TWO THE EVENING NEWS MOXPAl , APRIL 1, 1018. t i THE EVENING NEWS U, V. BATES "Y BERT O. BATES ISSUED PATIA EXCEPT BUflPAY, Subscription Kates Dally. Pep year, by mall "-99 Per month, delivered , .60 . Weekly. ;, Per year Blx months 100 Entered as second-class matter, November 6, 1909, at Koseburg, Ore. 'under act of March 3, 1879. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press is exclusivol entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to ii or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserved. ' ' . MONDAY, APRIL 1, NO GRUMBLING IN FRONT LINE. "Up in the front line trenches where men are facing the enemy Are, -where sometimes they stand for 'hours in mud and filth up to their knees, one never hears a word of complaint," says Harry N. Holmes, a war work secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association who for two years has been under shell fire on the Flanders front where he haB charge of 110 British association dugouts and huts. "Only the vital things of life count out there," said he. "The spirit of those men gives one a greater faith in mankind. I recall one In cident where a soldier crawled Into our dugout In the Ypres salient. He was covered with mud and blood and one arm was shattered. We learned his story. "He had gone over the top and in INoy Man's Land a shell exploded, mortally wounding his chum in the leg and breaking his arm. Together they dragging themselves into a shell hole half full of water. For two days and two nights this boy held the head of his chum above the wa ter until he died. "That's the spirit of tne men out there. They never grumble. Why, I have seen a soldier, weary anU fag ged out, come Into our dugout and as he was about to raise a cup of cocoa to his Hps, put It down and go, out to where am ambulance was tak-; lng aboard Us human wreckage and going up to the figure on the stretcher, reach out his hand and say, 'Good bye, Skinny, old pal. 1 hope you pull through,' and then come hack and drink his cocoa. "The first thought of these lads Is not for themselves. There Is noth ing they will not do for a friend. Out of this war, out of the horror and misery and hell of it will come pure, beautiful andi ennobling things. What I have seen at the front huB made me believe In men." Military oflkiuls predict a war of long duration on the western front, so we might just as well -settle down to business at home and plan to do our bit patriotically for our boys at the front. We have finally passed the "watchful waiting" period. f V A Woman's Shop for Woman's l Wear It Pays to Paint Painting your buildings will immediately increase their value many times the amount of your investment in paint. Neglect to paint means loss by deterioration and decay. Lumber and repairs are more expensive now than ever before. Protect your property from depreciation by painting with ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT It gives great durability and lasting beauty. It is most economical to use, because it takes less and lasts longer Let us show you suitable color combinations for your house and estimate the amount of paint required, whether you buy or not. HAMILTON DRUG CO. Roseburg, Oregon IrfW BESSIE BARRl SCALE & '.'WITH IN THE CUP"- ' t PAR ALT A RUMYOA Majestic Tomorrow and Wednesday. Well, we have 100,000 bright and cheery, brave and husky American soldiers In France who are ready to take up the fight against Prussianlsm and deliver a blow at German kultur. This Is about 60,000 more than some people thought were In France andi about 300,000 less tnan tne num ber estimated by some guessers. But, we're glad to chronicle the fact, at any rate, that America Is taking ac tive part in the big battle. Homo- how it gives a rellow a good "hunch" of confidence. Emperor William will have to hurry or that Easter dinner In Pai ls will get cold. We're marchinc to the bnttlo front one hundred thousand strong. This is "All Fools' Day" the kaiser wilL please take due notice. 10 TAKE UP NURSING Mrs. Grace Tanner, of Oakland, who has been in charge of the tele phone exchange in that city for the past several months, yesterday re signed her position and will take up Red CroBS nursing. Mrs. Tanner has proven an efficient agent, and the good wishes of her friends are ex tended in her latest project. Mrs. Tanner expectB to see service in France before the summer is over. Miss Mildred' Kruse, a popular Oak land young lady will succeed Mrs. Tanner and took up her now duties today. HAS GOVERNMENT POSITION. Irvine P. Gardner, of Riddle, has been appointed to the position or deputy supervisor at large of Indian forests and has instructions to report April 1 nt Greenville, Calif., in the Feathor river district. Mr.. Gardner was formoily In the Indlnn service, resigning about 10 years ago. The new position is said to pay a salary of $lf00 per year with an additional ,3 por day for maintenance. Mr. uardner expects to leave Friday. lilddlo Tribune. We Cater to your wants and specialize to meet demands of our army of customers Bellows Marshal Dave Shambrook picked up a couple of Austrlans, yesterday, and as neither of them had been nat uralized, the officer felt that some thing should be done with the fel- Iowb. One of the aliens has been working around the country for the past five years, while the other has been here only a short time, and late ly worked a few days at the Glengary cement quarry. Justice of the Peace I. B. Riddle was consulted as to dis position of the aliens, and advised that they be turned over to the sheriff. Acting on this suggestion, Sheriff Qulne was communicated with, but said that really he had no authority In the matter and advised that the men be turned loose. Owing to the fact that no one seemed to have jurisdiction Marshal Shambrook told the Austrlans to "hit the trail", which they proceeded to do. One of them went north, expecting to get work at the Sweeney construction camp on the Pacific highway, north of Oakland. It is alleged that since the United! States has hot officially dcc'.ared war on Austria there is no legal way of handling Austrian aliens, although it Is common belief that all such men should be interned, as their sympathies are doubtless with the central powers. SUNDAY BIG DAY AT Easter Sunday was a great day in the Christian church. There were 246 In the Bible school, with a fine program, and a good offering for the benevolent work of the church. The morning and evening services were very largely attended, and much in terest was manifested throughout the dny. Five people united with the church, making a total of 20 during the first month of the present pastor ate. The revival services will con tinue throughout the week. The pas tor will epeak tonight on the theme, "Shall We Know Each Other in i-eaven?" Tomorrow evening his theme will be "The Change of Heart." The smile chorus made up of children and young people will sing again next Friday night. Their appearance as leaders of the music is always greeted with large audiences, and' they make a fine impression with their music. The outlook for the church and its work seems to be very hopeful. 1291 REALIZED FROM THE ARMENIAN DANCE At the Armenian fun dance which was an event of Saturday evening at the Maccabee hall, the goodly , sum of $29.80 was realized and' this will be donated to the relief fund. A large crowd attended the festivities and the entire evening was tilled with happiness, all being reluctant to leave when the first notes of the good night waltz were played. The music was excellont ana was donat ed by Prof. R. Smith, of Sutherlin, Rod l ord Tester and Parks Schnelodr, of this city. The dance was under the supervision pf Mrs. Cook and' was a success from start to finish. Good newB. We now have plenty of Coos Bay coal. Page Investment Co., phone 242. tf FOR SALE rrlce $40. -Horse and Phone 111-Y. wagon. a4 FOR SALE Hoavy draft team, har ness and wood wagon. Enquire of R. Stubbs, Melrose, Ore. FOR SALE Good horse, also good cow. Inquire at Busy Bee restau rant, Sheridan street. FORDS FOR SALE One at $275 and one at $300; both in good con dition. J. O. Newland, Cass St. TIRE FILLERS FOR SALE Com plete set for Ford car. Inquire at News office. Does away with punctureB. tf OAT HAY FOR SALE At Eden bower Orchard Tracts. Fred Fish er, phone 25F4. tf FOR SALE Duroc Jersey (Red) pigs. All thoroughbred. Papers free with each. Charles A. Brand, Roseburg, Ore.. ORDER your rose bushes and shrub bery now of Mrs. F. D, Owen, florist, city, phone 340, Oreen House 9F 12. tf FOR SALE Black mare, weight 1300. Also buggy harness, work harness and light wagon. E. C. Rnle. Phone -38F12. FOR SALE The best poultry farm at Melrose. A ready home of 6.15 acres. Price $360. Apply to Chas. Kyes. Melrose, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good Bulck truck, solid rubber tires, in sood condition. Will take horsesScows or money. J. M. Judd. i FOR SALE Lime eulphur spray, .ou per nnrrei, ao -deR-recs, f. o. b. Sutherlin; $1 rebate for return of barrels. All barrels are the property of the company. Prompt shipments. Sutherlin Spray Mfg Co. tr CLASSIFIED COLUMN j BUY YOUR SEED BEANS Lady Washington, early to ripen, acclimat ed, excellont quality seed, 12 toe lb. Phone 19F6, Llndbloom. FOR SALE! One White sewing ma- chine fine condition. One range extra good, with reservoir and warming closet. ' One .heater with pipe.' Phone 28F3, , a2p OLD PAPERS "Houseoleanlng" Is , on at The News office, and we have a lot of old papers for sale at 10 -cents the bundle. They will not Inst long, so get a supply early. FOR SALE 9. C. White Leghorn eggs for hatching from proven winter layers. $1 per fifteen; $6 per 'hundred. L. J. Houser, Rose burg, ore. Phone 25FS. FOR SALE Select S. C. White Leg horn eggs for hatching from best laying strain of O. A. C. at $1.00 por setting. Mrs. J. Aitken, Eden bower, Box 62, Phone 26F5. FOR SALE Hatching eggs and baby chicks, from trapnested, and hoganized barred rocks, golden . compines, white faced black Spanish and S. C. White Leg horns. Address Ed. Bryant, Rt. 2, Roseburg, Ore. alBp SNAP TRADE A $10,000 Roseburg Income property, clear of Incum brance, to -exchange for desirable ranch, tributary to or pear city. Give description of ranch in first letter, stating location and price. Address "Trader," care News, FOR SALE Lease and furnituro In new 'hotel, equipment all first class and new; 15 bed' rooms-well fur nished, doing a good business; have now 24 regular boarders at $7.36, table board. Also good transient trade. Hotel Is situated on the shore of Tsiltcoos lake. For . information inquire at bffice of ' George Rlter, 122 West Oak street. FOR SALE Lime and sulphur spray, $9 per barrel at the Garden Val ley spray plant, purchaser to f ur nlsh his own barrels. A rebate of 60 per- cent between cost and $9 per barrel will be refunded at the first annual meeting of the association.- Garden Valley Fancy Fruit Association, Wilbur, Ore. Phono 3ZF13. WANTED. WANTED A gentle driving horse, - Phone 31F13. WANTED Woman to Ho general housework. Phone 53. WANTED Position as stenograph er. Phone 169. after 5 p. m. WANTED Waitress. Apply at once to Grand restaurant. Cass otreet. WANTED '3 burrows, broke to ride or pack. Address C. B. Baker, soldiers' home. i30p WANTED All kinds or second hand good. Will pay good prices. J; M. Judd. WANTED Position to do nursing . and .housework. Apply 120 N. Stevens. Mrs. L. Barker. MEN WANTED For work at rock quarry near Carnes. Phone 5F32. Wages $4.25 per day of 10 hours. 90c day for board. tf WANTED Potatoes that will grade U. S. No. 1. Write for prices r. o. o. snipping point, jsvertresn Fpod Co., Sutherlin, Ore. tf WANTED Will pay $2 per hell ' for day old calves, males prefer red. Address J. H. Cuninngham, Dlxonvllle, or phone 7F32. WANTED Men for saw mills and logging camps. Mills and camps will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Good condi tions. For lull particulars write Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Calif. FOB RENT. TO RENT Furnished hopsekeeping rooms. 124 W. Douglas street. tf FOR RENT 3-room furnished flat Close In. 119 W. Lane St. tf FOR RENT 5 room house at 305 West First street, $10 per month. Phone 15F12. tf FOR RENT 7-room furnished house on paved street. See Perrine & Marsters. FOR RENT 4 room furnished house. Inquire 647 S. Stephens or phone 464-R. MONEY TO LOAN Ono to eight thousand dollars, on good security. Box 99, Edenbower, Ore. FOR RENT n-usekeeplng rooms, equipped with gas range, garden lot Includeo. Inquire 128 S. F'lnt. FOR RENT A house on South Jackson street. For Information. Inquire of Mrs. H. S. French, 412 S. Main. FOR RENT Furnished house, 6 rooms, 1 block from Umpqua hotel. Inquire 308 North Jackson street Phone 47. MISCELLANEOUS. LOST Mercantile fountain pen. Finder please leave at News office. Reward. LOST Lady's navy blue silk poplin dress belt with small belt pin. Leave at Pollyanna. HAIR WEAVING Switches made from combings. Mrs. C. B. Bourd man. Phone 215-R. TO TRADE Desirable residence proporty for an auto. For particu lnrs Inquire at News office. BEANS See us before selling your beans. Will pay highest cash price for fancy small white. Roseburg Fruit Co. STOP AT THE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG Rawleigh Products FOR SALE BY J. O. VINCENT. 843 W. Second Avenue North. - Phono 122-R. Rug and Carpet Weaver AT 020 WINCHESTER ST. Close to North Side Grocery Store. SHOE ECONOMY Have worn shoes repaired by re? Uable workman. Prices right W. S. HOWARD, 123 Oak street, west of Hotel Umpqua. HEAL ESTATE City and Farm Property, Winches ter Bay and Westlake Town Lots. GEORGE RFTER. 122 West Oak Street. Pa rimers can have electricity on the farm You can run cream separators, motors, washing machines, irons and many other things besides your lights, if you get the proper plant. Electricity is our " business, we will gladly give the information you want. - WE SELL THE OLD RELIABLE Western Electric 24-Hour Sunshine Plants WATER POWER OR GAS ENGINE Now if you wanted to sell a crop of say prunes, and you knew they were ex" tra good prunes, you'd not be afraid to have the man who. wanted to buy them look them over would you? We feel the same way about our Sunshine Plants. We have one running at our store, come in and look it over. The Electric Store HOWARD A, UHLIG, Smart Coats for Easter We want you to see our many smart offerings in Spring Coats garments particularly appropriate for Easter Morn. You'll enjoy viewing our line of coats, and we will enjoy showing them to you. Classic Coats Stylishly Distinctive There's a world of difference in "coats" and as a discriminating buyer, you know that your Easter coat must possess style as well as the best of materials. You wouldn't be happy in the most durable of coats unless it was designed with taste to suit your particular demands. . This feature is predominant in Classic Coats. Sterling Character Upon the character and conservatism of your bank's of doers and . directors to a great extent depedtis the. safety of your funds. ' If they are known as men of high Integrity If they have a record as successful men In business If they are known as conservative men " In all things then you may rest assured that their bank is gov erned In conformance with a policy of safety before everything else. Such are the men who govern this bank and your funds are abso lutely secure in their care. The UMPQUA VALLEY BANK B. W. Strong, President; J. ,M. Throne, Cashier;' D. R. Shambrook, Vice President; Roland Agee, Vice President. ' ' ' ' -" 'i - i'i - i - fi - r - i - i IT'S SOME CAR THE v "D-40" Mitchell Six Let Us Show You J. F. Barker $ Co. Roseburg . Oregon Owner FISHER'S - i i-i-i 1 i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i i-i-i-r-i-i-i-r-innnnn.n.iuC Opposite Kidd's Grocery "11