t rocB WHEN w I he Evening You gst full value for your money simply because its circulation is that of readers, who place explicit belief in its columns as always being correct in the matter of news and advertising. The standing of it represents is above reproach and is considered au thority upon all news matter of the day. The ever increasing popularity of The News makes it worth still more as an advertising medium. Try Our Want Advertising MH.I.IXKKY OI'KXIXtt. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 7 and 8. Popular tailored hats in all the new colors. Bell Millinery. a CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE Good new lumber, mostly 2 lnrn. Cheap. J. M. J ndd. FOR SAt,T3 Saddle or driving horse. Gentle for women and' children. J. M. Miller. H. F. I), i. sTp FOR SALE $200 tanes a 5-passen-ger touring car; in lino condition. Roseburg garace. FOR SALE Nice nartlctt pears, suitable for canning. W. l-'est, Edenbower. l'hone 4K4. PIGS FOR SALE Thoroughbred Duroc-Jerseys. Chas. A. Brand. The Overland Orchards. FOR SALE One Ford J315. 'me $250, one $275. Ill in gi'.d run ning condition. J. O. Nev, land. FOR SALF Six room plastered house. Price $:.r,'i. at 915 Hamil ton street. For paitiurlars write Henry Kernan. Krugli. Ore. Monday, Bargain Day at the Rosebiirg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Ury Cleaned And Pressed for $1.00. All work given prompt a'tention. Barcain day prices do not Include calling for or delivering clothes. G. W. SLOPER N .arkon. FinisMiig', Copying and EElargmg ClarKClarR OF ALL KINDS BY YOU BUY SPACE IN The Evening News in FOR SALE Gooa work mare, cheap. J. H. Brown, Looking Glass. Phone 23F1 1. FOR SALJ-: Studebaker car, 1910 model, good running order. Price $200. Enquire G. A. Hradburn. FOR SALE Ftrsi-class old growth tlr wood in car lotfi. For particu lars address V. C. Ilendoior, An l.iuf. Ore. TIRE FILLERS FOR SALE Com plete set for Ford car. Inquire at News office. Does away with punctures. tf FOR SALE Household goods range, bedsteads, carpets, dining table, chairs, etc. Mrs. F. II. Ham lin. 1024 Winchester. FOIl SALE No. 10 Smith Premier typewriter. In nrst-clasd condition, double keyboard. Frlco $25. In quire at The News office. tf FOU fiALK About 10 acres, small house and barn, good well water, team, cow, chickens some hay and household Konds. F. V. Heard. Itmite 1, City. sUp FOU It 10 NT. FOK RENT 6-room modern house in Rood location. l'hone 15K1-. FOK RENT House fo rent. Inquire quire H. S. French, 412 S Main street. ROOMS TO KKNT .th or without board. Inquire or address 451 S Jackson street. 40 3-tf FOR R KNT ii-ronm cottage, fur niphed or unfurnished, ('lose in. Inquire 143 S. Kan. mrnr Main. FOR RKNT Farm 12" arres locat ed mile and half from H rock way ad join in ir W. S. ,1. dm-ton, abotr 2 acres fn orchard. 4 years old want rent for ?, to vara, orchard must b" given cate. Good terms. p(Rep.--i(jn Now!:!1" !- 1 A, 'ply A. V. Hnrrell. .Urk-f!i. O:no WANTKD. WANTKD fJlrl at Rosel-urg steam laundry. Apply immr liately WANTED FirntFhed houte; pre ferably with gara i'n and barn. Rhone 3SF2. STOVES, PROFESSIONALS. f New the territory Column rSHl FORI) CARS FOlt BALK - One 1914, well equipped, $250; one Ford bug, $22!i; one 1916, Al condition, good tires, $310; one last year's Chevrolet, excellent ha0K $300. FORD GARAUii. CHKVHOLKT FOlt SALF . I-rfUo 1916 model, fully equip- pod; A-No. 1 condition; new tires. Terms if desired. Henry Harth. tf WA-VTKD Uy young lady, position doiiiK Keneral iiouse work, city or country, l'hone 41-R. WANTKD Laoorers nt Winchester for work on concrete and gravel 30 fents per hour. See liurchtiWd on tho ground. WANTKD TO RENT Small ranch. 60 to (10 acres. Good farming land. Family orchard, Rnmll pas turo. Rhone 417. O. W. Young & Son. tl T1MRKR LAND WANTKD--In ex change for RosoburR property. Kmall house, 20 lots, hearing fruit, water, etc. Timber or ranch must be accessible. Or would accept small stock ranch. AddrrsB Own er, Drawer F. Ros-burc. MIS 'FXUWrXH K. W DR I LM Si A n u p-to -d t outfit. R. E. Hetnsolman. Rose hurr. Orp :ir.o-tf FOR TRADE 5-pasFenRep riO h. p touring car In pond running oi df r. new tires, for $L'fin worth of beef cattle, fihenp or poats. Rnx 4 - 1 . Rnm-htirp. or phone- (F14. WP!M, DRILLING Now In tho time to drill that new wHl You want a Food job. I am the fellow thnt' can do it. W. F. Kcrnln, Hox 71.' RoseburK, Ore. tf OIL, WOOD AND COAL THE EVKXTNO NEWS FRITkAV, BFTTEfTlEII 7, 1017. CALL AND RQBSNETT TRAGEDY Slashed His Throat From Ear to Ear With Large Butcher Knife. THREW ATTY. INTO RIVER Was iHjHTnte In II Ik KfTort: to Vin mit Suicide Anvst Taken Lightly nt First Two Attempts on Ufe. H. J. robinett, 50 years old and an old time resident of ltoseuurg. evi-i dently fearing to return to KoBebur to face a serli us charge for which; ho was arrested yesterday morninir.; killeu himself Jjy slashing li Is throat i with a largo butcher knife on a ISou'h i Portland scow at about three o'clock' Thursday afternoon after a spectacu-j lar battle wiwi Deputy sheriff Hex-, ford and his attorney, A. M. Crav- ford, former attorney-general, Bays' this morning's Oregonian. The body is now at the city mor gue pending word from relatives. It was shortly after two o'clock (hat Robinctte, in company with Mr. Crawford and Deputy Sheriff Kexford. went to his tent home in South Port land to get his personal effects, pend ing his removal to ivoseburg under a telegraphic warrant received from Sheriff Quine yestorday morning. As he was putting his clothing in a grip, ho suddenly pulled a small pocket knife from his pocket and cut his throat. As he fell to the floor, apparently unconscious. Deputy Sher iff Rex ford ran from the tent In or der to telephone for an ambulance Mr. Crawford sat near, but paid no heed to t ho i n j u red ma n , th inking that he would remain unconscious. Suddenly Kobinett jumped to bis feet and ran toward the river, about 100 feet away. Mr. Crawford hurried after him and they grappled in about two feet of water for several minute!; before It obi net t was able to throw Mr. Crawford Into the river. . Robinett then scrambled upon a small plank which led to a nearby scow and rushed through an open door. A large, sharp butcher kni;v lay upon the table, and graouing this bo slashed his throat from ear to ear. dying almost instantly. Kobinett hail been in Portland only a short time, R was said, and had been working In a saw mill in South Portland. When taken to the county jail yesterday morning by Deputy Sheriff Marks he expressed surprise over hiB tirres . and apparently did not believe lie vas In serin. trouble. He snid that he had purchased an automobile in Rosebiirg, on which $Sli was fit ill due, and be said he thoucht possibly that his arrest might bo because of his automobile. He asked Sheriff Hurlburt Tor per mission to drive his machine to Rose burg, declaring that he would return at onco and give himself up as he had no fear of consequences. This, of course, the sheriff refused to do. and it was only a short time later that another telegram was re ceived from Sheriff Quine, of Ro e burp, announcing that Rohinett wsis wanted on a more serious rh;une. County officials yeslerday h.td not learned whether or not Robinett was married or whether he bad any rela tives living In or near Roselmrg, al though they believe he has beiaus--of his extended residence there. Mr. Crawford suffered no 111 offer's from his wrestlintr with Robinett oth er than a chill f rom his Immersion in the water while atfimp'ing to re strain Robinett from cairving out h suicidal efforts. EFFORT TO SECURE PURE At a meeting of county and dis iriit agricultural agents in Medforrl. act ion was taken to secure hu it abb seed prafu tor use on I lie laiiii.1 ot so lit hern On-con Look int: to i h it end the following i ol ,n Ion v. a ,H!op'er t,v Ih(ee atti ndiiip: WHEREAS, iheie now exist:: li southern Oreroil II Kbo:):n'e of pun fall i-e.d er.iin. of all Mud.-, and ah a ct.nsi tiji iwt- ;.ll hm thai will b nei-ded to en.ihle ilii- part nt" Oregon to comply With liie teqilfl of ti.e I'nited States department of aprlcul :uie foi an inctt ae it r cent (n the a'nae of fall n wheat and rvc mu: t neressatil. he : hipped in and WHEREAS. M.ouM we delay ur ine SJlld Hi-ed II II f i T S.ich time as tile tot ill a n i on at needed is del ir mined by actual can v:hh and t lie cash foi the same secured it will lie too lM" to Increase tlte fall cereal acreafn to any extent, therefore. RE IT RESOLVED, that v.c, n,.. county agricultural a. ' nt.i of h'.u V B. W. STRONG THE FURNITURE MAN SEE US ern Oregon in conference hero as-! seinMed. earnestly ieo,uest thut the; Rtiito seed stoeks committee, having been informed of the approximate ainounis ol t he various sev'ds that ; will bo needed, take the necessary stops to furnish pure, seed urain to the counties of southern Oregon at once on consignment to the various agricultural agents, said seed to be distributed by the aforementioned asents the money for the same col lected and returned at ouco to the state seed Blocks committee, lilted) C. J. HUUD, Chairman Uesolutious Conuuittoe. IS SPENT ON ROAD SALRM, Sept. a. Docemuor 1, 191ti, to August 1, 1917, the stato highway commission has actually ex pended for administrative expenses and surveys and road work tho sum of $10;t,(i2l.2;i, according to a finan cial statement prepared for tho .com mission by Highway U'.igimer Her bert Nunu, December 1 was the be iu.ilni; of the tiscal year. Administrative expenses have aino'inted to $ I n, I t while an additional $S,;U -1.52 haft been spent on automobiles. The largest expenditure is shown i In Columbia county, but of a total j of $2:t.tt'..s7. $J0.:t'S m for work' dono by S. Reason in 19H. and 1917. 1 In Yamhill rutin! v in adult ion to ! tho f ! .S 2 !. 2 1 spent by the com mis- , sion, county Minds in the sum of $2,- 2 Ml i9 have been expended for grading and paving near Sheridan. Word has been received by State Highway Knuineer Nunn that cost of improvement of live miles )f the Wolf creek hill road lu Josephine county cannot he raid from federal funds and that such a road would not bo accept a lib1 to t he twcrelnry of agriculture as a post road. Con sequently, some other provision must be made to handle the cost of that read. carpkt AM) iti'ti yi-:avi; Ry Mrs. t. . (Irannis, on the ranch south of tho fair grounds. s."10p Drs. Seely, Sethcr and Stewart i'liysb inns and Suri;eins, Suite of ofllces rear of Douglaa National Hank, ground floor. I'll. me ,1(17 KoncIihi'H Orejjon DR. C. L. PEARSON KKX'liST. Orilic IColillitiKOii I'.l.lK. DR. S. L. DoLAPP Osteopathic PliysU'ian tV Surgeon I'hones: -I7--1H IVrkliiH Hid;;. Of lire 1 111 Res. 1 j Roseburf;, Ole. DR. N. PLYLER I, (rented 'hii'opracf ic I'll. vsb Inn Tl'i W. . no St.. Ro.;eburjT. Ore. Consul la lion i.ml V.www Jiatlon Free. Ofllce Hems ) to .1. ChlroiJiiict 1 1 and Kh-ctrical Tren ! !!! ns. t'l.i.ne :2 Real Estate City ard Farm Property Winchester liny iiihI WeHllakr Tow n lyits. GEORGE eSTEIt 1 it X ('hi. Ht m ei. STOPHTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STKLIT R-'JiECUIIG Drain-ScGttsburf Starve Line AUTO S1ACE AII3 SPiCI.L SERVICE Lea ves Dra ill M otid.n V.'e-l ries day:i, l-'ii'layn and ieii:riM TM'H davji, Thuif-flayti .ijid Saturdays. Fare $3.00 X R. SAWVEIiS, Prop. FOTOGRAFFERS We Want That Fellow Who cares about appearances. He is just the "boy" we want to cater to. In the laundering of summer wear we have no superiors and few equals. We'll give your work that finish that bespeak of intelligent workmen in every department. It's some satisfac tion to know you are getting the best and that's our specialty. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 70 OUR AUTO WILL CALL ITS SOME a Mitchell Six LET US SHOW YOU J. F. Barker & Co. Roseburg Oregon jliit mm i"'"mhmhiiiiiii i nrmirrMMTOT For Your Fall Suits! Fall Coats! Fall Dress Goods! No Better Values Can Be Had for the Money All the newest weaves and designs are shown here. Big Values and Moderately Priced I. Abraham The Deoendable Store CAR THE "KltOM IMIIAIl TO TOST" you may go looking for a concern who can turn out oottor or more artiBtic milt work than we can, but you will bo certain of failure. Ve are at homo In every detail of the business, anil our desiRns and finished work aro regarded as models by competent architects and bulldurs. All kinds of turn ed woodwork dono to specifica tion at vory reasonable prices. THE J. C. FLO OK CO. UoHohiirg, Oregon.