THE EVENING NEWS FltlHAV, OCTOHKK B, 11T. THRER i 4 L L i OF ALL i ftmefrca ' More- eral Than A Other- Country With Her Men. FOR! EIGN ALLOWANCES r - Cimii Privates ltecelve I- Than t3 IVr Year Fur Hon ing Their OkHintry Freiidi Get $1.50 I'er Month for Service. Washington, Oct. 3. "if. as fcwbeen. reported recently, the Ger Haa fcaistr has ofTered a price of 75 to the- ft ret man of his fences to Pranci who CHpturea an Ameri soldier, the tonus will pr-ue a tempting one to the Teutons, for thitsom represents more than three yMn'.ay for a private in the Ger man uray," aays a war bulletin is ued today by the "National Geo Eriptic Society, from its Washing ton headquarters, on the pay of aoldiere in the armies of the belliger ent nations. "The American soldier ly abroad will draw a princely . wage com pared i; with Tommy Atkins, the freaoh poilu, . the Italian Alpini, the German boche and all the other fighting men of European nations," continues the bulletin. "Disregarding the 'extras' and the special- allowances of various kinds, proTiled for in all the armies of the Kprld, but taking the lowest 'ageiof the humblest private as the standard, the comfortable rate of pay allowed Uncle Sam's fight ing men affords a remarkable con trast to the lean pay envelbps of the men with whom our soldiers will Join forces in France, as well as to the slim compensation of the enemy armies." "M'lth his quarters, clothing and rations furnished, him, as they are furnished in all the armies of the "world, the American second-class pri me, receiving his foreign-service pay of $33 a month, will be a pluto crat compared with the French sol dier vho draws the 'bare pittance of 1.50every thirty days, scarcely enough to keep the American fighting nan 0n cigarettes. (Incidentally, Amer?cans are being supp.. the luxur of 'smokes' by the-'folks back , home) "B4t the French soldier's wage is, in i Upturn, princely compared with the. tftfrty-two cents a month which the Russian government allows its privates, and the seventy-three cents which. Austria-Hungary pays Its troop one and two-and-a-half cents a daft respectively. "Grieat Britain is the most gener ous ot the European governments In ltspaf of privates, who receive $7.60 a mofcth at home and an additional 5i allowance whi fighting in France, ) lesoDptamiavBndi other foreign j news.:'1 itaiy ranKS second in gener osity with a monthly minimum al lowance of $5.83. Spain compen sates her soldiers with a $4.42 raontaly wage and Germany has built up her military engine of frightful nea With a wage scale beginning at (1.65; a month less than six cents a day; to do the ruthless (bidding of ruthless rulers. Japan's soldiers at bonuwith an $8 a year wage, fare a little Worse than the Austrians. Tur key isan indulgent employer by com parison, granting $11 a year 92 cents a month. "A first-class American private, driving $36.60 a month in France, gets $41 a year more than a Russian colonel, and $64 a year more than a German lieutenant for the first three years $31 a year more than a first lieutenant of the Austrian troops. "The pay of an American captain compares favorably with that of a British colonel, a French brigarler gener&l, a Japanese lieutenant-general, and an Italian lieutenant-general, k "A fcrlgadier-general of the Ameri can army drawing a minimum salary Ifow Located at 225 N. Jackson g " I Heady to serve you better thui ever, Monday, I ':. February 6. Thanking you for your past favors and soliciting a continuance of the same, yours tor better service. THE CASH STORE J.jB. KING, Proprietor THE FRENCH TRANSFER AND STORAGE COMPANY BAGGAGE CHECKED FROM Mme. Petrova to Produte Own Photoplays iv & ST J h (If. " 1 ' - '-f V J Mme- PETROVA Pc6tvtr& MME. TETItOVA, tlie (llst!iiKUlslic! Tolisli actii'ss, now hends the IVIrovn l'icture company, a new organization i)n'kol by uiiliinitod onpitnl. Slio will have ahsolute control over every detail of her new productions. Mine. Tetrova's salary Is the largest ever paid a motion plelure nitrcss, ac cording to Frederick L. Collins, president of Snperplctures distributing eor porntlou, which Is to market the new I'etrova pictures. . Mine. Petrova's new productions will be in seven or more reels. She does not bind herself to make any certain number of photodratnas in a year. Her only ambition Is to make the finest photoplays possible, and us iiead of her own company she will have unlimited time uud capital at tier disposal. of $6,000, receives nearly $240 more than a marshal of France, $2,000 more than a full general and Held marshal in the German army, $2,500 more than a full general of Japan and nearly Ave times as much as a ltus sian general of the highest rank. Italy's highest army ofiicer at the beginning ot this war was a lienten-ant-genoral whose annual compensa tion was $160 less than that of an American major. "Since the outbreak of the war the French government has revised its scale of 'pay for the army. The man in the first lino trenches now receives a franc a day ($6 a month i, but he is not permitted to draw ail of this amount. He Is paid partly In cash and for the balance receives a i certificate of deposit in a reserve fund which is to be disburse at the end of the war. All those not in the first line trenches still receive 25 centimes (five cents) a day. P.O. INSPECTOR HERE E. J. Galloghe, postofilce Inspec tor with ehadquarters at Spokane. Wash., has been in Iloseburg for the past few days on a tour of investi gation. While no definite informa tion was given, out by the gentle man It has been learned that his mis sion to this city had to do with the recent "affray" in which former Recruiting Officer Hall, et al, figur ed quite conspicuously. After con cluding his work here the inspector left last evening for Portland where he has official business requiring his attention. 1MXOXVI1XK DANTE Friday night there will be a dance given at Dixonvillo. Ott'B orchestra will Bupply the music. Tickets 50 cents, and no undesirables will be permitted. A pleasant time is antici pated. You are invited. Roseburg, Oregon YOUR HOME TO YOUR DESTINATION Piciure Com-pan,y -- FAREWELL RECEPTION FOR SUTHERLIN LADY i Fendal Park, the delightful houu of Mrs. F. b. Waite, was t!ie net in I of a pretty social affair last Frida ' afternoon, the occasion being a lare I well to Mrs. V. J. Phillips, who de parted Monday for North Bond, j where she will make her future I home, says the Sutlieiiin Sun. The spacious rooms of the Waite home were prettily arranged for the occasion, festoons of autumn fuliugo and large cut glass bowls of water lilies forming the decorations. Alter a short business meeting of the Alpha Study Club, during wnlcL Mrs. Phillips was made an honorary member, a short musical program was given as follows: "The Hlue Bird," "If I Only Knew" Mrs. Waite. Vocal duet, "The Wind and the Harp," Mrs. Lyman and Mrs. Waite. "My Only Rose," "Take Me Back to My Old Kentucky Home" Miss Potter. The numbers were all pleasingly rendered and greatly enjoyed by those present. Following the musical program, M rs. Ph i 1 1 i ps was preseu ted with u handsome silver spoon, a token from the members of the Alpha Study club in recognition of her valuable services and deep Interest in the work of I ho club during the past several years. She was one of the six ladies who organized the club and has always been an untiring T.-oiker in Its behalf. Mrs. Phillips acknowledged the gift In a pleasing little address to the friends witli whom she liad so lung been pleas antly associated. The affair concluded with refresh ments consisting of Ice cream and cake. Mrs. W. J. Phillips has visited this city on numerous occasions and jias a widp circb of friends. She is a daughter of County Cuniinissinnor W. J:. SU John- ISKI) I'Olil) CAHS KOIt SAI.K One 1914, well equipped. $250; one Ford bug, $225; one 1916, Al condition, good tires, $310; one last year's Chevrolet, excellent shape, $300. FOHD OARAOlJ. HOUSEHOLD GOODS & FURNITURE HANDLED BY EXPERIENCED MEN LARGE, DRY STORAGE ROOMS, ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM FIRE RISK PHONE 220 MEXICO FIRM IN TERESTED LOCAL FRUI1 That the products of the Drager Fruit Co., are well advertised is evidenced by the following letter re reived by this company in Kosoburg from Mexico City, where the pros pective customer has evidently got ten in touch with some literature concerning the fruit packing plant: "Desiring to become one of your ninny estimable customers, 1 direct to you the present with the object of asking you to kindly sand me by re turn mail a list of the dried fruits which your house sells, such as tha fig, raisin, prune, date, pear, etc., for I wish to make an experiment. Moreover, I hope you will Indicate to mo the form of the money, wheth er iby means of draft, or money or der on your place, or in paper money, and If I send it for the mer chandise you can send it by express." The letter was written in the own languago of the inquirer and it was necessary to secure the aid of 11. J. Stone, the local piano tuner, in order to have It interpreted, which he readily did for the local fruit com pany. Will F. McFurland returned to Sulherlin yesterday afternoon after a visit in Roseburg. LOIK-IC niKKCTOHY. A, l' & A, M., liiiurel TiOdeo No. lit. Regular communications 2nd and fourth Wednesdays each month at Masonic Temple, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors welcome. ItKNJ. CARO, W. M. W. F. HARRIS, Secy. i:A(.W:s, Roseburg Arie meets In their hall on Jackson St., on 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting breth ren in good standing always wel come. J. C. KOKNIG, W. P. 13. F. GOODMAN, W. Sec. Phone 183. I. O. O. F.t Pliilctnrlnn fodgo No. H, Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, corner Jackson and Cass Sts., on Saturday evening of each week, Members of the order In good standing are invited to attend. F. I. PKRRY, N. G. A. J. GtiDDMS, Kec. Sec. J. H. HAIIjI'jY, Fin. Sec. i. (. T. M. Roseburg Hive No. 11, holds regular reviews on second and fouiLii Thursday evenings in Maccaheo hrM. Sisters of other hives visiting in the city are cor dially invited to attend our re views. Maccaheo hall on Cass street. HKRYL B. OGDKN, L. C. JKSS1E RAPP, R. K. . O. O. F., Union F.iiciimpincnt No. 0. Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren ntwnvs welcome. K IT. PICKENS, C. P. O. H. PICKENS, H. P. OLIVER JOHNSON, R. S. JAMES KWAKT, E. S. It. P. O. K1KS, HoNoliurK Lodge, No. il'M Holds regular communica tions at the Elks' Temple on the 2nd an 1 4th Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regularly, nnd all visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. KNIGHT OF PYTHIAS, Alpha Lodge No. 47, meets every Wed nesday evening, cor. Jackson and Cass Sts. Visitors always welcome. C. A. CHAM n I0RLAIN, C. C. ROY F. DUBBIN, M. F. 15. E. WIMBERLY. K. R. S. I. O. O. F lilsing Star lyodtfo No. 171 meets In the Odd Fellows' Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. J. D. REESE, N. O. CARL W. OHMAN, Hoc. Sec, M. FICKLE, F. S. O. K. SM Roseburg Chapter No. H Holds their regular meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays In eafh month, islting members In good standing are respectfully invited to attend. MISS MARGARET PAGE, V. M. V RE E JOHNS ) N. Sec'y. WOMEN OF U'OODCRAKT, Lilac Circle No. 49. Meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday evening of meh month at Odd Fellows' hall. Vlsit Int; members In good standing are Invited to attend. DORA GILBERT, G. N. CLARA CAWLFIELD. Clerk. HIKIIIMUX !' TIIK WOltl.D, Ouk -Camp No. 125. Moi-ts In the Oilil I'YHowh' hull In ItOHohurg very 1st and 3rd Munility cvcnliiKn. Vln Itlng m-inhliors nlwnyn welcome J. M. THHONi:, ('. C. M. M. MILI.KR. Clerk. IOV.W, OltDIOIl (!' MOOHIC, ItoKO bui'B I.ocIko No. 1037 Moit Mon day cvrnlnj; of earn wnk, al 8 o' clock In Macacbfe hall. All Ing brother ar Invited to attend. W. J. MOON, Dlctat i, II. O. PA R'iKTKIt "Sec'y. CAIU, E. WIMIIKRLY. E. II. 1 It A n. KIDDI.K, Sec'y. H. A. Y. Mt. Neho IIomeRtnad No. 1H2H meetH at Maccabee hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Visitors welcome. K. II. I'KHUINK, K. M. O, W. ClXIAKIi. Cor. III.ItlK.MIS, Ilosehiire Debekah Lodge. No. 41. I. O. O. K. Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple every Tuesday evening. Visiting ilBterl and brethren Invited to attend. MRS. IDA TURN MX. N. O. MR3. TIIXIB JOHNSON, Bee. MRS. EU3IE HUMPHREY, T. 8. PIANOS! The Finest Line of Pianos Ever Carried in Roseburg: Bush & Lane Cable-Nelsop Baldwin Ellington Hamilton Howard and others. When you buv a piano here, you save from $50 to $100. Let us prove it. Easy payments if desired. Ott's Music Store Roseburg, Ore. SHOE REPAIRING! All Wofk Promptly and Neatly Executed. Best of Workmanship Umbrellas Repaired. W. H. BOYLE 12:1 Oak St. ItuscuurK Drain-Scottsburg Stage Line AUTO STAGE AND SPECIAL SERVICE Leaves Drain Mondays. Wednes days, Fridays and returns Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Fare $3.00 J. R. SAWYERS, Prop. Mrs. F. D. Owen Cut Flower, Potted PlniitN, Funeral Designs, Wedding 1km qiicU, etc. VOlt SALE AT 'The Fern' 111 Cass Kt. Rosohurg:, Ore. PHONE 210 Real Estate City and Farm Property Winchester liny and WoHtlakft Town Ijuts. GEORGE RITER 111 West Osk HtrMi. NEW VIKING Separator at the DOUCLAS COUNTY CREAMERY Why hIioiiM big Iwts nluays bo made In a meat xhop? ISecaiiM) the meal man 1m such good Meuk holder. It's a safe bet that no shop holds better stoaks than our. Wo don't hold them long. All wagers are quickly settled and the steaks promptly delivered to the pleased winners. You can bet on our steaks every time. THE ECONOMY MARKET $33 New Arrivals Are always surprised (and pleased.) to learn that Douglas Fir Is an interior finishing wood of close, tough fibre, fine grain, and wide variety of ftp lire. In physical make-up It does not In any respect resemble what Is commonly known aa "(leorgla Pine." It lends itself readily o stains which are applied, direct without preliminary shellacking- Treated! as dark mahogaiy, this wood rivals the genuine in beauty of texture and finish. It makes a go ml base for white enamel, and there's a good assort ment of length and width at Kenny Lumber Company THE BEE HIVE GROCERY Neely & Neely, Prop. Under new management this old reliable grocery Is bettor equipped than ever to serve Us patrons. We try to do our part In supply ing Qood Things for your table, and at prices that do not spoil the Bweet disposition of the housewife. Just Phone 91 FOR DAINTY AND QUENCHING DRINKS THE YEAR AROUND CALL UP THE ROSEBURG SODA WORKS I'RO.iiit A Man is What He Feeds On The housewife, looking to the fumlly health, will buy where she can got FKKS1I, CI.KAN GltUCKUIKS. Our Stock is Clean and Sanitraily Kept and all goods are ot the best manufacture. Orders per sonally looked after. Ke279occry Walter Patterson, Prop. "The Glad Hand" Is Beldom a dirty hand; and there Is little reason why all hands should not clean up with Rexall Toilet Soap At 10 the ealte. nnd a money buck guarantee. It's an "all around" aureeablo cleanser anil like all other Rexall Soups, It represents Soap Quality Nathan a a Perkins Fullerton The JOJUU .Store Building ache, no wet feet no wear on two at tho most. Wonderful! Yes, and It's true. Will you con tinue the old, wasteful drudgery of wash day or will you get a Thor Klcctrie WaMhlng Machine. Roseburg Electric Company Phone 123 FLOUR! Old wheat flour makes better bread than that made from new wheat. We have some of the old wheat flour, and are offering a SPECIAL PRICE FOR CASH, THIS WEEK. KIDD'S GROCERY PHONO 1811 The New Way Now here Is the new way tho way that turns wash day into play day. Tho Thor Klectric Washing MuHiIno does it. In stetid of tho clumsy tubs and tho washboard a neat cabinet stnnds In a corner. A grdat fluffy ma"s of fine, white soap foam rises nnd falls nnd Hwishus from one side to tho other. Your clothes are being washed thoroughly, silently, quickly. No red hands, no red arms, no back the clothes. Done In an hour "or Uo it Electrically