THF. EVKMN'O JtRWS Tfl-ShAV. NTVVKMBKR . toll 0 CITY NEWS m M AZOLA is the perfect oil for deep frying, sauteing, shortening, salad dressings and theeconomical one. PRESSED from tin heart of golden American Corn, Mazola supplies the need for a vegetable oil which is pure and wholesome. Fry any food in Mola and you will find it retains more of the natural flavor. L'se Mazola over .nd over again it does not transmit taste or odor from one food t another the great factor in economy. Maola quickly crps the surface and thus makes fried foods more digestible free from greasiness or sogginess. And since Mfola is a vegetable oil it is an important factor in Mr. Hoover's ampaign to save butter, lard and suet. Imporul oils are so scarce and hieh priced now-a-davs that you vll do well to use Mazola when you want a really delicious ilad dressing. Yo can get Mazola from vour crocer in Dint. Quart. half-fdon, and gallon tins. The large sizes are most ecomiical. Also ask your grocer for the free Mazola lion ot Kecipes, or write us direct. Tour money refund ed it iviazola does not give entire satisfaction. COK.N PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY 17 Batter Place, New York Slliag RapmcaUIJTtt Johnson, Lieber Company Ptrllud, Oregon Coffee! Thursd?, Friday Saturdy Only! Come in and haul cup of Dependable Coffee. Tastes -'tier. Goes farther. kidd's ;rocery We Guanine it Will Please. en Liii I i ova ex j M i I I I i 1 Hi mm. I The 17 I 1 YlTUUk QUfi fey?1 UllU Edison Diamcd Disc The two hhon graphs on earth. Let us prove it by putting thin your home on trial, in comparison with any other ke- They play all makes of records.! OTIS MUSIC STORE A . A . K ea I o r. of Loo king; (II ass, spent esterday in this cit y at tend ing to business matters. Call an-1 look at the 1 Yl'M.V. a ooin In noil coal and wood stov Chun-hill Hilw. Co. tf Miss l!eul:ih Jarvis has accepter a position in the Itosehurt; National Itanli. She iM'Kan her duties .vest or ila v. Kresh urape juice, f0r a eallon at the Overland Orchards. Made in rider pu ss. Furnish your own ion tainer. if l(. N. Harris left Monday evening for M.wile Creek. VA Ink- in this cit .lr. Harris attended to business mat ters. Miss Kthel Tooe returned to Kose hurt: Monday evening ! rum Kirjjeiie where she spent the week end visit iim with friends. llaptisl bazaar, Saturday, Nov. Hoover building. Jackson street Home made articles ami llnoveried candy and cooking. 1 Mini" Hire, who h:s been visiting with 1 1 iemls and relatives lor t tie past few days, left (his rioruinj; !oi her home at Isadora. The ladies of St. George's Kpjsl'fv pal Guild will hold a Christmas ."ale of fa ncy articles and home cool ; foods on piri'inlicr l."i. w. Mis. .1. I.. Perkins letuined to Itosebti i n estenlay 1 1" i i M I'm t h- .nd where she has been spending :hc; past two weeks uniting with fnen ds j Miss Viola Thomas and Miss NeJ'lie Thomas depa Hed tor their home at Huberts Creek Monday after spend' lie the day in this cjiy shopping and is itini; with liiendv .1 S ('la1, pool i i t tuned to his1nn! u i at C.ieen Mondav evening ait-M -pending seial 'lays in this cjt y. Mi Cla pool was a mem tier ol t ! ic jll t while til -I'bllt'g M: .In'ni I 1 1 ii i . .md htile gran I hi i f 1 1 m Hn1:. at i iv d home 1 1 u 31 M a I M- Id S'l I) da V e elung w I'ej liie h.t t J,)! the e.-J l! WeeJif. Rent latest books, 10c. Fiction library. n25 J. D. Levis departed last night lor Dillard after several days spent in Roseburg. ia V. C I -nl h inn nf M vrt 1 Creek, spent yesterday in this city visiting: witii mentis. Mrs Roy Walker, of Dillard. Is pending a number of da s in this city visiting with friends. Mrs. L. Cock ran departed this mornins lor Med ford alter spending number of days in this city visiting with relatives. . A. Martin dopai ted today for Oakland where he will spend the afternoon attending to business mat- CeiuM Ceddes nr rived In this ritv yesterday from CI runts Puss where he hurt been spending' several months. Ueut. V. R. Sol her left yesterday or l'ort land where be will spend several days attending to business matters. Mrs. O. H. Myers arrived in Rose- burg yesterday and will spend sev- ral days in this city attending to business matters. Mrs. ". Noah: and sister. Miss Lena Lawrence, of Pillard spent es tenlay in this city shopping and isiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tomvkins. of Kiddle, arrived in Uosebiirg yester- a While in this rity they will at tend 1 1 business affairs. Allien Ten g m ilenarted vesleidav for his home at Drain after several days spent in this city attending 10 business matters. Mrs. T. C. Dabney left yesterday for Cortland where she will spend severa.1 days visit ing with friends ;ind relatives. It. R. Manning departed yesterday for Cortland where he will spend the coming week attending the live- tock show which will lie held in Port In nd. K T. Johnsoiii arrived- in this fit v yesterday from l'ort land. M r. Johnson is a connector and will spend several days in this city look ing after business affairs. Mis. ,1. D. Robers. of Myrtle Creek arrived in this city yesterday. Mrs. Huberts will isit with friends while in Koseburg. "A Military Necessity" Gtntral Dtdt. 1864 1 1917 m FROM its beginning, the Union Pacific has been "The National Railroad," a patriotic institution. Lincoln and other great men urged its construction for national protection and development. The prophetic vision of those who founded this Krcat railroad during a period of national stress is now apparent in these times of international conflict. Again the Union needs its Union Pacific. The Union Pacific is doing its utmost to expedite the enormous war shipments from the Treasure States it serves. Grain, cattle, min erals, lumber, wool and oil are needed as never before. For new equipment alone the Union Pacific is spending over $10,000,000 to give American peo ple and industries still better ser vice. , This is aside from even greater sums necessary for double-tracking, additional yard and engine facilities and other improvements designed to add to the traffic carry ing capacity of the property. Just now some of our ordered equipment is unobtainable for im mediate delivery because our Allies must be served first so we will win. The Union Pacific and The Union Pacific States must use available equipment to its greatest efficiency. The 41,000 employes of the Union Pacific and the 11,000,000 people of the western wealth-producing states now have an interna tional obligation to fulfill. Were Lincoln to speak today in behalf of the Union Pacific, as he urged its building, he would insist on those high service standards for which we arc striving. Union Pacific System Joins East and W tit with a Boulevard of Steel For Information write to WM. McMURRAY ;Mierul rjfiseiiuer Anvnt I'OltThAND. NOTU'K OK SCHOOL MKKTIMi. "nt from WW-' I I o'he: -i 1m.m.hisi; trior e are XfrVl Ii used are FOR AINTV AND QUENCHING DRINKS THE YEAR AROUND c: i.i. up i hi: IUpBURG SODA WORKS ,. it)nti 1 1 v imionk ihii Should Use T'S .liff.r is taken In ::".'! HKtren. t i;!.cr fcr.i.!. Black Silk Stove Polish tt to. BUck Silk S'nve Poliih Work. y Stirling, IHinon " lftt ftflta Alr-On-tng Iron fnaml em i- BUch lk Mvtal Po'lih i r H- r i --kH NOTICK IS HKRKIiY GIVKN to tli e h'xal voters of School District No. 4 of DoukIus County. State nf Orotfon, that u school inwtinp nf said district will ludd at IliKh School Ituildini; on tlu- 2 lit h day of November, 1117. at 2 o'clock iti t ho atlVrnoon to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. Tim total amount of money need ed by the district during the fisciil year beginning on June 19. 1 !) 1 7. and ending on June 3 it. 1 91 X. is esti mated" in th following budget and inidinles the amounts to be received front t he count y school fund, state school fund, special district tax. and all other moneys of the district; Itudget Ivtililii1eil l;HndfllircK. Teachers' salaries :!!. OitO Furniture I.r.iiit Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, curtains, etc. . . 1 ,2'0 Library books 1 .'')0 Kepairs of school bruises, outbuildings or fenr. s . I into inprm ing piounds 1 .Onn Janitois' wages 3.0mi Jitnitris' supplies 2Ti0 Kurd l.r.00 Light ;inr power l.oito Water Clerk's salary j Postage and stationery . L'ou i For the payment of bonded debt and interest thereon. issued under Sf't tions 117. I 1 In 1 IS. and 1L'J of the Srbor)l Laws of Oregon. 19 1 7 . . . . .t.7-'." tnip t a nee 1 'Ml Man. Ti. and I S. 1. tOnuipiuent ami building l.'.'Mi Mw-Hlaneors I..'.'IU Toth! estimattd amount of money tr be expendid for all purposes during the yelt. . . ... r..t.U') FAliinated Kerrlpt. From fount y se fiord fu nd during the i inning se hool ej,r $ S.79r!.t.'l From fta'e "hool fund dui ing thf r miiing -e hoot r,ir J h t t. Cstin,atM aiii'Mint to be re fi'ived f i nin all ot her sini r ( d'.Mtlg the foin ing Hffiord --ear .. ' ''f.'t V7 'i-nrnl!,;,le.l recept-. -i.ot In' indiTig the mrn-v tit !n- i v '1 from t h :j u h" fi 't i piojio'-. d :,, vole JIT. C 4 4 1 I lie apll ulnt bm 'lituJ -t;iii!i'-'i -peir " Imi tfn- STrnUt e.-Mi.iited rerMptx mv in'lud!:.g ti e tax I" i.i vot.-d r- ; 4 ii - a'i.' I nt M, rai-e.l bv -I- '' tax $ IT. (7 . 7i;tiM- tin- .nd day o' Nov. 1 1 7 It L S'l KPIIENX, ('! a 1 1 1:. -i ri l!oa rd - I dj i-c' or i t tf-tt Ito HCOK V i H K F.N V Dl-tlHJt Ci:rk DJ4 NOTK'K TO COXTHAtTOHH. Sealed bids will be received by (In state Highway Com mission of the State of Oregon at Room 1301 Yeon lluilding. Portland, until 11:00 a. in. Tuesday. November 27, 1 !M 7 , for the following work : Douglas County, on (ho Pacific Highway on what is known as the, Myrtle Croek-Dillard section, thlr-1 teen ( 1 :t ) miles of grading involving I approximately 140. Hint cubic yards of excavation. ( No bid will be considered unless , accompanied by cash, bidder's bond or certified check for an amount ; eqiml to at least five t f ) pur cent of the total amount of the bid. j A corporate surety bond will be required for the fait h ful perform- j ance of (lie contract In a sum equal to one half the total amount of the1 bid. j Proposal blanks and full informa- i tion for bidders may be obtained at j the l Are of the Slate Highway Com- j mission and the Stair Highway Fn I gineer in the State House, at Salem,: Oregon. Plans and specifications and forms, of contract may be seen at (he same , place or may be obtained upon thej deposit of $."..iio. I The right is reserved to rejuct any or all proposals or to accept the pro posal deemed best for the Stair1 ol Oregon. j STATK HIGHWAY COMMISSION. V. N. Gregory and wife left yester day for Sacramento after spending several niont lis In thiH city. Mr. liregory Is the representative for the Martin llros. Piano Co. Mrs. V. S. Dnor and little daugh ter, of Suthnrlin returned to their homo yostertlay after visiting in this elty at the homo of Mrs. H. O. Wtl- WI I Wli.1, HUM. IIMIUjy.I" IIIWIMW I w arning iiTTT ljf. Ui---- 3 S. Iteiisoti. Chairman. W'. L. Thompson, Cominissiontr. K J. Adams. Commissioner. Attest HKIt.lSKItT N'CNN". Stale Highway Fngilieer Salem. Oregon. Nov s, l'.M7. Be Watchful of Quality Jn War Times. Tree Tea is Today as Always, The Best Quality mill for the Least Money Ceylon or Japan Full Weight 7. v.. iff TURKEY DAYS Thursday, Friday, Saturday, of This Week NOVEMBER, 22, 23 and 24 We uill buy and r Ive all the dn-.ed Turk'-js we mh get (iiiaranteelng to the fl rower the I'.irhi-l iiil pi ir-e eonsisli-llt with 'be bt-sl ma: Oil the PiH'lt'te Coast. Growers Beware ho not be mi-bail bv ,m -i,,'- lie lit -r repr-'t n I a t : -m Imin ..utnb- parlies as tr any price that i.ay be elaiiu'd t'- h:i- d-eii f : . d ,,i d. iinin.-d bv tin- I'rii-i.i! Footl Cnntrol. As we have a letter h'.m II. e llM'gnn roitnnihl'Ui'T .taHlif thai tlnv lie.'- im autlmnf' In ti silr'b prices and that HO a't.nipi will !.' ina-le mi do : i;'li'M iban f n t -1 'i .' r i n y, what n reasonable lirlce shoubl be HI r ;.r"--n I i-'.lid 1 1 inn-' i- !. 1m . that I Im- C i "w ' - r it -d in t )i h ir !n ' h w hi' Ii cotid itlons in any available ii., i k ' on ill.- t o.iM will ' ' i 1 1 1 WE WANT YOUR BIRDS Put un I v n n 1'i.nrl it ion t ba ' our price is eq ua to 1 1, bt ( 'ul I vimr Idi ds at home before lulling, kei ping .ill thin. ',u,r,un plu teailiered oi I in n i ." n i 1 1 1 d t oi l.iiei liiIlhiL', lie sure that your ( : rd - art- iK.t fed t m a ' 1m -t 'z i bouT h (.dor I' (I tic -u v. 1 1 1 t Ik-m bi make ruoi e money and I . 1. to k.-ep Up I lie pint- !, ' b. l'n,. bll dn I: -....I ell b.-fi,te - t.i- UU ln.l bl- Peoples Supply Co. Federal Food Administrator License G249G3 I