'.4s THK EVENIXfl KEWS Tt'KSlUV, XOVKMHMt lit, HUT. 1 . The .iMll . i li.vti'MJ I !m III 11 I t'jUllUllllFll H I i it j i l-.c ? i j in in ii i rruu ii i ii i I ! H IXJill II II II II V 111 ! Si I f His I L H P'V ; I ' f HI 13I1H i! and xi i W Edison - Diamond Disc : The two best Phonographs on earth. Let us prove it by ' puttingtherrin your lionie on trial, in comparison with ; any other r .'ike. They play all makes of records. OTVS MUSIC STORE Live-wire Doings of City Visitors Leave. O. M. Swikert and family, of En terprise. Ore., who have been visit ing, where they will remain indefin parted for North Lieud this morn ing, where they wil remain indetin itely. Not Kmploed liy French to. A statement in yesterday's issue that I.. M Uraff was an employe ot the French Transfer to., is an error It apepars lhat the your.s; man :is formerly in tl.e employ of the com pany, but is nut now. In wiitiug tlie account of tht' civil action beiotv the court esiei day . in w Ii iiii M r. (.Iraff tig.) red as defendant, the above error ep-pt in. Sam Misner loft yesterday for Yoncalla to attenil to business mat ters. Mrs. Ellen' Haze left yesterday for Salem. While in Roseburg Mrs. Haze was the guest of Mrs. George Foutch. Fresh grape juice, 50c a gallon, at the Overland Orchards. Made in cider press. Furnish your, own con tainer, tf H, lirown. uf Oakland, who has been isiiing in the city for the past few days, left i his morning for his home. Karl I'rathii. of Oakland. who has been visaing in the fit for the past lew days, let t this morning for Collate tJruve. FOR DAINTY AND QUENCHING DRINKS THE YEAR AROUND CALL UP THE ROSEBURG SODA WORKS mosiiT iii:i,i i:i;v PHONE 180 I: , I '-. I .- It T i ti .TX it- yv s: ii, . vmn ic 11 nr hp hpphc i in - ; j f J The housewife. limUiim to thi- familv health, will buy where she call c.'t I KKSH. CI.KAX CiKOCKItlKS. Our Stock is Clean and Sanitraily Kept and goods are of the best manufacture. Orders per sonally look'-! afh r. ?hSe279cerv Walter Patterson, Prop. John Parker, qua rter master I or t he rout in tent of troops w hie'i re cently passed t h rough liosehii i g. stated late yesterday afternoon that the last cheek tor feeding of 111. t roops had been receh ed. Tbe j check for the lumps lor Nov i)M ! r ; :! H as received Tuesday. No enibt r " ; for .November 7. check arriv ed November 11. and the final paviueni was receied on November 1-'. clos- J ing all accounts. Social Nets !?Ui'J. The box social held at F.reen Fri day night was a gi eat siu cess ir both a financial anil social " way There was sait" to be (he liiggeyt at - 1 tendance sine; the new school loiil i J ing was placed in com mission, and j Jtll' were netted. This sum finished paying lor the community piano. I The program was ioint ty a t ra nged I by tin public school pupils and tin Sunday school, and was eu.jord b I everybody. j Former Itciilent lU'turnv. J 1. K. Itenentt. a w ell known j Southern Pari I ie fireman. tormcrl of Ibis city, arrived here last night.1 having accepted a run between Hose- j burg ami Ashland. Mrs. lleiuiett is 1 now in Portland and will soon join her husband and the couple will again take up their residence here ; Their little daughter Oeortie. f.-ll ! from an automobile a shoi t time : ago near U'nodburn. and was unite seriously injured. However. l he child is rapidly recovering and will accompany her mother to lloseluirg ( Thirty Years Ago J Mr. and Mrs. William lold berg . 1 who have been in the eiiy tor the past few days looking after business matters left for Ma!s!m-!d ibi to day. Mr. (lobtbert is now eonneri ed with the Nat ion a I Li I e I nsu ra nee Company ol Vermont and is puile well known in Kosehnrg. having made iliis lerritory repiesenting dif ' I e rent I inns lor the past i hit I y or ; more wars. Mr (loldbeig leniaikei this morning that lie at one lime knew almost everybody in the countv hilt he is not sn well aepn.iinled How 1' K. Hales returned to his home at Cot lute C.rove yeslei da a I lei spending Sunday in liosebu i isii ing w ith friends. CITY NEWS i Yon Casey, of Eugene is spending several days in Roseburg attending to business matters. Harry and Chester Hei;cher left last evening for their home at Dillard after visiting friends here. A. K. Smith returned to Oakland vesterdav after several days spent i in ihis city attending 10 business ' mallets j It U porter departed esierdav I ior his home al Myrtle Creek He is on his way from a business trip to Poi llaud. T. Merry M' yesterday for his home al West Fork alier a number of days spent in Koseburg looking alter business maters. Do it now. Put on that new roof Mrs. Maude Andrew letuined to before, il rains. Shingles $:! and! Koselmrg yes! et day Horn Eugene. .i.f.u. Phone -M-'. Page Invest-: alter enjoying a visit with her dait niont Co. tf ! ghier. Mrs. C. 1.. Andrews. Mrs. A Junes returned to het j Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hall arrived in home at Portland yesterday allei j llie cily esterday troin Terre Haute, spending lb" ,asi week visiting at : hid. While in the city Mr and the home ot hei mother. Mrs. W. C i Mis. Hall will be the house guests ol AndetsoM. ot ibis . in I the W H Thomas home. F. i. Iluell left last evening for Dillard after being in the cily for a day on business. Curl Ulystouv loft today for his homo at Cauyonville aflor a number of days spent In Roseburg. X Selbring departed for his home j at Riddle lust evening utter a day j spent here attending to uusiuess mat ters. H. I,. Huckmaster returned to his home at .Medloru this morningg at"-! ler visiting in this city for a number' of das. I.. ItosuDilb derailed for his home .1 Dill.iiil l:it ,'iniiii :it(er sneild- tng the dav in thi-. cilj aiu nding to business mallei s Mrs. L. M. Miser ami children ar lived In this ti( ibis morning fioni' Yoncalla. They will visit with f i lends- Willie ill Ki-rl.iiiL. Have your dmls cn.nier. alio press ed by Sloper. th- eleaner and prehser. All work piotupilv attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. tf Y SHINE IN EVERY DROP" BU-k Silk Stnvo Polish s.dt!twtttt. It ilot'S n"t dry out; cm ui .1 lo II hut iln p: L4'J.. iu.. li'-u- umIo; no.i it t-ri! n. Vug I gut wur tnuuoy worm. Rlaclc Silk A Stove Polish milv miwt wrwrtii.l. tmt It tn'voa a brilH- lunra sa k'r.K mt onllnirj I UuiUU i. 6ijuu urn', mr una niuni-j. i ton i inrirri wiicn jou I vioirdvuiurwulrvfuiKl I nUck Silk Stove PoIUh I YVorka, Purlins. Illinois. lUc marie Jlllt AirOryin Irnn i: rm.it I .i- irrai.n. n u- V liK Silk Mrtkl p. I fell loi inv. ru ii- nr lir.j. It wurka I Mrs. Sarah Cannen , ing fir I. os Angeles w spend Ho winter. Mis i I.i even ,-re she will Cannon has been spending the past week visiiing ;tt the home of her son. C I, ( .union. warn mm II uutomol,!, Mr. and Mrs. L. S:lmonson and ehildren left last night for Turlocii. Cul., after a visit hero with Mr. and Mis C W. liviin. & CITY NEWS & KelU latest books. 10, libl ry. Fict ion n '1 Mis Walter H Morgan, nl elide. ! left this mottling lor Summit:. Or . t to remain indf mitel v Try Diamond Ihisquets. The most eon veil lent I u el on t he market, j Phone :M'J. Page Investment Co. VlEW HAT' J-J K . 1! Osborne, of I te I i ti n ha m . Wn .. left ihis morning for Kugene ;i ft ci a brief isit in this ril DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. Says we will both look and feel Glean, Bweet and fresh and avoid Illness. COME IN" AND LET US CLOTHE YOU COMFORTABLY FOR RAW. STORMY WEATHER BEFORE YOU "SOAK" VOUR CLOTHES IN A STORM LET US FURNISH VCU A RAINCOAT. IT IS ALSO GOOD FOR DUSTS' DAYS WHEN DRIVING. A GOOD RAINCOAT IS A NECESSITY. HAUEN'T YOU GOT THAT UNDERWEAR YOU NEED? NO? THEN COME TO US FOR IT. WE WILL GIVE YOU THE PROPER GARMENTS TO WEAR NEXT TO YOUR SKIN. WE'UE GOT EVERYTHING MEN WEAR AND WHEN YOU DEAL WITH US YOU GET THE RIGHT CLOTHES AND A SQUARE DEAL. WE KEEP UP THE QUALITY: WE KEEP DOWN THE PRICE. Sanitarv science has nf late made rapid strides with results that aie of untold blessing to humanity The lat est application of its untiring r- search is the recommendation that it Is as necessary to attend to interna! sanita tion of the dra.nau-e system of li e hu man body as it ib to the drum a of th hone Those of us who are acu'toni' I to feel dull and heavy when vv . arse, splitting headache. MurTy fni.'a a cnM. foul tongue, nasty hreuth. an i sinm ach, ';.n. in .!;. 1. U- 1 as lpsh as a daisy by opening the si ii' . s of t ti s.. s teni each morning and flushing t:t ti e ti hole of the li.teti.al p-u.-uvs stag nant matter K very one, whether ailim. sir k or well, should, cm h morning h- fo- o breakfast, drink a ghi-s pal hot water with a tea;.ot.f il of ll'in- ti iif nhosnhate In It to wash from the t- oni- io';s and i dug. ach. liver and how day's it. MrestlMe w.c-t" pohonous toxins. t!. sweetening and 'ir ' :- allriientary rar;al I" fort rt'r.g food tlxto th- rtni,;i- . 'I J..- ;. hot water arid IHte t-'ot.e t an empty stnma'-h H won li-r vigorating It rb-atis i- .' all fermentations, gas we-t-- n nd gives one a fri'-r. ! breakfast. While t ar your I reakfast the p? (.-;.;.; water Is qulftly ' r:o n-.' a 1: ume of water from the t ' i t:ng ready ffjr a ih'ir'.K'h Mi all the inside orgiu.. The millions of p. ..-de r ' rrd with f'fTin'i;i.iti'ifi bio-.-' - -. f'on.a'-h trouhl'-. rh- k: ' rth'TB wh' l.av.- illi.-A -k:T..j. Mo d riworders and tUM-' fo:i.;'' -x.or ar--( urged to get a rpiHrT.-r ifd --f li' ptnn" phosphate fro'i, t) Ir,: I This rout very li'tle. , ;t 1- - iT. ! rl-nt to make anv-one a proi.ounfed 1 crank ou thy subject uf lulernal run lUtiOQ. on of ; iy in t; V ' I r l- t-r d h..t I v t :. ..f CIGARETTES of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC 55 tobaccos Blended CO . I 'Wwm? esmw Mv fj A new combination mild, yet they "Satisfy"! t Yes, this new cigarette is more than just good-ta-itinf, it delivers a new and important thing to smokers Chesterfields "reach home," they let you know you are smoking they "Satisfy" ! Yet, they're mild! 1 Don'l he surprised the ne W blend of Import! d and Domestic tohac-os does it. And lb 3 hlend can't be copied. Let Chesterfields give you new cigarette enjoyment. SS 1. 1 7Ly Sa'fofy 7mr u ucfriha'AA Muc(: X-' . ..... I rapped in 'in Foil- keeps them Fresh