The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 05, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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THUKSKAV, jn.Y ioi;
Subscription' Kates Dolly.
Per year, by mall 13.00
Per month, delivered .60
Per year 4 UU
Six month
Entered as second-class matter,
November 5, 1909. at Roseburg, Ore.,
under act ot March 3. 1879.
avoid such an, eventuality the presi-;
dent urgxl tt.e bone dy section bej
eliminated." V. nal tne toumr; i ur
nianding Just now Is food legislation
adequate for governmental control of
the situation. The administration
should not be denied the authority,
nor even delay tolerated. The prohi
bition lisuo should not be made the
nivot nnon which the whole question
Li.i - k, n.i.naFlv 1,1-nuirht before
- lia nurn iY.irit nt a. later
date and passed if poeslole.
THllt.SIAV, JULY O. ttf.
Malingering the pretense of
physical Incapacity to avoid mili
tary service has been the pest of
armies since war began. The slack
er alleges that he Is the victim ol
some debilitating disease the up
pearances of which can be stimulat
ed by the ubp of drugs. He can Imi
tate an epllectle fit with such fidel
ity to typo ao to horrify the recruit
ing sergeants and deceive even a neu
rological expert. Now and then hi!
foigns lameness, limps to perfection,
or linds his right arm bo heavy that
it cannot be rulsed without causing
him excruciating paint. Without u
trace of evidence other ttian his own
statement l!ie shirk ban been known
to plead that his eyesight Is Bone
and that he can Bee men "only at
trees walking." but his main reli
ance in these day. of universal ser
vice la on the pretense that ho is
Now the conventional methods of
enabling ti e shirker to recover the
use of his ears are legion. He is ac
costed when off his guard, or his
"hump of acqulsltivenoss" Is appeal
ed to by the dropping of a heavy
sliver coin In' his Immediate vicinage.
Another device of the examiner is
to got him to read aloud with tele
phone receivers at his ears, foi
when these nre made to vibrate nois
ily by an electric current the pre
tender will Involuntarily raise his
voice to make It carry above the din.
If he alleges that he is Ae-.-.t in one
ear only that case is provided for by
speaking tv,o different seta of words
Into the right and left euro; the
"mono-deaf man will hear only one
of the messages, whllo the slacker
who Is sound in both ears will recog
nize nothing of what Is said because
of the conflict between the two com
Detection of the slacker hns been
ensured by all these methods, but
they have been vastly Improved upon
by the aurists who are now at work
In the military clinics of France,
Though lectricily is still employed
In tho work, the apparatus Is new
and the tests are more precise, some
of them depending less on the pa
tients own voluntary
than on his Involuntary physlologi
cal reactions. In one experiment
the pilnclplo is followed that "every
sound perceived by one ear prevents
on the opposite side the pereeptlon
of sound of equal Intensity but at
a greater distance. " In another a
sound prmhiced in the ear by a vi
brating telephone receiver causes,
by reflex aetlcn, "an abrupt winking
of the eyes." A third method Hi to
Dispatches from Paris tell of
United States troops Tlaradlng the
streets and of wildly enthusiastic
reception to the Boys from the great
American publlr. Charming girls
vied with each other in pinning liny
American Hags on tho soldl is' coat
lapels, and thousands of fljwers
were litorally scattered In the streets
at places along the line of march.
All tbiJ homage Is only an evidence
of the fact that France sees In these
stalwart sons of America deliver
ance from a struggle that has actu
ally conscripted her every resource,
and the end without assistance, not
encouraging to contemplate.
Personally conducted by one Fer-i
shing, the American eagle will pre;
sently scream on the battlelW Ids of
Europe. This makes Pershing ono
of our greatest conductors.
America is edging Into the war
with tho Irresistible Insistence of a
Jess Wlllard getting through the
crowd that Is engaged In watching
a safe hoisted to the fifteenth floor.
Turkeys are now cheaper than for
some time past. Cannot the presi
dent be Induced to order a special
Thanksgiving day to colebrate the
General Pershing will be astonish
ed at the scarcity of horned toads
and Olla monsters on the Holds ol
France. Yet the lighting Is very
good there.
They Blarted that British drive at
3 o'clock in the morning. The man
who hutes his alarm clock la not like
ly to enjoy modern war..
"It was a Roscburg picnic," was
the statement of a Koseburger who
arrived home today from Ashland
where he attended tho roundup and
Fourth of July celebration," and
icsidcnts of this city were to be
seen on tho streets In large num
bers." It was estimated that Hose
burg was far better represented at
disclosures i Ashland than other cities closer by,
and from all reports reaching hero
today, the "homo boys" entered Into
I lie festivities with a great deal of
vim and vigor.
Cole McHIroy, former manager of
the Umpqua Club, of this city, bad
chnrgo of the Jurgo open air dance
pavilion in the Lilhia park and was
liberally patronized, his dance hall
being crowded to capacity at all
times. lie lmnortcd a lnrtro oreheH-
gei uie smiKor to lenrn lip-reading, Ilia from Portland tbui ..itnishort de
lightful music for tho dancers, and A
the acquirement of which is Impos
sible to ono wno can hear. The
words are really whispered to him.
though ho pretends to rend them off
by sight, and It requires only the
Introduction or a rattling typewriter
to expose his fraud ond put hi in
whero he belongs In tho ranks.
While this paper hns fought a eoml
flgit In tho Interests or prohibition, I
both locally and slate-wide, as well
as advocating national prohibition,
wo are unublo to ngrec with the
means taken by the leaders of tTip
national diy movement in attempt
ing to force tho Isr.uo along with the
food control 1,11!. President Wllscyti
Is endeavoring to secure legislation
whlc'.i will enable (he administration
to hold food speculators in check, ho
mat our own people will not bo co
number of Kosebtirg boys and young
men who uttended -tho roundup wore
given Jobs by MrKlroy In taking the
tickets or tho dancers.
Everyone wns pleastd with the uc
coinomdatlons and ontertainino.its
nud wore loud In their piniso of
Ashland and her famous park.
The fourth of July celebration held
i at l!reons yesterday proved1 to bo n
grand success and according to the
statement of residents ol this city
I who attended, an enjoyablo time was
ate program hud
...v.u "" mucn opposition to was a feature of the day
no prnn nition rlniiHO Insert. , I In I Tho attendance was oxcentlonnllv
polled to py tribute to sharks oper-1 spent. An nppronrla
atlng the market for their own gain. 1 been prepared and tb
rhero was so much opposition to was a feature of the i
tho Prohibition elinu, t .. I -ri.- ... ,
.. i in ,i ,,11 . i in j no uiieiuiunie was exceptionally
.h that legislation favorable to largo nail was composed of residents
l,,.Tilr1,f,,"'"1 "f "'" "llnntliin; from ltosebing ami tho sui rounding
,u ,,,(, iicieiil, anil to territory.
Jack Tar Middies!
Newest Models
Now Ready!
Made in Galeta,
KhaldSilk, Pongee
$1 to $3.50 Jsr
Bellows Store Company
A Woman's Shop for Woman's Wear
7" 'M
U tst.' i jf ,
In the perbon of "William Col
ins," alleged post of flee robber,
United States Attorney Keames be
lieves he has found the real John
loe at last, says the Portland Tele
Whenever the authoritiee issue a
warrant for a man whose name they
do not know they issue it for "John
Doe". Loe during the last century
or so has been charged with all man
ner of offenses ranging from petty
larceny to murder, but when caught
he has always turned ouj to be Bill
Urowne or some one else with an
equally common. name.
"Hut we have ' him at last,"
chuckled Keames today. "In court
Collins reversed the situation and
declared that his name is really
John Doe. Now let's hope he won't
plead that he has been placed In
jeopardy too many times, because
the court records aro crammed with
charges of mUconduct on the part
of Doe."
It's the first time In the history of
the federal court In Portland that
John Doe has appeared in person.
The above mentioned Collins was
ruptured by Sheriff Quine at Riddle
recently in connection with the post-
office robbery, at that place. Port
land officials state that the "catch"
was a most important one.
Yes. the eagle screamed at Oak
land, too, and Judging from the re
ports of the celebration at that place
yesterday, It must have been as suc
cessful us the other celebrations
staged In this county. The morning
trnln to Oakland was crowded with
Rosebuigers and throughout the
day, autos arrived with other visitors.
The baseball game In the afternoon
was a feature and the races and other
events were well attonded and fur
nished amusement for all,
Tho Oakland band furnished the
music for the occasion and added
,"pep' to tho day's program.
Order bedding plants now. All
kinds In any quality, prices right.
Mrs. F. D. Owen, florist, on Cass
street. 1669-tf
David Thompson, of Brockway,
was a business visitor in Roseburg
today. He favored The News office
with call.
Rare your duds cleaned ana press
ed by Sloper, the cleaner and pressor.
All work promptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed. tf
Waldo Marsters left this morning
for Yoncalla where he is employed,
after spending tbe fourth, with his
parents in this city.
Mothers and fathers Save your
fotos taken for your boys so they
can take them to tbe front. It may
help some,' .Clark- Clark, foto
graffcrs. 185-tJ
L. O. Hicks, district acting super
intendent for the Standard Oil Com
pany, left this morning for Seat'lle,
where he will locate. Mrs. Hicks will
follow in a few weeks.
If in doubt call for P. S. C. steel
cut brown package coffee and get a
45c grade at 35c per lb. Freshly
roasted every week. Peoples Supply
Co., whoisolers to the consumer. J7
Dr. A. F. Sether left this morn
ing for Marshiteld where he will
spend a few days. He Is taking his
regular vaco-tltn and will not bo on
duty again until the 10th ot next
Woodman do you need a cross-cut
saw. Churchill has on the Royal
Cbanook pattern, of 95 cents per
foot, regular price $1.25, and cheap
then. jlO
Edgar noser, a former Roseburg
boy, who has been attending school
at Corvallls, arrived In Roseburg
Tuesday evening and will spend the
summer In this city and viciutty.
Hermun Spalllnger, a News car
rier, and Keith Wright, were two
Roseburg visitors at the Ashland
roundup. They stated upon their re
turn here today that they enjoyed
the celebration a great deal.
The Roseburg Cleaning & Pressing
-vorks have Just received their line of
of the finest fabrics. Get your order
in early for a choico selection. A
perfect fit guaranteed and the best
workmanship. 0. W. Sloper, the
cleaner and. pressor. tt
"Mrs. 'J. A. Black, who has been
visiting with her son, Harry Black,
left this morning for her home at
Drain. . Her grandson. Robert, ac
companied her and will visit for a
couple of weeks.
B. Crouch.
Inquire S. !
FOR SALE 8-room house and lot,
cheap. Inquire 603 S. Stephens I
St. JU8P
FOR SALE 5 nice Jersey heifers.
All milking, 35 each, inquire at
News. 443-J10
Constable n, II. Church today stat
ed that, a disturbance occurred at
Wilbur yesterday when a German
sympathizer started an argument
with an employe of tho Southern Pn
clfic 'Company at that place., The
German spoke of the Jiaiscr in lauda
tory terms, nnd from reports reach
ing hero today, talked against the
United States government. The Doug
las county officials will take a hand
in these matters and nre making des
perato euortB to secure the names
of the German sympathizers In this
county. " '
lost of tho people who aro talk
ing ngalnst tho government are those
who arrlvcii in this country years
ago from Germnny, nnd have made
their "stake" on American soil.
The Suthcrlln Sun has the follow
ing to say in recent ittuue:
Sinco tho advent of the United
States in the world war and it has
become desirable to show our re
spects to our ullies by displaying
their flas with ours, we have no
ticed considerable disregard to the
etiquette of such displays.
Vor instance, we noticed the other
day r prominent citizen of Kosebuig
displaying ou the front of his auto
mobile, the) flags of four of our
allies with that of the United States.
They wore all at the same helghth
with our fhiK and so completely
smothered up itmt one could not tell
it was there without making a caro
ful investigation.
Live-wire Doings of Cityj
Grace Kruzc, of Gulnell, Iowa, ar
rived In this city yesterday to visit
nt tho home of J. J. Meredith.
Iteilui-e your living cost by elimin
ating excessive retail profits. Get
wholesale prices on quuntity orders
at tho Peoples Supply Co. J"
John Khk left this morning for
Portland nnd Seattle where lie will,
nttend lo business matters for a few
Tho Roseburg 'ru!t Co. can fur
nliih you with broccoli plants at rea
sonnuie prices. They also have some
St. Valen .no seed. "ais-tf
riernlro Anderson returned this
morning to her home at Yoncalla
- f 1 c r visiting in this city for a short
Having rented my house for the
summer I will be found at the hem.
! of my tn titer, M. J. S'loomaker.
I Phono U7-J. Dr. B. R. Shoe
' niakor, 171-tf
lec Cream Social Postponed.
The lei cream social to have been
given In the Looking Glass neigh
borhood tomorrow night, Friday,
July 6, has been postponed until
Friday night, July 13.
Married Monday.
Charles H. Pell, of Wolf Creek,
and Joyce A. Nail of Glcndale, wore
united In marriage Monday evening
at tho Presbyterian manse In this
cltv. The newlyweds will make their
home at Wolf Creek, whore the
groom owns a large ranch.
Cunning Club Work.
The members of the Fullerton can
ning team met at the home of the
new advisor, Miss Katherine Dldtol,
Tuesday afternoon and canned peas.
While tho vegetables were cooking
the girls had a short business ses
sion nnd elected new officers for the
coming year's work: Mary White,
president; Josste Spencer, 1st vice
president; Lois Hinsdale, 2nd vlce
pre'.ldenl ; Ruth Bradford, secretary,
and Lucy White, 'reaeurer. The
team decided to can fruit and vege
tables for the public, and any one
wishing their services will please In
quire of Miss Didtel, phone 27F14,
in regard to time and terms.
FOR SALE Broccoli plants. Inquire
114 N. Flint, G. W. Kezartee.
FOR SALE Dry oak wood, 1 per
cord, sawed and delivered, rnone
180-L. 306-tf
FOR SALE Small team and harness
fni snlA Vnr nArtienlars see Allen
Wilson. Green station J7p'
FOR SALE It jot. an going to
have a public sale, get your bills
printed at The News office. - tf
FOR SALE Duroc-Joreey pigs, oli-
glblo to registration. Good ones.
Phone 6F15, N. L. Conn, Rose
burg. Ore. 344-J18
FOR SALJS 1 thoroughbred regis
tered Brown swtbs Dull, tnree
years old. Write or phone G. V.
Helbig, Riddlo, Ore. .133-tf
Grown from test , Imported seed
only. I. Harralson, West Rose
burg. ' Phone 6F1L 269-tf
FOR SALE A flve-Tiassenger tour
ing car.. Just overhauled, In good
conuitlon. A. dandy buy. See Wal
ters. The Motor Shop. 25'i-tf
FOR SALE Practically new No. 2
Sharpies suction feed cream separ
ator at big discount. Inquire R.
R. Wood. News office.-- tf
To Win the War
"We must all speak, act and serve
together." President Wilson. . '
America in the Great War expects fuU
and effective service from e'very indi
vidual.' -
For each there is some special duty to
work with and for the Government. .
The Umpqua Valley Bank stands ready
and wiUing to cooperate with patriotic
citizens of this commamty.
B. W. Strong, President; J. M. Throne, Cashier; 'D. R.
'' Shambrook, Vice President; Roland Agee, Vice President,
foie buying plants. Will have a
surplus from both Imported and
domestic seed. Fostor' Bntner,
Roseburg Gardens. Phone 40F11.
FOR SALE On terms. Stop, con
tributing to the landlord's pros
perity. Buy a house for wife and
kiddles. Ten lots, flue trees, fruit,
small house, delightful location,
near pavement, $750.-" Worth
1500. -Address News No. 303.
FOR SALE Shetland pony,
thoroughbred, Mltchel buggy, tan
harness. E. C. Benson, Douglas
'National Bank Bldg. 251-tf
FOR SALE Lot 60x450 with small
house at a bargain orlce. Fine
crefk liottom soil, Inside city lim
its; finest garden spot In city, fruit
trees and berries. Good place for
cows and chicken's. Address A. M
Oeland, 751 Flesor street, Rose
burg. 175-tf
FOR SALE Cabbage and cauliflow
er plants for sale. H. B. Church,
318 E. Commercial avenue, North
Roscburg. .Phone 283. 64-tf
FOR SALE 740 acre slock ranch,
consider good small place as
payment, easy terms. E. A. Daiv-son,-Oakland,
Ore. 321-J125
Grown from Imported seed. Now
ready to set out, -40c per 100. N.
C. Ashby, Roseburg, Ore., P.' O.
Box Z. 340-tf
FOR SALE 1 3-year-old Jersey
cow, 1 gentle work horse, 1 double
harness, 1 light wagon. Or will
trade for hay, grain or wood.
Phone GO. J15p
FOR SALS! Good business. Includ
ing good work team. $400 will
handle It, or will trade for used
Ford car. Address L. M.', News
office. 305-tf
ENJOY CITY LIFE For short time
will offer fine Roscburg property
for small stock ranch. Parties
with trade in mind will do well to
Investigate.' Address Owner, care
News. 304-tf
FOR SALE FOR J20 Good sound
old work horse. ' 'Also have sot
hack harnecs. Would take wood,
hay or grain in exchange.. E. H.
. Kosenberry, fair grounds, city.
34 l-tf
Special Notice!
We Pay You
For Infants and Children,
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears -Signature
Notice is hereby given that, by
virtue of an order ot tho County
Court of the State of Oregon, In and
for Iano County, made and entered
June 18th7 1917. licensing me.'as
guardian of the estate of Emily Hov
ey, of unsound mind, to sell the real
estate hereinafter described, at pri
vate sale;
1 will on nnd after the 3rd day of
August. 1917. at 9 o'clock in the
forenoon, at the law office of A. E.
Wheeler.) In Eugene. Oregon, and
at the law office of B. L. Eddy. In
Irnseburg, Oregon; offer for sale and
sell at private sale subject to fhe
approval of said court, to the person
offering the most and upon the best
terms obtainable, In one tract, the
following described ' lands In Doug
las County. Oregon, to-wit: The SW
Vi of 8W of section IB. the St of
SKVi of section 16, the N H ol NE4
and 8K of KK4 of section 21 and
the SW14 of NW14 of section 22;
all In township 23 South, Range 4
West of Willamette meridian; 2 SO
acres, more or less ot land.
sl Guardian.
restaurant In southern Oregon
towu of 5000. Will sell for less
than Invoice at cash sale, or whLt
have you for trade? Best of rea-
cons for selling. Will bear inves
tigation. Address. -Restaurant.
care News. - aau-tfifOR
WANTED Girl for light housework.
Call at lierger's JunkBhop, corner
Pine and Cass. S45-tf
oak poles. Timber good and pay
good. Address H. B. Woods, Box
61, Oakland, Ore. JI5p
all your salable Royal Anne cher
ries, and furnish containers and
pay cash for same on delivery.
Drager-Fruit Co., Roseburg, Ore
gon. -286-tt
WANTED Man of experience and
ability to teach small country
' school; excellent - references re
quired. Salary $70 to $80i Apply
Co. Supt. O. C. Brown for partlcu-
lara. 317-tf
WANTED To trade a couple of Dur
ham cows for fresh Jersey heifers.
Also for sale small chunky mare,
will foal next month, $45. John
. Meister, Mountain House Ranch.
FOR SALE 40 acres, seven acres
cleared, 9 miles from Myrtle
Creek. Good creek runs through
place and good spring on property.
AUi fenced no other improve
ments. Makean excellent chick
en farm. Price- $1,000. $300
down, balance at small yearly pay
ment at 6 per cent. Address Mrs.
L. A. Daugherty, Myrtle Creek,
Ore. 388-al
FOR SALE If you want a good
country store business paying a
handsome net ' Income, steadily
growing farm and forest trade,
$4,000 stock, part terms on acre
age and buildings. Look this pro
position up at once. It will bear
the closest Investigation. By own
er. Address 546 Pitzer street,
Roseburg, Ore, 320-J31
THE GOVERNMENT needs farmers
as well as' lighters. Two million,
three hundred thousand acres of
Oregon & California Railroad Co.
grant lands. Title revested in tho
United Stales. To bo opened for
homesteads and srtte. Containing
. como of tho best land left In Unit
ed States. Large copyrehted map.
showing land by sections nnd cfO
ecriptions of soil, climate, rain
fall, elevations, temperature, etc:,
by counties. Postpaid one dollar.
"Grant Lands Locating Co., box
610, Portland, Ore. 313-S21
RENT 100 acres . pasture.
full growth grass. J. M. Moore,
Rt. 1, Box 75. 324-J25
FOR RENT Six room modern
, house, good location, paved street.
Phone 15F12. 340-tf
FOR RENT Modern 6-room bouse,
new garage; North Jackson street.
Inquire News, or phone 199-R.
FOR RENT Two furnished houses,
1 four, rooms, 1 five rooms. Mod
ern. Phone '454-R or inquire 647
S. Stephens. ,261-tf
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms
with use of bath and phone, $5 to
$8 per month. 247 South Jack
son, or phone 41-R. 31G-tf
FOR RENT By the year or other
wise, well furnished , house, new
garage, large garden; fruit, ber
ries, etc., 611 S. Main street, E.
H. Rosenborry. 282-tf
WANTED Experienced girl for
general house work. Apply to
Mrs. Markee, Soldiers Home.
- 342-J5
A GOOD TRADE A" house and two
big lots for good team and har
ness. Phono 8F3, or Inquire at
News orilco. 18 l-tf
WELL DRILLING See me for that
new well, the only well that Is
pollywog proof. W. F. Kernln,
City. 298-JU8
WAR, WAR, WAR See Pat, not
about the German war, but about
prizes on mill work, door and win
dow frames, all kinds of cement
work. Houses built, moved or re
paired. Also have some snap bar
gains In real estate. Better list
with us if you want to sell. F. F.
Patterson, City. 206-tf
Per Ton De-
livered for any kind of
Scrap Iron
Also bast of prices
for Brass, Copper,
2nd-Hand Clothing,
Rags, Tools and Ma
chinery. Hides and Wool are
our specialty, so con
sult us before selling
your Wool or Hides.
Douglas Hide & Junk
Main & Oak Rosiburg, Oregon
Phone 219.
WARE BROTHERS, Proprietors.
Fare to Coquille, $5.50
To Myrtle Point, $5.00
Lr. Umpqua Hotel Roseb'g 6 a.m.
Ar. In Coquille 11:30 a.m.
Lt Baxter H't'l Coquille 9: 15 a.m.
Ar. In Roseburg 3 p. m.
. f
Delightful places for a vacation out
ing. Shasta Springs, . famous for
their water and many other moun
tain resorts nlong the Sacramento
canyon. Here you may hunt, fish,
climb mountain peaks, or rest In
comfort, to your heart's content.
A stop In this cHy Js always a
pleasure. The cool summer climate
the air of bohemaanism, the fine
hotels, .restaurants, parkB and boule
vards, all contribute to the enjoy
ment of the visitor.
Along the "Road of a Thousand
Wonders," from San Francisco are
many delightful beach resorts. Some
of the mpst enjoyable are Santa
Cruz, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific
Grove. Santa Bnrbara, Long Beach
and Venice, where the care-free
throng bask in the California sunshine.
A round trip ticket, with stop-over privileges, will enable you to
visit all of these places, making a dellghtlul summer outing.
Auk local agent for particulars
John M. Seott, General PitHsenger Agent, Portland.