'i EVENING NEW THE WEATHER Tie only paper in Roseburj; J carrying The Associated Press dispatches. Tonight und I'Iiui-mIu)- Bain. Highest letup, yesterday IG Lowest temp, last nlsht 44 ltosKitti;;, im)uias cxJLXTV. outx:ox,n;iiMiiiiAv, nuikii;h i-j. ii 7 No. 'Mr, i I fepositicn to Radical Control Of Government Said to : Gain Ground. IN REST IS APPARENT risodU Are On the March Toward Petrognul and Moscow Itusitt liok.s to United State ,','t For Assistance. I (By Associated Press.) fASSOGIATKD PRKSS WAR UK AH. free. IS. The Bolshevik i power in Wtrograd appears to be menaced iJbre seriously a3 opposition to the , iUical . element becomes solidilled. ? 'here Is decided unrest in both ivt Xograd and Moscow, where the ex jemUtB have their strongest sup port. Cossacks have already advane Jd from Don northward, und leaders jf other political parties in Kussia 1 re lining up with this .strong arm f the army that has remained loyal ' the provisional government against he attacks of the Bolsheviki. Political leaders hope to dispose of he Bolsheviki in the near future and Jso h&ve a formidable force ready or the field against the Germans in he spring. It is pointed out that Ijis is the only course thaL can keep ;he Germans from taking oer the products of Russian grain Melds ah well . as seizing all of the coal and mineral from the mines. Antl-liol-shevlki leaders are counting on allied support to tide over their national weakness, and hope is openly express ed that a strong force of United States troops may be dispatched to t'ussiato aid the friends of good gov ffxjneif re-establishing order. In cow the food situation is acute, iPl" the IVH'eviki administiation i; vJtilng. tfjJe to supply suflicient ,rd fdir''.p populace, and underfed f 'dopsuraid' to be threatening re- volt against radical socialist and an archist leadership. , The Austrian battleship Wien has vueen torpedoed ahd sunk. Details are lacking. . First American Auahist Aiitrin. . ITALIAN ARMY HKAIHH'ART i ERS, Dec. 12. The that American isnot agahst the Austrian lines wu? ' flred by Representative Tinkliam. of Boston, on the lower Piave i iver. I when Tlnkham pulled the string d a I large hundred and forty-nine inili l meter gun, sending a shell hurliiu: f acroBH the river into the Teuton po- sit Ions. ? A huge cloud of black smoke jn ( side the Teuton lines maked the spot WilOlO illC Slid I f.PIUH-U . II.IIKlii artillerymen gathered around the gun and raised a cheer as the I'nited States congressman lired tin- firs! shot for America against a common enemy. Filtered Jerusalem Afoot. LONDON. Dec. 2. 1'ieuiier Lloyd JCleorge announced toduv thai i -General Allenby, Hritisli commar.dei 1 in Palestine, following surrender or ? the Turks at Jerusalem, entered the ! holy city on foot, it is said thai the I troops composing the allied tot i ts . also bared their heads as they march- V d down the Jerlco road into .) rusa- lent. This peculiar proeedu i e v as 1 merely a mark of respect to tin- i r recognized throughout the wmld the seat of the Christian rHU'ioii. Slum' Mocks Advance. WITH THE FHKNCH Alt.MIKS IN ITALY. " December IU A l-.ni: delayed snow storm broke oet t!i. mountains today where the ,ii-:ro-Germans are trying to break thnmi Thia fact adds to the opnm.Mii those who are confident the m u drive will be checked. Tin- 11. are resisting stubbornly, '"it ! tured positions were abandoned p- at the beginning of the flphtina yider day. A liege A mi y I i l a n d i n u . COPENHAGEN. Dee. U A semi ofdeial German news a'im reaching here alleges thai o tt li I xatlon of Russian forces bar- ali-ad; begun, and that peace n-i'i.' .a' .on are already under way. Peace negotiations entered ii'. Ik tweer, the Bolsheviki and C",tan owing to the unstable hold ti.e H is Plan radicals'have on the situation n: Petronrad anu Moscaw. whei th. may be deposed on short notice. not be taken seriously b the alN- "China Sam," who conducts a ftmall notion establishment on lack an ctrmr reported to the ol beers yerterdTy that the man responsible for-the death of the old Chinese laundryman who wta brutally mur dered in his place of business ser- era 1 m on t h s ago. died rece n 1 1 y at! Salem. According to Sam. all the Chinamen here knew the murderer. ( but when asked by me officials why ibis information was not forlhcom-j ing. the a Red celestial stated that) they weie afraid of a like fate. The 1 fugitive is alleged to have rented a room at a Sheridan street rooming house the night before the murder was committed and the greater part of the next day whs spent with his intended victim. The ghastly body ot the murdered man was found the following morning, but no truce of the perpetrator was ever discovered Sam rays the man left for Portland, going to Seattle and San Francisco, where be drank and gambled away the money he obtained from bis victim, and later returned to Salem where he died. Phil Harth. son of Hen'-y Harth underwent a serious operation foi internal rupture at Mercy hospital this morning. Dr. Sether was in at tendance, and accord iiig to reports received today the operation was successful in every way and the pa tient is doing nicely. Mr. Harth has been in the employ of the Wellsr-'Fareo Express Com pany for some time, and only re cently resigned his position with a view of enlisting in the aviation corps. It is understood that when he recovers sulticiently that his pat riot ic j in I ination will be carried to execn! loll. Representingthe Ellison-White Chautauqua System For mer Eugene Booster. ON SPECIAL MISSION Don't Want to See Itoselung "Passed Up" For I !) IK ( lt:itituiitj:m inch tic States Has nn Excellent Program. John 11. Hartog. known as tin man who put Kuyeiie on the map. and who at one time was about to locate in itosebui g to boost this community, arrived in this city today, represent ing tho Ellison -White Chautaui'iia system. Mr. Hartog and Mr. Ellison an- personal I r lends and when the toimer heaid that they did not have liosehurg on their list lor ..'In. he agreed to take, the next train and see whether ..is old Itoseburg triends ie;ill were going to let so ieat an edueatiunal and entertaining a tiling as the chain auu.ua. pass them by Nrt is tht lime ot all times" Mi Hartog to a News icporUi ba e - ,jiuething come into our now and then to diaw the mind , ;id life iiwa t n-m ihe constant horntj ing new s items that give a man the i-ieeps.' Among the attractions under contra; ; are the Old Soldier Fiddlers, which take i lie house he storm w hi , n ; they aie seen s'ajs Mr. H; itog. He expressed himself as m'Th pleased hy the faxorable attitude those whom he has seen lodav took Thev seen. ,1' .t as keenly ititei -csted I iii helping 'heir coiumunii) aa h i. th , arte. ,1 to put their band- in h I then p.irkM aii'l hire me as i,i.o-ur.' o- san! Mi. Hat tog. and !-(!' n ou u I an 1 me. I d rather h;ivr the chau ii tauipia with all its matnilh ent :-a i t hi e than all tin- paid b in i the state. In a message iiom l'rei d'-nt Wilson, dellveted 1 Uhhu. Creel at the Chieano I. I.. A ennvell lion, he siiid 'The chantafiias at almost as integral a part of the n,i tioniil defense as men and m;n. lions' Mr and Mis. Harlot; ar ! L-itest-. at tiie Hotel i'mp'iua MAN F0R1Y WARS OF . AGE GOES 10 ENlBTiS,:; D puty She-iff Crank Hopkni and Postmaster H Hurnett o! ntr. on- Mile, arrived in this citv this aMer j Ja k noon. Mr. Humett made th.- u p tnu-a- 1 pet in'ormaOon Irnm t,e loc.d dra:i,trie-M.a-d oncer nun: the -j':. -; or. na n-- rh;i W hi- h a tit to f in w ,t ( d i 1 r fin , 1 '. M- H.k.n.. at !: ;,;.. i an noMile oii:hs l- :t there la-' rf i irdii 'f enlist in "the army an'. r;iv- H. and-one of these a man 4" ars et (taki age. Thoinpson. I nano . who h-ni been workjne on the roads near C;n yon vi He. ;iold his team and wagon for ll.'.n ,"nd with avowed intentions of enlisting if he would be accepted for duty at his advanced age, he de-j parted wi ih the younger patriots fori recruiting headquarters at Portland.) Draft Board Advises They an Ready For Ten Days Mailing. WORK NOT COMPLETED Ivveinplion 1 toned llequesl.s That Registrants Take yutssthmiuiiro lo Ijegal Advisory Hoard lie! oit' lietuining. Deputy Sheriff Katfety. who has been assisting with the work of pre paring the questionnaires lor mull ing announced this morning thai M)u ot the uuniisiiorial booklets are now ready to go forward to the regis trains. The work would have been completed tomorrow had a suflicient supply of "cover sheets" been fur nished. It was discovered t hut of these covers are missing and the matter was immediately taken up with the adjutant general by wire, and a letter was received today ex plaining that the head oltice was un able to get them from the printer, but were expecting a consignment hourly, and as soon as this shipment arrives a portion will be forwarded to the local draft board and the work will then be rushed to comple tion. The registrant's order number, ad dress, classification, etc., is checked live times uy the crew of ladies who patriotically donated their services to this railM'. and eery possible care was taken o aoid mistakes. Cor rectness was the watchword through out. The questionnaires along with the return envelope are placed in what are called the "sheet cover", with the registrant's address typewritten thereon, ami these in turn are tied in bundles of each, and a package will go forward each day. with the exception of holidays and Sundays. The eight hundred now ready will W- suincient to last lor 1" day mailing, and will be sent out on De remhvr 1. unless orders to the run trar are leceived. and the likelihood that any new instructions will be re ceived 1 1 om the adjutant general's o! (ice is very remote. Karh day a bulletin Important to Registrants" will he posted at the of hYe of the dratt hoard, and announc ed through the press the - order num bers" mailed out each day. The first consignment will include numbers I to kl and the next s: to lfla. etc.. and nv registr ant w bo knows his order number can Hud out just when his questionnaire is sent forward, and in the event he fails to receive his questionnaire in a reasonable length ot time it i- then his duty to inquire Mt the board headquaiier and ascer tain the cause. The registrants ate urged to take their questionnaires to the legal ad isorv hoard. This hodv will be found in rooms 1 1 1 and 2 1 1 at the Perkins building, and they will read ily assist the applicant in tilling out his answers to the questionnare In dividuals may feel that no leral in iormation is necessary, but mistakes ate easily made and the exemption hoards respectlully asks that all que stionnaires be examined by the ,! -Ivisorv hoard before they arc returned. The exemption board will be b'isy making classifications and will not Und time to make corree- ti ns in 1 be qil st'otinaiM i;,il lliat and it is iegS e s he'oie let efol Nils ing the bo.dcbt i o!,t. inplated should be report and failure t.. : ne may tesuli m daim. - bange i d to Hie post -lief- 'inn. empt:. SIMON CARO IS 10 Simon Caro. ,11 the d who I. duct hot e ie- life, mown, clot hing buMiiev I u l M egon .1 eats has ' t be I'mpq i antiouri' ed aete basin is widel ( Inl-llies- c; ; tii . : Mr er at t riwn id us in in Aftei Mr been in arid on ill h ri i hi that , win mining 1 (ta k 1. 1 ml a here;.. , i-i h' led le ! tfetid- ha t a I u ,n h be homo aMe i q'iaintanc I lie remit He n know n as an bone-.r cjtien and his man) a in this community t to learn of his departure mercantile lines. Mr. Caro gives as a reason for his lti:HSTIt.TS NOW OLDKH THAN ;il Sl'lUMT TO IHSAKT Inquiry has been made of the Official Bulletin whether a registrant under the selective service law Is subject to draft if he attains his thirty-first birthday before the second draft call Is Issued. The selective ser vice law plainly states that all pet sons who registered remain subject to call to the colors un less exempted or discharged. The provision of the act reads as follow s : "Provided further, ihnt per sons shall be subject to regis tration as herein provided who shall have attained their 2 1st birthday and who shall not have attained their :ilsl birthday on or before the day set Tor the regis! rat ion. and all persons so registered shall be and re main subject to draft into (he forces hereby authorized un less exempted or excused there from as in ibis act provided." siuhh n action that his son, Itenj.unin, who lias been associated wit h his lather for a number of years, has signified his intention of enlisting in the C. S. army and Mr. Caro stated that he does not care to continue without him. lien jam In practically being the main factor In conducting Mr. Caro's business for the past few years. The assesesd valuation of property in the different cltien and towns in Douglas county as gathered from the books of ihe count assessor is fol lows: Uoseburg. $ Uit.iMio; (I lend ale. $J7."0: Kiddle. $2t;tJ7.7; Canyou ville. J iMJ.f.U; Myrtle Creek. $3 l.'.U; Oakland. $'J.Mi5; Suiherlin. 7 J t ; Voucalla. $1075.45, and the results from Drain are not in. The comput ed tax levies of the various towns, have not been made by Assessor Cor don f i o nit be aim ual budgets sub mitted and as a consequence these will be published later. SlIEWlTlAIE TROOPS AT PAPER MILL ( IK Associated press. ) SALEM. Dee. 1 tiovernor Withy conibe loday refused to send militia to Oregon City to suppress an alleged 'campaign of fright fulness" which the striking employes of the pa pel mills averted existed, and who peti tioned the troops. (Governor Withy combe states conditions are quiet in the paper mill town, and he Is hope ful of an amicable settlement ot the trouble. W 1 1 K H E AS, Ihe Ame r u all its Pic, ill ow Wil ll'ilim a Id) and tin i Council Ited Cioss lb L'll (lent. Honoi at.le . son. ,is Chair iiiiiu. William 11 'fair. Chaiiman of it:, Honoi Cle It p i.ifoii. I ,t- ll'-d ni'ou all loal and pain Ot jc lit l"lv o! I lie Cm led to altiliate with said oi aniv.at nu taking uid the We has be a fores;: Uiein ! ' hip iiii'i - il U II EKE. li Ol He I'll ib'-ig id .1.- Th ceioter 1 7 nateil b il I i me mem b hip t ion , ;i ml WHKKKAS. the Oregon hits bt en as quota ol 2 CI 'Mill til' lllg 'HI pel cent ol il; pop'ilalioti iiiel u ii i;m:.s. to quota tt is liei i mari . nd uom m in 'oil- ! he A iiK'i ii an It TH C It Kl OH K. I. inaoi oi Hoselm : ir Ol l I. N ' do U CltorCAIM the cit ot Hi pal t iot ic dm all cit n- ium tb.it i incumbent f them ti, ;, America n 'j pon ."Ih K-d i-alfl . the f.ili k i'ia ami , tin man n.u-1 the each ate Cm. weel eml and KU Mt ; ihe toll a nd tM-CO A UK ww -! i lot . nd all with tbl h during the ;i!ot of 1 leceuiher 1 7 1 t that the cily ol H-i-t In- -tare of Or'-gnn till H'ir heoec) Iiatiol ri,. r i';i n Ited Ci'i ' t. i requirl 'A on all Ml o-e!ii in a meuibei rican Ited ('tiK!- d nan -: to lulMli do Ion Th pi oclamat ion iiied on Heccmbt-r I 2 . N HICK. h nn- i . 1 '( 1 7 Maor 0 DUTY EACH DAY Legal Advisory Board Met This Afternoon to Make Up Schedule. SERVICES ARE DONATED llendqiinrteix, lt(Mnts 121 1 -l! I '2 kins lluildiiiK Itegistrams I t nished Infoi-mntiou Ciis' Open 1) A. M. to 1) P. M. At a meeting of the Ivgal advisor board and its associate numbers. which was held at the ollices ot Judge Kiddle last evening it was decideu that two attorneys woubj be station ed at headquarters each day Horn It a. m. to ;t p. in., and J uUge. I. H Kiddle, Attorney E. li. Hermann and Attorney O. P. Coshow will meet ibis afternoon at p. m. to muUe up a schedule as to what attorneys will be present each da . i The board heauquarters will be in rooms 211 and in the Perkins building and all intormatiou will be iuruished 1 reu of compensation. Two local attorneys will be sta tioned there M outlay morniug and ad ice can be secured at un. time within the hours mentioned until work of tilling out the question naires is completed, and all regis trants are requested to submit the questionnaire before this body to in sure correctness. The following is a complete list of all i.tloruos who are donating their services to the cause. tiunliiii'i - V. H. Allen. Hardinci hotel. KeedNport .1. II. Austin, oltice Port Cmpqiia Courier. Elkton waiter llydell, ncneral merchandise store. Drulu - Itetij. Huntington. Jr.. and Ira Wimberly. Huntington's drug store. Coins tock Ko ( riggs residence of Hoy Crigts. Voncallu-- It. W. liass. Yt,ncalln Stale Hank. Oakland A. I. Stearns and W i. Illack. Steams & Chenowethi hardware store. Suiheiliu - Matk N. Tisd. Suiherlin bank. Mrtle Creek Harry nice and It. Hates. Uyrtle Creek bank. Kiddle -Ceo. W. Kiddle, n deuce of Ceo. W. Kiddle. Can yon illc It. Itu rtDt t . post ol lice. C.lcndaie S II . ""itot hei me and A H. Clarke. C.lendal)' Stale ItanU Eeona- (J. II. Currier, oltice oi Heona EuiiiImm Co. Kostdmrg Chas. I'. Hopkins. I, H Sandblast. It. I.. E)ld. H-Mei Kio-, A N. oicutl. :)) Neurier. .1 1 . Albert Abraham. .1 I . Watson. John T. Long. .1. C. I'llllert)n, Ceo Jones. Cluis, I, Hamilton. .las. Sawyers. It Mil IB t els. rooms -'II ami - 1 '.' r li i ii s building CUTS OUT RED TAPE ( liy AHSOClUie' CU1.CMHI '.i. I'ec 1 I Cox Went I lie leilel al file I tiaiion one Letter halav w I )Ieie.l train loads ..t coal ! alio sent lo poi tit s in Oh oi I mo-t n-d. . C.-d-!al Sin w h. it Ad 11111 islrator Hiihd i.ius.d to -a m l ion old iind l'o-l inoi lo t.C. .lief was -.1 nl in Ohio the outer l-.Xtl'Ilie sliot tape le.l. I he v. ilnetir action, and no ,v the l - ii 1 ag A plot citi i tUV pi' t Hie - how r IlllejeM and vain or HoxelMJi ((Will next I iid;n am t ire Miirnhal Hnrwx Hi hi, ei, tate f- noon w hen Wells Willi pi ex ent (on ! II l,..ll. I Two show , iiliiiiit-lirini' i second ;i t mli will lo if lit of t !n xbibll Ihe still" - tl"- j picture i, accriliiliiinied b Antlei s thi-ati gix -n t be I) i will In at ' o'clock and j ::n o'flock. No adi ( ha i ici-'l. t Ih- m.iti;i Antlem h;ivlnr drma'ed th- iie ol the theatre foi that pu-pose All sclwud chlblien .11 the - lt have been In ited to attetc foruinnce In order that 'be detstand the danfers of learn how to prevent thei On- ii i m.'iy , till. .. 1 1 I i. iiml In oider that they may all attend, cm School Superintendent Smith bav consented to ditimiHtt the rcIiooIk at tho time of the performances Fri day. I'urt of the tcbools wll be dlft- uiisst'd for the tltst pertormance und l he remainder for the second per formance. With this a'ra it cement there will be ample room at tlx.' thea tre for all who may wish to see the pictures at either of the two perform ances. Three thousand teet of moving- picture film will be shown, the entire show lasting ait minutes. At this time when the government Is making a great campaign toward food and material conservation, these pictures should prove of great value in preventing waste by lire one of the gieaiest destroyers in the land. All w ho can do so should w it ''ess these ptct ui es at l he A n tiers theatre Friday afternoon, as they are shown for your own good and' free of charge. This work ts carried on at slate ex pen -a. AUSTRIANS ARE GIVEN E RANGE (Hy Associated Press. 1 WASHINCTON. Dec. U. In pro (daiming a state ot war with Ann I ria-1 1 n a gar. . t he .,)fesidenl speci fied that only dangerous A us tro ll nngariaus In the Cuited Stales should be interned, and that most ui ihe restrictions applicable to 'ier maus shoubt not aiiply to Austrlans. While they may not enter or leave l be C n ited Slates w il bout .spee'-ii permission, no part leula r resti Ic tious shall be placed on Iheir nn ve il i ent s within the count i y. Thev ma' woi k and live in (hose y.r-iiei-bai red to Cci mans. Dr. Foster, President of Reed College, at Methodist Church. BRINGS WAR MESSAGE lt:sel)iii Is Exceeding! l-'ortiiiintt1 To el Tuo Adiliesses l-'roni This Ihsiingiiisheil Orator I. o. n. l i in-hesira. Siniil;i's inri'ljtiKS In hi. lipid ill M ! .1 h ill hli'h In Kiih . Ill If I rillli'KI-. Will HJH'llk. will l l;nl;i'li ill tfinli'il. juilmni; Iruiii all 'il'llt imli'-iilliiii- Musi l.ti i x I'1 i-"i Lilly 1 .11 lll l'll In 1 1 .1 V nil n..si-s i. I hi il. lot 1.1 i- i ,i i n k 1 1 in.' Hrr.llll. ' I il i.ii;MII llillrlru pil i lIlMMIU I, I I'l'i. IMS Mil. I' I IIIL .,..! I In i ll lillllli l lill il II 1 1 1 Inn imI In liieetiM;. I IM audiences nl In I'ortn.. Iliii ip il alldlt'i v lo ,111 oe '1. -I i- ile j.- i. iistei II Mate.-, i. I. IliHl i: In in , .iii.l I I. I,!., ,1 tl,,. 1 1 1 in .1 Iniil In 1 o; two ihoii-aml o. ilm 111 geij o elltel i 1 h II- t.l I ll.l - ll'M lie I'acillC . i.:..-t ie i Cosier with iind otlo r . ilucatoi t pi went a hi il. id I o nm I gat ion oi r lie a n-e conlesl llrell, and Ihe Ited I'i.ks A OI Col ll.'li'l -aid lo '!' oi M liouhl h' b- Tbi- S ' m pi ly i or up;; u . Ho a !' m m- i ii p;ii not ic n i i. ., . rr i 1 1 1 o 1 1 , d a sold iera i n li in II- 'I I v.ill n Ih, lotn.'. fet t . 'n ,1 I e placed 1 1 1 1 1 i I ,i I i . all li- ill i ' 1 1' p i 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 '-' I to ( IHL his n- i Ihcil. Hie --.sle, ,,,dl :-es. I, lit tllCle W III II Wa to be epecll'll,' sall M f ! pie n i v m rood. p.Hilotic mirdc Mnhnkev .-h! erthiy. --that any un- ,t h the i i.e. . ,i . . i: i nl ere-1 mi all 1 1 - i .i ! I '. en Id u -a l her would eal e V t i nj.n 1 1 i ,. I . .1 i f i e ;i t ii ' l - : i - - - in i ' , 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 1 1 .-i It lias no com - a ,. w !i; .. . l i t ..ii !. i .i - m i mh .iiii-io-e w hii tc. er. and i. i mi- . ' ,!. -"ii idiM. I i- in. .!.i. . :-tr ,i c:i'np. being low ami . ' p, .imI ..pen to the elf uen t -. I 1 i. r,e:i ' : .- III I loot b'SS tent . . I M I :;:;aFiRE starts things IN SHELL WARE i r. U II. Mi , Tli r I., i is 1 1 . 1 ,111.-.II-. 1.1. klllll-ll I lllil- III t III uill, ml. llll.-ll' .1 II Ml ilS K Hi Ti .IH III' Ill lii'lU Mi" Iii.iiiliiiiilni.'l li-nil anil fl-.-l (I' W In . One K'lul'l waft k Ul''d . Indignation Is Expressed By Parsnts and Officials at Treatment Given. BLANKETS TAKEN AWAY Slrontt IVoU'st s-iil In lliu l),..uii m in Asklui; Tlml (ivkiii Soldiers li ritipt'rly I'lntlul (Juv I'l'iKir Semis AiK.al. Suppressed emotions of Oregon people, which have been growing in volume nnd intensity ever since Dan I. Malarkey returned to Cortland Iroiu Camp Mills ten days ago uud told of the hardships und depriva tions of Oregon and Washington troops, huisi (heir bounds yesterday when iho Cortland Oregouian carried a lelegraphle tory telling of abso lute, HUlTering by tb.o boys there on account of severe weather, and the hiking away for some unknown rea son of their third blanket allotment.. It was too much, and proved to be the proverbial straw indicating the limit of endurance on the part of people in the slate w ho have the wel fare of thei volunteers from tho northwest at heart. .Mayor Itaker'a ofllce was beseiged with p!ens to bring some action to bear thai would alleviute the condi tions complained of, and ho dispatch ed early in the day a iiioHsage over tht wire. to Secretary of War Maker that must have set. that olllclal to thinking; when he read Its c.ntt nts. Jovonior Sends ApiH'nl. SALtfM. Or.. Uec. 1 1. Crglng that prompt aciiou be taken In going to tho re'lef of Oregon Holdlers at Camp Mills, who are said to be suffering extreme hardships, tiovernor Wlthy combe today sent the following tide gram to Newton l. llakor, secretary of war; "I am ad vised! on the highest au thority thai tin lt;:M Infantry, made up ehioily of Oregon troops, is suf fering severe and unnecessary hard ship; that the department has depriv ed each man of one of his blankett ; that ihe tents at (.'amp Mills have no llaors; that the thermometer Is 4 above, zero, with a most penetrating wind ; thai t he men have been un able to secure shelter at New York, where i hey Weill w it h the approval of iheir olllcers, and that they uro seeking protecilon from the (dements li making use of churches and any dlier shelter available. The peop'e il Oregon yield to no other people ii ll.eir d'olion lo (be good cause which ihe country is committed. I lull they ari' indignant al the appar gioss negligence of your tlepurt- , I'll! I merit Mini al t he-1 ncxeusa hie su iTcrtn , ! Mitlicteil oi) the flower of our younF; ' manhood. I earnestjy request im mediate act li.n lor t heir rclie-l . , ' JAMKS WITIIYCOMUK. ! "tiovernor. " Hell la.o -l- Treatment demanded. Maker's lidegiam to Ihe sec I w,u follows people ot Washington u ud T! tiregon iIcsitc that urn give Immedi ate atteiitinii lo the condition of Ihe i I 1 M div i. --ion at Camp Mills I poti antlieiitu- information, conditions art described as both deplorable nnd In excusable. Suftering during prey.cn' 1 severe weather is .'reai ami no relic -i an kind is offered by government . We ex-perl hardships nn the battle- his a .in not id n iiinplain. bill e inciled i a condilion soldie.v to in'ells li"ll, deep mud, 11!- erilU'-i. I hi In lie of pODI III d ami ik tin .1 Oi. uaine qilipmi ,al p.- llll I Spl ' 1 1 land :r, and in then r oik e thi s on in circiirn IT flil. iMi'lil l l nun llii- Imv-Ihi-ii. li. no hut i u milniii: . in. nn niii'lii t inn al nn. i-.tinpi'il ,1 ,il llii. i;.l.i:nl. 1 1 ii' HkIiIk nn i Mills ii' III.' iimi .ir k.-v u us tin i. . ' ml i .1 I ili- It li it li tin' i ili.it I Mill .1 th.' .viiin .,. , .Iii- -iilillniH I ' i.n .. il,., i .'ii iiiin will " !.! Ill- ilil;i- i ; ri..T I11IIIH li'lillll CilSI" of ll. I VH I II Till llilii'll. I't III. I i, h.-i..ii ll'i. pi li'iillT "ri fuith that tl,i- film of $'' .'ii' wan iliii' on intT , i . . , n , 1 1 .- . 1 . 1 1 . t . . ! to th.' ilii'mlnnts win. inti.'t;i nftiTnnon wcttli-il nn,l illnuiisiii'il In J ml Kt- ItliliUva court.