The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, May 10, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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TUB Evn.nxo KHW8
This is the Time for Every Citi
zen to Support the United
States Government
Many are doing so at considerable cost or sacrifice
' to themselves.
t , ,
We have joined the Federal Reserve Bunking Sys
tem estblhjhed by the Government to give greater fin
ancial stability and strength to the member banks
and protection to their depositors. You can" give
your support to this great Government enterprise
and also obtain Its protection for your money by be
coming one of our depositors. '
The Douglas National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Svstem.
For years scientists have known
that the sun's light was the most
potent agent of destruction that
could be employed in the war against
tuberculosis. Germs exposed to the
rays of the sun were instantly killed; j
but to apply this wonderful power
in a practical - way has been the
"stumblin.r block". The 'extreme
light the the X-ray has been used
without success, for while It succeed
ed in destroying some of the
"germs" the Intense heat burned the
tissue, and thereby furnished "virus"
or new food for the remaining
"germs" to thrive and multiply upon,
really making the second condition
- woibc than the first.
After years of experimenting and a
careful study of tuberculosis, I have
succeeded in perfecting an apparatus
in the form of an electric cabinet
that will do all that has been credit
ed to the sun's rays, the application
of which causes no discomfiture to
the patient.
The cabinets are made of metal,
absolutely air tight with a "dead
air" space between the inner cylin
der and the outside shall, the inner
partition is lined with very bright
metal and illuminated by scores of
incandescent lamps, the light reflect
ed against the arcs of the circle mul
tiplies the power of penetration
many times, the interior of the cab
i let is to bright that it renders the
body transparent, tubercular germs
can find no place to secrete them
selves from the strong rays o! light,
are killed, flushed l$to the olood and
carried away by an increased circu
lation stimulated by the heat. The
broken down tisue rebuilds, the
lacerated parts soon heal, nature re
asserts herself and with propor care
and nourishment the patient rapidly
What this wonderful discovery
does for tuberculosis it can also do
for chronic disorders of the kidneys.
liver and bladder. Rheumatism in its
many malignant forms succumb
ed to its seemingly magic power.
My offices, turkish bath, massage
nnd treatment rooms are now locat
ed in the Perkins building, Rose-
Breeder of big type Poland China
pigs, for sale, a few Jersey heifer
calves. Barred Rocks. Buff Or
pingtons. White and Brown Leg
horns and Guinea eggs.
nOSKltl'Hf! ... ORWiOX
1 would very much appreel-
ate the opportunity to take re-
newals, as well as new sub-
scrlptions to the Portland
Evening Telegram. I have en-
tcred their contest as a candi-
date for one of tne prizes of-
fered to the ten persons getting
the lnrgest .number of renew-
nls and new subscribers. -Any
favors shown me In this respect
will bo greatly appreciated.
Subscription Kates lly Mail.
3 months J1.60
6 months 2.75
1 year 5.00
Telegram lly Carrier,
3 months . $1.35
6 months 2.50
1 year 5.00
Phone 370, or leave your or-
der at The iNews office.
The council investigation commit
tee was well pleased with the re
sult of the examination made todaj
nf the many restaurants of the city,
tlio sanitary conditions having iip
proved wonderfully over any pre
vious Investigations made.
The -only fault found was In the
L'onstruction of the buildings in sev
eral places and this wilt be ordered
changed by the committee within a
short time. In a few places it was
found that the restaurant employes
were cateless In keeping food covered
and aUo allowed crumbs and scrntf
of food to remain on the floor as an
atti action to flies, but there is no
doubt but that this will be remedied
as soon as it is called to their at
n every iilace It was found that
iho terms of the ordinance have been
observed in noarly every way and
hose making the examination wcro
exceptionally well pleased and com
mended the restaurant hlgh-
y. The same conditions exist in
bakeries and confectlonaries which
were also investigated. '
burg, and I have leased the Herring
ton house, West Douglsa street, as
temporary quarters for my sanitar
ium, t;
Lady attendants for ladles. Con
sultation free.
m 20 DR. V. L. HUITER.
n keeping with Whltu Ribbon
week, the W. C. T. II., held fjiir
mothers' meetings nnd at each of
these the following resolution wns
unanimously adupted:
WHEREAS, the conduct of the
boys and girls in Hoseburg has been
such fhat our mayor, the Honorable
Napoleon Rico has deemed It neces
sary to aippeal to the parents to gain
the confidence of their children that
they may know In what manner they
are spending their evenings; there
fore, be it
RESOLVED, that we, the mem
bers of the W. C. T. U. pledge our
hearty support to the mayor In his
tosmon on this vital question and
urge the parents of Roseburg to heed
his timely- warning.
MRS. F. A. HKMIS, President.
MRS. R. E. HUNT, Secretary.
The Roseburg Cleaning St Pressing
works have Just received. their line of
sprlDg samples a swell assortment
of the finest fabrics. Get your order
in early for & choice selection. A
jerfect fit guaranteed and the best
workmanship. G. W.- Sloper, the
cleaner and presser. tf
J. M. Donnoll, of Wilbur, exipects
to leave for Grand-' Forks, B. C, In
a few days, where he will remain for
several montns.
U. S. Weather Bureau, local office,
Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 5
a. m., May 10, 1917.
Precipitation In inches and hun
dredth: Highest temperature yesterday 5(
Lowest temperature last night 51
Precipitation, lost 24 hours 01
Total preclp. since first of
month 62
Normal preclp. for this month 2.05
I Total precipitation from Sep-
I tcmber 1, 1910, to date 24.38
Average precipitation from Sep
tember 1, 1S77 31.43
Total decifiency from Sep-
i tcirtber 1, 1916 7.05
i Average precipitation for "!1
! wet seasons, (Sept. to May
Inclusive) .... 32.12
I Observer
Featuring Stylish
Wash Dresses
In consideration of those young ladies who '
may want an inexpensive, yet stylish lit
tle frock for graduation, we have priced
these dresses extremely low. One line at ,
Is actually worth $7.50, and fullys look it.
We shall be pleased to have you call and
inspect them.
Insures you long wear,
much pleasure and solid
comfort. Try one.
I ;(
Delightful Decollete
Or, In other words, beauty unadorned. To bo even more explicit, Gloria,
Swnnson (left) and Peggy Pearce, of the Mack Bennett-Keystone company,
defying the high cost of living toy wearing what Is most becoming nothing.
Of course, if the pictures hud been longer we would have had to wrlU a
different O'pellne; but, as you observe, they weren't
The SQUARE Store
An Exclusive Ladies' Shop.
Dnnco Friday. May 11. at the arm
ory, eight o'clock. m5
Notice is hereby given that school
warrants of district No. 32, Douglas
county, Oregon, Number 470 to Num
ber 587 both Inclusive Indorsed
April 8, 1916, "not paid for want of
funds" and prior thereto,, are tins
lay called for payment by the under
signed, and all Interest thereon will
?ease from the date of this notice.
Dated this first day of May, 1917.
Clerk School District No. 32, Yon-
calla, Douglas County, Oregon.
Myrtle Fisher, of Suther'ln. spent
the day In this city visiting with
friends and shopping.
Mrs. Case's dressmaking parlors
removed to 610 S. Main street. Or
ders taken for hemstitching. Spirclla
corsets made to order, perfect fit
guaranteed. Phone 170-Y. 112-m2M
imw mm watee
Says glass of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
washe8out poisons.
If you wake up with a bad taste, bad
breath and tongue is coated; It your
head Is dull or aching; If what you eat
sours and forms gas and acid lo stora
ach. or you are bilious, constipated,
nervous, sallow and can't get fooling
Just right, begin Inside bathing. Drink
before breakfast, a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of limeBtono
phosphate in It. This will flush the
poisons and toxins from stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels and cleanse,
sweeten and purify the entire alimen
tary tract Do your inside bathing Im
mediately upon arising In the morning
to wash out of the system all the pre
vious day's riblsonouff waste, gases and
sour bile before putting more food into
the stomach.
To feel like young folks feel; like
you felt before your blood, nerves and
muscles became loaded with body im
purities, get from your pharmacist a
quarter pound of limestone phosphate
which Is Inexpensive and almost taste
less, except for a sourish twinge which
Is not unpleasant.
Just as soap and hot water act on
the skin, cleansing, sweetening and
freshening, so hot wator and llmostone
phosphate act on the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels. Men and women
who are usually constipated, bilious,
headachy or have any tiomach dis
order should begin this Inside bathing
before breakfast. They are assured
they will become real cranks on the
ubject shortly
Strawberries nnd croam
at the
The prize essays to be submitted by !
members t of the Douglas County
Granges on the subject of "Why 1,
uelleve in liouds for Road Construc
tion," should be In the hands o
the committee at once that they may
be properly judged.
The subject of the essay Is to be
'Why 1 Uelieve in Bonds for Per
manent Hoad Construction. " These
essays are to be judged more for the
soundness of their reasoning than for
their literary form. They may be
short and must not be over 1500
words long. They should be In the
hands of B. W. Strong, Hosobnrg,
on or before the 15th of May, .which
means that there Is no time to lose.
The prize offered to the writer of .
the best essay on this subject is a
two-days excursion from UoHoburg
as follows: From Roseburg to Mod-1
ford by train; from Med ford south by!
auto over the new paved Pacific j
highway through Talent to Ashland,
visiting the famous LI tin a park and'
springs at Ashland; from Ashland
south over the Pacific highway over
the summit of the Siskiyou moun
tains to the California state line nnd
eturn to Med ford and Hoseburg.
This Siskiyou mountain trip is av cl
one of the finest mountain highways
in the west and this trip as a whole
will be the best kind of an argument
for permanent road building. There
should be hundreds of essays submit
ted by Grangers In this contest. This
trip is offered by Representative
Charles A. Brand" with the thought
that Ituwill give the Grangers a
chance to express themselves on tho
matter of bonding for roads. Some
of the Grangers have Bald that they
wero in fnvor of the big bond Issue
and somo have said that they were
opposed to bonds, but thus far have
given no real reason. This essay
should bo a orlef, concise statement
of the reasons for building pernian
ant roads by Iho Issuance of bonds
rather than by Increased taxation. It
also makes it possible for the winner
to see the best argument for paved
country roads that there- Is, viz., a
trip over the roods themsidvos. One
or more of these essays will be pub
lished In the Douglas county and
Portland papers. Remember, they
should be in by May 15.
We, have fancy Bunank seed po
tatoes nnd other varieties of extra
good early and main crop vnriotieB.
Our stock is limited. 158-m7
W. Barker, of Grants Pass, who
has been visiting here for a short
time returned to his home this morn
ing. Have your duds cleaned and prcss
od by Sloper, the cleaner and pressor.
All work promptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed. tf
Judge G. w. Riddlo, who spent
yesterday In this city attending to
business matters, left for his home
this morning.
San Francisco
Los Angeles
There's Mt. Shasta, Yosemtte Valley,
Del Monte, Santa Barbara, Orange
Kmplro, Salton Sea, Kl Paso and Ft.
IlllBs and many other interesting
places to see. And this southern way
Is the
Romantic Open Window Way East
Ask your local agent for fares, etc.
John M, Scott, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Scott, of
Melrose, visited at the home of .Mrs.
Jnnies Mllllkln In this city, yostor
day. Order bedding piunis now. All
kinds In any quantity. Prices right.
Mrs. l D. Owens, florist, at tho
Pollynnna, on Cass streot, 1669-tf
Ivan Under and wifo, of Eiumltt,
Idaho, arrived In this city thlB morn
ing and will visit at the homo of
Tred Smith, at Dolo.
I. A. Ulxon, of this city, expects to
loovo for Lyons, Linn county, In a
Fhort time, and mny decide to locate
t hero.
Mrs. T. M. Boyd, came to this city
this morning from Oakland ?nd
rjicnt a few hours visiting.
that the unusual sale of a remedy
is tho best evidence of Its merit.
stimulates the digestive organs to
action so that the food that enters
tho stomach Is digested and asslmi
Intol. Sold only by us, $1.00.
CITY Nbrt'S.
Frorc-n strawberries at
F. M. Searing was In the city today
from Winchester.
Frozen strawberries at Pollyanna
1 76-11110
irfltoi to
IH m in irk was a business
Kosehurg today.
Strawberries and cream at the
Pollyanr.a. 17ti-m 10
A. F. Stearns and wife nH-irned
Ito their home ut Oakland yesterday.
for hire, city and country
! irlrlvlnir Plmn K 914 f'-ian ntrt-nt
A. J. Powell. 119-tf
Mrs. M. A. Parsons, of Winchester,
left for her home at that pla n after
a short time spent here visltfni;.'
M. K. guaranteed cornets, tho kind
that makes you young in feeling as
well as looks. Cora Chrtstenson,
dressmaker. Phone 454-K, 547 H.
Stephens, 105-tf
There are news gathering agencies
all over the world, but you will
agree with us that the Real One is
the Associated Press.
News Is News
only when it is the latest news.
When you read The Evening
News you are reading the very
best news obtainable, (both local
and general.
We pride ourselves on our local
staff. Every field is thoroughly
covered and nothing is missed
and our carrier service cannot be
beaten. Our carrier boys are in
business for you, and they are both
punctual and prompt.
Where can
you get equal
value for mcney
The Evening News
50c per month or $6.00 per yeaJ.
The Evening News
25c per month or $3.00 per year.