The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 06, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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THE EVENING NEWS l - jiiki. ixu.y awakk.
ii. w. iutks iiAn:s
iHsri-:ir i aii.v i..yi i it m-viv s .tr-v '!. i ii 'h'i'i
Seasonable Garments at
I be
Subscription Itate.s Dally.
Per year, by mail $8.00
Per mouth, delivered
il'-T that llu I'lli'r.l SI. Jr., h JIOW
WiiKc lu it.-. ciXiihi'! rial n pn t t 1 1 1 1 1
m-- .mil dm n--- Mr K 'I i.'-;i n.i
bal M wi ii-i ii-Vci ac:illi Im' ,h t.tde
IT ;i (iii .i,..H iv'M n:i V I 'Mi lo
ale Prices
Per year $ 2 . 0
Six mouths 1.0' i
, l n,n .1" I .
I es ' ' i !
t.!-. 1 blr
... IP. I
rp'.n tin' character and conservatism of our
l.ank '.; (ifiicers and directors to a ureal extent
depends the .safety of your funds.
If they are kno'vn as men of hijfh integrity if
(: liave a reconl as successful men in Imsi
i.i s.- if they are known as conservative men in
ail things then you may rest assured that
their hank is governed in conformance with a
policy of safety before everythiriK else.
Such are the men who govern this bank and
sour funds are absolutely secure in their care.
H W. Strung, President: J. M. Throne, Cashier: D. R.
Slianibrook. Vlco Pnisldent; Roland Agoe. Vice Preililent.
Entered ai second -chi'S matter.
November 5, 19b!, at Hot-chin g, On;.,
unihir iirt of Man-h :,, l S7!t.
M km it i : it or pki:ss.
Tlio Associated I'ivn i erltiuel
entitled to the ns for rcpnldirat io
of all news isia(4'liti red i ted to i'
iir not otherwise credit) in ilii
paper anil iilso the news pub
lished herein.
All rights of republication at fpf
vfal lintrhef herein imi uh.
Till IISH M , HI 'KM I.Kit I !H 7
wnv 1 ii .i;i;m n .'
Shirt and Drawers worth 7ijc
Your size here
Union Suits worth $1.00
Your size here
Hi fe
ut- I
1. 1 V, f I
M : !: !ti- H
ir. i ' ! in'' j
u lout a ,l !i
I i
Why teach the Cennan I. in;: -.iy
III (ur public si bools is :i 'u '!oi.
that is j;ointl tbe rounds tin
What use has. a red bb.ud'd am! b,..
put riot It; Aim; I icali nt imi cm i"
the kaiMM 'h rahM'i . Ol wImI le :i
lit will it ever be to ,. tini Ni o
ttin Hum bun; hi,;h .school to n - m:
t oil K Uf "shaped" .so be an "ib-ll -
or" fluently thn la mu.ik- '1 1:1
our HtroiiKi'Sl enemy in t bN v. :.j
war lo dra us down to .i I'm. .u
If the I'llitrii Stat.;: ., it
win this wai . a tln' Min i) u ii I
and "dean up" I be ' i win an en; i"it
aH It Fhouhl jpropcily ! m-ihh ,
theiH will not I)- a .ullniiiii !imm!.m1i
her oT the jjihuh.iani.-. b ,f :oi.. i;,. uin;ti'i'
kiiltter's iloinain to bob .i i..n i:
fair at a roail n o--.- in ;- i
Then, aj;ain, it fla s ih.i lnv l !. ii-.
proper spirit ol iiiu- Ann iu.jii i-m uMh : i
rlotlsin to our fUM'oinipp Mn a . i
to Instill a htlix'nui'c in lion n n.l
tbat we now, and uill loi i - n-n u
after, hold in tin' lott dbitpnt. j,,,., ,
Many ol tbt iinporl.un bi::b M-'t...-: , . ,..H;(I( . 'h..- n l'i
t hiounlmul I he )' nit. 1 1 S I ; 1 1 1 ;w .w, i ; i lo . M i, . nil- 1 1 .'A I
(dim In at ed. Ho- ;-i man l.i ii :mi. i-.- i j ,,,,, ),,. 1 i: , t dim.
Urely, ami tliete ill I"' hnioln I
more do likewise Inline lin- h.ii i
While ltosebliiK is in lb - r.. .ml
lip" bUHUiis to di inin;it-- ..h- n- il
I'Vf-'iy eharaeier ii umil I no, '
ailllsH for Ilie srhool lm;in! to c.mi .i I
er dropping 1 Im it;i V n.-.i 'm l,i r
from the hii;b i-idn I'
looka lilte a fa i re I o run 1 : n i i- i li i
hratieb of I lie M-bool wotk .hi I
would not In- ;i d ist-i'Tii im.- t i;
was " t i'i nun' d i ii: tit oil .i t t
A fcood n to I .i J.e t b ' 1 1
nut of this much talk d "i b . i i -n
pnipaj;aiifla 1b (o I;iii ii:;bt ,il tb.
rout .
TIht.' ill'.' :i (In, ii i,m n i ii'iil
ttnselillrK liunlllsl wliinn. il ,i Ju l I
WIT' Cili'lllliO'il i
luilli'il "lull M
prollllllh' lift il ll(Hl....i!ii iii:n
one iluy. 'I'liin is (he ne.' I u .11
ployed amiinst tin. iirnimsril ini:nr,i
lIU'lltK to til, rolllilv lall :ilnl ..II
liouse. " Itul mil niev " i.. ,1 i- .
raliiolirlaL;.. In .t tin- p : . 1 i'i.
Wear ils..f inn l.v I,,. :i. 11
waiting" i,ili, . Tli 1 :. I.'il 11, ii im. .
policy means never w !i. 11 1 , i , 1 -, I
Wheil We :.!ll,ll hale elUleil Ihi- 1 .
ritlll il 11 I'I l.e ., I. .111. lime !.
anybody, aniclier u.u
llnll'l met l,,li ,m 11 in;- a I,'. .1 11,.
Heal on 1,11 1 I'linMinm i, ., r , - I .
ery llllle lieln-. 11, 1 h, l.e u ,m 11
he! im le.l : i i I , ill' 1!
,1 i I 1. I InV I lie ,. i,i , ,
'I lie I, III': , 1 I a 1 :
T.l III I'll! I 1,1,1 ,,,- -I . '. , 1 I
n.i i, I II," ,1.1,11:1 , ,.
Ill- .'l.'ll a I ill 1,1 anil 1 , : 11.
t, I 11 11 1 11 in 1 1 1 , 1 I a . 011 ei,
I ' .ill eil Hi, II. 1
! II"'.' .Mir "able- ., .,
I, ,11 I 11 .ml .. ir 1 I in : I im. ! , '
I'M: ' ' a 1 ..i.e. ,il 1 1
Tin. .' I .11,1,1 ,.:.,! !. 1
-5.1 1.1 11 ill I" Ii.lilii' I,.,, I, I
1. I
". la, I
il. I..II
1 e
alel'lllill. Tell
Pilll.ei Pens
I , ,111 it I 'i.lls
Ideal Gift Store
Tinker To s
I . -. I . I Item s
The Book Store
Holiday Stationery
I". :i.;.Vt, it, ,- . 1 y .J. tint l t I.:.
! 1 :,:i. p-ii-f I" .-Hi' -,-i
"I .1 1 n ,nii on . ' .1 lo
in 1 I'll-.- i.iuiou.-. p.iji. r I': b-..,!
I 1 ' ! 1 : :.n, in, nil I n . i Ii . 1
S. b rt 'lilt-- I I .'in olll Slnrl; (.;
Pyralin Ivory
I r i . I . i I. . an. I 111 ililie-.
In,. , I'llll la,...-. Hail H.eeil
, all, I M.HII.-ur- Al'liel.'S ale
'.hn'l II 1,1 Kill II 1 si les il ll'i 111 t he
1,111 eSl ll H'.'l SeleC, l,el,,',' I lie
SI", I, ,.- Mil I'M
Oregon Myrtle Wood
splendid sin, Willi; n! Ihis fam
ous Oi- ioii pi, Him i is mill on
li.'!;.y iind eolel-. i-, s .-oiae ol
I'll' lll.-li :l 111,1 .'it i- 1 ',1 I He I, ,111111
lio liners. Mil ll'ilils. .'aniHe
lloldeis I'oll.H ll,,e-, Tel.Uf.-..
ami I'uai Holders Pin Trays
and A Kiel- s !,. ladies' di.---
I'li; P.l. e.i I l ain Tele lo
J -..on.
Pi inj; I lie l iiildr.-n ill and i e-it
Toy Section
'Ibis b-p;n t metn i Hlk-d -iib
a 1 1 i' b s w liu b w ill ;t !'i'. 1 to
r!; blH-n oi o-r iim- ( ; n,,,.,, o!
all kind;.. o r.-ry ii-ri.:p-
i ion ;iml doll.- 1 1 oiii i-vei v i.n-d.
Coats and Suits
Only a few for a quick clean-up
We will take a heavy loss.
131 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Oregon
45c n
70c HI
i! :!i
i !i J-f il
HiiMiK (! AIM MKK'I'S TONKillT.1 It. I'. Huntb-y leiurn.fl to bis Mb-
i home at ilvorkw.ix iitit'i' spemlitiK- in 1 1
Tbe Cirls National Honor (Jicird the day in Hosebury lookinir after evenii in li
will no .t this tveniim at I'leaimory nusiness affairs. I rifin!.
.iiiil M'ViMal iiiMM.iiiint biir-ines mat- -
L is ait lo h.' takt'ii up to-- disce-:-:-ioii.
It is dt-siit-d tba. t-v--i
y no nibt-r atit'iid ibis -e .-ion . li I
all ilohniui-nt dwts must be it,-. id f i 1
.M-IiitiL: al the latest. 'I'tlf U )lio,
( I mi rd -i ti'-w mil it ry drill ma-1- i .
I. : ufi-nant IVn ;. ''!ib. w ill eoiu
mand tbf uiils tonieht and it is
In m lib i tbat the n-:nlK will In- spb n
dld iMatis Will In- roMiph't.-d ft. I
rha n irhi l: mi Hit a i day to Thursday
in-ii-ad of tin uMial Tuesday, .iml in
the future tbe rules must be icily
: obeyeil. Tbe busiiloss session will
1 st ai t a! 7 : 1!" pi nmpt !y.
M AlMi K Mil l.KR.
Si-cri t iry.
oi i lakhmd, arrived
':-'hi lo spend the
ebui-K visiilnji with
ltrst lamab- a! I'hf IN
fflo aviators lose
l:. -1 lan, ;b- . ;
Ml I. C .-V
. i X ' I I'll.' U I '
I ' !!;, nn. i I i
..iil- h, ',,-ip I
Mi II I '
..kl.itn I.i -l
.i.i hi r ,
I Tbf l'dl.uiua t:
M -. Ida .Martin b-t late last
ftiini; ! or bt-i b.'int- at I'oi I latid ; 1 1
' .p'lnltnu- .i w -).;ys in t:n.- '.i..
,:tnna I; ' A trieml in n 1 is a friend in-
deed, and bow you can ( 11 is in
, Try MilsinieTs. Tile most
l,K''- 1,1 i ,.nv, .!,.. i,. nn ,,,, m;u:ket.
in tb:.- Itv .'o'pp.h-. i.i.i. lie -I" l5 I ...t , i .
II. b
' l'b...l Ki.jr n fit c d '---Tiinu' !
miiiodatf liiin in tine' ot bis
ii--. d. and t le'ii a littlf later ask him it back in letum. And tbat ir
whal I bae doiif is In i;ie cicdit
to many a man and now 1 am f-.uim;
to ask tbt-it. in it'turn to ronie and
pay their lills in full mil later (ban
1 '.-ri iii be i j.". this month, as that is
tbf lin.f thai I need tbe inon" to
After All lias Been Said and
Done, the Great
H.ndw. in- ('..
n o; h i lb- Cre, l
..n . .
p- ltd I be tt lilt'
'HUM I'l.llll "er. " Ipp nd
l U a leu ila- ,1 1 1 I: d i n u to iHi-itles
C. C ll rum i .'t i: nivd t.. b is Twe-o-:
tii .mi- I'i-, We. an -d., . U bib
i Ci i fit-. M : i: . i.n. i-,t .-. v. i:b
l-'i evb - i a pe u ire. ."Cr a c lllon.
.i' the I'm i land Hu-haid.- Maile in
I-'' l-'ninib ;..ur own con
tainer, if
pay n, v holiest 1 ills, and all of lev
I f i b-nds i ha! u ill eome to this call
, w ill b.- m:n ked --tine blue." and ail
thai tail lo answer this call will be
classed ,is bums lor their friendship
"lie Mdcd. and lie is liable to take
the banl.iupt law thai bis wile may
wear ,i 1 7.. .-torkiir-s. and that is
.-nun tbini: rotten. Now. kind fie nds.
' 1 1 i - rail is to ou all tbat owe this
man. H .1. .larvis am! we nuisi
b:ie it no! latur than tbe LC.ib of
t Ih- pi esell t monl h .
Il' " l. J. .JAKVIS.
IJetluced round trip fares to Caliloi nia. On-mm. Washington and
Idaho poinls will enable jnu to mi home lur i'b ri-.; mas and New
!;ilf tints to Caliiorni.i points le
eniher '1.-t to J.lid and L'-'.t!i to JSth,
nrltisivr. I't-turu liniii .laniiary lath.
Sa b- da t '-s i,.-t ,w ii all st at ions in
Uiesjon and I'roin all 'tations in Ore
I'l.i' in i.iuou- on oi ber lines in
( W.i.-hiii;:t..n .mi. I Idaho He
re in be i- j ml i n ;.Ci . i m-lu.-dvo. He
imi u limii Jatuia! .'I d.
p.:1 I ,! r.lar.s
1 laic! . I'n-Lnii
" '' I li.''t a- !,. i'i, .I .-i "t,i., I II, i lam.iles ;,l The Pollinnnii. If!' j
"' I' - a' Sliiiloil. a'le: -e'.l
:i- l' ",.l-l Heel, in t ins; . If. ' '" '
Do il li
I I-
r,U on T i'.at neiv I orT i
s. ' v n .1, s J .: nn.t
'J I J I'.le llii sl-
i 1 1 1 r. .
i',:.'. .1 ai'.-! i. 'il
-iii s a i ' i , i
Has proved a peer to all sales. You
are mow convinced thai you can buv !
here for less. This is the last week
to enjoy the Savings so come here.
S :o. t im k. I '
'!.. Pnill;, nd
:;!! it.- .i I- 'a d..
; . :t . .1. i .Hi.
. V . 1 IM I e. ' l
be b ,mp::
-. I i - I o : . 1 1
1 1
HI .1 ' I" . , u i i K
I'lIOMIT Mlllll.l
' .1 e . I
" A Shlno ' In WOW I
or, Drop" f4,
wi rTr dl'k
ph Uub
Roseburg Furniture Co. Xmas
extends to all 'the privileges of memliership. It is the easiest tiling in the world
tn join. There are no formalities to lie p. no thnnili no delays.
Only a Small Payment Down Is Required
T',', enal'l.j yon in select from our event storks of uiksni; ni.i- JZ
.'iiTiisai' ii'illit e: mil ;i le. M.-'nr ni i-e von 1 1 , a v de-ii ... leuill
,1. lllel' I''.' II, lllit 111 IV ,1 I"Mfl,,. ,!,.,, Bt. f,,r 1 1 1 T ! 1 I" - - ll.-lllel'l ll N(
i. -ii .1 Yioii i l:,,,,'.' ol' , it'ier
Grafonola or Victrola
T1l1-:iMA 111 l. 1 I.KI4, m whim:
o: i m ti - t: . , ; ar-- f;-M.' anl an r.-i'n'.ec
I a- rance.i I; j. ;in ea- !.iC. i .. ;. , - ..
C t1 . -..-i .,nt to pa On:- t.-rias
not : e l t V. e;!lL- Ullt .! 1 : , . , -
This Beautiful Grafonola or Yictrolar
with 24 Selections for
Remember we have a full stock of both
Victor and Columbia Records
Roseburg Furniture Co.
(tm '1. r,2 qa I: i.
mimM m