The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 26, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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tiiihsdav. ivi.Y an.
A Depositor-Is Entitled
to prompt, efficient service in the transaction of
his banking business. He is always afforded that
kind of service when dealing with the Roseburg
National Bank.
Our officers will be pleased to have you consult
them freely.
Your checking account is solicited.
The Rosebuig National Bank
Roseburg, Ore
A AN ADVANCE in the line of Enamel
ed Ware It is, we think, the best so '
. far made. Not quite white in appear
ance, but just a little speckled, making a
handsome appearing vessel. The Enamel
is tough and not easily 'chipped. It should
last many years with usual care.
The cost is not so much more than the
cheap gray wares. But the satisfaction of
using, the safety in using, the long life will
pay you many hundred per cent over cheap
To give it an introduction we will allow
10 percent rebate on any sales of it while on
display in our show window.
Churchill Hardware Co.
Are Best for July Days!
We have them in nicely
assorted paiierns piain
white and fancy stripes
Plain blue
Cham brays
for every day
Get one and
keep "kool."
Matinee Every Day, 2 to 5
Butterfly Pictures presents Louise Lovely & Allen Holubarin
fly Brand Whitlook. A wonderful story of battle, love, cow-
ardice and duty. A civil war drama in five acts.
Glh episode of the
Neglected Wife with Ruth Roland
Man; thrills in this chapter.
WHEN THE PATHWAY -Just fun for fifteen minutes.
8 Keels
Admission, Adults 10c, Children 5c
8 Reels
"The Pulse of Life"
It's a Bluebird in five acts. Also an L'KO Komedv Feature
SATURDAY- Edith Story, Antonio Moreno and William
Duncan in "Aladdin From Broadway.
COMING SUNDAY AND M 0 N D A Y Pearl White in n
pache Color Gold Rooster Play, "Mayblossom," it's beautful.
Live-wire Doings of City!
luftuit litiif-liter Ikirn.
Horn to Mr. and Mm. J. I). Jtecs,
of West Honeburg. Thurtday, an
eight-pound, daughter. Moflier and
daughter are doing nicely.
I let urn From Canm.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ollivant, who
spent aDout ten days In Coos county
camping and vIsltlnK with friends,
returned to Jloseburg last evening.
They report an enjoyable time, and
that' the hot weather "was minimized
by cool nights and mornings in the
I.eft for Outing.
S. C. Ilartrum and family left this
morning in their auto for 'IluJada.
Oie., about 22 miles east of Cottage
drove, where they will spend the
next two weeks. During their ab
sence Mr. Bartrum will attend to
a sale of government land which will
take place in that vicinity.
Odd Fellows' Orchestra.
The Odd Fellows orchestra has
been engaged to furnish the music
tomorrow evening at the reception t
be given to the soldier boys on the
lawn of Mrs. A. C. Manners' resi
dence, under the direction of the con
gregation of the First M. li. church
The reception promises to be very en
tertaining. '
Honor tiimrcl ;irls Saluted.
The soldier boys today were cour
teously saluting the Honor guard
girls of the city, and needless to say
this bit or ceremony was much ap
preciated. The seriousness of the
war has gradually stolen upon the
people of the city and these impress
ive little acts of patriotism Inspire the
American people to a fever heat.
Mr. llonls' Condition Kerions.
Contrary to the first reports, Mr.
Beals, one of the unfortunate occu
pants of the wrecked car which
turned a complete somet-Bautt on
Roberts mountain yesterday " after
noon, is quite seriously injured and:
will be much longer in recovering
than was expected. Mrs. Beals Is Im
proving and will be about In a few
days, as she is not injured as badly
as first reported.
Displaying Gold NuBKCts.
Uncle Bob McKee, the well-known
mining man who Is now living near
the Soldiers Home, was displaying on
the streets today nuggets to the value
of two hundred dollars. The gold was
procured by him after many hard
ships In the heart of Alaska 17 yearn
ago. Mr. Mi'Kee, while quite aged,
is very hearty and able to go about'
hia dally business routine with the
vigor of youth.
Clinngo In tlio News' Form
uwing to tp enlistment of Bert
Bates and Charles Stanton to serve
Uncle Sain, the reportorlnl end of the
News office had quite a "shttke-up"
Wednesday. However, things are be
coming normal again and these two
"live wires" will be replaced by liny
Henderson, who has been looking af
ter the circulation department of this
paper, and Dee Matthews, who today
donned the garb of a real newspa
per reporter. Miss Madge Miller,
who has so efficiently served the
News for some time, but recently on
a vacation trip, Is again at her. regu
lar post of duty.
Paused Through tlu, oity.
Mrs. susun M. Itosenrnns and son,
Almon, ot Helllngham, Wash., passed
through the city today enroute to
Sacramonto, Cal. Tho party Is trav
eling In an Overland six," fully
equipped for camping, and are get
ting all there in out nf ,,,,,. .,
their outing. Whllo in the city they
onjuyfu a unet visit with their old
acquaintance, D. o. Gallup, who ar
rived here yesterday from Eugeno to
lake charco of th ".wa' ii,int ......
chine during tho absence of our rog-
"ut iuiui, tuupn Kusscll, who Is
enjoying a vacation with his family
nt Brewster valley.
& CITY NEWS - i :
Two IhxlKe Cum Sold.
James Xewland, local agent for the!
Dodge motor car, reports the dehvei y
of two Dodges this week, oue to Mrs. j
T. R. Kreain, of lioseburg, and an-i
other to Mrs." W. li. Amspoker, of
JHhjiatcheri to Kiflo llange.
Sergeant Jewett and Corporal La-
hey and a crew of eight men, dressed I
in blue "demons," were late thi iif-j
ternoon dispatched teethe rifie range,
to dismantle target 1'acks.xThey werej
taken to the range, which is Situated
near Kinny addition, in a motor truck;
from the French Transfer Company..
Will lietuni .From XcwKrt.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Agce,
a ho
have been at -Newport for the past
two weks enjoying an outing, expect
to return homo this evetiing. Mrs.
Jay Hamlin, who accompanied them
to tho coast, has already left for her
home at The Dalles.
Ioing u immI Job.
J. S. Gilkeson was today employed
to cut the weeds on that unsightly
piece of property at the jrirner of
Douglas and Klla streets. Ho did a
good job and there are several oilier
vacnnt lots In the city that should 1C
treated likewise.
Flour up again.
a8 they may go up.
Get your rotos
Clark & Clark,
Mis. D. Whitney left today for
Southern Oregon, where she will en
joy a brief vacation.
Mark S. Tisdaie, a prominent bau
ber of Suthertin was a -business vis
itor In Roseburg today.
Stanley Short and wife of Wilbur
were in the city today. They will
return tills evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shuey left this
morning for Ashland, after visiting
with friends In this city for a nutuber
of days.
Commissioner W. K. St. John, of
Sutherlin, motored to the city this,
morning to look after buslnes mat
ters. Mrs. Hendricks returned to her
home at Drain Thursday afternoon,
after spending a few lays in tills
R. M. Fox, of Sutherlin, an associ
ate of the Roach Timber Co. is in
the city today looking after business
Mrs. D. F. Richardson and daugh
ter, Miss 11. Street, arrived this morn
ing from Sutherlin and will look after
shopping for a few hours in this city.
City Recorder Whipple purchased a
second-hand Ford from tho llurr
agency this o-ernoon. Tho car was
formerly owned by C. I. Leavengood
of Myrtle Creek. .
Prof, and Mrs. G. A. Briscoe of
Ashland, who arrived in this city
Wednesday to attend the funeral of
their daughter-in-law, Mrs. U. E.
Briscoe, left for their home last even
ing. Win. Adams, a former sheep-nan
of Arizona, and his family are visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Rose. They
will leave tonight for Portland and
will return to Roseburg In about
two weeks and. continue their visit.
Mr. Amos is making the trip in an
The Infant daughter of the late
Capltola Willis Briscoe is slightl:y Im
proved today, according to tin; at
tending physjeinn, and the cha ices
for her living are much brighter. The
child has been named Caroline Capl
tola. after Its mother.
MakeGood Pictures
It "will be easy for you- to make
good pictures if you use an Ans
co Camera with Speedex film. Do
away with the uncertainty. Know
that your pictures will be good.
Purchase an Ansco for your vaca
tion trip. It will add more pleas
ure to your outing than anything
else. Let us show you th e Ansco
line. Priced from t2 to 55. We
also carry a full line ot camera
, Quality Service.
Jewelers & Optometrists.
B. C. Carr let for Portland Thurs
day afternoon, where he will be em
ployed by the S. P. Co.
Bertha Smith returned to her home
at Wilbur today, after visiting with
friends and relatives in Roseburg.
Mrs. C. Putnam left for Drain this
aternoon, after attending to some
shopping in Roseburg during the day.
Mrs E. W. Field arrived from Rid
dle this afternoon and will spend a
fow hours attending to business mat
ters. '
Mrs. E. Morris, a prominent Wil
bur matron, left for her home today,
after looking after business interests
In this city.
Mrs. H. M. iBulwinkle left for
Portland'Thursdny afternoon, where
she will spend a couple of weeks vis
iting with her daughter, Mrs. E. H.
Mrs. E. H. Bliss and children, who
have been visiting at the home of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
iiulwlnkle, of this city, returned to
their home at Portland today.
Having rented my house for the
summer I will be found at the henu
of my father, M. J. S'loemaker.
Phone 147-J. Dr. B. R. Shoe
maker. 271-tf
Mrs. D. Richardson and daughter,
of Sutherlin, returned to their home
this afternoon, after spending the day
in Roseburg attending to shopping
and incidentally visiting iwth friends.
The Roseburg Cleaning & Pressing
works have just received their line of
of the finest fabrics. Get your order
in early for a choice selection. A
perfect fit guaranteed and the best
workmanship. G. W. Sloper, the
cleaner and prpser. tf
MRS. H. G1LPATRICK Please call
on Mrs. Geo. Koutch at the New
Oregon, or at the Royal Club Cafe.
Physician & Surgeon
Office rooms 219-220 Perkins
Office 194
Residence 319
rul ta. i-v - -
MCLP iffLlTO !u aajLONJ I
vw.t BLUE ,rZZA
w.i-irii N ACCIDENT
Drs. Seely, Sether and
Physicians and Surgeons.
Suite of ofllces rear of Douglas
National Bank, ground floor.
Phono 307
lioseburg ... Oregon
l ft I
T , e?er.5V-'
- . .. . .
Of. Phone 381 Res. Phone 1S0-R
Physician & Surgeon
Rooms 415-16 Perkins Building
Roseburg ... Oregon
DR. S. L. DeLAPP .
Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon
hones: 217-218 Perkins Itltlg.
ortlce 111)
llos. iio'-Mj Roseburg, Ore.
Licensed Chiropractic Physician
222 W. l.nne St.. Hoseburg, Ore.
Consultation tnd Exani'nation
Ofllcp Hours O to 5.
Chiropractic anil Electrical
thone 152.
Office Kohlhngen iiUIit.
We Have Only a Few .
Refrigerators Left!
These are very much under the present market value,
but in order to close out our entire stock we quote
the following reductions:
$12.00 FOR $10.50
$19.00 " $17.00
$21.00 "- $18.50
$22.50 " $20.00
$27.50 " " $24.00
$28.50 " $25.00
$37.50 " $33.00
Remember these were bought before the advance in
price and at the prices quoted you are buying for
less than the present cost of manufacture.
Big Mid-Season Economy
Clearance Shoe Sale
Tennis oxfords ----- 59c
Ladies' low shoes 49c; 98c, Etc.
Men's low shoes 98c, $ 1 .98, Etc.
A splendid chance to save on your
footwear. Plan to attend tomorrow. V
Shoes That Satisfy.
Perkins Building, Cass St.
A. D. Bradley, local agent for the
Buick auto, expects a carload of
these machines the latter part of Au
gust. .Manager Rapp of the local gas com
pany reports the aale of a gas range
to J. Bowman, who conducts a lunch
counter on Sheridan street.
Ilss May Harlan left this after
noon for Drain, where she will re
main for several days visiting with
her sister, Mrs. K. Perry.
Dan Diamond, salesman for Laud
& Co., was a business visitor today.
Mr. Diamond reports business condi
tions along his route very good. -
' The Coolest and Most Comfortable Place in Town During
These Hot DayS Is The
Don't take our word for it, try it! You will be delighted!
TONIGHT ONLY AT 7:15 & 9:011
First Time in Roseburg. Our Latest Scoop! The
Showing what our boys are doing in the camps and at the
front. Also the great legitimate movie star
In the five-reel Paramount Photoplay
And the fifteenth chapter of the patriotic serial, LIBERTY.
Red Cross Benefit Performance. Admission 5c and 10c
Tomorrow (Friday) Evening Only at 7:15 and 8:45
In the five-reel Fox Feature Photoplay
And a Triangle Comedy and Lambson Scenic.
Admission as Usual, Adults 10c, Children 5c
Coming Saturday Only Afternoon 2:15, Evening 7:15 &8:45
Another Gorgeous Nine-Reel Show.
In the brand new Chaplin-Mutual Two-Reel Comedy Feature
And the Greatest Western "Bad Man" in the World
In the Five-Reel Triangle Photoplay Feature
And a Paramount Comedy and Mutual Gazette.'
AflmiMtnnR 'c and 14)c
COM I NO Next Monday and Tuesday The sweetest Btory evetiS?