The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 05, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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i- !
An Exclusive Ladies' Shop Roseburg, Oregon
Live-wire Doings of City
"The Barrier," Rex Beach's fam
ous photoplay from his novel, begins
its engagement at the Antlers thea
tre next Monday. It is evident that
the statement made by the national
board of censors, that they could not
suggest a single change in picture
or titles and that they recommend
"The Barrier' highly as a play for
young persons and children, has had
its effect In other cities where every
performance, particularly the mati
nees, have been well patronized by
young folks.
"The Barrier" has developed jit
least four stars, Miss Mabel Juliene
Scott, who so admirably portrays
the dual roles of Merridy and Mecia;
Mitchell Lewis, whose 'Poleon is
Mansfleldian in Us charm, Edward
Roseman, whose villian Is all that
MM I Mill 1 1 II MMMjlOII I MP 1 1 II I
obluinnl through Uio old khIu1ImIha1
0. SWIFT A. CO." aru being quickly
bought by Manufacturers,
Send a model or sketchc nnd uVsrrlpf Ion
of your invention lor FREE SEARCH
and report on patentability. Wc (tot pat
ents or no fee. Write for Our free book
of 300 needed inventions.
Patent Lawvnra. Estab. IBB9.
L307 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.
Phi'.etarlan Lodge No. 8, I.
O. O. P. will put on work In the
first degree next Saturday even
ing, Octolior 6. Sutherlin lodge
will bring six or seven candl-
dates for this degree. All Odd
Fellows are invited to be pres-
could be desired' by the most enthu
siastic gallery occuimnt, where vil
lains are made or wrecked, and Rus
sell Simpson, whose portrayal of
John Gaylord, the care-free young
prospector, who gave hi3 love to the
little school teacher, and later as
the grizzled store keeper, who gave
Necia a father's protection, is a won
derful achievement.
The photoplay version of Hex
neach's thrilling story, strong as are
the situations in the book itself, has
been accorded tho added value of
having the author give It his per
sonal attention and supervision. Mr.
Beach gave his personal supervision
to "Tho Barrier." co-operating fully
with Director Edgar Lewis through
out the entire production.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
wars 4
A round trip ticket to Southern California, good for six
months, with stopover privileges, will take you to all of Cali
fornia's delightful resorts.
Plan Your Winter Trip Now
Leaves For Visit,
Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Thackrah,
well known residents -of this city,
left this morning for Cottage Grove
and will spend the next month or six
weeks visiting with friends and rela
tives there. j
Visitor IiWivoM. j
Mrs. N. S. Looney, of Corvallis, !
who has been visiting in this city
for the past two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Warnoch, who reside on Kast
Lane Htreel, left this morning for
her home.
Will Kilter II U;h ScJuMl.
Mrs. W. T. War nock and daugh
ter, Nina, of Enterprise, Ore., who1
recently arrived in this city, have de
cided' to remain permanently and
Miss Nina will become a member or
tho Roseburg high school student
California Visitor l.v,aves.
Miss Mae Franzen, of los Angeles.
California, who has been visiting
with her uncle, o. P. C'oshow, a
prominent attorney of this city, left
this morning for Cottage drove alter
a delightful week spent hero.
IjUIio Farmer Hero.
J. G. Mollis, formerly or this city,
but who is farming the Kice ranch
near Goshen, La no county, arrived
in the city last evening. Mr. Hollis
has interests here which required
his personal attention, and expects
to return north tomorrow,
ltailrouri Necessary.
O. H. Ohlscn, of Olalla, came to
town during the inid-week with a I
load of wheat, returning to his home
yesterday. It requires two days to
make the trip with a load from Olal
la, but with lack of railroad facilities
In that fertile section, it is the only
way for ranchers to get their pro-
ducts to market. That Roseburg-Coos
Bay railroad, which has been dream
ed of these years past, would revo
lutionize the farming industry ot
Iouglas county and start something
really worth while In a commercial
visit with rolSl?" r?r -Varshtielrt to
Miss HlgglnbothS; '"..V0 weeks,
to this city to reside1" ,ater return
Mrs. E. L. Church, who
visiting with her mother, Mr-, been
Downinir. of this pitv. left this UwK.
ins for her home at BrownsvillJ
after a week spent here.
Eva Cathcart, district manager of
the Barcley Corset Co., who has been
In this city the past few days looking
after business mntters, left this morn
ing for Sutherlin.
F. C. Nedd passed through Rose
burg yesterday afternoon ou train
No. 14 euroute to 1'ortland. Mr.
Nedd Is connected with the Union
Meat Co., and has visited Koseburg
numerous times.
MIK Anitn tt iMiint t i.-,rt VV...1 .
day afternoon for Koseburg to visit
wun ner mother ror a week. Miss
Kobinett has Just returned from a
three weeks' visit In Portland. Eu
gene Clunril.
Ellnl I Hint 1 Stonhnncn.. .
leave Kriday for Koseturg where his
mother lives, and where he will make
his home for a time. "Bud" haf been
bell boy at the Osburn hotel f; r tho
last tour years. Eugene tluard
San Francisco
Monterey Bay
A cosmopolitan city, full of life,
romance and unlimited enjoyment.
Such Bohemian life such diversity
of pleasures.
Del Monte, Santa Cruz, Monterey,
Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, Carmel
and Old Carmel Mission.
On the smiling channel, facing the
sea. A resort of world renown, found
ed in the early Spanish days.
To those beaches come the peoples of
the world. You will find exactly what
you want. Long Beach, Venice, San
ta Monica, Kedondo, etc.
Catalina Island A beautiful, restful place, surround.
ed by the quiet sea.
So. California
lx3 Angeles, Pasadena, Riverside,
Redlands, San Diego and many
others, each interesting in Its way.
Ask for our Illustrated literature, reservations, etc.
John M. Scott. General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
The new baby grand nlano whih
jas recently purchased through C. S.
oavjne. tne local agent and present-
schoolV'ien school by the Koseburg
this mom, glvcn nitiatlon
lug program-, a delightfully pleas-
, u , "! n been thought-
Smith. Prof. B.. superintendent
the high school gau prillc , .
talk ou educullon and . iu, .,..
well organized student , "fn?
stated that before tho ninetei.. "
toci' rulinlnn wna (hi linne.
thought in education, then cauio,lJ V
intellectual ago and now is the ago
Roseburg high Stf-hnnl wmiM A 1
a Btronp .tiirt.n, ..... viup
Following the speech. the first
verso of the Star Spangled Banner
was sung by the entire school MiaJ
Bern c6 Kinser, the musical instruct
tor, then rendered two dellahiful
.Ml U J In . l , " '
...V.j "-"arming manner, en
UlItHl. HDirit K nva. ' ...... ..
r V kinser was accompan.
lo on tho piano by Mrs. Cuas. S
lll.t.Altl DOINGS.
of Boclal efficiency. Mr. Bennett de
clared that book educntlon is an ex
cellent thing if. one kuows how to
use it and that It Is necessary to have
It In the social world. He then stat
ed that to havo a good school one
must have a student body that is In
A few of tho inoro important ac
tivities which might come under tho
organization are the literary society,
debating club, dramnttc club, ath
letic organization and school jiapor.
Mr. m'niieii cuiiciuui-u uuuiuwa
by saying that ho hoped that the
Our schools opened on Monday
With M RSeil Mnrrl. ...... 1 ,,
Mr. and Mm ijn-An mi i
uuu iroiu KORe Hirer n
villi again make their home hero.
.among inursrtny visitors to the
flfy seat wore Mrs. F. O. J3Uen
L,amD,kj""w,u, mr. anu Airs. a. c.
I-estet ,son, Floyd, Miss Ruth
returned "frs. C. K. Henry,
the state wlitesloy -Moredlth have
ployel during IJiorthern part of
gothor with their have been ein
ngaln attending tho -er and, to
Bchool. Other Btutlenlstta, are
who havo lust entered' tv. hlo-h
school aro Austin ureen,
Clayton, Alvlra Iowls, and
and Chestor Horcher
was shown at the state fair arrived
here today and will be stored at the
French warehouse for about two
5nd. ,hen b0 "hipped to
Portland for display at tha state
land flhnw in k 7. "ia"
a v. 7 , "ciu tti, mat city, p.
S f; W1J? ha8 had """go of the
eihibtt for the county, was busy to-
tion for display at Portland. AH
those who witnessed the local dis
play made at the state fair pro.
nounce it excellent and one of the
very best made by any county in the
E. Hull arrived this morning
from Cottage Grove and will spend a
few days in this city.
Send your orders for magazines to
Alden Harness, Fiction Library, Hose-
burg, Oregon. oS
Mrs. J. J. Ferber departed for Oak
land yesterday to spent a short time
visiting with friends.
Mrs. G. A. Archamheau returned to
her home in Sutherlin after a day
spent in this city shopping.
Mrs. A. C. Seely returned to Kose
burg yesterday after) a visit w it h
her parents at Myrtle t'reck.
Miss Annie E. Johnson left this
afternoon for Goshen, Ore., where
she will visit with friends
Have your duds cHauea ana press-
od by Sloper, the cleaner and presser.
All work promptly attended to ana
satisfaction guaranteed. tf
E. U. Carter, recently of Portland,
has accepted' a position with Hie
Southern Pacific and will reside In
Try Diamond Brlsquets. The most
convenient fuel on tho market.
Phone 242. Page Investment Co.
Mrs. W. Ruder left for Tyee yeler-
day after spending a week visiting
at the home of her grand-daughter,
Mrs. V, Churchill.
Do it now. Put on that new roof
before it rains. Shingles $3 and
I J.SO. Phone 2i2, Page Invest
ment Co. tf
1 W. J. Lander, district lire warden.
, has returned to Koseburg after sev-
i eral days spent in tho rural districts
I on business in connection with bis
Mrs. Kay Richardson arrived this
morning from Siu.ierlin to spend a I
few days visiting at the home of her
parents'Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Grin-
Miss May Franzcn arlrved in this
city yesterday from Medfoid and
will Hpend a few days visiting at the
home of her uncle, O. P. Coshow, of
this city.
Miss E. M. Matthews, who has been
' in this city for the paM ff-w day in
the interests of the Pictorial Review
Company, left this morning for Eu-
! gpne.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Fontaine, of Gold
Hill, arrived In this rity Sunday.
, They expect to renide here pennan
; ently. Mr. Fontaine has accented a
j position at the DyHinner pinning
mill. Mr. and Mrs. Fontaine state
I that they are greatly pleased with
All those subscribers who
v have intended to luring wood In
payment of subscription to The 1
Evening News or Weekly News 1
will confer a favor on the pub- 1
Ushers by delivering the com-
modlty at as early a date as
possible. Wood will be accept
ed for new as well as for old
subscriptions. tf
here with friends.
Mrs. C. C l.mirnna n o
day visitor to Roseburg
E. A. HulhhnrH onH fa,n.. .....j
to Roseburg on Monday.
Loren MHIor ratnnnJ t -
-rd Portland today.
Mr-i w. G. Miller and Custr Laurence
Vr n n)i llrlran T j... 6 U8ineS8 last
of Roseburg, spent the week end -.r phlppa attondedi to hnRinAB
weanosaay. i-
- . PTrMlST.
ivening Daily New
Offers Unusual Opportunity To Its Readers
our large circle of readers there are a great many
who are interested directly or indirectly in fruit growing,
dairying and other branches of farming. All of these nat-
urally wish to keep in close touch with agricultural activi
ties throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is
being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against
all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agri
cultural interests of this state.
We have, therefore, made a special clubbing arrangement with
THE OREGON FARMER whereby any farmer or fruit
grower, who is one of our regular subscribers and who is not
now a subscriber of THE OREGON FARMER, will be en
titled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination
with this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone. ,
This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their sub
criptions as well as to nil new subscribers, If you are interested
directly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this
unusual opporturity but send your order in now.
THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is
devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests
of Oregon. It has a big organization gathering the news of
importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and
poultrymen; and it has the backbone to attack wrongful methods
and combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaders
and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers will
congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and
attractive clubbing offer.
The Evening Daily News, One Year, - $3.00(By Our Special (
Oregon Farmer, Three Years - 3.00 Clubbing Plan,
$6.00(Both for - -
THIS Oi l Kit IS (i(H)l) l Oll A HIIOHT TIME ONLY.
1 J