The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 20, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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8 Page Edition
No. 270
!e celebrated uenn l ruck
s Again Dragged Over the j
Judicial Bumps.
T. Idtrsen Ap-tenrs licfoiv Council
and Asks Thai Ordinance (int
erning Hauling Heavy
Ijouris He Amended.
The common i nunril met in a ;
briny session last night 'ami when .
o "poison gas" had lilted, calm and '
accl'ul was the repose. The first
ot in the wordy battle was 11 red by
T. Larsen, of the Koseburg Sand
1 ravel Com pa n y . s i t u a t ed a t
ady Point, who appeared he! ore
e council last evening and asked
tat an ordinance governing the
Luling ot" heavy loads of saiid.:
avel, rock and earth, over pave-
ents, be amended. that tlie wink
transporting material Irom his
int might continue unhampered. j
According to Mr. I.arsen. had tlie:
ly of Rosebiirg received mil value'
the money t ha t was expended
the paving of South Main, the
j-eet in question, and had a good
kb-base been laid tinder the as-
mlt surface, the D-'tin truck vvlrch
is a capacity of 4 .?, cu hie yards. '
ould not Injure ,or damage tin
reet to any great extent. However,'
is view was not shared by many 't
o councilmen and sevi i a I oiced ,
ieir opinion on the subieci. Conn-'
lman Creason was the fust to take'
io floor and among other things
ated that while the paving on South 1
ain street may he faulty it was too
te now to make aniend.s, and eon
nuing further Mr. I'r'Msnn epress-
51 the opinion that it v. ould he much
leaper for the city of lioseburir to
irchase the Menu truck and the
jarsen sand and gravel plant than
.would to build new streets or be'
forced to continually repair them.
,Kn reni fed t h:i t t ho nlr. n t u
sale. The council man linishcd :
ly saying that "one individual
hould not be allowed to destroy
hat a good many neople had lo pay
or, and as far as he was concern-'
d ho was one that strongly oppos
d amending the ordinance to in
rease the loads to be hauled over
he city's streets.
Other councilmen took the sa me
stand as Mr. Creason and utter
much discussion both pro and con it
was decided that a committee should
be appointed to investigate the af-(
fair and Councilmen Hamilton, Gile'
and McCliutoek were empowered to
look the matter up and confer with
the city attorney regarding the
amending of the ordinance. j
Celling down to the regular rou
tine uf the meeting, the utiuutes of
two previous meetings were read and
duly Mgned and approved bv Mavor
Kice. ;
Councilman Hamilton, of the city,
improvement committee, addressed
t lie hod v regarding the plowing ot
vacant lots about the city tor the
purpose of 'farming'" them for the
coining year and asked that he be
empowered to hire teams to carry
on this work. Alter much discussion
during which the city team was men
tioned, but after seeking expert tes
timony from Street Superintendent '
Oeland. who stated that the team
could not be spared, it was decided
to allow Mr. Hajiiiilton the sum oi
Ji'u with which lo employ teams.
An ordinance presented h K. II.
Turner, a in ember of the library '
committee, was up for second t i ail
ing. This ordinance which was pre
paid d by the public library board,
asked t hat Ma) or Rice appoint a
board of nine men to manage the
public library to which t he council
at a recent meet ing generously do
nated $!uu.
Councilman Creason was on his
te. t jn an instant and mm ed thai
the ordinance be set aside until I ii r
t her invest i gat ions had been made.
Councilman Hamilton thought u lieu :
the city donated $!H)0 to the cause
that Koseburg had Inllilled its part
and opjiosed any other assi.-Oance in
a hnancial way. The matter was re
fen ed f o the ( it y attorney and no
action will lie taken until a upon
has been sii limit ted.
A u ordinance providing tor t he
improvement ol Kose street in honl
oi the new high school building
;ead tor the third time and was pass
ed without .i deseuting vote and bid
i'or this w oi k and also for the im
provement of Hamilton street will
he advertised for at once. However,
the council is undecided as to wheth
er it would be ad visa hie to st at t
work under pi esent weat her eondi
tinris or wait until a more favorahie
time. This matter will be settled alt
er bids have been received.
No report was submitted from I he
committee on electric lights as to
the advisability of placing a light
ill the loot of Mosher street as peti
tioned lor by citizens living in that
neigh hoi hood. The matter will be
investigated further.
Councilmen Creason. Cile, Powell.
Hull winkle. Hamilton. Kidd and Mc
Clintock answered roll call and there
being no furl her business the body
adjourned until their next regular
Scene From First Act Grouping of Chorus With "WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE" Antlers Theatre, Tuesday Night, November 20
if - -
On Saturday evening the ! resh-;
man class ot the Koseburg high
school entertained in honor of the
Senior clalss at one of the most pleas-j
arable occasions, ever gieti tn the
history ot the social circles in the-!
local high school. The decorations:
were in green and white, curving
oil i t lie Senioi colors, lir bought,
laurel leaves and white chrysanthe
mums intermingled with green and i
white ribobns strung from the lights
were effectively used in the scheme
and the entire setting was most at
tract i e. The eat ert a ming teat in es
and diversions oi the evening were
in toiin ot a progiam and consisted
of the following enjoyable numbers.
1 . Freshman hike, in torm of
grand march, led by girl in Minbon-n-M
and ho in oveialls. and follow-1
ed by the entire gathering. i
I'. Joy ride. Automobile ques
tion u-a me. Prize n: hiiat u re Ford
auto wo!! by Miss .lelimelt and Sla
lor Miller.
:: Am Kliat hallem game.
4. Hilftrulty bop. participants
Mute e idem e of history game,
represi niing h. stomal characters.
1 'i nice of 1 1 1 is. ;
7 . St u n '. Kach participant, giv
en paper o'i iiicb was written j-nine
iei,;:n.' t- d thing to imitate. -
,s A i ccepl'oii.
!t. The 1 's lavorite march, a
Wedding match Wedding acted out.
I'.rid" and gp'ep; and ilowei girU
tir-l I're.Mli'i i ad " : euioii troin
A lge'.v;, tmo! !!vMje and t t IHMM
cariieii l:i..i! U'Uin'e; u ti re In mi i: lis.
carried bridal lio-iiue: ol tt: bought,
honor an ! 1 1 a it, ii ;i.ris
1 "
lb !Oll;
I roni
tin. (
eer l.UIlrll ti e-
re.di !i! .- n d amid
ml J. -.r. :-nei.i i con Te
h -PP l: -e,t, p.-seni A'
1 Llg
- -
I f !.l.i;i -UK MAIL.
Colli iu ing K a h-1 ot letters and
caids i'i le 'iniiiL' umaibd tor at the
Uosel.U'g p-t-t ill tire. 1 .
Ati-tin Kinist; IIoomi. . S. : -lan.
Crank I, ; Cu rgu-ou. Hor::;
lloL-he. Mrs Mabel Ha h. met fde .
A.: Harlop. K-zer A.; Ko"Mig. Miss
Mary; .loins. S. A : Jones. Samuel;
Kinimell. Wall . .Madli. Mrs. Allie,
Moore. Thos. A ; IVatfison. U :
I'inkerson. I'. 1 ; St earns. Mr and
M's. Hatve; Scott. Mrs. C. C.
t "aiiK.
Ha rker. M iss enas: Carl: tin.
Paul ; Coi i;el Sanger. M iss Itut b ;
ii t eell. A list in : 1 1 ii g ties, l.y le ; M us
rrove .Int'ii F : Kearick. S IV
Every ManSubjecttobeCalled
As Affected by the
New Ruling.
All Iteglvicretl Men Will Me Supplied
it It a tnet ionnaiiv lllaok
Which Must He t illed
Otn at Once.
I'OliTI.AMt, Or.. Nov. M -Let
ever man who is i eg is I en d under
the sehctive service law. and thai in
cludes all between the ages ol L' 1 ami,
eais, inclusive, pay laiuful heed
to the changes that have been order
ed M the goteinineni In the method
of selecting men tor military ser
v ice.
These eb afiect every man
Mlbjcet to the diaft. without ecep
t ion.
The ii rw plan goes into effect on
I le- niiiiis'' 1 -" . Itut on 1 teeemher 1 .
in pat at ions t or putting it into ef
:. i t will begin all over the I'nited
At ihat time all 'eiuptions or clis itoui uiililai' service under
i'i" d alt will automat n'ally be can
ed, d
r.vmpt ions toieaMei will be has
id on all impiov'ed system wtn'ieb
trie tiiUMi iiii'iit wiil have exact
Ml .edge Ol e ei V Tegislei ed lltail
.in-l ids aila:rs.
Tii" basic princide ol ( he new
.-.-: fin is i hat t hose men ai e to be
takin tiisi who have no persons de
pendent on them.
CmJei ibis classification conic sin
i;le nu n, married men whose wives
siippoit them, married men who
have habitua 11 v failed to su ppoi I
(hen lamilies or w luise taniilies ale
indep- ndenl of them to- -u .pot c .
.M-!i in this i lass will lie subject
to rail first Thc will Le listed
under wh.ii will be known as Class 1.
The ma i ried men and t hose with
pci sons other than their w ives oi
children i mined lately dependent on
them lot support, as well as those
w hose work is necessai v iu in,. us
trbs essential to the war. Including
a g i' i cu 1 1 u i e, will be listen hi ot In r
classes. There will be live classes in
The effect of rlassi f icat Ion in
classes below Class I will be to grant
a temporary discharge from tin
' ?
' 1
v V
draft, lor men fn these- classes will
not be railed until the class oil
classes' abov c theirs has been e-1
hausted. I
Itut before this system can he put
into effect, information must be gath
ered on which to make the classifi
cation of each man.
To obtain this information, and to
compile it afterward, the government
lias prepared book called question
naires. The quest ion na ires contain ques
tions covering every phase of a
man's occupation, his income, that
of persons lie claims to be depend
ent on him. his family relations, his I
business, his health. j
Kach registered man must an-1
swer one of these questionnaires in j
A questionnaire will be mailed by j
the local board to each registered
man dhected to the. address on his!
registration card or as that address,
may be changed by notice ol change
tiled therewith, within the next two
or three weeks. j
He will have seven days in which
to make the required answers and1
return the questionnaire to the
Failure to answer will automatic
ally cancel his rights to exemption
ami will put him in Class I.
In order fully to protect the
rights of every registered man. and
to help him make mil his question-j
naire. Iawers will be at the tiead-i
quarters of the board to advise and:
assist him without charge. j
You will get your questionnaire
soon. at h for it.
Mrs. C. 1 H;
Sunday afternoon
Kast Houglas sire
I ul dinner parly.
id; et I entertained
at her home on j
t with a delight- :
The affair was I
honor id' her husband's !
anniversary and was one of i
i he most charming! affairs oi the'
season. The t aide was decorated j
with ellow chrysanthemums and j
trailing terns anil b-nt a note to i
the occasion Seated about i. table j
weie M. I), iiayer. It. C. Harden.
V. M Shields, and Ch risi mas audi
Cortez ITac.kett.
W 1 1 .1
Mrs. Mutton llanley will prohah! j
arrive in tioseinirg next Sat urda
and w .11 v istt at the ho, e of her
hush 'iiM s parents. Mi and .Mrs C
I.. Iladley. lor a few days before con
tinuing tier journey to California,
where stie will Join Serjeant Morton
Had lev at Camp Kreemont. neat
i v
Sirens of the Sea" is the title of
t he super-six act offering of Jewel
productions. Inc., which will have Its
premier at the Majestic theatr to
night and lomoitovv night. This Is
said to be one oi the most important
and costly productions to come to
Koseburg iu months and routes heie(
straight I to in its unusually success-'
ful New York run where press and
public voted it one of the genuine,
photoplay hits of the season. It em
ploys' a cast of olio thousand pertuins, I
took six mouths to complete and was
produced at a great output of money. '
The story develops with surprising;
rapidity introducing' the most novel!
sit it at ions as elaborate scene after i
scene w It h almost A la din-like cun-'
uiug is transferred to the screen, a!
climax is reached when the Island !
girl leaves her guests in the midst!
of u gala cid eh rat ion iu lion or of
her 1Mb birthday and ostensibly!
seeks the skilled services of a for-1
tune teller In the person of an old ;
beach-comber who oddly comes intoi
the possession of the secrets of her!
birih. 1
C nil i lie developments ensue until j
he girl and her lover happily set
ail for far-off America.
M. YV. I'runer departed for his
home at Kiddle yesterday. Mr. !
Primer was a member (ho jury.
Mrs. Koy Walker departed last
evening lor Oil lard. While In this
city Mrs. Walker visited with friends.
Mrs. .1. ). Roberts departed last
evening tor her home at Myrtle Creek
alter spending the day in tills city
v isit ing with t rlends.
M is. II. C. 1 .at hrop departed for
her home in Myrt lo Creek Monday
evening alter spending the afternoon
in this city shopping.
Max Sheila ha rgar returned to
Hosi bu i g yesterday from Portland
where be has been spending several
dav attending to business matters.
Mrs. .1. Koda and children arrived
in this city last evening from Port
land. While iu KoHchurg they will
visit at the home or Mrs. M . McCoy.
Uev. -:. O Khlrldge. of Poillatid,
arrived fn Koseburg last night. While
In this city Mr. lOldridg1 will be the
guest of his daughter. Mrs. C. H.
5 rJJSl
. r e ' 1
California Drafted Men Write
Home That it is Best Town
Along the Line.
Hot u rued Conscripted Man UuhLs
Community Service
and l-ood l.iko
I Lome and .Mother.
In a communication received re
cently by a local young; lady from a
resident of San Francisco, it was
stated that three-fourths of the draft
ed men who passed through here dur
ing' the troop movements, tiavo writ
ten relatives and friends In Califor
nia expressing their deepest admira
tion of Koseburg; und its people.
Krom every locality, club and mix
Hairy of the men recently drafted
comes a boost for Hose burg and In
the aorcsald letter Is written what
is seemed to be u universal opinion
of this city. A number of men were
preparing to leave for Americnn
Lake from one of the largest districts
of San Francisco and just before
leaving for the train u gentleman
stepped up to tho captain of tho
group and said : "When you get to
Koseburg, ho sure and notice what a
tip-top town It Is and also save up
your strength till you get there for
ou will get a feed that is just like
homo and mother. It is the finest
place In Oregon. Its people the most
cordial and hospitable und us for the
Cmpnua hotel and other eating
places, they can't be beat. The Ump
Qiia Ik the swellest hotel along the
line and you will all be Immensely
surprise to llml such up-to-date ser
vice in so small a town.'
It was found later that the ex
pounder of the above boost recently
passed through this city with a con
tingent of men and participating
in a game uf football at the lake was
badly in.l n red and ret u rued to Sun
Francisco until permanent recovery
: resulted from careful medical atten
Kvery boost of the nbovo nature is
helping a great deal and it is quite
sure that from all indications Hose
hurg Is handed a goodly share of
laurels. However, there Is no doubt
but that tlie town and its people are
ilemo-vinir nf all lliev urn receivinir.
I At any rale It Is a satisfaction to
j hear of tho many "bouquets" he--
stowed Ibis way and It leaves a warm
1 feeling of pride around every heart.
-A lv Yr
1 1 v
ii I r ' l-