A. THB EVHln KEWS Tl'KSIUV. VOVKMKKK A, OIT. i mi ira M y-V If IT J 1 11 victrola ! and M; 1 3f "',1 j. PUpf mm ;i ' f I". ft u Edison Diamond Disc mm : H ill M The two best Phonographs on earth. Let us prove it In putting them in your home on trial, in comparison with any other make. They play all r.uke.s of records. OTT'S MUSIC STORE 0 CITY NEWS 0 I.'-u .- -t j Ki--: ii.Ti l.ii ;. ih- cluljliiii'4 offers ll t o Rent laleM bonks, 1V. library. C. U. Wilils. c.i Hill.ud r.' to his home last n mil; a;''"i days spent in KoM-hurt:. -wi V.' K I ,. is i . i iint- .l i-i (;i '! hist . v.-i.ini: 'uli- mi Kw!.ur i' Mr '''inn ;f.i-. attf.weti business matters ni I j Tiy ii.i?;Htm1 P.ri.quets. The most ; i, I ( 'ma ni' nl ni el on the market, l'hwie J I'lit Investment Co. Mrs. S. C. Colter returned to h-" home at Dole last evenin.: alter a day spent in Rosehur;: siiupptni:. .1. D. Kluny left 1...-1 nUM I'm: Riddle where lie will rem i.n in two weeks attending ! Imiiih- er-'ie:- Fresh grape j.iire. ."." a Gallon, at the Overland Orchard- Made in rider press. Furnish ..nr mvn mn tainer. " Hen; !: n ii ,, ;,,u ,.,( yeslef la !nr .-! K.,k. While in H'eh'irg Mr. lit i' a n u tt . -tided to isi IP's. inn - .1. A .;. Millan n turned t in ir i.i-t n i ii tr H orn I'nrlhmd she ha- het-n viritini: for scv da D. I.rtu it nmv. Put on that new ronf it i ains. Simmies $3 and Phone U. Pago Invest ment Co. tl" Mr , ml Mr, 1. I-. "- ,. ,. , ,,.,. .,, (,,,.lin yesterday Inr Al. hm. ,,.,.,. .,, ,.,,,, ,., ., ,,, Will s...l a lew .I,;., vt-inm: ,.!. .. ,.,, , ... friends. M he!', p I I M ' t' 1 . T I ! -'I Milled to Cl eS ; i: t iiiLlit a'tei a lew dn? ; i;t in l;.i-eleii - ;it ti-ndiiii: : husi CASTORIA For Infants and Children ....... In Use For Over 30 Years A ::-" ' '"' "' ' 1 1 Always Dears the Signature at" v. t -r j v '-i.i.i:W w v. .A" . t,- 4 " 6"; 4. rfl WHEN THE WINDS BLOW YflU ARE GOING TO NEED A WA3M OUERCOAT. A WARM SUIT AND SOME "COMFY" UNDERWEAR AND THINGS. COME IN NOW. GET THEM AND BE READY TO FACE MR. BLIZZARD WMEN HE COMES. OUR CLOTHES HAVE THE "SNAP." THEY MAKE YOU LOOK "0. K." AND YOU KNOW YOUR SUC CESS IN LIFE DEPENDS MUCH ON HOW YOU AP PEAR. THEN APPEAR WELL. WE KEEP UP THE QUALITY: WE KEEP DOWN THE PRICE. BIG LINE OF SWEATERS AND MACKINAWS SEE THEM. .ctvnews. jSATURDAY IS O.A.C. H. W. Evans has accepted a poal itou aa Btenogiapher in the ofticeis of Neuuer &. Wiuibeiiy. G. II. Clarke, a recent arrival la this city, left this morning fur Port land to remain permanently. Mrs. V. C. Ingals. of Prineville, is spending several days in Kosebutg attending to business matters. Paul O. Spies left today Tor San Francisco where he will spend some time attending to business matters. Mrs. YVarzetha left today fur Sac ramento alter u day spent !n Hose burg visiting with .lra. K. Mc Grew. Have your duds cleaned and press ed by Sloper, the cleaner and presser. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. tf K. C. Henson left In his car this morning for Myrtle Creek where he will spend the day attending to busi ness matters. r II A pHtitliJ U ..II b r.u- n known piano tuner of this city left this morning for points north on a business trip. (i. T. Hover and sister. Miss (Joldiej Ho et . left last evening lor their j home at Dillaid after a day spent in: Hoseburg shopping. M F. Rice, of the real estate firm j of Hire and Hire, left this morning fin Yonraila on business. Mr. Rice will return this evening. Mrs. .1. V. Nichols and children, of Kn let prise, arrived in this city this morning. They will remain in Koseburg for several days. Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Moll departed this morning tor (j rants I'ass where they will rem-in for a number of days visiting with friends. Ralph aswell and sister. Miss ('.race has well, departed today for I'hoenix where it Is hoped that the limate will benefit Miss I.aswell's health. Mrs. J. I. Chapman arrived lu Rnsebtirg yesterday evening :ioin Wilbur and will visit for several days at the home of her son, Fred Chapman, of this city. W. II lirimhall. of Curtin, Ore.. who has been in this vicinity look- ng after a prune and apple crop for the past few weeks, left this morning for his home. Fred Johnson, the well known Honey m an Hardware salesman who spent esterday in this city looking after business matters left this morn ing for points north. Mr. and Mrs. P. McMilllnn arriv ed in this city last night from Salem mid will spend the winter months in Roseburg with their son Fred Mr- Mlllian. instructor of science in the local high school. .lohn Oilkeson. whose hand was badly cut a few days ago when a jare plate glass taken from the Ham ilton Drug Company's store was ac cidentally broken. Is still nursing the injured member and It will be some time befoie he is able to return to work. William L. Flndley, state biolo gist, arrived this morning from Sa lem. Mr. Flndley will lecture this evening in the old Palace theatre under the auspices of the Mental Culture club on wild birds and ani mals. Mr. Kindle will illustrat his lecture with moving pictures taken especially for this lecture Many Attractions Scheduled For the Entertainment Of Visitors. CHAMPION FOOT BALL Visitors Will lUtsin to Arrive Friday Aiul it Few lrvlimiiimy ICer cbwi Will Ho Staged jut Thrw Plays. CORVALMS, Ore., Nov. 6. The annual home-coming day at O. A. C. is Saturday next, when among the other attractions the prospective championship football game of the northwest conference will be played between the strong Washington state and the O. A. C. team. The entire student body, one of the larg est ever assembled on this or ati TIMK TO PLANT SH lU'RRKH V. Now is the proper time to plant your rose bushes and all kinds of shrubbery to get the best results for net vt-ar. I have on hand an ex eellent assortment or good, strong rose hushes and shrubbery of all 'dnds and can give you the beHt of ervii e in this line. Drop me a postal and 1 will rail and take the matter up with von. n ! 7 JOHN W IXWKM-, City. DAVCF AT IjOOKINCi iUSH. A flame will be held hooking r,a hall Thursday evening. Novem ber Lunch served in the hall n8p :No.5 WOODSTOCK A Modern single shift Typewriter of Superior Kxcellenre, S n pie ei tie i en t. durable, accurate. Deadened to meet the mosi exacting ri"'t it ementH. give efhnt senire over the greatest number of years, uitli exceptionally liberal price, d!s-rount-. terms, exchange allowance. A. S. Huey Company Local Representatives other campus ot the northwest, is workinc ovrr time to pive the old timer a let'epfm and wt'lroine that thoy will never forget. Visitors for the home-coming will begin to arrive Friday. A few pre liminary exercises will bo staged for their benefit, but tjje bin day will be Saturday, when in-uoor ana oui-aoor names w ill be played by intra mural , teams representing the various clubs. classes and other social organiza-; tiona. Dr. Browno has arranged a! schedule of sports that will give the; former campus folk an insiK.. "'h t the system that has proved so at-, tiat-tive that it has ilrawn practically I loo per cent the students not ; merely Into physical exercises, but into healthful and exhilarating values, lie has also planned to pro-j vide opportunities lor the has-beens. to don their old sport totfs anil re enact the scenes of former triumphs. Of course, the chief aitraction will be the big football game in which Coach 1'ipal's men will endeavor to upset the dupe and beat the boys from Washington. On Sunday the churches of the town, the Y. M and Y W. C. A. and the fraternities anil clubs will open their ilnors to the visitors. This will give new friends as well as old an opportunity to inspect the splendid laellitles for instruction. training ami social culture afforded by the ohl school. War PS n mng Be Watchful of Quality in War Times. Tree Tea is Today as Always, The Best Quality ami for the Least Money C EYLON or J A PAN Full Weight CIGARETTES of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC tobaccos Blended 'lw mwm M li tt ... . ... ti j mmr l m i teres a mna Tf P V ( $kif x - . cigarette that "Satisfies"! THIS Chest erfield Cigarette pleases the taste -and then Hoes further. It decs fr smokers t lie one tiling they've always wished a cigarette would do Chesterlields let rou knorc iou a re s m k i ug they " Satisfy ' '! then re Mild! le new Mend of pure, natural irted and I ) uuc-t ie tobaccos )l,..fV i. (liwc it A nil till' hlt-nd can't lie copied. I'roolV Try Chesterlields today. Ye Tl. Impoitt Wrapped in Tin Foil keeps them Fresh ?