FOUR THE EVENING NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY at, 1018. STATE ENGINEERS Verdict of Guilty! T0HIC "IS LEN8v M , y V LENS Tried in 1917 by an Impartial Jury of' the public, the unanimous ; , verdict was that our goods Stood the Test Both in Quality Price and Style Our 1918 resolutions are to give better service than ever. And while thanking our legions of patrons for their past business, we trust to merit a continuance of patronage, and to add many new friends to our constantly grpw circle of. purchasers. Out of town people also cordially Invited to visit our store when in the city. . , WISHING YOU ALL) A PROSPER OUS NEW YEAR, i A. J. LILBURN & SON Complete Home Furnishers v Spraying Days Are Here HOW IS YOUR OUTFIT? Remember, we are still handling the "Beanv either hand or power, best of all spray Ipumps ALSO Shut-Offs Nozzles Aluminum Rods Iron Rods Connections Ys Reducers Hose In fact we can fit you out from top to bottom Churchill Hardware Co. MAJESTIC ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW Matinee Every Day, 2 to 5 Evenings,7:15-10:45,20c-10c Today Your Last Chance to See ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN IN OUR Co-Respondent Why does everybody like the story of The Co-Respondent? Because It's a truly great and sweet love story. Because It's a noble romance of today packed full of today's tremendous temptations, dangers, crisis, thrills, excitoments. Because from the first to last superbly Intense, a live wire play whose eloctrii: tenseness keeps building up uud up and UP till you want to "scream. It's your own fault If you miss this treat "The Girl Of The Hour" Just fifteen minutes of laughter. Adults 20 Cents Children 10 Cents (By Associated Press.) 2 SALEM, Jan. 23 Plans for drain age and Irrigation of the Big Bend Irrigation district, covering over 5000 acres in Malheur county, were approved by the ' state engineers. This project also Includes the re clamation of 9,000 acres adjoining in Idaho. TRUSTY COOK FtlES THE PEN BY NIGHT (By Associated Press.) - SALEM, Jan. 23. Perrlll' Pope, trusty and cook In Warden Mur phy's home, took his leave of the nenltentl ufc from 'Multnomah county for ob taining money unaer raise pretenses I SPRAYING I TOMORROW Mary Miles Minter in "Annie for Spite" Live-wire Doings of City Team to Go South. The Roseburg'high school basket ball teams leave soon for southern Jregon where they will paf ttcipate in several games with Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass, and if past per formances count the old R. H. S will come back with their share of the laurels. Bh-tiulay Party Held. Saturday evening the R. A. E, club very pleasantly surprised Mrs Henry Worthlngton at her- home on East Lane street, the occasion being in honor of Mrs. Worthington's birthday. An oldVfashioned taffy pull, social converse and other en tertaining features made the occas ion a very pleasant one for all pres ent. Ixxlgo Presents Gift. A beautiful wedding gift was pre sented to Mrs. Gerard Pearce (nee Nannie Rose) by Oregon. Rose lodge B. of L,. F. E., of which she is member. Her smiles of apprecia tion proved she was both surprised and pleased. The best wishes of the entire lodge are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Pearce for a happy and prosperous wedded life. Highway Engineers Here. ' District Highway Engineer Mc Leod and Resident Engineer Pratt the latter supervising engineer of the construction; work now under way in units Nos. 2 and 3, in .the northern part of the county were in the city today conferring with mem bers of the county court. Both men left late this afternoon for points north on orticlal business. Expect Sons Home. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gage are ex pecting their sons, Gordon and Wal- don, home from Mare Island on a furlough. Waldon Gage will be granted a furlough to have dental work done and application for his brother has been placed and will probably be arranged'. They enlist ed in the navy from the Marshfield office a few months ago. Coos Bay rimes. Visits Schools. County School Sunerintendenl O. C. Brown, who accompanied Miss Alice Joyce in her recent vlatfa tn the schools at Oakland, Sutherlin, Wilbur and other points in the north ern part or the county, returned to this city last night. According to Mr. Brown, live industrial rlnh" nr. ganizatlons were perfected in the schools visited and the pupils seem very enthusiastic along these lines. Miss Joyce will SDeak at Ynnnnlln to night and tomorrow night at Drain. & CITY NEWS 0 Get tamales at the Pollyanna. tf George Cole arrived in this rltv this afternoon from Myrtle Creek. For the best hot calces nml rnffen try the Cafeteria. j24 S. R. Brisbin was in thn nitv tn. day from Looking Glass on business. Seven good numbers on the pro gram at the Liberty theatre Satur- uiy nignt. . tf Miles Agee. of St business visitor in the citv. Mr. Agee is a guest at the ITmpqna ho tel, i No reserve seats at the homo tal ent show Saturday night; 25c ad mission, tf ifi (i nil trm 1 ? yrt i . T 1 .iu mia. . rj. ot. juun, oi are in the city for the next few days and' are 8tODDinZ nt the TTiunnna Mr. St. John is) attending county court. Woman's Home Com Week, 1 year $2.00. Single copyf u "flino jvui uiuom wnn Alden Harness, fiction Library, and IUUB BttVQ f ffj Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Tavlor. nf m berta, Canada, arrived last and are spending a few days in f his vicinity looking over the country for uie purpose or deciding on a new ln. caiion. A, M. McGee. of Everett. -Bir, ho has been in this section lnnbin the county over with a view; of locat ing, left today for his home. He may decide to return and locate perman ently, . Mrs. W.. McDonald left this after noon for Oakland to visit with her parents. . If you enjoy clean vaudeville 'wit ness the Red Cross benefit show Sat urday night. Liberty theatre. tf M. L. Jewew and daughter.' bpal, left for their home at Green station last evening after spending the day in this city. C- H. Meusch and wife have 're turned from Rice creek where they spent the past week visiting with friends. Mrs. O. L. Jones and children left yesterday!-for their home at IDoe creek, after visiting with friends in this city. . ( There is a lot of jazz in' that music that will ibe sung Saturday night at the ... Liberty theatre. Don't miss it. v .tf Mrs. M. S. Ryan, of Rlddlewho has been a house guest at the Geo. Quine residence, left for her .home yesterday. .. Mrs. A. J. McCulloch and daugh ter, Miss Mabel,, left this afternoon for Portland where they will enjoy a visit for the next ten days. Mrs. Grafton Worthlngton arrived in the city this afternoon frojn Myr tle Creek to visit at the-home of her son, Henry, and family. : , : , Mrs. Amos O. Buker left Tuesday evening for Perdue after spending the past few days in this city, look ing after business matters.' ,,-.. FOR. COUNUY COMMISSIONER, v - . y I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county pommlsssloner of (Douglas fcounty, subject to the approval of the voters of the county at the primary elec tion, May 17, '1918. Myrtle Creek, Ore. Pd adv. h. P. RICE. Note the "fcurve" in the TORIC LENSE above! It is shaped: like the eyeball, gives a wide range of vision, and the edge of the Lens is not seen by the eye when looking up or down as through flat lenses. . Have your Glasses made TORIC by BUBAR BROS Jewelars & Optometries. JACKSON STREET. l Home talent vaudeville Saturday night, 'begins promptly at 8 o'clock. Only 25c. tf NEW TODAY. PO.R SALE 5 year old Jersey cow, coming fresh February 1. Phone 162-L. MONEY TO LOAN Any amount on easiest terms. Improved Roseburg property only. How much do you want? John H. Hartog, 213 Board of Trade, Portland, Ore. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce ;myBelf as can didate for county commissioner for Douglas cpunty subject to the will of the republican vorersat the primary election, JMay 17, 1918. .. Myrtle. Creek, Oregqn. ED. WEAVER. .'' fv-'"'.vPd ad. Don't, forget the place. ', Hhe Lib erty theatre, Saturday .evening.' Lots of comedy. .-. tf FOIR RJEJNT Flat, furnished or un furnished. Also . housekeeping rooms, furnished. Close in and desirable. Inquire 124 West Doug las street, 1 to 5 p. m. WANTED The Evening News wants a good, steady bey over 18 years to work in the mechanical depart ment. Steady position with good chance3 for advancement to the right party. TO TRADE For sheep or goats, a large Gambrinus brewery barrel truck with 3 inch pipe bed. Just the thing for hauling ties, lumber or wood. As good as new, heavy springs, either two or four horse hitch. Wm. Kletzer, Yoncalla Oregon. WAINTED Men foresaw mills and - logging camps..: Mills and camps will operate throughout the win - ter. Steady work., Good condl tions. For full particulars write Weed Lumber ' Company, Weed, Calif. J Hostess House of thp.Y. WvC A. at Camp Lewis, American Lake, Wash BIG DRIVE IS ON. SEATTLE,. . Jan. . 22. Tlhis is a week of women's service for women throughout the Pacific northwest. In every city and towtt of Washington. Oregon, Idaho and Montana they are conducting a big drive to raise this section's share of the $4,000,000 i fund required by the national war work council of the Young Women's1 Christian Association to strengthen and holdi strong America's and Eu rope's second line of defense the girls and women who are either en gaged in war activities or . are affect ed by the struggle. The S4, 000,000 will be spent for hostess houses, in and near army camps, fifty of which are either al ready built or contracted for, where wives, mothers, sisters and friends may meet their soldlej and where the latter may find a bit of home .within the cantonment; for emergen cy housing of girls employed in war and unaccustomed industries; for work among the helpless and war worn munitions workers of Europe and the heroic nurses in the base hospitals; for directing the patriotic impulses of girls through club work, recreation and other activities; for building up patriotism and an under standing of war issues among non English speaking ' women and in general to keep the moral standards of our nation and allied nations steady, as well as to build up the morale or tue American army. i i i -- - -- -- -- - - - - , "'M'-wyjvifwvwTnqj BOOTERIE'S MID-SEASON CLEANUP SHOE SALE Odd Pairs at Odd Prices A New Stock for a New Season ' Sale Now Going On ; ROSEBURG B00TERIE IRVIN IUtUNN Shoe That Satisfy. PerfcUm Ruildlne. Ohm St. DON'T LAUGH At the snow-bound East. The shivers may run up your back, next winter. Plan for it by planning now to build a good warm house with KENNY QUALITY DOUGLAS FIR Start Your Surplus Cash Working Do not delay putting your money 'to work Interest is a powerful factor for in creasing your funds and every day counts. Start right now by starting an account with The Bosi?bur5 National BdriR Rosebur,Ore I Ladies Skirts ! Good Quality Black or Blue Serges. $3.25 to $4.98 Black Silk Messaline Skirts at $4.98 Fine French Serges -$5.50 YARD WIDE SILKS New Silks and Satins are Now Arriving Call and See Them You Buy it Here for Less GOLDEN RULE ST-OBE. ANTLERS THEATRE TON IGHT ONIr Admission 10c and 15c. ALMA REUBENS AND CHARLES GUNN IN The Fi renv of Tough Luck Firefly was a dancing girl in a lawless land, but her love flamed constantly true. ' SCREEN MAGAZINE Educational. HIS BUSY 1)AV. A Good; Comedy. COMING SATURDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT Charlie i lhapl in IN The Floorwalker Also "Cassidy," a five-reel, Tri angle Production. Swi?2??y SPFCTAT Friday Matinee2:15 -THURSDAY Of JCAltL m&ht 7-1K nnri q-ik HALL CAIN'S GREATEST NOVEL "The Manx-Man" ft ?KL 11'00.0 People Appear o BIG rtvia in une scene J ACTS Hall Cain Himself Assisted in Making "THE MANX-MAN" into a Pjcture A Sensational Success Adults 20c BARGAIN PRICES Children 10c Coming Monday mid Tuesday Billle Burke in "The Mysterious Mis. Terry."