inn EVENING THE WEATHER Fresh, crisp war news by Associated 1'ivss to the Kvonip'vr News. Tonight juid Veliiediiy Fair. Highest temp, yesterday 5ti Lowest temp. Itisi niiiht 40 voR. VIM. ItoSIIll llOltil.AS COl'X'1'V. (ll;i:.0. Tl KMIAV, MIVI Mlti:it 11, 11)1 - 9 No. : i: ; I ( U.l.l ll r.KIMKK (.KAMI .11 1 1 I i t.r. am i;om i'iii:snn:. i lAI'K NOT (il II.I'V. l HE. Returns to Petrograd at Head of Army to Restore Order. K0RN0L0FF WILL AID llolsheviki Ovi-tliroun in Pel nim ml Itupid Change in Sil ion in Itnsia Sn;if (oiMrrs nl' Provisional mv ri tiiuriii . ( I'.y A-roi iaied Press, i COPlJMlALLN. Nt.v. 1 ;: Accni il Ing IO the uml reliable Il 1 in li. .il 'till thill can be obt.iiiie'l im::i the Rus sian capital, il appears that Liolshc villi government, which means the socialist element, was o! short 'dur ation. A lelemaiu to tin StucMioliu News Agency says that Premiei K r nesslty troops coutnd a port ion oi Petrograu, ami have obtained a linii foothold in Nev; ky Prospekt . The leaders of the ItoLheviki are .-aid to have taken r.-fuLe ni the Sn.nlnv In stitute. IVolhc iki vi i throw n STOCKHOLM. No. i:; Tele grains from l-'mlaml a t; in net- the ar rival ill Petnv-ad t! an arn.v head ed by Premier Keren.-K.v. The l;ies. sages declare that i:.-' Luihevik i ul ready overthi own ij1' ma t bin reaching here from Moscow, tin- an cicnt capital ol Kussia, stales thai the country in that part o! II ussia hi under the complete nuiin.i oi o! Cossacks, who acknov h d l.- Ken n sky's leadership and are Una! to the provisional m ei nmen t . Th lb (she vikt govern nieni has b. en deieate 1 at Tsarkoe-Se!. ai.d 'he i)lluwer of the short lived sn ialit I' inir are retreating to v. a d P 1 1 -r.d A -i other message aliei- s h;i t K'-i. nky has announced that fh" sea; of the provisional go ei -nun at Ml e re moved i" Moscoiu KuinilnlT i n (he .lob. STorKlloL.vl, Nov ! :: vt,. Ktad dispatcher, le. the Soci i! Iiemok rut em al'ege thai i;ni'";;l Koimlotl. Who Was eceltl T I : il I'M atte.npl illg '.tl See lie 1 in-- Ml iU '-.:!,-!, uO erniut nt. and v. ho t (ll'ive an.iill-l the i lier in the ai . p vilice ot Halo ia aa Austrnin slinnu:;"!' aie !he hi.-!t o Germ m e p-. itei. ,t ; Potiomad at tin- h- .el o: tt-.ii,. at, t he tint it " ga n i -on . rn 1 1 ; !, sailors. ha e gone o i r (o him Ker en-.k in nil col. 1 .ON I h i.N. .. l :; ( -..pen!). i dif.patcil I" I t:e -:c!liitll:e 'i'ei. graph ( 't'li! pa n dec; a ' l hat ' i a ' ers arriving in SwcVn cot,- t m th report th..: Ki-reiik h.i mhi. ( ompb't e c.iiit : ol i "i ;.t ,i . .n i Russia. havKiu v.-in a - peed v i- e; OVer (lie !!td-h' l lietlel.ll l"'H loft and Kab .,re t. t. h.,v foi rued a : r; 1. 1, i - w ir h l k and are -uf-einh;; al! op..p-nin i.. j fore t hein Vi ! I .en III' . a p! o- Genua n mh i.i 1 a i.d -a ii ' he j most da ngei o :i ma n in li - - , ; . t : as tile widtare et ..,.! r, .: ,. j.i j IS COIlCeine.l. 1- -;:'il ti. h.i.- ti'.', ! CaptUled b the K i. K ' : I : 1 - T T ; t roops. T!l !,!:.-. ! 11(1 Vici S re ..;..(! i ' ,. . . - A i ever. il -lif. i -!.-p.i:c:i. - C roiri ad f t !- e nn :. : i-o . . - .. , e velopmetn- CHINA PROTESTS THE D. S.-JAPAN TREATY (1!-. A WASi!I'. ! ' i 111 a ell l!l t w ot:i I-egislered 111 a '"' I. a. beioi e ! In a I' ia Cniled Slates ar.d .lap i d to rep v , ; i 1 disci,. im a".'- --.'-' Chill. i 'I '. p. 1 A. F. OF LABOR CALLS OFF SHIPPING STRIKES i:rr; a IT. cum pug. : e'lo r - ed off : Of th- bte . It Mrs Anna U : flty las' rt'liilK "" i- f-llrotl' to :o-' : anil "loi.''l "l: i" -M.-Hi iii- ot tins .-ity. :i i :l ! i I May as to the nature of the ease, but it is the general con census nf opinion that illegal hoo.e transactions have been earned on at Oakland, ami it is thought that the grand jury is making a thorough Investiga tion into t he niatier with a view of returning indictments, i! the law has been violated in this respect. A wry interesting and enthusiastic meeting of the local home guard was held last evening at the armory, the attendance being larger than al the initial drill night a week ago Mon day Sergeant Ham ill on. tvho is home on a short visit . was present and tave the boys some good instructive a oi k in drilling, after which lep-1 lit Sheriff Raffety and Percy Webb! i:ot alter the boys" ami made them toe the ma rk and hit the pace of ' regulars. A decided interest is mani- lest among the members and It will only be a short time until they will I all pi es'-nt a very impressive" ap- j pearance in a drill parade. Sheriff tjuine announced that he j had rei eived word from headtiuar-1 tiers that guns would be furnished; t be guard at once and he expects j I they will arrive in time for the regu j lar drill next Monday evening. S. E. TALLMAN SELLS 1 STORES YESTERDAY I A business tie:, I was consummated ! i n t ins i it v yesterday a I ter noon ' w! en h lallman. who owns a stoie at Ruckles and one also at Cal cite, d is posed oi all his interests. The husiness al Ruckles was sold to V hounds who has already assum ed t ha i ge and Ihe Calcite business : u.,s purchased h T W Kirk, both I sab's hejtlg I'nr e;isll. The new OWll- I els will continue Ihe business places j ami keep their stocks iullv up tu the! -tandaid. ' M i Tallmati. a! t.-t sett ling :ip ot h -t :-itl'-- matters bete, will bave Vanc,-!er. ; . where In- ex- ! p'i ' - to ira te perm an en tlv H is ; ;au,i! la-- airea.Iy precedtd hm to' 'atii'n i-r and In- will join ito-m at an eat Iv date Mr Tallma n has been ! In loiv:ne in this coun' lot thel a- ! live yeai S y. s. La 1 I ni twa n. a prom iii'-nt on ng m.;n oi Da v s ('reek. ;.nd instructor o! I U ri the upper- Dav.s Creek dis- fid ie..n'l re-igii'il his position and will have soon to enter tin- avia ' ,i 'ii t i: '. r ),.- t Hi i .-I States arm;. : D . 'i' an has been 1 n.-t ud oi in ' . Da V - I I e. k M'lludl tO S.Olie I llli" b''I .t(. ,. J) ,,f t , ,(lt !j. t rifling i. ! - f,' ait and u ish ing -to add hi . ia Hi'- , ,, i-.- .,: jutnte t!ie inline I ;. .i U I -l'-d hi- pi est-n t . fM I -e M.s- Li II ;.t li D 11 li 'a li. a sister tit I he P' ' e .-r will t a k e up his d ul n-s in 'he -i mud I'toieMM- Duncan expects 'o i.uii possihh at some iivmiion h"'d in ihe -oiitli and will leave in a : w da - r oi In- 1 1 a mi n g -a m -: 'nr.. win, r -r-n 1 1 jiass.-d i Kiis.lnii- .i' know l.-.iL'ini; fail' ni.- a' tilt- 1 M-a I liin 1 whirh : ... , . .1 w 1, ilc in tli In rlty Itov McNabh, Koy Stearns. Phil Huntington. Koy lloodman. William Hood man and Ijiw rence Haynes. alt of Oakland, were tin Jay subpoenaed be I ore the uraml jury recently drawn i miii the new panel unci now In session. Owing to the fact that all in vestigations made liy the hod mi1 entirely secret, no in toMiiUtion could be obtained to- GIRLS HONOR GOARD mzw RECEIVE PICTUREKUbt bL . . i T' Nat mnal Hoik,, (luanl '.' ' ' i - : ' , i n i ecei pt i,! a n t- 1 '. ' e-' : n f pifi'i'e whih ' , ,,. A . - !. ':!., ' Ti 'M. I a III p ( , I e.-n. 1, , . . ..- TV- pa-re ; . - , -T -'.v - ! n li . ;-'eH .n c 1 1, f e , , ... ,r '-' .id i" tt.roun a . . .p. ' - 'W ' a r o: War La!.- p i-i .-,- --.-iii ;ri 'ht- pn'i.'e ha'-Tr.L a ! - .ti - pe t r fie t r ooiH r ti,r . ti , , j a . . pi . r- wu -er: i r, (,ne , Ef- GALLOWAY IS ABSENT According (o .Mr. 4 onion Tax 'mu mission Dili Not fare To Make Any I'inul LMimnte of County I tat it ts. County Assessor Guy Cordon, who ; appealed helore the tax commission ; al r'-ilem Monday in up effort to savej the laxpaers ol this count several i t hnti sand dollars by endeavoring to j raise the ratio ot the assesesd alua-j tion ol the propett in longlas coun- ty liy bringing about a reduction ml the amount ol taxation owing to the decreased amount oi taxable proper ty returned here Tuesday morning and when interviewed today Mr. Coi -dor. stati d that owing to the absence of Tax Comniisioner Chas. I,. Gal lowa. who is attending the National Tax AsoM ial ion's conference in Georgiii as the represenliit ive of-tlie state of Oregon, and the fact thai Commissioner Galloway is the active member in computing the count) i.i lios. the members ol the hi ttmimis sion tliti not caie to make an estimate of the rat ios itut gi anted Kouglas county the privilege ol mak ing a written show in g to the com mission upon Mr G.illowav's return The commission also very kiudl per- milted an inspection of the tax com mission's records, and faun the m format imi thus gained i lie ass. s-oi will ho able within a lew davs ii give a complete statement o! the exact' standing of Houglas county in the ; malter of the relative value wilh th other counties in the stale. The a sessor has not yet tabulated h-s in-, fnniiation. hut feels certain lhat a I complete tabulation will show thai j Douglas county's standing r- it; ieal j ity much higher than iis actual ratio of percentage would indicate i $459.63F0RY.rVI.C.A. Tlie iniota for the Roseburg hu'h sthool in the Y M C. A. lilive was $ I .'Ml ami al a late hour I his al noon $ 1 ."(!.;:; bad been i ais-d j A number of high school boys ite pa Ned today for t he school;, in t he out l ing dist riets in n dei I help raise money for the Y M f A., Among the bos who b-n v--.,- rir 1 lonl Itemis ami James Campbell, tor Glide and South Deer ctet-k, Slatorj Miller and lames I'earsoti. to- Lnnk-I 1 ng Gbl s . G I .i 111 i ) dmi lie .1 ml Her j bet t Km t . lor Melr-i i; ! ilout k and Kaiph llaldw in loi inl; ianl ami Green j The Looking G !,:.!- t am wt r. l!r ; tii -1 I o i et u r n an I r ep.ti i 1 f f. ! ". . i Was Mlb-crihed b.V the p-lblie A'd.oo! 1 at tliaf id.t.e. uhe-e , II e T- '.', ! is pr tneipal 1 PRESIDENT B. OF LE. I. I. -'..n'.-r t al.d w a. v. . ,n i.i;.- . ! 1 ;. t te: .a eti ritllf- In I' ul lai d t I nit. Sa li Ll allele " V i S . n ! nl d p- ev,,I.-lt I i T the il 1.1 'n I ! ) !' I ,Oi Ulai't i Ltmillet altd in id, t i . ' a 1 1 ' ' ii.iii d' ii- S I' ! i;i.'.-t!l-i: 'Aa-. ti.ld rena ., t e;t Ii h V the tl' e, en atld e ll il i I i ' - in th- Mat cal .... hall at w Inch - ei al J-.a'ters ot impnitai.. e ', . - , ,h- M in.nrd aad - x . rune ,,a t,, 1'i.i'l.iinl i ai ... i. NEW VICTROLA -I i'..'.r.i i-i 1 St 1 1.- 1 .11 I'M 1 1 in ui ,..m..-i - .. .. m v.. -l,lS.'i! lliM.IJL-'. 1 1 .- ' ' M tl.M -ii i lo.-a! ..('"in- lor !..- jn.i. Inn,- Meets Tax Commission in fort to Secure Raise in Tax Per Centage. I1 refill t ru Wilson has just wired the following: The spe cial campaign lor $:.". loni.anu which the V. M iv a. has iu auguraied is of vital impedance to I lie w oi k ot increasing t he contentment and etticietic of our citizen army. is funda mental to making morals the bu.-is ol military moiaie and : houhl engage the grueious sup port of all out people. 1 he- speak lot it a u a t n i m 1 1 and a 4 ti nil y of etToit and of gifts, n peed this patriotic and prac : tb-il work lorwaid lo abuutlant ami couple- e mh i e- -. lt'l V ITMl ItKIMiMTORV. The rinpo.,1.1 'aie lliuk was toda notitbd thai the in ;iitiitlon b is been dosignaad 1 ih I'tiited State-, ... partu.eni a-- iIi-imm'hm ') o: l.i; rt Ian : .nd This is ditim ti.e of tlie I'mptiu.i all high standing n ih oglllli.oi ,tima.i.. I ot 1 1 astn ni fit n ; BOB HARGREAVES ! NowiN France; i W ill Margie.,-..--. t.,.-ni. :'lv .v. tv ' m !i I aaue-s tie e w i i ii his lathe) i bdr..;.e wa ' ilafg.-eaves. I !he Ko-i htll a town lotlav Ihibi1"'" M' n;u' ,IM '''. ingciner wiui -otiaied wiui him inlin,t destripiion of his land, forward-indu.'-irv -otiie ears ''lLlll't Cain, at lhat time conn- go. is nt'W v It ti A - i t a i man., nicinbo Ui ii I'etshilir in Kranee I opl,- )o ie wil'l -t." J 1 1 a es win, was ,iii 1 aclive paiticipa'lt in ha -e I, ill arid oiln i athletics dm hie hi- ie i.p n- e j in I louglas counl v . . : . , ir rn uirnnrnniu i LVtKT WtNUWUA IS WHEATLESS DAYr- W edne.dav is whealb .--. an ! :.H I i eMa in a nl.-, and ht !'' ;o sei e war" aao m i st it nit's ioi line I lou i oi w lc dints. The bakeiv men a otlay pi epai ing i v e hi . -ad at ir i- I-a hi bread ami Mlh other ;- u l..-t I i u 1 e-; a the gov i n men i ha-, indicate,! Th mall who thinks he cannoi ret aluti oil Ihese snbsiitutes will havi a Lai time to get enough 1 1 1 a ' the-; COtliitlg A "etlne-alav The Si iteliienl Vt -te da V . 1 hal VV ilea t h-- , a wet Th il isd a v war an error I' in- d i ' an- mi.,,..s. an ' W dm -rr:, s ai w heat less. Tin lh' lulei -1 1 ' t I hi ll U' S !' :- 'li'. r i ' hub - f l Hai I rill ml I 11. -.1 lur Ii I li,. .'li i I M I i-tl I 111-' to llli- I . -1 1 J ...... i ' - - I . i 1 1 . (' 'li. j. I., ml It ! all. I in. M. .11 ' . ..... ,. .... ;.! i .-I 'i'i Mi.- -Ian. I : .1. M l.-.l ',. "- I.'.n :. I ,. ., ' ! ' in -'a .-I I-. M , ,, . ! it,-.!: . , ., . I ... i. I.. - i oi. ... .il.-! ' I. .i 1 r M .. ; .-. -1,1 1, I .1 '.in in 'i nn .,11. Hi Mmii .... -.. Il l : , "'I '.'-1 ;i,i- tlo ,.n ..- . I':''. I . .' ' I. 1 ".. :i ' a' . I '.i-ii I I ,m.,.-i M '.- .,!, ' i. mo! I' . I. "I ''. 1.. M-r- I "o. I li. , ti,,.'. ."'.:.,,' .1 4 ...... . I- '. I'M' .1 In Ho '!..-' ( :,' .! in- I.Mi'l T- - " r . ' ' .... " . . ' ' ' M I' . . 1 1 1 1 1 li c .i i i ! i : - ,, , . 4 . I . : r 1. : ' t .. i u n t h. I ii - i ' ; - ) ' ; - ' .. - v ill.- ..I M -l '! ' ' ! ., ,,.'..; M : .1 1 1 'I III!' tolil 'A I.i' A.l ' .. ' " , ' Mi. ; , . . ,. . I ' !, .- . J . T -Tl 1 1 11 . i-.lli - t 1 . . ' I.. . - '.',.. r ,,j 4 .'.,,. IN.- plaint iff 1 liar m. !;. i iiN'i.- . i i pp..,,-.,! I,,. ., -, ... ... i . .-,.-si. , (,,;. I ... . ... p. ' i'i' Ai'l I.- 'Ii-,.. ... iisim. as III.' lalol wonl.t li.r.'M ...i ,i 1 ., ',';,. 4 1 1, . - , I , ' i i v 1 1 1 . 'i I.i' ' o M" an a .'. '1 1 ii ' n i w , . i, nl. I i ,aH.- 'I li" '!.:. -ii. I in Mtftff tf ttMM rmllor ail'.r,'i tliiit lit- Infoi no-.l l t : ,4 Plaintiff on Witness Stand Nearly Two Hours This Morning. FEW WITNESSES CALLED ' Will Cibabl Reach I be , Iatf TliiN 10 ven ing Cain 4n (In SUunl Thi.t Al'tertKMHi. I'be work of selecting the jury to iry ihe second case on tin court i docket. Lawrence vs. Cain, was ctini- pleied shortly after !:"ii o'clock ibis ! morning ami the following iuroih ,1,-attii- Ceo WlnsliMls. R. 11. l ' Wood. Ldvvard Snell. C. l la v - 1Kul .;hll(11. Ml.Kean. Chas. Thon.p : son. A. C. Rexroad. Jack nM-u,.,-, ! l-'red lienner .1 It Hutchinson. lten-'iltl ton Mires and S. '.. Morse. John Long, attoruev foi ihe plain tilT, stated the case to the jurors, and t W . 11. Law rence took the stand in !iis own behalf and upon cross ex animation told tin1 court thai he re sided about ten and a hall miles north ol Mvrtle Creek, ami had te-.-itletl in thai vicinity lor tin- pasl in eais. Desiring to have a line run on his pioperty with a view oi to, fet ing a wire fence, the plaintiff staled surveyor oi imugius romiij, 1 hrough his hanker at My iT lo Creek . lMI" 1 he real ter. the plaint iff l eceiv ' ed a commuilieatloil irom tlie (letelld allt. Mr. i aill. to the effect that he would he out. to run the line nist as simii as other business was disposed ol In due time tin- deiendalil ar t iv ed a I his home ami adv isetl I lie jplainiifl' Ihnt he was ready to make tlie survey anil iiskcii wnete a eeriaui Ills ouestiou the I he did not one ol the crew ! wli it h had been prev ioiisly hi red by Ihe plaintiff, a Mr. Reck, advised the Ml J V e or that he knew While t he cottier was located. When ihe spot was reached it was found that 1 he i oi ner si a ke had been washed onl and so the plainiilT claims that the Mirve was slatted b guess work The lines were made ami the plain tii'f claims thai he elected a M wiie teliee oil the SO I V ey I ll US obi a tiled and he lurtliet tdaims that indghbor.. nitoi nieil him at the time lhat he vva? coIlM" i net ing the ti'tice t hat pa 1 1 ol tin- line was on tiiilroad piopeilv. Tin pl.t i n 1 i ll tlaims th'at he paol ii: Do m ighlioi hood of $ I ., loi Ibis ti i - i fii i v e and b-.i rui ng that t he tine- wen mat en i ad I tun. In- ad m- d Go- deii-iidant ol tin- lai t and i a i e - mi i v.ev w as made b Mr. i';i in I Willi h V ar. II lo 'IO teel off o: j 1 he ti' -1 line The plaint i ft 1 in , i her a lleL. S I Nat Ihe e ect ion d t lit- ! elice coM t 1 " atld ll moved ii lid ' e e;.-i let! oil Die I M Hie second I ar v :i w oubi com" i l ball fo : ! i .e lieu Wile. OWlllg III t ll- Mia' the etice Was II .1 I h 'I lo ' I .- and .-- u 1 ) , in ci and a i ia l :. 1 1 .1 il- s and w oubi 1 e'Miil e a , r . a' 1 mou nt ol lattoj lo tea 1 ll do.. ,, aad llil.s piiMeduie would a Lo .! , !::.. , l.-s -laroaL-e o I he tt lie , he plalllllfl d.'S' lU.ed the Iot a I 'li.ll hi- lallt . ,l Oil cei hi llepl Itlt.s. ' r 1 u "h. 1 daia, and Iullv ex ! I III III.'. .1 I.I u . Xlillills II . 1. i 'Mi anil I!., la kiiii-' i.i 1. .-1 1 1 ,'. a i .mm, I, . ' iil.i. .1 1 i. . li' M I . ' .' ,, !,.,. '.li Mi' ' I ,1'H, i r .M'.nli in.- .l i! ..:.. imi, ,,. i'l,,i,,.iii u... I " I' , M.- Nil' slioli.-.l I,'. I'O lll-. ! ,, i,,, ,:. .;, , ,, , ., ' ' ' ' It.... ... I ;:, I : , . ; , ,' t ., ' ' 1 I I'.'.M:. I ,, 1 ll' 1 IM.I . ,, . :,:riMii ALIEN ENEMIES WILL v-i composed ol V. (. I. K Mtnse. II II . Hutchinson. Krank . Wright. l. R. King. Williani Short. It. It. Jones. It. (). Got!, Itenlon Mires, ami John Dicks, who tried the forcible entry and detainer case of W. A. Shell'iet vs. 1.. M. Graff, a local drayman, yester day a 1 1 eriioon. ret u rned a ver dict in favor of the detendant. The jurors retired to thdib :r:,;;::u,:ir;x:; ed tor more inl or mat ion re- j gardtng th" testimony givt-n h .Mr Reese, who slated on the slaiul lhat the detendant had 4 borrowed a hoe from him with 4 which lo prepare ground on the premises in i ties tion for t he purpose ol planting a garden. Not long alter this i he jury reat bed a verdict of mil guihy. Lawrence of the fai l lhat two chain men ami a llagmau. all itisiuterested ' ,"' '1H-1mI ' 'h" ,n k ''""""''n with the law and a t ter m ut h .! .sctlssHn hot 1, pro '' '",' PbUlltin derided that a legal su 1 v e v menl lolled hy the d feudant woubl le loo expensive. However, an agnomen! was reached ami Mr. Culu claims that ho merely made ont the lines lo show ihe plain tiff w lie re his proper! v' lay and not as a permanent ami aceurulo survey. The l",.ridanl admitted that be re established the line for the plaintiff upon his ret nest for same, but fount when he reiuinetl to the p:em ises Sa I u rda 1 hat the plain tifl hail not constructed the fence in question on ei! her line. According iii Mr. Cain he made a legal suivev of Die property in I It 1 ami lo the best ol his knowledge ami belief this sutvey was accurate ami in . accoi dame with the law . How I ever. Die plainiilT staled that the ; original work done in the section was ; erroneous ami erv irregular ami the inei w a.-, generally Known here ami on I Inn account an accurate line was diDiciilt lo make. The defendant slated lhat In mak ing the surveys for the plaintiff lhat he conformed with Ihe work of other surveyors and run a line north and soi:lh Ihiougli ilit- st tint) which con 1 ii ui e.' om of the boii m la ry lines This line was agreed in ami entire) Mllislat loi lo Mi Lawienee ami lo Mr. I-'M pa t rick . who owns the ad joining pt operl y. 1'latls and blueprints woi- Intro and explained lo the jurymen b All Cain, pi otessioliallv ami after much cr o.-'mest inn i in: by counsel 'nt the idainliff the witness was ex cused ami Judge Hamilton called a The c iujv lal ..e will probably f. this even) ng. di Die EXPLODES. 2 HURT lllv As .V MM'1 H. K I'llM-'M Ur'lli-i .1 : i v uh.n ll..' ..11 Hi.- I'ln.-.i: i, !...!. .1 1.11. il l'i ess 1 N" . Nm 1 .: Kn ! t -' .'I'l. il Isil.' "i Hn ir .lU'in. A N'.t I ll U . '1 i'i II l ' in A i I. .1 I'M ' ) i a i in s . i : : J . i I h-l ol II,.- I I. ll. BE REGISTERED SOON 11.'. li- ll. III-,. BERLIN ALLEGES l'onao ui i ii 1 1 in ii, 1 1 Mi.-1 n The jury Duunivan. : t de, .1 It la's lie. J I nrnnnAM n in o irn hrKUU V r n INn'n " ULItllinil I UULIUI ILIl Ains pmstiNFRS mm i mosi .... Late Dispatches by Wireless State Revolutionists Are in Control. Italian lines hold ., Desperate Lighting Murks llattlo ARmg livo Itivor Where iis1roGcrniaiis Try to Itttvak Through. Ry Associated Press.) LONDON, .Nov. LL The complete tluieat ol Premier Ixerensky and General Kotnilolf was announced iu a IDisKian eotuiuunleuliuii rei-eiveU here rt wireless late today. The nusage mys; - Yesterday, after hit ter fighting near Tsarskousclo, the levolutionaty anny completoly de lta led i he co u ii tor revolutionary army leaded hy Kurensky and Korniloff. In ihe unino of the revo lutionary guvernmuiH I ordered oppo sition to all enemies of a revolu tionary democracy, and Inking of any measu res necessary for the capture of Premier Kerensky. 1 also torbid similar i.dveiitures whlcii are endan gering the success of the revolution, i Signed i MauravielT, commander in chiei ol the lorees against Kereu- . sk." DeM'rute Fighting;. ITALIAN LFtONT, Nov. 13. The 'teutons are exerting powerful ef lorts lo pierce the Italian front in eastern Trent 1 no. and hy breaking through to .the plains from Sugana valley, (bus outtlanking the Dalian line on the lower Piave river. Venice will be easily captured. The light ing today Is obviously ol a desper ate character, ami the Italians have shown themselves in a mood for de termined resistance. Women Soldiers Arrested. LONDON. Nov. u. Several hun dred women soldiers, who have been preparing to defend the Winter Pal ace from the lighting factions, were arrested by Hie polshevikl and hand ed over to the various barracks, ac cotding lo a Petmgrad dispatch. PHILATHEA CLASS Mis. Aiilni.y Smllh (Mllorlulncd v.-ry itlriisjitil ly n( her home In oust Kiisi'Iiiii-k lusi vcnliiK. About flrteon ik wiiim-ii m i In. 1'rusliytorliin iln.nh na I lii.(l with knitting In Ii.iimI iiikI nrci,i(i (i a riiilatliou cinss. Mrs Snillii is Ilii- ti-ariicr ami Miss l.i'wls was .'IitIi-iI ini'slili'iit. with Miss MarJiMli. Hunt as sicidtary. It Is hi linii! many social inict-iiii-s 'I n r-i n ( . Hi.- winliM- al the homea "I 'MITrniil inliois, (loliiK Hod ('mils in ciIIht usi'l'iil nrli. Hofri'sli mii mIs. il Mi-rva-il al all. an- lo hn of ihi. n-ry A liirnilii'rslllp . ..ii.i.i 1. 1 ...i iiimi i-iKiscii ami niiu-n .nl litisla -in was shown hy all of this lll.llll'l IIH'llllx-l s. ALL BE VERY GOOD I Hy a -sot -,ati d Press.) S t It.W'lSi . nv. i;t. a '' ' ' ' " ' "" 1 he i i administrator ihe iii'.ii i. -liners carries word to iid maker, of th,. jar west that ,L'e l'ii are cheatiim the iroveril nt t- bimriL.' more Miigar- than al ii Hi -in. w ill later teceive none at fi e t ic,i t ,(in Is threatened. ' I all C. H. ARUNDEL T CITIZENSHIP PAPERS II Ai i ii I in.. i II known ' ! ' " ll" lia - M's,,.,l 1 t,s iiiiiiiI -'I' ..I oiiis aiipt' I i iM-'ili ,'oin f t n,s imirnlnt; " :"" ' "'-" s iii n rove ilia ' I' 'I a. I ...i.i a-'li.'il f.,r natilf- "'! p.;.. i i ' ii .1 iraiiiilton "' 1 ' - i 'i. " . a:i, 1, anil the I' "' 1 1 " "-. Ml Arnn- ' " ' io KM.nt-iialin- of Kiik- M lll.l- M- 1 1 ' an-lv , noso- I. II '. l lSl I'M -,.,;. ,,,,, k,.S, ,, will s..'ii, son ,-al ,,.;a t,8 cltv vl'ini-' i" il"- I o or hot- parents lr. ami Mis. M Mvl..f.