THK EVENING NKWS Kill DA V, BEITKMItKH 7, 1 0 1 T. DOUGLAS Roseburg WiLL LOOK AFTER Charlotte, N. C, Chamber of Commerce Issues State ment to Parents. OUR BOYS THEIR BOYS Sept. 18, 19, 20 Excellent Agricultural, Horticultural, Poultry and Livestock exhibits. Fruit and Vegetable Canning, and Drying exhibitions daily. Free Camping Ground. Come and spend the three days. Reduced Rates on Railroad. Write to the Secretary for Premium List of Cash Awards. Invitation s ivUriiclcil to the Soldiers to I m- All I'liMit Ol tit-tit lit Ihe New Moliiiiwiliini ( rounds In North Carolina. ! WtM) WAXTKI). ! All those subscribers who ( v have Intended to brintf wood in ! payment of subscription to The Kvuning News or Weekly News will confer a favor ou the pub- lUhers by delivering the com- ! modify at as early a date as ! possible. Wood will be aocept- ! td for new as well as for old i subscriptions. tf : ramp at Palo Alto, Calif., providing the state authorities consent to the sewerage system proposed by the i military experts. Meanwhile orders bc riding guardsmen from Washing ton. Oregon nnd Idaho to Camp Croon, Charlotte, N. C, will not be changed. AND STILL THEY COME SAYS SUPT. BROWNi Superintendent ). O. Ilrown has; liolHted tlio white Nun ami has "hollered" enough, lor ninoo The iNews a short lime uko ptiDimiieu his Btatenient rpKtirdliig t lit Kliorlage ul LcacherB In Douglas county, the nup erhitnndoiit'tt oince Ii.ih been Hwaitip ed with letteiH, hot h or.' I nary and special delivery, night letters and' telegrams until fully two hundred1 have been received "Mid id 111 they j come," saj'B Ar. Ilrown. Me Mhtes that while many good teachers liavei written regarding schools the ailiili has resulted In ' unc-art lilnu" a mini hor of iokhIIh." tor im-. tattoo ou tencher In .Mlnncf.ola vim has not taught since IJ0!. aslu il if a permit would he granted on a certificate of that date. Silteritilei)dent Itinun has alwas made it a practice to n-n t hat Iii.s own d'aeliei s had secure I posit inn: before giving much encourai.i inent to thce-.e teachers Irotn afar, hut this year t here was a shot -tag oi loi :i I luateriiil. The supeniiWMHli-itl says. "I ha e lieiml from the west and iniddli- wst anil expert sooji to hoar Iroiu lie eastern slates." Charlotte, N. C. S pi. 1, 1 ! 1 7. Kill tor News; That tin troops ot your state, ordered to Charlotte, may I; now tint a formal welcome awaits tln m. will ou not .o us the courtesy j it publishing the enclosed letter of; wt-irume".' i We want your people to feel that I their boys wilt tie our boys and that ' ihe citizens or Charlotte will do ev i erylhing in their power to make them ) happy an 1 comtortable. I happy and com) oil able. Thank lug I ypu. Very truly yours. K. N. KAURIS, ! IJxecutive Secretary. Charlotte Chain j her of Commerce. I Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 1, 1917. ! To l', pie ir Orv,h: Tue ('ailed Stab s co-. '-Rtuent has I : eft i-ted Charlotte, North Carolina as. I the sih' of one of the inohiI:zaiion !.in.;.s and (he war d etriment has j decreed I hitl tlie troop.i 1 1 oiu your ! i tale will be statioti'-d hero. I Tin- Charlotte of Com- merce, the Charlotte Ministerial As sociation, and the Youn:; .M'Mi's Cnris lian Association take ttrcv? on, tneic .ire, to evwress their pleasiirt' at this decision and to asir- the troops and all llmse whose interest in them is closest and nflVctionat' of trrt wel i nmc w lilch awaits them. Wo wish the troops4 who come lo us to us" Ihe ot'tlces and 'acUitles of our- organizations Ireely in ".'!iar e r way may be of advantage to IIh iii c extend the same invitation to t hose who visit t he soldi or -i iu this camp and we pledge the hospi tality and heaity wekom of our en tire cii izcn.-hip both to I be t roops nnd to Iheir liii-nds. Very sincerely, CII.X KI.OTTK CMAMIllK ()K C'.JM MCltCi:. Uv David ilwens. I'lesident. K N. Karris. K cui ive Secretary. SEPTEMBER THE 1 7TH Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Helnllne, who have been at Portland for the past 'ew weeks, having been called there by the serious illness of Mrs. llein line's mother, the latter having re cently passed away, will return home this evening, accompanied by Rev. E. O. TCldridge, who will remain at the home of his daughter in this city forj an indefinite time. M rs. Ifelnline, upon her arrival. ' will immediately make preparations! for opening her studio at her home on Ella street, which will occur Mon-j day, September 17. The Impression I hat has gone forth that Mr. and Mrs. Ileinline intended leaving this' city is erroneous, neither having any I Idea of changing their location, hut on the contrary are both in Itoseburg to remain permanently, and Mrs. Ileinline will take up her work In the j studio as usual, on September 17. IE NO! CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For0ver30 Years Always bears the Signature of MOMAV IS l.K;I.N DA V. (My Associated Press.) PA It IS. Sept. tl. Crance will compromise on (he Ur.-'liou ot cnerv of Alsace and l.oiraine, Premier Kiunl declared in an addi leljeei in connection with the sei vance of the anniversary of bottle of the Maine, ltibot that France would not consent diplomatic discussions as to whet or not Ihe (provinces should he stored. Monday is ban.' !r, nay at the Wosebnrr Cleaning and Pressing V : -i'k Men's suits l'r noli Dry cleaned and preyed for All work given prompt at lent Ion. Mar gain day prices do not include call inir for dollies or making deliveries. Hring our clot lies in. tf PALO ALIO WILL GET XOTICH TO SCHOOL PATItONS. City Superintendent Aubrey Smith desires lo anon u nee that. heier.iTer he will have office hours for confer ence with patrons, teachers and others having business with the ; school, at the new high school build-' ing, on the main floor, 9:1(0 to 11:30 I a. m. each day. Residence telephone number Is 451. NiyilCK OF M KKTINCJ OF HOARD OF KOUAIJZ.YTIOX. If Hy Associated Press.) WASHINCTON. Sept. (I -The gov ernment has ordered resumption of t he w ork on the nat hmal guard Notice Is hereby given that on Sep tember loth, 1917, the Hoard of equalization of Douglas County, Oregon, will attend, at the Court 1 louse in Roseburg Oregon. and publicly examine the assessment roil, and correct all errors In valuation, description or finalities of lands, lots or other property assessed for the year 1917. Petitions or applications j for the reduction of a particular as-j sessment shall be made in writing, verified hy the oath of the anplicant; or his attorney and be died with the j hoard within fifteen days from the I time it is required to meet, namely September 10th, 1917. Respectfully, GUY CORDON, : Bl0-d-w County Assessor.! NOTM'F, TO CONTRACTORS. J I m isr n ir .r n H- M' fl U 7T VA " rH . hi ' . m UiB'IIIW(IITBTaBBBaJCWB(HRWI Peoples S upply Co. Saturday, Sept, 8th ExtraonHnary prices for this day only, on many items. Come in and investigate. THE FRENCH TRANSFER AND STORAGE COMPANY ii.ii - .I. ,- . . i BACCACE CHECKED FROM YOUR HOME TO YOUR DESTINATION H 1 y il 1 1. v. .' HOUSEHOLD GOODS & FURNITURE HANDLED BY EXPERIENCED MEN LARGE. DRY STORAGE ROOMS. A8SGLUTELY FREEDOM EIRE jjISK PHONE 220 Healed proposals addressed to the; rou tit y court of Douglas county. Oregon, and endorsed "Proposals for roust ructin pavement between the West City.llmils of the city of Kose tuit'K, Oregon and the Oregon State Soldiers" Home" will be received hy the county court of Douglas county i iit Its office In the court house, Knsehii i-p. Oregon, until three o'-' thick I'. M. of the lilUh day of Sep-' ti'inher. 1917. and at that time and place will be imhlicly opened and read. " i All proposals must be made upon blanK forms to he obtained from the rounty clerk at his ofllce, Roseburg, Oregon, must give the prices pro posed hot h In writ ing and figures. ami tiiusi ne signeu ny ino rmiitor. w Ith his address. ( Kach bid is to he presented under j - ah d cover and shall be accompan ied hy cash, a bidder's bond made : payable to Douglas (unty, or a rertihVd check maile payable to the enmity treasurer of Douglas County. hr an amount eual lo at least live per cent of the amount hid. and no l id shall he considered unless such c .sh. . or check is enclosed iheieuirh. Such bidder's bond shall I"1 conditioned that if said bid be accepted the party bidding will duly ater into and execute the contract. ' Should the successful bidder m 'in the contract is awaided fail to i ecuit the same within ten days: i not including Su'idav 1 from the late of not It icat ion of such awaid.' i. bond or check shall be' to Douulas county and tV.c 11 be the property of the All other cash, bonds and heelis will be returned to ! t'le : invrss! ul bidder who submitted I the Mime. 1 corporate sui et y bond will be t 1 i u 1 1 Ci! for the fait h! ul perform -! Mi.. i! the contract iu a sum equal to one half t 'j i of Ihe total amount the bid. All bbls are to be compared on the b t - is of the count y engineer's est I- ; tr.ate of (lie quantities of work to be' d.-tie. i 1'lans iti.iv be seen and foi ins of ( vp. cit ions and eon t raft ma v he obtained at the ofthe ot" the county! .!e k. i;osebtng Oregon. ' The right is reserved to reject any. , and all proposals, ot to accept t he pi ,-posa! deemed best for Douglas ' county I I; W. M arster-. Count v .1 udge s H I-' Nichols. County Com tnissioner W K St .tohn. Countv tVninii-.ioiipi i Attest V. Lenox. County Clerk Itv llhuifhe ..eel. Deputy I Kosebif k. Oregon. September, rtth. I I 1 1 7. Dsigi ;ch c;:r 'feite, iir., Ollllt . i tith .1 SHOE REPAIRING! All Wort Promptly and Neatly Executed. Best of Workmanship Umbrellas Repaired. VV. H. BOYLE 123 Oak St. Itosehurg THE BUSY BEE Restaurant Ui MIKIUDA.N STIIKET. Meals served at all hours from 15c up. nest of Service. Private Dining Roor for Ladles. Rooms to Rent by Day or Week O'DOXOVAN, Prop. PHONE FOR QUICK & RELIABLE JITNEY MIGHT PHONE AFTER 12 M. 54-Y W. VV. BOYLE, Prop. Mrs. F. D. Owen (Jut Flmvora, I'nttcd 1'lant.s, Funeral DcxIkim, Wedding Uou quet.s, etc. FOU SALE AT TheFern' 1 1 1 1'nsH St. Koseliunt, Ore. I'Iionh aio FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE! PROTECT YOURSFLF FROM LOSS WITH ONE OF OUR PROPERLY WRITTEN IN SURANCE POLICIES. C.W.YPJJNC&S! INSURANCE 116 CASS STREET ROSEBURG. OREGON OVERLAND STAGE WAltH IIKOTHKHS, Froprletui-8. Fare to Coquille, $5.50 To Myrtle Point, $5.00 Uv. I'mpqua Hotel Roseb'g 6 a.m. Ar. in Coquille 11:30 a.m. Uv Haxter H't'l Coqullio 9:15 a.m. Ar. Iu Roseburg 3 p. m. $33 NEW VIKING Separator nt the DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY BIG DANCE Dixonville Auditorium Monday, Sept. 10, Under Auspices of GirlsNatioiial Honor Guard Interesting Features Planned Couples 50c, Extra Ladies 10c FOR DRIER PIPE DIPPING BUCKETS AND TANKS AND ALL SHEET METAL WORK, SEE . j. II. SINNIGER The only exclusive Sheet Metal Works in the city. 119 Oak Street PHONE 428 "Straws(onciy)Show the Way But they show where your money goes, and money blown away is worse than money "blown in." "Conserve the Straw," says Hoover. "Build a Shed," says Kenny. ORDER fp IT Pl&Xi FROM THE DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY i'mii.m-: Now Located at 225 N. Jackson HmKly to 8tvo you hotter thi.n evor, Monday, Kebruar-' 5. Tl.aiililiiK ymi for your past favors and soliritini; a continuance of the same, youra for better sorvtre. THE CASH STORE1 J. B. KING, Proprietor Roseburg, Oregon The Bee Hive Grocery Neely & Neely, Prop. .proc-ry S better equipped Under i:ew ni.'iiuu'i-n.ent this o!d reliable .'" , i .11 .!.. u.' try lo do our part In sunnlv- .... . ie, ,.' .r t.H,,... ami at prii-ra that do not Bl'oll the sweet uisimsituin of the touscwife. 1 just Phone 91 W hy lmiilil big wts always be made In n meal simp? j 0 i Can't Ee Done! t:ii -lee . r so: ted f !'!.: pot !'.. "j.. ; ,!r ; tit O- iiliU'ill I' : : . t . ; !. ; ,! ; ' ;: ' ' -i'" !! h your tiiir- t during these ' 1 l; .iy "f i-etiins perfect .:' ": r 1 ,r '' d..z-n l,tlpS f as ' I': I t i'-" 'iu nrtiin? .. .. , , , . , . , " i nut IKE RG-SEBURG SODA WORKS I'MOXK lHu IUh';iusi t ho meat iiiiin is smli a KtttMl strak Uoliler. It's a safe hot tliat no shop lioUs but tor steaks than our. Wo don't hold t ho in Inti it. All wacors a r" 1 il u-Uly potilod and tho . l; . pioniptly dolivorod to tlu ploas '. wlnnors. You can I'ot on our tdoak every time. THE ECONOMY MARKET OKO. KOni.IlAGK.N, Prop. AlaiiLis What He Feeds On T 'e he-:.,, v. f... !,-.d;i :.. tlie f:,oly health, will buy "Iie.e . ... ot ritrsii. ri.KAX liKotKlilKS. .L!il-n aiul SanltrailyKept an 1 ;,:! ' " '-i ' of th" I, ,-t manufacture. Orders rer ona!!y I ! aft' r. 1 RS Walter Patterson, PfSp.