THE WEATHER The only paper in Roseburg carrying The Associated Press dispatcht s. Rain or Snow; Friday Vail. Eighost tesiis. ysardr ii Lowest tern 5. lat night 40 VOL. VIII. iiOSt-:i!t'lt. DOl'tiLAS COIXTV. O ISIXiOX. Tltt'ltSIMY, IlKfKMIil'.K 0, IHtT. No. ssa THE EVENING NEW T AFTER DEC. 15!: No Man of Draft Age Will be Accepted as a Volunteer. RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME A Xiunlier of 0K'iiing in the Oregon Coast Artillery for TImim Who Vl-h to 10sriiH t'oiuing tnder the lr;itt. Up to December 15. but no hitec, any man registered under the dratt who is not already in the military service or needed to fill u vacancy In tho first draft quota, may enlist aa a volunteer in the army, navy or j marine corps. Alter December 1 no man of draft age will he accept-1 ed aa a olunteer in any branch oi the army service. While voluntary enlistments in the navy and murine corps will still be permitted alter -December 1.".. they can be made only if a man Is able to produce a certificate ironi his local board show ing him to be so far down the list that he would not be taken on the current dratt. Hut up to December 15, any registrant may volunteer. A special ruling to this effect has just been made by the provost marshal general. This ruling Includes even men who have been called up for physic al examination by their local lumuK but not yet inducted into the army. In order to keep the states uuoia .filled on the first draft, a good many more men were called up tor physic al examination than were actually required. Now they can volunteer up to December 17. Kach such man must obtain from his board a certificate that he will not be need ed to till any deterred percentage of the first draft quota oi that board. This certificate must be presented to the recruiting ol licet. E course men of dralt age who have not yet been called up for physical exam ination by their hoards will not need such a certificate. They can volun teer up to December 1 o -- without it. There is a fine opening just now in the Oiegon nwi artillery for men who wish to M-upo i tie di a it and get into the arm; as volunteers. Tho Oregon coast artillery, which is a regiment ot Heavy artillery, con sidered the most desirable brunch of the set vice, is stationed tor the present in the forts at the mouth of the Columbia river. Colonel V. t Ham mond. command ing, needs 1 HO good volunteers before December 15. If you want to enlist as a volunteer, you will never have such a chance again to save yourself from the draft and join a line branch of the service as well. Remember that this chance will no longer he op n after December 1 5. Men who want to volunteer must hurry. COLLECTION Y. M. C. A. I The work of collecting the money j subscribed tor the Y. M. '. A fund in this city recently, will h;gin to-' morrow under the dii-'-iion of; Chaiitnan Go:ge Iloiuk .'tid ih prlncip.ils et the local schools 1 Southern in- gon's share wa- i i .""'i j and Kosehu! i.'-. are was J!.".". !he teams. hovfe. cuih-ct. t -j) I'his money will ! paid on tti nis'ia'l Apnl et th his city ilert:, men plan until ti: -! V. A t.ioss. r-r. te , hoys division, has nti asking the wok begin toriKurow. W. E. POE PASSES AWAY YESIERDAY W. K i' citizens ot Me i.-.-t knou n untv. died last It-.tftj , II II fori iin te n sll since -d!,-,.-e The In !. i.ur ; ot- th- pa-: :; ,r. I. ot tr;erii oi his niunu' vv.t - a ! i s ? 1 1 he Wo Id lo jr ::gla- evenlim in tin4- city from pneumonia, gentleman havini: t urday with th- '.' def eased hd i-M.I- and Irougla- rmim years, and his wtd were shot ked tu in ly deii-e. M -of the Woodmen anl win an a ; - ganization A wire are left to t:.o-;:t, era I services -.u.: i moi nint: a' 1 RoBOburc L'ndertai inlrtnient in the lory. ii- k- :i; tl... .. hi 1.1 1. t w . will: IUI.VII VIKVVKItH XA.MKD. Tin. L county court today made lor the viewing out of way road petitioned for time ago by t'. H. Maupit:, oi Kelloru, ami Comity En gineer Oteriuond. II. Jones and T. A. Wilson, were duly ap pointed to makethe view and rvpoit their findings to the court on December L'V, at which time the matter will he dispos ed of. The court members were busily en Killed all duy yester day In auditing the county bills and today road petitions are being looked alter along with the regular routine of work. iREACHES HONOLULU Mrs. Howard Waildell last evening received a communication from her husband. who recently secured a commission as lieutenant and left for Russia, where he will be associ ated with the railroad com mission project in that country. Lieutenant Waddell sailed a couple of weeks ago from San Francisco and the Jit ter receive! was written from Hono lulu whero Hie officers of the com mission were granted two .lays fur lough in order to view the country. The trip across was uneventful However, according to Lieut. Wad dell. every precaution was used, the transport being convoyed by a t", S. battleship and at night every light was extinguished in the danger zone. Mrs. Waddell is expecting a commu nication in the course of a lew day-; announcing her husband's arrival in Russia. Hay and Frank Shield, sons Den Shields, of this city, todav listed in t tut aviation department I The young men will leave in several flay s for Kugene when- t hey will take tin examinations and if they are successful will probably be sent to some fort. They stated that they did not know where they would be sent, but thought that the fort would be amp Kelly, Texas. The young men hae I teen employed lor a number oi year with their father, who runs a sttinir of jitneys in this city. WILL RETURN FOR T Woid has been received in this v tti.-u rharles Stanton wrll return I t r. I nvi'l .i t i fin- :i hiiti iiii'IiiiiL'h th. t 1 hitler l;n f ot this week Mi. Stan- I ton is enlisted in the 1th company ' i and is now stationed at Astoria i'a Motf lits enlistment Mr Stanton a j on The News reportorial staff fir ttiimt'T of years and has a number nr fi lends and aeon ;i i n t ances in tllisi I city, who will tie glad to hear that lie turning for -i short fuilo'igh. S PASS THROUGH CITY Gordon and Weldon Gaire. farmer residents of th ; V tiatre, w! a st rinc of jit ne BROTHERS ENLIST IN AVIATION DEPARTMENT i;S:":5lEAI PACKERS WANT ttitong!) lioset)Urg ttiis miMtiini:, to yet her wiili 4 yonni: men enronv n: San Kranciseo. They stated if;a; t h a'e enlisted in the pas engin iief attment ot the n.v. lark Titus, a brother of Mrs. (ieorge Vern-r. ot !!it- city. wa also with the en!isd ti.en The yo'itm man is enlisted a? i.i.e ksmith in the n;iv;. CLUB Mi- H;i-! i'.-arc.. .-nt'-rtninfcl !h--wi:!:i '-I'll. .'st.'t.luy afti'innon ;il l,i. tin- i.n i.ilii-',s -tri-i-t T'i.- rn.M.n w.i- -jwllt in pi-wtnir ;m ! : t t. ;. .:ill. -i "i 'I', t.. t H. d I'rftrt S. i it't i H."f. ii.-ird'-n i.ill.-. lu.-mli.-r i.t l ho dnti M t-,.- :ifrn....n Ui. I dainty'--h!ii-n'-. Il . -'! i f i k (' thi- Hu. K Mih s T ITiU s hi, it," s"i vt n"i l!.d Cicii., I work will hi taU'-n up IDAY. DEC. 16 BIG DAY ROSEBURG Dr. Foster, of Reed College, Will Present Interesting War Facts. CHURCHES PARTICIPATE ecial Music Arranged For the Or eiLsitm Various- Choirs of th City to Assist A treat Sfieuker. Ureal interest is being manifested in the meetings to be addressed by Dr. Foster. of Heed College, on Sunday. December Hi. and the oc casion promises to be one oi country wide interest. Dr. Foste; wii! arrive in Rosebud at two o'clock Sunday afternoon, and the first meeting will be called to or der iu the Methodist church at three o'clock. Henry ilooth. chairman ot the Ro.sebuig Red Cross, presidiug. The anons church choirs of the city have been asked to join in leading the singing ot America and the re frain to the Star Spangled Runner. .miss K inser ha ing been invited to sing the solo part ot the nattona' air. Hon. O. 1'. Cosbow will he chair man ol the evening meeting which will commence at 7 :;:. The music at program will tie the same as at tin- afternoon meet tug. and at both the I. I). ). F. orchestra has been asked to (day. The several ehiuches Of tile Cl'ty ate expeeted to gle lip their respect i e ei vices that even ing and join in int. on p.itn t t service tn the hmtw oi tm-ir Meth odist brethren. Some of then min isters, and a detail of ushers Unm e;ich church, will assist at both gah e: ings. Dr. Foster is a man of great Intel lectual powers, a trained and analy tiial observer, iiill- the head ot the highest standard institution of gen eral education in the t ntted States He went to Helyiuin and France, went tight into the trenches, to gel at the facts ol the wai and. it pos sible, to place responsibility lor beuiiuung. There i no speaker in It. is country better eqinppeu for pre senting first hand tacts and every pattiot should hear htm. as should also those, it (here are any in this community, whose patriotism is not tei vent and aetiv e ABOUT STRAY CANINE Many com plaints have been t e ''l Veil at i tie recoruei s o i nee M f'W days by indignant eifien who are. CO II i phi 1 1! I ll V Jlbfrtlt st t a t ha nr allov ed hy Jin j! lawns ow n , in t onse , rs 1,1 run rampant o n yar'ls. etc. and tiirKe i 'P'fi t 'd to c luuntl pmp.-ilv hj.-i ln'n lit ility tlva! a (Hinix- vv.iri'l' ic'l tc ' ai li fmi'rh .li.scf.rsiiffi with In n-w if til.' tlri Insrt w.i IflU pr j'' tt -ti A does the , 1 1 1". I i ii ii n 1 .r.iviiiis llml 1! m! !, iillnw'i! In main sha I i n-.-' .-:t h i I .'.l or 11 ri anil May..: Kl. ' ha in-" IV P. ,! T .! Will::, in.' Ii. . . in! a.. ?".i!.l inriiriL ( UNION RECOGNIZED I I l.e I V I V 1HI .1 I'll la- h f-. . .. ... . ' t . r.. I ,,. i. r-ti ll- i. I w-tit: l.-n-- A--' .ll f.,nv.-n- t- ,. ,- ,. .-, .. t. I I"-- - s- W .ii . i i- .. . ' r .- i ' .. ut n.i. -..:.'. :;... i .I'-llL-t.l ! u ? : . 1 .i.l. i - 1 n.L- !"li' '1- - .1 ! lil.t.- 1 '.' th- ...',,!..ii I f IW.VT 11 K IMXK. A subscriber tu The Even ing News called this afternoon, paid up his subscription, and stated he did not want the paper any longer for the reason that we exposed the tactics em ploy ed to tie feat the improve ments to ttte court house and jail in last evening's issue adding that "Al t reason waa not the only one opposed to the county's advancement." Sorry, my friend, but don't get the (ilea into your head that you can cont:ol the policy of The Kv ening News for .'i cents a month, the subscription price when you call at the atfice to get on r pa i or no. never- it can't be done. ENLIST IN SERVICE Are Doing so to Avoid Being Caught in the Draft Drag Net. DEC. 13 IS LAST DAY Ftmdlmeol Accepted by Postmaster Kejy.ensieiii I 'com incut Fami lies t;"pvseIed in Those Ate-wet ing Call to Ctilors. lib the war servo-e dratt sched uled tor the ol this menth. eligible voting men ot .vosetmrg and sin rtnui'ring localities am hastening it enlist oiuntarily through the Io ta! paymaster, pr fen iiig tht op porttiuity to obtain tlieir choice ot the Vriii'iiri ioambes u! the army or n;t v to bid ui: co use i ijUcd without the chamt ol .-(Meeting iflerr line of' duty. ! Since the drsctint mctaiice at the navy rreiuiiiug uthVe at Kugene up piicunis lor the naval service receiv ed at this city are tui! dUed to Poitktml. where ihe aiegnen a du al e.;!fiitiation. and. it accepted are officially to tint c red into serv he. These applicants must also fur nish age cei titicates 1 1 mil pa rents ot guafdiutis. Applicants tor the aiuiy are sent from Hose burg to Kugene. where a regular reermSsng office is siill maintained. Army recruits need not lurnh-h age certificates. Alt re ciuits must have in their possession their regulation cards Former members of militia or oilier branch of volunteer guard sit vice must e hihlt holioiiible discharges betoie they can enter ttte regular service. Latest Applicant. So far during the present week the local poptotlbe reports the fol lowing application tu. enlistment ir.i K I'.i in Iit.i ii i'l I: i.l l.i I'll V. Ki.i.Im M. Ii..- A II. n l-'i..lil, Ii Slil tr..iiv inn! fill' ..hiri:. 'lil her dds. r L i A lnil.ii'l in. y i i L!ai Kt ;ii"t i'i" o ie ilia A roll- M I' , Law ''I y ni .lili'tin- :i n .-fl!um:ti Kill liaw-iill II It.. I. IK. II II IVIM d I lll ll I h.ii.- : t wf ilninal inn Kdrar tin .1. I'.Ii:- : and Kiai-k I., in L,:itit i l.a- All 1 f. ul t . I,.- iii t:i. . ..) .:il I t til liiddli- .f :i- i ; ntiot h ! I !ie lie, t.c tire l da 3THEATRES FRIDAY PRO- bUUo IU IVLU ulvuuu -tt: II ,....,!. !,l;-l!i - " t rl ! . t ' '' ' r ! . j -i j .. , , . j - ill rdid -ir-- : ,...1 tl,.- .',,:iltv t,v viii'lin t, ! ti'U.v und add pl.l tl.. AMINE CREWS N Fleet of Twenty-five German Machines Attack the English Coast DO BUT LITTLE DAMAGE Soven Killed and Few Fiivs Swirled Italian on A si ago Front Hold ing Lint's I nder HsKnilo Attack hj 'IVntfitis. ( Hy Associate lrfts, LONIM)N. Ih'c. C A fleet about 2& tierman aeroplanes rallied the Knglish coast last night, and six of t he mar h ines penetra t ed as fa r as London. They were met hy Unl ish airmen and in the fight two m the enemy machines were brought down and the crews captured. Months dropped by the Germans started fires fn different parts ol the city, hut these were soon under etmtroL D Is believed ttte casual ties were light. Later dispatches indicate! that seven were killed and I'l injured in the air raid. Hull ot the casualties were in London, and others at various points in track oi t he raiders. thi (lit Cambria Fmut. KOXtHN. Dec. 6 Tho Hritlsh ad vanced slightly southwest of Lavac iinerie. on the Camhrai front, yester day. Tuesday night the Itritish also withdrew to the southwest of Novel lessur and Itourlou wood, ami the movement was accomplished without the Germans apparently being aware of (he fact until Ut Wednesday. Asiugn Pluteuu HaUle. ITALIAN HKAIK'AKTKHS. Dee r. Ausiro-Cierutart forces are as vaulting Italian lines with intense artillery fire and Ihisiid gas on the Aslago trout today. Furious as was the attack of the- ma.ssed Germans today (hey were repulsed with heavy losses, except a round Tottderwur, where the enemy succeeded in occu pymg h few advanced" Italian line. AusUo-Uermau divisions, fresh from t h- French and Hnssian fronts, ate tioitinually arriving In Italy. JterUn Staleuieiit. iUvHLiN. Hec. Kleven thuK- and Italian troops were captured by the Artstro-Germans in (he new offensive in northern Italy. A strong position in the Meletta region has been taken from the Italians, and is utw held by t ho Te ut ims, w hi se cured sivty guns in the drive al that point. CALLS MEETMB LEAGUE ADVISORY BOARD TUES. .indue I It rtiddte- aiinoiiured to dav thai a noeiiui; id all the tittot iii-is who aie to associate with tin lt a! advrsmv board in lending legal assistant- to It uistiants in 111! tUC ttrtt r(tter,f oittnatre-s wtf! he called loi Tuesday evenlim at 7 :tu o clock and wsll be held at hi- .lithe tit the National Itanlt liiiildiltg The meet has tor iEs purpos1 Hie wotkilig out ol a system ot keep tut: then artei laily tpt rr trorri ! A competent tie in attend to more thr.-s !i p I ill .tl! ti ,md ilfed idM at as.-viwiate (m'liili-nv Ji'.id'iiartei ready adinrrvis) ? in fh 1 t tie n v legist i a u ' i kit)- has pat r b : aifv r.ff. r'd .1 HUlte ui mollis ill the Pet k.n- bftbltg to he . a- head ip;.i i M h lor t lie l.oiinl .Hid his gen ifi.M!v ha.- Ueen are-ptd. M? I'et kills will a No hae 1h- looms healed and -;i tdean, while the 1 j K M A. l ' i f'oin nan v has don at ed rhe 'nuht i rtd -(all r and wto-rt the m ;.au;i t ion is cnn.nh'N-d h ad' pi a i (erh will Tie taken tip in louni-. t t ale! J ! 1 at 'he J'ejkl-US- building ; , tvllK ,.(M( sin M,.w. ( dins to iniorrnatlof: : f 4 eiid today the. tuin-ty tmud - arranged foj vefeidav hy Vt-rs. t HNe ("a'le and la-i wii, 1 !! t -!. . w h it is altered threat Uted U lllhliO A'ivJUi with ttl ih harm. h,.s not been fifed s . ' MWitig "f the fart that thN 4 i.ond had to be jeMt tied to (he h ad of th e ot the homiiuK im- at Portland lor fielt up 4 ;vrtv,tS ani will be pbu ed Ur 1'ic r.itnN of lilge ltidd! when 4 r. f trued Ul this city Th" r,t- 4 4 1,1- are free on their own re 4 i-'iiriifitiH-1 IU XAW.VYS t'UOH SKATI'I.K. AccartltBB to iaJornmtlott re- i-iived hc'ie today au olllcor wttl rpmh bore tonlKht or to- morrow to take chares of OtorKt lavi. aj;i4 it and Wayne Krazler. hia companion, ageti t. who wera jteke! up hero early yoHtortlay morning by KtBht Otttrer Wilcox and later luken In chai'Be liy Chlet of I'oUi'o WtlHams and turned: over tu tho juveuUe olllcer. The hoys are runaways anil will he returned to their nurenta. who reside at Seattle. The youthn. slneo their "oetentlou. havo lHn omflned In the eottn- ty jail, III m e. ntueh to their dtscout- SCHOOL PLAN NEW COURSE IN HUSK Mrs. thas. R. lieinline, a pramin ertt music teacher of this city recent ly returned from Portland whero she attended thtt stattv music teachers1 convention. Whflo In Portland Mrs. lieinline was apopitvted hy (he State Music Teachers Association on a etaumlltpo composed of lrttf, Mc Loughlin. Krederick Goodrich, a prominent musical director of Port land, Will lain lloyer. supervisor of music in tho public schools at Port land: Prof. (Jawklns. of O. A. C; and lr. John Itttdsherry, of Kngette, and Mrs. C. S. Heinline, of thla elty. This committee was organized; for the purpose of eQitstructlng a. course of study of music which will he satis factory to th school authorities- for granting music credit a outside of school. This coursR will cover from four to five grades and will he sub mitted before the teachers' aamoela- tion which meets the latter pari of this month. If the plan Is approved it will he given over to State Super intendent Churchill, who wilt have it placed in the public schools of Ore Ron. ROY HUFHAM SEES LEO DEVANEY IN AEROPLANE Kdgar Hut'tiiUtu a clerk att the Coldoti Rule store in this city receiv ed a post curd from hie brother. Hoy llutluitu, who enlisted at Walla Walin, Wash., In tho camouflag de partment of the lulled States army some- tirrre ago. and who in now sta tioned at Ft. It i ley , Tex a a. Mr. 1 1 n Di ii in writes that he Is working ttva hours a day in a government palutshou, getting un elementary ln slght to real 'Vamwifi'ljs lug" and wilt go up lor a commission just as soon as he takes She necessary ex amination, which Roy contends will ht- easily passed, owing to his long assoeiat Ion with sign work In this etty. Aeeoidlug to Mr llutluitu many dratted men are being mobilised there ami a few ot the Roseburg boys are- ntifl at this rantonment. awaiting orders to move to smue- where rn the Athmtte seaboard." .tft te a trey, who was tereittly rorii missioned a lieu ten a nt iu the aero corps- t now t lying and Mr. liitt hiiui has watched him perform ing many "daredevil'" r.tuntrt over the flj ing field. F SPRUCE WILL WIN THE KAISER S UCKED i'uiiTUWD. tn . t ipfi'i, einployeis and Th' government I t pei i eitt of t he C tl. To all eiiiployues . Uot KHOSnt: lii pl ni-ftriretf ft trt niidef stood that eit matlc conditions will natuially nir tat! futod'tettoii dUE ittg I h-e etcher and Jauuai y KnowlfiK the Hj-t nation bete artd imv-uig in mind the er itiial nmdt t ion ot out w.i t program toi If f . in ho !sr as it relates jo aircraft, I n-i-l justihed in akiiiK 'ill lotcgiut: . u.n ..Bi- i-mi,., -t ..- n.t 2 Th 'e so J'i logrers Washington and tu-m .lay Is vital to mil in u I mil nd ,it io-nal e (tar e We must not thr- ! v ; ttU' lo e hour 1111- tf KprUfe ked is il it rrrtt one f'oionei Sti;nal Corps, .... , tis f hanti(.' f. Smith tt . ;.nd ! ar r iv d in Kw!nn g ia.-f evetvlne from I'oiilatul where tlo-y hae been speRdrng thefr honey moon. They will remain in this (dt y today eon I nnumg on thetr way to lx Angeles 'this eveuing where Mr Smith is as ' seriated with th rtmf hern i'aelfl 11(1 SHIP IS RAMMED-EXPLOSiON 1000 Are Believed to Have Been Killed and Thous- , ands Wounded. VESSELS OBLITERATED French Stuner Jttst Ijettvintl Pier Struck lirMUlside hy Another Vessel Port hu is of Adjacent ntie in Huifw. (By Associates rreaa. j IATKST FROM HAIIFAX. MONTR F5AL, Canada. lee. 6. Direct telegraphic atlvieea from Hnttrax at a late hour this aft- erooon. atato that the exploaloa was aboard a French munitions steamer instead of an Aoxeri- 4 can ship, aa first reported. She waa rammed, it is believed, by a Norwegian vessel carrying foodt supplies for Europe, ana the accident occurred during a storm, La-te estimates of the death list place the total at U0ft, this being the telegraph company estimate, and la not official. Sixty per cent of tits cliy of Halifax is tn ruins, it la alleged, AM'HEKST, Kovfa Scotia, Dec. 6. Scores were klUed and hundreds of buildings along the water front destroyed, waEte- a portion of HaiJ fai was set on fire today following the explosion of war munitions ahoard an American ammunition ship, caused hy collision with anoth er nhlp at Rockingham, near Hali fax. Tn& eonenssioa of the terrific blast destroyed the Insulation In. tele graph and telephone offices within a radius of 30 miles so that de tails of the tragedy are coming in atowly. The vessels Involved In the explosion are believed to have been Hteratly obliterated', VmNof Ftiuiunwi Ilrottdsido. Reports coming in allege that the ammunition steamer was just leav ing her berth at the pier when aha was rammed broadside by the other vesftvt, the name of which was not given. If known. Kvcry man aboard the two ships- was annihilated, so far aa Is known. The concussion was so power fit? that the roof ot the rail way depot collapsed, and damage to all warehouses asd docks generally resulted. Fires were started la tnaay buildings damaged! by the exploslos, and within a distance of two miles freight cars were blown otT the tracks. Messages were pushed to nearby towns asking for fire englneH, . doctors, nurses and supplies of a suiglcul nature to amdst in caring for the wounded. Neighboring towns are also preparing to send In food sup plies, as it is believed a great deai of such stores were destroyed. Sev eral days will elapse before wiro coin municfUlon can ho restored to nor mal conditions as extensive damasa waa done to the telegraph and tele phone system-. Fear Fr Tnuwptrtji T .KH S. !ec. 6. It is reported hem that several transports were in the harbor at ffallfax when the American jimiriitnHion ship blew ttpy and fenrs are entertained for their miifty. Nothing concerning their late Ih ohlainahle, nor Is It known if troops were aboard the vessels. HundiTtflK Killed. HAUFAW Nov (a- Scotia. Dee. (via Havana cable.) Hundreds of people were killed and a thousand wounded, i the estimate of the cas ualty list as a result of the American munitions, whip explosion at Rocking ham this morning. Half of the city of Halifax is In ruins from the eon mMron. and property loss will aggregate- millions of dollars. The north end of the city Is In flames, start Irte itt tht wrecked Mt tidings. TRt'NO. Novia Scotia, Dec. 6. Reports reaching here from tha scene of the explosion disaster al lege thtu it is feared several score of lives were lost when the railway staff on ai FFalffax eilapjedi fi oin t he concussion. Twenty-flvo tsi.twii workmen wer killed on the t ni'-k near Richmond, and the total number of dead resulting from the explosion is believed to- be &&ft. 'A riHiit ?irvd snmA r rjjdjinrft nti v,., 0xii,a-n. .tM,M v Cross liner, but as the flame I . . ,tr tn.t.l!v,lv- nfter th tmtet neither esseV was distingirishabie. Vtrth llitlifa.v Iturtitnst, HT .rftilN. Dec. ti. Nearly half of the north end of Halifax was de stroyed ami a great (Ire is raging fhroHKtv the devastated dfstrief. Iiend bodies are lying thick In the Ktretrt. whfie afl hospttals are glled to overflowing with those Injured by the terrific explosion. Many of the l-'ss serliusly Injured victims of the explosion were compelled to walk tio streets untreated, aa no skilled assistance could be given them until the more serious case were eared for.