THK EVENIVO NEWS KATI-IUtA Y, AVfifST 4. 1017. TWC THE EVENING NEWS DV 11. W. BATF9 BKHT O. HATKB IBKUKI) DAILY HXCKlt SUNDAY " Subscription Itatcs Dolly. Per year, by mall......-......l3.00 Per niontb, delivered .60 Semi-Weekly. Per year.... .. ...-$2.00 Six month 1.00 Entered as secona-class matter, November 6, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore., under act of March 3. 1879. SATURDAY, AUGUST 4. 11)17. LAW FOIt TIIJ3 OTHER FELLOW Referring to a recent enactment of congress, making tho District of Columbia dry territory, one of the great dallies of New York portinent ly says: "But congress does not In tend to be dry Itself. Tho law al lows individuals to bring Into Wash ington ovorythlng that thoy want to drinlt. Only the 'little mail' will be controlled by the law." What Is true of this whiskey situation In Wash ington Is also true of much other legislation nassed by congrosa. Too many laws are mad to apply only to tho "little man". Men of Influence nnd high standing, legislators at the national capital and at state capi tals, too often, make laws which are Intended to apply to the otbor follow, thoy themselves remaining Immune. Hut tho"llttle man" Is in tho groat 'maloritv. Is he always going to slnnd for this rottenness in high places? Cannot bo boo that to con tinually send the Bamo gang hack to congress and legislative halls year after year, where thoao men spend their time In riotous living and Jn passing laws which they thomflulvos do not Intend to obey brings only subjection to Tilmself? Tho American nubile very often has been recklessly caiole3s In selection, or rnthor elec tion, of officials, and thin slackness has practically built up what might Ijo termed an ofnclal nrintocracy, whoso only object In life Ik to hold an Influential public olllco. Thoy know nothing, and caro less, of tho real ncodB of their constituency, and for thlB vory reason legislate Into exist ence regulations Intended or tho peo plo at home, but undor which tho may enjoy Bpeclal privileges. The Now York dally strango as It may be for a newspaper at tho groat me tropolis has stumbled, but perhaps not blindly, uon a great truth. Those vital questions ought to be given wide publicity, nocauBe in that wa only can the evil bo abated. Tin duty of tho press concerning these Issues 1b plain. CONSERVATISM NECESSARY. It must be romemhered that nil labor dissatisfaction does not come from I. W. W. Influence, nor aro all of tho men Implicated In striken and thrcatonnd strikes members of thai organization. In fact, most of the labor disturbances on this coast, as well as east, havo no connoctlou will I. W. W. propaganda, llucnuso a body of men strike 1b no reason for assum Ing that they aro affiliated or In any way Influenced by tho order that has become so odious throughout the countryp. Tho recent Seattto nnd Tncoma labor trouble, whoreln the street railway systems of those cltloB wore tied up for more than two woekB, were not brought about by I. W. W. agitation, but it was a ques tion of tuo right of the men to or ganize a carmen s union. This rlgh was denied by the tractor company, nnd during all of tho conferences this one lasuo was uppermost. While the I. W. W. have a largo following particularly In aonio of tho mining roglons, tho organisation is not strong among mechnnico, carmen or rnllrond employes. Everyone of oi dlnary good common Rense respects an oi ino icjriuimito labor uplons nn their numberless memberships, he- causo they are a worthy cIiihh, In deed, willing and anxious to work ami comprising a most desirable citizenship. Therefore caution and roservo should. bo exercised In speak ing In such a manner as to identify all of those unions wlih tho I. XV. W. movemont. Jack Tar Newest Models Now Really! Made in Galeta, Khaki,Silk, Pongee $1 to $3.50 Bellows Store Company A Woman's Shop for Woman's Wear HO NOT ENCOl'It.UJF IT. Th.; editor of llio New York American, in diHcuntiinK the u:sei ui i lii,iu'ani:i alleges that a'rohol in I armful Mid i-hoiild ho prohibited by Cie government. That in god. The ankle also sas that tuo use of tobacco l comparatively. If not absolutely, harmless, and Ua use should be pcrinltlcd and encouraKcd. Hut .that Ib bad logic. Because me use of tobacco has become well nigh universal among men, and women are now following In large and alarm ng numbers the example men have ; given them, thorn-anda of them are! becoming users of the weed, is Just, the reaBon that the habit should bet discouraged. Men may bo steeped In I tobacco but few of them will en-1 dorse the habit as ono to bo encour aged, and especially do they dislike to soo women Indulging In tho cigar- etto or the pipe. Tho New York American Is assuredly wrong in thic Instance , THE FARMERS INNING. Tho first car load of now wheat recorded sold, was bought by a mill ing company of Spoknno, Wash., last week, two dollara per biiBhel being paid for tho product f. o. b. Trinidad, wheat station on the liroat wortn- ern railway on the Columbia plateau, about 150 miles west or the Inland Emplro metropolis. That Ib a pretty good start for tho 1917 crop, and farmers genorally are expecting tho price to go above $2 within a few weekH, hence thero Ib considerable hustling on the part of buyers to find seltlcrs. SWEETS 10 LETTERS Tho following wiib tultcn from the (Ougcno HoKlHtor: Horo, girl, Ib a cliunco to do Bomo thiiiR wood for UndtJ Sum's uoldlorH. A lultor has been received by the Morning KoglHtor from the sanitary troops of tho coast artillery, now at Fort Stevens, in which tho boys ak I hut Hwcetti ho Rent them and that anyone who wishes may writo' to them. Tho eomiajiy is from Ilose bnrB. In tho lottor the boys ask thut this be puhllHhed: To tho Klvls in Kugrne and those othertt who read this paper: We, th undersiKned members of tho sanitary troops, O. C. A., stationed at Fort Sto venH, do hereby petition that tho fair LudloB lo mo to our rescue by sending ftomo sweets, nnd wo declare that we will show our appreciation by per sonal correspondence if given the ad dress of tho fair ono. Tho members of tho troop nro: fTarrie Hooth, Jack Wallace, l'oto Dldtol, William Barker, Clarence Tester, Ilutnnhroy Hankin, Sandy Leonard, Sleelo Moorhcad, Clifford Mlly, Jack Cowley, Ted Jewett, UeotKO Willett, Leon MeClintock, Warren Lewis, liltilr Paul, Cecil Hlack, Hurt Mates, Juniea Goodman, (JoorRo hetelller, John MeClintock, Leslie SchwerltiK, John Ashworth uud Roy Cednrstrom, Mrs. Virgil Smith, who has been visiting In Hoseburg for the past few days, left this morning for Oakland whero she resides. DAILY WICATIIKIl HKFOHT. U. 3. weather bureau, local office Hoseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending fi a. in., August 4, 191i. Preciplliitlon In Inches and hun dredths: Highest temperature yesterday Lowest temperaturo last night Precipitation, last 24 hours Total precipitation since 1st of month Trace Normal precipitation for this month U3 Total preciplliitlon from Sep tember 1, 1111(1. to dato liti. 80 Average reclpitatlou from Sep tember 1, 1877 34.10 Total deficiency from Sep tember I. 11H6 7. ,10 Average precipitation for 40 wot seasons (Sept. to May, Inclusive.) 31.98 WILLIAM ItKI.L. Obsencr iddi Mil Live-wire Doings of Cityj Oulliij; on Itock Ci-eck. Chns. McElhlnuy uud family and Jack Wharton and family will leave Sunday fur iloek creek where they will enjoy a two weeks' outing in the mountains. Wilbur Hoy Oiicrutcd Upon. liruce C'orvalho, of Wilbur, who was operated upon at Mercy hospital ycbteiday for apetidiriliu, la reported aa renting nicely toujy and his speedy recovery is looked for. Dr. E. U. Stewart la attending the patient. leavo Soon for Hnlcill. - Chaa. Hi-skell, who for the past two weckj has been working in tin touching Steam Laundry, taking Mr. Patterson's place, who is on hi vaca tion, will leave here soon to take charge of the capital City, of Salem. Trial Set for Thursday. Tho trial of J. M. Baldwin, who wns arrested by Sheriff Qulne last Thursday and who entered a ploa of not guilty to the charge of illegally transporting intoxicating liquor, when nriaigned before Juslfcee of tho Peace I. 11. Itlddlo yesterday aft ernoon, has been set for Thursday, August 9. Fiiv I'nder Control. S. C. Ilartrum was up from Hose burg Monday visiting the forest re serve at Kujada. Forest Ranger llolderman came out with him. They reported, .that the fires In that sec tion are under control and that un less something unexpected happens thoro will bo no further damage. Cottage Grove Sentinel. I&tilrns to California. Miss Annie Dowoll, of Los An geles, who has been visiting at the J. W. Dowell homo In West Itoso- burg, left for California last even ing. Miss Dowell recently attended tho N. K. A. In 'Portland and stop lied over In Hoseburg cnronte soutn for a pleasant visit with her rela- lives. Will Finish Vocal Course Miss l.lma Farmer, of Eugene, ar rived Friday evening and will com ploto a courso of vocal training In this city under the supervision or l'rof. Ciiirdon A. Fory, the woll known Instructor. Miss Farmer is t. sister of Mrs. A. M. Oeland, of North Hoseburg und during nor sojou -n In Hoseburg will reddo at the. Oe land rosldencc. Fruit lnsixcctor In North Koiiglax. Fred I.. .Strang, county fruit In spector left today for Oakland and Coles Vnlloy, whore he will inspect fruit orchards In those vicinities. Mr. Strong will go to Drain, Monday, whoro ho will meet DiHlriet Agricul turist Htird nnd together they will make a fruit inspection tour of the orchards around Voncalla, Drain nnd Klkton. lU'turiiH to Mnrsbllebl. Mrs. Annlo Kent nnd children, who havo been visiting for the past two months at the homo of Mrs. Kent's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Brlsbln at Looking OhiBS. left for Marshlleld today near which plaeo sho resides Mrs. Kent was called homo on ac count of the serious Illness of her husband, who was operated upon for nppenilicitls at tho Murshtleld hos pital. At last report ho was slight ly Improved. Teleirrnph Ofllclals I'ilss Through. A. II. llirhards, superintendent of tho l'nclflc division of tho Postal Telegraph & Cable Co., of San Fran cisco, and V. I. Cnprn. 4th vice president, and wife, of New York, pursed through this city enrouto to California whero the company's inter ests will be looked aftor. Tho oril elnls were met nt the station by M. Fickle, (ho local postal ;telegnrph .operator. Wendell Itell In City. Wendell Hell and wife, accompan ied by his fiither-in-law, J. .1. .len nings a capitalist and former coun cilman nt largo of Portland, who have been spending tholr vacation at Crater lake, arrived in this "Ity lalo last nnd left today on the return trip to the metropolis. Wen dell, who nt present Is In the leal oslato (jusiness at Portland, Is a former resident of this city nd is a son of Win. Hell, the local weMher man. Not This "llNeult Man." 11. ( fair, traveling representa tive if tho True lllue niseult Co., of o'th,n,, vai Pi tho city yester day accent .pan I ed by Mil. llarr. and spent reusidernble time, among the merchants. Tliey nro traveling hv auto. Mr. llarr was tho object of a genu ileal of pleasant raillery from nis many rrlonda In this city, while here, because of tho reported experl- , "i a traveling M.tcillt man early in the week, whose name was not nienl loned. but Is nllcred lo have ; goi niiN"d up In a bnd check deal i .Attention Honor tinned. ; Thero will be an Important husl j ness incoling of the Honor (Juard this evening m the nrmorv starting i promptly at 7:30. Plans for the tlre- j men s cariinu' will be discussed and oilier mailers or enual liuporlnnce ! arranged. A roll rail of memh.'r. : will be taken and If It Is possible I io respond every rtrl should 1 do so. itunci; -ion of careless niem- ner will commence nt an enrlv dnin . and Ibis would b a disgrace to the community. Attend this meeting and ei m on iiiuire : uins to "do your bit" for the United States,. The ; Honor Cnard will nceuny an Impor- i t ii ii t place In the erlflB before the I year nas passed, miow your patriot ''I Ism and respond tonight. "Hirtli of it Xnlimi nt tlio Antler Leave for JlocK Creek, Mrs. H. Guest and tlnusliterB, Lena and Helon, left laHt evening for Rock creek, where three weeks will be de voted to enjoying camp life. A de lightful time is anticipated. Oregon Farmer Illtm' Here. Horace Addis, field editor of the Oregon Farmer, Is In Roseburg In the interests ofhin paper. While here, Mr. Addis made this office a pleasant call. lteturns from Tillamook. Clifford Jope returned last night from Tillamook whero he has been viitlng for tho past two wooks with friends. He reports a very pleaant vacation.' Outing at ItamloH. S. J. Chenoweth nnd family, of Oakland, aro on their way to the Uandon beach, where thoy will spend a two months' outing. They expoct to spend the winter In Ashland. Died In Portland. Mrs. H. C. Sloeuin received the sad news yesterday of the death of her sister-in-mw, Mrs. Alieo Aubon Morris, wife of J5d. Morris, of Port land. She leaves nn infant daugh ter. Leaves for Visit In North. Mrs. S. L. DcLapp left this morn ing for Puyallup, Wash., where a mouth will' bo devoted to pleasant visits with relative and friends. iZa- route Mrs. DeLupp will stop over in Portland for a few days. Left for Kiddle. Mrs. C. K. Stauffer, of southern California, who has been visiting at the home of Mis. I. I). Riddle, left this morning for Riddle to spend r few days there. .Mrs. Stauffer is. a cousin of Mrs. Geo. Qulne, of this city. Returns From Summer School, H. Omer Kennett, principal of the Rosetiurg mull school,' who has been attending tho summor session of the University of Oregon, - returned to Rost'burg last ninht, and will prob ably bo here for tho remainder of the summer, leaves for Knyene. Heinle Hyland, local manager of the Standard Oil Co., will leave late this evening for Kugene, Mrs. Hy land. who hns been visiting relatives in the Willamette valley for the past 10 days, will return with her husband about the first of next week. I SlrawlhMTy Knthusinxt, A. K. Milter, who formerly lived bote nnd was on pa god In fancy poul try raising, "nit who now lives west of W'ilbur. spent the day in town. He states Hiat his strawberries are proving a profitable crop, nnd with completion of nn irrigation system which will be installed during the winter, mo wilt po Into that tndustrv quite extensively. The New Oregon, Mugnon nnd Kverbenring have prov en quite successful with him, nnd also several other varieties which have been experimented with, so ns io know just what is best to plant K. N. Kwnrt left for Westlake. l.ane rouniy. this morning, where he will spend a couple of weeks rustical Inc. Sirs. .1. J. Walker, of this city. left on tbearly morning train for a two weeks visit nt Portland. Miss OoikIo Haines, the popular dispenser or soft drinks nt the Palace of Sweets, left this morning for a short at Cottage drove. Mr. an.-. i It .Moore left this morning for their summer cninp near l)ny i;rceK. Mr. Mooro will stny over Sunday whllo Mrs. Moore wll remain Indefinitely. Live-wire Doings of City k Thcnti'Q Sunday nftomHn and idKht DOLL OX EXIIUSIT. The beautiful $10.00 doll which Is to be given to the girl having .ne best decorated doll lniKEV In the parade next Tuesday evening, is now on exhibition In the window of the Hoseburg Book Store, me doll in beautiful and is cer- tainly worth much effort on tho part of the contestant. In v addition to this doll na a prize every entrant in the parade will be given free tickets to the shows. The boys will be given a prize of $2.50 in cash as a prize for tho best decor- aled pushniobllo, tricycle, etc., nnd In addition every entrant also will receive a free ticket to the shows. The parade will bo held at Y o'clock next Tuos- day evening and will form at tho comer of Cass and Roso streets. Already many Uoso- burg youngsters have slgnl- fled their Intention of entor- ing the parade. Mrs. Fred Kent, wlio Tias been visiting with her father, Mr. S. R. Drisbin. of Looking Glass, for the past two months, left this morning for her home in Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Bronson Looking Glass, were business visitors In tho city today. They report toe country tremendously dry and de plore the lack of rain. H. M. li.illwlnkle, of this city member of the city council, left till morning for Riddle to remain over Sunday visiting with his son, who is In tho hardware business thero. Miss Agnes Pltchford, local liiven' ilo of lice le.. this morning for Port- hind where she will spend the nex few days looking after business mai lers in conection-wtth her office J. .0. Cordon, the well known S P. brnkomnn, left this morning for Junction City nnd Eugene. Mr. Cor don is making the trip in the Interest of tho trainmen 3 lodgo, of this city. Elijah J. Howe, a former store keeper nt Ilixonvllle, hut of lato re siding nt. Cottage Grove, was ad Judged bankrupt July 21, this year, by the United States court of Port land. AT TIIK CllltCIIKS. Christian Cluti-cll. Lible school at 10 o'clock, classes for all. Morntng worship nt 11 clock with sermon by Chns. R Drake, of Oakland. Christian En deavor nt 7 o'clock. Tho evenin service wll! be a union service the Methodist Episcopal church. St. George's Churcl). Slain and Cass streets. Rev. Rarr G. I,eo. vienr. Ninth Sunday after Trinity. I'sual services at 7:30 in. nnd 1 1 a. m. No evening ser vice . Sunday school will he resumed on the llrst Sunday In September, I he plinlic Is welcome nt all ser vices. On Monday, being the feast of the Transfiguration of Christ there will be a celebration of th Holy Eucharist at 9 a. ill. IVesb.itcrhin Church. The Sunday school meets nt 9:4 a. m.. and the preaching service be gins at 1 1 o clock. At 7 p. in. th Y. P. S. C. E. meets. In the evenin our eongrofctitlon Joins In tho union service.- nt the M. E. church at where llev. Eaton will preach. Th topic at the morning service at ou church will be "The Teachings of Jesus and tho War. llegln tho da nun die ween rignt oy retueniberinK God and Joining with others In 111 worship. It's Easy to Save TVTERELY a matter of spending less than you earn. A Keeps growing easier, too-becomes surprising ly easy after you have practiced it a while. People fall into the habit of spending money thoughtlessly and immagine they cannot save. Cultivate thought fulness and carefulness and you are bound to save. Open an account today 1 he -e's protection, en- couragement and satisfaction in a savings account. THE UMPQUA VALLEY BANK B. V. Strong, President; J. M. Throne, CaBhler; -D. R. Shambrook, Vlco President; Roland Agee, Vice President. CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE Good B-ycar Jersey cow. Ring 31F12. 401-a-26. OR SALE A B. Crouch. horse. Inquire S. 334-tf PIGS FOR SALE Thoroughbred Duroc-Jerseys. Chas. A. Brand, The Overland Orchards. . FOR SALi: One Ford $315, one $250, ono $275. Ill in gidd run ning condition. J. O. Newland. FOR SALE A five-passenger tour ing car. Just overhauled, in good conultlon. A dandy buy. See Wal ters, The Motor Shop. 2Di-tI FOR SALE Practically new No. 2 Sharpies suction feed cream separ ator at big discount. Inquire R. R. Wood, News office. tf FOR SALE A number of good horses. All ages. Inquire N. Curry Estate. Phone 29F2. 377-tf TIRE FILLERS FOR SALE Com plete eet for Ford car. Inquire at News office. Does away with punctures. tf FOR SALE 17 acres, 10 acres in orchard. Nothing belter in Doug las county. Bargain. Inquire News office. 402-a-2( FOR SALE No. 10 Smith Premier typewriter, in first-class condition, double keyboard. Price $25. In quire at The News office. tf FOR SALE Fresh milch cow and young calves. Phone 33F23, or address Roy Siegi-eBt, Roseburg. N. E. corner fair grounds. Ht. 1, box 22. WOOD FOR SALE About 40 tiers of seasoned oak and laurel stove wood. $1.75 a tier at the ranch If taken soon. F. A. Stewart, Laurelcrest. Phone 4F4. BROCCOLI GROWERS Bee us be- foie buying plants. Will have a surplus from-both Imported and domestic seed. Foster Butner, Roseburg Gardens. Phone 40F11. 224-tl ENJOY CITY LIFE For short time will offer fine Roseburg property for small stock ranch. Parties with trade in mind will do well to Investigate. Address Owner, care News. 304-tf FOR SALE Ford bug in first class condition. Bosch magneto and Stronghurg carburator. Blue streak racing body, price $400. Inquire H. E. Burchfleld, Winchester, Ore. FOR SALE On terms. Stop con tributing to the landlord's pros perity. Buy a house for wife and kiddles. Ten lots, fine trees, fruit. small house, delightful location, near pavement, $750. Worth $1500. Address News No. 303. FOR SALE Fine stock rnnch onm pletely equipped, everything neces sary to run ine place, good build InCfl. Plenty of hnv nnrl (rntln InnH lots of well watered pasture. Worth twice what is asked for It. Price for a short time only, $7,500, In cluding tools and teams, half cash, balance to suit purchaser. Deal with owner. Address "Stockman" care Evening News, Roseburg. Ore. FARM LAXIW. THE GOVERNMENT needs Tarmers as well as Bghters. Two million, three hundred thousand acres of Oregon & California Railroad Co. grant lands. Title revested in the United Stales. To bo opened for homesteads nnd sale. Containing come of the best lnnd loft in Unit ed Slates. Large copyrghted map. showing land by sections and de scriptions of soil, climnte, rain fall, elevations, temperature, etc., by counties. Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., box B10, Portland, Ore. 313-S21 WAXTETl. WANTED A reliable woman or girl for doing housework. Phone 31F4. or inquire News office. WANTED Girl at Roseburg Steam I-aundry. Girl with experience preferred. WANTED Experienced waitress at , once. Write or phone Hotel ' Clnrk. Gleniiale. 3 fi s-t f WANTED TO RENT Small ranch.1 60 to 60 acres. Good farming land. Family orchard, small pas ture, rhono 417. O. W. Young ft Son. t( COW WANTED High class fresh Jersey cow. Sanitary Dairy. WANTED Man or experience and ability to teach small country school; excellent references re quired. Salary $70 to $80. Apply Co. Supt. O. C. Brown for partlcu- lara. 317-tf WANTED For a homo by reliable couple, an acre' or more of good land, suitable for garden,' wfth some fruit trees. With or without house. If good spring on It, would give preference. Must be close to good road, bunting and fishing. Give lowest cash price and all de tails of location and surroundings in writing. Address F. R. Carr, care News. FOR KENT. FOR RENT A furnished house. Phone 216-J, or 28F3. 400tf ROOMS TO RENT ,ith or without board. Inquire or address 451 S. Jackson street. 403-tf FOR s RENT Four-room furnished houBe. Inquire 547 S. Stephens St. Phone 454-R. tf. FOR RENT Modern 5-roora house, new garage; North Jackson street Inquire News, or phone 199-R. 233-tf MISUKLLANHOUB. LOST Irish setter, male. Finder notify L. G. Cochran, Rt. 1, city. WILL GIVE AWAY Fox terrier to party living, in country. Phone 353. WELL DRILLING An up-to-date outfit. R. E. Helnselman,' Rose burg, Ore. 360-tf LOANS NEGOTIATED AND CLOS ED Local money to loan any rea sonable amount, prevailing inter est rates. See M. F. Rice, of Rice & Rice. WAR, WAR, WAR See Pat, not about the German war, but about prizes on mill work, door and win dow frames, all kinds of cement work. Houses built, moved or re paired. Also have some snap bar gains in real estate. Better list . with us If you want to sell. F. F. Patterson. City. 2Q-tf INSURANCE! INSURANCE! INSUR ANCE! These very dry days should remind you that you should have that house or barn protected by one of our INSURANCE POLI CIES. We represent the oldest nnd the strongest old line com panies In the U. S. 24 companies to select from. Always someone In our offlco to serve you. See M. F. Rico of Rice & Rice. OVERLAND STAGE WARE BROTKEIS8, Proprietors. Fare to Coquille, $5.50 To Myrtle Point, $5.00 Lv. Umpqua Hotel Roseb'g 6 a.m, Ar. In Coquille 11:30 a.m, Lv Baxter H'fl Coquille 9:15 a.m, Ar. in Roeeburg 3 p. m ' - -I-.-.-,-.-.-.-.-. W-immJ Drain-Scottsbur$ Stage Line AUTO STAGE AND SPECIAL SERVICE Leaves Drain Mondays, Wednes days, Fridays and returns Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Fare $3.00 J. H SAWYERS, Prop. """" - -i-ii-ii-,r,riri n.iu'uui. FOR SALE PIPE! 2.(M)o second hand, 1-lncli water pipe. See J. H. SINNIGER SHEET METAL WORKS 1 10 Otik Httmt -i-i-i-i nwii. , M