BIX THE KVKM.VO NEWS TIM IISDAV, KTOI!Flt 4, 1IM7. 6 A liltllM.K IS ASKKI) Foil AT EI.KTOX- A large delegation from FJktnn appeared before the Modern Heating Stoves! , county court this afternoon re questing that the court take some action in reference to building a bridge across the Umpqua at Klkton to take the place of the ferry now employ ed at that crossing of the river. tr-V New and Successful Drive Unkertaken Against the Enemy Today. Conscription Not a Burden Conscription should not bo looked upon as a burden, but as a matter of honor and duty this makes a nation great, strong'and glorious. Put every spare dollar into active service by placing it to your' credit with us. Your account is invited. ; The Roseburg National Bank Roseburg, Ore. It Means Comfort and Saving of Fuel If You Will Install One of Our New "Subflame" Heating Stoves in Your Home. It em bodys an old system in a new form. It is the base burner in an upright stove. Giving: Increased Radiation, Greater Comfort Longer Life, Less Cost of Upkeep Using Less Fuel Less Expense in Operating A Better Floor Appearance A Greater joy to You. Come and Look It Over And ihon how aliout AND-IRONH. We have a shipment Just at hand and ar quite Biiro you exn bo pleased. AIho lire nets to cor roRpond. ' Churchill Hardware Co. An overstock of half gallon wide mouth Mason fruit Jars at a spe cial prlro, Can you nun a few? "Aunt Polly" Is With Us Again! For those who don't know ."Aunt Tolly," , let us explain. "Aunt Polly's" outsizes . are stylish, serviceable shoes, for stout women. Built with the Crawford arch, supporting shank. i Come in and get ac quainted with "Aunt Tolly." ROSEBURG BOOTERIE 111V1N llltlUN.V Shoes That Satisfy. Perkins lluildliiK, Cuss St.' MAJESTIC ALWAYS A MOD SHOW Matinee Every Dav, 2 to 5 Kvenings,7: 15 & 8:50, 15c-5c KHIAN l ()M,V. Ill i:r,i:iir i; i.isn in THE DUPE: i.l.-rn M. .lr ith Aite Vertutn. :unl hutnttrt'. lllllltun i. Mh Rupert Julian A MAN'S WAV A sl.u , ,.: ., , IllltM'PMl nnl llohli' ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i; a JOHN I'lXU l"S Mil M A i i i ,11, and Klslc Jali U ilstMi liltlVl TIIK III n I K , ,h that's a l1U;h producer. gjiools Admissiiiii. Aili iK j.V. Children ik 8 Reels I'OM, .I;,IA IHMtlVTIIV IMIII.I.II'S Hill, .. . IIWI V .V UII.I.IAM STl III, "A Doll House" From llenrlk risen M M'T Win k. NATIMIAV l AIII.i: WILLIAMS l I II I, i:.s l'llc M . M:.T SI'.MAV AM) MONDA V I'fcAlil, VtlllTK ..TK T L HINti." The llrsl iImmIi nf the H t in i-wr nrtxiiictHl. Also Florence l.afladiu In tho Woman In u 1' u. from W'llktc Col lin's novel. Kvory child paying admission on Sunday ana MmMny win be given a tov bnlloon. OOMINC. OCT. 10 mid II TIIK IIATTI.K OK TIIK SOMMF jx 10 liKKLS. FRENCH AIRMEN BUSY (Iviiijf (VmiiuiH Thoimigh Taste of lU'kmllt- lioinhing Tallies uh KepriMil For Outrages The JVutonu IVrM;t ruled. (By Associated Press.) WESTERN FRONT, Oct. 4. Striking with renewed determina tion again along a wdp front, Brit ish troops today hegan a new drive against the Germans east of Ypres. Kieldr Marshal Haig announces that good progress Is resulting from the attack, and that hundreds of prison ers are being sent to the rear as the light continues. Finding themselves oul-generaled, the Germans made several desperate counter attacks, but all of them were unsuccessful. Along the French front the situation !h calm, except at Verd'in, where ar tillery duels are still progressing. French air forces are keeping up tm-ir work of reprisals, Btartod this week, and yesterday bombarded Frankfort and Rastatt. From Lon don comes the announcement of f successful air raid by British avia tors at the Macedonia front, where one enemy aircraft was destroyed Reports from Petrograd tell of a vio lent artillery duel that Is in progress near Jacohstdat. OFF AGAIN-ON AGAIN "The man who came back" might bo' used effectively In dealing with tho subject of a former city editor of a local publication who "quit the pamo for good and left for "some where in Arizona' wnero "he was called to the hedntde of his wife who was seriously ill." Instead of traveling south on his purported errand, a local resident who returned from Portland today gives out the information that the man In question has evidently taut-nod to tho game after several days' absence and that his wife, re covering from her Illness has jour neyed to Portland and Joined her huslmnd all in a period of four days unqiieMtionably tifv has whirl ed strenuously around the Pettlt family lor lo! Mr. Pettit, possibly by mistake, caught the llrst train north and landed in the Oregonian office where ho has been employed for the past three days, and- Mrs. Pettit. according to her own story, Is "feeling splendid ami has been per fectly well since leaving Kosehurg lor Portland. unite a coincidence but then thnso days minds can be changed in a moment and destinies sharped over night. In a letter received In lioseburg tills morning from Sergeant Victor Mleelll, who is now stationed with the lih company coast artillery at Fort Stevens. he states that the weather Htlll continues n'old nnd tliat it is raining continually, mak ing conditions difficult for good drill ing. He also says that t ho Ith com pany has a new commanding oi'llcer, Capt. Ilond, of Fiene. Sergeant Ml eelll stiites that he has been trans ferred and is uow ehief of breech, on one of (.ho- big nuns. "The boxes which the bos have been receiving from home taste mightv good," de clares Mr. Mkvlll. R. E. JOPE It. K. .lore, pastor (if the Christian ehnnh. returned home from Port land hist evening, where he had gone a lew duys previous in rnmpanv with Mrs. , lope and tils son. Clifford, Julius Kiddle and Harold Hollows. The three young men will soon receive their orders from the government s to their future location and expect to sonn he on the way to their post of duty. Mrs. .lope remained, at j Portland to visit for a few days, cx- peeung u return Home Saturday. J. A. ARRIVES IN CITY Mr. Ormandy 8tate that he is ex tremely glad lo return to Hosehurg again havinR visited here on various occasion In the past. "You have a Ijcaiillrul city, arid I have heard many nice thinKS about Its people and their kindness to visitors," said Mr. Or mandy. .Mr. Ormandy will return 10 Portland Immediately after thi contingent or troops has passed luruugn. (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Oct. 4. Representa tives of the employers and the strik ing shipyards workmen, who have been in conference here in an effort to settle the labor, controversy that has tied up industry In Portlund for Beveral weeks, each issued a separ ate "statement today, declaring that no progress hag been attained in the deliberations. Each sidto the con troversy blames the other. An ef fort Is now under way to arrange for a final conforence. "i.-,-.-W-.-rw www 1.1. n, ym. juuuuuJuju Live-wire Doings of City Son is Horn. Felicitations are being received to day by Air. and .Mrs. A. T. Lawrence, of Sunshine ranch, upon the arrival of a son. Mother and child are re ported to be doing nicely. KNtorn Star Lo Meet. The Eaotern Star will meet this evening In the Masonic temple and several Important business mutters are to be discussed. A large attend ance is expected and the evening promises to lie most interesting. Will IVrfecl New lljKli School. County School Superintendent O. C. Ill own has culled a meeting or the board on October 9, at which time business will be discussed and plans perfected for the new union high school which will ho lucmcd at Klk ton. The high school was recent ly adopted ny pop'ilar veto of the people and promises (o be an Impor tant addition .o the county institu tions oT public Instruction. SyiiiKiti I'mviil-TVai hers to Meet. The Sylmon Parent-Teachers As sociation will meet at the Slymon Valley school house Friday after noon. October 5. nt 3:110 o'cinck. A good ntlcndnnee Is expected as the stale convention of the Oregon Con gress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations, which will be held at Hugeno October 1 7 to 20, will be dis cussed, delegates chosen and Instruct ed as to the representation of Syl mon valley district at the state con vention. Pnivnt-Tcnclior Assmdution Meets. Tho Parent-Teacher Association of tile Itose school met yesterday after noon nnd enjoyed one of the most in teresting sessions In the school's his tory. Tile attendance was linusualty large ad the future promises to be a brilliant one for this important or ganization. A number of excellent speeches wero delivered and tho I whole session was declared to he dc-1 lightfully entertaining. The officers of the association were elected ror ! the ensuing year and Includes Mrs.' W O. Hurl, president; Miss Apple gale, secretary, and .Miss Adeline Stu art, treasurer The Bracelet Watch t means to ladles personal adornment and convenience every lady should have one. We aro showing an ex cellent assortment moder ately priced why not in spect them. BUBAR BROS. Jewelers & Optometries. JACKSON STHKET. Prlscilla Club Kntertahietl. Mrs. Charles K, Coe entertained the Priscilla club at her home on S. Stephens street Wednesday after noon. A business meeting was held and the officers for the coming year were elected, as follows: President, Mrs. Benson, vice-president, Mrs. Guy Flint; secretary, Mrs. . Allen. After a ilolightful afternoon spent in sewing and chatting a delicious luncheon was served. Little Ameri can flags were used as place cards, giving a. patriotic note to the occas- ion. The guests present were Mes dames Hughes. Benson, Allen, Pear son, Flint, Pearee. Thompson, Pitch- ford and the hostess Mrs. Coe. NOTICE. As I am going away on October 16, all parties whose notes are held by me aro hereby notified that accounts due. and Interest due, must be paid before that date. All small outstand ing accounts due or past due must be paid at once. 06 ikb Mcculloch. 0 CITY NEWS & V. M. Bachelor of Yoncalla, 1b a Roseburg visitor today. John Mund, of Looking Glass is a Roseburg visitor today. Item FaJe, of Myrtle Creek was a Roseburg visitor today. ri)om Rffine and wife, of Days i reek are spending the day In Rose burg attending to busin.ess matters. P. J. Neff, a prominent Mcdford lawyer, is spending a few days in Roseburg attending to business matters. C. J. Hurd left last night for Eu gene where he will attend the Lane county fair. Mr. Hurd will return hero (he latter part ot the week. Miss Matthews, representing the rictorlal Review, "Is spending t he day in Roseburg in connection with her work. Miss Matthews is from East Orange. N. J. She is at Hol lows store. . ?.'!S."i'i,;!..,j!io,"ili "iowesoTB!!T hwIft Mm r I ...... 1 . i i milium, uy mnnuiiifiurprH. I Hi'ii(lani(xloIorbkrli:h("intid dracrtnttnii imt I iviMirt on patrntntuhty. Wojretpat cr ,Ki Wli, fw our froobook D. SWIFT & CO. PlltDnt 1 nuvnm F.lah IQUa ovvcnin oi.. wasninqton, u. U. J - -A Antlers Theatre TWO DAYS ONLY Monday, Oct. 8th, Tuesday, Oct. 9th THE MATINEE 2:15 NIGHT 8:15 BARRIER J. A. Ormandy, chief clerk of the general psssongcr department of the Somhern Pacific arrived In Roseburg last evening, to remain for the uext lew days assisting with the caring for the troops, the first of which naas- no j PARTS BY REX BEACH The picture, clwely follows tho swift action and striding situations (,f the lxxk nnd is a faithful portrayal of nilvctiturv nnd poiunneo of Jifo in Alaska In tJio tlnys when that lnnd tow the haven of luinml men nnd tile lnt frontier of clvillrjttinn. 10 PARTS ALL SEATS I 2ml row balcony v I NOW ON SALE AT RESERVED ;; n, ::: : the theatre I'llOXK A l Mll, Ol;lKI!S KKTOVFn. By Modern Heating Stoves we mean those equipped with every modern device known that tends to lessen the fuel bills, and at the same time throw out and evenly distribute the greatest degree of heat. Such Are the HEATERS We Sell Made by the most up-to-date methods. We hare the most handsome and durable heaters on the market. i -ii-inrii-ii-mnriiii-in,ii-ii-n-ir-irinr -iri-nn,rn .TnfrnvyinpiwT wf AIR TIGHT HEATERS AT HEAVY CAST HEATERS af $2.50 to $325 $12.50-$22.50 Also all sizes of Perfection Oil Heaters. A. J. Lilburn & Son Complete Home Furnishers, Cass Street ILL INVESTIGATE 'S HEFLIN (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 4 The house today appplntetd a committee of five to Investigate the charges recently made by Representative Heflin, of Alama'ba, that certain members oT congress had acted suspiciously in connection with the war situation. Hefltn Implied that actions of some representatives Indicated that they were aware of Bernstorff's ejlorts to influence congress toward a neutral position by the free use of German money. . Will Emery was in the city today from his home at Umpqua. Robert Boggs, who has been over In Coos and Curry counties looking after some stock, returnod home to day. NEW TODAY. WANTED Wood cut, partly In ex change for cow or horse. Good ac commodations. Ltndbloom, D1X-onvllle. FOR SALE 25 wether lambs, fine condition; 10 yearlings, two year . olds, steers and heifers; sow with ten pigs. Llndbloom,' Dlxonvllle. FOR RENT House on paved street, garden plot, fruit trees. Carpets sold on the flooif desired. Must rent at once. Mrs. F. B. Hamlin, 1024 Winchester street. Mackinaw Coats For Men and Boysi New Swagger models in well tailored coats. Ntvper fnlnre in iir .iC J 1VI 1 with shawl collars, patch pockets and belts. 1 he very best for the least money. See them 4 Incorporated J COLUEX KUIJi STORE. ANTLERS THEATRE Tonight only 7:1a nnd 0 o'clock. Adults 15c, Children. Be. Marguerite Clark The Swcctrwt lrl on the Screen In 'The Valentine Girl' A delightful story beautifully told. A picture for old folks, young folks and kiddles. ' H,",.VV!U--1''' mlnu, "I'-TkkltnK. F Invention. Science, Art. - UOMIXU TOMOKKOW XIGHTO.NLV 'The Silent Lie" Another Orlyping Story ot the Froien North. SATt RDAY MATINEE 2: 13. M(;HT 7:15 AVI) 9 HfW CHARLIE CHAPLTN iirn HLIf IN "THE IMMIGRANT" MLn I ed through this city at 12:45 today, i .