The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 15, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Waists & Blouses
Beautiful new. styles , in Crepe de
Chine, Georgette Crepe, Silk, Satin
and Voil. All sizes. Prices range
$1.00 UP TO $15.00
QUALITY -. . , . .
Silk Petticoats
Colors Navy, Brown, Grey, Purple,
Plum, French Blue, Green, Change
able and white
$4.50 UP TO $8.50
Brand new shipment just In. All
colors and sizes A nice line of ex
tra size skirtsalso. Splendid fitting
and all wool. Prices range
$1.50 UP TO $18.00-
House Robes
Delicate and dainty patterns in
Rose, Copen Scarlet and Blue.
$1.50 UP TO $7.'5b
Rain Coats
Come in dark and light colors, for
Ladles and Misses. Most all with hats,
of same material to match.
$2.50 UP TO $14.00
Dresses & Frocks
A new shipment received last week,
consitsing of the latest and most ad1
vanced styles. Bustle effect, round
necks, etc. Satins, Taffetas, Crepe
de Chine, Botany Serges and Com
bination. The styles and trimmings
are unique and exquisite.
$12.00 UP TO $40.00
In Silk" Crepe de Chine and Japanese
Crepe, Beautifully embroidered. A
large' variety of colors and designs
to select from.
- $2-00 UP TO- $14.00
A wonderful showing of arlstocratlo
sweaters in all wool and pure wor
sted yarns.- A long range of all the
desirable shades' and styles. Priced
according to weight and quality; Al
ways serviceable the year around.
$4.50 UP TO $15.00
Pure linen, plain with narrow hem,
embroidered and' initialed, boxed or
Look over these splendid offerings, then step in and make your shopping
easy. Any one of these items will be appreciated by wife, mother, sister
or H-HER.
H: LADIES: - 'v .
Come In, look these things over and then Hooverize this year by buying
something useful.
Ready to
For Use, Beauty and Comfort.
An Exclusive
Ladies' Shop
Quality Corsets
They have a reputation all over the
United States as the most comfort
able, durable and form moulding cor
sets made. A range' of models to fit
any figure. ;
$1.00 UP TO $8.50
Black, white, blue, pink, champagne
taupe, pearl grey, military grey,
ivory, fawn . and brown. . The Bilk
hose come in both full fashioned and
seamless. The lisle and cotton in
seamless only. A'll sizes. Price
.15 CKNTS UP TO $2.00
Hair Ornaments
In 'the latest vogue, heavy shells-in
new designs, highly polished Italian
Casque set with Brazilian diamonds,
Crescent' combs, forward combs.
Some enambeled and set with hand
bead work. A very popular style. ,
15 CENTS UP TO $6.50 N
QUALITY . '-- '-:
Dozens of different shapes and ma
terials In flat and stock styles dain
tily trimmed,
35 CENTS UP TO $3.00
once very common, now very uncom
monilk Gloves, the very best Julius
Kaysers (no relative to Bill the Kai
ser). Nearly all colors and sizes,
wool gloves and Jersey gloves.
What gifVmore useful or appropri
ate? Beautiful handles with good
strong . frames and durable tops of
silk, linen or cotton mixed. Some
have the new Baccolite trimming. .
$1.00 UP TO $10.00
QUALITY f. v. -A: , . v
Hand Bags and Purses
Kameses' trimmed, pin seal, patent
grain, and pleated, calf. Some leath
er lined and some1 silk lined. Prices
range ' '
75 OEM'S UP TO $5.50
Fine snow white nainsook and long
cloth. . Finely finished and daintily
embroidered by genuine hand work.
Silk underwoar comes in white or
pink, pure Jersey glove silk. ,
75 CENTS UP TO $5.00
On a large Stock of Winter Underwear
5-' -, --
And Will Continue Until
Save on Your Christ
mas Shopping
Every thing on Sale
Nothing . Reserved
Come While the Assort
ments Are Still Complete
Best tamales at The Pollyanna. tf
Miss Esther Stearns returned to
her home at Oakland after spending
the morning in this city shopping.
Pollyanna tamales are 'jusi the
I thing to help Uncle Sam save meat
and wheat. ; u
W. G. Miller left'last evening for
Diliard where he will spend? several
days attending to business affairs.
Do it now. iut on that new roof
before it rains. . Shingles $3 and
3.50. Phone. 242. Page Invest
ment Co. tf
A Bosworth returned to Diliard
yesterday after spending the day in
this city attending to business mat
ters. ' ' "
Have your duds cleaned ana press
ed by Sloper, the cleaner and pressor.
All work promptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed. tf
; Miss Alvira Lewis left Friday ev
ening for Diliard where she will
spend the , week end visiting with
relatives. .
Mrs. H. G. Gross left this morn
ing for her home .at Canyonville aft
er spending several days in this city
visiting with friends.
Mrs. N. Hendricks returned to this
city Friday evening from Drain where
shehas been spending a number of
weeks visiting with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hart, of Marsha
field, left this morning for Grants
Pass after spending Friday In this
city visiting with friends.
Mr. and' Mrs. C. P. Hackett return
er! last evening irom raugene wnere
they have been spending several
days vfsiting with relatives.
We will prosecute persons gather-
I ing mistletoe and cutting evergreens
I on our property in Edenbower. Mrs.
E. M. Moore, Lillie L. Moore. d24
Mrs. M. T. river returned to her
I home at Myrtle Creek last evening
after snendlner the afternoon in this
city shopping and visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Creed Chenoweth, of
Oakland, are spending the day In this
city attending to business matters.
They Will return home .this even
A car load of flo.ur, feed, bran,
shorts, rolled barley, etc., just receiv
ed. Get our prices before -buying.
J. M. Judd, 122 Cass.street, or at
Empire barn. '.""' tf
Miss lona Riebel will arrive in
Roseburg tomorrow , from Portland
where she has been spending the
winter. Miss Riebel will spend1 the
Christmas holidays in this city.
Merl Payne passed through this
city this morning enroute to Goat
Island having enlisted in the navy.
Mr. Payne formerly lived In this city
and ha9 a number of friends md ac
quaintances in this vicinity."
' The annual meeting of the Doug
las County Taxpayers' League will
be held at 10 a. m. Thursday, "De
cember 20, at the Douglas county
court house. This date is set by the
county court to discuss the budget of
proposed expenditudes for 1918. dl9
The Umpqua club and bowling al
ley is now open to the public under
new management. Ladies are espe
cially invited to make the club rooms
their headquarters, and enjoy the
healthful and fascinating exercise of
bowling. W. H. Bentley, prop. tf
Get tamales at the Pollyanna. tf
. Gurdon Fory, the well known vocal
instructor of this city, left this morn
ing for Sutherlin where he has a
vocal class.
' : C. F. Brannigan returned to his
homo at Diliard after spending Fri
day in this city attending to busi
ness matters.
iur, and Mrs C. 0. Thomas and
son left this morning for Riddle.
During their stay in Riddle they will
visit with friends.. .
The two navy recruiting officers
who have been in this city for the
past few uays left this morning for
Eugene and! Portland.
Mrs. Inez Miller arrived this morn
ing from Wilbur to attend the
school mistress meeting which was
held in this city today.
Mrs. I. Llldee, of'- Sutherlin Is
spending the day in this city. Mrs.
Kildee will attend the school mis
tress meeting while In Roseburg.
Floyd Frear, assistant county en
gineer, left this morning for Yon-
caila to survey out a road in that
vicinity. Mr. Frear will return this
Mr. and) Mrs. C. C. Miller, of Le
ona, arrived in this city this morn
ing to spend the day in Roseburg at
tending to business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Peters departed
last evening for. San Francisco where
they Intend residing permanently.
Mr. Peters was employed at the
Portland cemept quarry during his
residence in this city.
John Ashworth arrived in this city
this morning from Fort Stevens. Mr.
Ashw.ofth has been enlisted in the
medical corps since July. He will
spend the next ten. days in this city
enjoying a furlough. -
Bishop Sumner arrived this morn
ing from Portland. Bishop Sumner
will officiate at the Clarke-Hamilton
nuptials which will take place, this
evening at the Hamilton residence on
Lane street. "
MI'S. P. E. Latighlin, of this city,
left this morning for Junction City
to visit with her parents during the
holidays.- Mrs. Laughlin expects, to
remain in Junction City for aOeast
a month.
Forest Supervisor S. C. Bartrum
and! C. H. Flory, assistant state for
ester, who have been In this city for
the past few days looking after busi
ness matters,, left this morning for
Eugene. Mr. Bartrum will return
early next week. .
Mr. and Mrs. William; Hargreaves
and children, of Melrose, left this
morning for, Portland to visit with
relatives during the holidays. Mrs.
Hargreaves will remain in the me
tropolis while her husband will .re
turn to pack their household goods
for shipment, and it is likely that
they will take up their residence
there permanently. ,
' F
A masquerade ball will be given
at Looking class hall, Thursday,. De
cember 20. Everyone Invited. Ott's
orchestra. A good time assured.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lilburn enter
tained last evening at a party at thd
A. J. Lilburn home in 'honor of
Frank Clemens,, who will leave Mon
day evening for Portland, having en
listed In the navy. Dancing was fea
tured! and during the latter part of
the .evening an Impromptu musical
program was enjoyed. Mr. Clemens
was presented with a soldier's com
fort kit by the guests, Miss Allie
Black and Miss Cora; Ueland giving a
charming presentation speech. Among
the guests who were present were
Misses Allie Black, Anna and Mabel
Bryan, Hattiebelle Hackett, Bess
Wharton, 'Ethel Tooze, Cora Camp-'
belli, Genevieve Skinner, Cora and
Alice Ueland, Phillis Tisdale, Messrs.
Frank Clemens, Fred Hamilton, Joe
Murphy, Gene Parrott, Lyman Skin
ner, Walter Fisher, Fred Hruby, and
the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs
Frank Lilburn.
- 4
444444444 4 4444444
Methodist church 3 and 7:30 4
,p. m., Sunday. Dr. W. T. Fos- j4
ter, president Reed College, will !
speak on the war and the Red ,4
Cross. Good music. Everybody 4
Invited. .
M. E. Church South.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; preach
ing, 11a. m., subject, "Awake Thou
That Sleepest"; Epworth League
fi-an r m.. At 7-3(1 n. m. the con
gregation will join other churches
In a union service at met m. j&
church. . ' v
You Can Make No Mistake
In Selecting Your
Jewelry Here
Charm in design, delicacy In workmanship, . .
' enduring qualities these are the things wa
have achieved in our labors with gold, silver
, . and precious stones. Our materials and our ,
gems ore carefully selected from the test
markets of the entire world. We offer' you
. here nothing that is not of known sound .
,. . value nothing but what we know you will
be glad you have bought. . '
This is best shown you by our recommen- '.
' dati'on of W-W-W Rings. We chose these
, rings only after we had satisfied ourselves
that they were in strict accord with our
policy of offering our patrons only mer
chandise that was the utmost in quality,
design and workmanship.
Each one of these, rings is of great beauty
and artistic merit,'yet inexpensive. You con
find among them rings suitable for the most
important gifts, or for personal use which
will not tax your purse. '
- -. . These rings are unique in that each one car-1
ries with it an absolute guarantee against
. Joss or cracking of the setting.
A. S. Huey Company
Roseburg's Leading Jewelers .'.
Firat Methodist Episcopal.
Rev. J. C. Spencer, pastor. Bible
school, 9:45 a. m.; morning service
11 o'clock, dedication of service flag
and sermon, "The Revelation of God
in Christ." Evening service in union
with all churches of town to hear
dx. W. T. Foster on the Red Cross.
Mrs. Henry Barge! of Sutherlin, is
spending the day in this city visit
ing with friends.
. M. F. Rice departed today for
Glendale where he will spend the day
attending to business matters.
Baptist ' Churclu .-. I
The Baptist church has no pastor.
Bible school at 9:45, morning wor
ship 11 o'clock, O. P. Coshow will
speak in the morning; B. Y. P. U.
6:30. -iO evening service at the Bap
tist church. This congregation will
unite with the other churches In the
Red Cross meeting at the First Meth
odist church.' ;
St. George's Church.
Main and Cass streets. ' Rev. Barr
G. Lee, vicar. Beginning with Sep
tember, services will foe held as folr
lows: On all Sundays except the
third Sunday In the month 7:30 a.
m. and ,11 a. m.' On the third Sun
day, service at 7:30 p. m. Sunday
school every Sunday at 9:45 a. m.
Everyone is cordially welcome at all
s-rvices. . ' -g .' ::
Presbyterian Church.
E. W. Warrington, pastor. We in
vite you tomorrow. This is an op
portunity to adjust your life with the
Hfo nf fltA . A hiilr will he reserved
for every member of the family at j
9:45 a. m., the Sunday school hour.
At 11 a. m. the pastor will preach
and the choir will sing an anthem-.
Mr. J. E. Willis will lead the En
deavor service at 8 : 3 0 p. m. At 7 : 30
in the evening andi also at 3 o'clock j
In the afternoon we will join with!
the other churches In the service at!
Foster will speak. , ' .
Best tamales at Tne Pollyanna. tf
Low Fares to
For Christmas and New Years
Round-trip tickets on sale December
21st to 23rd and 25th to 28th, in- .
elusive. Return limit January 15th, .
rains a
A fine chance to visit San Francisco,
1os Angeles and the many winter re-'
sorts. . . . . . ,
Reduced) round-trip tickets also on
sale between all points In Oregon and
to all points in Washington and Ida
ho on certain days in December.
Ask nearest S. P. Agent for par-
' ' ticulars.
General Passenger Agent '
Portland, Oregon