i-ojrn THK KVKSINO KKWfl FIUKAV. OCTOIlKIt 5, 1017. KODAK Finishing', Copying' and Enlarging' ClarK Clar FOTOGRAFFERS OF ALL KINDS BY PROFESSIONALS. CALL AND SEE US V GET READY TO PAY Three Per Cent Is the Amount Set By Government On Many Articles. AUTOMOBILES INCLUDED Inventory Miiwt 111 Made, at On' mill Iti-liii'iin I'IIimI Within Tliliiy llnys llluiiks Will IU Klirnl.slifil. Editor News: I am now ad- vised that tlio wur rovi-nuu bill bfH'umo uffurflve tliln morning, and all tobacco dwiltMH are ru- (uired to tako Inventory an at thiH date and to hold the name until appropriate forum are ! fie tit them from thin office on ! which to make reuulred report. Jortland, Ore., Oct. 4. 1 HI 7. Jn ndditlon to the tax on to- bacco, ciKiirH, ciffaretteH and v SpIritH, I enclose extractH from thu net, Knowing the portion of tho act which becomes effective on thin dnte. f would esteem It a favor If you could have this In forma tion )IiI)1IhIhm1 in your paper In Its next Ihkuo, an n iicwh item, ho that the public may he In- formed, and prepare to m'ct tho provisions of this new law. Very respectfully, MILTON A. MILI.KJt, Collector, Tho war rovenue bill of October 3. 1917, which became fffi'Ctive yes terday, October 4, 1IM7, Imposes taxes as follows: On all articles hereinafter set forth, sold by manufacturers, pro ducers or Importers on and after Oc tober 4, 1017. The tax nlno applies to all the ar ticles hereinafter set forth, held and Intended for sale by Jobbers and wholesalers who are not manufac turers, producers or importers. Every Jobber and wholesaler Is required to make inventories of all such articles as of (Lctober 4, and to Hie returns within 3d days after such date, which inventory will in due course be verified by a revenue of ficer: A war tax of three per cent Is made on the following: On all automobiles, automobile trucks, automobile waf'iis and mo torcycles. On all piano players. jimplm pbones, phonographs, lull. Inn ma chines and records for the same. On all Jewelry, real or Imitation. On all cameras, tennis nickels, Rolf clubs, huso ball bats, Lacrosse sticks, halls of all kinds iucludtiiK base balls, foot halts, tenuis bulls, Km I f balls. Lacrosso balls, billiard and pool balls, IIsIiIuk rods and reels, billiard and pool tables chess a ml checker boards and pieces, dice. a lilies and parts of mimes, except playing raids and children's toys ami panics, Chewinic jmin or substitute Ihere for, perfumes, essences, extracts, toi let waters, cosine t ics, pet roleum Jellies, hair oils, pomades, hair dresHtnus. hair restorers, hair dyes, tooth and mouth washes, dcutritU'cs. tooth pastes, aromatic cachoiis, toilet soaps or powders, or anv Hhnilar snh smTeadIMT It'i Grandmother's Recipe Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair. You ran turn gray, faded hair beau tlfnlly ijitrk ami hitrcii nlnuit over j night if ou ll '.-t n Mi fi'iit bottle of 1 "Wyctli't Sn.'i' nnd Su'i'luir Compound" at nny dniL' -ton-. Milln-n of lutt!en of i thin old liiiiiou- Srtjjr 1'i-a un proved by u.lditio'i of other inured i cuts, arc m-hl .num.) My, en s u well known druist here. l..enum it .l.ukeui thr hair n tt.ttiitnlly iind vi nlv Unit no one cm u-!l it In l.. . up plied", 'I linftc wlitbr hair i Honing yr or lieeoniin fa.bd have Miiprie itw-iitiri tin-in, b-vftuse nfter one or two applim tions the j-iin- luiii vntiit!te iiiid your locks become luxuriantlv dark nnd Knu tifnl 'I hi in the R)e of oifh Ornv hninsl, linnttrnet ivo folk .it v ii.ted 'around. o -1 luiy with Wwt-r .i-e iitid Sill idnir Compoun.l to-ion! t and you'll b dc lighted with your dark. luuvNoinr 'mir Biid vour uiithf ul anpeaiaiuv wiihui few days. 1 hi prrparatlon Is ft toilet n-iuMte n( in ind iutendetl for the vine, miti tton ur prevention of diavasc. j Heating r ! A Li " ; . ,iV. ' 'I I AT TIIK M.UKSTIC TOMOKHOW. stance, article or preparation, by whatever name known or distinguish ed, which are used or applied or In tended to lie used or applied for toi let pu eposes. Tills, tablets, powders, tinctures, troches or lozenges, syrups, medical cordials or bitters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniments, salves, ointments, pastes, d nips, waters ( except those taxed under section 314 of the war revenue act which refers to fruit juices, carbonated waters, etc.) es sences, spirits, oils and all medical preparat Ions, compounds or compo sitions whatsoever, the manufactur er or producer of which claims to have any privato rormula, secret or occult art for making or preparing same, or has or claims to have any exclusive r!f;ht or title to making or preparing same, or which are prepar ed , nt t ered , ven ded or ex posed for sale under any letters patent or trade mark, etc. A record should he. kept of the fol lowing showing the exact quantity of each article sold and such record will In due course be varified by a reKnue officer: Prepared syrups or extracts, sold by manufacturers, producers or Im porters. Kor not more than $1,110 per gal lon, 5c per gallon. iMore than 11 Hh and not more than $-.un, Sc per gallon. More than $2.(10 and not in ore than $3.(10. I tie a gallon. More I ban $3.0 0 a nd not more than Ji.nii, 1 :- per gallon. More than $l.0ii. L'fic a gallon. In Term en led grape juice, soft drinks, etc.. sold by manufacturers, producers or Importers and ginger ule, etc.. and other carbonated water or beverages manufactured or sold by the manufacturer, producer or Importer of carbonic acid gas used In carbonating the same, lc per gal lon. Natural mineral waters, or table waters sold by producer or bottler or importer at over 1 0 cents per gnl oln. 1 c per gallon. Cartiiniic acid Mas, sold by the manufacturer, producer or importer thereof, fir per h Moving pi it u re films which have not been exposed, one fourth cent per linear foot. Positive moving picture Hints ready Tor project ion. one-ha If cent per linear foot. The Rose School Parent-Teachers Association held their regular busi ness nioet in on Wednesday alter n (mil nnd the pi esldiiiK ot ticers I oi the enstiiim yi-ar were elected aiitl includeil Mis W. Hurl, president; Mes. H uny on, vice-president ; Miss Applei-nte. secretary, and Miss Ade line Stewart, treasurer. The social program lot the afternoon consisted o! lust ru mental solos by Doi -ot h Cordon and Uny I tin t . a pleasing solo by Mis. .1 S. Townsend and talks by Su peri nl end nit Aubrey C. Smith, and I't ol . 11 II. llroitsnu A bouse to-huuse caiiMiss was lecnted I upon to awaken interest and l se cure new inembct . About to uieinbeis were in attend ance and the outlook is favorable loi a most ptollliihle year's work. Miss Slew ai l s l ooiu secured t he banner t for havint: the largest number ot i parenTs present at this lueoiiin; The1 entire al'lcrnoon was most enjoyable' and indications point to Jiany af-' talis equalh as successful d it riny I he w inter. j Mrs. Irene Holiis. n former resi dent of Rtweburu. but tutrix of 1'mt land. airied in the city lecently and spent a day or two here visit ing w ith 1 1 lends. . MONDAY IS ll.U;) DAY. Monday is barratn (lay at the ltnschurK Cleaning and Pressing W.oks. Men's Mills Kreiieh Dry cleaned and prettied for ft.no. All wot k given piompt attention.' Par pain day prices do not Include call Itu; for clothes or making deliveries, lln:ig your clothes in. tf Stoves, . . ti A large automobile going south on Jaclfson street about 7 o'clock last night struck the traffic sijgn at the intersection''' of Oak and Jackson streets with such force as to knock It a distance of 2o or 30 feet. Ac cording to parties who chanced to witness the collision, the driver of tho machine evidently was watching the line of drafted men who were marching up tho Btreet to the Imp qua hotel, where they were to re ceive their evening's repast and ow ing to this fact did not notice the sihn until too late to turn out. The radiator of the machine was "ji tinc tured, allowing the water to run out and the cur was taken to a local garage for repairs. ATTY. L B. In n letter to Attorney L. H. Sand blast, of this city, Dr. Vincil, who is stationed at Fort Columbia, j Wash.', tell of life at that delight-j fill army post. The doctor expeets to spend the winter there, and from his vivid description of Fort Colum blt It must be a beautiful place. While at Fort Hlley, Kuns., where the doctor spent the greater part of tTie summer receiving instruction in1 the duties devolving upon his depart ment, it is stated that ho lost about :t) pounds in weight, but thai he never felt better. At present he is Raining In flesh, but expects to keep in training that will maintain him in', his present excellent form. Like all j of the oi lice is and men in the service, Dr. Vincil is anxiously looking to the time when hint sol I and others in i his department will be ordered to j the front for business. lie states that it is understood that Caipt. Uu-J ehanan's company, now at F:rt Stev en n, has been ordered to Montana. NOTICE OF FlltST MUK'l'IXU OF j CIlFlHTOltS. I In Ihe district court of the Unit ed States for the district of Oregon, i In Hankrnptcy. In the matter of Harry C. ch um, bankrupt - To the creditors (tf Harry C. Kctch ii in, of Roseburg. in I lie county of Douglas and district aforesaid , a bank ru pt : Notice is hereby given that on the 2 Jnd day of September. 1 It 1 7. the said Marry (. Ketehtim was duly ad judicated bankrupt ; and that the Mrs! meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersign ed referee in Roseburg. Oregon, on the 1 St h day of October. 1M7. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at which lime the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine I lie i a nk nipt and 1 1 ansae! such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated October 1th, 1 !M 7. C. L. HAMILTON', fl o I 7 Referee in I t;i n U ru ptcv. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for (he to'.nily of Doug las. Ill the matter of the Estate of .lames Hull. Sr.. deceased To Manlev M . Strawn. Creeling: IN THE NAM E OK THE STATE OK OUKCOX: You are hereby cited ami required to appear in the 'ounty Court of tho St ate of Oregon, for the County of noughts. In the court room thereof, at Rosehu i g. in the County of Douglas, on Thursday, the 1 si h day of October. T.U 7 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. then and mere to show cause, if any he has. whv he should not be remov ed as administrator of the above en titled estate Witness. The Hen. It V. Marstors. jndi-.e of the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, fin- the County of Douglas, with the seal nf the said court atllved this 'Jllli day of Sep tember, A. p.. ,1 !) 1 T. Attest: E. II l.EVOX. Clerk. By Grace M. Uoyd, Deputy. ATYOUR SERVICE 1918 NIGhT CR DAY FORD PHOMPT SERVICE! V. W. IIOVI.K, Pn-p. NICHT PHONE - 54-Y AFTER 1 2 im 44 Best Values where they will tuke the place there of the Third Oregon infantry recent ly transferred to Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C. CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE Four stands bees. In quire John Dowell, Roseburg. FOR RALE 1 double buggy and gasoline wood saw. Phono 225-. 'OR SALE A young, fresh cow and young heifer. J. A. AnileisoB. K!garone. OAT HAY FOR SALE Good qual-, it. Inquire of Mrs. J. E. Nush,( ('.anion Valley. i FOR SALE Ouk stove wood at Mel rose. Phono 42'2-U, or call M. L. Daniels, People's Supply Co. FOR SALE A new automatic car-; pet and rug loom. Address Mrs. C Grannis, Hoseburg, box 503. FOR SALE 54 head of breeding ewes, sheared June 1. Inquire like Hroa., Dlllard, Ore. 1 FOR SALE One Rord $225, one $250, one $275. Ill in good run-j ning condition, J. O. Newlanti. FOR SALE Six room plastered house. Price $550. at 915 Hamil ton street. For partiuclars write , Henry Kernan, Krugh, Ore. TIRE FILLERS FOR SALE Com plete set for Ford car. Inquire at News office. Does away with punctures. tf FOR SALE $225.00 takes Stude baker "bug" roadster, fine run ning condition with new tires. Call and see It. Roseburg Gar- age. ' FOR SALE 25 wether lambs, fine condition; 10 yearlings, two year ' obis, steers and heifers; sow with ten pigs. Lindbloom, Dixonvllle. FOR SALE No. 10 Smith Premier typewriter,, in first-class condition, double keyboard. Price $25. In quire at The News office. . tf FOR SALE 160 acres, new mod ern buildings, silo, on county road, fine springs, piped to house nnd barn. 140 acres tillable, fine loam. Most up to dato ranch In Douglas county. $Go per acre. Terms. Merton Cox, 34 4 S. Jack son street, Roseburg. KOIt KKXT. FOU KENT IIouso In West Kose hurK. rhone 39F2. TO RENT 4-rooin modern furnish ed house to rent. 547 3. Stephens strei't. l'hone 454-It. FOR RHNT Kivo room house, close In. Inquire at the water and li.-ht oftii-e. FFRNISHED HOUSE TO RENT Nicely furnished house, close In. I See 0. W. Sloper. 3U8 N. Jackson street. Phone 47. tf 'OR RENT House on paved street, garden plot, fruit trees. Carpets sold on the floor if desired. Must rent at once. .Mrs. F. M. Hamlin, lulM Winchester street. WANTED. WANTED Nursing. Phone 41-R. KOR RALE No. 10 Remington type writer; good as new. A bargain. Phone 7-Y, WANTED Help in tho kitchen at Clendale hotel. Write or apply In person. Address Ceo. A. Uickel, (Jb'ndale. Ore. WANTED Wood cut. partly in ex change for cow or horse, iiood ac commodations. Lindbloom, Dix onvllle. TIM PER LAND WANTED In ex change for Rosoburg property. Small house, 20 lots, bearing fruit, water, etc. Timber or ranch must bo accessible. Or would accept small stock ranch. Address Own er, Drawer V. Roseburg. WANTED Number young women and iren to prepare for telegraph service to help fill vacancies caus ed by unusual drafting men for war; positions guaranteed. Call or write. Telegraph Department. Hoom 50tl. Panama bldg., Port land, Ore., or Railway Telegraph Institute, Spokane, Wash. MISCKLUVNKOIS. TO TRADE -$400 equity in city home for Ford car. Address C. c-o News. j LOST On October 1. gold watch. 17, jewel, hunting case. Reward for1 return to News. MONEY TO LOAN f 1 0.000 to i $ 1 fi.itOO local money to loan on ' Hrst morlengo farm security. One, i three and tlvo years. See M. F.J Rfce, loan agent for Itlce & Rico. I tf LOST Demountable rim and blown-) out tire, somewhere between nix-1 onville and the soldiers home.' Kinder please return same to Den nis Matthews, Dixonville, or J. K. i Jtsrkor, Roseburg, Ore. ! B. W. STRONG THE FURNITURE MAN TWENTY YEAR RURAL, CREDIT FARM LOANS J 100,000 to 150, 000 life insurance money to loan on .first mortgage farm Beculrty. Strictly twenty year rural credit loans. Low rates of Interest, priv ilege ot prepayment at any time. Write M. F. Kice, loan department, Rice & Rice. tt Drs. Seely, Sether and Stewart Physicians and Surgeons. Suite of offices rear ot Douglas National Bank, ground floor. Tlione 807 Roseburg - Oregon DR. C. L. PEARSON DENTIST. Office Kohlhogcn lUtlg. DR. S. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon Phones: 217-218 Perk hut Itldg. Of lice 119 Res. 252-L Roseburg, Ore. DRS. PLYLER & PLYLER licensed Cliiiiiprartic 1'liyi.lclans 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Consultation tnd Exam'natlon Free. Office Hours 0 to H. Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments. Phone 152. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE! PROTECT YOURSELF FROM LOSS WITH ONE OF OUR PROPERLY WRITTEN IN SURANCE POLICIES. G. W. Young & son INSURANCE 116 CASS STREET ROSEBURG, OREGON SEVENTH YEAR. ELIZABETH ELDRIDGE HEINLINE SCHOOL OF PIANO Subjects: Piano, Harmony and Theory. Normal Training for Teachers, also Heinlino Musical Kindergarten. Booklet upon application. 4HH Klin St. Phone 33-K NOTICEffiPUBLIC Owing to the high prices of merchandise, SUMMERFIELD'S 5, 10 & I5C STORE will extend its prices to 25c. Nothing over 25c L D. SUMMERFIELD PROPRIETOR STOP HTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG Monday, Bargain Day at the Roseburg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned and Pressed for $1.00. All work given prompt attention. Bargain day prices do not Include calling for or delivering clothes, G. W. SLOPER 308 N. Jackson. We Want That Fellow Who cares about appearances. He is just the "boy" we want to cater to. In the laundering of summer wear we haye no superiors and few equals. We'll give your work that finish that bespeak of intelligent workmen in every department. It's some satisfac tion to know you are getting the best and that's our specialty. . ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 70 ITS SOME CAR-THE "B-40" Mitchell Six LET US SHOW YOU y J. F. Barker & Co. Roseburg ' ' ' ' 1 ""Oregon- I ipT Fall vrwn Fall Dress No Better Values Can Be Had for the Money All the newest weaves and designs are shown here. Big Values and Moderately Priced 1 ABRAHAM The Store of Courtesy OUR AUTO WOX CALL "FUOM PILLAR TO POST" you may go looking for a concern who can turn out Detter or more artistic mill work than we can, but you will be certain of failure. We are at home In every detail ot C the business, and our designs ana finished work are regardod as models by competent architects and bulldors. All kinds of turn ed woodwork done to -specification at very reasonable prices. THE J. C. FLOOR CO. RoAelmrg, Oregon. 1 For Your Coats Silks Goods!