TITO EVFMNfl KKWft. WKtEfilAY, Jl'NR 27. 1017- TRY OUR JERSEY ICE CREAM IX LARGE A.VD SMALL ItltlCKH. - DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY FOR: RECRUITING WEEK Evenim "Enlist now! Youi prosidont calls you! The army warns you! The country needs you! Come on your loyal Americans anil let's help tree Promptness in Filling Orders a Feature of Our Business Spray Solution For the Destruction of Aphis, Lice, Plant Fleas and all other Troublesome Insets on Rose Bushes and Various Plant Life. rVBLISHKI) KVKRY DAY KXCKP T SUNDAY AT KOSKUUlUi, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OKBCSOX. MAKES CLUBBING ARRANGEMENT WITH the world that, our children ma; live In peace." v The above bulletin was received yesterday by Hecruitlni? Ofncor t G. Halt, as a part of tho campalKU for recruits which Is being waged this week In compliance with the proclamation of the president. It will probably be the Ian; week of recruiting and all those who 'lsh to avoid the draft Bhould enlist now. MO T01SIS Daily News Offers Unusual Opportunity To Its Readers MONG our large circle of readers there are a great many who are interested directly or indirectly in fruit growing, dairying: and other branches of farming. All .of these nat- jjfogal urally wish to keep, in close touch with agricultural activi ties throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agri cultural interests of this state. v v. We have, therefore, made a special clubbing arrangement with THE OREGON FARMER whereby any farmer or fruit grower, who is one of our regular subscribers and who is not now a subscriber of THE OREGON FARMER, will be en titled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination with this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone. This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their, sub- criptions as well as to all new subscribers, If you are interested, directly or -indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual opporturity but send your order in now. THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests of Oregon. It has a big organization gathering the news of importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stpckraisers and poultrymen; and it has the backbone to attack wrongful methods ahd combination and bad legislation, atld support honest leaders and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers will congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and attractive clubbing offer. Our Big Clubbing Offer! The Evening Daily News, One Year, Oregon Fanner, Three Years - - ROSEBURG $3.00(By Our Special JM Clubbing Plan, $6.00(Both for - - - THE EVENING DAILY NEWS THIS OFFISH IS GOOD FOIi A SHOUT TIME OMY. ir OREGON V7: IS Tho buggy belonging to Carlos ,ge was badl smashed last night ion ft was struck by an auto drlv i by a California tourist. The rig , as occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Page, rs. Page's mother and two small liltlren. Foitunately none of the ;cu pants were Injured, Mr.' Page was driving Bouth on tcphons street and was at the cor er of Stephens and Ploed streets hen the accident occurred. The trlver of the auto had his attention let r acted by a passing motorcycle and struck the front wheel of the buggy, tearing the wheel oft and carrying it for a short distance on the fender before the car was stop ped. The horse started to run, but Mr. Page Jumjied over the dush board and stopped It before it had gone far. The tourist was very profuse in his apologies and stated that his name was Gardiner and that he was regis tered at the Umpqua hotel where any bill for damages could be Rent. This morning he went to tho office of the Page Lumber Co. and made settlement. LOOKING GLASS JTKMS. Mrs. T. F. Heard will entertain the members of the Ladies Aid on Friday aflernoon at the home of Mrs. Ed. Morgan. There will be a meeting of the V. C. T. II. on Thursday at two o'clock at tho Ladles Aid hall. All arc cor diallp invited. Elder Blackwell, of this charge, delivered a most bcnefllelal sermon at the church on Sunday evening. A Jolly party of young folks left Sunday for the old fishery at the forks of the beautiful Umpqua river, ! where they enjoyed themselves moat wonderfully, as one of tbcm express-' ed It. Those in the mrty were Miss' Nellie Voorhies, the Misses Rose and Irene Mundt, the Misses Kern and Gladys Morgan, Miss Gladys Jackson, Frank Myers, Harry Brown, KrneHt Voorhies, Walter Jones and Cecil Jackson. We understanu the 81. i grado graduates will give an ico cream so cial on tho school house lawn on Sat urday evening, June 30. Our constable a thtnnrng some of leaving for Germany about Satur day night. He thinks tailing over tho Teutons preferable, to acting In tho capacity of pound master giatis. Wiley K. Miller Is sporting a new Maxwell automobile, being initiated info the mysteries of the order by John Slgnor, of Hoseburg. There were a number of visitors in the vallfy this week, but the most sought after was perhaps Tho Even ing News. X. PASS THROUGH CITY A. E. Jones, Mrs. A. E. Jones and Miss Darby, wbo pnsesd through Koseburg yesterday, lelt New lto chello, ,N. ,Y. June 22. 1916, and slnco that time they have been tour ing the United 5lates, having trav- olled a distance of 20,000 miles. They went first to Chicago and from there took the route of the old Santa Fo ILuil. stoppii!g In lOallfornia long enough to seo all points of Interest in that slate. They will go to Seattle from hero and on tlielr wny back homo will go through the Yellow stone park, and by a dllfcront route, hack to Hochello, than the one tak en when thoy Blurted out. Thoy Informed a News reporter t'.ia- thoy were taking their time, thore solo object being to see the country, and that ..iey wore Burcly seeing It. They were travolllng In a Studebaker car, which was stand ing up well under tho trip. NOT1CI5. If you know of any misrepresenta tions by a Mutual Life Insurance agent in Douglas county, you will be conferring a fnvor on Die peoplo by writing to Special Agent C. W. M Box 41, Koseburg, Or. 294-tf NOTK'K. MAYK'S Wonderful Remedy for Stomach Trouble. One dose convinces. For snle by Marsters Drug Co. and other reliable druggists. DROUGHTS AFFECT (Dy Associated Press.) POKTLAND, Or., June' 27. Drought conditions continue to nftect corps in southern and custcru Ore gon, according to the summary of state crop conditions for the week ending June 20, issued horo today by the weuthor bureau. The summury follows: "The weather of the past week was generally favorable, although show ers are now badly needed in localities of southern' and eastern counties where the ground Is becoming too dry for cultivation and crops on shallow soil are suffering. "Barley, oats, pastures, meadows and winter wheat uro about tho aver age; wheat Is bending, clover cutting hus begun and the second crop of alfalfa is growing nicely. 'Corn, beans, rye, spring wheat, sugar beets and hops are In fair con dition. "Potatoes and truck crops aro still Into, but looking well whore not affected by drought conditions. "Kruit prospects, as a rulo, aro promising; tho heavy drop In apples la marked in some districts, but saves considerable labor In thinning. A fair yield of strawberries is being marcted. High winds of. the 23rd blew off considerable fruit, particu larly peaches. In Josephine county. "Farm work and vegetation con tinue backward." AVKST HIDE CKINIIKATION'. Tho clerk of School DIst.'No. 75 has been authorized to call for bids for 12, tiers of dry oak wood, 20 inches long, not less than 3 or nioroj man o iiiunun ill uimiiciur, UIHl a tiers of dry plno wood, to bo deliv ered and ricked In tho woodshed be fore the first day of September. All bids to be in tho hands of tho clerk on or before tho loth day of July, 1917. The board rebervos tho right to reject any or all bids. LOItA M. KK8TRP., Clerk, Dist. No. 75. R. F. D., Uoscburg. J.io Tho Fullorton Parent-Teachers Association will bold Its annuul 4th of July celebration and picnic ut Bellows Grovo on the west' side. There will he a splendid program at 10:30 in tho morning, followed by a basket dinner under the trees In tho good old way. The orator of tho day Is Hon. O. P. Coshow. In the aflernoon the races will be dispensed with In favor of the fourth company boys at the armory. Here is the program: Song, "America" Audience Prayer. Soldiers' Farewell Klnkel Malo Quartette Wilson's War Message... .A Selection Kov, Warrington. Star Spangled Banner Key idiss llaldemnn. Goodbyo Jim niloy Mrs. Ashcraft. Address of the Day Hon. O. P. Co show. Spoed our Hepubllc Keller Mrs. Fory and Quartet. d-sw-jM CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean tho Signature Q By abm B w STRONG Vk-J oee 1 hem! the furniture man Marsters' Drug Store You Need No Other Guarantee cook in a ElectricPlates COOL OR kitchen with Electric Ranges Tho special low prlco cooking rate makes cooking by electricity inexpensive. We will be glad to tell you about It and about electric plates from one burner to an electric range. Come lu and find out about them. Roseburg Electric Company Everything -Electrical. Following an . . ij: . u ,i : .1, : . i U-U . a,' fcvJ.. J Unusually Dry Summer You must oxpect an unusually wet winter, and you should be unusually particular about the quality of your roofing material ' WIIKX IT It.VI.NS there's nothing so dry, In Oregon, as the things under a roof of Our Red Cedar Shingles Kenny Lumber Company We Are OW111 FOR Summ mer Summer Coats IINIHMMMiHIBIMIIIilWHnnBlH And Dress Goods And a Fine Line of Silks! A beautiful and dainty line of Ladies' Dress Goods, in latest weaves A selection made at our store means the - latest and most aprov ed fashionable designs shown. I. Abraham The Deoendable Store