: : rlrvVv :f MFELL(iiLL! 300 MMIN MEETJMORROW. i THE EVKSIVfl XEWR WKVtXKSnAY, AI'RII, 3S. IfMT TOREK WANTED! We Have About One Thousand Jew Hats! They Have Got to Go $1.50 Hats, . $ .98 $2.00 Hats, . 1.49 $2.50 Hats, . 1.79 $3.00 Hats, . 1.98 $3.50 Hats, . 2.19 We have a lot of Straw and Panama Hats, just arrived. They have to go. See our window of cut prices. Fisher's Sale Morning Program Will be Held at the MewArmory Where 'Reports Will be Given. , ... 11IG J1TNKV DANCE. " " ' At Maccabee hull Thursday, if April 19. Ott's orchestra. Harry Cook, mgr. 132-a:H KOTJCU OK FINAL ACCOUNT. OUT DOOR LUNCHEON Evening i'lmnun Will Consist of Musical Selections by tile Or. cliCKtra anil Will lie Held at the Antlers. ; Ni ITICE TO ALL HEIiKKAH.S. A peclal meeting of Roseburg Re beka! lodge Is called for Thursday, April 2li. at 2 o'clock p. m., in the Odd Fellows hall, for the purpose of cc iferrlng the degree. All mem bers ire requested to be present, and all waiting members nre invited to atteijd. EMMA LENOX, N. Q. SI RING SAMPLES ARE HERE T ie Roseburg Cleaning & Pressing wor s have Just received their line of upri g samples a swell assortment of t e finest fabrics. Get your order in ( arly for a choice selection. A ler!;et fit guaranteed and the best wor cmanshlp. G. W. Sloper, the clenmer and presser. tf ! Make sure your income for life by taking an income policy from the Mutual Life of N. Y., J. F. Hutcha son, manager, office First State & Savings Bank. 1553-tr Mrs. L.. C. Smith, of. Oakland, Calif., arrived this morning after re ceiving a message of t-e illness of her daughter, iuis. C. M. Page, of this city. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of fee Sure to Attend Our Great QuickActionSale It Offers Many Rare Bargains The "Quick Action" Sale in the (rreatcst bona flilo sale ever belli in these parts: the blcgcst biu-Kiiln npixirlunity you have ever wit nessed. From tbo first day, this sale has been n grand success. We are turning our stork into cash, to pay off the retirinir partner. Our loss, is your gnin so be on hand early tomorrow to share in the ninny money-savings provided in Watches Fancy China v Diamonds Viking Silver Rings Bracelets Silverwear Clocks Brassware Cut Glass fountain pens, brooches, pendants, toilet gets, manicure sets, table ware, souvenir spoons, etc. In this small ad. we can't givo you even a faint idea of the wonderful economies offered you during ; this great sale. Come and see the articles; note the prices and buy all you need for years to come. Note These Wonderful Savings A 4-plece quadruple sliver plat- . ed chocolate set, f 12. &n n n Special Ikb.OO China plates, gold and n'lat inum decorated, tfi nn $2.75, now J l.DO A lot of gold filled and sterl ing cuff links as high em as 2 75 y)C choice of hat pins( some n " solid gold) DUC $1.25 Baby Bracelets.. A diamond cluster ring of seven fine white stones platinum set. Regular price (nfliT fin 140, now b9.UU A diamond and pearl set brooch. Regular pn v 85, now ;."POO.UU A pair of diamond ear screws. blue white stones, $48.50. Special A choice lot of sterling lilw souvenir spoons $36.00 95c 85c lated. Examinations, lectures and class exercises still go on, but a class seldom contains moro than four or five young men. Many students wuobc names 'appear ou'tho rolls are only nominally in college, being either on wor duty with the army or engaged in work at various government offices. Tomorrow will be a gala day for the Odd Fellows of Douglus county and incidentally for Roseburg, for the city is already making ready to welcome the many visitors who will congregate in order to celebruto the anniversary of the founding of the. great order.- The Douglas county association committees have - been working hard for a number of weeks, to prepare one of the most extensive programs ever given for a meeting of this organization. In the forenoon the program will be given at the pew armory commenc ing at 10 a. m., and will consist of speeches by the various prominent oftlcers of the many lodges represent ed and of musical numbers both vo cal and instrumental. "The yearly business meeting of tho Douglas County Association of Odd Fellows will also be held In the morning at the armory at whleh time reports of financial conditions and increase in membership will be given as well as the election of officers for the ensu ing term. At noon a basket dinner will be held in the. street adjoining the arm ory if the weather will permit and if not the auditorium will be titled up as a banquet room. The committee has secured permission from the city council to rope off one block of the street and this will be kept free from travel during the noon hour. The local lodge will serve coffee and cream to the visitors. in the afternoon the program will bo in the I. O. O. F. hall and wITi be composed chiefly of degree work. At 2 p. m. the Kebekahs will confer their beautiful degree by a team composed of past noble grands aud the presiding oftlcerB. At 4 p. in. the first degree of Odd Fellowship will be conferred by a team from the two local subordinate lodges. The evening program will be held at the Antlers theatre and will be composed of musical numbers by the I. O. O. F. orchestra, which is recog nized as one of the best in the state and will be interspersed with some special features and a fine 'moving pfcturo. Tickets for the evening program are free to all Odd Fellows and their families and should be secured from A. J. Geudcs, Carl Oilman or Mrs. Tlllie Johnson. DAHLIA IIULIIS FOH SALE. After filling our fall orders for bulbs we have on hand a surplus stock of good true to name varieties which we will sell at ?1.G0 per doz. Our own selection. John E. Hunyon, 804 Mosher St. Phone 38-J. 126-tf crrv news. Auto for hire, city and country driving. Phon 5., 214 Cass street, A. J. Powell. 119-tf Mrs. Alice Wilson, of Olalla, wns a visitor in KosclAirg for a fen' hourB yesterday. She returned home by auto in the evening. Order bedding plants now. All kinds in any quantity. Prices right. Mrs. F. D. Oweus, florist, at the Pollyanna, on Cass street. 1669-tf Peter Glennwho has been attend ing to business mutters In this city, toft this morning for his home at ii.lontugue. Mrs. S. J. Plerco and two sons, or Tacoma, arrived this morning to visit iwlth the Itltzman family and with Mrs. Dldtel. B. K. McCoy, Western Union op- orator in this city, will leave to morrow for Sau Francisco, whore ho will spend a short vacation. Have your duds cleaned and press ed by Sloper, the cleaner and presser. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. tf Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Welsh, of Iowa, who have been, spending tbo winter in Los Angeles, arrived this morn ing to spenu a few days as tho guests of Mrs. Nadlno Shepard and 'her mother, Mrs. Woodruff. M. K. guaranteed corsets, the kind that nifikes you young in feeling as well as looks. Cora Chrlstcnson, d ressniaker. Phone 4R4-R. 647 S. Stephens. v 106-tfl W. R. Jones, who was a resident of this city some twenty years ago, stopped over nJght In this city en route to Los Angeles from Tacoma, where he is now living. Mrs. Case's dressmaKJng parlors removed to 610 S. Main street. Or ders taken for hemstitching. Splrclla corsets mado . to ordor, perfect fit guaranteed. 112-m20 Hardy Howard, a well known salesman and son of Mrs. Emma Howard, of this city, spent the day in this city attending to business mutters. Plant your vacant lots In veget ables and reduce your living cost. Peas, string beans, corn and other vegetables will yield lots of nourish ing food. Get fresh, dependable seeds at right prices at the People's Supply Co. 131-82 3 Attorney Genera! Geo. M. Brown and family left today for Salem aft er Mrs. Hrawn and daughter had spent tho last few weeks in this city. Mr. Ill-own has been in tho city since Saturday. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Douglus County. In the matter of the estate of Juntos Levins, deceased. Notice is hereby given: that the undersigned, Ora H. Porter, admin istrator of the estate of James Levins, deceased, has filed his final account, In the County Court of the State of I Oregon, for the County of lxuglas. I and that on Saturday tho 12th day of May, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M of said day at the Court House In Roseburg, In said county and state. has been appointed as the time and place for hearing of objections to said final account and settlement thereof. ORA H. PORTER, d-m7 Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the county court for Douglas county, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of John Stelger, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 21st day of April, 1917, duly appointed adminis trator with will annexed of the estate of John Stelger, deceased, and all per sons having clnlms against snld estate are roquired to present the same properly verified with vouchers at tached, on or before Blx months from date to the undersigned, at his of fice in Rosoburg, Oregon. Dated and published the first time this 23rd day of April, 1917. GEORGE NEUNER, Jr. Administrator with Will Annexed, d-m May 1st Is Clean-Up Day! Save everything from a hairpin to a threshing machine. We will pay you the spot cash. Special Men's and Women's Second-Hand Shoes and Clothing bought and sold. For Your Sheet Metal Work, See J. H. SINNIGER 1111 W. Oak Street. - Phono 428 BEFORE BUYING A f CREAM 4- OXDABATflD uui mini uu SEE TnE LATEST . MODEL SHARPIES SUCTION FEED DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY Kill Put all your old stuff in a pile and Phone 182 Berger's Junk Shop and he will call and get them. STOP BTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG Real Estate City and Farm Property Winchester Hay and Westlnke Town TjoU. GEORGE RITER 121 West Oak Street. Mrs. F. D. Owen Cut Flower. Potted Plants, Faneral Designs, Wedding Bo qaeta, etc. - . (Dy Associated' Press.) CAMBRIDGE, April 24. TIiobc who return to Cambridge university alter the war will find great changes There is In progress not only a great reform In curriculum, but also a great democraticatizatlon'of the whole uni versity atmosphere. In the past the cost of education at the older Eng lish universities has been a bar to all except wealthy and very clever students. Since the war a Rood deal of attention has been given to the re duction of the expenses of undergrad uates and the consequent throwing open of the university to a much wider range of students. The student after the war will bo offered a short course of study and longer terms, mis win result in a shortening of the time required for the university comae. But general ly speaking, It has been found that the heavy cost of a Cambridge edu cation is not due to the fees exacted by the colleges so much as to the extravagant social habits of the un der-graduates. Steps are being tak en to curb all unnecessary expendi ture in this direction, and the stud ent who comes to Cambridge with an idea that he can spend his money freely on all sorts of pleasures will And himself on bad terms with the university authorities. There is to be a great liberalization of the courses of study. Courses in modern languages, English, oconom fes and modern science, will be ex tended enormouply. The whole sys tem of examinations will be revised, and In all probability the present spe cial examinations will he re-arrpngfd and stilfened. Compulsory Greek will be abandoned, and those who consid er that military training should form part of a university education are distinctly In the majority In faculty circles. Kor the present, college class rooms are almost completely depopu- MANY OREGON WOMEN SAY THE SAME. Portland, Orogon. "My dauRliter'i health was very poor alter her first baby caino. finally she took three hottlen of Dr. Pierce' Favorito Pre emption and her health was greatly improved. She has threo children, lias always depended on this wonder fnl medicine to help her through." Mrs. Isabki. Bf.rthand, 8(1 Texas St., Portland, Oregon. Lents, Orepjon. ,I nsed Doctor l'resorintion be- tore my dbdj .amA.nl T lwlinva ijiiil saved my life, vna T.nnta Om. many letters hko tho above from all over tho world. The ir.ihty restorMivo power of Dr. Tierce's i-'avorita Pritcriptiou SfcfldU causes all womanly troubles to dis appear compels t'10 orprins to prop erly perform their natural functions., corrects displace nents, overcomes irregularities, rnmo 'cs pain and misery r.t certain times nrid bnnpg back health and strength to nervous, Insta ble and exhauHU'd women. What Doctor Pit rce's I Tivnrite Pre ecription has don't for f .'jo.ifnnd It will do for yon. Cct it t vi very dr.j from any mpdicino dcal-.ri-T 5Uiti 11411 iu ur w.uicit Kirn, Doctor Plere"1 PelVts nro". '.(v .l"d M a Livnr Pill. ymnlh'M,' e n vl ; t tn Uike. (rut liriM. Siwnr-wtU) I l!'t a Jc. Curn Kick 'prid:ut Si.lloin Il"rilrio!if !l7.7.lii'i, 'ons'Jt1 lor. J.n'i' fTostion, Billua Att'ir!;rt, Htd til l ratiff"me:U of t!iO Liver,. IStouiaf U. lUJi liuweU. VOll 8ALR AT UALI.'S CANDY STOKE, CASS STKKET, PIIONE 414. Roseburg, Oregon. A LITTMi TALK OVUIt liUMKKll with us may save you both money and annoyance. We can prove that it pays to buy good lumber oven for a chicken house. We can prove our lumber is good, elthor by showing it to you if you avo nn expert, or by rofonlng you to previous buyers from us, If you aro not. When we havo proved both these propositions, uio rest is up to you. THE J. C. FLOOR CO. Itosfltunr, Oreunii, 3 HOTEL HOYT ( Wiroproof.) Sixth and Hoyt Sts, Two Blocks from Depot. Rates 75 cents to $2.00 li. W. II I.MICH, Mgr. Portland ... Oregon VEXATION OF SPIRIT So long and earnestly I've wrought, Pursued tho beastly grind. I've ringbones on my domo of thought, And spavins on my mind, Tho xhastly fear of evil times, Of povorty when old, Has kept me hunting after gold, f havo a package put away, Whoro none can Jar It Ioobo, And sometimes at tho close of day I wonder what's tho use? Throughout this weary worldly Jaunt I've skimped and saved and pared I've dono without tho things I want, Tho things for which I cared, To add one round dollar moro To what I bnve In brine, I've mado existence sad and sore, And what reward is mine? Why do I slave and toll and grind, Why do I toll and spin? I'll havo to leave my roll behind, For othcTH to blow In. Thcso words seem ever ringing loud, Uko some decreo of doom: -There Is no pocket In a shroud, "No eash bor in a tomb." Tho best euro for tho above Is nn Income policy with Tho idutual Ufe of N. Y. No restrictions ns to war. Come and lot ns reason together nnd see If I enn't convince you thnt tho pnrliclpatlnf? plan Is tho Hnfrftt and sure to mako the nt rout tho hmvHl. J.F.HUTCHASON . DISTRICT MANACER OFFICE OVER FIRST STATE AND SAVINES BANK We Are Showing For Spring Spring Goats Spring Dress Goods. And a Fine Line of Silks! A beautiful and dainty line of Ladies' Dress Goods, in latest weaves A selection made at our store means the latest and most aprov ed fashionable designs shown. I. Abraham The Deoendable Store j REED SULKIES, Seelj The A. S. Huey Company Jewelers and Opticians