! i ! FOPR Tin? EVE VI NO NEWS. MONDAY, JULY 10. tBIT. 0 CITY NEWS 0 W. A. nun- lust Saturday Bold a Dort auto to Lord Paxton Ridgcway, of Suthorlln. MiBses Frances and Cora Winger, of Mankato, Minn., are visiting with their sister. Mrs. II. J. Denn. They expect to remain for the summer. Don't overlook our club adv. Churchill. aluminum J17 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis, of San Francisco, arrived In the city this afternoon and will spend a short time on their tour of the coast. Having rented my house for the summer I will be found at the hoin. of my futher, M. .1. 8'coouinker. ii,nn 14 7-.T Dr. B. K. Shoe maker. 27l-tf vSlCE CREAM DOUGLAS FROM THE COUNTY CREAMERY I'lio.NK a io. Dr. Turner's advice, at the Chautauqua, to "Watch Your Step" lias our hearty approval no fur bo good but why stop at tl at? We would udd Save Your Step. by building, or rebuilding, after the design of one of our Free Plan, ' " Modern, Step Saving Homes. PHONE 352 Kenny Lumber Company Got The Tummy Ache? We are sorry. Yes, we're more than that we are ready to help you cure you. It's the Rexall way of doing good in the world. Phone No. 10. - Nathan Fullerton The Ift&ncJUL Store Perkins Building FOR DRIER PIPE DIPPING BUCKETS AND TANKS SEE- I. H. SINNIGER - The only exclusive Sheet Metal Works in the city. 119 Oak Street PHONE 428 GET OUR PRICES ON ALL KINDS OF Sheet Metal Work! The bent stock and bent equipped shop In tho city. Special prices on Fruit Drier wont, Phono or drop a card wo will do tho rest. Roseburg Plumbing and Heating Co. ZM W. OAK STREET TMOXK Ml We Want That Fellow 0 CITY NEWS Seasoned slab wood something that will burn at Page's. 2tSs-t Jessie Noah loft yesterday morn ing for Dlllard where she spsnt the day with her parents. - J. Wendell Wright and family spent yesterday ut Ashland visltlns with friends and relatives. Ilev. It. H. Bollarhlde and wife left yesterday morning for imiaru where they attended services. Mrs. W. R. Root, of Eugene, ar rived yesterday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. w. Dincaiauu. Mrs. R. A. Taylor and child left this niprning for Yaquina where they will visit with Mr. layiors imreun. -3 1 "1'ltoM PILLAR TO 1-OST" Flour up again, as they may go up. fotograffcrB. Get your rotos Clark & Clark, 18C-U A. T. Lawrence, of Sunshine ranch, was a business visitor In this cily to day. The Roseburg 'rult Co. can fur nish you with broccoli plants at rea sonable prices. They also have some St. Valen..ne seed. 21-tf The national guard troops that were mobilized yesterday in the southern division of the United State will be sent to France by Oc tober 1, according to the Portland Journal. . Mr. and Mrs. August Straub, who have been in the city for the past week, returned today to their home beyond Peel. Mr. Straub has some mining properties in that section that he is giving attention. Monday is nargain day at the itoseburg Cleaning and Pressing Works. Men's suits French Dry cleaned and pressed for $1.00. All work given prompt attention, ur- ders called for and delivered. 0 W. Sloper, 308 N. Jackson. tf loo nenn arrived yesterday from Eugene and will spend a couple of day with his parents, air. auu nuo H. J. Denn. John Parker, secretary of the TioKnhurK Commercial club, returned yesterday from a business trip to Portland. Him. Ilettlo F. Ireland will leavo the first of the coming month for Portland where she will make her future home. J. B. Halley and wife and Miss Clura McCoy loft this afternoon for Brewster where they will spend sun-day. II. D. MclCay relumed to his home n williur this morning aiiur in tending to business matters In this city. rtP,lnl horirllnf? otr.nts now. All I- kinds In any duality. Prices right. Mrs F. D. Oweni", florist, on Cass street ' 1669-tf Wharton Thompson returned to his home at Suthorlln this aiicrnon after visiting in Roseburg for a few hours. Mrs. Rov Fisher left th's in --til ing for Oakland where she will stop a few days on ner way nom? iu r.ei lopg. Mrs. J. D. Long nnd daughter-: left n,u mnrnlnir for their home at port- land nfler visiting in this city for several days. MIbs E. L. Tiirncll, who lias been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Both er, left this morning for her homo at North Yakima. Have your dudB cleaned and press ed by Sloper, the cleaner and pressor. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. tf Mire Clara Maley. who has been visiting In this city for several days returned to her home at Wilbur this afternoon. Mrs. Airnes Clark nnd children lft this morning for Onltlnnd where fioy will visit with Mrs. Clark's parents for a short timo. Mrs. John Patterson, who lias necn vlsiling with her sister. Mrs. A. A. Wilder, loft yesterday for her homo at Ccdarvlllo, Calif. Clifford .Topo left Inst night for Port land whore he will stop on his wav to Tillamook, where ho will re main until culled for army service. Joseph Sykcs nnd Harry Slocuni ir.rt vosinrdnv for tho mountains above Peel where they will enjoy n week's outing In that deliglitrul set tlon. Mull or send your broken lenses to K. V. llr-oughton. optician and op tometrist, Oakland. Ore. The only Ions grinding plant In southern Oregon. 375-slB STOP BTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG BROCCOLI PLAXTS. j We are now prepared to book or- j ders for St. Valentine broccoli plants . grown from the purest seed obtain able. I'mpqua Valley Fruit Union. FARMERS ATTENTION! The Cloake hay baler began work this morning for tho 1917 Beason, and the run in sight is thought to be about normal. Much of the fall sown hay Is fine, and tho yield in some in stances very largo. Spring sown fields are not showing any flattering prospects. More Today. THE BUSY BEE Restaurant 111 SHERIDAN STREET. Meals served at all hours from 15c up. Best of Service. Private Dining Roor for Ladles. Rooms to Rent by Day or Week REED & O'DOXOVAN, Props. Real Estate City and Farm Property Winchester Hay and Westlake Town Lots. GEORGE RITER lit Welt Oak Btrwu WANTED, HORSES. If you have any good young horses, 1000 to 1G00 pounds, see J. M. Judd, or phone CO. alp LODGE DIRECTORY. A. V. A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13. Regular communications 2nd and fourth Wednesdays of each month at Masonic Temple, Roseburg, Or. Visitors welcome. BenJ. F. Caro, W. M., W. F. Harris, Sc. PHONE jy FOR QUICK & RELIABLE JITNEY NIGHT PHONE AFTER 12 M. 54-Y W. W. BOYLE, Prop. Special Notice! We Pay You BRAND NEW COTTACES FOR RENT OPPOSITE. HE CASINO. CLOSE TO THE BEACH COTTACES WITH ONE ROOM UPTO THREE All completely furnished, with running water and electric lights In connection. - HOUSEKEEPING TENTS MRS. J. A. FREEMAN, PROPRIETORESS NEWPORT - - OREGON Bring in All Your IRON Will Pay $10 a Ton BERBER'S JUNK SHOP Cor. Cass and Pine Roseburg O. O. P. Philetarlan Lodge, No. 8, meets In Odd Feilows Temple, corner of Jackson and Cass streets on Saturday evening of each week. Members of the order In good standing Invited to attend. V. T. Jackson, N. C; F. I. Perry, V. G.; B. A. Y. Ml. Nebo Homestead N . 1828 nicets'at Maccabee hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Visitors welcome. E. P. Williams, fore man; C. W. Cloake. correspondent. O. K. S. Roseburg Chapter, No. S, holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in eacn month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully invite to attend. Margaret Page, W. M.; Free Johnson, Sec. Monday, Bargain Day at the Roseburg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned and Pressed for $1.00. All work given prompt attention. Orders called for and delivered. G. W. SLOPER 308 N. Jackson. SAVE YOUR JUNK Best prices paid for Rags, Rub ber, Metals and -Hides, Men's Second Hand Clothing Bought and Sold. BERGER'S JUNK SHOP Phone 182 410 W. Cass St. BEFORE BUYING A CREAM SEPARATOR SEE THE LATEST MODEL SHARPLES SUCTION FEED DOUCLAS COUNTY CREAMERY 3 UNITED ARTISAN'S Assembly 105 meets at . Maccabee hall every first nnd third Wednesday even ing. Visiting members are always welcome. Sarah McCulloch, M. A.; J. C. Stephenson, P. M. A.; Emma Faulkner, Sec. WOME OF WOODCRAFT Lilac Circle No. 4 9 meets on first and third Monday evenings of each month in the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members In good standing are invited to attend. Elma Lewcl len, a. N.; Clara Cawflcld. clerk. W. O. W. Oak Camp No. 125, meets at the Odd Fellows hall In Rose burg. every first and third Mon day evenings. Visiting neighbors nlwavs welcome. T. D. Weather ford C C; M. M. Miller, clerk. Per Ton De livered for any kind of Scrap Iron Also best of prices for Brass, Copper, 2nd-Hand Clothing, Rags, Tools'and Ma chinery. Hides and Wool are our specialty, so con sult us before selling your Wool or Hides,. Douglas Hide & Junk COMPANY Main & Oak Roseburg, Oregon Phono 210. Now Located at 225 N: Jackson Ready to serve you better than ever, Monday, February 5. Thanking you for your past favors t and soliciting a continuance of the same, yours for better service. THE CASH STORE! J. B. KING, Proprietor Roseburg, Oregon K. OF P. Alpha Lodge No. 47 meets every Wednesday evening corner Jackson and Cass Btreets visitors nlwavs welcome. I. T. Whitney. C. C; uoy F. Durbln, M. Y.; E. E. Wlmborly. K. it. S. Who cares about appearances. He is just the "boy" we want to cater to. In tho laundering of summer wear we have no superiors and few equals. We'll give your work that finish that bespeak of intelligent workmen in every department. It's some satisfac tion to know you are getting the best and that's our specialty. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY P110NK 70 OVK AUTO WILL CAM, li. O. T. M. Roseburg Hive No. 11,' holds regular reviews on second j nnd fourth Thursday evenings In Maccabee hall. Sisters of other lilvrs visiting In the city are cor dially invited to attend our re views. Maccabee hall on Cass street, Tieryl n. Ocden, lady com.; Jessie Rapp. It. K. on may go looking tor a concern who can turn out nelter or mine artistic mill work than we can, bul ou will bo certnln of failure. W e ii at homo In every detail of the business, and our designs nnd Unit-bed work are regarded as models by competent architects nnd builders. All kinds of turn ed woodwork done to speolflca tlon ut very reasonable prices. THE J. C. FLO OK CO. ltoseburir. Orison. Mi. S. It. Alexander and daugh ter, of Dlllard, returned home yester day morning niter spending a short lime in this city shopping and visit ing wilh friends. Mrs. H. Whitney, who bus been spending a week or ten days with her sister. Mrs. W. V. Rlggs. retiirm l this morning to her home at Y tiuina. I An Intelligent person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; I to to 150 monthly in 'spare time; experience unnecessary; ! no canvassing; subjects suggested. ! Send for particulars. National Press ! llureau. Room 4:179 Buffalo, N. Y. ' W. A. Kenny, recruiting sergeant i of Portlnnd. and It. I.. McUiin. a i oroiiilncnl Portland business man. stopped in this city yesterday and spent a lew nours aiteutiing io misi nesB. after which they took a car to coast points. The Roseburg Cleaning ft Pressing works havo just received their lino of df the finest fabrics. Get your order In early for n choice selection. A iHM-fect III guaranteed and tho best workmanship. O. W. Sloper. the lenner nnd prefer. tf 11. P. O. E. Roseburg Lodge No 326. holds regular communications at their temple on second an fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regularly .. -- all visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. Carl Wlmborly, K. It.; I. 11. Rid dle. Sec. REllEKAHS Roseourg Rebekah lodge No. 41 I. O. O. V. meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Tuesday evening. Visiting sisters nnd brothers Invited to attend. Mrs. Emma Lenox, N. O.; Mrs. P E. Turnell, V. C; Tlllie Johnson Ren. Sec.; Elsie Humphrey. F. Sec; M. Fickle, Treas. Roseburg Myrtle Point Stage Line CLINTON & TAYLOR, Props. Leaves Roseburg Daily at 7 A. M. Leaves My rtle Pt. Daily at 10 A. M. Fare $5.00 ' Makes connections for all towns in Coos county. Good cars, careful drivers. Every thing for comfort and safety of paBsengers. Cadillac F.lcht and Dodge cars used. Special service at any time. Reservations at (1. W. RAPP'8 Sture, 133 Sheridan street. a"' f: E it Hit .. ' ..... -u -;-, - Stopt H UMPQUA New and Modern The Bee Hive Grocery Neely & Neely, Prop. Under new management this old reliable grocery Is better equipped than ever to serve Its patrons. We try to do our part In supply ing Good Things for your table, and at prices that do not spoil the sweet disposition of the housewife. , Just Phone 91 A. J. Geddes. R. S. . . O. M. Roseburg Lodge No. lciu,. meets every Monday evening nt S o'clock. Visiting broths Invited to attend. P. f. Foster. Dictator; it. O. Pargeter. Sec. KAGI.KS Roseburg Aerlo meets In their hall on Jackson street. d nnd 4th Monday evenings of each month, -nt 8 o'clock. Visiting breth ren In good standing always wel come. Howard Mess. W. P.: R. F Goodman. W. Sec. Phone 1S3. j Phone 24 mm It Can't Be Done! Now matter how you twist around to quench your thirst during these balmy summer dayB, there Is only one sure way of getting perfect satisfaction. Place your order for a couple of dozen bottles of as sorted flavors of SODA POP that thirst-quenching drink that puts the "pep" iuto your sysUm or a dozen bottles of K-PORTEU- a delightful warm-weather drink. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwayc bears th. Signatures! I. o. o. F. Union ttnrampmcnl No 9, meets In Odd Fellows Temple evcrv Thursday evening. Visiting brethren nlwavs welcome. O. H. Pickens. C. P.; J. K. Pickens. R, S.; Ji.rn.es F.wart, K. 9. O. O F. Klslnc Star Lodge No. 174. meets In Odd Fellows Temple ever Friday evening. VlsWing brethren always welcome. W. S Powell. N. O.; J. r. Reese. V. C; Cnrl W. Ohman. Rec. Sec; M Fickle, Fin. Sec.; A. S. Hunt. Tre. We ask you here to buy our meat necause we know It 8 good. We know you surely would! Meat! tf von knew this as well as we. There's nothing better than the best This" you'll admit a fact That wo have it here, to prove by test, WOULD P.K TI1K PROPER ACT THE ROSEBURG SODA WORKS PHOXE 180 PROMPT DEI.1VKRY THE ECONOMY MARKET UKO. KtmLHAGK-N, rrop. A Man is What He Feeds On The housewife, looking to the family health, will buy where she can get FUKSH, CLEAN CROCKRIKS. Our Stock is Clean and Sanitraily Kept and all poods aro of the best manufacture. Orders per sonally looked after. phSlv Walter Patterson, hop.