The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 02, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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MONMAV, JI'liV 2, 1017.
Subscription Hates Dally.
fer year, by mall .$3.00
fer niouth, delivered
V Semi-Weekly.
fer year 2 00
tlx month 1-00
F iDiereu as bwhuuiom waku.ii
November 6, 1909. at Roseburg, Ore.,
kinder act of March 8, 1879.
MONDAY, JULY 8, 1017.
Here Ib something you might stick
In your hatband: "If I owned a news
paper, what I would Bay in it Just
now would be a plenty." remarked a
man the other day, to The News
He was invited to write whu: ha
wanted to say, with assurance that
It would be printed if his signature
accompanied it.
Ho very promptly declined the ton-
der. remarking that "it would nun
his buslneM." There are a lut of
people willing, anxious In fact for
things tq be said In the newspapers
provided they hurt the business of
somebody else and not their own.
What newspaper has not had this
very same exporlenco with this very
name yellow tadpole of tv citizen
who splutters and' splutters about
what ought to be printed in a news
naner and what ought to be omitted?
And yot when you invito the indi
vidual to bo responsible for the
manuscrlDt ho wants you to publish
he whines like a sick dog, Bkulks
behind this pretext and that, and
wobblos out of the office with a
grouch. i
That is not all. He writes in that
he will stop Mb papor if you don't
print what he himself won't sign.
Yot if you were to suggest to bint
that his threat to stop his papor Is
pure and slmplo coercion through a
threat of blackmail ho would howl
like a tomcat with Its tail stopped
The follow who threatens to Btop
hlB paper Ib trying to do to the
newspaper In a small way the very
thing that he would condemn as
criminal In a corporation that tried
in any way to throttle the freedom of
the press. Threatening to stop the
paper Ib an attempt at intimidation.
' But It Is worso than that. Threat
ening to stop the paper Ib a confes
sion of bigoted Intolerance on the
part of the delinquent suliBciibor
that "pullB such . a bone," for it
means that ho does not want the pnp
er to have the courngo of Its own
convlctlonB after all, but Insists that
It shall hnve only one . courage of
the convictions of the stop-my-papor
threatener. . ,
Big magazines with circulation
piling toward tho million anS great
metropolitan newspapers are pester
ed with this pest who wants them to
publish something and assume a re
sponsibility for authorship which tho
pest is too big a coward to nsnume,
and who threatens to slop IiIb sub
scription if they do not do his bid
ding. Why do newspapers have theso
annoyanccB? .Well, why do.-hotols
Bometlnies have bedbugs, and hen
houses huvo llco? ,
, Otto Flabo writing in the Vosslrho
Zoltung, of Roilln, thus gives to bin
renders' a sumtuury of tho American
character :
"Perhaps in this war of surprises,
none have hood mora jlsaKreouhlc
thun those caused by tho treacherous
altitude of Amorlcn.
"The principal reason Is that the
average German knows . Uttlo pr
nothing about America and Ameri
cans, 1, who havo sojourned over
yonder, nnd havo had ample experi
ence of tho Yankee character, could
not posBlhly havo boen surprised at
any Judas-llko action on the part of
that nation or Ita oftlclnl represen
tatives. "In America a prison warden who
had kicked to death a prisoner
caught attempting to CHcape, obtain
ed from a Judge permission to em
balm the man's corpse and to tour
the country with tlio mummy at a
Jack Tar
Newest Models
Now Ready!
Made in Galeta," M
Kahki,Silk, Pongee f t
$1 to $3.50
Bellows Store Company
A Woman' Shop for Woman's Wear "N
charge of $1 to each person to now
In iniMrlcn flier llvri RuOSevelt.
the man with the teeth of a prehis
toric herbivorous mammal, teeth;
which once seen are never forgotten.
"In America the swindler and the
cheat Is n hero.
"As -regards American women, I
would have them neither as sweet
hearts nor wives. Of passion or of
roi.iantic love they are Incapable. Ra
pacity .and willfulness are the key
notes to their character.
"Amorlca" Invented - the gramo
phone, the art of advertising railway
disaster, the monster circus, pickled
pork, the science of a scandalous
newspaper reporting audacity, and
tho big "department store ,
"Even her loudly advertised (5m
tlstry and her ubiquitous telephone
system are merely necessary evils. As
a friend America is uncertain, as an
enemy, contemptible." . - -
An occasional misapprehension of
the Red Cross system that is caus
ing criticism is quite unfounded.
These crltica say that the Kcd Cross
Is a single world-wide organisation,
aa well as a movement lor world
wide relief. The Rod Cross In fact
Is national, and tho policy for the
disposition of the money that haB
Just been raised in this country will
be determined entirely by the Ameri
can Red Cross Society. It has been
reported that the money now to be
used In rollef work would go equally
to the Germans as well as to other,
belligerents. This, of course, IB .not
true. If any of this money Ib used,
for the relief , of German victims ol
the war, it will be because the dl-,
rectors of the Amerlpan Red CroBB
Society of which President Woodrow
WllBon Ib the head, has decided to
give It for that purpose. This might
happen In certain Individual cases,
but certainly not enough to count.
Each nation has Its own Red Cross,
or similar activity. Naturally, tho
American Red Cross will uae its war
fund for the relief of the suftur-rs
among American troops and those of
tho allies. .
The editors of the country are
playing fair with the government,
Dospito tho fact there is no censor if
tho press of any consequence, the
newspapers are studiously refraining
from the publication of war news
that might Interfere with the work
of tne war department. General
Porshlng turns up In England to the
surprise of the nation at home, who
had an idea that he was loafing
around Washington. A fleet of sub
marine chasers appears suddenly in
British waters, and a Yankee army
unsworn to a breakfast call In France
tho other morning to the amaze
ment of the American people, who
read a half dozen newspapers every
day. Sclf-lmposcd censor, based on
Constable H. II. Church was to
day Btarted on his tour of collecting
dog licenses under tho now law pass
ed by the last legislature. aeverul
licenses wore collected by him.
Tho test case of the now law was
also sta'tod today when tho count
able was unable to colloct the fee
from Roy Bellows. Mr. Bellows, with
several othw gentlemen have retain
cd O. P. Coshow as attorney and In
tho next term of circuit court, the
validity of tho law will be tried out
Itciv. U. K. Jopo, pastor of tho lo
cal 'Chrlutlnn church, returned Sat
urday evening from Wnlla Walla
whoro ho attended tho eastern Wash
ington convention ot the Christian
church. Mr, J ope reporta a most in
trreRttiic convention! it beinc ohdo-
chilly bo to him, an ho wns pun tor
far flvo years at tiarflnlrt, Wash.,
which Is In the eastern Wiialiington
Live-wire Doings of City
VMts Axliland.
Dr. J. It. Chapman left fdt Ash
land where he will visit for a short
time and take In the festivities. J
Trip by Auto.
Dr. E. V. Hoover wife and Corbett
Wilbur left yesterday for Ashland
where they attend the colebration to
be held at that place.
(io Ui Jtmiiidu.
Elma Payion and Claia Patrick
left today for Ashland where they
will attend the Itogue ltlvcr roundup.
During their stay in that city they
will also visit with friends.
Will Abate Nuisance.
City Marshal Tom Williams this
morning served notice on the Kose
burg Poultiy Company to clean theli
premises and to remove other objec
tionable features.
Tukes Vacation.
Walter 8. Klsher, of tho Review
staff left this morning for points
north where he will spend bis an
nual vacation. Mr. Fisher will visit
Portland while gone, at which city
he will spend tho fourth.
Former Hoseburg Resident Here,
IX, 10. Noah, a blacksmith of
Klamath Falls, and formerly en
gaged In that business In this city,
is here with his father, George Noah,
who Is seriously 111.
A MhitIuko Llceiino a luy.
The county clerk's office Issued
30 marriage licenses during the
month of June. Thin is the banner
month of the year, thus far, in mur
riage licenses.
Icft for Celebration.
Al. 'Powoll, "the JltheV driver, and
his family, left today by auto for
Ashland where they will attend the
roundup. From that pt-ce they will
continue their Journey to Klamath
Falls, whore they will visit for a
short time.
Miil-ster.-l Return.
A. C. Marstors, of the Hoseburg
National llnnk has ret. lined to Hose
burg after several weeks spent in
Chicago and other middle west cities.
He reports bUBiness conditions in
thr.t section is fair and Is pleased
to again be in the Umpqua Vulley.
Will Visit in WunllliiKfon.
Cat. Weber and family will leave
this aftornoon for Pasco, Wash.,
where they will visit with Mrs. Web
er's sistor, Mrs. Clark Thomas. It
Is expected that Mr. Thomas and
family will conio to Hoseburg, with
Mr. Weber's on their return for a
visit here.
Makes Flint Flight.
Seely Hall, nephew of Dr. Seely,
has written to the Medford Sun, his
homo town paper, giving a detailed
account of his experiences In tho
San Diego aviation school, i lie
ntates that he has made his first
flight and Is very much pleased with
tho aviation -branch of the army.
Left for Poiilann. " (
Madge Miller, reporter for The
Evening News, loft yostorday for
Portland whero she will spend c
short tlmo visiting friends and sc
curing featuro artlclca for tho col
umns of the paper which sho repre
sents. She is making tho trip In
her nuto nnd will no doubt have an
enjoyable time.
Travelling Library Here.
The travelling library consisting
of 75 volumes, 50 of which nre for
adults and 25 for children, has ar
rived at tho public library In thls
city. Thirty-seven books have also
been donated bv Mrs. Kelchell, mak
ing the totnl nun. her of books In
tho library, to dato, 1111.
Will Fiuill Near ItoM'lmrg.
Wilting from Park City, Mont.,
a gentleman who Is farming exten
sively In that state, states to Tho
News that ho expects to move to
Hoseburg this fall, and will cnguiso
In fanning in! this locality. At
prosent ho Is farming nearly a thous
and acres, but the cllmuto of Mon
tana Is too strenuous for him and he
will come south.
I'lrlilc Details Compli-tiMl.
Uuy M. (Ireen was In the city
this mornug completing the ar
rangements for tho picnic at Mel
rose on July 4. The residents of
that section will meet In tho grove
on the Scott ranch In the morning
and enjoy an oUI-fahlmncd visit.
There will bo plenty of Ice cream nnd
lemonade, and this will bo dispensed
at cost prices, as it is not the inten
tion to commercialize any feature
of tho celebration. A basket dlnnor
will be Berved, and In the afternoon,
following tho luncheon, Hon. B. L.
Kddy will address those present on
the Issues of tho present time.
(allien Valley Society Moot.
Tho Garden Valley Improvement
Society met at the home of Mrs.
Kd. lillrie on Thumlay afternoon
and a more onjoyulilo occasion has
not been scheduled on the club's
calendar of plcannnt affairs. The
dlerslonB were varied and every
moment was devoted to pleasure.
The members were nil asked to re
late tho history of some famous
woman nnd this proved most Inter
esting. Miss Mubcl Bryan dollshl
"d the ladles with several solos and
ukelete numbers. The house pre
sented nu apienranco of unusiinl at
tractiveness, being adorned with
profusion of crimson cm nations.
.md dainty refreshments wore serv-J
oil al an appropriate hour. Tho next
meeting will he held on July 13 at
the home of Mrs. Q. McUantelj. wh
will harc the hostess honors with
Mrs. II. Orlkers. .
Visiting Horo.
Mrs. Graves and son, Tim, of Eu
gene, are visiting in this city with
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Dal Icy.
Mr. Imnnell In I letter.
J. 'R. Charman today received a
card .from his wife, who was called
to Grand Forks, B. C, on acocunt of
ths serious illness of her father,
J. M. Donnell, that he was somewhat
Improved and holies are entortained
for his recovery.
Brother in France.
P.. 8. J. Hamilton, tho local Boy
Scout master, has a brother who is
second lieutenant In the royal en
gineers, at present seeing active aer
vlco In France. It has been about
a month since ho has received word
from him and has not been inform
ed asjto his present whereabouts.
Attending Roundup.
The following ROBeburg people
left on this morning's 4rain for Ash
land to attend the roundup: Mrs.
George Thompson, Dr. J. R. Chap
man, F. W. Williams and wife,
Claude and Harry Crocker and Misses
Clara Patrick and Elma Paytoi,
who will also visit Miss Agnes Hed
burg, while In Ashland.
ltetums to IloHehurg.
L. G. Ricks, who was recently ap
pointed dlKtrlct engineer for the
Standard Oil Company returned to
Rrsburg yesterday after some time
spent at northern points, looking
after the Interests of the firm for
which he Ib working. He has charge
of the engineer work of several
states in the northwest ai, has con
siderable affairs to attend to. His
surveying office in this city will be
kept In operation by his efficient
crew of surveyors.
U. A. Y. Mt. Noho Homestead N .
1828 meets at Maccabee hall every
2nd and 4 th Wednesday. Visitors
welcome. E. P. Williams, fore
man; C. W. Cloalce, correspondent.
L. O. O. M. Roseburg Lodge No.
1U.(, meetB every Monday evening
at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers
Invited to attend. P. R Foster,
Dictator; H. O. Pargeter, Sec.
A. F. Ai A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
Regular communications 2nd and
fourth Wednesdays of each month
at Masonic Temple, Roseburg. Or.
Visitors welcome. BenJ. F. Caro,
W. M W. F. Harris, So-1.
I. O. O. P. Phlleturlan Lodge, No.
8, meets In Odd Feilows Temple,
corner of Jackson and Cass streets
on Saturday-evening of each week.
Members of the order in good
standing Invited to attend. V. T.
Jackson, N. G.; F. I. Perry, V. G.;
A. J. Ocddes, R. S.
O, K. S. Roseburg Chnpter, No. 8,
holds their regular meeting on the
first and third Thursdays In cacn
month. Visiting members In good
Btanding are respectfully Invite
to attend. Margaret Page, W. M.;
Free Johnson, Sec.
UNITED AUTI8.YX8 Assembly 105
meets at . Macchbee hall every
first and third Wednesday even
ing. Visiting members are always
welcome. Sarah McCulloch, M. A.;
J. G. Stephenson, P. M. A.; Emma
Faulkner, Sec.
Circle No. 49 meets on first and
third Monday evenings of each
month In tho I. O. O. F. hull. Vis
iting members In good standing
are Invited to nttend. Elma Lewcl
len, G. N.: Clara Cawfleld. clerk.
W. O. W. Oak Camp No. 125, meets
at the Odd Fellows hall In Roso-
lltlrir evnrv firat an1 Mon
day evenlngB. Visiting neighbors
always welcome. T. D. Woather
ford. C, C; M. M. Miller, clerk.
K. OF P. Alpha Lodge No. 47
moots every Wednesday evening
corner Jackson and Cubs streets.
Visitors always welcome. I. T.
Whitney, C. C; itoy F. Durbin.
M. F.; E. E. Wlmborly, K. K. S.
L. O. T. M. Roseburg Hive No. 11.
holds regular reviews on second
nnd fourth Thursday evenings In
Maccabee hall. Sisters of other
hives visiting in tho citv are cor
dially invited to attend our re
views. Maccabee hall on Cnss
street. Beryl R. Ogden, Indy com.;
Jessie Rapp, H. K.
I. O. O. F. Union ftnrnmpmenl No
9, meets in Odd Fellows Temple
every Thursday evening. Visiting
brethren always welcome. O. H.
PickenB. C. P.; J. K. Pickens, II.
S.; James Ewart. F. S.
I. O. O. Hi Mslng Star Lodge Ni.
174. meets In Odd Fellows Temple
every Friday evening. Visiting
brethren nlways welcome. W. S.
Powell. N. O.: .1. D. Reese. V. G.;
Carl W. Ohmnn. Rec. See.; M.
Fickle. Fin. Scc.j A. S. Hunt,
K.UiLES Roseburg Aerlo meets In
their hall on Jackson street. d
and 4th Monday evenings of each
month, nt 8 o'clock. Visiting breth
ren In good standing always wel
come. Howard Mess. W. P.; B. F
Goodman, W. Sec. Phone 1S3.
II. P. O. K.. Roseburg Lodge No
S28, holds regular communications
at their temple on second an
fourth Thursdays of each month.
All members requested to attend
regularly ...... all visiting brothers
are cordially Invited to nttend.
E. B. Stewnrs, t. R.; I. B. Rid
dle. Sec.
HKIIF.KAHS Rosetmrg Rebeksh
lodge No. 41 I. O. O. F. meets
In Odd Fellows Temple every
Tuesdoy evening. Visiting Bisters
and brothers Invited to attend.
Mrs. Emma I.enox. N. O.; Mrs. P
E. Turnell. V. G. ; Tllllo Johnson
Rec. Wee.; Klsle Humphrey, F.
See.; M. Fickle, Tress.
FOR SALE A horse. Inquire S.I
B. Crouch. S34-tfl
FOR SALE 8-room house and lot,
cheap. Inquire 603 S. Stephens
St. JU8P
FOR 8ALE Dry oak wood, 7 per
cord, sawed and delivered. Phone
180-L. 30G-tf;
FOR SALE Small team and harness
for sale. For particulars see Allen
Wilson, Green station. ' J7p
FOR SALE Broccoli plants. Inquire
114 N. Flint. O. W. Kezartee.
FOR SALE It joo are going to
have a public salo, get your blll.c
printed at The News office. tf
FOR SALE Practically new No. 2
Sharpies suction feed cream separ
ator at big discount. Inquire R.
R. Wood, News office. tf
FOR SALE 1 thoroughbred regis
tered Brown Swiss bull, three
years old. Write or phone G. U
Holblg, Riddle, Oro. 333-tf
FOR SALE A five-passenger tour
ing car. Just overhauled, in goou
condition.. A dandy buy. Seo Wal
ters, The Motor Shop. 25'i-tt
dition -ton truck, or will trade
for good team. Inquire I. Harral
Bon, or phone 6F11. 228-J2S
Grown from best Imported seed
only. I. Ilarralson, West Rose
burg. Phone CF11. 269-tf
FOR SALE Shetland pony,
thoroughbred, Mltchel buggy, tan
harness. E. C. Benson, Douglas
National Bank Bldg. 251-tf
FOR SALE Cabbage and cauliflow
er plants for sale. H. B. Church,
318 E. Commercial avenue. North
Roseburg. Phone 283. 64-tf
horses, harnesB and 3 wagon
for good Ford car. Inquire John
Rogers, Looking Glass, Or. 24GJ1
FOR SALE 740 acre stock ranch,
consider .good small place us
paymenL easy terms. E. A. Daiv
son, Oakland, Oro. 321-J125
FOR SALE r oner my residence
property In Roseburg for Bale at a
reasonable figure. W. E. Clingen
peel. Looking Glass. Or. 161-tf
Grown from imported seed. Now
ready to set out, 40c per 100. N.
C. Ashby, Roseburg, Ore., P. O.
Box Z. 340-tf
TOR SALE 1 3-year-old Jersey
cow, 1 gentle work horse, 1 double
harness, 1 light wagon. Or will
trade for .hay, grain or wood.
Phone 60. ' j!5p
ENJOY CITY LIFE For short time
will offer flno Roseburg property
for small stock ranch. Parties
with trade in mind will do well to
investigate. Address Owner, care
News. 304-tf
FOR SALiE FOR $20 Good sound
old work horse. Also have set
hack harnets. Would take wood,
hay or grain In exchange. K. H.
Itosenberry, fair grounds, city.
FOR SALE Good business, includ
ing good work team. $400 will
handle it, or will trade for used
Ford car. Address L. M., News
office. 305-tf
foie buying plants. Will have .a
surplus from both Imported and
domestic seed. Foster Butner,
Roseburg Gardens. Phone 40 Fll.
FOR SALE On terms. Stop con
tributing to the landlord's pros
perity. Buy a house for wife and
kiddles. Ten lots, fine trees, fruit,
small house, delightful location,
near pavement, $750. Worth
$1500. Address News-No. 303. t
FOR SALE Lot 60x450 with small
house at a bargain iirice. Fine
creek bottom soil, inside city lim
its; flnest garden spot In city, fruit
trees and berries. -Good place for
cows and chickens. Address A. M.
Oeland, 751 Fleser street, Rose
burg. 175-tf
FOll SALE OR TRADE First class
restaurant iiv southern Oregon
town of 5000. Will sell for less
than Invoice nt cash snle. or wlu.t'
have you for trade? Best of rea-i
cons for selling. Will bear inves-j
tlgntlon. Address, Restaurant,
enre News. 330-tf '
FOR SALE If you want a good
country store business paying a
handsome net Income, steadily
growing farm and forest trade.
$4,000 stock, part terms on acre
age and buildings. Look this pro
position up at once. It will bear;
the closest Investigation. By own- i
er. Address 646 Pitier street.j
Roseburg. Ore. 320-J3 1
THE GOVERNMENT needs farmers I
as well as flphtcrs. Two million, j
three hundred thousand acres of
Oregon & California Railroad Co !
grant lands. Title revested in the '
I'nlted States. To be opened for
homesteads nnd sale. Contnlnlna;
come of the best land left In Unit-:
rd States. Lar? copyrghted map.'
showing land by sections and de-i
rcrlptlons of soil, climate, rain-i
fall, elevations, temperature, etc.,
by counties. Postpaid one dollar, j
Grant Lands Locating Co.. box!
610, Portland, Ore. 3 1 3-e2 1
To Win the War
"We must all speak, act and serve
together." President Wilson.
America in the Great War expects full
and effective service from every indi-'
vidual. ,
For each there is some special duty to
, work with and for the Government.
The Umpqua Valley Bank stands ready
and willing to cooperate with patriotic
citizens of this community.
B. W. Strong, Preatdent; J. M. Throne, Cashier; t. R.
Shambrook, Vice President; Roland Agee, Vice President,
FOR SALE 40 acres, seven acres
cleared, 9 miles from Myrtle
Creek. Good creek runs through
place and good spring on property.
All fenced no other improve
ments. Make an excellent chick
en farm. Price $1,000. $300
down, balance at small yearly pay
ment at 6 per cent. Address Mrs.
L. A. Daugherty, Myrtle Creek,
Ore. 388-al
WANTED A reliable middle aged
man to work around Mercy hos
pital. 2.54-tf
WANTED Married man to work on
Iruit ranch. Permanent position
for right party. Phone 28F3.
oak poles. Timber good and pay
good. Address H. B. Woods, Box
61, Oakland, Ore. J!5p
all your salable Royal Anne cher
ries, and furnish containers and
pay cash for same on delivery.
Drager Fruit Co., Roseburg, Ore
gon. ' 286-tf
WANTED Man of experience and
ability to teach small country
Bchool;" excellent references re
quired. Salary $70 to $80. Apply
Co. Supt. o. C. Brown for particu
lars. 317-tf
WANTED To trade a couple of Dur
ham cows Tor fresh Jersey heifers.
Also for Bale small chunky mare,
will foal next month, $45. John
Meistcr, Mountain House Ranch.
FOR RENT 100 acres pastu?o,
full growth grass. J. M. Moore,
Kt. 1, Box 75. 324-J25
Mitchell Six
J. F. Barker & Co.
Roseburg . ' Oregon
'Precious Ointments Are Put
v in Small Boxes."
A French Proverb
While here In Roseburg some of the most useful ointments (and
consequently, precious to you) are put in very liberal sized
packages, at
Roseburg's Prescription Drug Store
iie .Tyty
Sheet Metal WorK!
The best stock and best equipped shop In the city.
Special rrices on Fruit Drier work. Phone or drop a cord wc will
do the rest.
Roseburg Plumbing and Heating Co.
FOR RENT Six room modern
house, good location, paved street.
Phone 15F12. 340-tf
FOR RENT Modern 5-rooin house,
new garage; North Jackson street
- Inquire News, or phone 199-R.
FOR RENT Two furnished houses,
1 four rooms, 1 five rooms. Mod
ern. Phone 454-R or Inquire 647
S. Stephens. 261-tt
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms
with use of bath and phone, $5 to
$8 per month. 247 South Jack
son, or phone 41-R. 316-tf
FOR RENT By the year or other
wise, well furnished house, new
garage, large -garden; fruit, ber
ries, etc., 611 S. Main -street, E.
H. Rosenberry. " 282-tf
LOST On Melrose road, Friday,
sack High Flight flour. Finder
please phone 6F32. jlp
LOST On Coos Bay stage road a
white John B. Stetson hat. Find
er please leave nt News office. '
A GOOD ThADE A house and two
big lots for good team and har
ness. Phone 8F3, or Inquire at
News office. 18J-tf
WELL DRILLING See me for that
new well, the only well that is
pollywog' proof. W. F. Kernln,
City. 298-3118
WAR, WAR, WAR See Pat, not
about the German war, but about
prizes on mill work, door and win-
. dow frames, nil kinds of cement
work. TJmlapa'ltiiilt mnviwl r .im
paired. Also have some snap bar
gains in real estate. Batter, list!
with us If you want to sell. F. F.
Patterson, City. 20R-t(
19 'JwvvVumiuMLMiiwaa
(to ... Perkins
wUA tiwre