01 It? EVENING THE WEATHER 'f he 'qrily paper in Roseburg f. carrying The Associated ; Press dispatches. Prubnbly Fair. Highotft temp, yesterday 44 Lowest temp, last night 36 U VTII. i;osi:ki iu;. noit.lAs hiixtv, oi.k;ox. vi f.sdav, im: i:miii:u ii. iiiit. No. 'Jill MM Sj LESH OFWILHELM iser.Gets Mental Glimpse .". bf Great Host Mobilizing. IN FEVERISH HASTE Will Cl'llsll Allies Ik-fort- I.Mkii.v Boys Get Into Action hidiiu- tt.ms of ieiiimn Uss,iiisi- -lilltty I'm- llnllliix llisustci. "i ' ' 'i. (Hy Associated Pivs.-i.l London. Dec. 11. Amster- IV dam reoorts reachiutf Inn t sua to that Germany is rushing (roups with feverish haste 10 tins uest- ern front with the one idea oi S smashing the entente allies In - rore the United Stales is able to act. The little American l, army, sneerlngly referred to liy 7 t A htu fmneriiil inn lest v u lew months ugo, is assuming such ; formidable proportions that it -has already become a hideous nightmare to the kaiser. The immediate result of all tins haste was the colliding oi a couple of German ammunition trains, Thursday, followed by a (' terrific explosion, deshoyuig both, killing several hundred U soldiers and wounding many (k others. L Wiui Kxplosioii Accident? ft., dopant men t announced today the cap f ture of. a carrier pigeon hearing ..m- t -der its wing a message written .11 iif. German. The number whs N w V- rt, ;jlwt;nty nin?." The bird was probably ' .fcured in., ihe explosion and : 1 1 i: : tnaf'.v7 tlow of a house near tin- o;,:u J Pvg n ij The message bus mo ; ; been iiff-JJf public. ':jf " , f) ' Jlilo Needs Coal. V; COLUJvfiJlS, Dec. 1 1 . Failing to : hear from the federal fuel adn.;ui Ptration in. regard to a nunc hi, .f privilege of com mandrci in:: coal. .. Governor Cox has appealed .! : - --t i to; President Wilson tor a'.-h r i 1 ;- i-.', for th Ohio fuel ad ai mist 1 a" .011 to 1 ri Boizo coal In transit lot i ;j e-ii -uses in the state. Ze v.;,i!,.-i iad .' .bhortage of fuel establish..-- ;m .n :t I situation. r New Chief of police. fSEATTLK, Dec. 1 . - c;,;:.te- I. tjeikingham. Seatlb rhiet of p-ub-e. has resigned, and ,1. F. War-' r ho mer chief of police ol Spnkai -later United States M.-nrhill at - tNlomo. Alaska, was nanse ! 10 .-ureci-il the retiring oflicer. Th.- iii.t o. t i, Seattle's vice jesoit--, whifii ui-ie 1 so tight to be elini ina; id 1 . ! about the change in tlie . 1 a 1 fc ' f Vwnwr Consul .nv-iej. I SAN FRANCISCO. I .-. I 1 exander von GirewinJ. U.w : ;: man consul :it Seattle, w.i i: here today as u danger"!. : 1 1 -. 10 52? MONROE. VH ' FORT STKVICNS. (!.. Dec. Fourteen men from tbeuie-on artillery will attend the r ' KChool for coast artillery n:fi Fortress M on roe. Va . winch ' January 5. The board i,iu';i; : selection was cc in poM'd : ' : Jlanimond and t'.M',ii:i 1. and Hyde. The men will be mi ! i vice while takini; t be - - ,u : -successful they wi'.l ii cnn, 1: ed second lieuten.nt.- lory, national ai 11. 1 1 1! perience, general ad apt a in . . 1 edMcationaJ qua1 i' 'icatVin.-. -larly in matln-inati' s we . '.m consideration i;i ii'iiini: !). .1 'Cell- LAST EVENING The Uoseburg schn. venetl' last eveninc a re' t'rs of importance w. : A delegation fnmi ti..-ent-Tfacher Asofiai im, meeting and pla-'. d the qii'-stion of cor, i needed ass mbiy :ei,:., son school. In ; room, the commit!' ort ions of the kali laree class room cuub! .ether and that the nt.-. nl.l I.. most .ti3f:ictury. Th,. ...lIlllll.T! I'lrrJ v.nt this proJ'Kl In- s'ivn tar. fill c(iii;l'!f ratinn lij th.- bnar.l. tuilse of the dlio lu-iesaity for such ami it was especially needed because! ol the lack of l oom lor music j classes, there being no permanent; place lor the piano. The board will take the matter under advisement and a decision will he reached at the I net meeting. A number of bills' were settled during the evening and ttie hoard was adjourned after dis cussing other minor matters. LOCAL S. P. EMPLOYE H. F. C;;IdweM. a local Southern Pacific employe today, through his eounsrl. Attorney .John T. Long, tiled notice of bankruptcy iu the I'nited Slates district court. Mrs. Caldwell has tiled suit for an ihsolute deciee of divorce from bet ausband. (i. F. Caldwell, and further tsks the sum ol $;',:. no a month ali mony for Iter maintenance, alleging in her complaint that her husband treated her in a cruel and inhuman mi a nner and tailed to properly pro vide. Mr. Caldwell, who it is alleged rtill contest the divorce proceedings, is j.repaiing a demurrer and In the cross complaint will probably charge his wife with infidelity when the case comes up lor hearing before .Itidfce 1 1 a mi I ton during the Febru ary tei m ol court. Committees to be Appointed Ladies to be in Charge Much Enthusiasm. HONOR GIRLS TO ASSIST Utilises to Ite 'niiva.ssed Itegintiin; lli.emlier IT Hiive Will l!e 'iinihicleil I 'ot llnc Week. The il i ve to enlist every man. w on: ati and child under the Red i ' ros is now well under headway. At a com hiil tee meeting hebl es teniay plans ueie m:ide to have tooths in a number of buildinus in !i('Seburg during the com in y week, beinniim I leceinber. These bool hs will be placed in the Douulas Na t.oual II. ,11k. in charm of Mrs. .1 11 Mtioth; iiepot. Mrs. M. A. Hacked am: mis. xxaiie,, ,,,h. vuseull.f; '.t'- ' d . ' mid Mrs F A. Itemis; Hotel Pmp- it.i. Mrs. Dexter Hire and Mrs. Geo. hnlter; Perkins building. Mrs. O. I The Honor Guard pills ill as-ist the ladies in their worl; N imerh'iilly. the (fed Cross chri-ti u:is membership campaign is ;(. Iiigge-t rampaign Oregon has e - e. ;m-.m r. tc-inires .ne eni.s,meri. , rmb 1 ihe Hed Cross ol aptoximately " "ef cein of the entile population! ": "'" n,'IH '' ,,"M peri'eiii age - the quota before each countv 1 11 in. .'mi. i wo u ii mi i co ;i mi tony thousand members is the quota as- ig to'd to t he (Mlt it e - title The pi eliininary plan- were mad v e-s,ei day vv hen the cap'ains of the. various d ist rhMs met . Kosebu i g is S.ffis. sT'lME NEUNER JR !. .1 W T' l kias. (l I'. I'uHhl.M ; and .1 K Mi ''liai, Ii Amihiie Dm-' up:, "i ! ;i 1 1 ' '. win, ii.it v, -I..-..i . '. . i . l-'rii'-r I :ui it-t . I K M'-ciin , Ilnsi'i,: i l . Mii Ann. i Al.var Ii i. lid.' Mi .1 I K ii n ' . ! , in ;i Ml-- ll.-l.-ns. Hi. I, II- Iti.MI. Mi M N 'I'lsdiil-. S.-MI: : -v. . .Mi-sl.illi. Hrnwn. i.m-;i H;i . Mrs Anni.- I. I'.-r liii,- ,;.,Mlin.-r M i r.,,,n- Mm ' k . r. I ....I,.. I.iih . Cli.l.- !'' In. 1 1 1 1 r- Mi- ; V .-s !.- I" ''. 1 1 : . 1 1 1 . Mi.- II V 1 : 1 1 1 n . -1 r M' - . II .1 ''.I" s- I'ailMiiiMU. Mr- .1 K )--.-l. Hi. I. II, . Mi- , i" 1 ----- . - T i - -. ,-i-...-iIh ll.i-n j...n W. ti.ii m .. A II M!.. I .....king i',l;i-s Ml sis Kslli.i lllak.-lv. Imv.k ;'l- .Mis- Man Cuin-v. Hll.l. W ' llai-linc. I II H. mill an. I It I. w n,..i.-. ..I lti.s-)irK - - - - dcdt rniTpu mi uLrti rmiun iv LISTS IN NAVY'SMITHY PROWELL TO I Th' .l,'l PM thu Mill in in. li.".v y d- u i ini'ii ill pin ulif.irn Mi Krilrh i! n ildy lie Rlalion.-d navy yard lii'l" - r'alif.irn,a navy yard uln'i" Ii" wii l. in iruinuiK fur Hf-v.-ial nninlh.i prior lo entering Into active nervi.-e j ti u Participated in Riot Houston, Texas, in August Last. FOR BONE DRY NATION Senate Mimniiic Adopted Vestlda Will Ite Coiisidcivd l Moiinc on Friday liuiuiry Into Suy,ai' Shortage l Pcomi-ed. ( liy Associated Press. ) SAN ANTONIO. Texas. Dec. 11. Thirteen 11 euro soldiers w ere bann ed, at Fort Sam Houston at 7 17 o' clock this morning tor complied in the rirtts ill Houston oil AunmM The men executed were S - an' William Nesbitt . Cot poiah; l.ai mui Ul DWll. .htmes Wheat te . ,les--e V'tnire and Chus. Halt iiuuic , privates Win. 11 recken ridge. Thomas Hawkins. Carlos Snodgrass. Da Davis, .las Divins. Frank JohnstMi, Kisley .llng and Pat Macwhorter. A number ol other colored troops i 1 11 pi ha ted i :i the riots, at which time Houston was shot up and lives snuffed out h the lawlessness of the soldiers, wen yen enced to lile imprisonment T!i time anil place of execution u. ; ep( secret, and no one but army ofti e--. and the sheriff of Hex;tr count' u it aessed 1 he affair. Sixty-t hree men were 1 rb-d for participation in the s iuts d isliomn ; n lie Service. FiM'tv-Mip- weie s 1 11 1 e a c d to lite impristtiiinent : jsbiMiora bp. i i -!. -( 1 -(( t riiiy and sentenced in i vears Three were gien Oil" :iMd a two sentence. 'Five t) the lot iuir :ic (lllitled. The executed lien all lie(l bravely, and went to the gallows singing a hmn. Tle-y said good be to their guard of sidtiiers. The exe cution took place in all a no o iwo miles from Samp Travis, and the prisoners were carried to the gallows in a motor truck. A negro minis ter and two army chaplains offered prayer for the doomed men fore t he t rap wa-- spi 11 iil: . Nation Wide Prohibit ien. WASHINGTON lu ! I M unanimous consent the bouse toda . agreed to consider the pi oposed con stiuttional amendment, passed by the senate yesHM ihiy pi o id in:! lor 11 a Hon wide pi ol'dl ion Tin- ina-nn will be taken up next Molidav The proposed a mend men 1 et ,1 nli.-'i iu i. n;iti(Mi wide equal suffiage law- 'a reported back to the house t(.;,;. wit bout rect mi 11 ne inl a lion b 1 l.c ho.11.se judiciary committee. v (.(Hit, j,,. , ,, botP t I ttiti e and accej. lance C'itl and Simai- slioitiiuev ASlllNtrrn.N, pec. t .. .., Sl.n.;,(. Mliiiaiv c.onniitt.e mi (o the operations ol ihe w;n bpait nient ill arming and e(uipptim Tilted Stat s tioops This il-n-lm was 1 esu be. i today. TIm- '';mi- - s!lllI I;i,..s al.-. M. in V(.,, , ,,;ll(Ml )lV ,,',,,;,, .... ..(. .4., c-vs ' SH 1 NhT N yrt 'orinacl; , noted ten t tia l he w ill go on a I ton i . pay ing his own he earns J 1 oo.in.io. mve to the Ited Cro-- hi-i'it A'N.iti.- l j. ,,,. .,,..1 ti. ' .,!,..; -t.s n .rr.:i ,,i y .(.., , ;,l.,iit' il .' I:r 1 I n-s ,. i ,,r. ., ,..... j ) . ,..)..,.. .. jf;,,. .,'iilm n, I'm S, . .. ' TI. s !; .. 1 ' ..... t .... t, ' . -I ..-.iT-.-i ' j T',. ic, I !iL- ... .1 .1 1 .t.,i. ,...,.t.nc S:, ..1 r. 1111. -I mi '. j wii'. w ! 1 1 1 - Ii I o 1 -1 - 1 , - i ' i;;.,;;, . h. p,r -I Tli. . ,-ciitor and TALKS10HKHSCH00L; BV OFFICERS Or MfflVj; FlfiHT PflP P.nilNTRY,LArLU0lun willingness to join the colors pro-; id 1 11 g he w.is released from the tuMl Is he was ciMiipelled to furnish, t" a piie a r bet 01 e the Februai 1; t .md jury in answer to an assault and battery charge preferred by the1 Wrbt r Inothers sonic lime ago. Mr N- iirier advised the ouug patriot '. lx the case now pending against ' 1. would be held until the pranu1 ;: . ,,;;;;;';;";', ai; t;::!: ouiig man's tace mirroretl the hap piness he tel t and Ite st am mering ly tnanked his beuelactor. In expla ining his act ion t be dis iriei attorney stated that he did not wish to stan 1 in the path of any pill riot ic 11. a 1 who wished to light for his con;, 1 and as a consequence Mr Pn.web v. il' leave here Thurs day r, i g h 1 1 1 . nl 1st in t he na vv. e FT. VJ ( ip. her night . se ei al well known lo- Jc.d p rsons of Tetiionit descent were '1. ie Will known, h ded Indole Dlst.-icl it.nne eGo red .1 httei irom his ,.mil.r ihis morning ami wei- suii i.a. r-.-enily. who Isj ;, rl.u 10 a severe trilling b(hiud l l-.it Worth. Texas. ru.s.d .fours, .hist what evidence has .1 ,t bis MqMa iron. ;l:ej iM. collected against nie men is not - expecting a call lor. j,nown a.; no in : oima l ion was obtain iv time. Mr. Hanaii r(,. The oitbials lerasing to di- a furlough, hul ow-' , -.ii-r the lin-hin:- nl" inve-tiga-. 1 tluit the officers tiotl. K. l: f.tocliiea rion. -i now .1 iu tii- 1 :: ; ( ii duty i!i ;. d.ed A'-i.id 11..: : lia 11 t h la ..1 a leave tor more' t he 1 1 ip bom.' could 1 hi- 1 .me would ia.-d ; : 1 -1 1 ln'-t- and return I I v, :tb ; he liisi to join w engagiil iu and soon e Mdal ' i . in Fi ance. Al lan. ti he is the only 01 d. i be I) Fort W01 ih ; hlc 1 llg i.t ei i.t !ei alit i"--. in !l A here;il,oeS ot l.ei I boy s " is now may be I Il.tt se .Mill : on Ib-'il v;t DECIDED 'i I S. 1- th. isabil pnK- o 1 l.e.ll s,. 1, an Mi Die high ib- and because nl has boid ot lit 1 l!ie rix j . 1 1 iao: Ilia! is appatciil v. : tb et ation o! the l;i!iunage t !;;-. I e Ml dee,ded to collt III lie the ld (lasses thai have be. mi ill session i II l ilig I lie p; eseiit I . ! hi . but IteW !.i-s.-s, will mil he tor::ied ill the 'et'iillllg Ol the l)e .-. i. ste- as I be 'il- 1 inn in 1 b- past UBMARINE IS FATAL 1 '1 1 1 Ii t ' 1 1 . . . ! t ..' an Mli PAHIFin Til II . ill I UUU I I ll.llll 1I1UIMU IU I , .1 ! CHANGETRAIN SERVICE 1 I Til.- S...:lli. 111 IVi.-ilh- 1.IHI..IIII.I-- 11 I . !.e.- ii- I-'- in. --.-I. I 1. in-- l.il.L- I- "-I nl in.- 1. ..Ii 1 11. ! .-."i .11. .in.- Smi.i.i I it-. .111!.. -r j I" "1 ; 'I i . . . I I I. '.ui. ml 11 ..ill ,. I s ill m." f. IL." . ..1 ; i 1. .1 1,1 . in-. . ;.i ..I T 1 :. . 11. . 1. ..in i. : .. i.n'iii i.i.iin.i. ill ! .n .11 I I .1 11. 1- I-.-. I 11 ' I ., . in . i 1 '1 In, 1111. 1. -. i'I .1 I J" i' 1. '. -I. il'! i,- !: V!, I.:... " ,..,!" r nils,-.,. ....-iiini 1 . . , ; I'.-.i- -. ." m 1 i : "' ' " ! 11 ',J'''' -,1 ! '"' ..in. in 1 . - j . . j S 1 r i 1 1 . 1 1 , ... 1 1 . t . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . nn .i iTinr . r. mai im ... . . . .. '"' - I' u' j . ' . ' ' . ', , ! . '.''':. r !! , '' i" '!,.- .. ''"'.'; '' " ' ' 1,1 . ' , ' " .' "" '' . '111. I. I'"- .1. i.l . IliSPANISH SHIP TARGET PLOVERS M j FOR GERMAN U-BOAT 1 s ,, 1 . ;, . ., ....I ... . , ... -11 1 : . -. ' - I - ;' ALLEGED PLOTTERS District Attorney ceo. Neuner Holds Rigid Examination BehindCIosed Doors. FINDINGS NOT GIVEN OUT Winning Ivsiied "Keep oiir .Moitlli Shut niid Hh) the I m " Pto-icrimutim ill .Not lit Tolointed. As a sequel to the Geiman colller ice that was held in this city the When interv iew ed -hoi 1 after Cie ' I h it (1 degi ee" was uiv. n to a .'.II known hernial! citizen th's hum it iu g. 1 dst 1 0 t A i toi ny N en 11 e r bad (he following to say. which Is to s m e as a wai nint: to any aliens t hat t he may not !e ia I e fid m or uus- c-Mist Mle tile pa It the I'll il ed Si ill es government expects them to play do run. 1 he wiir: 'A rigid in v est iga inn is being held as 1.1 the alleged meeting 01 prohermans and if any evidence is disclosed that this meet ing was held tor that purpose, to w il : pro 1 i e 1 111 a 11 isti 1 , the pa rl ici pa 11 1 s will be dealt with severely as alien ene mies This is no time to hold meet ings :.n the pi 1 1 pose of aiding or com toiling the enemy. Anyone who Is i ot enlisted to .let end !i!s country vill hn e lo pill sue a Useful vocation or occupation. Idlers will not be to! eialed. So keep your mouth shut ami obey the law " Th 1 in ili tit rv a ill liorit ie a 1 e t ak 1 ,1 g 'I rides to lid 1 lie niiill I I oi ' ' , ' , , , v ho .re known lo 1 11 1 - t ne.nl. , en itiiit til the tailed Suites and ill sii. peels are under siirvejilari. e ;ind a v.King move will be hdlove hv immeip ite a. rest ittMl detention A lip thai alleged (eMinau con spiiators wete holding me. fini:- in a certain nalio-d local, v i thi- . 1 1 . as leeehed 1,V 'gbl Pilllidll Hi. ml Wib-'ix and ihe . : - 1 1 . r n flier, alter can-tul sleuthing iniei i inptid lh" suspicions g a t ' i e r i ii g . ball t.l i!- d I 1 1 ' VII e e .. II e s, ! th :1J I 10 w ,i r i ..,,1 at ii .-t - ll-.-v. v.- t ! 11 cer "ib-o i.- of I ; opinion I hat i ' lie meet Mtg W : -, he'd ol il jell po-i- 1 and i epoi ted !n- t n i ! r . to t he I piop.-i aul lioi it i. - w nh i lo- i. suit j thai a careful ii, .-! i.:.-: ion v ill be i lliaib' ol I Jle l;.,.l'.'l lii an effort to! ..Ilefe.1 , W.D.BELL PURCHASES i FINE ELECTRIC SIGN UPHELD Bf COURT SUCCESSFUL TODAY . !:, . . I'll . ai"! Hi-- t , i , : ah!, , , - a mi i -- s i ii .- I al iiius rn m I n 1 1 1 ' D DLt lAMPAIbN splendid suecestv a goodly sum al-! leady being realised by the canvass-! ers. The need and value of this work is generally recognized through out the city and expressions of ap preciation are hem d on evt ry sidu as lu the worthiness of the project. I: is thought that before the end of the week Wusehurg's quota will have been reached several times ovt?r and I rum all indications the results will j bo lar better than lirst hoped for. 1 no support 01 every painouc cui .en is desired in Ibis splendid cam paign and by adding a small bit to fie Hible fund one will he adding a big ray of sunshine in the heart o( some brave soldier boy. ENLIST IN NAVY Ihuce Itrblges. a well known y.iuug man of this city, formerly as sociated with the s. P. Co., and of late mechanic at the Prior repair shop on Oak street, who was receul 'y examined in Portland tor service ,n ihe u:iy. was rejected, accord iir; to w (Md received in Ihis city 1o dav because of the absence of (he right tlieuib. Mr. Itridges, because oi Ins sol end Id physical condition, is being detained in Portland, 11 ml the mat lei of his accept a ncn taken up with ihe Washington authorities". It i-- claimed by Mr. Bridges that the iliselice ol the thumb does not in iiny wav affect his ntucss to enter the service and he is doing every I h ill in his power to enlist. Conservation is Proving Fine Success Dealers Report Reduced Sates. MAINTAIN THE SERVICE 4 liihi iniin lalih , for This Section, I 'Pledges I nl OiganljiHoii I'er- j maiicncy Heavy Sales j 0f Snbst it ules. j - - J National Food Administrator 1 1 1. ...ijo 11.... the Or.-goil liledge -aid organl.ation be made pel man- Mi!. h I, lably. chairman of houglas oMiiiy. has pledged the county or--'. 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 i o 1 1 for luluie service. Meth od.. I01 ( in r. nig out the lood pledges lo Ik llllillslied tile plllllll . 'j lie ol Ib es ol I be lederal low 1 itd in nn: 1 1 ;i tor lor Oregon e.x pressed i i.ii.ftide to the Houglas county com mit lee iol the WOI k done liefe hioiei.s and hiitclKMs in vaiious .itts ot Ihe shite have been int. I I' Ued ..S to Ihe effect Ol th.f lood ii .1, pa tg li ll poll t h 1 1 sales of t ho - e i I , I de ii ed lo be nilhl'l e. I l i i I : o r i llg s out I bill I be people ol 'Me.Mill iile making good InqUltie: iHade l. I lie houglas count y chai i luiill - how ! hill sales n .ee l,V lo- H I:' de hv ,,.,-. lo p- d MP . - d.f. pad SUIT FILED AGAINST LOCAL GROCERY F '"' 111 ' '" II I' ! I 'I " ' I V A 1 1 .!! 1 11 ''.impi.. II I'.ni ,,;n,.,,. , .i,.,..,i .. !,i., v. ill .' ""i ' ' J 1 ,!!" iil.-nalh !i.-lp i! nnn . .-ii la '.' I 1 ' 1 um. ''-ll .v .n. ' A ,.,,,, ,,,1,1,,,, ,..,', Ill- " I"" M,., II, II . -,. ., , li.-i ,;,,- I,.. i- ... Wllli-ll - , ,s ., ,(,,,,:..;.,,.:, ,,, .,', '"' " "' -' " land, nil. I s.-iv ,pii..r linn, ii-- l!i, ' 1 ...i"ii' fi'.ii' Hi- I I"' j-imii-r -I nl In., i eil.. will r-iinln ' ' ' 1 '"".pan v, I'll- U , j. M... a, 1 1. i,,,,,,,. ,,f ''"i- '""I 'rl'" Vld.m i i ,! ,s Win 11-11. ,1.,-i, mi,- i'."iip..ii! 'I'll- .milium m'i-I-ii,,. ,,,H,UV. v. I. il.- h-i lin-l,an. ev - .,M-r-. ii, l,e du., mi i:o, i, I.-. 1 , i...... ,,i,i. i .1... ...... ....... ,. ' il d im Tclmuillse II FIGHT FOR LIFE Leadership of Private Mura noff Not Agreeable to the Army. SIEGE ON IN MOSCOW MaeJiiuo hun.H PlaiiUl in St i vets to Vuell I prisins (mi isou lay llevolt CusMirkH l'joyal to Pnviioimi Authority. (Hy ASBoclatm! Prcan. LONDON. Dec. 1 1 ,- The sit ual Ion is reported to be very grave at .Mos cow. Itnssia, and vicinity, ami. thY ft ttilH of aiuit'cliy are developing rap idly. The Ibdsheviki Hoverniuenl. having destroyed t he const i hi ted government set up by Kerensky, is now resorting; to lorce to perputualo itself. Mat hine kuiis have beon plac ed in the streets in order to quell up risings of hostilo parties to Hits Uol sheviki. The garrison, which aided t he llolshevlkl lo secure power-, shown signs of insubordination. The troops are tiring of the restraint placed upon them, and are alleged to he disobeying; I he Ilolshevilti com mander, a private soldier named Mur unolT, who was given command when the socialists and anarchists took ov er the government. A considerable force Is being dispatched from the west front to give battle to the Cos sacks, who haw not submitted lo nor recognized Ihe liolshevlU! au thority. hennnns llelnfoiveil. UATFhKSS, Dec. II. Heavy Ger man reinforcements have arrived in northern France, and ll Is belb vei by the allies thai the Teutons ire pn paring to strike a desperate blow to break through the llrllish and French linen. .Inst where thin drive will ma terialize Is yet to bo disclosed. Ar tillery duels are kept up co'stantly all along Ihe western front, lu Mai y 'lie herninn advance appears to have been slopped. CRUITS FED HERE Special cars attached to haln No. r:s t his morn i nt? contained 1 -hi en listed navy recruits from Seal I le. Wash.. Portland, and other Oregon cities, who are miiouto to Mare Is land ami other California points where ihey will begin training at .Mice in tire various departments ol : the marine corps service. Local members of the Ued Cross I and ollicials of the recent troop I movement w ere wii ed on ly a short lime bid ore I he t rain arrived Dial 1 the men would cat In this city, and Ihe Koiitch i est a lira nt and Imp ,na j hotel w ere not i lmd lo prepa re ! breakfast for the men. The break last wits prepared and serv -d in ct- ' ceil, nt oi.l. i. notwithstanding tie bi e not ihca : inn and the men were high in ih'-ir piai.-j- oi the ite.iimeui i alloided them i a Ito.-ehin g. Accompany ing hie re. i iuls to Cjli foiniii weie two popular S. P binUe men. A nt bony .M ad. lux and Irani: ndeiHoii. who recently enli.-nd iu , t e navy depart men! In I'm i !, ud. The l.o s W ere greeted at tile t ' aid !i a bilge gioup ot llPMids WMo o' led then bed wishes for il sale n -I ii i ii ii nd o -seiii e 1 a w ell tilled Nv o! d I' .. ;e- It. on the 1(ty oi :.. AH ill- li.ei the ..il.o lads V. !C .1 plemlid example ol Ameih.in man hoed -Hid Ih'Mi' n i h u.-.jasm wa .- .i high plt-'h W bile la Ih'SeiMI I g Th- I 1 1 . V M S . 1 1 Wish O I . I ' II! il 1 1 . . . s to .dd Cielr I ll. id II . i,. i. il !:. il. ..a uf Win n.-ll. ..- !, al v.. ..Hi. r i,'is,-i v,.r a.T-lliMD-.-.I l III- HI" ..I I i, .-ll ll.-l I- ) . --'IT In. .in, ,ii... I,. Ili-ilieli-y, l'. ill!.. ': (i.- w . 1 1 I.t I..- a , -inn s,- nl I r.i in Ii; i'i.ii a ill in linn li.r III." nel'.i ...ij. Ml II, II. , i,',-ts In ,.,,n,pl, t,- -ii I -1 . 1 i i - .ii ;. ."..il Iv... in, ,iii 'is ., nd iil ill, -ii I., i.-lmi.-d M .ill.- ..I Hi.. l .i. .li.Hi . Mr ll.-l lias I ,' ', Ml,, ,' .. ,..,., ,. Ml 1,1 im ( aiifonua.