THREE SHOE REPAIRING! ICE CREAM "ORDER YOUR QFJMIARD GIRL DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY THR EVENINO NEWS VOMAY. SKITKMilRit Zt, 10IT. BOEHM HUSBAND 033! Was Tool of Vonlngles Dis appeared at Beginning Of the War. WIFE WELL KNOWN HERE Man Who Wax tionnim Spy Rumor ett tip Have lSeen Shot How over It is Thought Tluit He Kscujicd. "Captain Boehra," referred to In the story of international intrigue by Germany, revealed in the papers found in the raided office of Wolf von Igel, is believed by Portland per sons who know him to have been Hans Boehm. Gerurkn ' reservist, whose career In this city Is recalled by many. . Hansr Boehm, who it was learnod later, held a commission as captain l German reserves, was torm- flewaro at the Arlington club ime time. He developed a con Jule acquaintance here and lat- finaue Btward-manager or tne in that position ho became steward for the University club. While in this Btate he married a southern Oregon girl, whose parents live near Dlllard. They uave two children. Shortly after the European war broke out, Boehm left Portland. His movements after that are more or less obscured. It Is thought he was active for months In weaving a web of plot and intrigue at the behest of his own country. His trail was uncovered by the authorities ct some widely scattered points and at one time the govern ment secret service agents were looking for him to cause his arrest. They were unsuccessful in their at tempt to capture him, however. He sent for his wife and children and they leit Portland and met Boehm In New York City. So fearful was he at that time of arrest that Mrs. Boehm and the children travel ed by a separate steamer to Holland, while he followed on another boat, under an assumed, name and by use of a false ipassport, It Is Bald. Mrs. Boehm and the children went through in safety to Germany, where they are now believed to be living. Captain Boehm, still Intent on the duties of a spy which his government had entrusted to him, was off again on his perilous mission and later . was taken prisoner while on an English vessel from Spain enroute to Holland. It Is not known that Boehm ever entered England, but it Is believed he confined his activities to the safer neutral countries. &l At any rate Ho. was made prisoner 'SRid the charfejl brought against him was that of- having made use of a false passport. Ho is understood to have been interned and, although the rumor circulated here that he had been shot, this was never confirmed. The Captain Boehm referred to In the correspondence of Wolfe von Igel Is believed here to have"1jeen none other than the former affable steward of leading Portland clubs, who later made use of his acquaint ance with men of affairs and of things American in spying and in trigue. Oregonian. Captain Boehm, while a steward at the Arlington club, Portland, met and soon after married. Miss Helen Vlllls, ; daughter of a well known DilUrd rancher. Mrs. Boehm and two children left for German soon after the war and are now residing near Berlin. Mrs. Boehm has a large circle of friends In Roseburg and vicinity. in tn erly j for if sideii er wm Comfm term "Po It Electrically" Cooking by electricity Is not more expensive than by Gas, Coal, Wood, etc. It's easier, cleaner, more convenient, safer and at the cni of the month a comparison of bills will prove the ELECTRIC RANGJEJ most economical, most healthful and most dependable. . Full details will be furnished promptly to interested parties. PHONE US Douglas County Light and Water Co. THE .FRENCH TRANSFER AND STORACE COMPANY - BAGCACE CHECKED FROM A. - at N ft hJK i 4t fvr- iiC mriiS Mrt Tnliro ijjlin h LIST OF AT Following is second partial list of awards made by the Douglas county fair, just closed. The other premiums will be announced in a few days: Fancywork, Hand Sowing. Set of bed linen Mrs. C. W. Brad ford, Roseburg, first; Mrs. Alvin Tipton, Riddle, second. iHeniBtitchcd pillow cases Bcllc Austin, Roseburg, first; Mrs. A. E. Kent, Roseburg, second.. French hemmed napkins Mrs. J. B. Enger, city, first; Mrs. R. H. Grinsted, city, second. Hand made pillow slips Mrs. Guy Black, city, first; Belle Austin, city, second. . Set of table linen Ilorenco Aiken city, second. Table cloth, French hemmed Mrs. Alvin Tipton, Riddle, first; Mrs. J. C. Hume, city, second. Display of needlework Florence Aiken, second. Hemstitched tea cloth Mia. J. E. Enger, first; Mrs. J. C. Hume, sec ond. IBaby dress Mrs. J. C. Hume, first; Mrs. W. Wright, second. Night dreso Mrs. Alvin Tipton, first. Buttonholes Mrs. R. H. Grinsted, first. Pair pillow slips Mrs. Guy Black, city, first. Bed quilt Mrs. A. L. Kitchln, city, first. Corset cover Mrs, A. E. Kent, city, first. Macliino Sewlnff. Child's dress Belle Austin, city, first. Apron Belle Austin, second. Combination Florence Aiken, lBt. Fancy Bkirt Mrs. R. H. Grinsted, second. " Night dress Mrs. R. H. Grinsted, second. Suit of underwear Mrs. R. H. Grinsted, second. Knibroldory. Sofa' pillow, filet embroidery Marie A. Flint, city, first. Sofa pillow, colored embroidery Mable R. Terry, city, first; Mrs. Mer- TODAY YOUR HOME TO YOUR DESTINATION 1 er IimQ itlTiiir. fnmi lho hi Theatre Thursday and Krttljiy. ton, clty, second? Hazel Fancher, city, third. Centerpiece, colored, under 25 inches Mrs. M. M. Miller, city, first; Mrs. J. E. Enger, city, second; Mrs. Marie Flint, city, third. Centerpiece, cross-stltched Mrs. Marie A. Flint, first; Mrs. M. M. Mil ler, second. Centerpiece, small, colored Mrs. Marie A. Flint, first; Mrs. Clara GrannU, city, second. Embroidered handkerchlef-r-Mrs. M. M.-Miller, first; Greta Thornton, city, second. Table runner Greta Thornton, first; Mrs. M. M. Miller, second. One-half dozen initial napkins Florence Aiken, first; Greta Thorn ton, second. Dolly, white Mrs. Hattie Perrlne, city, second. Pillow slips', white embroidery Mrs. J. E. Enger, first; Greta Thorn ton, second. Centerpiece, white Myth Hanan, city, first. Centerpiece, large Mrs. J. C. Hume, first; Myth Hanan, second. Red set, three pieces MrB. M. M. Miller, first and second. Lunch cloth, colored Mrs. M. M. Miller, first. Lunch cloth, white Mrs. M. M. Miller, first; Mrs. J. E. Enger, sec ond. Sofa pillow, cross-stitched Mabel R. Terry, city, first; Belle Austin, city, second. Centerpiece, small, white Myth Hanan, second. Towel, white, embroidered Myth Hanan, first; Florence Aiken, sec ond. Pair of embroidered towets Flor ence Aiken, first. Luncheon set, white Myth Hanan first; Grota Thornton, second. Embroidered apron Mrs. Alvin Tipton, Riddle, second. Corset cover Myth Hanan, sec ond. Table runner, white Myth Han an, cUy, first. Initial handkerchiefs Florence Aiken, city, first. Dolly, colored Mrs. A. C. Soldon. city, second. Combination suit Myth Hnnan first. Boudoir cap, colored embroidery Myth Hanan, first. Collar, white embroidery Myth Hanan, second. Collar, colored embroidery Myth Hanan, first. Dresser scarf, white Myth Han an, first and second. I Towels, darning stitched Greta I Thornton, first and second. I Embroidered table linen Greta i Thornton, first. Table runner, colored embroidery I Greta Thornton, first. ! Baby dress, white and embroidery Mrs. Hart, city, first; Mrs. J. C. Hume, Becond. Buggy robe Mrs. Hart, first. Baby pillow Mrs. Hart, first and ' second. I Sofa pillow, cross stitched Mrs, I J. C, Hume, first.. I . Display white embroidery Mrs. J. I C. Hume, first; Mrs. Clara Grannls, second. ' Drawn Work. Lunch cloth Mrs. Merten, first; Mrs. Wright, second. Child's dress Mrs. W. Wright. HOUSEHOLD GOODS & FURNITURE HANDLED BY EXPERIENCED MEN LARGE, DRY STORAGE ROOMS, ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM FIRE RISK I PHONE 220J a jus tt io at ilio Amiors SrKCIAL SESSION'. There will be a special busi ness Bession of the VY C. T. U. at the home of Mrs. M. J. Shoe maker, on Oak street, next Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. s24 first and second. Tutting. Towels, one pair Mable Perry, city, first. Handkerchiefs Mrs. Guy Black, first. Center piece Mrs. Clara Grannls, second. Shirtwaist Mrs. Hattie Perrlne, second. Collar, nil tatted Marie A. Flint, Becond. Pillow case, tatted Mrs.' A. L. Kitchln, first. Crocliotiiijr. Hug-me-tlgbt Mrs. Mario A. Flint, first; Mrs. R. II. Grinsted, second. Centerpiece, lace trimmed Mrs. C. R. Titus, city, first; Mrs. Dexter Rico, city, second. Drosser scarf Mrs. Guy Black, first; Mrs. A. E. Kent, second. Six fancy napkins Mrs. J. C. Hume, first; Florence Aiken, seconil. Combination Corlnne C. Alley, city, first; Hnzol Fancher, second. Display of crocheting Belle Aus tin, first; Mrs. W. Wright, second. Handkerchief Florence Aiken, first; Mrs. Guy Black, second. Luncheon set Mrs. Dexter Rice, first nnd second. Ladles' shnwl Mabel R. Terry, first; Mrs. E. R. Hanan, city, sec onil. Towel Florence Allien, first and second. Coat set, thrco pieces Mrs. E. R. Hanan, first. Pair of towels Florence Aiken, first. Tray cloth Florence Aiken, first and second. Slippers Mrs. C. A. Seldon, first; Mrs. R. H. Grinsted, second. Set of tnble mats Mrs. C. A. Sel don, first; Hazel Ka'ncher, second. Bed spread, three piecesHazel Fancher, first; Grota Thornton, Bec ond. Luncheon set Mrs. Dexter Rice, llrst and second. Child's sacque 'Mrs. Hart, first; Mrs. H. H. Grinsted, second. Handbag Mrs. Bullwlnkle, Rid dle, first; Mrs. J. E. Enger, second. Night gowns Mrs. J. K. Sawyora, city, first; Mrs. C. R. Titus, city, second. Collection of towels Hazel Fan cher, first. Bed spread I. Illlo Medio, oily, first. Knlttlnir. .. " Sweater Mrs. Dee Aiken, city, first. Slippers Belle Austin, city, 1st. Shawl Agnes Grinsted, city, 1st. Bed Rpread Mrs. C. A. Seldon, city, first. Display of knitting Mrs. Morton, city, first. Ity Women Over 70 year of Ag. Mittens Mrs. C. A. Seldon, first and second. Centerpiece, embroidered Mrs. Clara Grannls, first; vlrs. C. A. Sel don, second. Pillow slips,' hemstitched Mrs. C. A. fleldon, first. Ladles' shawl, knit Mrs. C. A. Seldon, first. Towels Mrs. W. R. Willis, first. Indies' shawl, crochet Mrs. Clara Grannls, first. Centerpiece Mrs. Clara Grannls. first. Corset cover Mrs. A. E. Kent, 1st. Apron, hand made Mrs. Fred Wambeil, Kiddle, first. auhia (i,rn notht:. Former members, ns well as the new one, will be glad to know the opening dnnre of the season will lia held Tuesday evening, September ?.. at the Maccabco hall, 8 to 11. OU's orchestra. 25 Emll Mossea left this morning for Portland, where he will remain in definitely. All Wofk Promptly and Neatlx Executed. Best of Workmanship Umbrellas Repaired. W. H. BOYLE 133 Oak St. ltoseburi; Drain-Scottsburg Stage Line AUTO STAGE AND SPECIAL SERVICE LeaveB Drain Mondays, Wednes days, Fridays nnd returns Tues days, Thursdays nnd Saturdays. Fare $3.00 J. R. SAWYERS, Prop. FOR QUICK & RELIABLE! JITNEY NICHT PHONE AFTER 12 M. 54-Y W. W. BOYLE, Prop. Mrs. F. D. Owen Cut Flowers, Pottwl l'liuits, Funornl Designs, Wedding Non quota, etc FOK SALE AT . 'The Fern' 111 Ciish St. Itosolmrg, Ore PHONK iMO FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE! PROTECT YOURSELF FROM LOSS WITH ONE OF OUR PROPERLY WRITTEN IN SURANCE POLICIES. C.W.Y11&S1 INSURANCE IIG CASS STREET ROSEBURC, ORECON OVERLAND STAGE WARE liROTllHliS, Proprietors. Fare to Coquille, $5.50 To Myrtle Point, $5.00 Lv. Umpqua Hotel Roscb'g 6 a.m. Ar. in Coquille 11:30 a.m. Lv Ilaxter li't'l Coquille 9:15 a.m. Ar, In Iloscburg 3 p. m. NEW VIKING Separator nt tho DOUCLAS COUNTY CREAMERY Why should hfg hctH always bo made In n mont shop? Hx-niiMo the meat man Is sucli a Khh1 steak holder. $33 ft'B a fiafo bfit that no shop holds hotter steaks than our. We don't hold them lonff. All wnRors nre quickly Bottled and the steak promptly delivered to the pleased winners. You can bet on our steaks every time. THE ECONOMY MARKET li(-:. HOHMIAOEN, l-ron. Now Located at 225 N. Jackson Ready to serre you better tbui erer, Monday, February 5. Tbanklng you for your past favors and soliciting a continuance of the same, yours tor better service, THE CASH STORE! J. B. KING, Proprietor Roseburg, Oregon The Bee Hive Grocery Neely & Neely, Prop. Under new management this old reliable grooery Is better equipped than evor to serve its patrons. We try to do our part In supply ing Good Things tor your table, and at prices that do not bpoII the sweet disposition of the housewife. Just Phone 91 It Can't Be Done! Now mnttor how you twist around to quench your thirst during these balmy summer dnys, there is only one sure way of getting perfect satisfaction, place your order for a couple of docen bottles of as sorted flavors of SODA l'OI that thlrst-quenchlng drink that puts the "pop" Into your system or a dozen bottles of R-lORTKI( a "iellghtful warm-weather drink. THE ROSEBURG liO.UlT IIHLIVKKY A Man is What He Feeds On The housewife, looking to the family henlth, will buy whero Bhe can get 1'IUOSII, CLEAN CillOCHItlliS. Our Stock is Clean and Sanitraily Kept and all goods aro of the best manufacture. Orders per sonally looked after. h'SIt"1 Walter Patterson, Prop. "I TOLD Says the weather man, "but that was only a showor you'll really get wet ono of theso day, If you neglect that roof much longer." Kenny Lumber Company la at your service. Dry Fruit and Vegetables! Sugar Is high, Jars are hard to get. You can save by drying. Now while tho garden "sass" and farm "truck" aro plentiful, pick up the bargains. Hero's tho w.y to dry every housewife can have It: Blow tho nlr over tho Trulls to bo dried with nn elerMc fan. They will dry In a Miort lime. Tho government has t.atoil ani endorses this method ns especially bolter In two respects: beltor color nnd less spoil Age; more wholesomo and tasty ant! to: t.'.inly clertn prepared In your homo by you. Electric Fans to Rent Roseburg Electric Company Phone 123 Old wheat flour makes better bread than that made from new wheat. We have some of the old wheat flour, and are offering a SPECIAL PRICE FOR CASH, THIS WEEK. KIDD'S GROCERY SODA WORKS 1'HONB 18( YOU SO" Everything Electrical ... ......