TITR FVKWVI? XRVS MOXmT, APRIL n, IfMT THBKJS I J 1 1 -.Tf NEWS. tre, city and country a 6., 214 Cass street. 119-tf n returned to his home esterday after visiting r a short time. series tbe best tea to be had anywhere 1233-U Singleton returned yee .e after visiting in Rose "tral daj'B. t lanu with a Kerstaln er. We have theni.i 138-a36 S. Williams 'left this r Toledo where she will sr sister for several days. for canning 100 pounds 50 pounds for 1. Order 's Grocery. 123-mi) A. Miller left yesterday r Gold Hill where she will ler sister fr several days. ur duds cleaned and press sr, the cleaner and presser. promptly attended to and a -guaranteed. tf Isdale, the well known banker was in the city yes- llting with friends and at 3 business matters. '. Newell Wright, who has inc at the home of Mr. and ulell Wright, left yesterday for her home at Ashland. y la Bargain day . at the I Cleaning and Pressing ; Men's suits French Dry and pressed for $ 1.00. - All ven prompt attention. Or led for and delivered. G er, S08 N. Jackson; ' tf ArundeV 169-L. tuner. Phone - 1053-tt G. H. titgglnbotham and wife left Sunday morning for Takilma where he will be employed in the copper mines. . Order bedding plants now. All kinds in any quantity. Prices right. Mrs." F. D. Owens, florist, at the Pollyanna, on Cass street. . 1669-tt Ben Irons left yesterday for Stay ton where he will spend several days visiting with friends and attending to business matters. Mrs. Case's dressmaking parlors removed to 610 S. Main street. Or ders taken for hemstitching. Snirella corsets made to order, perfect fit guaranteed. 112-niiiu Mrs. W. Garbe, who has been spending several weeks at the ranch at Selma, Oregon, returned to her home in this city yesterday after noon. Make sure your income lor life by taking an income policy from the Mutual Life of.N. Y J. F. Hutcha son, manager, office First State & Savings Bank. 1553-ti Hichard Staggs left yesterday for Isadora, Curtin and other points in that vicinity where he wilt purchase a large quantity of wood for the local market. ' M. S. Allen, an S. P. braltema formerly running out of Portland, has been transferred to this city, he and Mrs. Allen arriving here yester day to make their home. M. K. guaranteed corsets, the kind that makes you young in feeling as well as looks. Cora Chrlstenson, dressmaker. Phone 454-K, 647 S. Stephens.. 105-tf Mrs. F. W. Franzi who has been visiting with her husband in this city, returned to Eugene yesterday. Mr. Franss is engaged in business in this city and his wife will probably come here as soon as school' closes. . . CITV NKAS. ! ' ': Special Bargains tn used cars. Cull at Roseburg Garage. 49-allu CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOlt SALE Ford "bus" Light & WaJer Co. H. Call. If l House on Wheels j Excites your sympathy for some fam ily that must endure such inconven ience. Does it not suggest that your home Is on wheels, altogether too - - often! :, ' There's a Remedy and r m There's a Reason Why moving day should be only a memory to you. . , . , - HE KENNY LUMBER COMPANY ! The Bee Hive Grocery Neely & Neety, Prop. Jnder new management this old reliable grocery is better equipped :han ever to serve Ita patrons. We try to do our part in supply ing Good Things for your table, and at prices that do not spoil the Bwect disposition of the housewife, K " Just Phone 91 Be Sure to Attend Our Great Quick ActiohSale It Offers Many Rare Bargains The "Quick Action" Sale Is tho greatest bona fide sale ever belli in these parts! the blcgcst bnreulii opportunity you have ever wit nessed. From tho first liny, this gule has been a (rrand success. We are turning our stock into cash, Jo pay off tlio retiring partner. Our loss is your gain so be on hand early tomorrow to alini-o In the many money-savings provided In Watches Fancy China Diamonds Viking Silver Rings Bracelets Silverwear Clocks Brassware Cut Glass fountain pens, brooches, pendants, toilet sets, manicure sets, table ware, souvenir spoons, etc. In this small ad. we can't give you even a faint Idea of the wonderful economies offered you during this great sale. Come and see the articles; note the prices and buy all you need for years to come. Note These Wonderful Savings A 4-plece quadruple silver plat ed chocolate set, $12. gin n( Special , iCO.OU China plates, gold and plat inum decorated, tfk f nm 12.75, now $ lOD A lot of gold filled and sterl ing cuff Itnks as high as 2.7S Choice of hat ptns( some solid gold) A "diamond cluster ring of seven fine wnite stones platinum set. Regular price tfArT Art 140, now Pt7l.UU A diamond and pearl - set brooch. Regular Ann fi( 85, now tPUO.UU A pair of diamond ear screws, blue white stones, Ann f $48.50. Special OOO.UU A choice lot of sterling diver souvenir spoons UOC 95c 50c 11.25 Baby Bracelets 85C The A. S. Huey Company Jewelers and Opticians Subscriptions for magazines solic ited. Fiction Library. 61mlp Cecil Blakoly left this morning for Corvallis after attending the funeral of uhj sister, Violet. Pauline Beyers left yesterday for Or.Mnnd where she 'tll visit with her sister for a few days. Cut price on a few snop worn and second hand kodaks at- Churchill's Bargains. 13S-a3u M. O. Wallace left this morning for Oakland where he spent the day at tending to business matters. Mrs. O. L. Willis, of Riddle, who has been visiting with Mrs. B. F. Ry an, ,returned yesterday evening to her home. S. B. Moffit, who has been visit-! ing with I. K. and J. J. Thornton,; returned this morning to his home at Newberg. - George Simmons left this morning for Sutherlin where he will pend a few days attending to business mat ters. - j T. O. Russell returned yesterday to Eugene after spending a couple of days in this city attending to bus!-, ness matters. j A. L. O'Connor and wito and Mrs. ' M. A. De ore, returned yesterday to Canyonville after visiting tn this city for several days. L. Johnson departed this morning for Sutherlin where he will spend several days attending to business matters, Mrs. W. J. Garner, who has been attending the funeral of her niece, Violet Blakely, returned to her home at Dallas this morning. M. F. Rice, of the firm of Rice & Hlce, leu this morning for Drain, where he spent the day looking after business interests. L. G. Hicks left this morning for Sutherlin where he has some en gineering work which will require his attention for a short time. H. C. Seymour, of the extension department of the O. A. C, spent a short 'time in this city yesterday con ferring with local school ofilcials, Mrs. W. H. A. Williams, who has been receiving medical treatment at Portland for several months, return ed to her home tn this city last night Maud Wilson returned Saturday evening from Portland where she has been visiting with friends and relatives for the past week or ten 3;.'S. Leonard Hidlnger, who has been emp.cyed m t .e .'real 8. P. yards for some time, left yesterday for Cunby where he will be employed In the signal cVpartmen ', A L. Kltchln, who has been at tending to business matters at Eu gene and Portland for several days returned to his home in this city yesterday. AH members of the four railroad orders and their families are Invit ed to attend a dance given by the ladies auxiliary to tbe Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen on May 3. 1917. Maccabee hall, 8:30 to 11:30 p. m. Gents 50c. m'iy FOR SALE OR RENT -10-acre fruit ftneh. Close In. See Pat. 1506tf FOR SALE I'arnatton plants, 11c per down. Phone 15F14. a2Sp PIANO FOR RENT Chas. A. Brand. liifialre at Parstow & H'll. IH'tf MISCELLANEOUS. LOST Fountain pen, gold mount ings; engraved with Velina" on handle. Finder please leave at News office. tf TO EXCHANGE Income city prop erty worth lia.OtiO. Will ex change for tuiproved farm. Ad dreaa Z, care News. . tf MORTGAGE LOANS We have In surance money on the ruri.1 credit plan 20-year loans on improved farms. See Rice & Rice. lSlT-tt FOR SALE Giant California Daisy plants. Inquire 119 W. Lane. JS5-mS FOR SALE Used Ford car, only J2T5. Inquire of J. O. Newland. tOtf WB WRITE INSURANCE whereby the assured gets the most protec tion for the money. Expert advice given on any line of Insurance. Rice & Rice. Ii7tf FOR SALE 3-speed Harley David son motorcycle with side car. H. Gall. Water & Light Co. tf FOR SALE Single comb White Leghorn day old chicks. May and June J9 per lull. Phone 17F3. G. W. Burt, Roseburg, Ore. l(98tf LAYING HENS FOR SALE R. C Rhode Island Reds, a good laying strain. l each. C. W. Bradford, West Roseburg. Phone 1BF21. FOR SALE A 1-ton Ford truck, cheap, R .E. Harness the Cass and Jackson street, Overland man. 12-tf FOR SALE 32 acres, 12 miles from Roseburg. For particulars write John W. Rogers, Looking Glass, Ore. 129-ni23 FOR SALE: Cabbage and cauliflow er plants for sale. H. B. Church 31 8 E. Commercial avenue, North Roseburg. Phone 283. 54.-tf PIGS FOR SALE Two months old ' Duroc Jerseys eligible to registra tion, ..udress N. L. Conn, Rose burg. Phone 6F15. U?-n30 DAHLIA 11ULH3 FOR SALE. After filling our fail orders for bulbs wo have on hand a surplus stock ofgood true to name varieties. which we will sell at J1.50 per doz, Our own selection. John E. Runyon 804 Mosher St. Phono 38-J. I20-tf CALL KOK COINTV WAIiliAXTH. Notice is hereby given all persons holuing county' warrants- endorsed "not paid for want of funds" to pro- sent them for payment at the ofllcc of the county treasurer of Douglas county, Oregon, for inteerst thereon will cease after the date of this no tice. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, April 20, 1917. J. E. SAWYERS, 12a-ni4 County Treasurer. TO THE CITIZENS. FOR SALE Registered Durham bull $125. Hemmlngway Bros. Camas Valley. 118-a30 FOR SALE Registered Poland China pigs, farrowed January 29. Certificates of registry furnished with each pig. Geo. Telfofd, Hap py Valley. 1097-lf FORDS FOR SALE 2 good used Fords, just overhauled and In good condition, at 1225 and $250 Also several touring car bodies, Ford Garage. 73-tf FOR SALE High quality barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching from 0c to 20c each. Write for mating list. F. E. Johnson, Brock- way, Ore. S4-a30 FOR SALE Small team of horses; almost new Mandt wagon and harness. Team guaranteed per- ..foct, also 4-year-old horse, J, W, Tollman, Edenbower grocery. lie-tf FOR SALE Henderson motorcycle, 3 passenger, 4 cylinder, model. Call I'mpqtta Shining par lors, i-none i. 8 -ill 'OR SALE It jod are going lu have a public sate, got your bills printed at The News office. tf FOR SALE We have a few desir able farm mortgage loans for sale, yielding a good rate of Income, If you have any Idle funds for in vestment call and let us explain these to you. Rice & Rice. 1517-tf FOR SALE One two-seated covered hack in good shape, one new Bet hack harness and team for Bale, cheap for cash. Team will weigh about 1100 lbs. each. Address Mrs. M. J. Bryan, c-o H. E. Reed R. K. !.. Roseburg, Ore. 30-tf REGISTERED DUROC . JERSEY BOA US Farrowed Sept 7, 1916 Large, fine Individuals. Have nev er known what it is to be hungry. See thein and take your pick Charles A. Brand, The Overland Orohnrds. l(!77-tf SACRIFICE RALE One of the fin est residence locations In Rose burg for sale at your own terms Why pay rent? One -tract, of about five lots, hearing fririt, for $250; another tract 10 lots, bear ing trees, beautiful property, at $70 the lot. A third parcel o nearly six lots, small houe, trees, gnrden plot, etc., only $625, terms. These offers beat paying rent. In quire Newa office. 1 12-tf WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY 20 year rural credit farm loans. Farmers desiring loans on the amortised plan without red tape and no commission charges, can ser cure them at low interest rate by calling on or writing to Rice & Rice, Roseburg, Oregon, financial representatives of The Agricul tural Credit Corporation ot Ore gon. See M. F. Rice. 81-tf NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the County Court ot the State of Oregon, tor Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of James Levins, deceased. Notice is hereby given; that the undersigned, Ora H. Porter, admin istrator ot tho estate of James Levins, deceased, has filed his final account In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County ot Douglas, and that on Saturday the 12th day of .May, 1911, at the hour of 10 o'clock. A, M of said day at the Court House in Roseburg, in said county and state, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing ot objections to raid final account and settlement (hereof. . ORA H. PORTER, d-ui? Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the county court for Douglas county, Oregon, . In the matter of the estate ot John Stetger, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 2lBt day of April, 1917, duly appointed adminis trator with wtll annexed of tho estate of John Steiger, deceased, and all per sons having claims against said estate are required to present the same properly verified, with vouchers at tached, on or before six months from date to the undersigned, at his of fice In Roseburg, Oregon. Dated and published the first ttme this 23rd day of April, 1917. GF.ORGE NEUNER, Jr. Administrator with Will Annexed. d-ro STOP HTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG HOTEL HOYT (Fireproof.) Sixth and Hoyt Sts, Two Blocks from Depot. Rates 75 cents to $2.00 L. W. HIMES, Mgr. Portland - Oregon Monday, Bargain Day at the Roseburg Cleaning AND Pressing Works! Men's Suits French Dry Cleaned and Pressed for $1.00. All work given prompt attention. Orders called for and delivered, G. W. SLOPER 308 N. Jackson.- May 1, 2 and 3 being set asluc for the annual clean-up days for Roseburg, please observe the follow ing suggestions, thereby avoiding all delay and misunderstanding which might otherwise follow: Everything south of Douglas street will be picked up en the first and second days. Do not put any thing out in that district later than noon on the second day. Everything north of Douglas street will b picked up on the third day. Do not put anything out later than noon on that day. It would be well to begin collect Ing your trash and rubbish now so that there wilt be no delay when teams call for It. Be sure to have all trash or rub bish in boxes, barrels or sacks and placed In the street where it can be readily handled by the teamsters. All Junk, such as metals, sacks bottles and old rubber, which you may have will be greatly appreciated as the proceeds from the same goet to the Red Cross or other worthy causes. Respectfully, A. M. O ELAND, m2 Street Superintendent. FOR fcuLB OR EXCHANGE Farm of seventy acres, un der high state of cultivation, hard finished house, 7 rooms, barn 65x100; other good outbuildings, fenced and cross-fenced. Good water obtainable anywhere on pti.ee from a depth of 12 to 18 ft. Five miles from Otynipln, Wach., mile from school and Grange hall, on Pacific highway. Cream route calls four times a week. Electric cars three miles distant. Wilt exchange for stock ranch with some liottom land, no im provements required in shnpe of buildings. Price $12,000. Address R. F. D. No. 1, Box 89, Tumwbtcr. WaBh. . tf WANTKIl WANTED Man and wife for farm work and cook $50. Experienced gardener, $35. No children. Chas. A. Brand, The Overlnnd Orchard. 7-tf WANTED Oats, whett, barley, corn. J. M. Moore, RoselMirg, Oregon. 75-m4 FOR RIv.N'T. FOR RENT 6-room house In good location. Phone 15F12. 139-tf FOR RENT 4 room modern fur nished house, newly renovated. In quire 647 B. Stephens. Phone 454-R, J. W. Hornbock. 108-tf BEFORE BifflNG A CREAM BS SEPARATOR SEE THE LATEST MODEL SHARPIES -SUCTtOH FEED DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY If For Your Sheet Metal Work, See. ..... J. H. SINNIGER I IB W. Oak Street Phone 42S Real Estate City and Farm Property Winchester- Ray and Wnrtlake Town Lots. GEORGE R1TER 191 WMt Osk ItrMt. . May 1st Is Clean-Up Day! Save everything from a hairpin to a thrashing machine. We will pay you the spot cash. Special Men's and Women's Second-Hand Shoes and Clothing bought and sold, Put all your old stuff in a pile and Phone 182 Berger's Junk Shop and he will call and get them, A LITTLE TALK OVKR LU.MUEK with us may save you both money and annoyance. We can prove that it pays to buy good lumber even for a chicken house. We can prove our lumber is good, either by showing It to yc-u If yon are an expert, or by referring you to previous buyers from us, If you are not. When we have proved both those propositions, uie rest Is up to you. THE I G.' FLO OK GO. Please You We will call and deliver so yon may have the very least ' Inconvenience. Our courteous representative will be glad ts extend every accommodation. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE W OUK AUTO WILL CALL We Are Sh Fori owim Spring Spring Coats Spring Dress Goods And a Fine Line of Silks! A beautiful and dainty line of Ladies' Dress Goods, in latest weaves A selection made at our store means the latest and most aprov ed fashionable designs shown. I. Abraham The Deoendable Store 44 i t i 1 If If n i T i!