TIIEEVEXWfl KKtva ' SATl'lmAV, Af;t,ST 4, 101T. a Jauie Taylor, who bat been with her mother, Mrs. H. E. ". of this city, tor the , left this moraine McMlunville. past for her J. A. Phimraer of Walla Walla.! Wash., who has.l)een visiting in this city with hie eon. Earl Fluimuor, the wHl l.-U'jv.-u S. P. iiioraau, Kit on the morning train for uis home. I'ltO.'.I riLLAJl TO l'OST" you may go looking for a concern who can turn out Detter or more artistic mill work than we can, but you willjje certain of failure. We are at home in every detail of the business, and our designs and finished work are regarded as models by competent architects and builders. All kinds of turn ed woodwork done to specifica tion at very reasonable prices. THE J.C. FLOOR CO. KoselHirg, Oregon. TO SELLING MILK Full Text of the Measure Passed by the Last Legislature. is We Want That Fellow Who cares about appearances. He is just the "boy" we want to cater to. In the laundering of summer wear we have no superiors and few equals. We'll give your work that finish that bespeak of intelligent workmen in every department. It's some satisfac tion to know you are getting the best and that's our specialty. ' . IROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY I PHONE 70 OCIt AUTO WIIX CALL COWS MUST BE TESTED If Not Tuberculin Tested Then Deal ers SclliiiK Milk Must Pasteur ize l'roduct Penalty For Violations. The following is the full text ol the dairy law enacted by the last legislature. The measure becomes cilectivo September 1: Section 1. That for the purpose of this act, milk shall be construed to include cream; and milk productB shall include butter, cheese. Ice milk. skim milk, buttermilk aud whey. Sec. 2. That from and after Sep tember 1, 1917, it shall bs unlawful for any person, firm, company, cor poration or association, to sell or exchange or offer or expose for sale or excuange, for human consumption any milk from 'cows that have not passed the tuberculin test, unless such milk shall have been pasteurized as hereinafter provided. It is un derstood and horeby expressly stated that nothing in this section shall ap- THE FRENCH TRANSFER AND STORAGE COMPANY! BACCACE CHECKED FROM YOUR HOME TO YO JS DESTINATION ! r TT.j - irir'-' iiMJf&&.. - HOUSEHOLD GOODS & FURNITURE HANDLED BY EXPERIENCED MEN LARGE, DRY STORAGE ROOMS, ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM FIRE RISK PHONE 220 It Is Our Daily Task to consider and solve the print ing problems of our customers and each one we solve gives us jusl: so much more experience to apply to the next one. This is why we are besl equipped to do your printing in the way it should be done. Suppose, you ask us to submit specimens. . ARTISTIC PRINTING of Every Description Neatly and Promptly Executed. THE NEWS OFFICE KHs? W-d yv$ rofM V V? V fi to fs (WaJ gyNfovJ v-J&& E'vWV;v3 itoWvft Mwvg iuvw5 yj,-e frv.w frvm? ply to the delivery of milk or cream to creameries or cheese or condens ed milk factories by the producer of such milk or cream, or in bulk to the wholesale trade. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, tirm, compauy, corpora tion or association -o deliver ex change, eelt, or offer or expose for delivery, exchange or sale any milk product made from milk except cheese, from cows that have not passed the tuborculitV test, unless such milk product, before, during or subsequent to any manufacture pro cess used to produce such milk nro ductfi shall have beeu pasteurized as provided in this act. Sec. 4. The process of pasteuriza tion as applied to milk, and milk products; is hereby defined to be a I thermal proccsB for. the elimination therefrom of bacteria or germ life, which process Bhall consist of uni formly, heating such milk or milk products to a temperature of not less than 140 degrees, P., and of holding the same at the same temperature for a period of not less than 30 min utes, and immediately thereafter of cooling the same to a temperature of not above BO degrees F.; or by heat ing said milk, or milk products, as the case may be, to a temperature ot not less than 180 degrees V. and Im mediately thereafter cooling the same to a temperature of not above 50 degrees F.: provided, however. that when cream is pasteurized to be used and is used in the manufac ture of btuter, or when milk is pas teurized to be used and is used In the manufacture of a milk product, and where the process ot manufac ture, in either case, is to begin im mediately, then It shall not be re quired that such cream or milk Lk cooled to a lower temperature than is necessary for such manufacturing process. Section 5. All pasteurized cream or milk used In the manufacture oi pasteurized butter or milk products, shall be pasteurized at and In the plant where such butter or milk pro duct as the caBe may bo, is manufac tured therefrom. Repasteurlzatlon of milk Is hereby expressly forbidden. Sec. 6. It shall bo unlnwful foi any person, company, corporation or association, to soil, exchange or de liver or have in his or its posses sion for sale, exchango or dollvory, any milk product or any by product from the manufacture of such milk product marked or In any manner In dicated to he pasteurized that shall not have been pasteurized as herein before epocitied. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty ot the aairy and food commissioner lo pro vide such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry tlio pro visions of thlB aot into effect; and it snail ae unlawful to violate any such rule or regulation. Sec. 8. Milk from any cow or cows whose owner or Icesee shall ap ply to the stato livestock nnltarv hoard to have such cow or cows tu berculin tested, shall be exempt from all of the provisions of this act until audi cowb shall have been so tested Sec. 9. Any person who shall vio late any of the provisions of this act, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less man $10, nor more than 1100 lor each violation thnrn- ot. Any company. conjoi nt Ion or an sociation violating any or the pro visions of this act shall bo llublo to a penalty of not loss than $10 nor more than $100for each violation, and any officer or agent who shall dirleciti, icoiniceal, perform or omit to perforin Buch act in violation of any of the provisions of this act, upon conviction thereof, shall be fin ed not less than $10 nor more than $100 for each violation thereof. All penalties imposed for violation of Bhall be recovered by an action at any of the provisions of this act law by the state. Sec. 10. Justice court, district courts and municipal courts sitting as justice court nhull have concurrent Juslsdiction with the chcult courts of all prosecutions arising under this act. The district attorney or county attorney is authorized to Institute prosecutions for violations of this act by information or the same may be instituted by Indictment or by coin- fplulnt verlCied ibefore any magls-. irate. very long to remove from Paris to be near the troops In training. At the end of the first day's In spection, General Porshlng said: "Our principal concern Just now, of course, is to perfect the army or ganization. This Is -a big task, but it is moving along smoothly aud in a most satisfactory manner. "The work at certain porta of dis embarkation Is well started. Hall- road material Is coming over as rap idly as cau be arranged. The pro gress we have made thus far with the assistance of the French is a source ot great satisfaction to me. UilletB and training ground for men are as well located as could be expected at this time ot the year when space 1b limited by crops In the fleldB. After these are moved we will have plenty of space for lodging and training the divisions that are to come. Some of the places where men are now sleeping are not all that could be desired, but this soon will be remedied by the construction of portable barracks. Training Is pro gressing very well with the assist ance of the French." PAY LARGE SUM Figures compiled by Secretary of State Olcott show that, from Janu ary 1 to August 1 of this yoar, the fees collected by the motor vehicle department reached a total of $17(1, 139, an Increase of $20,885 over the whole of last year. For tho corres ponding period last year tho foes aggregated $132,044.50. The records show that the number of automobiles registered last year, between January 1 and August 1 totaled 30.504, whllo for the corres ponding period this year they ag gregate 43, sub. Dining the same period the number of motorcycles decreased, the total this year being 3158, as compared with 3207 last year. Chauffeur registrations also decreased, the total thus far this yoar being 2841), while during the corresponding period last year the to tal was 3,323. rLKVKLA.Ni NKWS. The drouth still continues. John Krohn commenced threshing Thursday afternoon. II. D. Graves and wife, of Itoso burg, was motoring on our si roots and calling on friends Wednesday. Adam Doernor had a narrow es cape from Berlous Injury Tuesday by a hull. O. W. Alderson butchered a flno beef Wednesday and sold It out to his neighbors. Leo Maddux's fingers that ho got crushed in Coos county whilo doing some road work some time ago, are healing up In good shape. David Good has been hauling lumber for their new prune dryer, which he will need this fall, from the way his treos are loaded. X Two Ico Wuf-ons. The Hoseburg Ice Delivery desires to inform Its patrons that on Satur- day, July 28, they will have two ice delivery wagons and plenty of tee. Prices the same to all our customers. a3-p. O. A. DIIYAN, Mannger. PERSUING VISITS If t. General Pershing gave the Ameri can expeditionary force an example of the strenuous lire Wednesday by sweeping through nearly a dw.on villages where United St a ton soldiers are living In France and visiting nearly all training con tern which have been established .from Ameri ca's first great contribution for the war for democracy. It was not a cursory Inspection. He went Into minute details all along the line, questioned private soldiers, company cooks and various other ranks ns to how things were going and what, if anything, could be done to Improve the situation. Tho general also Is Inspecting va rious places suggested for his field headquarters, for he expects before Jess Shambrook, who owns a large pruno orchard In tho vicinity of Untpqtia, was a-business visitor In the city today. Mr. Shambrook re ports about one-half a crop of ltnl lans nnd a full crop of French. SAYS HOT WATER WASHES'POISONS FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water ' with phosphate in it, before breakfait. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per jri&Jty-f-f, Bonal supervision Blnce its Infancy. V&r?X SUcSu16 Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverlshnesc arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids t' i asslmilatlun of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bear9 the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Particular People To feol as flno as tho proverbial flddlo, we must koop tho liver washed clean, almost every morning; to pre vent its spongo-like pores from clog ging with lndlgestlblo material, sour bile and poisonous toxins, says a noted physician. If you get headaches. It's your liver. If you catch cold easily, It's your liver. Jf you wake up with a bad taste, furred tongue, nasty breath or stomach bo oo mo a rancid, It's your liver. Sallow skin, muddy complexion, watery eyes all denote liver uncleanllnnsH.' Your liver Is the most important, also the must abused nnd neglected organ of the body. Few know Its function or how to release tho damraed-un body waste, bllo and toxins. Most folks resort to violent calomel, which Is dangerous' salivating chemical wldch can only be used occasionally because It accumulates in the tissues, also attarks the bones. ' Kvery man and woman,' sick well, should drink each morning be foro breakfast a glass of hot water with a toa spoonful of limestone phos phate In It, to wash from the liver and bowels the previous day's indigestible material, the nolBons, sour bllo and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire allinoutary canal beforo putting more food A In to. the stomach. Limestone phosphate dies not' re strict the diet like calomel, because It can not salivate, for It Is harmless and you can eat anything afterwards. It ts Inexpensive and almost tasteless, and any pharmacist will sell you a quarter pou n 'I, which Is sufficient for a dem onstration of how hot water and lime stone phosphate cleans, stimulates and freshens the liver, keening you feeling fit day in and dayout. Who avoid all adulterated and impure candies, not only live longer, but they get more out of life while they do live. Yet, The System Needs Some Candy! Therefore, Pure Candy should be your motto, and "Rexall," your demand. Nathan a . Perkins Fullerton TJio Ai&KWX Store Building s We Are Showing UMMER CO CAMP CHA ONE fcAMP TABLE B. W. STRONG THE FURNITURE MAN ATS Dress Goods, and Fine Line of Silks A beautiful and dainty line of Ladies' Dress Goods, in latest weaves A selection made at our store means the latest and most aprov ed fashionable designs shown. I. Abraham The Deoendable Store