The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 21, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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KODAK Finishing, Copying and Enlarging
Better Banking Service
For Farmers
A fund, now aggregating a thousand million
dollars has been assembled by Act of Congress to
8tand'back of the farming and business interests of
'the country. . -
This fund is the Federal Reserve Banking System,
of which we are a member," and it enables us better
than ever before to supply our farmers with the
credit arid currency they need for producing crops
and tcprotect them against disorganized markets.
If you are not linked up with this system as onffof our
depositors come in and let us tell you how it helps you.
Douglas National Bank
Member Federal Reserve System.
Semi for Booklet, "How Does It Ilcncflt Me?"
B. D. Matlock, who sustained ti
broken back, which resulted in total
paralysis, in an automobile accident
at iNew Era two weeks ago, died at
Good Samaritan hospital yesterday
morning. Mr. Matlock had shown
Bigns of Improvement a few days
prior to his death, but Thursday his
condition changed for-the worse.
Mr. Matlock is survived by his
widow, a son, Earl, of Eugene, and
his father, J. D, Matlock, ex-mayor
of Eugene, besides two brothers and
three sisters. Eugene Guard.
Dr. L. J. Masson, of Myrtle Point,
representing the Oregon State Live-,
stock board, has discovered thirLv-sIx
head of tuberculnr cattle In Coquille
valley herds in addition to the
large number recently condemned by
Veterinarian Gardiner ot O. A. C,
who made a tour with J. I.. Smith,
says the Coos Hay Times. Dr. Mas
son saidl" that the "dfaeasc seemed to
have scattered rapidly.
jifa has TOO more head to examine
J list as so-m as he enn 'iooit-i sulfi-
cient tuberculin to make the tests.
The toxlne is very scarce now.
Dr. Masson drovo over in his cai
last night to condemns cow in L. J
Simpson's herd at Shore Acres which
he examined a few days ago. Th
animal was examined three years ugc
but showed no trace then. Whotho.
others of the Simpson herd have be
come Infected remains to be deter
Farmers Who Send Dressed
Meat to Portland Must '
Be Careful
Ux Methods of Ih-epuring Shipment ,
Is fur Hi; Loss Infor- i
mat ion From Dairy and j
Food OomniJsioiier. , :
Medford Tribune: Mrs. V. 0.
Winmier, of Albany, wife of the dar
ing bootlegger of thatVsity who caus
ed the county authorities here so
much trouble In arresting him and
his young woman companion last
week, arrived in the city Sunday and
today visited her husband in the
county Jail. Wiiumer Is held in jail
on a sentence of six months, and
also is awaiting trial of the charge of
asasult with a deadly weapon, and
may have to face a white slavery
charge under the Mann act.
Bugene Register: The season Is
three days old and only one hunter
has been killed for a deer. I::n'l
something wrong?
."Walware" for Bathrooms, kitch
ens, etc. Cordon & Bishop. a24
Makes the Whole World Kin!
No climate affects jt for
the package protects it.
IVRIGLEV'S goes to all
parts of the world in
all seasons, to all classes.
Fresh, clean, wholesome
and delicious always.
It aids appetite and di
gestion, quenches thirst,
keeps the teeth clean
and breath sweet.
In order to lessen the large
amount of fresh meat lost each yeur!
through Improper care in preparing,
shipments, J. D. Mickle, dairy and j
food commissioner, has caused the .
following circular letter to be Is
sued: '
Would you kindly give me spacoj
in your valuable columns to Bound
a word of caution and advice to:
farmers who are preparing dressed I
meats to,be sold In Portland and
other cities within the state.
A great amount of this meat Is
condemned and. ordered destroyed
because of reaching the market in
such a condition that it Is unlit for ;
foed. This Is not only a direct loss
to the fnrmcr who ships it, but In
such times when we are exercising
every enort in me ime oi iirju tuu
servntlon, it is a loss to the consum
ing public, and we feel a great deal
of such loss coufd be avoided If
farmers and butchers would pYoperly
prepare their meats taking necessary
precaution to see that it reaches the
market in the best possible condi
tion, i ' '
Dr. K. E. Chase, chief meat Inspec
tor or the city health department of
Portland, informs me that during
the last 16 months there has been
condemned 18,426 pounds of meat
that was killed and dressed by farm
ers, and this condemnation has not
been on account of a diseased con
nitlon of the meat but simply on ac
count of what Is tevmeu "spoiled
meat". We feel that if farmers and
butchers will observe the following
requirements, much of this loss can
be eliminated:
1st. The carcasses of veal and
hogs must be entirely free from ani
mal heat before being offered to the
transportation company for ship
ment. 2nd." All carcasses of veal should
have two sticks, one in the thoracic
cavity,- the other in ther abdominal
cavity, so as to Bpread the carcass
and hold it apart. In hogB weighing
over 200 pounds it would be' well to
have them spilt through the hips and
shoulders, as hogs sour very quickly
during hot weather. Thoroughly
wash the inside of the veal with hot
water and wipe with a clean cloth
until all slime and dampness is
thoroughly removed; the sprinkling
of cayenne pepper 'on the inside of
the carcass tends to prevent the work
of flies.
' All carcasses, except veal, must be
wrapped in a clean cloth before be
ing offered for shipment.
J. I. MICKl.E.
Dairy and Food Commissioner.
ft) 1 "Hi tSLHUlZSlj JCiZ
Flavors wjgP,
M WigleySTT
Frank Dletsch. a young man who
resides nt Days Creek, a graduate ot
the O. A. C. and a professor in the
short courses there for the past two
years, will enter the medical corps of
the army as sergeant at Portland,
September 1.
Ho Is spending hts vacation at his
home at Days Creek. Yesterday he
wan a vinltor at the home of George
Neuner, Sr., In this city.
House paints, all kinds, .low prices.
Cordon ft BlRhop. a24
. -IT. S. weather Bureau, local office.
Roseburg. Oregon, 24 hours ending 6
a. in.. August 22, 1917.
Precipitntlon in Inches and hun
dredths: Highest temperature yesterday 85
Lowest temperature last night J 59
Precipitation, last 24 hours 0
Total precipitation since 1st of
month - Trace
Normal precipitation for this
month ' .33
Total precipitation from Sep
tember 1. 1916, to date 26.80
Average reclpltntion from Sep
tember 1. 1877 34.26
Total deficiency from Sep
tember 1, 1817 7.46
Average precipitation for 40
wet seasons (Sept. to May,
Inclusive.) 31.98
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
A Radiance of
TT " ..-Hi.-..- t p
Fashion and Value!
1 ; ;
"VTOU'LL have a conscious feeling of well being, if
dressed in any of the numerous styles in Suits
or Coats we are showing for Fall.
There is Style Here in
Made up in the material you like and in the color you prefer at the price you want to pay
A Wide Selection
From the largest stock of exclusive ready-to-wear in Douglas County, assures your going
away from a visit here highly pleased.
Floor paint, any quantity. Cordon
& lllshop. a24
Circle No. 49 meets on first and
third Monday evenings of each
month In the I. O. O. F. hall. VIb
Itlng members in good standing
are Invited to attend. Elma Lewel
ten, 0. N.; Clara Caw field, clerk.
U O. T. M. Roseburg Hlvo No. 11,
holds regular reviews on second
and fourth Thursday evenings In
Maccnbee hall. Sisters of other
hives visiting in the city are cir
dially Invited to attend our re
views. Maccabee hall on Cass
street, Deryl n. Ogdcn,;
Jessie Rfcpp. R. K.
II. I. O. F.. Roseburg Lodge No
326, holds regular communications
at their, temple on second an
fourth Thursdays of each month.
All members requested to attend
regularly all visiting brothers
are cordially Invited tn attend.
Carl Wlmberly, E. R.; I. I). Rid
dle, Sec.
HKKKKAIIH Rosoourg Rcbeknh
lodge No. 41 I. O. O. F. meets
In Odd Fellows Temple every
Tuesday evening. Visiting sisters
and brothers invited to attend.
Ida Turnell, M. O.; Alelne Hoff
man, V. O.: Tlllle Johnson Hec.
Sec; Klsle Humphrey, F. Sec; M.
Fickle. Treas.
W. O, V. Oak Camp No. 126, meets
at the Odd Fellows hall In Rose
burg, every firHt ar.d third Mon
day evenings. Visiting neighbors
always welcome. T. D. Wcntncr
ford, C. C; M. M. Miller, clerk.
KAfil.KH Roseburg Aerie meets I
tliiilr hfill nn .Ti.rkiinn Mlreftt. ll
and 4lh Monday evenings of each
month, at 8 o clock. Visiting breth
ren In good standing always wel
come. Howard Mess, V. P.; B. F
Goodman, W. 8ec. Phone 183.
I. O. O. F. Lining Star Lodge No.
174, meets In Odd Keilows Temple
every) Friday evening. Vlslltlng
brethren always welcome. W. 8.
Powell, N. G.; J. D. Reese, V. O.;
Carl Ohman, Rot. Sec; M.
Fickle, Fin. Sec; A. 8. Hunt,
I. O. O. F, Union Bncampmenl No
9, meets In Odd Fellows Tempi
every Thursday evening. Visiting
brethren always welcome. K. H.
Pickens, C. P.; O. L. Johnson,
scribo: James Kwart, F. fl.
Visitors welcome. UenJ. F. Caro,
W. M., W. F. Harris. 8o
B. A. Y. Mt. Nebo nomestead N
1828 meets at Maccabee hall every
2nd and 4th Wednesday. Visitors
welcome. E. P. Williams, fore
man; C. W. Cloako, correspondent.
meets at . Maccabee hull every
first and third Wednesday evon
Ing. Vlsltlm? members are always
welcome. Sarah McCulloch, M. A.;
J. Q. Stephenson, P, M. A.; Emma
- Faulkner, Sec.
A. .1. Oedrtea, R. H.
i, O. O. M. Roseburg Lnngo No.
10., i, r.ieetB every Monday evening
at 8 o'clock. Visiting broth
Invited to attend. P. W. i'OBter,
Olrti.tnr: II. O. Pargetnr Rec.
A. F. & A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
Regular communications 2nd ind
fourth Wednesdays of each month
at Masonic Temple, Roseburg, Or.
O. E. S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8.
holds their regular meeting on the
first and third Thursdays In eacn
month. Visiting member In good
standing ere respectfully Invito
to attond. Margaret Page, W, M.;
Free Johnson, Sec.
I. O. O. F. Phllctarlan Lodgo, No.
8, meets In Odd Follows Tomplo,
corner of Jackson and Cass streets
on Saturday evening of each week.
Members of the order In good
slnndlng Invited to attond. F. 1.
Perry, N. O.; Ooo. D. Hinsdale, V.
a.; A. J. Oeddes, R. S.
K. OF IV Alpha Lodge No. 47
meets every Wednesday evening
corner Jackson and Cass atrcets
Visitors alway welcome. C. A.
. Chamberlain, C. C; Roy F. Durbln
M. F.J E. E. Wlmberly, K. it. S.