THREH THK KVTCNINO EW8 MOMMY, OCTOBER IS, 1017. . M. C. A. AT FORT STEVENS A Great Investment For The Soldiers and One That Is Duly Appreciated. WORK IS PROGRESSING Iitbor TroubU Ifnve IU'Uuilwl Work To Homo IhOToe Hut JtuJIil liifC Will Soon Ho Kojuly For Occuincy. (Hy Chiwi. KtuiiUm.) If the people of Roseburg who fltibBcrihod to the work of the army Y. M. C. A. could see the work that thut iiiHtltution Is conducting at Fort Stevens where over two thous and soldiers are stationed, they would bo doIlKhtcd with the Rood use to which their money Is being placed. It was only a few days after the boys arrived at Fort Stevens that Dr. H. R. Marsh, formerly superin tendent of schools at (llundalo, Ore., appeared In Col. Fills' ofllco and nuked for permission to erect a Y. M. C. A. building. The colonel ask ed how long It would be boforo the building would be erected and the doctor Informed him that It would be roady for occupancy within two weeks after It was started. Permis sion was granted for the construc tion of the building, several weeks; being required in obtaining the necessary orders from tho war de partment at Washington, 1). C, and within an almost Incredible length of time, the contract was let, the ma terial was on the ground and the foundation Htartodi. bullillftiff was well under way when labor troubles arono at Astoria and other nearby cities and progress was halt ed, and It seemed that the building would remain unfinished for some time. Hut when the matter was placed bfoero Col. Fills he Immedi ately detailed several men who have ability as carpenters and within the, stated Unto the building was thrown! open for the use of tho men. At the (present time It is not quite, completed. The windows and doors have not been put In nnd there Is still considerable work to do In fin-' lulling up tho Interior, but this does' not hinder tho operation of the or ganisation for already they have fur nished ontertalnment, while every afternoon and evening tho fellows congregnto In large numbers to box, wrestlo or enjoy a musical hour. There are a largo number of music ians In camp and the piano Is kept busy at all times whllo the popular Bongs aro learned as fast as they can bo obtained. llowevor, tho Y. M. C. A. workers at Fort Stevens did not wait for the building before starting their labors. Immediately following their arrival they ordered base hall outfits, foot balls, medicine balls and such other sporting articles as could be used for the season and gave them nut to tho various camps. The athletics are under tho direction of W. W. Rucker, of Portland, who has been associated for several years with the physical department of the Portland association. He Is an excellent man ager and Is rauldly getting system Into the athletics at the fort. A foot ball schedule has been complet ed and the season started. Sunday, October 7, the 4th company team played the 3rd company from Eu gene a 0-0 game. Tho Rom-burg aggregation showed up much better than had been expected and the boys are greatly elated and ready to meet all comers. Tho Fugeno team is composed almost entirely of season ed foot ball veterans and a score such as was made with clean, hard playing on both sides shows that the spirit of the Roseburg team when coupled with experience nnd prac tice will glvo them a formidable foot ball squad. On the same day the 11th company from Marshfleld de feated a (picked team of "regs" by 15-0. All these games are under the auspices and management of the army Y. M. C. A. Tho "Y" building will bo used for church services on Sundays and on week days will be thrown open to tho fellows for a lounging place for study, letter writing, etc. A bo h oo I is to be started taking up the subjects most preferred by the men, a canvass having been taken to see the studios most favored. A business course, mathematics and French have been almost unani mously selected and large Classes In each will Boon bo stnrted. At frequent intervals entertainer! of national reputation will Ik brought to the fort and the boys win bo given a chance to hear some of the finest talent. As Fort Stevens Ik off the regular line of travel It will not receive nil the numbers that go to American Lake, but all of the more Important numbers will be brought here on their way from Cali fornia to the Washington mobiliza tion camp. During tho winter months, the "Y" Is going to tako the place of tho borne for tho many boys located at Fort Stevens and there is no doubt but that It will be a most ex cellent substitute. It is doing a great work and tho fellows have a warm place In their hcas for the organization and its representatives. IS IN FOU Mrs. Verna Smith Hadley, form erly of this city, has returned from San Francisco, where she has lived since her marriage, and will make her home in this city during her husband s service In one of the San Francisco medical units of the army, says the Portland Oregonian. Mrs Hadley is an accomplished vocalist and accompanist, was presented In recitals by John Claire Monteith and was heard In concert and choir work. During her residence in San Francisco she has been', active in her musical work, both as an accom panist and In professional hinging engagements. Mrs. Hadley Is the wife of C. Mor ton Hadley, a former Roseburg boy, and son of M r. and M rs. C h as. L. Hadley, of this city. Mrs. Verna Smith Hadley is wll known in Rose burg, having visited here with her hi'shandi C. Morion Hadley on num erous occasions. LODGE DIKECTOKY. X A. F. & A. 31., Laurel Lodge No. 13. Regular communications 2nd and fourth Wednesdays each month at Masonic Temple, Koseuurg, Ore, Visitors welcome. BENJ. CARO, W. M. W. F. HARRIS, Secy. EAGLES, RoBenurg Arle meets In their hall on Jackson St., on 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month, at 8 o clock. Visiting breth ren In good standing always wel come. J. C. KOENIO, W. P. B. F. GOODMAN, W. Sec. Phone 183. C. LEAVE MEDFORD SAGE TEA TURNS Xt'i Grandmother 'a Reoip Bring- Back Color and Lustre to Hair. to Hint beautiful, even ilinde of dark, glossy hair can only he had by browing a mixture of SAgo Tea and Sulphur. Your hair Is your charm. It nmk.'s or insrt the fnco. Whrn It f Aries, turns gray or streaked, junt an application or two of Sage ami Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundred fold. bon't bother to prepare tho mixture; you can get this (unions old reolpo im proved by the addition of other lngrcdl ents for 60 cents a large bottle, all ready for use. It is called Wyetli's Sago anil Sulphur Compound. Thin can always b depended up-n to bring bnek the natural color and lustre of your hair. Kveryhody uses "WyethV Bgo and Sulphur Compound now becnuso it dark ens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it bai been applied. You limply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through tho hair, taking one small it rand at a time; by murium? ths jrray hair has disappeared, and after another application it becomes heautl fully dark and appears glouy and lus troui. This rendy-to-use preparation is a dVUxhtml toilrt requisto for those, who desire dark hair and a youthful appear ance. It la not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of diioaie. C company, 3rd Oregon Infantry will depart from Meiiford today. Captain J. J. Croasley having receiv ed orders recently to that effect. .The company Is ordered to mobil ize with the several other companies of the regiment now on guard duty nt tho regimuntal headquarters at Clackamas, from whore they will proceed in about ten days to join the rest of tho regiment at Camp Greene, the big cantonment at Char lotte, N. C. C company has been on contin uous guard duty since It was called out Into service on March -T last, and prior to going to Mud lord was on guard duty In tho Vancouver sec tor up around. Portland. Tho other companies of the 3rd Oregon still on guard duty which will mobilize nt Clackamas to pre pare for the trip to Charlotte, N. C. aro A company, on duty at St. Johns; 11 company, on duty In Washington statu; l company, on duty at As toria; j company, on duly at l.a Ctranrio. and M company, on duty at The DalleH. When these companies reach Charlotte It will ho tho llrst time the 3rd Oregon has been together as a regiment slnco lust March. The n'st of tho regiment went to Chnrollte two weeks ago. NOTICK TO TKACIIKIttt. To tho teachers of Douglas county: Notico Is hereby given that the Annual Teachers' Institute will be held In Rosoburg, October J t-L'ti at the new high school building. An excellent program has been ar ranged and teachers, lnciubei w of school boards and Interested p-ttrou: aro cordially Invited to be pretiH. Very truly yours, O. C. llltOWN. o23 County School Supt 1'X(VIJJ:I fou maiu Following Is n list of letters and cards remaining uncalled for at tin ioehurg pout of lice, October 1 ft 1017: Campbell. A. K. (2; Cochran Kll; Leary. I J. O. ; Moore. Miss Denis; Hue. O. K. ; Robinson. V. Ii.; Scholl, S. S.; Snow. Frank; Thornton. Mr. and Mrs, Olive. Cards. Daniels, Chas, X.; Hess. Arthur; l.c route, A. K. 1. F. RKIZKNSTKIW Postmaster MONO AY IS UAUGAT.N DAY. Monday Is barea!a flay at the Roseburg Cleaning and Pressing Works. Men's suits French Dry cleaned and pressed for $1.00. All york elven prompt attention. Bar gain day prices do not Include call ing for clothes or making deliveries. Bring your clothes in. tf ItOINtSALS FOR WOOD, OUFOO.N STATIC HOMHKICK IIO.MH. On the 29th day of October. 1917, nt 2; 00 o'clock P. M., tho Oregon State Hoard of Control will receive sealed bids for furnishing wood to the above institution, in the follow ing amount: 200 cords second growth fir, 4-ft. 100 cords round fir slab. 4-ft. 250 cords oak, 2-1" t. Specifications will be furnished upon application to the Secretary, at Salem, Oregon, or the Commandant at tho Home. All bidH must be accompanied by certified check in the sum of 10 per cent of the whole amount of bid, pay ablo to tho Oregon State Hoard ol Control, which sum xn deposited by tiie successful bidder shall bo hold by the board as a guarantee that the bidder will enter Into a contract to furnish the amount awarded. All bids are to bo enclosed In a sealed envelope and marked "Hids for Wood." and to be addressed to the undersimicd. Tho Hoard reserves the right to re ject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. It. B. GOODIX, Secretary Oregon State Hoard of Control. o24 CITATION'. Tn the County Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Doug las. In tho mutter of the Fstutc ol James Hull, Sr., deceased. To Manlev M. Strawn. 0 rooting: IN Till-: NAM 10 OF Til K STATIC OF OllKCON; You are hereby cited anil required to nppcar In tho County Court or the State of Oregon, for the County of Douglas, In the court room thereof, at Roseburg. In the County of Douglas, on Thursday, the ISth day of October, 1917 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and mere to show cause, tf any ho has. why he should not be remov ed as administrator of the above en titled estate. Witness. Tho Hon. R. W. Mnrstera. Judue of the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Douglas, with the seal of the said court alllxed this 24th day of Sep tember, A. 1).. 1917. Attest: K. II. I.KXOX. Clerk. By Oraco M. Lloyd, Deputy. NOTICF OF FIRST MFKTlMi OF CliF.DlTOItS. In the district court of tho I'nlt ed States for tho district of Oregon. In llankruptey. In tho matter of Harry C. Kotoh ii in. bankrupt. To the creditors of Harry C. Ketch- uni, of Roseburg. In the county of Douglas and dist riot aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on the "2nd day of September. 1917, the said Harry C. Ketohnm was duly ad judicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the of flee of (he undersign ed referee in itosebuvi;, Oregon, on the ISth day of October. 1917. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time tho said creditors may attend, prov their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the i ankrupt and transact such other business as may propetly eotno before said meeting. Dated October 4th. 1917. C. 1,.' HAMILTON. d-o!7 Referee in llankruptey. THE FRENCH TRANSFER AND STORACE COMPANY BACCACE CHECKED FROM YOUR HOME TO YOUR DESTINATION 11 iP-Wy: ! HOUSEHOLD GOODS & FURNITURE HANDLED BY EXPERIENCED MEN LARGE, DRY STORAGE ROOMS, ABSOLUTELY FREE PROM FIRE RISK PHONE 220 I. O. O. P., I'lillitiirtan liwlgo No. 8. Meets in Odd Fellowa' Temple, corner Jackson and Cass Sts., on Saturday evening of each week, Members of the order In good standing are invited to attend. v F. I. PERRY, N. O. A. J. GEDDKS, Rec. Sec. J. B. BAILEY, Fin. Sec. Ij. O. T. SI. Roseburg Hive No. 11, holds regular reviews on second and fourta Thursday evenings in Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting in the city are cor dially invited to attend our re- views. Maccabee hall on Cass street. BERYL B. OODEN, L. C. JESSIE RAPP. R. K. I. O. O. FM Union Encampment No. 9. Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple, every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. K. H. PICKENS, C. P. O. H. PICKENS, U. P. OLIVER JOHNSON, R S. JAMES KWAHT, F. S. II. 1. O. KIKS, Knselmrg I,ode, No. IfM Holds regular communica tions at the Elks' Temple on tho 2nd anj 4th Thursdays of each month. All memberB requested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, Alpha Lodge No. 47, meets every Wed nesday evening, cor. Jackson and Cass Sts. Visitors always welcome. C. A. CHAMBERLAIN, C. C. ROY F. DURBIN. M. F. W. E. WIMHMRLY, K. R. S. CARL E. WIMBERLY, E. R. IRA B. RIDDLE, Sec''. II. A. Y. Mt. Nebo Homestead No. 18 2 8 meets at Maccabee hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Visitors welcome. E. H. PERRINE, F. M. C. W. CLOAKE, Cor. l!i:i!KK A1IS, Roseburg Rebekah Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F. Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple every Tuewlny evening Visiting sisters nnd brethren inv'-.ed to attend. MRS. IDA TURNELL, N. O. MRS. TILLIB JOHNSON, Sec. MRS. EI.H1B HUMPHREY. F. S. I. O. . P., Rising Star I-odge No. 174 meets in the Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. J. D. REESE. N. O. CARL W. OHMAN, Rec. Sec. M. FICKLE, F. S. O. K. S., Ifiispliiirg Chapter No. 8 Holds their regular meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays in each month. isiWng members in good standing are respectfully invited to attend. MISS MARGARET PAGE, W. M. FREE JOHNSON. Sec'y. WOMEN OF WOODCHAFT, Lilac Circle No. 49. Meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday evening of each month at Odd Fellows' hall. Visit ing members in good standing aro invited to attend. DORA GILBERT. G. N. CLAKA CAWLF1ELD. Clerk. PIANOS! The Finest Line of Pianos Ever Carried in Roseburg: Bush & Lane Cable-Nelson Baldwin Ellington Hamilton Howard and others. When you buv a piano here, you save from $50 to $100. Let us prove it. Easy payments if desired. Ott's Music Store Roseburg, Ore. STOPRTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG Real Estate City and Farm Property Winchester Hay and Westlake Town tots. GEORGE 121 West Oak Street. Monday, Bargain Day at the. Roseburg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! .Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned and Pressed for $1.00. All work Riven prompt attention. Bar pa in day prices do not Include calling for or delivering clothes, G. w. SLOPER 308 N. Jackson. WOODMKX OK T1IK WOULD, Onk! Cump No. 125, Meets In tho OiUl ! Follows' hall In ltoseburg ovoryj 1st ana 3rl Monday ovenliiKS. Vis ltlnp; neighbors alwavs welcome. J. M. THHONB, O. C. M. M. MII.MOH, Clerk. UYAIi OP.DKK OK MOOHU, Rose Imi'K LodKO No. 10.17 Meets Mon day evening of each week, at S o' clock In .Maeuobce hall. All visit ing lirothors ar- Invited to attend. W. .1. MOON, nictat,).-. II. O. PAK?.ETER. Sec'y. SHOE REPAIRING! All Woil Promptly and Neatly Executed. Best of Workmanship Umbrellas Repaired. W. H. BOYLE 13S Oak St. Koscburs FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE! PROTECT YOURSELF FROM LOSS WITH ONE OF OUR PROPERLY WRITTEN IN SURANCE POLICIES. G.W.YW&Sl INSURANCE 116 CASS STREET ROSEBURG. OREGON $33 NEW VIKING Separator at tho DOUCLAS COUNTY CREAMERY I Why should Mr bet.s niwnya bo made in a meat shop? NOTlCEmPUBLIG Owing to the hiph prices of merchandise, SUMMERFIELD'S 5. 10 & I5C STORE will extend its prices to 25c. Nothing over 25c L D. SUMMERFIELD PROPRIETOR Ik-cnuse the. meat mnii Is juch Khh1 steak holder. .' It's a safe bet that no shop holds better steaks than onr. We don't hold them loni;. All wagers are quickly settled and the steaks promptly delivered to the pleased winners. You can het on our steaks very time. We Want That Fellow Who cares about appearances. He is just the "boy" we want to cater to. In the laundering of summer wear we have no superiors and few equals. We'll give your work that finish that bespeak of intelligent workmen in every department. It's some satisfac tion to know you are getting the best and that's our specialty. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 79 OUB AUTO WILL CALL A Man is What He Feeds On The housewife, looking to the family health, will buy whore she can get FltlOSII, CLEAN (JROCKIUES. Our Stock is Clean and Sanitraily Kept and all goods are of the best manufacture. Orders per sonally looked after. pSSSlra"7 Walter Patterson, Prop. The Electric Range Sanitary, Modern, Economical, A Cool Kitchen MORE REASONS No sooty spots, modern comfort, convenient. Less work and better results. Every burner is controlled separately. By a simple twist of the switch, you have high, medium, or low heat, fast or slow cooking just as you please. TERMS. Douglas County Light and Water Co. in O lT .IRl ! Old wheat flour makes better bread than that made from new wheat. We have some of the old wheat flour, and are offering a SPECIAL PRI6& FOR CASH, THIS WEEK. KIDD'S GROCERY lUTY TO YOU YOUR principal sources of informa tion concerning men and events is the daily press. Even so-called "original" articles in magazines have' their origin among sources available to newspapers, and in many cases are simply dressed-up compliments culled from press reports. Reputable newspapers long since re cognized that they have an extremely responsibile'duty to the public of which you are one. It is the newspaper's duty to give you the truth without pre judice, and without sacrificing facts for the sake of sensationalism. The Even ing News makes every effort to present the news accurately and without bias. It is the only afternoon newspaper in Roseburg that prints Associated press dispatches. ( Be Sure Your News is True. Read The Evening News THE ECONOMY MARKET! m 2 i RwA'S - .-3 --rmffii w -