The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 13, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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    T7 TTYT
We have no space for hints
or clues.
"Just as it happens" fills
"The News."
Tonight mid Sunday Fulr.
HtRhest temp, yesterday S7
Lowest temp, last night 41
No. 244
Visit Governor Withycombe
Today-Will Get Extra,
dition Papers.
11. 1. YouiiKorblmxl, Under Iteptuy of
San Joaquin County Accompanied
by .Two Itoputles Will Ar.
rivo He-iv Tomonxnv.
Word was received here this morn
ing at the sheriff's ofiice to the ef
fect that H. P. Youugerblood, under
deputy of San Joaquin county,
Calif., accompanied by two deputies,
will arrive here tomorrow evening
from Salem. The officers passed
through this city last night and call
ed on Governor Withycombe today
and were given extradition papers for
the removal of the young auto
thieves troin this state to Calif oinia,
where they will be arraigned for
trial. The party will arrive on train
iNo. 15 and depart on the Shasta
Limited at 10:20 tomorrow night.
The four California boys who are
wanted in Stockton for the theft of
a Hudson Speedster belonging to E.
N. Davis, a prominent rancher of
Modesto, were arrested here last
Tuesday by Deputy Sheriff Kpflely
and Patrolman Grant Wilcox on
telegraphic information furnished by
the southern officials and have since
been conllneu in the county Jail. The
uoys, who gave their names as C.
Lane, E. P. Arnautou, F. L. Nelson
and J. Beaton are all under 21 years,
of age, in fact they are mere you lis ,
UUU uuiii nimi uiiucainiit.c
from good v families. Basket
and track suits found in their be-j
longingB indicate that at least three
of fnem are stii. in hiuh school.
The young men, according to in
formation received here, are also re
sponsible for the theft of another
Hudson automobile, which was stol
en from San Francisco and later
wrecked In Tuxedo Park near Stock
ton, -and in all probability they will
be triedi on that charge also.
Since their incarceration here the
youths have been very model pris
oners and do not seem to take their
arrest as a serious matter. The boys
sleep well, eat well and really seem
. to take the whole situation as .1
good joke, even after confessing to
the charge placed against them, it
is believed that the quartette ha:
been in trouble before.
13. N. Davis, owner of the Hud
son Speedster, and Deputy Sheriff
bean, of Modesto, who arrived here
yesterday to take charge of the ma
chine, will leave for their home jmt
as soon as the car has undergone
necessary repairs. Mr. Bean, was ac
companied by his wife.
Ward Cockeran, of Oakland, and
Miss Janet Davidson, of Cottage
Grove were married last evening at
the parsonage of the Methodist
church. Rev. J. C. Spencer officiat
ing. A few close friends and rela
tlves of the young couple were in at
tendance. The groom Is one of
Douglas county's most progressive
farmers and the young bride is well
known throughout the state where
she has taught school in various sec
tions for the past few years. After a
short honeymoon the happy couple
will be at home in Oakland where
they will reside on the groom's large
farm. The best of wishes are cxtenu
ed for happiness.
The Roseburg Commercial club
recently received from Washington
another lot ot pamphlets which will
be of special Interest to the agri
culturists of the county. These
publications have been placed in the
public library on Jackson street
where they can hi secured by all who
wish theni. This is the third lot of
publications Issued by the govern
ment which have been of great inter
est and aid to the farming class
which the club haB secured this
year and donated to the library.
Among them are treatises on farm
equipment, comparisons of wheat va
rieties, hay harvesting, detection of
grain Insects reports on dairy
farms, spraying for gypsy and
brown tall moth, sweet clover, apple
storage houses, sugar beet syrup,
sheep tick, horse breeding, equlp
jnent for sheep raising, etc.
The local Ited Cross chapter
today received a check of
(707.40 in payment of the lust
three troop trains of the sec
ond movement. This makes the
final payment of the debt for
the second contingent and need
less to say because of the splen
did bank account in their name
the members of the Red Cross
are rejoicing.
A suit for divorce has been filed
In the circuit court by Asa Williams,
a well known railroad brakemtin
with headquarters in this city,
against Lydia Williams, his wife.
The couple were married in Sun
Dance, Wyo., on January 8, l0S,
and to their union has been born one
child, a daughter, Charlotte, utred
six years. The plaintiff allege! ihut
at all time did he treat the de
fendant with due consideration and
kindness, providing all necessary
food, clothing and comforts of life,
fully performing his part of the
martial obligations. He further al
leges In hia complaint that on o;
about the 15th day of October, 191 'A.
Mrs. Williams departedi from tlieii
home at Dillon, Mont., taking t'iel'
daughter with her to visit the form
er's mother at Wadestown, W. Va..
and that he, the plaintiff, furnished
means for the trip. After she had
been away for some time a letter
was received by the plaintiff statin a;
that the defondant did not int. Mid to
return to him and that her affec
tions had been transferred to nnoth-
a nn DlilntlfV wpnt.1 a inluuli-n
n to ,ler , rPtul.n ,)ut ahe
fn1( to d(J 80 Qr , answfir ,hu
. ..lltJlLei. lllfli; UIC IIU iiupt;it I l-liin
111UIYCU til liic nun. i niniLiii h
to secure a divorce and custody
the minor child, and such otlie'- re
lief as to the court may appear
equitable. Attorney J. C. Ful'erton
has been retained by the plain' iff.
R. H. Boyle, hc traveling sales
man who was quite seriously injured
some few weeks ago in an accident
near Dixonville when hfj StudehnUti
roadster in which he and four oung
ladies were riding fell over the baiiK
on Deer creek, near the Smick farm,
was removed from Merry hospital
this morning and placed aboard the
southbound train for his home at
Medford. M. Boyle, thougu i; real
ly improved, is yet in a weak condi
tion and it will be several weeks be
fore he is able to take up his duces.
The wrecked car is in a local uarage
undergoing repairs.
Word received at the local forest
service office this afternoon is to the
effeft that the forest tires which
have been raging in the Tiller dis
trict are practically tinder control
and many of the firefighters who
have been called to that section w ill
he returned at once. In other sec
tions where forest tires have been
burning the same reiort has been re
ceived and there is little likelihood
there will be any further trouble in
keeping the tires under control
However, a number of men will be
retained to keep a watch for any
blaze that may originate in the for
ests before a rain occurs.
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO, Oct. i:5. Clear.
cold weather prevailed here this
morning and the baseball lanw
gathered at tho gates at four
o'clock. However, the crowd
4 managed to keep warm by
kindling little camp fires. Con-
siderable money on the Giant. ,
was In sight, odds in New York !
being reported five to four and
ten to nine that the (Hants
would cany off today's game. .
In the seventh inning the (
score stood five to five but In
the eighth Chicago made three !
runs to New York's goose egg. (
At the conclusion of the ninth j
Inning the score stood' New !
York. 5; Chicago 8. !
A. H. Sawyers Chairman Dist.
121, Fred Williams, Dist.
31 Elected Clerk.
Hvo Seh ix 1 Districts Wore Itepiv
scuted Snhmew l-'ixtil Sehool
Kqitipmriit OiiUmv! Much
Husine-Ns DisHcl Of.
At a meeting of the new union
high school board was held nt Elk
ton, Tuesday. October 9, for the pur
pose of electing oftieers and commit
tees preparatory to opening the new
institution, which will prove of great
educational value to that vicinity,
the following oftleials were named:
A. H. Sawyers, of district No. 12 1,
was elected chairman of the execu
tive committee and Fred Williams,
of district No. 34, was elected clerk.
Other members of this committee are
S. I I'inley, of district No. 34, and
Mrs. Edith Abrams, of district No.
tili. Five districts were represented
at this meeting. They were districts
Nos. (it), Si. 12 1, 34 and 3S.
Fred A. Goff presented his appli
cation fir the principalship of the
high school and was accepted by the
board and his salary lixed at $ 1 00
per month. The clerk's salary was
fixed at $15 a year. A tax of one mill
was levied for maintenance of the
Hyloplule blackboards, desks, book
cases, encyclopedias and many other
school necessities were ordered.
Wall paper and paint will be secur
ed and the high sclmel room placed
in readiness at the ea; possible
According to information received
by Kupt. (. ('. Brown, school district
No. II. has a line board of directors,
who are wide awake and willing to
go to almost any extreme lo further
the success of the undertaking.
The union high school will be
opene:! just as soon as 1 he new
equipment arrives and is installed.
Work is being rushed and this year
the school will convene for eight
mo nths.
The new in si it tit ion will he of
great educational value to the school
children of that district. Heretofore
it was necessary for the students to
finish th"ir studies at either Eugene
or Koseburg. but under the present
plan they can now finish the higher
work near home at much saving to
the parents.
Mr. Street, of this city, attended
the meeting, representing Supt. O. C.
Hrow n.
Mrs. llerl Fritch, a well known
young mat ron of Ed en bower and
Koseburg Is reported to be in a seri
ous condit ion at her resid'-nce and
grave tears are essed J or her re
covery. Mis. Flitch is suffering
from an at tec k ol appendicit is ami
because of her weakened condition an
operation is Impossible. The attend
ing physician hopes lo build up the
un fort nnat e lady 's general healt h
and streiiiMh and if the results are
in any way eneoui -aging she will lie
re mo vi (1 to Mercy hospital lot an
operation. The in;ny 1 1 i mis of Un
popular ia'ly reL'iet to bea r of her
illness and extend te si wishes for a
rapid recovery.
In a telegram received in this
city today from the asisiant com
missioner of Indian at fai t s in I )m
Redding. Call!.. oMiee. it was stater
that the Kedidng office will lie con
t in ned under 1 jus 11 irt ion of t In
Creenville agency. with ('lias. S
Heinline in charge This is one oi
the la rue ageu'-ies. having "no regu
larly ailotied Indians and a large
nu in her u ho have taken up h on ie
m adsv A large amount of Indian
1 11 nds hin'l led hy the local aK.-nc;
comes fiom this office ftoiu timtier
sales, t revp-i s.s. r;iiirM.i,t light of vn.
etc. Mi. Hemline staled this after
noon t h'l t he Is 11 1) decided ;,s to
whether he will accept the position
whicli has been off' red hnn.
Mrs. C L. Mers, of Looking
Olnss, bft this morn In for K la in
nth Fall-, where will visit f -
s'-veral weeks nt the home of her
daughter. Mrs. Chas. llergdorf.
Take a Hand in Transporting
Liquor Over the
Oregon Line.
l-'mir Quart mul Fifteen Pints of the
lUxXlegxvr Sjttfie of llooze Is
Taken From Jap's
Now the Japs are "doing It." Trav
eling in a big Wlnton Six. well dress
ed and with plenty of money to spend
two Japanese, giving their names as
D. tihiral and S. Yoshiuaka, were
picked up on Roberta mountain early
this afternoon by Deputy Sheriff
Kaffety and brought to this city and
lodged in the county jail charged
with illegally transporting "booze"
into dry territory.
The deputy had been on the look
out for these fellows for some time,
getting his first tip when the duo
passed through here going south over
a week ago, aud early today was ad
vised that the fellows were headed
north with a quantity of contraband
Roberts mountain again proved
'he "Waterloo" for the lawbreakers.
It seems that the Japanese were as
cending the south side of the moun
tain and when Hearing the top some
thing got wrong with the "clutch"
and the heavy machine suddenly
darted down the steep incline and
crashed into the embankment and
turned over. The Japs sent out the
"S. O. S." for help and a wrecking
crew was soon on the job and lep-
utv Sheriff Kaffety was head fore
man. Ho immediately began a sys
tematic search of the inside of tho
machine and soon unearthed four
quarts and 15 pints of pretty good
liquor. I
Satisfied with the evidence nt hand
the deputy loaded his cargo into an
other automobile and was soon In thu
city and his men behind the bars,
. where they will bo held- pending
trial. Mr. Kaffety missed his dinner,
but otherwise he is perfectly satis
lied with the day's work.
When searched upon their arrival
here one of the men had $llti and
the other about $14 and with this
money they duo tried their best to
bribe Mr. Kaffety, but thy deputy
turned ft deaf ear to the pleadings of
the men and shut his eyes on the
"dough" with the result that the
men will in all probability remain
where they belong until brought be
fore the proper tribunal.
When questioned as to'what h(
was doing with the liquor, S. Yoshiu
aka, who is manager of the Sumner
Produce Company, of Sumner, ash.,
eplied that he was "taking It to n
rriend.'" However, this excuse is of
no value as tar as the law Is concern
ed and the men will be forced to
stand trial just the same as an,
other "bootlegger. '
H ml Stevenson left last night for
Kugene where he has accepted a po
sitiin in a store.
CngreHsinan W. C. Hawley,
who was scheduled to deliver an
address in this city in the ln-
terest ut the second Liberty
loan has cancelled his engage-
inent owing to urgent business
matters and Mr. Walter H.
Kvans, prosecuting attorney 01
Multnomah county, has been
substituted. The date has been
changed ami instead of the
speakers appearing Monday
night they will be heard Frl-
day evening at 7: 'Mi at the Ant-
lent theatre, along with the reg-
ular picture program. All free
of ( barge.
A number of Douglas county
towns have wired In for speak-
ers and ! possible they wili be
4 secured, but at this lime noth-
ing deiinite can be promised.
Myrtle Creek and Yoncalla com-
uiiinh at'-d with the Liberty loan
committee last night.
John T. Logan, who was also
scheduled to address the Llb
4 ert v loan meeting her e along
with Mr. Hawley, wired of his
inability to be present on ac-
count of eouri matteiH necd-
lag his attention. Loral citizens
f really regret the Iohh of these
eminent orators but a good suh
4 "titution has been made in Mr.
Kvam. and it is hoped that the
meeting will he well attended
owing lo t hi vital linjortance
the Liberty loan is to play In the
present world conflict.
Arrive to Inspect and Accept
New Soldiers' Home
All lluihliugK nt the Home Were In
sMM'tol Today uml Found to He
Well Kept and Sanitary
Markee I'ommeiMkNl.
Hen W. Olcott, secretary of slate;
Thomas H. Kay, state treasurer,
members of the state board of con
trol; K. It. Uoodin, secretary of the
board, and Lewis I. Thompson,
supervising architect of the new sol
diers' homo hospital, arrived in this
city last night for the .purpose of
accepting the new building, which is
now Hearing completion.
The party spent the night at the
Umpqua hotel and this morning were
nbout the streets meeting friends and
acquaintances and that they need no
introduction in our city was judged
by the may handshakes and saluta
tions that were handedi out by our
business men.
After visiting many business
houses the party left for the soldiers'
home on n tour of Inspection and
thoroughly examined the new hos
pital building which is being erected
by the state at a cost or $2LfiU0 to
be used exclusively by the old veter
ans who helped makn history, anil
while the building was found satis
factory in every way it was not near
enough completed to be accepted at
this time. According to Architect
Thompson, the hospital building will
not be finished lor at least two or
three weeks, but the work thus far
completed is entirely satisfactory,
ami when ready will be formerly ac
cepted by the board.
Other buildings on the premises
were also inspected and were found
to be well kept and sanitary in every I
particular and Mr. Markee was high
ly commended on the splendid condi
tion of the home. The old soldiers
are well provided for nnd perfectly
satisfied, plainly exempli lying that
Commandant Markee Is conducting
the institution in a highly efllclenl
manner. The board partook of a de
licious dinner as guests of Mr. Mar
kee. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Kay left
this afternoon lor Salem, while Mr.
Olcott and Mr, Ooodln will remain in
I he city until tomorrow visiting with
friends and looking after business
A lurv In Federal Judge Mean's
court at Portland Friday convicted
Jefferson New. of Jennings Lodge, of
attempting lo evade the draft by tall
inir "willfully" to register June for
Hie army, as provided, by law and a
proclamation of I, Twlent Wilson.
Sentence was deferred.
He Is the first ' slaekor" lo be con
victed in Oregon.
New Is subject to Impi isonuu in
for one yenr. in the discretion
the court, nnd must register anil
serve In the army, according 'o the
provisions of the law.
Miss Hernlce Kinser, Instructor or
music In Die Reselling school.-i li.i
been procured by the .Methodist Kpls
copal church during the winter sea
son as choir leader aud soprano hoIo
IhI . Miss Kinser Is a brilliant inunl
clan and her talent Is greatly appro-
elated among II tslc lovers ol this
city. Reside her beautiful oice the
young lady is an Instructor ot ex
ccpllonnl alilllly anil church ol
llclals are fortunate In seeming lo-i
(Ily Associated PVohs. ) t
Twenty-six mi tubers of (he crew ol
the steamer New Orlean s, -vMrh w.i
wri cked off Die coast of Vltglnia It' n
heavy blow yesterday, have tieen
brought here by the vessel that pick
ed the men up. Harry L. Kohliennii.
the first officer of the wrecked
steamer, and a native of Germany,
was swept off the deck ard drownod.
Theodore Burkhart, auditor
of the corporation department
nt the stale capital spent yes
terday in this cily attending
to official business. Mr. Unik
hart'was accompanied- by his
wife. They left this morning
for Medford.
A very appropriate and cleverly
designed show window is attracting
a great deal of attention at the
l'ollyanna confectionery on Cass
street today, Tho setting Is made up
of a Liberty bond on which Is desig
nated "This draws four per cent ln
trest," and a $&0 bill whicli says.
"This does not draw interest." Lib
erty bond posters are arranged nbout
the window In effective display and
much favorable comment 1h heard on
all sides by those who view it. .
(Ry Associated Press.)
RKATTLK. Wash., Oct. 13. Com
prising tho first contingent to leave
the United States naval training sta
tion for duty elsewhere, f 1 men
bonrdM u train today for San Diego
to attend the government aviation
school near there. The orders were
received last night and the boys leav
ing were mostly from Oregon and
. 0
(Hy Assoclalea Frea.l
WASH INC 1 ON, Oct. 13. Over
111,000 hotels and restaurants In
Canada that have Instituted meat
lesd days have reduced the consump
tion of bacon M "pet-.cent. To effect
a saving to the consumer the gov
eminent will put into operation t
price schedule applying to all Cana
linn millers on November I which
will not (puriiilt them of making a net
profit of more than 25 cents on each
barrel of flour.
Kloyd Ramp. Ihe well known local
socialist leader, today tiled a suit In
tho circuit court for a divorce rroiu
his wife, THsa Ramp. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Mis. Ramp were married in Port
land on the 2 1st of December, lull,
later moving to tills section of the
slate where they settled on a ranch
on Deer creek. On December 1, limi,
the plnlnlllT alleges desertion on Ihe
part of Ihe defendant. K. II. llar
niann has been retained as attorney
for the plaintiff.
Peter Diiltel anil family have ar
rived here from Rosebilrg and are
getting settled In their residenr at
Ihe Wiillonbei g farm. wnlch Mi.
Dldiel lias i..kli under lee,; for .1
t'llii of years, says the Riddle Tri
bune. This U the lann Lirnierl:
owned ' y Noah Cottiutt, and Is cni
of ti e laigift and besl In IV.' vicin
ity. President Uil
nuesleil Mr. llo.IV"
conservation illivi
week, on aicoiMlt
e.rty loan laiiipalgn liiivliu' n
extended In Include -be v. Ii ol .M to Mr II i .vei
has wll.'d all stale rhciiunn
of this i alige, and the dine
now has lien set tor l'le WC'-k
of Octolii" 2S to November 4.
This change pleases III.. Dm g
lan comity ocinin M t.'es. as they
will niov I'itve an nppot t u n it v ol'
bringing speakets beloie the
teachers Institute net wick,
and in this a the leaclo if of
the county will be better
.pared lo cairv the message to
their respective school!-.
runin mine mnsu
III the food
t or one
of Ihe I. lb-
t! attractive appearance.e
Department Makes Pub-
Announcement Today
For Movement.
llrltlsh Olleiislvo Is Momenturllv
ruitsin,; on Account f lmllng
(;-rman Tixxips on Isltimls
l'ull of l-oKsibilillcs.
(By Associated Press.)
WASfUNtiTUN. Oct. 13. Tim wnr
tluiiariiuont lius imulo public orders
for tho trunsfor of lH.iuo men from
the national army cantonments tn
various national guard divisions to
nil lliein to full war strength. The
statu quolus of men to be furnished
will ba determined on the basis of
the congressional representation nnd
all drafted men will be assigned to
mo national -euard units from their
own stale when It is possible for the
department to do so. All ;hese men
will come from tho stutoB of Cali
fornia, Utah and Nevada.
(icrmaiiN Land Troops.
I.ON1JON, Oct. 13. Tho Germans
nvo landed troops on the Island
Ousel nnd Dago, In tho Gulf of Riga,
according to a Koulor dispatch re
ceived today. These Islands ?ruv!de
easy access to the mainland ovar
small Intermcdlnto Islands nnd aro
uliout 00 miles from Petrograd.
ItntU'rictt Silenced. .
PHTItOtlKAl), Oct. iJ. i.usaian
coast batteries were silenced by the
(jerman dreadnuughts when the
troops landed today. The Germans
are working stubbornly to clear the
entrance u. the Gulf of Riga, near
Couiiand. The garrison of ucsel Is
land Is lighting the Germans who
Full of Possibilities.
Oct. 13. While tho Hritish offen
sive is momentarily pausing, tho sit
uation on tho Russian front is full of
possibilities, due to the landng of
Ihe- German troops at the mouth of
tho gulf near Dngo island. Frniu
this point the railroad runs from the
shoro opposite Dago Island direct to
lleval, the Russian bnse on the Gulf
of Finland and then to Petro.'ad..
Attuck.H ltrpiilsctl.
PARK jet. 13. Tho tlermnns to
day attacked tho French north of tho
river Alsno several times, but wero
successfully repulsed at each uttack.
(By Associated Press.)
CAMP LKWIS. Wash., Oct. 13.
Tho Liberty bond campaign Is gain
ing In momentum. One of tho ildth
epot brigade, comprising less than
.1)0(1 men, has subscribed $115,UuU
for the bonds. Subscriptions from
the entire camp will bo over $libu,
ny AsHociatetl Presa.)
I.OlKN Oct. 13. Tho morning
papeiu nuKLetit that the government
Ih ready to bet; in carrying out "e
prisal air ruhlH on Germany, this be
lief being based on the asKlf;nmcnt of
Men tenant -General David Hender
son, director general of military uro
n(iuti(t. to Hpeelal work nnd the
wndlng of Major General YY. H.
Hranclopr, director of the air organi
zation, to a command abroad.
(ny Associated Press.)
KFATTDr:. Wash., Oct. 13. .Mil
lard (ioldenlierg, 2'J years of ago,
who ca to vamp Lewis with Die
drafted men. was found dead In a
hotel room this morning. An empty
bottle that contained poison was
found near his side, an:! a noto left
by tho young man stated thnt he
had taken his life because he could
no longer remain away from his lian
cee. I
I The local I'. S. land ofiice Is In re-
icelpt of a huge ring recently sent
, bv the government. The flag has
4 I been raised lo its position In front
; of the land ofiice and presents a very
:i, ,!::;?.,;,;;: UAlVir Ltw o uufli