Form ClarK Clarh FOTOGRAFFERS KODAK Finishing', Copying' and Enlarging' OF ALL KINDS BY PROFESSIONALS. CALL AND SEE US - i ; i. llrt 1 1 Children Cry for Fletcher's Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under bis per jC&fflf) Eonal suPervilon Binc Infancy. VfvtryX -CUcUii uuw n0 one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids t' i assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. iCiie Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENums CASTORIA always J Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought a m c r N T ADR CO IS BUT STILL IN (Uy AHHoritit" ProsH.) WASHINGTON, M. I. Shaken, hut still powerful, lu (lio estluiato of Ciornmny'B Blrcnlh on tho wo.storn front, Klven In lhln wwUh' Iksiu? of Iho oflldiil ooimnl(iH unod by tho war department. It Ih Bald thai tho Hrttish superiority over the fior muiiH Ih conclUHlvply proven by tho flKUtltiK last week which also deinon Ht rates that the Teuton llht in Htum Ina Ih at a low obb. Thn ronnniqiu wiyn nothing of tho activities of the United Slutos forces In Kuropo. PATROL SHIP RAMMED AND SUNK DTP COAST ( Uy AfcHorluti'd IM-cks.) WAHIiriNUTON, Oel. 1. An un known nil I p rammed nml sunk an American patrol boat on duty off the DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Says you really feel clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ill. Atlantic coast, according to an nouncement of tho navy department. Work or ruining tho vpaho! will bu undertaken at on re. The battleship, which went aground Friday, has been floated. ATTKNTION HOXOIl ;i'Altl. Tho Girls' National Honor Guard will moot this evening and partici pate In tho weekly military drill and hiiHiueHH meeting. Members must ho present unless ublo to furnish un ex cuse by telephone or mall. Co-wpera-tiou 1b absolutely required hereafter and strict obedience to all rules. Delliuiuenl members will ho given their last chance to sign up beforo h"ing dropped and published ub shirkers. All luembers of tho Honor Guard out of tho city are re tained as members and will be given tho'opportunlty of re-entering at all times. Members in the city unions occupied by work, aro not excused and-should roHign at once. MAIHIH .MILLKH. Sec rotary. RESUMED OCT. 4 Roseburg Feed 8027 Men Kruger and Wick to be in Charge Movement. CHECK HERE FOR MEALS AmuigcmetiU Similar to Those of hiut Week for This Movement Chief Clerk to AhhImI Krutfcr uutf Wick. INSPECTS ie R0ADi!.s County Judge U. V. MarstcrR spent yesterday In tho vicinity of Klourmiy valley Inspecting tho county ro:ut now under construction tliere. Tho contract was let some lime ago to Hurley Johnson and l: now nenring completion. Much bene fit will he derived by the farmers who live in that community when this stretch of roadway is llnishe;! as heretofore It was almost iuipassahld In winter. In a communication received In this city yesterday from General Pas yen ger Agent John M. Scott It is stated that Alvln D. Wick and A. E. Kruger who were supervisors of the tioop movement lust week la U.ifc city have been assigned to this sta tion for the next movement which will occur beginning Saturday of tho present week. This information is very gratifying to the local people who wore well saUsfled with the suc cessful work performed by Mr. Kru ger and Mr. Wick during their stay here. John M. Scott personally sup ervised the Oregon traffic from Ash laud' If et week and had intended to make Roseburg his headquarters for the coming movement because of its central position and better facilities for handling the men, but urgent business calls him to San Francisco and he will bo represented by Chief Clerk Ormandy. Mr. Ormandy Is well known and highly regarded in Rose burg, having visited here on numer ous occasions. The first voucher for meals serv ed in Roseburg was received by Miss Agnes Pitcbford, secretary of the Red Cross chapter yesterday and repre sents $3147. 60, covering 52 IB meals. Ten cents of the 60 centB received for the Individual meal goes to the credit of the local chapter of the Red Cross and the remainder Is distribut ed among the various restaurants, according to the number of men fed by each on tho various trains. Tho official advices of troop move ments have not yet been received although It was reported that the start would1 be on tho 3rd and 5th, meaning the arrival hero on the 4th and 6th. In order that preparations could bo mndo In due time a wire was sent this afternoon to the gen eral offices in San Francisco and the following schedulo was received by wire Immediately: Troop movements resumed Thursday, October 4, with 4 ill men for luncheon at 1:00 p. m. Total of 16 troop trains this week ending at noon of tho Itth; 8027 men to bo fed, 1300 nioro than before. Three breakfasts Saturday Sunday and Tuesday. Schedule: Octobor 4 I ip. in., 7:30 p. m., 8:45 p. ni. 1532 men. October 5 12:30 p. m 8:40 p. m. 1005 men. Octobor 6 8 a. m., 7 p. m,, 8 p. in. 1546 men. uciouer 7 i :(0 a. in., 1:30 p. m.. 8 p. m. 190t men. October 8 1:30 p. m., 8:15 p. m. men. October 9 7:30 a. in., 12:30 p. m, 976 men. Tho arrangements for the Bervlng of the men are similar to those of the last tlmo and preparations were begun Immediately upon receipt of the wire. For the Information of the public the quartermaster will later publish tho territory represented by each train. If yon nro necuntomed to wnkft un with a coated tongue, foul breath or i a dull, dizzy headache; or, If your meals sour and turn Into gns and acids, you hnvo a real surprise await ing you. To-morrow morning, Immediately upon Arising, drink a gluns of hot water with a tcasponnful of limestone, phonphato In It. This Is Intended to first ucutrall.o anil then vash out of j your stomach, liver, kidneys and , thirty feet of Intestines nil tho gostlMo waste, poisons, pour bile and toxins, thus demising, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal. Those subject to sick headaches, I backache, bilious attaekM, r;mstlpattmi I or uny form oC stomach I rouble, aro t Urged to get n quarter pound of lime- : fttoue phosphato from tho drug storo and lien In enjoying this nioriiinj; in- nl de-bath. It is said that men and women who try this becmuo enthu siastic and keep it up d illy. It la a pplemlld health nu ustire for it is morv. Important to keep clean un.l pure on . the insldo than on the oui:dIo, because ; the skin pores do not nl-fnrb Impuri ties Into the blood, causing disease, 1 while tho bowel pores do. j Tho principle of bathing Insldo Is not new. as'niUHonn of people pnu-tleo It. Just as hot wat r and soap cleanse, pui7y and freshen the skin, so hot .water and A tcaspnonful of limestone phonphato net on the stomach, liver, , kidneys nml bowels. I.linentone phos phato Is an InoxpctiRlvo white powdor nud almost tustelcts. IS AT WASinNCTON', Oct. 1. Tho Mk ilitw lor Iho second Issuo of Lihcrty liomls iM'unn ;u noon toiluy, nml will conlimio nmr ooks. It in oxpoctod to nilso .:.iiini. oilll, (Kin durliiK this tlmo. nml treasury olllolnls Muto "Kit thoy export $."..00(1.000,000 will ho miIou'i II. od. Secretory MrAdoo opoti' d tho nimpuUn with a speech In Cleyelund. which In the (list of niiiiit ho win dellior duriiiK his tour of the country. GERMANS GEFdOSE THEIR 01 MEDICINE ( Uy Associated Press.) r.Kls. (let. I.- French aviators dropped n ha.i foil of bombs on tho i. .-nnan city of Stuttgart, today, by way oi reprisal for Herman bom ii.iidiuent of French towns. Stuttgart is tho capital of Wurttemberg and about li'o miles from the French bolder, and lias a population of L.'Hi.eeo. i Mrs. C. Morton Hadley, who has 1 been residing with her husband at Kan Francisco, passed through this city last night enrouto to Portland to remain in all probability until after the war with her parents. A post card received by Charles Hadley from his daughter-in-law slated that his son, Morton, who Is a member of tho medical department. of tho V, S. army was to movo soon for the south and it Is believed will eventually find his way to "some where in France' along with his connpany. Mr. Hadley enlisted In wan Krancisco several mouths ago and since that time has been work ing hard mastering his new duties. CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOK SALE Four stands bees, quire John Dowell, Koseburg. In- FOIt BALE! 1 double buggy and a gasoline wood saw. Phone 225-J. FOR SALE No. 10 Remington type writer; good as new. A bargain. Phono 57-Y. OAT HAY FOR SALK Good qual ity. Inquire of Mrs. J. IS. Nash, fJurdon Valley. FOR SALK A new automatic car ipct and rug loom. Address Mrs. C. GranniB, Roseburg, box 503. FOR SALE One J250, one f 275. ning condition. Pord 225, one 111 In good ritn J. O. Newland. FOR SALE Six room plastered house. Price $550, at 915 Hamil ton Btreet. For partiucla'ra write Henry Kernan, Krugh, Ore. MlHtEIiLAN noes. MONEY TO LOAN 110,000 to! $15,000 local money to loan on first mortgage farm security. One, three and five years. Seo M. F. Rice, loan agent for Rice & Rice. tf TWENTY YEAR RURAL CREDIT FARM LOANS $100,000 to $150, 000 life insurance money to loan on first mortgage farm secuirty. Strictly twenty year rural credit loans. Low rates of Interest, priv ilege of prepayment at any time. Write M. F. Klce, loan department, Rice & Rice. tf Drs. and Seely. Sether Stewart Physicians and Surgeons. Suite of offices rear of Douglas National Bank, ground floor. Phone 307 Roseburft - - - Oregon TIRE FILLERS FOR SALE Com plete set for Ford car. Inquire at ' News office. Does away with . 1 punctures. tf FOR SALE No. 10 Smith Premier typewriter, In first-class condition, double keyboard. Price $25. In quire at The News office. tf FOR SALE $225.00 takes Stude baker "-bug" roadster, fine run ning condition with new tires. Call and seo it. Roseburg Garage. FOR SALE nay team of marcs. Weight 3000; wagon, harness and wood rack. J. . H. Cluck, Rose burg, or call at place near Cloake's ferry. DR; C. L. PEARSON DENTIST. Office Kohlliagerj itldg. FOR SALE 160 acres, new mod ern Imildlngs, silo, on county road, fine springs, piped to house and barn. 140 acres tillable, fine loam. Most up to date ranch In Douglas county. $60 per acre. Terms. Merton Cox, 344 S. Jack son street, Roseburg. DR. S. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon Phones: 217-218 Perkins BIdg. Office 110 Res. 252-L Roseburg, Ore. FOR RENT. FOR RENT House in West Rose burg. Phone 39F2. TI DRS. PLYTER & PLYLER Licensed Chiropractic Physicians 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Consultation and E.xam'natlon Free. Office Hours 0 to It. Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments. Phone IS 2. TO RENT 4-room modern furnlsh- od house to rent. 547 S. Stephens street. Phone 454-R. FOR RENT Five room house, close in. Inquire at the water and light oflice. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, fur nished or unfurnished. Close in. Inquire 143 S. Kane, corner Main. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT Nicely furnished house, close In. See G. W. Sloper, 308 N. Jackson street. Phono 47. tf WANTED. WANTED Nursing. Phone 41-R. WANTED Furnished house; pre ferably with garage and barn. Phono 38F2. WANTED Help in the kitchen at Glcndale hotel. Write or apply In person. Address Geo. A. Blckol, Glendnle, Ore. WANTED Young man to work In Southern Pacific store room. Good chance for advancement. Apply to F. A. Fields, S. P. round houso. WANTED A middle aged woman to stay with aged lady and do housework. Address Mrs. L. F. McCoy, 12S6 Umpqua avenue. Phone 20F11. s2Sp TIMBER LAND WANTED In ex change for Roseburg property. Small houso, 20 lots, bearing fruit, water, etc. Timber or ranch must be occesslblo. Or would accept small stock ranch. Addross Own er, Drawer U. Roseburg. WANTED Number young women and n'.cn to prepare for telegraph servlco to help fill vacancies caus ed by unusual drafting men for war; positions guaranteed. Call or write. Telegraph Department. Room 506, Panama lildg., Port land. Ore., or Railway Telegraph Institute, Spokane, Wash. TO TRADE $400 home for Ford car. News. equity In city Address C. c-o SEVENTH YEAR. ELIZABETH ELDRIDGE HEINLINE SCHOOL OF PIANO Subjects: Piano, Harmony and Theory. iNormal Training for Teachers, also Helnline Musical Kindergarten. Booklet upon application. . 423 Kiln St, Thono 33-R MflTinC TO I1U I IUL THE PUBLIC Owing to the high prices of merchandise, SUMMERFIELD'S 5, 10 & I5C STORE will extend its prices to 25c. Nothing over 25c L D. SUMMERFIELD PROPRIETOR Real Estate City and Farm Property Winchester Bay and Westlake Town Lots. GEORGE RITER lit West Oak Btreet. STOP HTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG I'SEI) FORI) CARS KOIt SALE Ono 1914, well equipped, $250; one Ford hug, (225; one 1916, Al condition, good tires, $310; one Inst year's Chevrolet, excellent Bhnpe, $.100. FORD OARAtit;. ATYOUR SERVICE JITNEY u y 1918 FORD NIGHT OR DAY PROMPT SERVICE! W. V. HOYI.K, Prop- NICHT PHONE AFTER 1 2 54-Y Monday, Bargain Day at the Roseburg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned and Pressed for $1.00. All work given prompt attention. Bargain day prices do not Include calling for or delivering clothes, G. W. SLOPER 308 N. Jackson. eating Stoves, Best Values B. W. STRONG THE FURNITURE MAN We Want That Fellow Who cares about appearances. He is just the "boy" we want to cater to. In the laundering of summer wear we have no superiors and few equals. We'll give your work that finish that bespeak of intelligent workmen in every department. It's some satisfac tion to know you are getting the bestand that's our specialty. 4 ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 79 OUIl ACTO WILL CALL ITS SOME CAR-THE "O-40" Mitchell Six LET US SHOW YOU J. F. Barker & Co. Roseburg 1 Oregon "FROM PILLAR TO POST" you may go looking for a concern who can turn out Better or more artistic mill work than we can, but you will be certain of failure. We are at home In every detail of the business, and our designs and. finished work are regarded as models by competent architects and builders. All kinds of turn ed woodwork done to specifica tion at very reasonable prices. THE J. C. HOOK-GO. KooetHirg, Oregon. If. . . , I - C - I For Your j Silks! in FallCoats! Fall Dress Goods! No Better Values Can Be Had for the Money All the newest weaves and designs are shown here. Big Values and Moderately Priced I. Abraham The Dependable Store 4