The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, June 27, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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The Quality of
That boy Is on the the right road to
Independence and success who naves
a portion of each dollar he earns and
deposits It In tho Dank each week.
He Is lookinK ahoud for the future
and building the strongest protection
For old age.
Your account Is cordially Invited by
The Roseburg National Bank
Dame Rumor Is working Indus
triously 1 HOBO days, and seems to
take especial delight in keeping the
members of tho local artillery com
pany gueBslng as to tho date they
will be called Into service Klrst
one date and then another is pro
nounced from apparently ofllclal
sources, but as yet the boys are still
wondering and just about the time
lliat they decide on something an
other notice upsots all provious pre
dictions. One of tho most convincing hIkiih,
however, occurred today, when the
Southern Pacific Company set out
Three passenger cars on a local sid
ing and announced that they wore
ready to move the troops at any
time. Thoy were given liistructlimB
to have cars ready between the first
and fifteenth of July and are ready
three days nhoad of time. Whether
the cars will be used within that time
or not Is only a matter of conjecture.
Iliwkwny lUy (IraduatoH,
Victor Nichols, of Hrockway, wiio
recently grnduatod from the busi
ness courso of the Christian Broth
ers Business college of Portland, waH
a Iloacourg visitor this afternoon.
One of the best road maps to be
seen In thli city for many days was
posted in a conspicuous place in the
U in ho&.'l lobby today. It is an
Index Itoad map enlarged from tho
Tourists' Blue Book und 1 one of
tho most valuablo motorist aids to be
found anyvhero. Tho map is com
plete In every detail, giving practic
ally all tho Information that could be
desired by mo average automobile
ton rist.
Tho roads throughout Washing
ton, Oregon, California and Idaho
are shown clearly and all highways
designated leading to the various
uatloaal parks are given In detail.- A
large number of tourists arrive at
the each day and the map
will prove a great addition to the
present high standard of servlco.
The Transfer Men and Jitney
Operators Will Fight
City Measure.
More- Tciu-hera Hero.
Tho foll(,J'lng toachers arrived
'his afternoon to write upon subjects
during tho teachers' examination
now In progress here: Mildred A.
Myers, Looking Glass; Arllne Por
llne, Mrs. Anna C. Potorson, Mrs.
Mary Whipple, Roseburg; l.eland .1.
Hewitt, Uilenhower; Kittle Mayes.
Itiddlo, nnd Mrs. Adelle M. March,
Myrtle Creek.
"Sterno Tag Week"
June 25th to 30th Inclusive
A STERNO tag entitles you to a
handsome present. Provide your
self with a "STERNO" stove for
your auto trips. Canned heat is 0. K.
Churchill Hardware Co.
Matinee Every Dav, 2 to 5
Evenings. 7:15&8:.r)'0,5c-10c
"The Girl Who Lost"
1t1 1-Vather IhmMe Mtrat lion i-eleju-od with HOKIHIK ol.IS
fmturiiiK XKAIj HAItT. The f-'irl who lout U a strong emotional
play while Holder Wolves" U western druma fit at has a kirk In
e ri v foot of film.
i'oitn vi:i:iii.v
-Shown you how they feed hundreds of
one time lu a h:: hotel.
WI.KN lMOX rr.l.l, l-XHl PYTHIAS A riot for tlihty minute
XMIN(J TOhAY Al TOMOKKOW A real navy toipedo ihe kind
used In the present war. Kx plosives removed. Hroim hi by the
navy nutoinohlle will be exhibited today ami tomorrow at this
t heat to.
8 Reels
Admission, Adults 10c, Children fir
8 Reels
Tho flrat time tho butterfly feature have ever been shown here,
"Tho Phontoiifa Secret" is a romantic drama In llw acts Also the
second chnpter of M;IK TKI M ITK.
Kill OA V TIIK H llH I'AV lY. lis a Ulnel.lrd.
11Y roXXRI.I.Y IV 'lTKKit'K,,f It's a Vitnirrnph.
Transfer .Men Are Aecued of Having
Ylolutcd Ordinance und Will
Probably lUs AjivnU1
ut a Neur IKitc
British Troops Will Probably
Occupy Lens in a
Few Days.
PuMngcrt und Crew Saved Senate
Committee Would Stop Manu
facture of Liquors Iteod
. Amendment Kliective.
The legal proceedings will start
In a few days to test the validity of
the city jitney ordinance waa rum
ored about the street a today. For
borne time there hus been a question
us to whether the city has a right to
enforce- this ordinuuee and juut what
butiiueseb arc covered by its pro
visions. V. S. French and H. J.
Denn, proprietors of local transfer
businesses, have objected to the pay
ing of a Jitney licence in order to
haul large crowds ami, in fact, have
refused) to do ro. They have avowed
their intention of lighting tue en
forcement of the provisions and it is
understood that they will be assist
ed in iihtint; the case by lue jit
neiim of the city who are opposed to
the present restrictions.
On May 31st, both Mr. trench and
Mr. Denn hauled parties ol high
school students to picnicking places
which It is claimed was a violation
of the city ordinance. This ordin
ance provides that motor cars, motor
buses or motor vehicles engaged in
the hauling of passengers for hire,
must pay the Ureiiho and furnish a
bond suitable to the members of the
city council. Neither of the transfer
men have over taken out these
licenses and within a few days it is
expected that they will be arrested
and bio.ight to trial at which time
the ordinance will be tested.
The jltneurs of the city presented
a petition to the council precious to
tl-jo passage of tho ordinance, ask-
in:; for reg.ilunon of some sort. This
w; a followed by a remonstrance
which carried considerably more sig
natures than the petition. Tne city
attorney drafted an ordinance along
original lines and this was adopted
by tho council. There has been sev
eral objections to the ordinance, but
no organized opposition. The time,
however, for licenses expires July 1
nnd before loaning another paymen.
the jitnourp have determined to try
out the ordinance.
A navy torpedo, such as is
being used In the present war-
fare, will arrive in this city
this afternoon, and wil bo en
exhibition in front of the Ma-
Jostle theatre, according to a
statement made by Naval He-
cruiting Officer K. J. liuyn.
Tho torpedo will bo in
charge or Chief Machinest K. it.
liuper and (.limner Cyle. and
will ho shown here this even-
lng and tomorrow.
Live-wire Doings of City
Instructor Arrives.
lixf. und Mrs. II. II. Hronson anil
family, arrived this allernoon from
Kiddle and v. ill u:ddo in this cit
permanently. I'rot . llronson Iris
been employed in t he Uot;oburi
schools for the fall terms.
Ihdnu i:icitsive Itiisine-s.
IVw p ople real i e tile niagniiud
if I lie cU;;r and tobacco business in
this .otiniy. and lliere ate still a
le. ?. nu l. be i v, ho a I e aw are of the e
leii:;;e bii::nes eat. led on by I'err
Fosier, ihe local wholesaler, with of
fice o:i .hi'ksmi slivel. Mr. Foster
practically sells his goods over The
on lire ceiinty. and aside from tolae-
cos is a :et.t for a nice line of an
dbs. A '.'air ioea 01 the misine!
dm.e by 1 1 1 111 in this county is the
f:n I thai s'm-e the llrst ot the v-ur
in1 p;iid 'o one fii m alone ovet
$i;.,li"i I hi ill llti way iin-lutb
niiMienoi-; orders plated with oihe
hoe ,e- t r tobaccos. ei;:is and can
dies, which is v itleiice thai Mr Fos
ter ts looking alter his business in
(crests in tins section in good shape
and is "on the job" all the t'Me.
. -. . .
sni.i, niii, in. 4
Fp to noon todnv, with
Keedspoii. Pillard and t'anyon-
ville still to hear from J I s.
t'.iH (IS is the roini total sub-
scribe I lo the Red Cross fund.
Manv in tbi county have nct
MibM i ilt d lor i!.e teason that
4 (hey have uol b.-eu solt.ited
lloveer. thee niiiv make their
contribution direet to J H .
Wharton, treasurer, thU ciiy, 4
Mr. and Min. A. Alel. of Wilbur.
!eft for I heir home this afternoon
after altcnltng to shopping for a
brief tiipe.
(By Associated Press.)
WAR ZONE, June 27 While Gen
eral Halg ifl closing tn bo closely on !
Lens, and the capture by the British
of that coal mining city and adjacent
districts seems imminent, the ques
tion arises as to whether British
operations will be accompanied by a
like French offensive. Generel Pe-
taln's ocacslonal strokes against the
enemy lines gives Impression that
ho is only trying to hold the vantage
points already gained.
Oriental Liner Slink.
BOMBBAY, June 27. The Mongo
la, a Peninsula and Orienta line
steamer, encounteied a mine off
Bombay on June 23 and was de
stroyed. Fasscngers and tb crew
were saved, but it Is believed the
mails were lost.
May Visit Northwest.
POKTUYNH. June 27. It is prob
able now that the Belgian commissi n
will visit the northwest. This fact
was practically assured to lay when
Governor Withyeombe received a
telegram fiom Baron Moncheur.
head or the mission, stating that the
Belgians will be glad to visit this
section of the United States nnd Ore
gon in particular, it the Itinerary
can be arranged. The state depart
ment is trying to arrange matters
so that they may visit Oregon.
My Stmt Drought.
W A S II I NOTO N, June 27. With
drahtlrc prohibition amendments to
stop the manufacture of beer, as
well as dir-tillcd liquors, and giving
the president discretion to permit the
manufaeiuro of wines only, the ad
ministration food bill was agreed on
by the senate agricultural commit
tee today. Tho measure was favor
ably reported to the senate as a sub
stitute for the bill now under con
sideration. Stop Liquor HhiHiicntM.
SKATTLK, June 27. Federal At
torney Allen declared today that no
more liquor can be shippi. into ti e
state after midnight. Saturday, as ',e
Reed amendment becomes effective
S. R. Brlsbin, of Looking Glass
was a Roseburg visitor today.
Prof. J. h. Rers, of the local high
school, is nssisting In condu tinrr the
teachers' examination.
J. L. Gteason and wife motored
over from their home at Kutherlin
6wayt Mis Audiences With Gift of Trua
Oratory, Francis Lybarger, member of
tho I'liihidelphia Bar. Is to be heard at
the F.llison -White Chautauquas this
haruor Is acclaimed by William
Jennings ilryan as one of tho foremost
II vl i- a r,t hii T ie-s en pt lltl at. sielal
fii d iudu-;i.a! proMems in tliis conn
To a i h. I.itly mind, I.ybnrner ba-t
ill1 :i'!ded ciit of true oratory, for lu-
whv hi- iiudl, :i. i-s with an clo.nieir c
i pialh intniiiie and entertain. n.
lie h:is a (It r' ieWi-rfuI vote, cleat
ui'.is a I. p. :i 'l vnt in, iir.d persuaix e.
a::d one of i lie strongest Hiid misi
pieasim: pes 'iialltics upon our Amer
ican plat !oi u.
That Will Wear
Durability in silverware Is as Im
portant aa the prettlness of the
design. Tue silver that wears
well is Ihe correct choice. Alviu
Silver combines good wearing
qualities with an extremely at
tractive design. You will like
the lines of the Washington pat
tern. See our windows for a
showing of this popular ware.
Quality absolutely guaranteed.
Quality Service.
JewelerH & Optometrists.
John Larrison, indicted and con
victed In 1914. on n charge of for
gery, has been reconiemnded by Dis
trict Attorney Neuncr tor a con,,
tional pardon or parole. Larrison
was found guilty on two counts and
was sentenced to serve from two to
twenty years In the penitonliary.
The crime for which he was con
victed was that of stealing a check
from Paul Cuvilller, anu of raising it
from $(' to $20 and passing it at the
Wilder tc Agee clothing store where
he obtained a large amount of
goods and considerable change.
Mr. Neuner recommended his pa
role on the grounds that he has a
niece dependent upon him and be
cause of the letters which indicate
that he is willing to make repara
tion, and lead a bettor life in the fu
ture. The recommendation has
been sent to the governor.
H. IC. Smith today received a mes
sage from his brother-in-law, J. 15.
Kuykendall. that the ambulance
corps organized by the latter for
French service, will leave Kugene
Thursday of next week. Ililbert
Wilson, of this city, is a mechanic
in tho corps and will bo one of those
who will cross the Atlantic for the
IOuropean battlefields.
The ambulance unit vas organized
solely by Dr. Kuykendall, who was
commissioned as captain. It consists
of 8f men, 5 of whom are physicians,
remainder being mechanics, chauf
feurs, stretcher bearers, etc. Tho
men will go from Eugene to some
Atlantic port and from there will go
by transport to France.
The Brunswick
Brings All Artists
Becauselt Plays All Records feflffj
It plays all records. So ALL artists
ALL instrumental soloists and
orchestras ALL bands, ALL pop
ular songs of the day. ALL dance
records all the world of music are
at your command without restric
tionwhen you play The Brunswick
Heretofore every phonograph owner has had to content him
self with one make of records.
Each concern controls Us own premier artists. Each make
is excellent in itself. Each has rare records.
But no music lover could hear them all on his own instru
ment. That meant a limited library.
Worst of all, few homes could have the wonderful Pa the
Records world famous Each home has had to make Its sacrifices.
The Brunswick removes all restrictions. Buy any record you
choose, whatever make. Play it on The Brunswick.
This remaikable Instrument Is especially designed to play all
records not merely adapted. It is the final type phonograph,
a combination of the merits of the many.
Jill the costliest, worthiest features are included in The Bruns
wick an extra-caiacUy motor, a perfected tone modifier, an ac
curately timed automatic stop, and a dozen othor refinements and
And all without added cost to you.
Hear and Compare
The Brunswick has an nil-wood sound chamber built like a
violin. So there are no metallic nor nasal tones.
A tin horn could have been used or part metal, part wood.
This, acousticians advised, was faulty. So they planned The
Brunswick's all-wood sound chamber.
Come and hear The Brunswick. Let us point out all Its im
provements. Ask for any records your favorites. Also for sev
eral Pathe selections. Your ear will decide in its favor. You'll
be delighted.
And remember this remarkablo Brunswick with all Its ad
vantagescosts no more than other high-grade instruments. The
prices range from J7o to $175. t
We hare a complete line of Brunswicks and a large collection
of Pathe Itecords.
cmilIKTK HOMI-i FItMSI-IKKS. 1lwt Street, Koffehurff, Ore.
Mrs. H. F. Pound and daughter, of
eastein Oregon loft for Portland to-,
day, after visiting with friends in
this city for several days. Mrs.
Pounds was accompanied home by
M rs. No i a h O re gg and son of this
city who will he a guest at uie
Pound residence for several weeks.
C. A. Siinnor, an ofllclal of the
W'ells-Fargc Kxpress Co., who has
been a business visitor in this city,
left for Portland today. Thoren Eastman arrived
Wednesday afternoon from Fresno.
Calif and will be the house guest of
.1l.s Cora Weber for several weeks.
Fnder the auspices of the Oregon
state board of forestry, a lecture il
lustrated by a large number of beau
tiful and instructive slides will be
given at the court house Saturday
evening. The lecture Is for the pur
pose of giving a cleair insight into
the Oregon forest and its value to the
com m unities in general. It is en- I
tertaining as wel as Instructive and '
I'.ierc is little doubt but that a la'ge t
rrowd will bo present. j
The pictures portray the work of;
the saw mills, logging operations. '
lighting of forest fires and many oth
er views of a similar character. Th-
lecture i.j being handled by the loug
las tire patrol of tills city.
Is the Watchword of Every Careful Buyer.
YOU economize when you select one rQ
of these numbers, the best pXI70
value that money can buy. Our line is now complete,
$1.98, $2.98 and $3.98
Incorporated )lp in I'mpqua.
A delightful diversion was abort
ed the members of tho LafValot c'uhi
Wednesday morning when thev as-,
pomhli'd on the banks of uie t'mpe.u.j !
ri ver in Alexandei s park and c- j
Joyed a exiiilianittng dip in the c .ol j
waters of me beautiful river. 'At tho j
olo.-u1 of the swim mine. breakfast '
was prepared and the hungry mat 1- i
ens p.irtook of a delirious repast. A i
wonderful time is reported. 1
FOlt SAI.i-: Onod nheep trained1
collie. Phone :tsS-J. j-'-'p
WANTKD Hou.e keeper for three
rntlemen Address "Y" ear The
Kvening News. ;i 1' 7-j'J 9
FOR SAUK If you want a good
country store business pjiyinir a
ha ml some net income, steadily
crowing farm and forest trade.
St.oao stot'k, part terms on acre
nre and buildincs. Look thii pro
position up at once. It will bear
the closest investlcntlon. By own
er. Ad dress 54 6 Pitzer street,
Ttoseburg, Ore. .H'O-jSi
& 8: -IS
Al :o a new and interestiriancle-Kav Ree Feature
Also a new anil imroiti or Tnlversal Magazine
Admission as Usual, Adults 10c, Children 5c
TmiHiiivw (Tliui-wlii) ) eveiiinv' ciily at 7:lr and oiss
lU-nelit IVHonnamo . ..WIKH AIIIl in the live reel l'animiiiiit
feature I'holopluv
"Betty to the Rescue"
U tins l.-ui," Mis Waril playr. tn,. pari nl a roinplne hoj-.l-nls'i
to.l.lmy. Willi tousl..! hair. .a o rr,.t and frequently clad in a dl
lapldat.'l pair of overall.-. A tin illini; and dolmh'tfully oririna!
story that will sui cly pi, ilM. you. Also on this program the i tli
ihiiptvr of tho patriotic serial "l.lltKKTV"
Xo Ativan... In Prl.-.- Admission ,-, an.l inc
lYiday . v. nintf only al 7 1.-. and S: (.-, (JI.AKS l!lt(M KVl I I, ...
ill a dual role in thr moat llvciv.-! I ov l'l,t.,,,ly -SINS OP HTTli
- Ui:NT" What ..ld ,our damrht.-r v? ' Valor!,- Mnrri
mom. .mmn ,,f tl,o da,,,,- lialU. f,-.-U of s,, j "
.U.s...-n Is askod Sli.- kn:.s that l-r own child is sf.. "' '.
v. nt. Ilini moth, ,- and d.uiL-hl.T m.vl and TOillmtlon follows A
m..nil 1,-s.s..,, ,.y..,y i,i,,,,,. Sii, w- Admissions r.c anil" 10c
f'.tmtiK, Vntni.!., nrt........ . TT ' .
'syi'.xiiK p.:x. ,av . ,::(:s
fnree In tun nvK eniiib-.l ' HH,F TIIK 1(iHMi"
t'oiniiU Snndayjtern.Hm nudenlnnowJPvMo,H.'' fTnrTl
' ""' ,, " nin. nmiinem imth rinv "Ivtvh i-n.T:
- ' 'T 1 ' 'T.H.l