The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 17, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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It. E. Smith relumed this morning
after a trip to Minneapolis and oili
er points in the cunt whero ho went
to attend to business matters, lie
reports that tho war Is the principal
item of discussion in the eastern
states and that they take it much
more seriously there than they do in
the west.
Business conditions arc not as op
timistic as they were a few months
ago, although there is a r-lenlltuile of
money, hut it Is being held to a large
extent until after tho war bcaro has
passed. On his return Mr. Smith
took the Grand Trunk line Into
Canada and spent considerable time
tliero. The effects of tho war are
very dljcornnble In that portion of
tho country he snys, especial so on
account of the lack of young men.
An accident occurred last even
ing on Jackson street near the Ham
ilton Drug i-onipnny when a small
"Aluminum" Club
And Get the Following Articles
On a Small Weekly Payment!
Ono 1-qt Sniico Pan.
Ono 1 Vj-fit. Riiuro Pan.
One 2-qt. Satire lun.
One 3-qt. Ilcilin Sntico Pun.
Ono C-(t. Preserving Kotlle.
Ono G-qt. Tea Kettle.
Ono 7-cup Percolator.
Ono Carving Knife.
Ono I!ut"hor Knife.
One Kitchen Knife.
The rct.-ill price of this outfit Ih about $lfi.OO. The club price
Is $i0.48, payable 60 contH down and GO cents per week, except
the last payment which Is 48 cents.
This ts in ado up and put out for the advertising of our store and
tho pubhing of Aluminum ware. i M
CO.Mh MA HI j V.
Churchill Hardware Co.
Arrived Today!
For Small Boys
Superior quality, straight knee
pants, light and dark patterns,
trimmed with contrasting col
ors. See window. Prices
$1.49 - $1.98
and the
God's Country
A special V Ham .u-li (.nine Im ,ir ht i ih drama of the North
WooiIb from the hook In J.XMKs t l .1 l it (IliWOOl), featuring
Nell Shipman, William Duncan
George Holt
anil mi all-slur cast. Tin- dous u-i-.l n, this plitinr arc tho fanl
oils John Johnson team i,r Klh.-iiati S i .-,1 c- lines Ymi have read
the story, t'nnie and s-e how l- liipj-emV..
H.viM I'.it Im-
A Mn Kavl Show.
God's Country and the Woman
will ho repeated again tomorrow
Two fires in the Brusny
llutto vicinity were reported to
the Douglas Eire Patrol office
today. Both flrca started yes-
erday afternoon, hut were not
looted until this niornajig.
They woro evidently caused by
carelessness on tho part of per-
sons passing along the trail.
girl ran In front of a Dodge auto
driven by a local lady ami was struck
by the fender, her head being slight
ly bruised by the blow. The lady
driver stopped hrr car within a few
reel, thus averting a more serious
affair. She then fainted dea- away
and as given attention by bystand
ers. Mrs. Sadlo Cochran and daughter,
Dorothy, arrived In this city Satur
day evening from Hurllngton, Kims.,
to visit several days at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Marstcrs. Mrs.
Cochran la the niece of ,Mr. Marsters.
She will continue her journey from
here to Spokane, Wash., where she
will visit with relatives at that
place. She Is an Instructor In the
Behools at Hurllngton, Kans.
AIho one "Pride of the Kitchen
Set" consisting of a combina
tion not to be used as follows:
Double Holler.
Stialuer or Colander.
Covered Kettlo,
1 Pot Koaflter.
1 Pudding Pan.
1 Steam Cooker.
Incorporated J
-JL J. t . V, J .r i'ww'ky
Malinre Every Dav, 2 li 5
Krcnintis. 7: 1:"&S:50, 1 Oc- 15c
I;,:,, n, s trmii Kinnre in nil tho
ilillls I.V, Children 10c
Financial Condition is Best
That Has Been Known
For Many Years.
(Jain of ICight Thousand Ihillum is
Shown In (Jenerui Ibmtbi, Wiiilu
Two of Socio of Improvement
IIoihIh Jluvo Hewn I'nid.
The following report of the finan
cial condition of the city was made
last night by City Recorder II. L.
Whipple to the city council. The re
port shows the city finances to be in
the boHi condition for many years,
and reflects great credit on the ad
mfnibtration :
To the Honorable Mayor and Com
mon Council, Kosoburg uregon.
Gentlemen :
I herewith submit an informal re
port of the financial condition of the
city of Koseburg on July I, 1917:
(jciioi'iil Film I.
Cash on hand January 1,
1917 $ 593.23
Receipts from January 1,
to July 1: j
Taxes 17,390.21
Fines 137. GO'
Licenses 330.00 j
Dog Licenses 109.50
Sundries 135.90
Liens 1,480.13
Total $ 20,17li.47
Disbursements for the
six months an follows:
General fund warrants $ 17.61 a. 56
Intercut on tro name .... 133.51
Cash on hand July 1, '17 t 2,427.10
(ennui Fund WummtK.
General fund warrants
outstanding Jan. 1 S 4, 62.!. 47
fienerul fund warrants is-
Buod during six months-
Salaries $ 1.4S0
Fire and water 1,136,
Health and Police 1.34".
City Improvements 222.
Lights 2,32.ri
Printing mull stationery 215,
Street cleaning 1,771
Bonded Inlerest 2,4n,
Miscellaneous 71.
Sinking Fund No. 1 1,717.
Liens 4 0 2.
Total $ 17. 7311.48
General fund warranttt
paid during 6 months $ 1 7 , ft I 5 . r c
(ieneraJ fund warrants
outstanding July 1... 123.92
Cash received during six
months period 13,583.24
Warrants Issued during
six months period 13. ill!. 01
Wxcess of receipts over
expenses 6.467. 23
Of amount for warrants
issued there was sot
nsldo for sinking fund
lo retire general hondx 1,747.94
Total not gain $ 8,215.17
Impitivcnient luiuls.
Improvement bonds issu
ed during six months
"''I"(l S. 656. 48
Improvement hontls paid
during six mo. period 22.200.00
Cash on hand Jan. I "17 14.995.78
Cash received during six
months period 36.269.7S
Total cash ( 51.265.56
Improvement bonds paid $ 22.200.00
Improvement f n nil- war
rants paid $ 17.845.42
Total $ 10.015 42
Cash on hand July I. 17 $ 1 1.220.14
Series "A." Hancrofl ihnnds has
been retired and all but $3,200 for
Series "II" has been retired. There
Is al present $4437.37 In the Ilan
crnft bond sinking fund, or more
than enough to retire the balance of
Series "11."
llespectfully submitted.
it. i,. wiiii'i'i.i-:.
City Recorder.
(Continued from page 1.1
tion. uiul Hio fiiot that vwry berry 1
savtul nivalis that niucti more to fwd
tho hoys in Khaki hero In the l'nitt'! :
States and over in Kurone. One of-!
IVr of help haa come in this oflUe
from Mra. Walter Spaultllnp. vire
leader of the Cirls' Honor liuanl. '
who mt hi thl nun nlug that who
would eliaperone a hunch of Kirls if
enough answered her appeal to go
inlii the berry yards and puk. She
said that the Salem Woman's club
asked her lo see what could be done
by l he irls.
"Many advertisements are appear
ing in tho imp''' today for logan
berry pickers at prices far aho e
those of last year. The cherry nop
is not al) Kuthercd and ns high as
1 M, rents pop pound is beini; paid
Kvea the farmers are harder iTft-s-vii
for help duiinir the harvest th.s
year than ever before and no person,
physically able to work. Is without
a chance to earn money this sum
mer." N4TI'K TO K. OK l
There will bo Installation of
officers Wednesday evening.
Kvory nmvly elected officer
must bo present. Conio early
and got out In time for ehau-
tauqua. Ice water on tap.
J18' K. It. S.
C. C. Kelly States Road Pro
gram to Be Followed for .
Douglas County
Hiu Completed Nearly All Detail!
fur Piojeetn and Will llnve Every
thing In Itendinetift for High
way ComiiilflHion.
AsjisUnt State Engineer C. C.
Kelly arrived in the city today and
opened up the offices in the Perkins
building, -:vhkh were engaged by the
highway comlmsslon a short time
ago. Mr. Kelly will make his head
quarters hero for about two years it
is said, as tho work in southern Ore
gon v.ill take at least that long and
the entire amount of improvement
in this section of the state la to be
handled from the local office.
Mr. Kelly stated today that the
commission will meet in Portland
with tho county court July 28 at
which time they will map out a
definite program for Improvement
work in Douglas county, at the pres
ent time plans are. being made so
that the contracts may be formed
wltho'ut delay.
He has completed nearly all details
for tho project and will have every
thing in readiness for the considera
tion of the commission and the
members of the court on the day set
aside for tho purpose.
Although no official announcement
lias been made Mr. Kelly says that
the work to ho considered this year
will probably be tile elimination of
the bad roads In the Pass creek can
yon vicinity, the grade crossings be
tween Itoscburg and Oakland and
south of Itosebtit-g, tho Improvement
of both approaches to the national
forest by way of Canyonville, and the
changing of the Pacific highway so as
to go by way of Dlllard. This later
project may l.o held In abeyance un
less right of way can he obtained at
once. Some of the residents are in
clined to put aii exhorbltunt price on
their land- which Is necessary for the
establishment of this route and un
less they agree to more reasonable
terms the project will be dropped
this year and plans made to open up
a road on tho other side of the moun
tain', a very practical route being
open In that way.
Mr. Kelly will work throughout
Jackson and Josephine counties and
liming his absence the office will be
In, charge of J. C. McCloud who
also arrived in the city todav.
Adjutant General Estimates
Thrt NoOneWill be Drawn
From This County .
I tn- in IJNtimal' on KijMircH Aimoutio
iil by Will IH'ixirtmcnt to the
I'ivss I its Finds That Kour
ttfii Counties Are Kxciupt.
t lly Associated Press.)
I'OltTLANl). Ore., July 17.
Adjutant (J-'neral White estl-
miileu that I I Orecon counties
will escape the vii'lt. Multno-
mah and Douplas counties are
ninonK th' fourteen.
As was predicted In Tho Kvening
Wus sever. il days hm honlas coun
ty has been exempted from lae fed
eral ilmlt it' Hie noveinnient follows
out the estimate which it has placed
on the state making its quota 717
men. Hastup h:s figures on the an
nouncement made by thp war de
paitmeiit to the press tiie adjutant
e'ie'-al has em huatod the number
Mi.-.s Mynlc Stelman, the
I'lir.uius Par iiaeunl screen star will appear at llu- Antlers
illtMtre tomorrow evenniK. ar-
riveil in tills city on the alter-
not n train tod;:y ami is i cKlster-
eil at the riiipiiua liotei.
W'l en Interviewed liy a News
representative this afternoon, j
!u- evpivsseil herself as heins
dellKhtetl with Oregon ami says
that she illtetuls to take several
sIclil-Mcinc trips through the
4 I'lnpilll.l valley. !
tJh- will remain In this city
two days, thus tlvlim her an op-
pnrtii-ilty to rest from a lonit
and tiresome trip. She is unac-
roripantou anil sav8 that she re-
qutrles no maht or Eeeretnrv in A I
nttenil to her wants. 4
We have a new selection of
perfectly cut diamonds for
your approval. Only gems of
the hlgbest grade are selected
by us for our customers. When
you purchase a diamond from
us you may feel assured that
you are receiving a gem of best
quality. For the engagement
ring you can make no better
selection than one of these
sparkling gems In an attractive
eetticg. We will be pleased
to have you call and see our
new showing of diamonds.
Quality Service,
Jeweler & Optometrists.
Deputy Sheriff Kaffety assist-
ed by County Clerk Lenovt just
as the paper was going to press,
commenced a search for a suh-
picioned German spy who has
been parading the streets all
day. He has been stationed
near Dillard for several days,
reports hoing sent in from there
4- giving the same description.
This morning he appeared in
the office of the county clerk
asking for a hunting license
and was then suspicioned, lat-
or in the day his queer actions
excited comment audi the offl-
cers were informed. He will
probably be picked up and glv-
en an examination this evening.
of men to be furnished by each coun
ty and rinds that Douglas county,
with 13 others has completed its
quota and will not be Biibject to the
draft which Is to be made by the wai
department Saturday of this week or
Monday of next week.
Today's afternoon program at the
cnautauqua was wtnessed by a large
crowd despite the warm weather and
the musical prelude furnished by the
Boston Light Opera Company waa
pleasing in every respect and only
gives an "inkling" as to what the ev
ening performance will be. They
were greeted by great applause at
the end of each number.
Tho afternoon lecture was given
by Dr. A. E. Turner, the dbmmunlty
builder, who chose as his topic
"Watch Your Step." His talk was
full of "pep" and each statement ut
tered by him carried a great deal of
weight with the audience. Dr.
Turner knows the problems of the
American town and city and he of
fers sane, sensible solutions. He id
a constructionist of the first order.
His lecture was listened to with great
The sheriff's ofllce thrs after-
noon received a list of 1. W. W.
card names and- numbers to he
used by the local officers ns
means ot Identification in case
an Invasion Is made by the
"workers". These names and
numbers have been placed on
lile in tl e sheriff s office nnd it
any captures are made it will
be an easy matter to ascertain
their identity.
Sheriff George K. tjuine, in charge
of the home guards of Douglas county
today received a letler from Governor
Withyconibe urgint; him to complete
ly organize the guards In this sec
tion ami deputize every man. so thai
they will be prepared to take care
of any trouble that may arise. The
letter says that I.-W. W. disturb
ances must be quelled whenever they
arise and the local organization Is
instructed to look after this work In
this section. A number of other
duties were lined out in the letter
and the Importance of the home
guards was recognized.
In ret ly to tho governor's letter.
Sheriff Quine stated that this county
is already well organised and every
member of the home guard was dep
utized about three months' ago. at
the oiitbi-i nit n. the war with Ger
many. He also stated that home
guards had ben established In Yon
calla. Kluiiie. Canyonville and Olcn
dale and ench member of these com
panies had been deputized as an of
ficial. The Yoncalla home guard was
started yesterday anil the deputy
sheriff appointments mailed to them
(Continued from page 1.
for that reason that lrlll work will
be stivrted soon. Although no serl
oiis 1. W. W. disturbances are ex-
VAXTED A live wire man or wo
man to handle newly patented
household necessity. Never sold
before. Will tell on light In
quire News. -r 3S0-J23
Special Rug Values!
We have received a large shipmont
of Wool Fibre Rugs. These rugs
are all one-piece and have the ap
pearance of the more expensive
Rugs. All wool surface with fibre
warp gives a wearing quality excelled
by no other rug.
They come In a beautiful line of
colorings, some plain centers with
fancy borders, also Binall figure all
over effects. Colors brown, tun,
green, grey and blue.
Made In three different qualities.
Sizes 6x9 at S5.00 and J7.00. size
9x9 at (7.00 and S10.50, size 9x12
at S9.50, S13.60 and $15.00.
Each and every rug reverses per
fectly and will lay flat on the floor.
Also complete showing in the follow
ing lines of rugs, Axmlnsters, Body
Brussels, Velvets, Wiltons, ltoyal
Wiltons and Tapestry Brussels, in
fact anything you may want In the
rug line will be found here.
COMPLETE HOME FUHNISHHRS. Cass Street, Rosebut-g, Ore.
pected in this valley, in case any do
occur the "boys" will be prepared to
meet them and would give them a
"ufarm recaption" and one long to be
If the rifles are secured at the sol
diers' home, tbey will be a very valu
able addition to the guard and the
members will ba greatly pleased to
Were You in the Crowd
That Attended the
Big Mid-Season Economy
Clearance Shoe Sale
New Specials
Shoes Thnt Sntisfy. " Perkins liiiililiiig, Cuss St.
Try it just once you'll come n'in.
LAST IM'IliroiEMAXlTiS TOXKJHT .IT 7:15 M K : !.".
In the greatest screen success of the year
Did you ever ask your boss for asralso? See "Skinner's Dress Suit."
Did you own a dress suit when you were married? See "Skinner's
Dress Suit."
Did you ever He to your wife about your importance at tho office?
See "Skinner's Dress Suit."
Your money will 1 cheerfully refunded if you do not like this
Admission Adults 15c, Children 10c
Coming Wednesday afternoon at 8: IS, evenlnir at 7:l.- mid H-4.T
the beautiful and nrrompli.tlieil Panunoiint Screen Star and 0era
Myrtle Stedman
AppenrtnK Herself In Person In a reiietolre of M.nilar and stand
rd sonus, and a s viiU 7-reel moving picture program. You have
nil seen Myrtle In pictures, now meet her f.we to face
Oomlne Tlmrsdny evening only, Vivian Martin in "TIIF. WAX
MOIKI," nnd Hie fourteenth chapter of tiie patriotic serial rilierty1
doming Monday mid Tuesday July 8.1 and 24, Theda liar a In "Ho.
moo and Juliet."
be allowed to use them. Several of
tho members, however, have express
d themselves as being in favor of us
ing their own rifle and one to which
they are better accustomed. It Is
thought that in case any serious
troublo occurs where they will be
needed, there requests will be grant-