your clothes in.- tf
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for- re-election to the office
of representative, subject to the ap
proval of the.: republican voters -of
thu county at the primary election.
May 17, 181$, -.
(pd. adv.). ROY GRIGGS.
I hereb announce myself as a
candidate for re-election to the leg
islature as Douglas county's repre
sentative, subject to the approval of
the republican voters at the P'i
mary election, May 17, 1918.
(Paid Adv.)
' I hereby announce my candidacy
for re-election- to the office of sheriff
of Douglas county, subject to the ap
proval of the republican voters of
this coutny at the primary election,
April 17, 19il8..
(pd. adv.) .,, Roseburg, Ore.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for sheriff of Douglas
county, at the primary election May
17, 1918, subject to the approval of
the republican voters of the county.
(pd. ad.) Roseburg, Oregon.
I hereby announce myself as can
didate for county commissioner for
Douglas county subject to the will of
the republican voters at the primary
election, May 17, 1S)18.
Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
pd ad.
I hereby announce myself as a
republican candidate for tho office of
We wish to announce that we have
moved onr Granite and Marble
Works to 602 N. Jackson Street,
and are prepared to furnish any
thing in our line at a reasonable
price. We use only the best Barre
Granite in our Monumental work,
and Vermont Marble in our head,
stones. We also do all kinds of
Cemetery work. We inme you to
rail anil see us.
Yours for Business, . .
Peoples Marble & Granite Works
W. E. Marsters, proprietor,. 008
N. Jackson Street. .
G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St
Roseburg, Oregon.
On to Victory I
Do your share to send our valient soldiers on to victory. -How
can you do It? '. Invest in Bonds of the Third
; Liberty Loan buy all you can. Issued in bonds' of -convenient
denominations that are within the reach of
all. . Subscribe through us.. -
The Roseburg National BanK
Roseburg, Ore.
county commissioner of Douglas Co.,
subject to the approval of the voters
of the county at the primary elec
tion. May 17, 1918. .. .
Myrtle Creek, Ore.
pd adv. H. P. RICE.
I hereby anonunce my candidacy
for re-election to the office of County
Surveyor of Douglas county, sub
ject to the will of the republican vot
ers at the primary election, May 17,
(pd."ad.) M. B. GERMOND,
I hereby announce myself candi
date for coroner of Douglas county,
(pd. adv.) - M. E. RITTtiR.
I hereby announce myself as a canr
dldate on the republican ticket tor
the office of County Treasurer of
Douglas county, Oregon, subject to
the approval of the voters at the
primary election May 17, 1918.
ipd. adv.) . - J. E. SAWYERS.
I hereby announce myoclf as a can
didate on the republican ticket for
the office of County Treasurer of
Douglas county, Oregon, Bubject to
tho approval of the votors'.at the
primary election May 17, 1918.
(pd. adv.) C. M. MYNATT.
' China noodles No. Is, best can be
bought. We handle the best or
everything. Graiid restaurant. tf
We are selling now spring shoes at a less price than the past sea
eon, due to the increased quantity buying for this season. Get that
new pair. NOW. Do not wait until the last minute. However,
we. are prepared to supply you at any time with shoes of service
that are as new as the newest in styles and less In price than the
lowest. .: . . :
Buy J. C. Penney Company Shoes for tlio entire family for ! '
Eden Electric Washing Machine
If every husband could be made to do the family washing just once,
he wife would have an , . . . .
Electric washing and wringing machine the following Monday.
Free demonstration. Easy terms.
Douglas County light and Water Co.
"Time Being the Essence of this Contract"
To deliver pure, fresh milk, at your
' I - door, when you want It, that's the
time to expect it -1
Roseburg Dairy & Soda Works
Antlers Theatre
- Tonight and FridAy Friday Matinee "
The Son of
Benjamin Chapln as Abraham Lincoln with his humor andi great
ness lives again upon the screen. A series of ten two-reel dramaB,
each a complete story of America in the making.
Comedy " .-- r : v Pictograph
"Adults 15c
ADMISSION Children 10c
Coming Saturday Charles Ray In "The Pinch Hitter."