The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 20, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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ireat Sale of
)ry Goods!
f women's and children's
;el. Great sale of men's
oys' hats, shirts, under
ar, etc. Great sale of
m and children's shoes.
f -
I Entire Big Stock
To Select From!
thing Reserved!
thing Held Back!
le Big Sale at Fisher's Store
I Is : Closed, No Goods Will
Id Untill Tomorrow, 10 a. m.
greatest sale ever held in
zburg. It will pay you to
e. If you can't be here to
row, set some day next
k,and attend this big sale, j
Keep Kids Kleen
The local postoffice this morning
received 8 letter for Lieuuutaot-Com-niander
J, H. Uiackburn. 1b charge
of the recruiting of tintluited states
navy at Portland, te't'.iig at the
splendid work that Qrt?ou Is doing
in meeting the demand for its share
of seamen. He states that by today
Oregon will have rccraittd its silot
ment and wiil probably ee ise first
state to enroll its quota.
The letter is Interesting and parts
of It are published as written.
"We are receiving splendid young
men for the nav from the cities anil:
towns of Oregon, and the tttxy de
partment has its eyes on Oregon, pnr-
tieularly at this tie, because the,
state is responding so splendidly to!
the president's appeal for qualified;
voting men. It is believed that oai
Friday night, Apv. 2, Oregon vrttl
have been the only state in the unicii
to furnish Its quota for the emer
gency complement of the navy.
mT- J
i at,if
l& ttop cittailwa. ftlwie tfi ilia
?t-coioe auicru) ia iiA &ve cfeWt
Alt wncKt IB
DsfcK seel nciv 9uw jemi
r hiss itcct saaices -tieerai.
85c the suit
8 TWff dnirrASMtienfo
strut? triwaSd.
Byijl instttloB, LaoW
LeviSlrsuta & Co., San Frandco
jtmrM 6S0 PSSZt f ! MJ f.
Rhode island Red. good laying
(train, tl each, C. W, iSrafifoci,
Vest Roseeurg. Phoas ISFit,
FOB SALE Cabbage and ciaUfiosr
er plants for sale. K. B, Church,
318 E, Commercial arenas, Xortlt
Roaeburg. Paeas SSI. " S4-tf
FORDS FOR SALE fs good used
Fords, just overhauled and in
. goad condition, ai tiii and $350.
Also several touring car bodies.
Ford Oarage. -?S-tf
. Pbysieiaa fe Ssirgeoa
Ofsce rooms StS-220 Perkins
Of See IS
Residence Slf
I O. R Wlliard, of tfcia city, left
t thi morning for Slecdale ts Stsd
ts business giaUera In tnai nla.
FOR SALE A i-toa Ford truck,
cheap, R ,E, Harness the Cast and
Jackson street. Overland mac.
FOR SAVE 10SS pound g-year-nld
bay mare,- runabout buggy, and
double, harness. C. Q. Carnahan,
' Bit Winchester St. I20-aS
girl should endeavor to find some
useful employment, rather than to
play av?ay their timo or remain idle.,
i If the wiibar school board will
sanction the move, half of the school
I grround will be put under cultivation
However, the needs of the nation1 B- the girls honor Pdtak-
sccrn to point toward a minimum of "ss "L laa
150,00!) men for our first line of de-,
tense, and it is very probable that CAM, FOR SCHOOL WAURASTS.
n,pnnn wilt ftsmlnst hft pftiied uIHin to! '"
furnish at least 1,000 more men to Notice Is hereby given that all
ho n-ir nt wth if thi r( school warrants of District So. t,
line of defense is quickly and suf- Doaglas County, Oregon, to and In
ficientiy strengthened, the nation eluding No. 1560, endorsed October
will have time to train an army of! lth, 1916, not paid for want of
mlilinng. a-ith the nrobauiiitv that8 funds, and prior thereto, ate this
PIOS FOR SALE Two months old
Oaroe Jerseys eligible to registra
tion. - ,areas K. L. Conn, Rose-
tmrg. Phone 6FI5. 111-0
FOR SAf,E Registered Poland
China pigs, farrowed January S9
Certificates of registry furnished
with each pig. Geo, Telford, Kap
py Valley. l?-tf
Drs, Ssely, Sether asd
if$ycleia& &n:l hnru tnns.
Suite of etncea rear of DoBgiaa
National Bank, ground floor,
i'ltoite S8?
Itoseburjr - - Oren
Of. lhBe S4 Eat, Phone tSO-R
Pbysiciait & Sargeoa
Rooms 15-10 Perkins Ilulltltng
that army will never be called upon
to expenu biood and money in the de-'
fense of the nation. Therefore, the
argent need of the navy should be
beetled first, and I believe, if the peo
ple of the country thoroughly under
stand, we will get quickly enough
young men for the navy and thereby
save countless thousands of lives,
day called for payment by the under-i
signed, and ail Interest ihereoa will
cease from the date of this notice.
Dated this 19tb day of April, Mil.
Clerk dt School District So, 4, Doug-
t. O uanavan and son re
heir home at Days Creek
ig. Mrs. O'Dnnavan has
b city while her -son was
reatment at Mercy faos-
Dr. Ruiter went to Riddle this
morning to attend a patient,
C. C, AicCormick arrived last night
from Eugene to attend to business
interests connected with the Umyqua
rhe Bee Hive Grocery
. Neely & Neely, Prop.
new management this old reliable grocery is better equipped
ever to serve its patrons. We try to do oar part in uupply
ood Things for your table, and at prices that do not spoil
veet disposition of the sousewife.
Just Phone 91
For years scientists have knows
that the sun's light was the moat
potent agent of destruction that
could be employed in the war against
tuberculosis. Germs exposed to ine
rays of the san were instantly kilieti;
but to apply this wonderful power
in a practical way has been the
"sttifubllng block". The extreme
Hght the the X-ray has been used
without success, for while it succeed
ed in destroying sOme of the
"germs the Intense heat burned the
tissue, and thereby furnished "virus'
or new food for the remaining
"ceriiis" to thrive and muHimy upon,
really making the second condition
worse than the first.
After years of experimenting and a
careful study of tuberculosis, i have
succeeded in Perfecting an apparatus
in the form of an eiectric cabinet
that will do all that has been credit
ed to the sun's rays, the application
of which, causes no discomfiture to
the patient.
The cabinets are made of metal,
absoiutaiy atr tight with a "dead
air space between tho inner cylin
der and the outside shall, the inner
partition is lined with very bright
metal and illuminated by scores of
incandescent lamps, the light reflect
ed against the arcs of the circle mul
tiplies the power of penetration
many times, the interior of the cab
inet is to bright that it renders the
body transparent, tubercular germs
can find no place to secrete them
selves from the strong rays of light
are killed, flushed into the uiood and
carried away by an increased circu
iation stimulated by the heat. The
broken down tissue rebuilds, ths
incerated parts soon heal, nature re
asserts herself and with proper care
and nourishment the patient rapidly
What this wonderful discovery
does for tuberculosis it can also do
for chronic disorders of the kidneys.
liver and hiadder. Rheumatism In &s
many malignant forms succumb
ed to its seemingly magic power.
aly ofiices, turkish batht massage
and treatment rooms are now locat
ed in the Perkins building, Itose-
burg, and I have leased the Herring-
ton house West Douglsa street, as
temporary quarters for my sanitar
Lady attendants for ladles. Co
suitation free.
m 20 DR. V, 1. RUiTKU.
j may save you both money
jnoyance. We can prove
i pays to buy good lumber
pr a chicken house. We
fovo our lumber is good,
I by showing it to you if
e an expert, or by referring
i previous buyers from us,
j are not. When we have
t both these propositions,
st is up to you.
KonHmrs, Ore-eon.
3W Located at 225 N. Jackson
' Ready to serve you better thwt ever, Monday,
February 5. Thanking you for your past fatora
and soliciting a continuance of the same, your
for better service.
KING, Proprietor Roseburg, Oregon
N. C. Naris, field worker for the
boys and girls Industrial fairs for
Oregon, talkt to i.. WHhur schools
Wednesday afternoon for more than
an hour, taking for ms subject "in
dustriat Clubs.' He stated that In
the present crisis of the food situa
tion ail luxuries should be eiiminat
ed. He also stated that as much
money was spent annually in th
UnUfHi States for chewing gam as for
educational work. Mr. Maria
pressed the opinion that it was just
as Important for the high school
student who leaves his studier to
take up agricultural work to receive
credits as it is for those who join th'
army Count y S n pt. iirawn then
spoke for a few minutes, saying that
since the president had set an exam
pie of working in his garden instead
of playing golf, that every hoy and
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
las County,
FOR SALE Smalt team of horses;
almost new Mandt wagon and
harness. Team guaranteed per
fect, also 4-year-old horse. J, W,
Tollman Edenbower grocery.
HEIFERS Two well bred Jtetfers, 1
yearling, one T ntos. old, for sal.
Also a Joisn Deere 2-horss tiding
corn cultivator, good as new.
Cheap. Inquire Wood, News of
fice, IlS-tf
KOR SALE Wo have a few desir
able fgrat mortgage loins for sale,
yteiUing a good rat of income.
It yoa have any idle funds for In
vestment call and let us eslsm
these to you. Rice & Rica. 151?-tf
j DE. S. L, DaliAPP .
Osteopathic Plifxicias & Ssrgecm
Phones: 31T-SIS Perkins Bldg,
rtWtlee tt
lies, iST ii-L ftesebtirg, Ore.
BR. K. PIIi& ,
lilseBseel Otlretsrsttle Physician
22S W. Lana St., Raseoarir, Ore,
CenauUaUea isd Esasalssttoa;
GfBce Msars trt 3,
ehiropraetis and Eleetrtcai
Phone 152.
The HeiBliae Ssheol of
Masic '
Sirs, arles Meiailis?, Uirtxtar
Mrs. ifaac A. Combs, Asst. Tvai hrr
Eeglaaers a Soeetalty; Concert
Pianists Dereiened,
Mamlng classes la Kindergarten,
children called for and izztn
host, r
Studio 4ZS EK& St. Phone JS-R
The News office Itas a sntea
did tjuatity of bond jvajser put
up is pound p&tk&tet iS3 sheets
to the pound, size S5fe.Til at SS
eesis Mr psr-ltase -
Phone a TS-fe Of See Honrs 9 to S
Office at his homo 1 127 Harvard
avenue. Eveninas and Sundays
by appointment. Consultation and
examination free.
Phone PrmftfssSgg $Hw? jjfrvlre
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON, Aprii 20. The largest
woman subscriber to the war loan In
Kngfand is Miss Emily Talbot, of tlai-
niorgan. Miss Taioot, wiio is seven
ty-seven years oid, la the daughter
dt C, R. M. Talbot, who sat in the
house of commons for sixty years and
died in 1SS0 leaving a fortune esti
mated at S.OOu.uytl . pounds to his
daughter. Her land . holdings of over
40,00. aeres inciisda several thous
and acres of valuable coal deposits,
and nearly the whoie of Port Talus!
and the Port Talbot raitway and
Miss TalboPs contribution to the
war loan Is estimated at 4,0O,BG
pounds. Tiiis Is quite characteristic
of the woman, who has been known
to go to great lengths to avoid pub
licity in connection with her philan
thropies. Her favorite device to
avoid' publicity is to contribute a
comparatively small sum to a char
ity In her own same and then add
two or three much larger donations
anonymously. Thus, her open sub
scription to the war loan was for Ss(
009 pounds, although in roundabout
ways it has become known that she
is the holder of about fifty times that
Miss Talbot, despite her age, keeps
her hand on her own business affairs
and her proiierty greatly increased In
value during her twenty-seven
years stewardship. She has a lon-.
don house on Cavendish square, but
spends a considerable part of her
time in Wales,
FOR SALE One two-seated covered
back in good shape, one sew sot
hack harness and team for sale,
cheap for cash. Team wlU weigh
about 1100 lbs, each. Address
Mrs. M, J. Bryan, c-a H, E. Reed,
R. F. D. Roseburg, Ore. SS-tf
BOA KS Farrowed Sept. 1, 1818.
Large, tine individuals. Have nev
er known what it Is to be hungry.
See them and take your- pi.
Charles A. Brand, The Overland
Orchards. Itm-tf
SACRIFICE SALE Ono ot the fin
est residence locations In Rose
burg for sale at your own terms.
Why pay rent? Ono tract of
about five lots, bearing fruit, for
1258; another tract 10 lots, bear
ing trees, beautiful property, al
10 the lot. A third parcel of
nearly six lots, small bonse, trees,
garden plot, etc.( only $525, terms.
"These offers beat paying rent, la
ouiro News office, 112-tt
OfScs Kasonls Bldg.
Paoue 240
223 Perista B'MSn
ISwielsisrsj, Ore,
IliOHB -
Plans and estimates f3rnfghd ojs
carpenter, brick and cement work
"Patrosaga Solicited.
Pfeoss SSS-f and SSS-3,
Notice is hereby given all persons
holding general fund warrants of the
city of Icoseburg, Oregon, endorsed
'not paid for want of funds" prior
to and Including April 7, 1817, ex
cept warrant No. 3487, to present
the same to the city treasurer of
said city for payment, as Interests
thereon wiil cease on data ot this
a20 City Treasurer.
Farm , of seventy acres, un
der high state of cultivation, hard
finished house, ? rooms, barn
85x100; other good outbuildings,
fenced and croas-fesefil. Good
water obtainable anywhere on
place from a depth ot 12 to IS ft.
Five miles from Olynipla, Wash.,
pills from school and Grange
hall, on Paeifie highway. Cream
route calls .four times a week.
Electric cars ihrca miles distant.
Will exchange for stoelt ranch
with some bottom Itatd, no im
provements required In shape of
buildings. Price $115,008, Address
R. F. 0. No. I, Box S, Tasnwatsr,
Wash. tf
WANTED Oats, wheat, barloy,
corn. J, M, Mooro, ItosebSurgi
Oregon. ?5-m4
knevr that ho must bmUl & heiter &a.vy, some day, bat h&
it whiBe it could fee don seonomicallF as! bow has ta to tt i& st
hurry thta expensive. ;
Let Us Build You.a.New"
and Better Home
while It may he dose at so low a eoat.
14F14. Address Box 38, Rt. 1.
WASTED Position by young widow
as housekeeper on farm or In city.
Thoroughly competent. Address B
care News. ml
WANT 130 Mao and wife for farm
work and eesok $50, Experienced
gardener, '135, No children.
Chas, A. Brand, The Overland I
Orchards, f 8-tf
FOR BALE OR RENT la-acre fruit
ranch. Close In. Sen Pnt. IROBjf
PIANO FOR RENT Chas. A. Brawl,
inquire at I'arnSow & Btii. IJUif
FOR SALE Horse, liuggy and har
ness. Good all-round horse. Phone
26FJI. 103-alS
FOR SALE Used Ford ear, only
$276. Inquire ot J, O, Newland.
FOR SALS- Ifeaderson motorcycle,
3 passenger, 4 cylinder, 1UIT
model. Call t'mpqua Shining par
lors. Phone 44. gf-m?
'OR SALE If ou are aolng to
have a public sale, get your bills
printed at The News office. If
FOU SALE Singie comb Whit
Leghorn day oid chicks. May and
June t per 100. Phono 17F3, O.
W. Burt, iioseburg. Ore, ISSSitf
FOR SALE Thoroughbred barred
Plymouth Rock eggs, $1 for j,
rates by the hundred. K. !f . Pick -en?.
!?obnrgt Ore. Phone isa-lt.
FOR SALE Registered , Durham
hull $125. Hemmingway Bros.,
Camai, V alley. H8-a 3 a
FOR SALE High quality bt,rred
Plymouth Ro it eges for hatching
from He i& 'Jfte each. Write for
mating list, F, B. Johnson, lir&rk
way. Ore, fH-a3a
FOR RKNT i furnished rooms with
bath; modern throughout, ?4ii 8,
Pine wreet. 14 !-
FOR RENT 4 room modern fsr
oished house, newly renovated. In
quire 547 B, Stephens, Phone
454-R, J. W, Horahcck. tOSI-tf
ay 1st Is Clean-Up Day!
. Save everything from a hairpin to a threshing
machine. We will pay yoa the spot cash,
Men's and Women's Second-Hand
Shoes and Clothing bought and sold,
FOR RENT Modern 6-reont house
with bath, 436 S, Stephens St.
Good location, close In, $1$ per
month, O. W, Young & Son.
Phone 417. g-tf
surance money on the rat.! credit
plan 20-ycar loans on Improved
farms. See Rica & Rice. 1517-tf
WORLD BTAR Hosiery and Under
wear, RpsMe it. ilryant, agent.
Formerly represented by Mrs, Ack
ley. Phone 355-R, and I will call,
1 Ot-s'iH
ths assured gefs the most protec
tion for the mosey. Expert advice
given on any ifn of insaranre.
Itlc Ric li!7-ff
year rural credit farm loans.
Farmer desiring loans on the
amortised plan without red tans
and no commission charges, can se
cure them at low lntrret rate fey
calling on or writing to Rico &
Rice, Roseliarg, Oregon, financial
representative ttt The Agricul
tural Credit Corporation of Ore
gon, See hi, T. Rice. ' St-tr
Put all your old staff in a pile and
Phone 182 '
erger's Junk Shop
and he will call and get them,
Queen s Nominating Ballot
Noroinees far Carnival Queen must be shove eighteen
years of age.
Nominees for Childrew's Queen must be under thirteen ,.
years of age and in regular attendance at 8 liese
barg Public School.
Name of Candidate...
ResWenea . .
Each candidate nominated is to recefvs Ono Hundred
fro vots from the Carnival CeatmiUes.
Nominating hailots nsi-d not ho signctl and fas fee mailed
to the Carnival Committee or to ettlss-r newspaper office,
Paiiois will he on sale at all the l&adiug stors os Asril
37 and thereafter. The contest will he under the ciose super
vision of the Carnival Committee, asd wiil close Tsssrfay
evenlnif. May Sth,