(I BIX THE KVKN1.VO N'ffwa M'Ki.'.VKf.iiA V. NOVKiiitKH 12. IUI7 Your Patronage Appreciated The officers of the Hose! urg National Mank an1 mindful of Its ri.'Mpoiitltil.-v as a hanking institut and it is their constant au.i to : i v the people w V appreciate th" palreaago ol our cu-Join- rs as arinfi tln'in of our best effort h in their hehnlf. 'heck int.' soring them or our le : t cf - f I in Hi.-ir h-l.alT 'lie-kiu:: Account are ollrihd. TheRosebiiig National Bank- Roseburr),Ore. 'HERMAN AGITj CURBtD IN SEATTLE X Arrived at Last We have a complete line for your Christmas selections. Prices you will find to be the lowest. We Save You Money g" 'iirxi -3 U I --.-J n n fl (ItV A soHaf 'I ', SK T I I.E.. In i : f :.m e iei II I mans, Karl '".laiii A K richer, i i ll and i: i: rr.i. an-l a Swiss. 1 I known ;i , "'i.jii l.' l-t '. a- now , li'd ::.( in i '. '1 1 1 n t I'm Mm Inn , j I. !.-. t ' ....I! t, . ..i l-uti An CONGRESS STARTS WAR INVESTIGATIONS I III til: A- ' ' 1 iaed I'n.-.-.s. '-VA.-II I . ! t ! f r I J. r.,;. I :;i ' I ii. 'i u i i mi ii 1 he cotid m i ( .4.j" j "i ii - '.;n vi.is beiiun I.m!;i. Ma- : " ; 1 J ain.v :: i i b. rhfirl of attilh- " I ill III'- J'! i: "! -n ditpaiiMl. j 'WYOMING 108 HANGS TROUBLESOME NEGRO iawj .,.., ,., 5 1(1 M'K SI'if I .MiS. Wvo . Ill -v. I '. i mmmmm mm m i J u u nhien 1 1 Ib-d u-y r o. who j I a: 1 1 .' 1 1 ! on a char !'- ol mob- J " a i iin ,i ii ni ., . in." ii s .iiti In,,,,.,! ,.;... I The 1917 Christmas Spirit TIIK CHItlS'l Alls SPIItIT OF (ll(t has never been so mani fest as thii year, and them haa never been a time when it was so nmch needed. Do you realize how much a small gift means to the hoy at tint from? A military wati'h wiiJi luminous dial, a sate ty razor set, a trench mirror or a locket containing a picture of loved ones at home will do much to brighten the fonely hours ut that Christinaa spent ho far from home And do not forget Mother and the folks at home. Make this a Menv Christmas for them. A piece of Hand Painted China or Cut Class to brighten up the table or some new .Silverware. .Mother will appreciate it, Those who have never given will now rIvc, and thoHe who have always given will give tiio more. BUBAR BROS. Jl-wl'l.'ra & Oitoinctl-1: In. JACKSON STItKKT. Incorporated (.(11,111 111 1. 10 SiMIIl' Mr. Man, Attention Mr. Man, T I I:M I0. uhllt- hi- jiU ..u II i.iin In Ulri ji ilillls ill',- laid fur dial li. lp.-i-.il n.urs, v.nir uilr. Wlij n.. i;ii.' Ili'l- n Iii'Ini- tn lliihliii lhi. Ii.mim' uiii-K. X ll..l.oiiil allium Clwuiir will do niiiiy Miih n- iliii.lu.iy nl II, lin.,.m. anil will imivi- n Miilim 1111 nirp.-U an. I rims ;..s . ll, S'JT .-.ll Mill . all-r a ll Ninili. nl' 1 1 I i 1 ami a siinl,. thai n..ti ...in.- ..II. Il j I,, IHH llll. I'li lrn- i llrri-iil It. Hxi' -.- .,1 lr.-l han, I . anil i-ltaiu'i-s, for J-ad. 'I'li,. aii' ,HI. 'I'licrn nti' nlhrr IIimii., ur , mil' sliu-i', l',,r Invlaiin-. I'.-in.lal- 111 nuu'-i 11 . Mill 1. Churcliill Hardware Co. BOATS ANO EIFE RAFTS FAILED CLEAR WRECK! u asiii.i;t n. 1 . 1 sin . i "is 1.1 tin- !..-,m, i J.icol- .lon..s. n-(-till., .'ill K I) a Ciiiii.iu MiLiuatni" M.iM-il lii.il w lifii III-- weni ijnu II hiiI . 1 a ij .-;n,i il iHi.tl .1 lit! t hi 1 llh- I .1! Is ! ;m.M.-i rl.-ar nl I iy U ! i-cl,. I.M.Isl ME N I n M . .M KIM 'HA NTS ATTKXTIOX. was , tii: ;i National lied Cross head- hi!' ipiaiteiH reiiiests that all uier- (hauls feature the Christinas membership drive by some kind of window display adver- tising. irie begins next Mun- day at noon and lasts through Christmas day. Please get busy and ' iln it now." All this is 'a heart and J. II. ItOOTII. County Chairman V. C. HAltlUNC. Campaign Mgr. The- o B iir.1li-ff.Hi'.a.t.M-Ji;i-t.iill!Ba!Bgg3BS Plays All Records Yet Costs No More Because The Brunswick offers so much more than other fine phonographs, you naturally expect a higher price. Such is not the case. Even though The Brunswick plays all records even though it combines in one superior instrument all the merits of the many, it costs no more in fact, slightly less. Who, in face of such evidence, can buy any phono graph without first hearing The Brunswick? Who wants a lesser instrument? Once vou hj.'ir this remarkable Brunswick, you have a new appreciation of the phonographic art. You'll never want a one-record instrument. The Brunswick's all-record feature brings Bathe artists to your home. Muratore and such famous ones sing exclusively for Palhe. Prices $32.50 to $180 Easy Terms The Brunswiclc-Balke-Collender Company Represented Here By r'S U ltl. .111.1 Hlr ,ii H. l-alri..'-- a . im l:o.-.,-l,urr "! :-M I i:. . liu. ah Tl.-- 11. -I I u 1 1 -Ml All ..,y -1 In mis I in rtii.ui;s. K.K.-lll : r- I..M I. -. Mr in.- .l, .nl 1 i M. I: .. Mil I 1 M 1 1 H! IV. AM.IKSTIC il KS SJIt.lfi. I Thi' Uiral Iti-il Cross rhaiitor ! has I ... i-iv.-il llii. sum ol' $2!l.:ta .huialKitl Ironi tli,, Maji'Stic ( I In-ill i-i' lur iho lii-niTit p.'r- i In! nian.-i- uf lust l-'rhlav. ' ! i PARE FOR BIG DRIVE; I'inal plans nr the lied Cross: due aie being completed this wvek , mi'i 'lie aiiuus city and county1 i oiiiniittt-i s are being thoroughly or- i:,,n;t'i tin the house lo house cam-i t i;n .1 V. Perk ins and his co- J u ir: Iv.-rs in t ho rough I y organ iz''(i i -::id Mr. M eClititork will romplet"1 in . oi ):aniatiun iliis afternoon. s- . I' i Hut lief epe ts to le readv l.l ' ' d;if wiih a stionn organi.a '"ti ri.l a nu'ht ;i I the Pr.mit- A. J. Lilburn & Son, Core J x I II Sff ll fflfflMim u J si, t. .i ewi 'c.'i.T.n !'-inriN I' ' "i:.rit'.iwit til-- . '.i ....... t;?- . "4 I .. I I Iff ! ;,.;!. . !i!f'',rv Iks w ill lt: i: tonk.ii i l - ich. i - A -i i. i.i i urn niei-t in- aid ' Mi.-. U c. I., vin. of tilendale dis- 'iiri i ' -1 1 . 1 1 1.' i s ;i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j i m" i canviss ol We want them. All we can . i 1 1 1 1 1 s ii i i mi ;;u miles aroitti 1 get We are in tin market wimps 7:." ;ipplic.iiiou blaiii s ! sirnnger than ever, then' being i' il' I I" her at nine. Tremendous. absolutely mi limit to the nutn- ii.t.M i b.-itn: tal.eti oei the1 hi r of birds we can handle. i:i the 1 ;inipatt:n and the te- Itrinu- Ibem in to us dry pickt'd. -ill - promise 10 he far more sue- . Tl' LSItA V. IU- 'KM lil .K IM, -Ml than bad 'n n tirsi antici- ii(t later as we must ship out ' ii d A : 'ill mtn: a is assu red 1 of here on the eat ly morning J '"in .ei -.-.-li f the state and : train ot the I'.tth. A ny tu 1 n ys it i:'ii riiat d"iilde the (juota delivered after the ahne d;:te 4! - : 1 1 I'b'd in 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 poition. will tiavp to be sold on the ! I'oirland market ami may nt ; !l.--i. A'biif lb-Id i-dilor ol the bt i ng ,i s rood pri- e 4' l-'.ii'iM'r. iv in the 1 ;t 1 o. :t Cull umr birds at holm be- ! t;. tf-t- .- t;K publu'Lttioii killiiiL'. -.aving all that .1 1 e 1 .' Si : veai- M- 'tdi- was m r;in:e cotiilltmii fur , .' -.!- .1 '. ! Mi the i; 11 1 a 1 Spu it , be- killing ii ii ! it t he Kebnia ry m,i 1 - i 1 '1. Aiiili ell f'i;,( paper when ket It WlM pa V Vtill tn do so. ' 1 :i : ' i!i' n.anaji-ii.eni el tbai loin the Ked Cinw ttt.ia. ! : ' --. iuikii;.ui i Wi.-dom. Wear a Ked Cro.ss button Chi it- i " .1 11 : 1 ! ? .1 :- with the niaday ! :!! ?, Miito-s. and bis PE! 'PLEVS .-iPPPLY Ct. i' i" ..b tn.- i'tniiiir always j ' i-ip; i ,1 n.Mi i .ir t im. 1 4 4 4 4 i l-'ianl; Ibttey am! Archie fiu-. who have been uo-;:i::g jn t;if Ide burg auto deli ei y w ;-:. n ! r r l !i past, several eais have le-j-n-tbeii positions and will b aie tiuii' 1 or E'.ugetie w here I hi will hi! in the r.avv, l.loth bo-, s are w . known and their man niends w them well on their jourio-v l-'ile Suit in i re nil Coili't. I . d la S. r il and ll.VA W . IJi own', have bled suit in the circuit 1 in, j 1 j: 1 1 mgh their at loreny, Chas. K. Ilnpki!!-. against llyiuan Wollen- . a 1 he si 1 1 v iv iiii!' part tier of .Mat A- Woib-nbei-g Co.. and K. L. Parr. it as admini traiitr of the ' -liil'' A - lit in equity to quiet title to .-. ri; ;n de-enbi d land locat ed in liniig'a-: county. GET IT OFF YOUR MIND ''''if!.-'-; a Mine it. dance 'f'n'ic'- .1 tune to phone And .1 fl:,.' in ciawi. f..i t!(.- d 1 i 11 1 o 11 'd i:- 1 : .:id a : 1 1 v to haul I- C.e ti.u. ou :.,t ROSE BURG SODA WORKS i-Koui T ni;i.i 1 : 1 ; v MAJESTIC THEATRE The Irig;lit Spot It's IHi'fovoiit lu.ls .1 I I "-Ii. . I ..a, 11,11. , , I'm in, , , Vj.ll iiu-i-1' .'1, V 7:1.1 lii III;).".. L'll-llli' Today bast Chance to See lutwaril Kverett Mate's At isU-rpiece Ueviveit in II Without 3. ry 1 lie Man iih..;i: a ('..,.:.. t'l'imdnl on iM:ii',i I -; t i ; t ILi'i-'.-!! ..f I lie same -.a-iv. l-';..re!!.v I-aBa.lu' and II. I '.. ll-.-rbe,'! load w i! Ii an nil ;h' i-a-i . ( . - - , ( ni.it ! inioK of a : ' '!:: , j..(ti- o! ii' ilr! 'II',-, i la.-' ', o! IV.if!,o,l I he -i'1'ifli, A 1 ill 0 : j:,,' ,-. ,.,, man urn ai;.j eiiiid i,,,;, ,i Mr. Fuller Pep rf-Mlli'il. ,1- .-- ... An Oltl Bird Bays 1 1 mi a is-t Kai M KoMli'.lV OiTiion liuinslrial Nous ADMISSION AI)l I.1S LOc. t llll.DKKN 1 Oe. Toiiinnim .Im kle Snornler in "A Bit of Kindling" I I Ll , 11. 1 11,11 Ml "The Channel " ..II IT.' . "Iary Jane's I'a" The Booterie's Big Economy Shoe Sale Is gaining every day, Take advantage this great saving opportunity. Buy stilish, seasonable footwear (or much less Shgcs for the whole family way below present market values Come in and look them over Our line of Felt Slip pers is most complete. ROSEBURG BOOTERIE IKVI.N IllUNN Sinn's That Satlnfj. IVrkim HullJlnif. Cuvi St ANTLERS THEATRE Tonight only 7:1." and !) Adult ("hlldreii UN-. The Haunted House x Misina ft i i n in m, Winifred Allen Wli:.;-. ,! : ,,r. .o i,n. , :i "i n n. i -. l!.i i : v :' n ii..t-.. ''.'"'-!' I- . .1 .. T-i :ii:.. lit i - ori livmn I'l.-in.li.-i'S -nil IHKh llnmi s i ni l t 1 1 1. I.N M.. AINK . - - ,-t tun. In-- 'i-.n. I'll, ii-.. I., i i,n, I r i,l; l, in ,,,. 1. , In 1 1,. lv MAK- I I N III ,1 11. -U ';il'.IMl,.t H.-li-.lio- S.L I -ii mIii. I j, in "LITTLE MISS OPTIMIST" Children 10c NO ADVANCE Adults 15c I ..mini; ii.m l.n.l;it .ill. I In,. .In 1 1, . .-ml,,., 17 -,, S (. I.I I III I I: ( I AUk IN ' I IIK V Viis. - ' rr