1 TBK EVENING NEWS, WtWXKBDAV. MARCH 13, Now is a Good Time to Look After Your Needs -For- Spring House Cleaning While Assortments are Complete Just received a large shipment of Draperies and Curtain ma terials, including plain and bordered Berlins and marquisette In either white, croum or ecru, , . White dotted Swiss. Figured Madras lit a variety of colors. Corded Rep In eltlior brown, green or mulberry. Drapery silk In cither brown, green, blue or rose. Cretonnes in a large assortment of patterns and colors, suitable for curtains, cushions, bags, etc - PRICES TO SUIT ALL A. J. Lilburn & Son COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Larson, who linve resided west of the city for n number of years, left for Portland this morning, where they expect to remain Indefinitely. Mr. Larson, who Is an experienced foundryman, will work in thnt capacity, and In this way help the government, as every available skilled man Is needed. Conservation Idea Have you considered the hel Oil. Stove. By actual test five g for an average family per mo of about 80 cents. First conse conservation Is the saving In w coal, because it is so much cle : ' We have sold the "Jewell" perionce so gained, are wlllln willing to sell under contrac p that can be had from a "Jewell" allons of coal oil will do the cooking nth, If used in a ''Jewell." A cost rvatlon for pocket book. The second ork by use of oil In place of wood or. aner, and so very much quicker. for a number of years, and from ex- g to guarantee satisfaction. Also are t or partial payment. Get one now when fuel p lie is growing less so rapidly, will need It for hot weather any way. You Churchill Hard ware Co. -P. S. Tea, thoro has been a small advance over 1917 prices, but ' not nearly as much as there has been In price of wood and coal. ' A Few Words About Those New Spring Styles For real class, "for pop with capital P," come and take a look at our now spring stylos, EASTER conios early this year, you know Mm-ch 81 so we're . . early too, with our spring layout. We wish to call your attontlon to six new styles of Brown Walking Shoes Let lis fit you as yon should bo lit toil, at a price you will call very reasonable. SEE OUR WINDOW. ROSEBURG BOOTERIE I ' She 1RVIN HRUN.V Shoes That Satisfy. Perkins Rulldinir, Cass St MAJESTIC ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW Matinee Every Day, 2 to 5 Evenings,7:15-10:45,20c10c TODAY O.SU DAY ONLY. William S. Hart in TheColdDeck The action of "The Cold Deck" Is laid In "Hellangone" a western mining camp, In tho early days, whoro the cards wore stacked to meet a man's gumeness and a fortnno made or lost on the turn of . a card. The story concerns "On tho Level Leigh." a man's man, straight shooting, hard hitting and Coralle, whom mon loved to their utmost harm, A story that hns thrills from start to finish, FORD WEEKLY Takes you a trip to the Hawaiian Islands. ' "LUKE'S WILD WOMEN" A two part Lonesome Luke Comedy thnt Is a sure laugh producer. "The Cold Deck," and "Luke's Wild Women," will be repeated again tomorrow. Come early so you can get a soat. Children 10c- ADMISSION Adults 20c Thursday Herbert ltinvllnsoii (The hero of "Come Through") In a melodramatic, romantlo comedy drama TIIR IIHJH SIGN. Friday Frnuklyn Farnuni in "Tho Winged Mystory." Saturday Kinniy Wclilen In "The Outsider." Oomiiut Next Tuesday and Wednesday, March 10 nnd 20 J. Warren Korrtiran in "Tho Turn of n Cnrd." Live-wire Doings of City No. 14 Dolayod. Train No. 14 was delayed one hour yesterday, Ave miles east of Albany,' caused by a pair of tender truck wheels getting off the rods. Fixing Track Near Divide.. The Southern Pacific Company has a gang of 65 men raising and ballasting the track with crushed rock between Comstock and Divide. It Is thought that the entire sum mer will be required to finish the work. This locality is where the big overhead crossing will be built some time in the early suuuner. Mental Oulturo Club Moots, ; The Mental Culture olub ladles assembled at the Parish house yes- teroay arternoon- ana a most Inter esting program was enjoyed. Includ ed In the features was an Informal talk on parliamentary law by Geo, Neuner, Jr. Mrs. Geo. Neuner read the history of Oregon from the Oregon Blue Book and Mrs. O. P Coshow read of the public Institu tions of Oregon from the Blue Book. The session was largely attended and every moment was declared to have been most Instructive. , Soldier Wlilte Improving. Levi White, Jr., who entered a hos pital three weeks ago at San Fran cisco to undergo an operation for an- pendicltls, is reported as having al most runy recovered and will return to Fort Stevens at an early date to rssume his duties. Young White Is a member ot the loth company and before his UlnesB was company cook for the boys at the fort. He writeB that he is getting along fine and Is anxious to get back on duty at the earnest possible date. . Passes Through City. Frank Tichenor, deputy United States marshal, passed through this city tnis atternoon enroute from Grants Pass to Pbrtland. Mr. "Tiche nor had with him three slackers, two ot wnom were rrom Grants Pass and the other from Jacksonville. He states at the time of finding, them they were In the most desolate rmrt of the country, and it was evident that they were trying to evade army me. Manufacturers H unt Oak Timber. The furniture manufacturers of the northern part of the state are taking a vast amount of Interest in the past , several shipments of Oak timber which have been sent from this county and inquiries have been made of late as to the possibility of securing some of this timber from this section. There is a large de mand for oak, furniture throughout tho country at the present time and no doubt those who have a good bup- piy ot ouk timber on hand may have the opportunity of disposing of it at a good figure. Gravel Co. Awarded Contract. The Travis-Baker Gravel nlant has been awarded the contract of sup plying me county with 7.000 cubic yards of gravel for the highway through Pass creek canyon. Because of the fact that a possible -shortage of cars may ensue during the sum mer the gravel Is being shipped from the plant nt the present time at the rate of 250 yards per ' day. Upon reaching the canyon the gravel will ne piled up until ready for use in the Bpring when road work will be gin. ' Michigan Orator to Spoak. Dr. George W. Morrow, the fam ous Michigan orator and lecturer who has twice crossed the continent in recent years, speaking on behalf of nationnl prohibition for the Anti Saloon League of America will speak at the First Methodist church in this city on Sunday, March 17 at 7:30 . m., his subject being "Over the Top for n Dry America." Wherever lie goes ho carries a message born of wldo experience nnd observation and ho delivers it in a manner which con vlnces tho judgment of his hearers and arouses them to action. A large attendance Is expected at this Im portant lecture. Meeting; at Garden Valley. The federal food administration representative. Kiss Corbett. Is to hold un Important mooting in Gar den Valley next Thursday afternoon. March 14, at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Jack Pnrrott. This meeting will be at the time of .tho regular meeting of tho Garden Valley Wo man's club, but Miss Corbett wishes it understood that this meeting 1b for every woman in the valley. It Is a community matter that she wishes to bring up and not simply a matter concerning the woman's club. It is of the utmost Importance that every woman be present. J. C. Signer Honrs Front Son. J. C. Slgnor, local agent for the Maxwell automobile states this morning that he recently received a conuminlcntldu from his son, W. C. Slgnor who Is a mombor of an nero squadron, stationed "somewhere In Texas." The latter, who has been very 111 In a post hospital lor some time, declared that ho was again able to take up his army duties nnd was leaving soon for Pittsburg with a detachment to attend the Cnrnogle institute or Technology. Aftor at tending the Bchool the young man stated that he was not aware ot his next move. IIowovor, It was thought luai r ranee, would be his destlna .tion. . r.;; . . i ' ' - --i,-,-mruiju e CITY NEWS .0 Varioty is the spice or life. Eat at the Roseburg Cafeteria. tf R. A. Hercher was In the elty to day from his homo. at Dillard, .., Mrs. Fannie Wltte Is In the city today from Elkheud, to Bpend a few hour with friends. - . -Dick llPnil'unH Pai-nr Cianlati nf the Camas Valley section, were hob nohhin? wlth'Rn.aii,i-aa.. (..i... Harry Rice, candidate for county commissioner, arrived in tho city thiB afternoon from Myrtle Creek. ... L. M. White, who spent the morn ing in this city attending to business matters returned to his borne in Oak land thlR flftACnnnn .. .. Ted Arzuer arrived in this city this afternoon from his home In Kid rde. He spent the day here with inenus. ... - B. B. Perrlne left on this after noon's trnlti fnr Vnnoalln nhan, hn will remain for a few days transact ing ousiness matters. . Phil Harth left this afternoon after spending a few days Jn this city with with his parents. 'Mr. Harth is working at Rice Hill at present. W. L. Moore left this afternoon for Drain where he will spend a week attending to business matters, per taining to his farm In that vicinity. Mrs. O. C. Coffin who haB been in this city for the past few weeks visit ing, returned to her home In Dallas this afternoon. During her stay here she was the guest of Mrs. V. M. Per ry, of this city. Chicken dinner served every Sun- rtftv nt thA f.tma Clam Sheridan street. Oyster cocktails and' name maao chill concarne served at all times. Open day and night. Best service and all home cooked. . tf SPEAKERS ARE SELECTED. The following speakers have been selected for Douglas county, during the third liberty loan drive: Dexter Rice, B. L. Eddy, O. P. Coshow, Rev. J. C. Spencer, Geo. Neuner, Jr., Rev. E. W. Warrington. These gentlemen have very graci ously offered their sorvices to the committee, and will conduct a cam paign of publicity throughout the county, presenting the vital import ance of . this drive, and appealing to the patriotic citizens to get buck of our government in this hour of need. . J. O. WATSON, Chairman Executive Board JAMES FLETCHER WRITES. Word was received in this city to day by friends of James Fletcher, who recently left with the ambulance drivers corps, stilting that he and Ills companions, several - of whom are Roseburg boys, were delayed In Los Angeles for a few hours. During their stay there, the boys, to create excitement, hired an auto truck and took in the Bights of that city. Mr. Fletcher, prior to the time of his de .parture from here was associated with a local publication, and is now on his way to Fort San Antonio. WILL LOCATE IN PORTLAND. Dale Willis, a well known resi dent of this city, left this aftornoon to make his home in Portland. Mr. Willis Is engineer on the S. P. and will make Ills headquarters in Port land from now on. Mrs. Willis did not make the trip, him today but will Journey from this city Saturday. The many friends regret their departure very much. ; TO MAKE HOME HERE. J. A. Walker and family arrtved hero from Turlock, and will make their permanent residence in tbts city. Mr. Walker and family were residents of this city many years be fore their departure from hi'N1. Their many trlonds are glad to have them back in this community. TODAY'S MM LIST (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, March 12. Gen eral Pershing reports eight killed in action today, one dead from wounds received, six from disease and two severely woundod In notion, Captain Edward Stoller and twenty men were also reported slightly wounded. ACT WAR BY CHINA (By Associated Press.) LONIX)N, ' March 12. Chinese Commander Harbin, of Manchuria today warned' the leader of tlie Bol- shevikl forces In Siberia that any In vasion ot Chinese territory would bo considered nn act of war. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of NEW TODAY. WANTED Ford for team, wagon, harness and piano. Address X NewB office. FOR SALE Ford auto In first class condition. Inquire 611 South Main street. ml6 FOR SALE -Homestead relinquish ment nf one hundred nnrii ton ani-an on line ot Pacific highway one nine irom gooa town. Especially adapted for goats. For particu lars address W. Moore. Elkhend, Oregon. NINE GENERALS ARE . UNFIT FOR SERVICE (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, March 12. The war department announces that eight major generals and one brigadier general were relived from their com mands today. The officers - were found unfit for oversea service, but were assigned to duty In the United States. . . . i - . . Mrs. Anna Boyd, of West Rose burg is at Seattle visiting with her daughter, who 1b reports. quit) ill. 3W. Are you near sighted? Are you far sighted? Are you nervous? r ; Do you have headaches? . ' Do your eyes blur? j If so, come to us, as Registered OptometrlstB, ror an examination of the eyes and Glasses which will SURELY RELIEVE your trouble. Why hot be helped to-day? .- BUBAR BROS. Jeweljrs & Optometry' ta.. JACKSON STREET. We wish to announce that we have moved our Granite and Marble Works to 503 N. Jackson Street, and are prepared to furnish any thing in our line at a reasonable price. We use only the best Barro Granite in our Monumental work, and Vermont Marble in our head stones. We also do all kinds of Cemetery work. We Invue you td call and see us. '.!;. Yours for Business, ' Peoples Marble & Granite Works W. E. Marstcrs, proprietor, 502 N. Jackson Street. - or ' ' '. - C. W. Young "& Son, 116 Cass St. Roseburg, Oregon. COMPANY ATTENTION Berkshire Hog Feed, Holsteln Dairy Feed, Albers Molasses Feed. The best feed for the best money. Bran, Shorts, Rolled Barley, Red Clover Seed. ; Seed Potatoes, per 100 lbs $2.00 First Grade Onion sets, lb .13 Second Grade Oulon Sets, lb.: .00 All kinds- of . garden seeds, scratch food, chick food, egg maker, lice killer, Kow-Kure, stock food, etc. Two good horses, hacks, buggies, etc. Fresh cow and calf. Large cow, fresh soon. WANTED, air kinds of second hand goods. I Buy sell and ex change anything. J. M.JUDD FEED, SEED & SEC. HAND STORE --. 122 I -ASS ST. . Rawleigh Products FOR SALE BY-J. O. VINCENT. 349 W. Second Avenue North. Phone 122-It. Fire and Auto Insurance Protect yourself from loss ; with one of our properly written insur ance policies. , ... 6. W. YOUNG & SON, INSURANCE 110 Cass Street Roseburg, Ore. HE A I, KSTATR City and Farm Property, Winches ter Bay and Westlnke Town Lots UMWS Kl'llSK. 122 West Oak Street - . 8TOP AT THE " GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET . ROSEBURG HABITS THAT LAST Habits that are formed early in youth are usually last , ing. . It Is your duty to see that your children form -habits of thrift now. 'Later on they will thank you for your interest In their behalf. An account with us i gives the right ..incentive to save. The Roseburg National Bank Roseburg, Ore .- $33 NEW VIKING SEPARATOR - AT THE '. DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY - SHOE ECONOMY Have worn shoes repaired by re liable workman. Prices right. W. S. HOWA8JW2J Oak street, west ot Hotel llmpqiia. BROCCOLI CRATES We are turning them out at the rate of 2000 . per day - All crates labeled if so . . desired : THE J. C. FLO OK CO. Take Your Easter Bath ' In ' a handsome'"new tub -which ' we are prepared to mt in - at once. - You cannot make your self or your family any gift that . will provide more constant pleas ure and be of greater benefit than one of our beautiful, sanitary tubs. The expense will not be great. Not nearly as great as the benefit and - enjoyment the tub will Insure. , Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. ' PHONE 151. Buys a Silk and Cotton Poplin Dress Made in the Latest Style Don't Miss These Splendid Bargains AH the Latest Shades YOU BUY IT HERE FORJjESS Incorporated Electricity Saves Fuel, Food, Labor . There is every domestic reason in favor' of ELECTRIC COOKING better food, greater cleanliness, less work, and more comfort, no ashes, no smoke, no dust. . Douglas County Light and Water Co. Antlers Theatre TONIGHT QLY 7:15 AND 0:00. Admission 10c nnd 15c J. BARNEY SHERRY IN "FANATICS" ht?i. h. h. Cha,r,m?' intoxicatel by her beauty and m! h?, i Y '! selfishness, Robert Lathrop had wrecked his business to satisfy every whim of beautiful Lola Monroe. SCREEN MAGAZINE - Art, Science, News. THEIR STRAYING FEET. ' uome comedy. , Tomorrow and Friday Scssno Hayakawa In "The Secret Game" A great mystery story that will give you that er eeylinHnd make you grip your seat good and -tight 8 . S.i"V,IPd,,,,tractlon VrMV ly. Vaudeville. 'TANGO AND BE." the bear with the Unman bralng. speaks, stag, and roller Vil&tZ ' S- Hart picture