The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 11, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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li 'tl I
HuliNcription IUiU-m Dully.
per year, by mall $5.00
j'er mouth, delivered 60
I Weekly.
per year 3.00
Six muntha 1.0 0
Entered as aecond-claas matter,
November 5. rJO'J, at Itosoburg, Ore..
under iu t nf M.'nch 3, I K 7 9.
.mi:mih it of association rm;s.s.
The AsNoeiafJMl lrcss Is exrluslvel
entitled to the use fur reHilllcatiii
if nil newa tlispaU'licH .-i-'litel to II
or not otherwise credit.! in till
paper and nlno the liKyil iiohh pnl
lltie.l herein.
All rihtN of i-epuMlcutlmi of spe
cial dliatclics herein nro uUo
IIKSDA V, I i : '!:! It !: H ll, HOT
'on.iutners IhrotiKhont the fuiintr
art wondfriiiK where the Hoover hm
h'ui In fioinK to curry (hem I'nrei.
on Jill nulst I lilies lor lino wheal
flour have, lieen nth uneed to in eel
tho "emergency". ('j;ii, ol v I i j : I
there was tho KteuteHt nup in tie
li nl t imI .Stale!) in 1 it 1 7 that fundem
drenmH conjeel it red, him been liuo.l
ed lo ii point where "rorn pone"
iilmohl prohibit ive The lish i..on
Hers kI. on tilt' oli earl ill the i::i:t;.
ami uieatlesK day was the twmial lor
prices of the finny lithe noilV n -:1
one bound to a pinarle wh.iv -hat
food' is a close run ni hi; male in
breakfast ha eon ami ot he:- meats
Hpeeifled in I he Hoover schedule. I
doe ft not rust any more o place fish
on Hie market now than r. did bef-m
t ho war. They are fed by the A!
nilKhty Ihrouli nalnral iiKnrie::, but
tiot withHliuidliiK this ftt'i the t'iei'(i
lisli triiHt has undertalu-n ; en rich
Itself tit the expense of an overbur
dened public. In New Jersv the
state govern ni'-nt is jireparinir t
place ii restraining hand m. the fish
itlK interesls. so thai (he publi ma
Ket relief and food product ol Ho
river and sea hroii'l-t dnun I o a
reason aide basis. The i truKou food
administration should hasten lu do
likewise. The fact of I k reedy
induslrii'H beititf allowed to bb ed he
coiisumer for all the traffic, will beat
is most disconiaini', ami condu"ive
to laxness in observing (he fold con
servation plan advocated by lh gov
ern men i . Consumers naturally re
sent such Impositions, am! expect the
it dm mist r:i on to ni v relief, i.nd
where (he turtler is allowe I In in en
and on without official authority )e
iiiK used to curb pvt rich o,uli k
schemes, become weary of a one-
After All Has Been Said and
Done, the Great
Unloading Sale
Has proved a peer to all sales. You
are now convinced that you can buv
here for less. This is the last week
to enjoy the Savings so come here.
VVliat Ever Else We Give To
The War
U . llPisI 11 t i,
s,M, Ih,. .
'I I' It ,,,-.',l i -l
:,ll, I .. il .
ll, ,v r i.
h. I'1 llsliii
,,t :r.:l .ml
, r. 1 . , 'M , ' 'i n
s i : i . - I.- ni ,,l
, ' : Mil .:,
Nathan fl.i Perkins
l-ulicton TJie J&! Siore Building
T) i it c " If suiipivinH eiM home , nil tho
delicacies ii. ' ,i-ihi Oil" stock Is aluuv:i frch
and cniiil'!' ''' in Mne. Yu will flnd hero tho
t'hoiopst vf t-oorf .. i the heat o.- nerviri.
J. H. KING, Proprietor Roseburg, Orejjon
Bided fight. The News suggest
that the administration take imme-l
dituto action to rerfuco the cost of
Oregon fish, of which salmon is the
chief, to a reasonable bant. Fresh
salmon that sold in tne open mat kct
at retail lor 12 to 1 2 lfa cent u few
iiionthti i.&u in not worth imo fric
tion of a cent more now than then.
Cured prof" i:t ts, f-a'tnon, cod and
othiTB nh"uM bo proO' lionately r
d need.
I'rUefi on cereals, rolled oats, corn
meal ami such products are scheduled
tor a bit? slump shortly alter Jaauar
I, if market experts are collect. w-
It K to a bit; Top of these cum Itoxi l
ties a very small per cent ot which
is subject to exportation, a drop .n
prices is looked for, and i eardinc
1 this matter, a Now York paper, in an
i issue just received hero. Hays,
j ' Consumers may not he aware that
i the new crop of food concent rates
1 promises to his at least JO per cent
in excess of domestic reijuii en. en'.;-,
land practically no cereal except wheal
j is being sent abroad. Corn will prob
ably drop below a dollar by January
( oats und barley take ptoport ionate
j h! ii .ip The trade is ported on mis
! uveryleld Icmowk thai u cm afto-d
to retail products withoi.t ptolit tot
a few mon t lis. (ind by averaging
. seasonal costs still come out ahead
i on the fiscal yeur."
l-'oi Innately, or perhaps ii may be
I otherwise, the government makes no
i provision lu the cjuesl ion na ire for
! the exemption of poets from military
1 duty. II is not known whether the
iidniinisl r at iol.'s attention was called
: to tills matter or not. It is barely!
. possible that It was. but the presi
dent and General Crowder ami all
others having to do with this affair.
thought the trout line trenches an ex
j celtent place tor poets, and so allow
I ed them no exemption.
We can still be t ha nit tn I though
possibly the worst is still to come. In
Russia a single ijiiart of milk;-'
$t.fiii and a ltdlow writing to Irii nds
lu Oregon Mates he paid $'.'J..,o foi
the privilege of tenting a hors.' and
saddle lor one day. while a night's
lodging and three meals cost.! the ,n
signilicaiit sum of $J4. Olhei alli
ed luxuries are proportionately s
high - and then hoiiic.
Mnllier loiien who Is alwavs facile
j with her language and emotions, re
I marks; "ll Is our duty to stanu by
j the president in the crisis. Help the
' government now to lick the kaiser
and then we'll lick the coal opera
tors." This Iheory of duly before
, pleasure has Us good points.
i The "reds" in Kussia are facing a
food shortage. Having tried counter
IV it money, they may Import the same
kind of food, such as sawdust bre;d.
-.III 1 1 : 1 1 1 11 :l ' 1 1 . p. ! I' t .1 1: . 11. :l l',:t ,,n i'h: is! :,:., . n,- ,i
.- ,! ft i " , li' -.,:::, I lull :' ' 1 1' I :,'
w . ,. " 'i ll"'! W.ii.,1 i'.iii I.
'i 1 '11 . 1 , . : i I'll v , ll
What relation ha the :,rt.OO0
embodied in the budge, to do with
tho next liberty loan, tie next lied
CroHH drive and a dozen other war
m eau res that may he proposed
within tho next twelve uiotit In The
money is already on hand to make
the court house and jail work com
plete. Thi1 taxpayers are not tfolng
to "go down in their pockets'' fot
any money to make necessaiy
Improvements not one re; cent will
be add'd to then taxes to cany out
the ptopn.-ed phm.v Thi.s .sum comes
from i lie O A.- c land giant iaxe.
Jl is alieady on hand -no petitions
ate in circulation and theie doesn't
see in to be any great effort on foot
to hae the county court expend any
of this money to buy liberty bonds,
1 0 assist in the gi eat woi k oj the
Hod Cross and other deserving wai
measures Then why this dyspeptic
howl a hoii I not spending the sum
provided in the budget lor legiti
mate improvement.-, in our own home
town and county '' Some of the
strongest opposition comes from men
who would not in vest ten cents in
liberty houdti or an other cause to
help the nation in tins world-wide
war were il not tor leai of being ex
posed in their nefarious game ami
avaiacious desire (o get something
tor nothing Stiil, when it comes to
knocking down a deserving public
improvement, they would get under
t he a peon ol pat not ism head and
shoulders lo accomplish their ends.
It ou want to talk patriotism do
11 in a way that sawos ol sincerity,
don't Ir to camouflage the tuattu
with a pretended desire to accom
plish entiiely different ends
Il you want to biing the $.'.0.0 no
plared in the budget to where ii will
do the greatest good to the greatest
number The News would I.LVor
matching he amount wilh another
."iU.UMo and i n est ing tho whole
cheese" in liberty bonds. IH t he
county cou r t will take I !iis action
there will lie some excuse lot "cou
heeling up" the expenditure of $".n,
nno - because we aio at wat" wilh
I he proposed improvements to the
con rt house and ja il. Ot her
wise wo fail to see how one affects
the other.
Tom Curly le is aut hot ity lor I lie
assurance that a lie canot live, bin
some of the made-in-tjei ruany varie
ties were doing well at home resorts.
Them is a physiological reason for
the affinity be t ween the cranberry
and the iurke. Hut why bother
with physiology when the colors
blend, so well"
Think of the enforced ini uisii ive
ness ot (leneial Crowder, who mu.i
put l s question to ti.utni.iiito men;
I. os Angeles lias gone dry. bemu
com im ed that its excellent ( I un. th
is stimulant enough tor its people.
When a man lakes three spoon I n 1 ;.
of sugar for one cup of coffee, does
lie ically loe his coiinirV
Ceo Colllrh. ot the Ho al Clllb
Cafe, is looking lor a good man ami
woman to lake chaige ol his rcMau
rant known as "Ceotgr's 1'laie," on
low ei- Cass st 1 eel , t ll 1 ee ot Ills I ege Ll I
I hands getting tliu "Wai bug" e-ler
! day and have nude ,i i i .i pi: eineh t .s In
j ellllt 111 I he sel H e el I'm le .-sun
1 This siiddt n determination on t'o
jp.lll of Mr I'oiltcli".. ruipbnes v..i-
the i-atise ol this heitU
cloned this morning, the owner .e'iii:
Uliai'le to secure slllticiellt (ulp Ii
handle il, e 1-uMtnss h Ko'uich
sa; he will eotltent hilu-elt lot the
pie--nt in ig Hie Cluli ie
a ni 1 1 MH h nun a he cm mm u h
collie Olie 1 . pi r 111,, IO 11 I 1 I em, i ill j Ii
eh.ll i e o the other place
. ,i .I ,!.,:.
i '',- l.i-t
,: I',,- ti, ,: III,
ill I h, . il
l' II, ll' !,", n
i Ml WO I Ml'l! Kll'lllt I'.
j I' S t eather luircn, inr;il ofRoe, J
Koehun:. titet.iri. IM tuMirs eiiilini; p1
I'ro.'tjvt i? - on In in ties and h u n
(lre.!tli II i: i. .' : " (,. . ':.' , -" '. r !.i.' I I
I " ." I : p. ir ,. l-' l
V'. '",,:'.: i, mi. l-ist IM li,.,i:s il
I','!.il : r,': :p,1.itlon Pin.'.' I si nf
:"..:::', v..
S"'i:''.i! (.'.','ip f,-r till r'nn'li . '. : pi .','lplt.ith.n from Scp-
t.'i:i!'.'i' 1 . 1 !i I 7 In dale r I
; Au'iiU'i, pr.'. tpltnllon frnni Scp-
t. mi..-! ', . i s : : ; '. ;
jT.' il.'f It'tnni'v funti S.'l.
' t.'iiN'i i. im; -'I .'
Avciiii:.. precipitation i)
wel fc.isons (Sept. to May,
I Ini-lmlve I .31 n S
j WI1 1.1AM H K 1 .1 ..
Tells of Trip From California
to Aviation Field at
Long Island, N. Y.
Other Hosehui y Hoy How ei or. A r
Krolmld) on W ay Aciit... I he
Waters i leu o I'iddiliis
Has "1'ulled Slitke."
KIT, Ai'ro Squudion. Aviation Field
No. L', Carder? City. Long I lan'
A. K. (' . Now York. Hec H. 1'H 7.
Kditor Kvehlhg News;
J ust a :ew lines to ei on k -r v.
tin; former illage ' i on irh necK ' i
slilt alive hut that is about .ill. V.
b'lt Sail hiego, Calif., on .Vivimbe.
lit;, and st a rted on our 1 rip ac , o--t
he co nt in eh, . hen We let t '
Idego we v.eie I i", 1 stroiiu. T'i tl in
(dudes six officers and five 1, i..-pi ( i
men. Our tram was composed oi
nine cars h I' nil ma n cat s, t h re
baggage car.- and one cook i it
We all taied m a meat ia-hio;
The food was more than could be ex
pected m a troop train It was pi a
tieally the ame a we leeeived ai
North Islar.d There hem-.: ioiil::tu
but body building and mee-saiv to'.
stuff, siteh iis (Kiiatoes, beans, t esli
meals. 4-arrois. onions, bread, highl
and Cotfee. !; ver I hill g iva ooled
well ami iiritliirig was wa.-t.l
In the towns ot any si'e or iinpoi
tance we Uiied there was alwav.-- J(
warm welcome a wail ing us In
Needles. Calif. . we were i;iven ;. ban
quel which started our t:i out in
a great style. In kaiis ("it;, v
were given sweaters. (oiaeio an :
many usei u I a it tries in Si l.'vr-
we were treated to a supper
surely made us all hoiuesjrU j,i
I'ost ,leris. New York. We wite v
en tobacco and mai-aine? . It el ie i
me it all helped and was eeriainU
appreciated by all of us.
The climate here is jusl the oppo
site from wha I it is in Cn 1 ii unna
Instead o! tlie Min shining and it be
Ing nire atnl waim it i. verv co1'! an.'
is raining er hard, huriim the
it rain.s and when evenim: c.i-n. s ot
it begins to freeze arul when we o '
up in the moinini: eerthin' i- ''o
en haid and solid. We are all ins.
al'ouf dead with had cold: and sot
1h mats.
1 would tell oii all about I .on
Island, hut our h iier.s are all c-u-oi
ed. SO Oil Would not 1 erej e I !l ,1 !
par t of it il I did wr ite ii
Clenn Kddings. a Hoseburi- bos
was sialiom d here up until a lew
days but his Mjtiadrou v i ..
Sllildenly ilisajipeared lo w ht te t,o
one know- and would not i . -1 1 if the.
did know itill hohin i- I. ere m
camji M-me dace. b-:r so t ,, t t ' t(
been unable to h.i I, in,. I. i , .
t ft I II 1 hope to ;n i !e ni at ' III 1 :
Majot liou. K i here rt ,th '.. :.
Oregon, hut ,.e j- m-t ,t - ,-; i-., .
As it is tun,, tec ,,;
tliuill 1 1 III.' In .1 ll I :ci ll .1 cli ....
U I II IhSI l I H ,
tjilll.. a .1. I. : :il ;
I ... 1 s ut til." I 11 ' 1 1 1 . n ' I
M.'i,' visit,,..,- t,, s.;,i., .
I li II In n , t ' will, : , 1 1 :
rill K "I I' !,1 . - ' "
..! Sill lli'tll 11 1 ill u I .
."in., in : 'I tt!i
.ii, il ii .k :,,: i!,.. ,
t li.'lli I,, ,l.l,',- 11; I
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1 1 ,'i i'. . i ;'..' ii,- .i
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pi'.-s. 11,
i i,n ri; km i
ma-iKe, -,ie 'i
.it Looking -.hi- h .11
I. I). O. I-'., I'tilxfi Kii.'ilinpni.'iit ,. II
Mecls in n,,l l-'c. !"-' !'
c.'rv Tli'fsil . : -it . ;
brethren :! . V.,r
K II rli KI N-. .' i'
O II lli'KKNS 1' I'
Ol.lVKlt .'nilN-inV K S
JAMKS l- I; T !' s
. I'. . M . 1 a 1 1 is' I I ..mIi!.. ... l;t
ll. ciiliii' c" ;: ii:,-.'ifi,i:,s . - a", :
fnili lh Welti, s,i i. s .i,., "',-:,.', :
M:n,n:c T"i'l'it' K,.s,. '.i;c. it"
Visitor-. ..'Oll:.'
ll : N I I'AKO W M
l.o.:te N.-i. 47, ii:'.".s e. :y Wd
riff day evem 'ut, nr Jargon and
Cas Sts. Visitors a!was w lcoi:,?.
KOY K. Dl'UfllN, M K.
l- K. W1M11KKLY. K. U. S. i
yoii:n ok nx)icit.i t. i.iizc
Circle No Meets on the 1 -t
iiiid 3rd Monday eveniiiL' ol each;
month at Odd Fellows' hall. Vict
im' members in good standing are
ii! ire l f) attend.
iMJitA CIIJiKltT. C, N.
CI. AHA CAWl.K; KLI). Cleik.
It. K. S., Ilu'tlnjr CliaptiT N'i. S
Hol.fs tli.-ir i. '.'Mjar ii:r-t:!!;: i.n
t) t- Ht aii'l Thin ..!;! in i' 'n
niiilll!i. . . -1 -Int; in"rn'MM"S jn i r
M;iuili!i-' -ir.''ittilly .nn-'l
tu ;t I)-!.
miss .m,I!(;.mm:t pack, v. m.
I!. A. . -.Mt .Who lioini'sn-.-ul Nn.
1 lii.-. ls ;il M in-.-:il IkiII i.i-ry
L'ihI unci I'h W'clnc -day. i-ilu:.
u c-lc-ccnic-.
ii. riMiiiiNi:. r. m.
c. w. ci.oakk. rccr.
I. I). O. I-'., Kl-iim Star I.c N;i. 17 1
IILI-C-tS i'l tlct.' (Jll.l I'c lIccW.i' 'rc-llljllc
cvc-iy Fii.iny c.-vc niuK '!.
lil'cttnccct ;iIt;i;1: '.vrlrniiic.
J. n. i;i-!-:si:. x. r,
('.Mil, V. OILMAN, lice. Ric
M. 1'ii'KI.L'. S.
UOODMLV (!! TIIK WdKl.ll. Oak
Camp Nc 1 M... in ih. id I
ile v !,a!l in lid i-h-.i-.K r;.
!l aiv! , v.-n j :i Vi-
itilJt.' lie j!:ic) CII'.: ;ilV:1'S C ' il ulilr.
j. m ti in. ;::. o c.
M. .M. MILI.LIt l.'.-:k.
I n :
i:kisi:k.iis, 1;. :.. k.di
l.wlv. N'c. ll. 1. o. i ). . ;,!, , is
in Odd Ilccw.s' T ;... , '... '.'
'J'K.'sdav cvcniu::. "isiliim -:M.i?
ancl ii, i; .-.i lei a'lond.
M US. IDA TI'L.i:i.L, N. (1.
M Its. TII.I.IK .loll.NSO.V. Si r.
JIIIS KI.SIK 1 1 1-M i ! I H i: V p s
11. I'. ). i:lKS. Iln.clnr,; i.c.l:;.-. X.
- ll.iiiN rc;:u';! r rcc-iitmin'.ra
liens at II. f K!ks- T. ii .I. nn tit-'
I'ncl an 1 ,!! 'I'I'in da;. ; ..f ' I' ll
luccnth. All ti'-i;;hc-r: tn
a'l.'iicl ip-ahtiiy. aacl all vi'itli'L'j
la oth.-i s arc co: dia llv invilcnl lc) I
atlcn.t l
I.. . T. M. ..I.ura liiv.c X.. 1 I.
holds l'c't;Hlar rcic us on sc-cond
and I' i 1 1 . . Tlinrs.liiv ..-.nnincs in !
Marri hall. S I I . r .-- of olhor
hives vcsi'in in t!io .;! arc roi--; i
di. illy mv. ili-d lo attend oaf re- ;
vi-w?. Alarial...- hall on Cassij
Stt'o.-t. IS
HKHYi. n. oniii:x. i.. c.
e A It I , K WI.MI'.KHI.Y. i:. K.
I It A It. ItllUIIIO. S.-r-'y.
i:.(;i.LS. Korcchiir' A:Ic- cc... jn
tin ii l.a!! "a .1." ;..-'Ui SI., on L'nd
.ci'cl nil M-.ti i .. .. ,Ci ,,,
nailllll. in n I; . Vialtiiu lirilll
r-n i" unci ..l.-ii.liiif alway.t wol-
.i. r loi:xk;. w. I-.
II I-' ell ml ..MAN. v s. .
IM., ..... ivi
i . v a i . (min i: oi mi nisi . i; .,. ..
I' l. i.l: .- Nc v ,.M ; .
1 il.i. . Tlilci: i f ..... , I,. .,' ,
' ' " - c-c ::.M. ! :;!!. All 1 11-
! iim ' r--i.-:-c ,. i,, . , , ,., ;i l
.1 M ' It i. ,. ,.
ii il p.u: :!-:'!-i--i: s. . .
I i. i .. ri.ii. t ii urn i,.i,i .... c. s.
I Mc ' ii in ci.! ; r. - t. ,,;,i...
i' :. vin:. n
. .1 t,i i .1 -;
.1. II. I.AII.DV. 1
Will There Be a Victrola
n Your Florae This Christmas?
' 'if Ui.
''I' 'ii.' ':
v I I'" '
' '" v " " -
. ! II.
1 ''' - 1
' ':' '
Vhy Experiment?
Roseburg Furniture Company
Upon the c-haractiT and .onservatism of your
hank's ofliirrs and directors tn a great extent
depends the safety of your funds.
If th. v are kno vn as men of high integrity if
they have a record as siiee. ssnil men in busi
ness if they are known as conservative men in
ail things then you may rest assured that
their hank is governed in conformance with a .
policy of safety ho t'ure everything else.
Such are the men who govern this hank and
your funds are absolutely secure in their care.
B. V. Strong. I'rtbl.ic-nt; J. M. Throne, Cashier; D. R.
Shambrook, Vice President; Roland Agoe, Vice President.
Value - Variety - Service
Urge You to Buy Your Jewelry Here
Y(f will iin.l i!.ee three thin-us nmie noticeable in' ouf .
mi ; e i e.u- than e, er i efoi Here tire values that will
oj.en I-,. ,,; ;,n w ) , , a t'o :itiieus to make every dollar
e.viM I;--"hi-.;' ;irvi vMie-l t h i yuu will bo sure to find
.o : i . . : t ;. on w ;in'
. ino:'oe; wheie our iiuyin is mado easy by a
heli..':.: e , . ih.ii , ks to L'iw eei enstmiier the Kt'catest
'' !'i -i i ni ioi'. Von fin-i here salesmen who will Hhow
,i';m ;!; i r.e' :i,iiitlie ,nraci on :-,! ami con rt eon sly whether you
t onii' ill ami l-.;iniine Our oioleiiul Select ions.
A. S. Huey Company
Ktiseburn"? Lcadina' Jewelers.
r.ity iinicr
W lll'll ill
I ti cl: 1.1
' (
For Ideal Gifts!
Special Showing of
Fine Purses
111 Ihc ! !. I l:ip. .ill,! -i,-i -.-::.!
I! .:-.!.. w ! i t ;. .. I : tn
ui . I- ' .: !i:t'l,i. I It l.i-l s u it li
:!:.:!! I.".. I i I I ' i ! Mill, ill i I' I'l) I"
:.! ! ..!t. " 'I'li-io M:., I.'
ll" I-I.",. i..:, I
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flu-ills ,,l ... il,...i,,. i',..,un. II. ii'.-., .mi.lti'. Nora
Hii' I.,,,. I,. ,,,i, ., ., ,,t ,,. ,.... ,'t,.,'ii,.,.s.
Cass Street
ryrllo WkhI,
An Oregon
Give Therii a Cam
era or KodiCJv ,
T.v.-li tlii'in Hi.. "Out orNlihorg il " I'H'turo talung will pro
ii:.i'.' it. A complete line of
.i ,.i":.-i unil kodaks from 1.00
f" ?i". 'ni. Accessories of all
I. i:..!-- !i-r tin- iniiitlcui' developer
ii i i w use Donniaon'H
i n.' of tatis, seals and
Mi I hand painted
Is 1.11'