KOUB THE EVENING NEWS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1017. of Yourself &TT ? "This, of all years, Is the year tor holographs i-the gifts . . that convey the thought of friendship without Imposing an Phone Us fot Engagement n Till cm tinn Thov a vex In i a f mnnw with nwoaan Mano t Phone 331 will help, without extravagance, to maintain our . cheery Christmas customs. More than ever they will be found in the Christmas morning package and for that friend of yours P, who is sure to receive them, there can be no more fitting gift than a portrait? , . Portrait Studio Children Cry for Fletcher's Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which! has been in use for over over 30 years, has borne, the signature of " and has been made under his per- CLjC&ffljrrfr BOnal supervision since its infancy. Vusf?y. J'CUCSUtZ uov, no one t0 deceive you in thjg, All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger th health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. . What is CASTORIA Casjtoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, ' Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine ncr other narcotic substance. Its ' age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has ' . keen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids t' ) assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. . The Children's Panacea, The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTO R I A ALWAYS fBears the Signs ypaeaxs the Signature of m In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THg CEN TALI W ObMPANV, MKW VOWK CITV. Mrs.. O. ii Henry returned this morning from Portland where she has been spending a number of weeks visiting with friends. Mrs. B, B. 'Gabbert returned to her home, at Glendale yesterday. While in Roseburg Mrs. Gabbert vis ited with friends. THE CASH STORE WE HAVE NO EQUAL! Wh l It c- " to supplying your home with all the delicacies of the cason. Our stock is always fresh and complete in i lines. You will find here choicest of goof-, 1T1d the best of service. m THE CASH STORE - J. B. KING, Proprietor Roseburg, Oregon ROSEBURG TO FEED MORE DRAFTED MEN Information Received Today Says Greater . Number .Will Stop Here. A GOOD RECORD MADE Handling of Last Contingent of Sol diers "Was Carried Out in. a Most Successful Manner -Praise Is Given. . purpose of . commercializing the spoils.'-' - '. .-. v' Both the boys were summoned be for Judge Riddle, on a warrant from the district attorney's office and were allowed to return to Yoncalla after promising that they would appear here Monday morning. The Hamp ton ladi 'will be required! to answer to the juvenile officers owing to the fact that he has not reached the age of maturity. A FRIEND IN NEED "PLEASE PASS THE SUGAR" Not Mr. Hoovers, but ours. That best of all sugar INVERT SUGAR. The kind that is so abundantly supplied in 'all our fruit syrups. The system craves it, and good health demands some of it. Phono 180. ROSEBURG SODA WORKS PROMPT DELIVERY Timely Suggestions The last week before Christmas brings you face to face with a de cision. "What to give?" is a question we can' help you solve. Our stock of 1 v ...-' GIFT GOODS is extensive and prices Suit every pocketbook quality always the dominant feature. Here you will find - Leather Goods Stationery Tobaccos Desk Ornaments Toilet Aids , Cigars . . Safety Razors Perfumes ' Candy -Military Hair Brushes Ivory Toilet Articles and 101 other Articles of Real Utility Nathan Fullerton The Rexall Store Roseburg, Oregon 1 Informal but dependable railroad Information received! today is to the effect that Roseburg will be asked to feed more men during the next troop movement than during the first. 1 The gentleman intimating that this is now expected said that the record mauo here was easily the best on the entire coast line, not only for quickness but for the satisfaction af forded the troops, all of whom seem ed to carry with them a warm recol lection of their reception here. Roseburg being a division point where the cars are watered and iced and engines changed, there is a sav ing of time through also feeding the drafted men here as all the work can be going on at the same time. To distribute the work between two points would1 require an extra stop of considerable length, therefore the probable 'concentration here and the increased business. , At some cities a stop of two hours waB demanded before they would con sent to feed trains. It may be that a desire to obtain trade from the men uuring such an unnocessarily long stop was the reason for the demand. In Roseburg one train carrying 419 men was ready to leave in 65 minutes after arrival' at the depot, andthe longest time required for any train was 70 minutes for 506 men,' who ar rived at 10:30 p. m. ' The following letter from Mr. Fee, S. P. passenger ' traffic manager, shows how this servlce'was appreci ated by the railroad and properly places the credit. ' - Mr. John W. Parker; Sec. Roseburg Commercial Club, Roseburg, Ore. . My dear Mr. Parker: Permit us to express our gratifica tion at the assistance rendered by you In .connection with commissary arrangements for troop trains. The total movement of trains from Southern Pacific territory to Ameri can Lake approximated 25,000 men. Sixty-seven special trains, carrying from 250 to 500 men each, were' util ized in addition to forty-eight move ments of from one to three cars on regular trains. Meals were served ,at 23 different points. if our co-operation' and that of com munities, organizations and individ uals along the line was most helpful and made possible the. handling of this military business on a basis far more satisfactory to the men, as well as to the military authorities and the railway, than would have been possible otherwise. With appreciation of your part in the matter and trusting you will convey our thanks to the members of the Roseburg Commercial club and the iouglas County Red Cross, I am Yours very truly, CHAS. S. FEE. A friend In need is a friend in deed,' and how you can tell is to accommodate ,hlm in time of his need, and then a little later ask him for it back in return. And that is what. I have done Is to give credit to many a man and now I am going to ask them In return to come and pay their bills in full not later than December 25 this month, as that is the time that I need the "mon" to pay my honest Tjills, and all of my friends that will come to this call will be marked "true blue," and & that fail to answer this call will be clased as bums for their friendship is one-sided, and he is liable to take the bankrupt law that his wife may wear $1.75 stockings, - and that is something rotten. Now; kind friends, this call is to you all that owe this man, D. J. Jarvisi and ' we must have It not later than the 25th of the present month. d25 D. J. JARVIS. CLASSIFIED COLUMN BARGAINS Two small ranches for rent. . 70-acre ranch for sale. C. " Merrill, 504 Mill street. LOS'P'-Two red covered Bales books, between N. Jackson street and ,1101 S. Main, Finder leave at News office. TRAP COYOTES If you want to learn of a sure system for trapping coyotes, write me for information. I have it. C. L. Willis, Dlllard, Ore. DUROC PIGS FOR SALE F. L. Calkins, Roseburg, Ore. FOR SALE At bargain, Studebaker , car, good as new. Box 655. d31p : FOR SALE CHEAP Ford bug with special equipment. . Inquire at.: Ford garage. ' -' tf FOR SALE A No. 1 horse, 6 years : .old, weight 1700, dark brown col- or. Address G. W., News office. I FOR SALE 225 feet second hand . -Inch, water pipe. See J. A. j Hewitt, Edenbower, Ore. d21 j " i FOR SALE Good 4-gallon ' Jersey i cow, fresh soon. Easy milker. ' ' Very reasonable if sold now. Ring 31F12. TIRE FILLERS FOR SALE Com ' ' plete set for Ford car. Inquire at . News .office. Does away with ', punctures. tf FOR SALE Few Bourbon Red turkey Toms for breeders. Thoroughbred stock from Iowa. Address Box 71, Dlllard, .Ore. FOR SALE Improved farms from 5 to 200 acres, close to Roseburg, "' phone and rural route. Cash and) terms. A 180 acre diversified farm,' located in the beautiful Mendicino county, Calif., for sale . or trade. Merton Cox, 344 S. Jack son street, Roseburg, Ore. 1 FOR SALE 1 Charter Oak range, hot water connections; 1 cheerful heater, new; 1 motor water wash er; 2 sanitary couches; 1 2-gal. ice cream freezer; 1 velvet couch; 1 kitchen table; 6 oak dining chairs; 6 oak rocking chairs; 1 maple book case; 2 parlor stands;' 4 dressers; 3 commodes; 2 good mattresses; 2 good springs; 1 yVhite sewing machine. 427 E. Douglas street. OFFICERS LEAVE TO E" Assistant State Game Warden Orrin Thompson and! Constable How ard Church left this morning for the vicinity of Yoncalla where they will endeavor to unearth a quantity of deer meat known to be concealed In the vicinity of the cabin occupied by "Buck" Johnson and Harold Hamp ton, at the time they are alleged to have sloughtered a number of deer maliciously and unlawfully for the FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE! PROTECT YOURSELF FROM LOSS WITH ONE OF OUR PROPERLY WRITTEN IN SURANCE POLICIES. I 0. W. Yn & SM 1 16 CASS STREET INSURANCE ; ROSEBURG, OREGON WANTED . WANTED Wood cutters. All win ters' work. Phone 14F14. D. WANTED Laborers and teamsters by Warren Construction Co. camps at Rice Hill and Isadora. d22 WANTED A married man for farm work, house garden spot and pas ture for cow and horse furnished. Apply C. S. Spinning, Sutherlin, ' Oregon. WANTED Postion by a married man with 9 years experience as . foreman on fruit ranch and gen eral farming. Address G. W., News office. WANTED Men to make hewed . ties; 12c, 18c and 25c. Good tie maker can earn from $4.50 to $7.60 dally. See. Brown Bros, at McCord place, Isadora. Pay any time. Oregon Tie and Lumber Co. TIMBER LAND- WANTED In ex change for Roseburg property. Small house, 20 lots, bearing fruit, water, etc. Timber or ranch must be accessible. Or , would accept small stock ranch. : Address Own er, Drawer U. Roseburg. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Nicely furnished' room, or suite of rooms. Inquire 131 Flint. . ' ' ' 1 FOR RENT 5-room furnished house colse in. See G. W. Sloper 308 N. Jackson street. tf FOR RENT 5-room house, on pave ment; suit of nicely furnished 1 housekeeping rooms; ; also barn. Call 128 S. Flint. v. : LOST r-Between Fullerton school and! West Side grocery, couple of the main shaft of Stbddard-Day-ton car. Finder phone 363-Y, or leave at Roseburg garage. $2.50 reward. ' . RURAL CREDIT FARM LOANS ' Plenty of money to loan on devel oped farms.. Low rate of Interest. 20 yr. loans on amortized plan. The only safe loan for the farmer. : Write for our plan. See M. F. Rice, of Rice & Rice. SEVENTH YEAR. ' Elizabeth Eldridge HeinUne SCHOOL OP PIANO Subjects: Piano, Harmony and Theory, Normal Training for ueacners. Also HeinUne Musical Kindergarten. Booklet upon application. 423 Ella St. Phone 33-R MRS. F.D.OWEN Out Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bou - a nets, etc. FOR SALE AT "THE FERN" 111 Cass St. Roseburg, Ore. PHONE 240 , Practical Horticulture, Viticul ture and Floriculture Work done. Landscape views and floral de signs correctly executed. Prun-' ing and vegetation forcing a spe cialty. Rates right and reason able. Address, Louts H. Bergold. Roseburg, Oregon. , DR. K. L. MILLER Physician and Surgeon. . Ground Floor Masonic Building, corner Cass and Main Sts. Phone 132. House 53 Drs. and Seely, , Sether Stewart ' Physicians and Surgeons. ' Suite of offices rear of Douglas V National Bank, ground floor. Phone 307 Roseburg - - - Oregon DR. J. LANE CALLAWAY. Osteopathic Physician. Graduate of the American SchooJ of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo., under founder of the science, Dr. A. T. Still. Rooms 1-2-3 Bell Sisters Bldg. Phone 274. . DR. C.L. PEARSON DENTIST. Office Kohlhagen lildg. DR. S. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon Phones: 217-218 Perkins Bldg. Office 110 Res. 252-L , Roseburg, Ore. ""KPLYrER&PLYLER Licensed Chiropractic Physicians 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore, Consultation and Exam'natlon Free. Office Hours O to 5. Chiropractic and Electric! Treatments. Phone 152. OUR GOVERNMENT YOUR NEEDS Help save all the waste and j use the money for a good cause." j WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES j '. i For all Metal, Rubber, Auto : Tires, Rags, Hides and Grease. ' ' SEE ' ' ; BERGER THE JUNK MAN 400 West Cass St. Roseburg PHONE 182. Join the Red Gross Remember the Boys Who Are Fighting for You. Today! B.W. THE FURNITURE MAN Winter Ve etables arid Seasonable Fruit Phone us your needs, or ask for suggestions. We have a large, fresh : stock at your command. MRS. A. C. KIDD & SON Phone 238 We Guarantee to Please You ' ITS SOME CAR-THE Mitchell Six LET US SHOW YOU ! J. F. Barker & Co. Roseburg , Oregon A Man is What He Feeds On The housewife, looking to the family health, will buy where she can get FRESH, CLEAN GROCERIES. Our Stock is Clean arid Sanitraily Kept and all goods are of the best manufacture. Orders per sonally lookpd after. : 1 'pSSSl 'i Waiter Patterson, Prop. Join the Red Cross today while Humanity Needs do merci ful deeds. For Your Don't overlook our fine showing of use ful and serviceable merchandise. Exclusive Line of Furs, Beautiful Dress Goods Kimonas, Silk Hosiery Dainty Waists in a great variety, and many other gifts that will bring pleasure to the home. The spirit of giving should carry with it a useful and serviceable gift. You can find them here. The Store of Courtesy in