FOUR TlfB EVEKISO N'EVVfl TI'ESrMV, KKPTKMBKH 18, 101 T KODAK Finishing, Copying and Enlarging' FOTOGFAEFERS, OF ALL KINDS BY PROFESSIONALS. CALL AND SEE US ClarKlClarh MATTERS OF STATE IE Men on Oregon Highway are Working Ten Hours Per Day. ROAD READY FOR STEEL Every MimilM'r of Moniiioiilli Normal OIukh of 1IM7 Alicudy Knijiloy vii as Teacher I'nlverdty stutU'iitH i:nii-t. ISKO I OKI) CAItS I'Olt BALK Ono 1914, well equipped, 4 $250; ono Ford bug, 1225; one 1910. Al condition, Kood tires, $310; ono lat year's Chevrolet, excellent Bluipe, $300. FORD GAUAGK. With the eminent of the cmupany. the potatoes were planted In the riiht of way by employes anil fanners llvin,: uImuk the line. (ny AsHociatefl press.) SALEM, Or., S.-pl. t H. - -Work men employed on puiilons ui the Orenun highway HjfUein In Siskiyou Mountain and at Sheridan and on u bridge, in ColumMn emimy an' work ing ten Iiouih a day, Instead ol' eli;til, aa hereto! ore, in order to net their work done before the rain comes, iimenmr Will Tnlk. ST. HKLKNS, Or., Sept. 18. Governor James Withycombe of Ore Kon will deliver an addiU'ss hen Thursday, September Jill, Governors' Day ut the Columbia county lair. Itoad Hill ItiMtdy. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Sept. IS. lleudfiuarhMH of the Oregon. Cali fornia and Kastei n Railroad Com pany the Strahorn system have been moved here from Portland. Steel for sixteen miles of the hrst unit of the road from Klamath Fal's to Dairy, Ore., it; on the ground ready for laying. IhMiimid for- Teat-hem, MONMOUTH. Or., Sept. IN, Prac tically every member of t be I ! I 7 ctaHses of the OrRon Stale Normal School here Iuih obtalmd a leaching position, aceordiiiK to President '.. Ij. Ackerman. Ordinarily many grad uates are forced to wait a year alter graduation heroic obtaining places. Enlistment of many male teachers is believed one reason for the fact I hat I the demand for teachers tor somei grades Is greater the supply. ( Tho normal opens September 2 for the 1117-18 year. . ;tOO Students llullst. ! .HAKMK, Ore., Sept. is. Over :;ihi BtudenlH of Ihe University of Oregon have enlisted, in-cording hi li John Strauh, dean of the ollege ol l.iber nl Arts, who was here recently. Ir. Strauh estimates the freshman class for Ihe ciflnluK year will number , from 30ft to FH students. i Is very 4 itt n tjiicrn. IHONIMJOTON, me., Sept. IS. - Pendleton's roundup this year is to have no queen, as in former years.! Instead, the directors announced, w- ery girl attending will be queen. On j Thursday of roundup week . e r ; person ijnlering the i-ates at the ;itk: will be. presented with an American j flag and will be urged to wave I li in ( throughout the day LimtC I'oluto Piilch- j VKNDLKTON, Ore., Sept. IS. A ! potato 'patch fil'teen tulles Ioiil'. said; to be the longest patch in the world, j Ilea along the Joseph 1 1 ran!) of the, Oregon Washington Hall road it Navi-i gallon Company in easier u Onmni. 1 according to reports i ecei ved here j 'Til Show You How CornsPeel Off!" EverPecl a Bannim Skin ? That's It! "I should worry iitont tliesi- corns I JuhI intt mniir s - U ' ii ' Ceres used l insicr tin- world inl-i a rri'tiy, vtnlu li in; p.ti n, kv. i iu: . ellckng lues. ttnlitiiHK with pIusum I.HIW(; ( LASS XKWS. J. T. Spnugh and family will move to HoHeburg Wednesday. Mr. Spangh has built a beautiful modern resi dence there recently, which the fam ily will occupy permanently. Ilridges and Lamh have sold their sheep this week to a party from Oak land, Ore. We did not learn the prlcf. paid. Mi-h. W. O. Hoyd. who teaches the intermediate class in Sunday school, gave her class a picnic today down on the creek, where the little folks enjoyed themselves Immensely In get ting next to nature. Those present were .Mrs. W. O. Moyd, Mr and Mrs T. F. Heard. Mr. and Mrs. .Montgom ery. Vera K lore. Garnet GooH mail. Arlene Howard, Dorothy Rogers. Fav, Ruth, Morrill anil Ann Morgan. Kathryn Montgomery, Martha Mont gomery, Don Dunning. Cecil Grertn. Irvin Green, Irvin Jenny. Peloid llnyd, Johnnie, Hob and Edward Montgomery. The following prune driers start'-d d rylng prunes Mo inlay mo in in g . Marsh & Son, J. T. Spaugh. Win. Voorhles, Geo. Ilest, W. Iv Clingen petd. Smith H Russell. The pr-xcM.-of drying will com in ue night and day for about to ISO days. The Mrlghlenbush family, of Ten Mile, are picking primes for Vomi hies. Iluell and Heard, of tliis pl.c A veil of sadness was cast over I lie entire community Sunday about noon when ihe news was flashed over the wires thai Will Arnold had been ac cidentally ahot ami killed by his brother, Clayton. They had gone to near the saw mill with Clayton Ar nold and family loget her with M is. Clarl to enjoy the day hshlng and hunting. Will and Clayton went out for a little hunt going about three quarters of a mile from lite mill when they separated. Clavton arrived at Ihe place of meeting IPst and was walling tor his brother, bedding his gun cocked under the light arm to gel her with a large pine cone he had picked up. The cone started to roll out liom under the arm and erasp ing tlu- cone ijischaiged his gun, kill ing his brother Instantly. This hap petied about II o'clock a in Sunday. September I li and about men searched the woods tor live hours be fore the hody was found. Assembl ed there when the county coroner ar il ed were Wm. Joh nson and lour sons. I,ee Williams. K. M. Malhews. AM-a Spaugh, Ralph Mrisbin. T. W. and D. C. Morgan. Allen (. Morrow. II. (. Klore. Dysart Pros.. Frank Meis and Coroner Kilter, of Hose burg , who soon decided thai an ill uest was not necessary The bod uas carried to the mill on an im pmvlsed litter and .placed1 in Hie It it lei tar a nd taken In Itnsehiirg wheie It was embalmed arid piepar ed tor Initial, which will occur p:oh ahh on Tuesday at Looking Glass. N X - - PKlM.KWI FOR IU sIRIAL IMP S u pei int end. ut (t. i '. Hi own, w ho lias chai -e nt Hie indu-. trial club fair 10 be held lli.s weeli in connection with tin- - 1 1 1 1 1 t i,ni announces the 1 1 d 1 1 1 w mil: progi am : r.iesilav J ti'cliH k ('anninu con h -.t. pcm-nii and Id'-.,. M-lnuds . dne-;d,i . -j o'i le k- Dr in i- con I. -I. tU ns.m -ehottl and Rose .'liool Tinned I o .-lock faun: HMIIrM. VoiicaM Tluu -;. iv. t'.iti.. tt w ill diimuivt uite Hn , aniun ;' t. di. low I and t It -h Fxhlbns w ill take pl.o e in .hi lie l.iit I. not E QUARREL SEIILED Ah a result of the airing of the squahhlo uctwecn (,'omaiumlaut Mar keo of the Oregon soldieis' home at Rosehurfi and Architect Thompson xl the board of control meeting this morning, Governor Withycombe told Ihe commandant that in the future he should treat all men doing work for the state with the courtesy du. gentlemen, and that if there wut any thing he thought was wrong he should take the matter up with the board Instead of threshing it out himself, Buys the Salem Capital Juur nel. Governor Withycombe likened the affair to a tempest in a teapot and declared both men were too sensi tive. He said -that the thin.;:; the commandant had done were wrong but that in general conditions at the home were carried on better than in Ihe past, lie also said that Architect Thompson, who has charge of the building of the new hospital at tlu institutlon, was also Bomewt'at wiong a little hot headed, perhaps. Treasurer Kay stated that he nr.ii heard from excellent authority that Comamndaut Markee had n.ade in discreet remarKH concerning t ho board, and he felt that he had ex ceeded his authority and enlai gcu his power beyond what It really was. He further stated that if the com mandant made any further remarks of like nature he would immediately take steps to have a change made in the administration. In regard to the direction of the new hospital, the hoard told the commandant that Dr. Stewart was to have full charge in regard to the hir ing or discharge of nurses -uiu as sistants and over the work of the hos pital, although the commandant hjid general authority over all tin tution. This was to make the situa tion (dear before any other squabble a rose. Command a ut Markee and An hi tect Thompson clashed frequentl. during the construction of the new hospital over the matter of what the roiniuandant thou gilt was unneces sary expenses incurred by I be ar chitect in his tours of inspet thei from Portland, and over the location of a sewer. The commandant conb' not see whv the architect should he I paid train and hotel expenses when ne traveled in his automobile. H was tola that the architect had tak en up Hie matter of these expense with. Secretary Goodin of the board of centred and that they had been authorized. It was Hie constant an tagonizing of the commandant that worried the architect until it got on his nerves, lie says he was con stant Iv crii icized and l ou ml fault with by the commandant until it culminated in his recent trip to Rnsoburg when lie said t he com mandant inreateiied to use bullets to get him off the grounds. The commandant said he told the architect that if he laid hands on him he would "mil be able lo get oil the grounds," and that as for bullets there was nothing loaded there. The whole mat ter was t hreshed out hack and fort h with the archi ved declaring that the coniainnd.ini ('ailed him a liar and used other In- suiting language to him while the : comhiandant stoutly denbd every thing. The inception ol the Diction was brought out in the desire of i the commandant to hae a nurses home and a dining room in the new I hospital and the architect tried to , net them in and keep within the ; piopriation. When (hi;- could not be done. Markee a pap rent 1 nt sore. aileu - ot-ier chaises ee handled I back and lorth and It simmered dow n to lie men ly a tempest in a teapot. lr GOVT. HOI 10 SIEZE SUPPLIES HELD HOIS I irs-l (" I'iiIn uttr I i In loirr 1 l.utl ( uriix 0.ul.klj. and tiUir, tr!ng I' h . turn t ., It wouldn't hint Put iM,t ii.. on. in tin w ot Ut Hi ntl.t w i i i , l . , ;Uv,. tho imm fill j en en i ' i i Ii I'D It Int a lH (Ih i ml if i . i n There In iiethin Mi tlx urn 1.1 like "l!ct-tt" nolhiiu; :m .-uii- in. I ..r tain tint hi tu; lli.u .n -m i on to take elf a . m n . iIIum ry tttiio, ii rul litxnit hnmr. Tin corn ncvt'T c'cw ilwi -.. i . if mil not g-t. It nevi r ni ti.u..t tln n. si. nrvcr ma Ki m ynnr t i v. 1 i"1 two drops of n 1 1" a 1 1. 1 i :i l " ttm corn -pa In anlnl:. Mimtu you can pel the coin tic.lit ell wHli your llm: cr a n I i hei ou . i corn-frcf and happ' wtti i!n- ' AS sinoeth and inin-fri.- palm. Ni'Vrr li.ippuiK t li.-fvic, il; l ft? llllI'M Il'.t (let it tiotil.' ir 'Mi t.M-l i " .l. from nn v itniu ji ot c. "'i m I'd t-.n no more ttltin 2'c. i r umiI en . rctpt of iirlco Pv K l-.iwri.iui' . d ChlrftKO. III. Sold 111 Kosehut ; and i con n !i d cd as the world's i:ieat.-t con um ody by Nathan Fulleimn CLASSIFIED COLUMN h'On SALK J200 tanea a 6-pas8en-Rer touring car; iu fine condition. KosebiiTg garage. KOIt SALE Ono ford $225, one $250, one 1275. Ill In gv.d run ning condition. J. O. Kmvland. WANTED House with barn. Phone 176-R. WANTED TO RENT Small ranch. RA tn AO arrn. Hnnrl farmlnK land. Family orchard, small pas ture. Phone 417. O. W. Young & Sonu tf WANTED A girl to do general housework. One that can go ahead with the work. Steady employ ment. Address B c-o News, or phone 370. FOIl SALE Six room plastered house. Price $550. at 915 Hamil ton street. For pttrtiuclurs write Henry Kernan, Krugh, Ore. FOU SALE Five-passenger Apper son touring car. lletter known as the Jack Habblt. A great buy 1450. Kisner & Marsh. tf FOR SALE "lrst-class old growth flr wood In car lots. For particu lars addretfs W. C. Ilonderer, An luiif, Ore. TIRE FILLEitS FOR SALE Com plete set for Ford car. Inquire at News office. Does away with punctures. tf TIMBER LAND WANTED In ex change for Roseburg property. Small house, 20 lots, bearing fruit, water, etc. Timber or ranch must be accessible. Or would accept small stock ranch. Address Own er, Drawer U. Roseburg. MIKCELKANFjors. WELL DRILLING An up-to-date outfit. R. E. Heinselman, Rose burg. Ore 350-tf LOST Between Roseburg and In sley. Infant's coat. Please return to 535 S. Pine. FOR SALE Portable fruit dryer. 20 trays, (lood condition, cheajH Ad dress W. L. Hash, Edenbower. Phono 0F1 5. si 9 LOST Kit of auto tools, enclosed In 31x4 tire chain sack, on road west . of Roseburg, about August 20. No tify News office. Reward. FOU SALE 49 young turkeys und 12 old onus, each. I. Shockley. two mites west of Wilbur. Phone 12F13. FOR SALE (iood work horse, about 1200 and good buggy. Price $100 for both. Address Box 33, K. F. 1) No. 1. 821 FOR SALE (iood cows giving milk four miles east on Deer creek road. Lovelace Bros., Roseburg, Ore. FOR SALIC Gas range and gas heat er in first class condition. Will sell ut a bargain. Call 444 Mill street. Telephone 13S-U. FOR SALE No. 10 Smith Premier typewriter. In first-class condition, douhlo keyboard. Price $25. In quire at The News office. tf FOR SALE Combination 5-passen-ger touring car and 100-lh. truck $4110. Ono dandy Ford trailer, $4i. One 5-passeuger touring car $2011. See Walters at Motor Shop. FOU RENT. LOST Sunday noon, between forks of the river and city, a motorcycle tandem oushlon. Finder please return same to R. Koler, Autlers theatre. MONEY TO LOAN $10,000 to $1 5,000 local money to loan on first mortgage farm security. One, three and five years. See M. F. Rice, loan agent for Rice & Rice. tf TWENTY YEAR RURAL CREDIT FARM LOANS $100,000 to $150,- 000 life insurance money to loan on first mortgage farm secuirty. Strictly twenty year rural credit loans. Low rates of Interest, priv ilege of prepayment at any time. Write M. F. Rice, loan department, Rice & Rice. tf Drs. Seely, Sether and Stewart Physicians and Surgeons. Suite of offices rear of Douglas National Bank, ground floor. Phone :I7 Kofteburtf - Oregon Iri.l! m.'V'P livrt r..,,m wt In- I 'lulre 1',','ltt Cinpquu avenue. ROOMS TO KENT ith or without hoard. Inquire or address 451 S. Jnrkson street. 403-tf FOR RENT 5-rooin cottage, fur nished or unfurnished. Moso in. Inquire 113 S. Kane, corner Main. WANTED. WANTED Dressmaking and plain sewing. Phone 139. s!9p WANTED Furnished house; pre ferably with garage and barn. Phone 3SF2. WANTED , lly elderly lady, place to room and where sin can work for the rent. Address p. O. Box 594 Cilv. WANTED- By bleb school girl, a ;1I:mo . city to work for room and board. Phone 139-Y, or call 1120 Lane street. DR. C. L. PEARSON DENTIST. Office Kohlluigon llldg. DR. S. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon Phones: 217-218 Perkins Bldg. OfllcellO Res. Roseburg, Ore. WANTED A middle acert woman for general house work. Inquire loT Klla Mn-et, forenoons, or phone 370. tf WANTED -l.nourers at Winchester for work en concrete and gravel. 3d cents jier hour. See Burchfleld! on the ground. DRS. PLYLER & PtYLER 1irON.sed Chiropractic Physicians 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. Consultation and Exam'catlon Free. Office Hours 0 to n. Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments. Phono 152. WANTED men pounds of clean M'tch. Che lowest price In first letter Address .1. W. c-o News of fice. Uoseburg. I Tie .. rt Kleut el .u-: leu It il I'e 111 ' I I I'-- I lie telli.w iiii; ' I 1 1 i I I tie ll.llll ill ; W i.lel v cir- FOLKS Al STATE FAIR B:SF n i 1 tn 1 1 .1 1 1 1 11 and Hie .i.-part niem of ; ;il- 1 1 i'ii 'f u r e nun In .1 statement 1.1 I r Met '1 1 n t td nf Hie fi.iiiiNe connie' a. 'I whnl seems tt he a de- 1 ..I .-tract t't.. p.m. 'e.a ( liberate H t iza nil a to the effect that -v.d .1 cmninuicatton ttom I' S t !i" i:n ei nment intend-, to take 1 nun I ',-. f . pre-. 1 n : .1 1 1 m !,,( eeiy tanuiy nil canned c,mds put -e. -. i) ,. i n. m which Mr 1:11 ;" 1,1 1'"' rt s i h iti.. li -- .,pi.."ini d ice pti'-.i 1 This etth one ol the vart.Vions !'! Ihr I 'onirlr:-. C it;, Iowa A- 1,1 ''" which ah- ln-cn W'idel i-.mi'ii" and i-i -. i) 11 1 t.'d 10 not tf v ''i"'iHatcd. Another -i.cnont 1- '.,;...!. m hi. 1 .i-ii ) t 1 ' 1 1:. 11 t li.- c.. n tim-nt has 1 11 nt mm; ''inn ili,,i head'pi.i-tet s have liecn ""' ,:'-' "I'Win: nnd in . -er i 11 1; I i'd' 1 ! ' li-. 1 ,t,. ,u -o ind :ld em-tahles so that the ! S.i ! a .( 1 1 'i-.' 1., op, -1 ''l he in a coincnient hum (or the i .. . 11 1 1 . -v.- , it , . - , , ; i-'- c 11 n:eii 1 o hand le and. ra ns o-1 I 1 I'm :.'. - , ,d . a ' : i.i - "hen I ;ike-; (tie 111 a w .1 1 1 oil) the Ihe li-wa - relation wiil have l'c'ple fnrtlier ela ho 1:1 1 ion H that h . a 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. r 1 1 1 ;.i ih.. 'are r.ur ' 1 ' Coods aie t.- iM lahcn awa t::o:,nd- dm n ih. t. . k oi th, fa.i troei i:m ti. an homes and shipped to e', de .11 . ; M ,,w . ; , op to ,.,)! ;LI '-Inland. h a d i 11 .1 1 t e r ant J . .ike use of Ih.i - -- - - pl-i-. -. w aid i. p. ?.e, -- 1 It ltrinn. il I, 'I 'or Tort 1 ' e i w o 'Id 1 l( v iv- 1,1 en 1 o! land t !: 1 imM inir w h 1 1 i- h e will v 1 s 1 1 Ih.' .1 --oe .,11,11 in v,..i! coujlt " Willi Itiends H.THE TO DIIDI in I UULIU Ouinir to tho hiirli luiros of morohamliso. SUMMERFIELD'S 5, 10 & I5C STORE will extend its prices to li5e. Nothing over 25r L. D. SUMMER FIELD PROPKIE rOR Real Estate City and Farm Property Winchester liny and Westlake Town Iotfl. GEORGE RITER 111 Wwt Oak Btreat. STOP HTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG m: i:tii vkau. ELIZABETH ELDRIDGE HEINLIXS SCHOOL OF PIANO SuhietMs I'iano, llannony nnd Tli eery Normal Train mi; for Tea chers also Hetnlinc Iiiicnl Kindercarten. ltookht upon npplienttini lJ;l Kiln si. I1h.ii.. ;w-H i Comforts and Blankets Monday, Bargain Day at the Roseburg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned nnd Pressed for $1.00. All work jrlven prompt attention. HarRaln day prices do not Include calling for or delivering clothes. g. w. SLOPER 30 N. .larksoa. Also Mattings Pillows Sheets Pillow Slips B. W. STRONG THE FURNITURE MAN Wp Want That Fellow Who cares about appearances. He is just fee "boy" we want to cater to. In the laundering ol summer wear we have no superiors-and few equals. We'll give your work that finish that bespeak of intelligent workmen in every department. It's some satisfac tion to know you are getting the best-and that's our specialty. J ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY UUK dllv HlLU vAliU PHONB 70 ITS SOME CAR-THE Mitchell Six LET US SHOW YOU ! J. F. Barker & Co; Roseburg Oregon "PUOM PIIiLAR TO POST" you may go looking for a concorn who can turn out better or mora artistic mill work than we can, but you will be certain of failure. We are at home in every detail of the business, and our designs and flnlBhed work are regarded aa models by competent architects and builders. All kinds of turn ed woodwork done to specifica tion at very reasonable prices. THE J. C. FLOOR CO. liosebury, Oregon TCff For Your Fall Silks! Fall Coats! Fall Dress Goods! t No Better Values Can Be Had for the Money All the newest weaves and designs arc shown here. Big Values and Moderately Priced I. Abraham The Dependable Stot